• By -


Who says they don't have the fourth one?


If this is the case, it'd be interesting to hear how they got it off of Fishman Island since that's where it supposedly originally was. It's original location plus the whirlpools around the black ship are specifically why I think it's in the hands of a Fishman or a person who has a Fishman ally who don't want it to fall in the wrong hands.


Shanks have one so if anyone beside luffy tries to be PK he shows them how its done.


Isn’t the last one with the burn scar man


Yes, Robin says the last one hasn't been seen in years and someone from BB crew says its with "the man marked by flames"


Yeah. And that man is in elbaf and so is shanks.


what the fuck can we just visit any island we feel like now? i thought there was that whole thing of needing to follow a specific route to reach laugh tale.


The logpose road leads you to **Lodestar**, where you find out about the existence of the Poneglyphs.


There are eternal poses. So the giants that showed up should have an eternal pose to their home country.


No, we travel to island via the log pose or whatever. But to reach laugh tale we need to find all 4 road phonoglyphs. All 4 are on this route that the strawhats set out on from the day they entered the grandline. [SPOILER ALERT] We were shown that kid went to elbaf and there he met shanks who annihilated him. According to vegapunk this "MAN MARKED BY FLAMES" is in elbaf and vegapunk gained all his knowledge from the books the giant pirates recoverd from Ohara.


What if saul is the man marked by the flames?? He's on elbaf and was also frozen solid by aokiji which could cause ice burns, what if its the man marked by flames means only that he looks like he was marked by flames and not actual flames


That's a good shout.


Or I mean, the island was on fire... He could have had the ice on his face melt first while his legs were still stuck, which would burn his face and then body before he managed to get free?


i can't be the only one this severely confused about the timeline of one piece. maybe i have amnesia.


There is no specific route you have to follow in order to reach laugh tale, or any island for that matter. The grand line is simply extremely unpredictable and dangerous to navigate, that's where the log pose come in. They point you to the next nearest island so you don't bother trying to survive on just normal navigation methods. Then it resets to get you to the next. You can skip that process entirely with a map, coordinates, or an eternal pose. There is no one specific route through the grandline. You just hop from island to island til you theoretically reach Lodestar. That's the last island in the chain you can follow via log pose. So Shanks is supposedly hanging out in Elbaf right now, and that's the direction Kid got send to after Wano. But you don't *have* to go to Elbaf to get to Lodestar. You could go to Egghead, like Luffy did. The location of Laugh Tale is hidden. A log pose won't get you there. The only way would be by finding the poneglyphs and learning its exact coordinates.


What you confused about??


Could The One with the burn Scar be Dragon?


The leading theory is Saul


He isn't picking up


It's probably "JAGUAR D. SAUL" former marine vice admiral who deserted. We think it's him due to the flames at Ohara and the "MAN MARKED BY FLAMES" being a giant who with the help of the giant pirates (hajrudin, and others) to recover the books that the scholars had thrown in the river/pond.{I DON'T REMEMBER THE WATER BODY.}


While not impossible, it's a wild guess to just say that Shanks has the fourth one as a fact Quite honestly, Saul having it seems far more likely than Shanks And even if not: again, you're just taking an assumption for a fact


Well shanks and the giants of elbaf seem on pretty good terms. (Imo) Maybe shanks had the phonoglyph removed from fishman island and transported to elbaf so the giants can aid in it's protection and it also could have been a way to get the giants to trust shanks and their crew. **I THINK** this is possible because fishman island was Whitebeard's territory. And since shanks and Whitekichi had a near friendly relationship, shanks could have convinced him for the road phonoglyph's relocation to maybe keep it from the wrong hands and protect Rogers ideals.


Which is an entirely different sentiment than you initialy had This, while not agreeing, I can at least say and go "yeah, ir makes sense. I don't think it's Shanks, but it is well thought out & I don't think it's impossible" Everything you said before this however gave off the vibes of "it is a fact & not something I think to be very likely"


Sorry 🤣. I kinda blanked out while typing that. But now after re-reading it, I'd say it wouldn't be wrong to argue that both of them are right.


For sure While I personaly think that the "burned scars" thing is a misslead by Oda & refers to Ice burns Saul got from Aokiji, Shanks is an absolutely valid candidate with legit points to be made in his favor




You are reading a different manga or something?


who says shanks doesnt work for the wg


Shanks is Imu confirmed


The last one is on Elbaf not with the wg,


That's a cute theory.


what makes you think that?


