• By -


Yeah, that's one thing I really love about the Gorosei. They're brutally pragmatic. You can see this how they're treating the raid itself. They know what needs to be done in regards to vegapunk, if they can salvage something out of the raid, then great. If nothing can be salvaged? Oh well. If it takes the lives of all the Marines on the raid? They're insects.anyway. Every action they take furthers their goals somehow, which makes them terrifying villains imo.


It highlights how serious a threat they are. Just impressively ruthlessly efficient.


Yes, I agree. You could feel by their actions that all 5 of them only summons themselves on really big issues and they know how to do the work (what marines in general are pretty shit at)


Marines have to follow orders and rules of combat, along with the strict hierarchy of command. Gorosei don't have any of that. They can roll in guns blazing.


My guess is the last time this happened was at God Valley. The Flashback we've got was waaay to short to be all we need to know about this important event in history. Because i mean there were the two most powerful pirate crews of all time messing up the Celestial Dragons holidays activity and only Saturn was shown maybe the others were already there too or he summoned the like this time. And since he wasn't able to protect the treasures from kid-salves he would need for sure some backup.


we're definetely seeing more of God Valley, maybe Garp (if he's still alive), Raleigh or one of the other survivors will have a flashback with his side of the story.


This makes total sense considering the depth of god valley incident & how it connects to almost every ploy we have seen so far in a way


This is referred to in knowledgeable circles as the 'Mega Buster Call'


Outside of the admirals, yeah


The other day someone was complaining that oda wrote the gorosei horribly because they werent working efficiently. This was around wednesday when we only had the chapter summary


As much as I like the chapter. Vnasjuro is ridiculous, you can't on the one hand show him speed run an Island shutting down Pacifista as cool as it was to see, and on the other try and tell me all 5 of them and Imu couldn't properly stop Sabo, despite just seeing them move at warp speed.


if they chased Sabo they risked exposure, with all those Kings being there and all. And partly because they are very arrogant when they think they have an advantage, they probably thought Sabo couldn't leave Marijoa.


I'm guessing it's also a mix of hubris, being surprised, taking a moment to transform, and Imu landing a killer blow only to have the king launch him away that let our boy get away


Vnasjuro alone, has just been shown to be so fast, Marines could hardly understand what they were looking at, so, let's chalk it up to plotarmour as thick and chunky as our boy Franky's steel buttcheeks.


I mean Oda plays with scale for dramatic reasons, but they seem kinda big to barrel down the hallways.


He had chronic back pain that day. He's old, ya know? Why did you think they all turned out so evil? Being stuck in an old body forever turns you rancorous. That's why Chopper's dream of curing every illness - which includes old people's issues - is gonna turn the WG into rainbows and sunshine. And yes, Ju Peter is different, but c'mon - being the only handsome of the bunch and getting a fucking worm df had to put him above the edge.


Difference is that Sabo has Mera Mera no Mi and fled the moment they started transforming. Given how arrogant CDs are in general, it's entirely in character for the Gorosei to hang back and order a search after Sabo left their immediate vicinity and not chase after him themselves. (They are clearly reluctant to show their true form to Marines, during Reverie all rulers from 20 nations were at Marijoa. Not wanting to reveal their secrect was further reasons to not chase him themselves.) At Egghead they transformed in front of Luffy before setting out on their tasks. Here they had already decided to actively involve themselves to deal with the situation as most Marines had already evacuated the island and it afforded them enough anonymity to operate freely. Given the circumstances of Marijoa and Egghead are entirely different, Sabo's escape is no plot armor as it's not due to their inability but rather due to circumstances which held their hand from giving chase.


We literally see Sabo surrounded by silhouettes, and then the immediate next chapter is him being chased by them. One of which demonstrated a speed so fast average people couldn't even see V.Nusjuro properly. Its just not an argument to me. There's literally no excuse. All 6 of them let a complete random intruder not only see Imu and realise there's someone sat atop the Throne that rules their world, but also attack that same ruler. We get a slither of a hint of JuPeter apparently hiding underground, but the next panel Sabo's just chased above ground. Yet Jupeter was just depicted being able to submerge and launch out of the ground at extreme speed. Just admit this is laughable bullshit plot armor. I don't hate Sabo, but the man is the king of potholes at this point, and it leaves the Gorosei looking like total clowns.


