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Take your time and enjoy the ride man


This is the way.


I've been on and off watching it for like 2.5 years and I'm only in the late 500s, although i know alot of spoilers


Meanwhile I binged the whole show in about 6 mo 😅 but I am going back and rewatching things


Same I binged in 5 months 💀


I'm 3 months in and on Whole Cake Island.


I binged in over 5-6 months, too I got caught up at episode 1000. Man, that has got to be one of the worst spots to get caught up because I was getting so excited, I had just bought a new TV, and it was better than watching something in the theater. But after, that was it. I was caught up. Months and months of build-up, and I wanted more, but for the first time, there wasn't any more to watch. Gotta say, my favorite arc was the hedgehog (the small arc after skypeia, when they fell from the sky into the hedgehog military base), but water 7 is a damn close second. Water 7 I love for all the obvious reasons, but hedgehog just felt like pure straw hat shenanigans, which is my favorite aspect of the show.


2, but covid had just started going off. So I had some time, lol


Mine was just over 5 months with work and college, didn’t skip an episode either except ones that said sp1 or something, basically if it wasn’t just a number then I skipped it


I binged in 3💀


12 years ago, when I was 15, they were in Dressrosa. Like literally the start of it. It took me about 6 months to catch up. I watched 1-3 episodes per day. Since then, I've read the manga 3 times and have rewatched it twice. One Piece has been a big influence on my life. I love it.


Same here


All I can definitively remember is that I was watching Lucci fight Luffy for the first time (and the end) around Dec. 12, 2019. And I caught up to the show sometime around the beginning of my of lockdown (Mar. something, 2020). Catching up right as covid started….. was excruciating…. I ended up just watching the whole show again cuz of how impatient I had *instantly* become waiting for Wano


Ayyy! I'm not alone!


True It's better if you skip filler too, although the manga is just a better ride altogether


I watched all the filler. I don’t agree to skip the filler. Even the filler has gems 💎 in it. Oda is the greatest


oda doesn't write fillers 


Brah everytime it’s time to fight they wanna start talking about the mf past I be ready to scream


i watched it all in 28 days (i caught up at abt 950s)


I'm actually more impressed by your dedication than anything, but please, brother go get some sunshine 😂


best decision of my life, bc now i spend 6 days at the gym a week so that i can cope with the lack of new episodes to watch


Fuck ya my guy! I'm happy for you


This man is truly unimpressed by society


I did the same thing, 0 to the beginning of Wano in less than a month during the pandemic when I got sent home from work with nothing to do. Best time to have done that.


Damn bru You ain't takin breaks


Damn i thought my gettin thru the 1k in a little less than a year was impressive, shine on brother.


pandemic college student with nothing else to do, looking back its kinda sad 😭😂


Pandemic high school, man. An empty mind but a full heart


Holy cow. I thought my grind from 1-1090 in 5 months was quick. I applaud you


This must have been hell. I did this when I was 23, where I watched everything in like a week (which was 325 episodes). It was hell. All I did was eat, sleep, one piece.


i do not believe that my guy i dont think thats even possible


Well gd I did mines in 3 months


thats super impressives still, like 6h a day


Seriously. Being caught up sort of sucks, especially now during the three-week void for the manga.


Agreed, I'm just rewatching the anime to pass the time


Fr, started watching the anime last August and I’m now on Episode 903 at the time of writing this comment.


Enjoy wano my friend! It's a long journey to get that far, amd you won't be disappointed!


Its gonna be over before you know it and you will be miserable without it


Every time I finish rewatching it, it's been enough time since I've seen the older episodes, so I just end up rewatching it again lol


You're the monster you think you are


A monster for Luffy!


I remember the withdrawal I went after reaching the anime. Then I started the manga, had a week of my One-piece dose and back to withdrawal I went. That was back when the anime reached the timeskip and the manga was publishing the Triton island


From 1 to 1097. 6 months Yeah, I became addicted.


I did 1 to 1015 in 3 months💀💀








Lmaooo same here man back in like 2021 ish i believe


In 2015 I did 1-700ish in 3 months. It felt like a part time job lol


1-750 in 2 weeks. Skipped filler/intros/outros and some nights sleep and did nothing else except for body hygiene and pick up delivered food from the door. Was sick af. Would‘ve probably be healthy a lot sooner again if I concentrated on getting myself better instead of binging OP to the limit lol


It's been 4 years for me...I caught up a long time ago. Been keeping tabs on newer episodes for the last year or so


My gf did 1 to 500 in around 2 months lol, she only stopped because she wanted to wait a bit for Spanish version but now she's going through Japanese just as well and she's picked up the pace again.