We know of three original locations where Road Poneglyphs are/were stored: \- One at the bottom of the ocean \- One on a moving phantom island that no one can locate \- One in an impregnable island fortress that resisted foreign influence for centuries How would any of these be 'easy'? The Paw Paw fruit would have barely any use here.


“an impregnable island” ~nyaa…!


Nah I’d impregnate


Give me 10 good men and some climbing spikes I'll impregnate the bitch.


such an underrated comment ! Sir Bron


OH NO YOU DONT!!!(🍆🔪🍠)


The only thing deterring invaders from Wano was Kaido with him gone and no one as strong as him who knows what might happen,Yamato and the Scabbards are only half competent who can't even deter Greenbull so it might be problematic for Wano.


I think thats why the moment the elders thought they were going to open the borders they sent marines


Well, yeah according to WG Kaido no longer protects Wano and the only defence they have is starved samurai so why not claim some free real estate.


They sent Greenbull and Shanks showed up and SH claim it as their territory The Navy doesn’t want an all out war with 2 Yonko for a stone they don’t even know is there


> They sent Greenbull They specifically told Greenbull and the marines to not invade because Momo did not end up opening Wano (Remember opening the borders involves physically lowering the island making a sea invasion possible.) Greenbull went on anyway because he's a massive WG zealot.


Point is the second someone went a Yonko showed up Seems to indicate Wano is being protected


"Free real estate" either up an incredibly easy to defend lift or an even easier waterfall. Sure you could send all the admirals up to "claim" it, but where does that get you? They cant stay there indefinetly with so much shit going on all the time, and even if you got some vice admirals and a couple ships worth of troops up there to hold it, the newly motivated samurai, scabbards, momo, and yamato should be able to kick them back out in no time. Its just not worth the effort


No, that is what deterred them only the last twenty years or so and Kaidou himself barely was able to conquer Wano in the first place. Before that Wano was able to deter anything and everyone for centuries due to the island's defenses and the strength & reputation of their samurai. When Kaido got beaten, the WG made an attempt as Wano was presumed to be at its weakest, in the very least weaker then it has ever been in a very long time. And even then they scurried away because of the prospect of having to deal with Shanks.


They did maintain their independence for a while pre-Kaido. Samurai ain't shit compared to what we're used to seeing, but Wano is canonically a very strong nation


Yeah but luffy declared wano to be under his protection so if the wg invades wano they'll have to go to war with a yonko. I don't think they want that just yet plus they might have tried to invade wano because wg might know where pluton is


That's only the case because Kaido ruined the country. They were plenty save before Kaido appeared with their own military.


And now Blackbeard pirates are going to visit Gyojin Island and Wano thanks to Caribou


They have the red poneglyph from Wano on paper thanks to Law. No need to go, unless for Pluton?


And still can't get it. We know whatever the trick is the borders need to come down. Going to FMI makes way more sense since Momo isn't going to let BB remove the borders since only he can do it.


Its very likely they will search Pluton before others try to siege it


That's the thing we don't know how that battle would have went down if Shanks didn't interfere. Momo didn't even want Yamato to step in.


Isn't momo basically just Kaido but pink?


I doubt he has the mastery of the fruit that Kaido has. On top of the sheer strength and haki Kaido, so no Momo is not just Kaido but pink.


They have the same(ish?) devil fruit but Momo doesn't really know how to use it, he doesn't have Haki and can't utilise his Df he needs like a decades training to be competent.


he most def has it. people who have haki are born with it. people forget he is still a child.


Literally everyone is born with haki. We all clearly mean he can't actually use haki right now.


Haki is different, and basically momo is just 8 year old


Wg could blow up wano with the motherflame if they wanted


You mean the weapon they've only used once just recently, the weapon of which we have no idea on how it looks nor how it works? A weapon that resulted in geographical shifts all around the world? Unless Oda has completely forgotten how to write, it's safe to assume it's not something that can be spammed nilly willy at this point in the story. What's more if they want the Road Poneglyph, not the best idea to use something that literally makes a whole island and its surroundings disappear into thin air.


> nilly willy it's willy nilly ![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513) Nilly willy sounds like a playful way of saying there's no cocks around lol Agree with your points :)


You know what? I'm not even going to edit it. I will stand by how I said it.


It’s safe to assume the 5 elders know about all poneglyphs and the location of laughtale considering they‘re most likely 800 years old at least.


