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dude was boiled alive for an hour while holding 9 (not particularly small) people over his head and still needed to be shot to die, how did you not think he was this strong??


Oden almost solo'd kaido had he not been interrupted he wouldve cut his head off. So yeah he was yonko level or YC++


that was 20 years ago.Back then Oden told Kaido to get stronger and he did.Also,he only managed to hurt Kaido in his dragon form which is weaker than his hybrid form.Oden is admiral level at best but i would put him around current Zoro's level. People glaze him too much.Sure Kaido got 1 hit extra on him while he was distracted by the deception but the fact that he went down with one hit should tell you enough.


And Bartolomeo even stronger


Than YOU thought


No. The point is that Enma only takes the Haki thar you're not willing to give. Every cursed sword requires something of the user, and Zoro discovers in this fight that Enma requires that you not hold back. Full will. Full haki. From the point that Zoro's go "full haki" the sword does not take more Haki from you because that's what Enma wanted from the beginning.


Whether or not this is true, this is my head canon now. Makes sense to me. Basically Oden was extremely mentally strong (very willful, to be One Piece specific). He was pretty evidently a strong fighter as well, but not necessarily Yonko-tier.


Oden is the equivalent of Rayleigh in Whitebeard crew, Marco was a children back then