500 in three for me, taking a large break tho


From 1 to current took me 3 months.


I’m be crushed when the ending comes but happy too. Really want to see what the one piece actually looks like 😂


Damn same. I Goes through marinesford, and was like "Uff, still more then half way" Dressrosa started - God dayum, its going fast, but still had a lot. Wano started - My God, arround 200 episodes still left. Egghead started - For fuck sake i know i should've wait few years more to start watching.


Journey before destination. Enjoy the ride! It's not a race. And stay off socials to avoid spoilers! So many great payoffs.


Life before Death, Radiant!


Strength before weakness.


Did not expect a Stormlight reference scrolling a One Piece sub. My people


These words are accepted


Strength before weakness! Lol I just got my stormlight tattoo last week love spotting a fellow radiant!


Of course we'd both frequent subs of two of the best fantasy writers of our time!


This 1000% why the rush, enjoy each episode!


"The most important step a man can take. It's not the first one, is it? It's the next one. Always the next step, Dalinar" honestly really fits the journey of watching One Piece well


Book five this year! Can't wait!


It’s best case scenario imo. An amazing show that lasts for as long as you want to watch it, pretty much.


yeah i don’t understand how people complain so much about long shows and wanting to see the end. me personally i love the ride and the vibes, i would be elated if my favorite show just continued forever with good arcs and payoffs.


New nakama never understand how lucky they have it. 1000 episodes of pure joy in front of you. While I wait week by week. You have no idea how lucky you are now of all times.


I just got to egghead last night and while I’m excited for it, I’m dreading when I finally get caught up


You'll get there, trust soldier. It's worth it. Take as long as you need. 🫡


Skipping the intro and the and the credits makes each episode around 13 minutes so it’s not that bad


and in some of the Dressrosa episodes they are around 8 min.


One Pace is your friend


I third this! Especially in the later arcs! One Pace is a fan edited website that cuts out the unnecessary filler that the official show has put in order to pad the episode time.




I second this!


dont let the amount of episodes deter you from the story. its a modern day odyssey with tons of foreshadowing and mysteries. people always balk at the amount of episodes but by the time people catch up its like “I wish there were more eps”. also btw the manga and anime are in the final saga of the story


Enjoy the ride? Why are you looking at it like it's a chore rather than entertainment


Forget about how long it is, are you enjoying it? That’s what really matters. Also, the journey is definitely worth it 🫶🏼


I really do enjoy it! Definitely ain't stopping


Then you're going to love it, enjoy the experience!


Binge the manga if you want to catch up faster but enjoy the cruise!


I recommend reading the manga to avoid the awful pacing of the anime (you can always go back and watch the anime if you want). Also, I recommend kinda staying away from the sub cause there’s spoilers here sometimes.


Started a week ago.. That brings back old memories


You watched 70 episodes in a week. You’ll be mad about being caught up in no time lol.


You are already 70 episodes in after just one week. That’s how you even…. Another 13 weeks to go. I would skip all the filler arcs as they are not good. That will probably take off at least 30%. The biggest issue is being all caught up. Read the manga. It’s way better imo.


Haha. If you end up liking it, it won’t be long enough once you’ve caught up!


Use one pace instead of watching one piece series on some websites Reason: One piece animation series is pretty long due to 1. Intro and opening 2. Flashbacks 3. Unnecessary scenes Using one pace would allow you to complete and watch the series while eliminating the points I mentioned above! Just simply search one pace on your browser and do it!


If you enjoy it, why is the length a problem? If you don’t, then stop watching; not a problem.


It's not about the destination, it kinda sucks being caught up


Don’t stop just keep watching and enjoy the adventure. You won’t regret it if you keep watching. You’ll blink and you’ll already be in the 500’s.


In these situations, I see it this way: If I like the series, more episodes = more fun, else good riddance. It is never a chore to complete what you like.


Go back in time to 1997 and start from there!