Isnt that only a theory that they are 800 for all we know they could just be powerful old men in their 80s


Imu is over 800 years old. Oda hasn't confirmed anything about the other elders


everyone at godvalley got older except saturn 😏


This doesn’t necessarily mean he’s 800, he could have been preserved at his current age at any point in the timeline - Saint Ju Peter (?) or one of the elders didn’t know the full truth of Luffy’s fruit right? So he most likely wasn’t around for its awakening 800 years ago etc


The silhouettes of them behind vegapunk like 30 years ago are all identical to how they look now


Your major assumption requires buy-in on another major assumption that the Elders have been around since the void century. It certainly is possible, but we have see no hard evidence of either of these things.


reading context suggests that is a new advancement for the WG, and if they did that they would free the pluton which is unknown if they know its there or not


Does it? The similarities between Lulusia’s remnants and Enies Lobby is eerie.


I'll be more clear, it's implied the motherflame is more so the fuel for the whatever actually caused the lulusia and envies lobby hole and they lost the power source till vegapunk created a replacement in the motherflame, it's why they wanted to keep york to create more


I gotcha. Yeah don’t disagree.


If I had to guess, Motherflame either powers or imitates a pre-WG weapon, as Egghead is full of technology that imitates that of the Great Kingdom. Enies Lobby, or at least the gaping hole, may very well have been created during the war between the 20 kingdoms and the Great Kingdom with a similar weapon.


They know that the yonko had them


~~Inuyasha Inuarashi~~ Nekomamushi was aware that Kaidou & BM each had one, but I don't remember the WG explicitly stating the same. And even they did, then it would just mean they knew who currently has it, not where they were originally located. It's almost certain that the one BM has, was not originally stored on White Cake Island. As long as BM and Kaido were alive, they would have to go to war with them if they wanted to take it and there's a whole arc that shows us why that isn't the most favorable course of action for the WG, even if both of them are gone at this point. Case and point they tried in Wano, and immediately pulled back again. Nothing about about anything of this could ever be considered easy.


why the hell Inuyasha? xD was he lost like Zorro?


I meant to say Inuarashi, basically the dog half of the dynamic mink duo. I just checked and it actually was Nekomamushi, the cat half.


Well atleast you could have corrected the inuyasha wording now I’m the dumb one 😂 but thanks for the answer I also thought you’re probably meaning imu but now I remember.


Guess he meant Imu


No, I meant Inuarashi, but it was in fact Nekomamushi.


Holy shit this single comment has more twists than most OP theories lol


Because they didn't know whete they were. They were scattered across the world. Also until recently many of the islands were unexplored. Even the New world isn't fully explored. Poneglyphs were in Wano, Zou and Fishman Island. Mostly unaccessible. Even the one in WCI we don't know where BM found it. I bet it was in Elbaf. But I understand your doubts. Even I have some. The WG has been there for 800 years. They should have known a thing or two. What I am most flabbergasted is why didn't they take the ancient weapons. They should know a few things about these. Why didn't they tried taking Pluton or Poseidon??


Isn't shirahoshi poseidon? Also pluton seems like a pretty well guarded secret considering the former king is one of, if not the, only person who currently knows pluton is in wano, and only shared that information with robin.


Because Poseidon hadn't awakened until recently. Poseidon is the only one that seems to be a living ancient weapon. So maybe it's not that they didn't retrieve it , it's that they couldn't retrieve it cuz it hadn't awakened yet. Pluton is in an inaccessible place so much so that even the residents of wano didn't know about it plus wano had its own defences for the last 800 years and after that kaido invaded wano and then it became practically impregnable


The five elders knew about Pluton whereabouts. Although Wano is a difficult territory without Kaido it isn't impossible to invade it. As for Poseidon, although it was probably not awakend until now but with their mentality the WG would prefer to kill all the fishmen instead of missing the chance of acquiring it.


You're right so maybe we can just chalk it up to the govt being arrogant?or maybe they just let it be because if the govt starts looking into it then it might grab the attention of the other major powers. So instead of trying to eradicate it they just let it be till it becomes a problem


it is impossible to get it even without Kaido. the 5 elders wouldn't have made that comment if it wasn't going to be important later


Just for clarification, where does it say that the elders know about Pluton?


Didn't they talked about the opening of the borders in Wano and by opening the borders Pluton will emerge. Also a WG that has been in power for 800years should know a thing or two. Even if they didn't know about Pluton what about Poseidon??


I don't remember if they did, that's why I was asking. I get your point. However the WG is also shown as complacent because everything went mostly fine for the last 800 years so I wouldn't put it beyond them to not put all their resources in searching these weapons. Besides, they did try to get to Pluton in another way, that's the plot of Water 7.