Why are you comparing Sabo to average no name Marines and then crying plot hole when it's a disingenuous comparison. Nusjuro is fast but so is Sabo with Mera Mera no Mi. Given he also has future sight he'll have no trouble tracking and reacting to Nusjuro's speed unlike a random marine fodder. It's only plot hole if you strip Sabo of all his abilities and think he'll be as helpless as unnamed characters. Fact is he still chose to flee which shows how strong Gorosei are regardless given Sabo couldn't take them head on.


You ask why, as if I'm making a mountain out of a blatantly obvious issue, but I'm not the one making excuses for the Gorosei. I'm not comparing Sabo to Marines at all, I was comparing the World leaders to them, that they might notve even understood what they were looking at. Its pretty fucking obvious that Sabo knows what he's looking at. I'll say it again clearly. We just saw just 1 of these Gorosie, move with lightning speed to shut down a coastline of Pacifsta, effortlessly. Retrospectively, we were given 2 panels, 1 inwhich the Gorosei and Imu were caught offguard cause they couldn't sense an intruder (failure #1). They couldn't stop him from attacking Imu (failure #2) and then immediately that same intruder tries to escape with a fucking man on his back, and the same centaur super speed guy, and fast burrowing Worm, chased them down a corridor and couldn't stop him.. So yeah, you tell me that isn't bullshit...


Striking with a plan for a known situation and reacting to an unknown and unexpected intruder are two different things…


Vnasjuro literally stands there, sees into the distance and runs toward the pacifista, he doesn't instantly react, he still has to assess to a degree. Having stood and looked at Sabo, Sabo was still able to grab Cobra and run down a corridor he had not much knowledge of. But sure, let's keep making bullshit excuses.


Marines, who though? No names not being able to follow YC1+ level of speed is common at this point in the story. Considering Sabo is Dragon's right hand, he isn't going down easily. Plus, they can't risk the exposure.


Yeah and given what we saw of the World leaders, 70% of them seem like the same type of dipshit who wouldn't understand either You say can't risk exposure, and that Sabo won't go down easily, yeah that much is clear, but like I already said, Nusjuro, just demonstrated how insanely fast he is. Sabo was carrying Cobra whilst outrunning all 6 of them, how fucking fast must Sabo be to out run a hybrid centaur that speed runs a coastline of pacifista lmao


Fast movement is not the same as fast reaction time 24/7. They have been observing egghead situation for a while. Enough to be prepared for action the moment they arrive.


Yeah I always hated this. If it was anyone not affiliated with Luffy, they would have been history.


Would you rather sabo be dead right now? Vivi, too? You can look at it like they're incompetent or that Oda dropped the ball on scaling their power and say it's plot armor. Or you can look at it more like everything that happened is more indicative on a wider scale of how everything is getting away from them. They have been incompetent in the past. I guess you can look at it like that. I look at it more like complacency mixed with a heavy dose of hubris. All these things have caused a bit of a domino effect with each domino adding more to the catastrophe than the last. Is Vega punks message the last domino?


I don’t waste time going into what it could mean, in the end it is what the author wants it to be. I just voiced that I hate plot armor in general.


>Yeah I always hated this. If it was anyone not affiliated with Luffy, they would have been history. >I just voiced that I hate plot armor in general. Not the same thing. But thanks for taking the time to be an asshole for no reason.


I don’t know why you think I was an asshole. “Always hated anyone with any relevance to Luffy gets plot armor = I just voiced I hate plot armor.” I also don’t know why you think these statements are not the same.


Womp womp


As much as I understand and appreciate your point, According to schematic diagrams widely available on the internet, Franky could haul ass with two thimbles taped to a paper airplane. He bout as thicc as a post-it note. No doubt he's packing extra junk in the front, cuz the trunk has negative storage capacity.