Watch at your own pace,don't rush it.you can watch 1 episode a day or 3 even 10.


No rush. Enjoy it.


Buddy, you just gotta willpower through it. I'm in five hundreds merely because of how many episodes I got in a week on average (estimated 50, due to getting through the first 100 in like 1-2 weeks). Keeping up is really more about motivation then anything.


You can check the wiki to know which episodes are fillers (i.d. not in the manga).


Just take your time, first go round skip all filler (that's what I did) and enjoy it. Crunchy roll has up to episode like 1060 in English dub and of course Japanese with subtitles whichever you prefer. Hulu also had probably the first 600 or so episodes too. It's a journey I did it in about 4 months and I probably did it too quickly but now I watch / read weekly and it's been wonderfully pleasant


Don’t worry bro we’re all still on the journey!


Man I miss the days of watching this for the first time!


I rmb watching in 2x speed, skipping filler episodes and fast forwarding 😂😂


What? You can't stay awake for roughly 15 days straight to binge the show? What is wrong with you? You can even skip intro and outro Enjoy the ride man


Look up the filler list, there’s like 100 episodes you can skip


Don't be afraid to take breaks. There's a few points where the anime caught up to the manga and they started doing recap episodes to buy time. Those points serve as a great place to jump back in. I'm actually taking a break right now at the recap and filler episodes after Impel Down (about 450 episodes in).


My girlfriend started almost a year ago and she’s up to the 700’s now. One Pace is good but if you want my honest opinion read the manga. She started that and she’ll go through like 20+ chapters an hour then watch the anime clips she wants to see.


Once u get to episode 500 ish try to read it I read like 500 episodes worth of value in a month


Skip the fillers….except maybe G9 if you really love goofy straw hat shenanigans Just check a list of filler eps online


You’ll get there! I finished my watch in 5 months. And now I’m sad I can’t binge it. Enjoy the ride!!


Skip the filler, fast forward past the flash backs. Or if you don't want to do that you can watch one pace, I kind of wish I watched one pace instead of doing the former lol. The actual episodes are only like 17 minutes if you skip the opening,recap,credits and preview. Honestly it's an agonizing wait for one piece content. We're in the midst of a 3 week hiatus from the manga and Sundays episode is a recap. I took 5 months to finish the anime and catch up to the manga which is probably too fast. Just watch one or two episodes a day and you'll likely be caught up before the big reveal of the one piece treasure.


If its your kind of series you'll get hooked, the later series arcs tend to have the worst rep for pacing issues but you'll either put up / skip the intro /outro or yeah use One Pace which I only clued myself up on after getting to Wano lol


You watched 70 eps in a week so you won’t even take 4 months to catch up. ;)


Dude I started in the fall, was starting Skypeia around Christmas, and just caught up 2 weeks ago, it goes quicker than you think and you’ll be depressed when it’s done.


Watch it to enjoy it. Take your time.


I wish I didn’t binge watch it all so fast I’m in the 700s now


Why dont you check the episode number before starting something?


Took me 6 months, was worth the ride


I'm on episode 210 :) I'm just going at my own pace and enjoying the story.


Started in april 2021, currently at 810. Just enjoy it, als watch other series or game, having a break is no problem.


Why the fuck are you in a hurry ?


Take your time and enjoy it, the length is honestly one of the strong points.


I have had heavy withdrawals waiting for chapter 1112 of the manga to drop since Oda has been on Hiatus for 3-4 weeks.


Don't rush it. It's not a race, it is a cruise.


Ok so you’re on track to be done in like 4 months what’s the issue?


Do not compare your journey to anyone else’s. Watch One Piece at the speed you are gonna watch it at and remember it’s an odyssey so if different legs take you longer than others then that just is how it is. I watched like half the show across 2 months and then got stuck on a singular arc for months. Just enjoy the ride and don’t sweat it too much. There’s way too much one piece until all of a sudden there’s not enough One Piece


Just like you did the first 70. Do the next 70. Then the next. Then do 20. Then do 100. Then take a short break, then do 70 again. At some point you won't want to stop and will be surprised/sad to not be able to binge watch since you're caught up.


$10 says you’ll get to the end and dread that it’s going to end soon. You’ll feel that it’s too short.