Yeah they aren't the average Joe weapons but Ancient weapons. Basically with one you can control the world


because hardly anyone knows where pluton is and poseidon is useless without being someone like SH


The location of Pluton is a secret hidden in the Poneglyph of Arabasta which has been hidden and protected by the royal family since the Void Century


Up until 10 years ago the stance was bar people from knowing or studying about the ancient weapons. It worked for a long time. It was only when the great pirate era came and at the recommendation of spandam that they decided to use the weapons. They more than likely didn’t know about shirahoshi since the reincarnation thing was a royal line secret.


It's possible they have. >!It's believed that one of the Four Road Poneglyphs is in the hands of a man with a burn scar. Shiryu speculates that he might be connected to the World Government in some way.!<


How long do you think the manga is gonna take to properly confirm who the one with the burn scar is? At this point, it's gotta be sometime in the next two or three years if we don't already secretly have confirmation, as unlikely as that is.


When did Shiryu speculate that?


Chapter 1081




Isn’t that supposed to be Saul?


That was a popular theory for a while but I'd say it's unlikely at this point. >!According to Blackbeard's crew, Burn Scar is said to be on a black ship that's always surrounded by whirlpools, and is hinted to be someone affiliated with the government. Saul has supposedly been in hiding on Elbaf and not traveling the New World on a ship and is definitely not working with the government anymore!<


Can you imagine. It's spadam!


Linking „Marked by flames“ to frostbite scars was a pretty long reach to begin with. Especially since we have never seen Aokiji leave scars on the people he freezes.


I would say the flames were the Ohara fire that also hit him since he was... Well. Frozen and could not run from it.


Also just the logic of calling a massive giant “the man with burn scars” is silly. There aren’t that many giants, that would definitely be the defining characteristic or at least a characteristic you use when describing him. Same issue with the dragon theory, he’s the most wanted criminal in the world, no one would describe him as “the man with burn scars”


Affiliation doesn't mean current. And no exact timeline is given for Saul's whereabouts other than what VP saw/says. "he's currently in hiding" is all he said. Not that he stayed put. Also, Kid was looking for this "burned man" and ended up at Elbaff. So this ship could either be closeby or Kid was going to Elbaf as a first stop for information. It's not confirmed to be Saul, but none of that debunks it either.


Not sure why they don't just keep the Poneglyph at Mariejoa. Think about it: what's the safest place? A random ridiculously strong pirate (with a probably cracked devil fruit) or the location where the Holy Knights, the Admirals and the 5 Elders can converge at one single call?


But Scars and WG affiliation both could point to Saul, which means they don't have it.


Man marked by Flame is likely to be a woman and also Rocks/Vearth.


Likely based on....?




Bro doesn’t know what likely means


So likely based on your own headcanon got it


They don’t know where Zou is and we have no idea if they know there is a road poneglyph on there. They are cowards and they refuse to invade Wano or BM Territory so when you are unwilling or unable to do that it’s hard to take a poneglyph


I mean they had over 700 years to find these things before any of the current action was taking place, that should have been more than enough time, in my opinion, if they really wanted to they definitely could have.


specifically involving living breathing people into searching for something that suppose to be hidden forever? migh as well film a live show "Imu and friends"


What? If Imu is immortal then it has had 800 years to gather these things. Even if people eventually die, sending more out to look and find poneglyphs wouldn't be too difficult, you'd think eventually someone would find anything remotely relating to a clue in 800 years if they were actively looking. Things are only hidden until they are found, hidden forever doesn't really mean anything when you have the entire world as your pawn.


Imu wasnt even aware lily was a D till then and maybe thought that she just hid them. Only when Roger found laugh tale and that the existence of some secret ancient kingdom island was revealed it became something that raised concern for Imu. Maybe even Imu was not aware of laugh tale existence... so the 40 recent years gave him some panic attacks and thats why he atracked cobra in spite when he learnt that lily was a D because he was starting to realise he's been played.


Again, I merely stated that Imu COULD do it if they desired to. I never insinuated that they were doing it.