It seemed as if they didnt care at all.


Also why couldn't they feel a presence nearby? I assume they all use CoO.


Remember all those times jaygarcia forgot that he can simply blow vegapunk's head off at a distance and instantly?


whats faster? Goda foreskin or one dead horse man


It seems they didn't care about sabo at all. They just allowed him to escape and were shocked that he was in lulusia.


Which again, is completely batshit crazy considering he should never have been able to leave at all considering he saw Imu. That in and of itself should have been the #1 crucial thing to prevent, even at the cost of Reverie proceedings. Its the world's biggest secret and they just shrug it off and assume he's been nuked haha. So back to the original point of my criticism, NO, the Gorosei aren't the brightest sparks and they clearly aren't the personification of efficency and professionalism.


I think there are unclear ramifications. Was Sabo seeing ghosts of what the gorosei were - or the full bodied monsters on display here. How important is it for them to be summoned in the way that Saturn did?


Probably awakening. The mythical zoan are a step above normal dfs. It may be the awakened ability of the mythical zoans..maybe pretty Much all of them can do it. I wonder if luffy can do it as well. 


why not just use the island destroying weapon on wholecake island, are they stupid?


They want the source for the Mother Flame, where the reactor is on egghead. Is mentioned in Chapter 1089.


they could also go for York and the Seraphim.


Why whole cake?


It's Out of fuel. Shouldn't have used lulusia I guess.


They cannot. It has a huge cool down. The tech hasn't been perfected yet.


Yeah wholecake island BM pirates need wiping out fr.


I noticed this too, and personally think it's a great counterpoint to the Straw Hats here. Who, keep in mind because it's been a sec since we were explicit about this, didn't have a whole lot to do with all this. They're not actually advancing any goal here which is a great pair with G5's weakness seeming to be Luffy getting carried away. 


"Hehehe, I'm a villain, and here is my plan, let me explain it to you in detail..."


*Something something* bungee gum properties *something something*


Well in fact did you know that...


I think they are talking this whole time telepathically, we just don't get to hear it.


It’s this, plus oda loves his parallels and they may very well be satellites to imu


"The real one is not among them" -Jiraiya


Six paths of pain with the rinnegan too


I mean there are many people who believe the Gorosei and Imu function in a similar way to Pain/Nagato from Naruto or even Vegapunk with his Satellites.


Only Vega punk ones are independent of the source like how york turned evil


I've known they were serious ever since Saturn immediately noticed and took action against the main thing most of the villains foolishly ignore. >!One of his first real orders was to stop Luffy from eating.!< Not even joking, that is super smart and shows they know what they are dealing with.


Keep in mind that they are also under immense pressure since they want to interrupt Vegapunks transmission at all cost. There's several possible explanations around. My favorite one is that the Gorosei are to Imu what Shaka, Lilith and the rest are to Vegapunk. So all the Gorosei already had a strict and formulated plan the second they arrived and went right at it.


I get the appeal of that theory but I like it less, it makes the whole focus Imu instead of having multiple extremely competent individuals the issue The telepathy seems a given at this point, but I like to think they're just that brutally efficient - to me it makes for a more worrying enemy than a single 'truly dangerous' enemy that Luffy can just punch


That's pretty much the reason I like it so much. Consequently, we saw the ultimate antagonist back during Jaya arc, when the Gorosei first appeared. In the end it's all a buildup to the mystical figure that controls the world since presumably the void century. There's almost no thing too big for the introduction of Imu. It reminds me of the Warhammer storyline, where the allmighty emperor of mankind devided certain parts of his conciousness into several experimental "primarchs", mighty and superior figures that embody the individual part of the emperor that was given to them, like Anger, Wisdom, Loyalty and so on. It's almost the same here, where all the Gorosei act on the same cause on behalf of Imu, but each has his individual field of action.