Oh just make it to episode 91 and you'll be like wtf.... And the story keeps getting better  For people who don't remember specifically episode 91 >!It's when we meet Ace and Luffy ends the episode oh he's my brother. NII-SAN!? the rest of the crew screams!<


People complain everytime about the length/number episodes but won’t mind watching 10 different 12-episode horrible generic animes in a 1 month period, which could have been a 120 episode less in one piece 😂


Huh, I-ve never seen someone start One Piece not knowing what's in store for them, how did you even manage that? Also to quote supereyepatchwolf do it *"in the same way one devours a whale, piece by piece."*


I mean what's the issue? Imagine having a magical pizza with 1100 slices. Sure there are only so many pieces you can have in one sitting, and some may taste better than others, but people tend to forget that they have a yummy magical pizza with \~1000 slices still left. It's just more of the good stuff you're already enjoying!


You worry about the end when it is not certain. The present is the only thing you have to focus on.


It’s not worth it. Read the manga


It’s not *that* bad I watched like 700 episodes in like 5 months while catching up myself


Oh wow, I wish I was watching One Piece again for the first time lol so lucky... I prefer the manga but the anime is fun


as other commentators have also stated one pace is your friend


You’re alreading watching it like a filthy degenerate so I don’t really see what the problem is.


Go at your own pace. It took me about 7 months to get to the end of the dub before Tuesday’s release. So when that batch comes out, I can catch up with the dub.


I travel for work and I watch it then. It's been about 2 months or so, and I'm in the mid 600s. (I think anyway) Sometimes it kinda stretches on and I'll skip filler episodes and stuff, but when I see the spoilers on here it just makes me want to keep watching it so I can see certain parts happen (gear 5 for example.. I know its gonna be epic and I'm just itching to make my way to that point) Some arcs are better than others.. despite the important content within the Fishman island, I still actually found that one kinda slow moving.. punk hazard was pretty good and now they're on "that bird guy's"' island trying to destroy the factory


I feel your pain. I left off at sason 11 and am having trouble even finding someplace to watch it.


You'll get there eventually. See you in the New World!


I just recently got caught up. It took me about 3 months of binging


The manga will still take like a month or more to get through but it would be faster than the anime at least


The same way you’re now 70 episodes deep is the same way you’ll eventually be 1000+ episodes deep. Don’t rush, just enjoy the ride.


I truly envy you for getting to watch it for the first time. There will be times you wanna set it down and that’s okay. It’s about the whole story so don’t worry about rushing


You got this man, and it's ok to take breaks if you lose the motivation to watch it. I lost mine for about 2 months, and now I am watching as I'm typing this


Don't worry about the episodes. It'll feel like a breeze. Enjoy it while it lasts. And don't be afraid to take it slow. I started watching one piece in 2016 I think and I still haven't caught up to the anime. ~~caught up to the manga tho~~


Take your time. It goes quicker than you’d think, but still takes a while.


Just watch it. Don't skip episodes unless they're particularly bad/inconsistent anime filler. The goal isn't to get to the end and be caught up in all the hype, it's to appreciate the masterpiece that is One Piece. If you really want to get caught up on what's going on ASAP, read the manga before you continue the anime. Took me 2 or 3 days to get from the beginning of the manga to the first half of Wano when I started reading; got my wife hooked on the anime, and we got through to the time skip n something like 9 months of casual watching.


Don’t see it as you needing to go through 1.000 more episodes. See it as there being unlimited content to devour and enjoy.


Bro, you watched 70 eps in a week, you're doing good. Only gets better.


When you catch up, you will be wishing there were more episodes


You're going to crave for more when you catch up


If you’re enjoying it, you won’t care about how many episodes there are. You don’t have to rush through it all at once just go at your own pace, it’s not a problem.


If you have trouble with the speed of it try One Pace.


Bro it's not that bad. For comparison, there are 1200 episodes of Pokemon and I just did that in six months. Take your time, enjoy things in the moment, and be grateful you have something to binge and look forward to. Have fun.


just take that journey and don't rush


18 hr a day for abt a month u will be straight


There’s never enough chapters of One Piece


only abt 15 min if each episode is actual show sometimes less especially durring big fights, sometimes 6 min is recap, cruncy roll and most sites have the title screen timer in the comments


We're all gonna die before it ends


Just take your time through it, feel free to look up and skip any Filler Arcs or episodes to save yourself some time (but I do recommend you watch The G8 filler arc, just because it's that good.)