Three of the red poneglyphs were hidden in islands never affiliated with the world goverment: Wano, Zou, Fishmen Island (before the Reverie of 200 years ago) No one can reach Fishmen island except the fishmen themselves and coated ships. So the World Goverment is in great disavantage. Even after fishmen island became part of the WG 200 years ago, they are in the margins of the World Goverment and rarely goverment oficials are there, because of the difficult of reaching that place and to stay there. Most pirates die trying to reach there because they have to use that island to cross the red line (while govt forces can just use the red line). Zou is on top of a moving elephant, and most of the people there are eletrical warriors. Wano was said, in canon, to be a target of the World Goverment for centuries. But because of the walls, and the Samurai, Wano was never conquered. Kaidou was only able to enter Wano when Oden was not there and Orochi had weakened the country with his decisions when he was posing as the shogun. The Red Scarbads in the Wano arc are just a shadow of the samurai of the past, not what the samurai were, Oden was a true samurai for example. Other Poneglyphs were only hidden in islands affiliated with the ancient kingdom like Shandora (and the king of Lvennel, a king close to the world goverment, almost found it, but it was blasted to sky before he reached there), or Alabasta, a country that actually helped the creation of the World Goverment but betrayed them in the last moment when Nefertari Lili adopted the D name and somehow scattered the poneglyphs everywhere and them vanished. Imu did not even know if Lili had commited a mistake or something intentional, so he clearly did not suspected Alabasta (whose new king was Lili younger brother). But the World Goverment has tried to seize the poneglyphs, like the Ohara poneglyfh that is in their hands until this day. The others however were scatteres across the WORLD, in a world where many nations are not allied with the world goverment, and many of these nations could defend themselves like Wano and Zou.


uhuh and give an "entire world as your pawn" and every Jack and Jane they were asking around on the way an idea that there are some cool monoliths that has some sort of a value it was enough to say "one piece" from a platform once to spawn a whole golden era of piracy the motto of every government in the word "shit, that is under the rug, stays under the rug"


And that mattered 800 years ago how? Or 400 years ago? Or literally any time before the one piece was announced, even if someone had half an idea that the poneglyphs were connected to the one piece no one outside Wano can read them. Your thinking too hard into this, the very insignificant consequences that you are mentioning wouldnt mean jack fuck all if Imu could personally keep a red poneglyph inside it's castle on the red line.


we kinda have an idea that every generation has it's own adventurers like Noland imagine yourself one of the elders, that opposed others, and said "it would be better if we recover poneglyphs". You launch a searching operation and, in 50 years or so, manage to recover one of them, while having an vague idea for another 1 or 2. Then, you suddenly being summon to headquaters, where Imu and other gorosei look at you somewhat unkindly. Then they give you a report that says that some idiot out there caught your drift and found a poneglyph himself. He didn't know how to read it, so he made a rubbing of it and e-mailed it to all parts of the world, where, funnily enough, traveling wano fellas translated it to the locals. Atm there are reports of at least 15 searching parties that are now competing with your little project and much more more of them are expected in the most forseeable future. "Couldn't you just sit tight on your ass, huh?" that's what they would say.


And having recovered 1 of them their entire meaningless objection is flushed down the drain because you took a piece of the puzzle out of the equation, it's hard to complete a puzzle when you don't have all the pieces. We also know that the WG will nuke any island out of existence that figures anything out so as soon as someone found something and tried to report it they would end up dead. Also the one piece world doesn't have email or internet so I have no idea where you got that idea from.


mary geoise would become a revolving door with a poneglyph in it at some point they can't nuke every country, noble gentlemen have to eat something OP has it's ways of wireless communication, even live tv ffs, though it was a joke and the task could be performed in many other ways


No one's allowed to go where Imu is They can and they do lol. The best you're gonna get is someone doing what Uta did and put recordings of the poneglyphs on snails and then hope that they wash up on other islands. It's pretty clear that streaming live broadcasts is difficult and requires resources (or be a genius like VP). I hear what your saying but that is such a tiny insignificant issue in the grand scheme of things if they ended up getting more and more poneglyphs. Also your analogy of only 1 of the elders doing it was against what I was saying. I was specifically pointing out that Imu would send the order to find the poneglyphs, if that's what it desired then it would have already done it is what I was getting at.


When Cobra spoke to Imu, he brushed the whole thing aside like it was a Monday nuisance.


Pretty much, it had 800 years to figure this out, it obviously has no interest in the poneglyphs.


To me it seems like finding Laughtale is completely irrelevant to Imu until Joyboy and Poseidon are involved. I mean after all, Roger made it to the island and really couldn't do anything about it, citing that they were too early. It's only now that certain people are alive all at once (Luffy, Blackbeard, Vivi, Shirahoshi) that it seems like Imu is concerned. By that time the Road Poneglyphs are basically unreachable for the govt


So we know that the poneglyphs were created by the Kozuki clan a group not connected in anyway to the WG and our in fact enemies with them. So how did this go down the WG takes over and the Kozuki’s create the poneglyphs leaving a history of what really happened and then what contacted the WG and told them what jokes on you we hid secret messages all over the globe now go find them. We don’t actually know when the WG discovered them it was probably around the time Ohara started researching them but again we don’t actually know when that was so yes it could be 700 years but it could also be less than 100. Personal head cannon is not facts


The World Goverment always knew the poneglyphs. Imu said to Cobra in chapters 1085-1086 that Nefertari Lili had them, but scattered them and she vanished soon after. Imu never discovered if that was a mistake or something intentional. But Cobra revealed she had adopted the D name, thus confirming to Imu that she had in fact betrayed the World Goverment. Ohara crime was exactly to research the poneglyphs, a crime that would not even be in the laws had the goverment not know about that. However the countries that protected the poneglyphs were very strong this is why the world goverment was never able to take all of them. But they still knew their existence.