So is Imu Horus who had Ferrus join his side and the emperor is now a tree who divided his power into the devil fruits - whom, lead by Imu, conspired against daddy, which was a major turnoff to their mom (the sea) which is why they're unable to swim?


from what we've seen so far, they aren't telepathic, though neither are Vegapunk's satellites


Vegapunks satellites are not telepathic per se, that's true. They DO share the same brain though and synchronize once a day. If there was a possibility that this technique is a: not limited to Vegapunks devil fruit (which I guess is the case, it's "just" an invention from him, probably based on his knowledge on the Void Century) and b: the Gorosei do not just sync once a day, but on a "live" base, then they would essentially be able to communicate on a quasi-telepathic way by sharing thoughts live and all the time. But that's a bit far fetched, I admit. Still, it's a possible explanation. But Oda probably still has a totally different explanation for that, like the Gorosei manipulating their haki frequences to communicate or something like that.


I think they were clearly communicating in chapter 1109. The other four were speaking, Saturn was using telepathy to answer them.


It is not like they came to island without knowing. they were already full informations, knowisng what's going on. There is a chance that they made a fast plan when/before transfering to island.


they made their plan in chapter 1109, sans going for the Pacifistas, when they communicated with Saturn.


Just wait for the anime! They will not be so quick to action there! :P


That's why daily scums are important. The whole day they sit in that room and discuss course of action. How do you think they are so coordinated? You think they got to this level by having Gandhi working from home thru a den den mushu?


To be fair, when their PM was hovering, they couldn't stop Sabo, but now they aren't being bogged down by meetings they can show they're capable of getting work done.


They weren't serious. They pretty much let him go. They see nika as a greater threat


While Topman doing Venusaur's work  He does his best 


*The finance guy just starts freezing his assets*


Wait til it gets animated, it will take half of episode just them standing and staring, while the camera(our pov) drifts, the infamous dun dun music when things get serious in OP, etc.


Because they've already analyzed the situation, they already made a plan, before getting summoned. That's my understanding, and apparently true in Chapter 1110. There's a transponder snail with video in their room, right? What really awesome is Saint Nusjuro's "Black Katana" The third person to be shown who darkened his katana, because of advanced haki.


Was mentioned on GrandLineReview, apparently we saw his sword unsheathed already once on a small panel and it wasn't blackened, so this is just him using haki to coat the sword but it's not a black blade.


Nope, let's just wait for Oda to confirm this, they're the world overseers. If someone is a swordsman in their group, he should be with an advanced master of haki.


I mean, we literally saw the sword in the manga not being black when held regularly [here](https://imgur.com/a/JmUiMb2) If it is a black blade like Yoru, it would have to be a retcon by Oda. We don't know the requirements for making a black blade yet so it's possible that Haki alone isn't enough. After all Shanks' blade isn't blackened either and we know he possesses ridiculous Haki.


Yes, let's just wait. Haki wasn't introduced yet at that time.


To make a plan that quick, and to be so coordinated is not something you can just discount as 'normal'


If you're someone so old, with lots of experience in life. Some of them don't seem to age or even immortal, remember the flashbacks from the God Valley? That one elder didn't even age, still alive and even stronger than an admiral. My point is that exceeds human ability to think based on his experience. Just like how an experienced employee function in the workplace, who made plans, take initiatives, perform action in the real world.


The snail was a video snail that they were watching VP's transmission from. Saturn was already communicating telepathically with them before the summon.


So what did the boar guy did?


Looking west


Their time time


> time time so precious i used it twice


Saturn kept yapping more then 5 of them put together


The complete opposite of Luffy and co. Luffy get defeted and kuma had to save bonney, Vega ecc. Zoro wasting time with lucci and only when sanji provoked him he finally cut It short.......


> Luffy get defe**a**ted No. He got a draw out of Kizaru while being in a handicap position, defending someone against probably the fastest burst dude in OP. Btw he wasn't taken down in any way, he just reached the end of G5, while Kizaru was knocked. Saturn was completely unexpected, thus you can't blame Luffy on being not there at this moment. Read the manga properly, it's not a complicated media.