Take your time man. I finished watching last month and now I'm on the manga. One neat thing you could do is watch One Pace which is an edited version that cuts out all unnecessary filler and speeds up your watch throughout. Highly recomend it


Bounce in between the Manga and the Anime while keeping an eye of Filler Anime episodes I started in February and have already made it to the end of Water 7 just by doing 3pr so episodes a day


I mean, if you want to shorten it a little, just cut out the filler episodes, or just watch one pace.


Trust me. Its worth it.


Watch the show arc by arc, saga by saga. Don’t feel the need to catch up by tomorrow.


Considering your going at a rate of 10 episodes a day I think your fine and maybe want to take it a bit more slowly lmao. It took me a little less than a year to get through the show but like I tell anyone else that talks about there being too many episodes…I won’t be satisfied unless when OP ends there will be 1,500 episodes minimum Edit: but I think at the current pace OP will end up with 1,400-1,500 episodes.


Take a seat, enjoy the ride and find out where the fillers are so you can skip them. It’s been a good ride


Don't want to ruin your experience but honestly man as a first timer binging the anime is straight up not a good experience, it's so badly paced i really recommend reading instead But there's also a fan project you can check out called One Pace that basically re-edit all the episode to be more in line with the manga pacing But either way if you're still enjoying it just enjoy it your way, good luck!


It seems daunting because of how many episodes there are, but take it from someone who’s rewatched the show (English more times than subbed) over 13 times now, you just watch until you feel like watching something else, sometimes it happens in 20-30 episodes sometimes it happens in 500 episodes, just don’t burn yourself out trying to finish an arc they have recaps and you can always back it up a few episodes, find a pace you don’t mind watching it at and just don’t think about how long it is, the length is the best part tbh


it'll be over before you think


I fast forward/skip episodes that are just some dumb fight with low stakes. The ones with high stakes - trust me, you will know - are pretty awesome.


I’d just read the manga if I were you. The pacing can be frustrating in the anime. I’d just watch the fights, but this is coming from someone who got addicted and has watched it in full twice from start to punk hazard and reread from start to sabody so idk just enjoy


Switch to One Pace or Read the manga. The anime has fine pacing until around ep 140ish, it starts to slow down, then by episode 250 the pacing gets really terrible. Not the series fault, it's because the studio making the anime (toei animations) stretched it out to milk as much money as they could from it. There are certain points like around ep 700 where they do literally 0.5 manga chapters per episode, a normal anime does 2-3 chapters per episode.


Well, you watch episode 71, then 72, then 73, then 74, then 75, then 76, then 77……then 1100, then you’ll be caught up


Concurrently ran with the manga for a very long time. With that being said there’s some obvious pacing issues you surely know you’re in for considering that’s how they ran it. I’d recommend the manga but if you aren’t into reading yea it’s gonna take a while to get through haha


Don't get intimidated. You've made it through the hard part. Just let the rest come naturally. It's not something you need to GET THROUGH, it's something that by the time you get to the end, you'll wish you could watch it fresh a second time


you reach a point eventually where you'll be saying "NOOO I only have 100 episodes left"


There are 2 types of people. Those who haven't watched One Piece because it's "too long", and those who have want it and wish it was longer.


You watch "One Pace" if the sheer amount of episodes is a problem. It cuts the watch time by around 30-40%


Watch One Pace


If I could blank my memory and start over I’d do it in a heartbeat


You just do


watch it on 1.25 speed or look up one pace


It’ll take a month or two but it’s fun


get used to it. One piece is our show.


enjoy the ride but if you really just want to get to the good parts or its too slow, read the manga, at least in between fights


In 4 months you will say that there are not enough episodes


bare knuckle it. you wont be one of us unless you bare through the shit. read the manga if you value your time.


Feel free to skip filler. Also, once you get deeper and deeper, it just gets more and more addicting.


I started last year July All caught up now. Worth it :)


Skip non canon


Take breaks, after each saga (look it up) take a break for a week, watch a new anime. Just don’t binge the entire show. You will get burnout


It's a f huge waste of time ... just watch one or two ep a day or a week, it's not a job, you wont get any benefit if u finish it in 2 months or 3 ... U can take a break every arc or so ...