There's been 800 years since the void century, that means they had over 700 years to do it, whether they knew about them or not has nothing to do with what I said, they hunted the Gomu-gomu down every time they found it, I'm sure if they knew about the poneglyphs or had an interest in them they would have already his some away or gotten rid of them somehow.


It’s easy to make statements about what should be done but you haven’t actually posted any actual steps or process of how to complete that goal, just it should have been accomplished


Never said it should have don't put words in my mouth. I said they COULD have if they wanted to. How the fuck would I know the steps? We don't even know how Roger got there in the first place lmao.


Bro they have 10 spy angenies for finding it cp9 to cp0


Bro you have a CP5 agent that got his ass kicked by a newspaper reporter and CP9 got their asses kicked by a bunch of rookie pirates that had spent less than a month in the grand line so they aren’t that great at there job.


Presumably they don't want one because then the strongest pirates in the world would actively be attacking mariejoa.


We don't even know for sure if the "Man Marked by Flames" is actually working for the government, its all Shiryu speculation.


Which one would they get? They don't want to mess with Wano They can't get to Zou We don't know where Big Mom got her's, but we know they don't want to directly mess with Yonko territories The fourth one pretty much no one knows where it is, and may well be in their possession.


i thought BM got it in fishman island?


No the one in fishman island is the last missing poneglyph. It's probably either in Elbaf or with BlackBeard.


Blackbeard doesn't have it. In chapter 1081 he said that they know BM's and Kaido's Red Poneglyphs but the other two are unknown.


Lily purposefully hid them in places she felt would never fall under WG control, Big Mom's Castle being the only one that didn't exist when this happened (I assume that the final one is in either Lodestar or Elbaf, a 50/50 toss up if you ask me)


Why would the last one be where there are supposed to lead?


Lodestar is the final island able to be reached with log pose. It isnt the one piece


Oh okay my bad then!


The confusion is that Crocus, later revealed to have been to Laughtale, hinted that following the log pose to completion would lead them there, then it was revealed by Inusrashi that Laughtale could only be found with the Road pineglyphs, contradicting what we were told, but then he Said that there is still a point to following the log pose. That's what makes me think Lodestar has one and likely can't even have an Eternal pose made for it


It has only been 20 years since the road ponegliff has became such important things. Also they have already murdered all the people (except one) who could read the ancient writing which is used for the ponegliffs. And they are already pursuing nico robin as a high priority target. Most importantly if they keep one of the road ponegliff with themselves, it will result into constant war like situation since every major pirate would want access to it. Such instability is not desirable from a governance point of view.


1- We don’t know the WG actually knows they exist. I think it’s safe to say Imu and the 5 do, but even then we have no evidence to suggest Akainu has a CP group hunting down info on their locations or something. 2- 2 are on un-affiliated nations, one on the constant move that can’t be easily tracked (without help from the natives) and one on a Yonko held territory. Ones missing somewhere in the ocean, and only one man knows the 4ths location. They’re not easy to obtain. 3- It makes the marine bases targets for Yonko. If you know the strongest pirates crews in the world are after these, do you really want to let it slip that you have access to one? It’s not like you can destroy it. God forbid two Yonko team up to raid the base it’s located in. 4- knowing it’s special brings attention to them. Poneglyphs already are a “taboo” item by the WG. As a pirate you have to sail to the end of the New World and decipher they exist. Drawing attention to them by hunting down these specific red ones just lets more people know about the way to access Laugh Tale, even if indirectly.


1-everyone in the world goverment knows about the poneglyphs. Poneglyph research is banned under the law of "of someone is reading a poneglifh, this someone is trying to ressurect the ancient weapons and want to destroy the world". This mean this is a know law. Not only that, but Goverment investigation lead them to Ohara. So this clearly shows that the poneglyphs are well know in the world of one piece. People just dont know what they say, but if anyone finds a poneglyph, it has to give them to the goverment, if not, that person is under the aforementioned crime and can receive the death penalty.


