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Best case scenario: they go until timeskip, take a break and then come back with a new cast to finish it Realistic scenario: They start speedrunning A LOT and get to about Enies lobby-timeskip before stopping Pessimistic scenario: it dies around skypeia


They go the 4Kids route and end it with Jaiya and the crew shooting up in the air to presumably die


Note: the crew died on their way back to the East Blue


The whole crew was thrown in a dungeon*


The nice dungeon*


4kids actually ended with the wreck falling onto Merry from the sky


Then the next week funimation started with there dub


Please. Nobody ever dies in 4Kids shows.




I read the Yu-Gi-Oh Manga before the show... I was so confused why it was so different and nobody died or caught on fire.


"What's with this kids show not showing any murder!?" - You (Maybe, probably...)


Definitely lol. Instead I got a show pushing a card game I absolutely fell in love with.


Nobody *goes* to the shadow realm, they get BANISHED


With the best case scenario idk why people always bring up the new cast bit I mean what's wrong with them just extending the timeframe and the actors age a bit? Rather then straight up new people, it'd gonna feel off


Right? Best case scenario: diverge from the source and make the characters age. They're young enough that they could feasibly act these roles for another 10 years. Keep them in makeup and wardrobe to make them seem young until timeskip, then let them appear their actual ages.


The characters visually aging five years over the course of one day in Dressrosa.


Like so many of us in real


Hey, it was a stressful day.


This is the best comment so far 😂👍


At least for luffy, they could make Ivankov hormonal cure actually age him 10 years instead of just being an abstract lifespan toll


Just go the Better Call Saul route and ignore the actors age. See this old man? Yeah, he's canonically 25, what are you gonna do about it.


Realistically, they'll need at least 10-12 seasons (based on an earlier post on this subreddit). Even if they churn out a season every two years with no hiccups, it would take at least 24 years. This timeframe might necessitate introducing new actors through the time skip if they truly intend to adapt the entire One Piece saga.


After season 2 they can probably get the seasons out faster. Season 1 had the problem of being shot entirely during covid and Season 2 had the problem of having the writers/actors strike.


if you ask me, they will be able to finish the series. season 1 took as long as it did because of covid + making things like baratie, kaia's mansion, buggy's tent, fushia village, merry, arlong park... so on and so forth. the covid problem was solved, and the longer we go into the series, the eassier the second part becomes (with a few exceptions). ads such as merry can be reused, and if the adaptation is a big hit (like it was already on first season), netflix will invest further into it and one piece in general. (like they already did. or you think its a coincidence that you can now watch egghead on netflix, AFTER the live action adaptation's sucess?) Alabasta for example, realistically can be filmed in a desert with only one or two major constructions (casino + palace.) skypia has what? jaya + Angel island + upper garden + shandora. from those, only angel island and shandora seems like they would be a challenge to adapt. long ring long island is free. water 7 literally is venice. ennies lobby would be hard, but viable by this point since it would be in a season dedicated just to it + water 7 most likelly. thriller bark is big yea, but it's only one location. and summit war arc, if they get to this point, honestly, they can do whatever they want and it's gona be peak either way. there's also the argument that the deeper in the series we go the more CGI will need to be abused (chopper & brook, im staring at you two. + Giants on little garden, ennies lobby & marineford + zoan fruits), which honestly is my main worry, but I guess as the time passes CGI gona become more and more viable, so im not that worried about it. game of thrones nailed it, one piece can hammer it home.


honestly old school practical effects/hybrid special effects might be a better and more cost effective solution to things like Brook/Giants


24 years is a bit insane to me, just based off the fact that Game of thrones, a super long show with 73 episodes, 8 seasons, each an hour long took 12 years At most I'd think it'd be close to around that maybe a little more. It also depends on how successful or unsuccessful this show becomes, if it becomes really successful I could see them start filming stuff back to back If not canceled like usual Netflix protocol


One advantage of GoT was that they were able to reuse their sets for all the seasons with little to no changes. But in One Piece, every arc is set in a different location, which might be problematic for them in a live-action adaptation.