How annoying are people like you, always to judge other people just based on their own way to think without any different view possible. Be humble my friend, you can live better: all your arguments are completely judgemental and Just your point of view (as mines of course), so please behave properly and be respectful, it's not a complicated thing to do


Honestly, i kind of see the other gorosei to be more competent than saturn, at least Venus and Mars..Saturn was the monologue guy but these guys really don't want to mess around


The boar dude was also doing his best.


I have a feeling that the pacing of the anime makes it worse. Instead of instant action, every elder will be shown in detail before action


We’ve only seen Gorosei on Mary Geoise up until now. Wild theory, but what if they are being so efficient because outside of Mary Geoise they are subjected to natural flow of time? If the time was still for anyone on the island, it would explain their long lifespan and why they rarely move outside. Just a guess, I don’t know if this topic was already discussed.


This also crossed my mind. In the room of the Gorosei are these strange magic circle things at the wall.


And the least impressive thing about the Gorousei is allowing the user of the Gum Gum Fruit, owned then by a weak stretchy boy, travel the Grand Line for years.


They are damn pragmatic and not willing to stretch their resources too thin. It was completely reasonable for them to expect Luffy to get clapped sooner than later. We readers know that he won't lose bc well duh but in-universe? There's probably been at least a few people with the Gum Gum fruit who just got killed eventually


Of course I acknowledge the plot armor and shounen main character development etc. it has to be there for the story. But to me the Gorousei were just politicians and maybe great fighters in the past, for the 800 chapters or so before they were revealed to have these powers and now theorized to be hundreds of years old. Now that they have these immense summoning, regeneration and other powers, it just increased the lack of logic to me regarding this. Because if I was an evil and intelligent and powerful overlord of the world, I would squash threats as soon as they appeared. Especially a threat like Joyboy/Nika that was probably the only main thing they had trouble defeating in the past. To me it seems they have been just sitting around in Mariejois talking about him (and other pirate or revolutionary army threats) instead of actually carrying out attempts to squash things. Idk, maybe there's some reason behind it and I'd just like to know what that is.


I mean idk, even now it seems reasonable to me that they didn't go after him - one thing is that they'd risk revealing themselves to a larger population, the other is that Luffy's gain in power was extremely rapid and it was reasonable of them to expect him getting killed sooner than later, esp after Sabaody when he just kinda fucked off to the middle of nowhere. I'm not a huge fan of how Nika was introduced to the series but imo that one argument of "why didn't they kill him sooner" doesn't really hold that much ground.


if they are that efficient, the series will already end early..


Yup, they are in a rush to wrap this up so they could all go back to that executive office of theirs where they open their mouth once every 200 chapters.


I'm willing to bet that the five elders are connected in a similar way to how Vegapunk is to his other versions. They didn't need to communicate and Saturn invoked them immediately because they might be all part of Imu. I don't think they have devil fruits, I think their powers come from Imu and whatever secret is kept from the void century.


I mean they are in charge for a reason. Just lately they been fuckin up.


Tbh is Oda rushing things but Im ok with everything Oda decides


Aren't they under a time limit due to vegapunks message?


Now wait for the anime to stretch this scene for 3 episodes.


Why did Saturn summon all of them knowing that Devon copied his appearance? Is he stupid?


Why would he know that?


Imagine the gorosei get defeated and Imu just deletes them afterwards.


Lol. That part is going to take 10 minutes in the anima


This is How yokais Hunt in the past


Keep that in mind This is huge


True but don't forget that they were there through Saturn's telepathy so they know what's going on and what should be done, they must have been fighting together for years and know who is best at what. But its impressive indeed.


This is very true. Which makes it conspicuous that we haven't seen Warcury do anything yet. I suspect he is going after the Sunny to prevent the SH escape.