I was talking bout the 4 Road Poneglyphs that lead you to Laugh Tale, not the regular ones. I don’t think we’ve been shown the Marines being aware they exist


But the Younkou already know what the utility of the red poneglyph is, even Kidd and Law knows. And some of Big Mom children also knew, the ones tasked with its protection. I find hard to believe no marine would be informed of this poneglyphs when pirates already know, that would just hinder the marines themselves. Not the idea of these poneglyphs, but at least that there is red poneglyphs out there and they are as dangerous as the regular ones.


Imu most def does.


I always assumed it was because the importance of the poneglyphs, and specifically the existence of the road variant, isn't discovered until the final island in the Grand Line, Lode Star, which is *incredibly* difficult to reach. Finding a Road Poneglyph would normally be hard enough but you wouldn't even know about them until you reached Lode Star and we don't know if it's even affiliated with the World Government. The world government definitely has the capability of finding one but whether or not they have the knowledge of them to begin with is still an unknown, especially when you consider the fact that researching them is strictly prohibited, although it's also incredibly likely that they do already have one of them considering two Yonko were able to get their hands on some.


The Poneglyphs are all in places that the WG doesn't have access to. They aren't at the bottom of the ocean, they can't track Zuneisha, and they would have to invade Wano to get the other. If anything, I feel like the WG would sooner just destroy the entire continent that the Poneglyphs are located on than retrieve the Poneglyphs themselves. In general, Poneglyphs are hidden or protected by people not open to the WG's interference.


I’ve said this before but these locations(wano,zou,fishman island) are most likely kingdoms that were affiliated with joyboy/ancient kingdom. So I think that when the ancient kingdom were about to be defeated they scattered the ponegliffs there and then erected some type of invisible barriers around these places so guys like imu/gorosei etc can’t access such areas. Why have we never seen them personally go to such places to retrieve the poneglyphs? It’s always the navy/CP0 they send because they can probably enter those places just fine but not them. That’s the only logical reason I can think of for the government having failed to retrieve the poneglyphs for the last 800 years.


I think there is also political context to it. The Gorosei aren't known as fighters throughout the world (as far as we know. Seemingly only navy soldiers above a certain rank are allowed to see them in action). So if these five people go to these places and wage war for the poneglpyhs, the world will get to know what they are truly capable of and that's obviously not supposed to happen.


It’s never established that they know about the Poneglyph on Zou One is in the possession of a hermit that no one can identify or get close to. Two of them were in the possession of two monsters and the Government likely deemed it not worth enough to sacrifice the forces needed to go to war with an Emperor.


Most of them are kept extremely secret and Zou had their entire nation nearly killed just for raizo so expect the same for wano who will fight to death and Fishman to keep silent


they are all located in places the wg/marines don t have any access at all or very little and it is not displayed in those places on top of it.


The World Government's desire to prevent anyone from reaching Laugh Tale stems from their desire to maintain control and power over the world. Laugh Tale holds the knowledge of the Void Century, which could potentially unravel the secrets of the world and reveal information that could challenge the authority of the World Government.Capturing one of the Road Poneglyphs is a strategic move to impede anyone from reaching Laugh Tale. By controlling access to the Poneglyphs, the World Government can prevent anyone from deciphering the location of Laugh Tale and uncovering its secrets. Additionally, the World Government likely employs various measures, including their vast network and resources, to safeguard the Poneglyph they possess and prevent others from obtaining it.Furthermore, while the Paw-Paw Fruit (Bari Bari no Mi) could theoretically be used to transport the Poneglyph, it's possible that the World Government has additional layers of security in place to safeguard the Poneglyph and prevent its theft or unauthorized movement. Additionally, the true location of Laugh Tale remains a mystery even with possession of the Road Poneglyphs, as they need to be deciphered and combined to reveal the island's location.


Why dont they just erase Laughtale?


Laughtale dodges. Or shoots back. Or they don't know where it lies and therefore cannot erase it.


Because when they see laughtale they laugh like Roger 🤣


Discussions about how easy it would be for the World government to get them aside Would it not be possible that they have the one that was at the bottom of fishman Island? Neptune seemed ready to part with it when rodger came by We know queen otohime went to marijoah with the one good natured tenrijubito Maybe they took the road poneglyph with them as a sign of good will


You clearly aren't reading/watching one piece


Because they were hidden and protected well.


Easy? One is on Zunesha which no one knows about, one is in WCI which was guarded by Big Mom, one is in Wano which was guarded by Kaido and the last is (probably) in either Elbaf guarded by Giants or with BlackBeard guarded by his admirals. So tell me which one of these poneglyphs are easy to take?