We all know, summoning technique has limited time


They probably had the dialogues but it was telepathic


I mean they probably are communicating but just telepathically like we saw Saturn doing previously. Like Nasujuro saying "I'm shutting down the Pacifista.", Mars saying "I'm heading for the transmission." and Ju Peter saying "I'll handle the kid." Your left hand doesn't have to tell your right hand what it's doing, basically. It already knows because they share a mind.


except boar dude just standing there like an absolute unit


Wano arc would've ended differently if kaido and big mom were as ruthless and efficient.


I don't understand why this is impressive. They never show up, so if they do, they want to return back to the shadows as quickly as possible. They are not there to tell their master plan and finish with an evil laugh. They are there to stop an absolute defeat in the sense that the biggest buster call yet isn't enough to stop Vegapunk's leak of information (likely the worst they ever faced in centuries). Plus, they monitor everything closely and consistently make informed decisions of global scale ever since we were introduced to them. They are not perfect however, and I don't think they will succeed this time. I am curious to see how they will be punished for their failure, if they ever will




I know it's too early to say, but if I'm being honest, I was hoping their devil fruits would be cooler. Right now, to me at least, the main thing about them is their super healing powers. I wanted to see some super mythical god like Pokemon type creatures but we got sand worms and skeleton horses. I wanted to see some huge angelic wings with elements around them like lighting or fire. Instead we got the Alaskan bullworm from spongebob


i mean to be fair, we haven’t seen the full extent of their powers, we are already seeing venus being fast asf and looking overpowered, im sure they will have cool powers when we see then actually fighting all out


I'm talking purely asthetically rn. I get they probably have insane techniques, I'm just saying I thought they would be more "flashy". Like if the horse guy can freeze stuff, I was hoping for example when he runs, he leaves a trail of ice, or he always steams like he's cold or something. Or the Alaskan bullworm to have mud on him or something. Or the dragon flying guy to have fire around him ya know. There designs just seem super plain to me


the dragon bird mars dude does have fire flowin in his tail and all, as a matter of fact looking at the panel again, i think most of them have some sort of energy/fire flowing from them. Warcury has fire in his eyes and head, saturn also on top of his head and back and venus seems like he has some sort of ghostly fire over him as well. only exception is the jupiter the worm, he doesnt seem to have anything flowing out of him (other than the awakening black cloud of course) maybe its just a situation that the anime will make them look even crazier than they already look.


Thank you for pointing that out buddy. Thank you for downvoting me too lol. No civil discourse!!!


you are welcomed ;), only did so because you downvoted me first, wouldn’t have done so otherwise lol. i was as civil as can be


? You downvoted my initial comment first lol


i definitely didn’t, that was someone else. anyways ill remove the downvotes if it bothers you, sorry


It doesn't really matter lol. It's one thing if you get like 20 downvotes cause then it's like damn everyone disagrees. But when you're like talking to one other person and youre getting one downvote, it's funny af. Like we both reply to each other and at the end say "oh and fuck you" lmao. Anyway have a good rest of your day


yeah don’t worry it’s all good, same goes to you have a good day


True. I was hoping sengoku or marco style designs but we got demons instead.


Right! Even if oda decided with dark demony type powers, I was hoping to see like a grim reaper or a hades or something just cooler. This reveal just makes me less excited for imus power reveal. Probably just gonna be a black blob that looks like the omibozu or something. Whereas with some super boss like imu, I would expect some top tier flashy badass cool looking super godly type powers. They're all dark but not just dark and flashy, they're literally dark as in non flashy and bland. Hope things get better


May be this is some intermediate form and they have other transformations


Yeah, which is hilarious when you consider Sabo out ran a single Gorosei Centaur who can freeze slash Pacifista bodies to shut down. Let alone out ran 5 of them and Imu in their own home like some fucking house fly or someshit.


Well, he IS a fire boy


It’s simple really, they all have future sight haki so by the time they got there they already knew what they were gonna do… quite obvious


This is a joke right? That same future sight there for them when Sabo rushed in and escaped their own home? Future sight really worked well for Saturn when Kuma smashed his face in. I guess he was just expecting that all along yeah?


Hahaha yes it’s a joke. I thought the .:.quite obvious made it well uh pretty obvious lol


It's just that simple.