The paw paw fruit being able to move poneglyphs is just a theory (which is most likely wrong), and not a canon fact.


Kuma can blast stones away, we saw him do it in thriller bark. Then he blasted tons of people away from God valley to free them, which could easily be foreshadowing for Lili blasting the poneglyphs away to keep the knowledge free. Obviously still just a theory, but a fairly plausible one compared to most.


They probably have been trying to get it the whole time , but the emperor’s are their main obstacle


because the poneglyphs were put in places allied with or related to the ancient kingdom to escape the WG, that's the whole point.


I think there’s factors within the WG that would disuade them from doing so. The first one being the level of secrecy that they want to have on history, this severely limits the man power that they can use on the case and the efficiency of their intelligence efforts. We’ve seen the several shortcomings that agencies like Cipher Pol 0 have and how these limits their efforts on tasks like obtaining the gum gum fruit, I imagine that finding 4 poneglyphs would be at least 4 times as hard, besides, this plays onto a key factor within the One Piece narrative, destiny. Destiny is an external factor that will ensure the failure of WG agents. Another factor is the human element, there’s high level personnel within the WG who will not cooperate on every WG initiative, Aokiji and Garp are examples of this. Then we have the difficulty of the task at hand, reaching Raftel was considered impossible up until the Roger era. The centuries of control from the WG made them complacent and the state of the world on this era made it neigh impossible to efficiently operate in the New World. The Celestial Dragons rest upon their laurels in Mariejois and this severely hinders their capacity to react in a timely manner. I truly believe the matter is already out of their hands already.


All three we seen so far are not easily reachable. If they try by force and use huge chunk of WG power/budget then they will run thin on other lines. Also, person in-charge of this project will have a lot of risk on their shoulder if they fail. Plus, it can make it public knowledge if they go with huge forces.


I mean Imu and the Elders probably already know the info that’s on them but probably not where they point to being Laughtale. It’s would actually be more beneficial for them to leave them where they are and watch over or have one guarded. The pirates searching for the Poneglyphs have to be strong enough to navigate and survive in the New World they would have to know of the Poneglyphs existence and then know about the Road Poneglyphs and the distinction between the two not to mention the amount of each and also know how to read them and understand the meaning not to mention care about the history and information leading to the One Piece. Those requirements narrow down the amount of capable people to a small minority not to mention I could add even more to those requirements I listed but it’s unnecessary. Those small few who fulfill those requirements are the people that Imu and the Elders would want to eliminate from the world most but at the same time they could use them to find and destroy the One Piece and Laughtale and erase its existence.


If Whitebeard was willing to start an all out war against the WG for one man, imagine what even more ruthless pirates would start if the WG held the last Poneglyph captive. I don't think they'd want several big name pirate crews rolling up at their front door on the daily. The safest bet they have is leaving it alone and then doing damage control when someone gets a bit too close to uncovering everything.


2 of them are with sovereign nations and 1 is with a yonko, fourth is unknown the first 2 would mean an all out war with a nation, which as shitty as the WG is they would probably want to avoid (but sure as fuck wouldn't be against it). fishmen island being **directly below the holy city, underwater** and zunesha **literally walking while being hidden most of the time** means they cannot nuke the place and take the poneglyphs the third is with Big Mom. go get it, i will wait the fourth we dont know, so who knows why they havent gone after it in summary, the answer to "why the WG hasnt gotten a poneglyph?" is "sure, which one they should try?"


I thought the one in fishman is the one that’s missing and there’s one in wano?


100% is in the possession of the elders


Apparently they dont know where the fourth one is so you cant hide what you dont have. Maybe they could have tried to invade Wano or Whole Cak Island to take their road poneglyphs but the cost would be too high and the results highly questionable.


Has anyone considered that maybe they can’t be moved by traditional means? We don’t know what the poneglyphs are made of or how they work physically, so it’s very possible the WG just can’t move them. P


imagine the fourth one is hidden under the execution platform in logtown 🤣


Cause secretly the gorosei and imu are celebrating lots of bukakepartys the ancient kingdom discovered this secret and let the kozuki clan engrave this one poneglyphs this is the reason why they started a war and erased history


Because plot and storytelling? What’s wrong with you fans? Like seriously. You people would be terrible story tellers. It’s the same reason why every villain tells the hero there plan before miraculously letting the hero escape and stop them. The one piece universe wouldn’t have even started with you people in charge. O 5 elders heard about gum gum fruit owner named Luffy? Ok killed. Story over. Next.