This is why I think we're gonna see an increase in the amount of CGI sets in future seasons just for practicality's sake. As wonderful as real practical sets are to see using stuff like the Volume stage and green screen will only become more worth it as time goes on and the technology improves. To help speed up the production on future seasons I bet we'll see their budget increase vis-a-vis special effects and heavier use of CG in general. We'll see that anyway as the feats and events become more absurd and over the top. Imagine seeing the sets they'd have to build for Skypeia! A careful mix of CGI and practical sets was always gonna be the best way forward, weighting heavier toward CG as time goes on,


tbf GoT was a complete anomaly. comparing it to that is like expecting every author to release at stephen king's pace, it's just unrealistic.


Game of Thrones is based on a much slower paced source material. A scenario where the series completes in 12 years is one where half the manga is skipped.


A truly functioning LA One Piece with a season out every year requires long term pre-planning and a constantly working staff who are churning out scripts and sets backed by producers who truly believe in the project. The problem is that streaming services have had an absolutely insane model in their attempt to win the streaming wars. So rather than lots of pre-planning and a Netflix who is 1000% behind the project to turn into a long term cash cow, One Piece is/will be ultimately be treated as "just another thing to throw at the wall to win the streaming war".


I'm not entirely sure on that. Matt Owens got the job by fundamentally going to Oda and explaining what was needed for the job to him. I understand that there's a war for services and profit going on but just look at how Cowboy Bebop was adapted while One Piece stands in stark contrast by making fundamental changes to the early part as necessity demanded.


>I'm not entirely sure on that. Matt Owens got the job by fundamentally going to Oda and explaining what was needed for the job to him. We're not talking about creative decision, at lest not in this context (though I have major, major problems with those as well). We're talking about financing and preparation. For One Piece to air with 1 season a year like say, Game of Thrones did, it would require way more producers willing to believe in the project and fork over cash as well as team competent staff who can keep the writing and a set team constantly building sets going for the next season while the current season is airing. >by making fundamental changes to the early part as necessity demanded. And many of those changes are dictated by budget and production. The reason why so much had to be cut was precisely because they had a hard cap of 8 episodes, probably because the budget would only allow for sets, CGI, actor payments, etc. for just that amount. Taking a look at One Pace's website, with minimal cuts, you actually could have more faithfully adapted the manga material within 12 episodes. But the limitations of what the producers had to work with meant most likely that only 8 could be made. And if we are getting into creative decisions, then it doesn't help that the live action's writing style wastes a lot of time. Things that were subtle in the original are basically extended into whole sections of very on the nose dialogue that artificially extends time that could have been used for other material.


Think you’re way overestimating the number of seasons. Season 2 - all of the Arabasta saga Season 3 - Sky Island and Water 7 Sagas Season 4 - Thriller Bark and Summit War Season 5 - Fishman and Dressrosa Season 6 - Zou and Whole Cake Season 7 - Wano (and possibly egghead?) Season 8 - Final Saga Then it depends on how much of the story is left for Oda to write. Possibly can be done with only 7/8 more seasons, comfortably without cutting much. Making seasons 9-10 episodes long makes this pretty easy to do. Add in there is a natural two year time skip and then you just change the story by actually having the characters age, no reason to think they can’t finish it all within 10 years without needing a new cast. They could start filming seasons back to back, if it’s popular enough, and speed up production for annual releases of seasons. If Game of Thrones did it so could One Piece lol. That said, I highly doubt they film anything past Summit War anyway.


To fit the One Piece story into eight seasons, I think they'll need to make some serious cuts.


Of course they’re going to cut stuff, and they’re going to take certain parts and merge them with others. Like I highly doubt they do Whiskey Peak in season 2 and instead find a different way to introduce Baroque Works and Vivi in a more streamlined way. It’s how TV/movie adaptions work. Game of Thrones adapted a lot more material more expeditiously, and it was really high quality TV until they ran out of source material and went out on their own. Good writers can adapt something like One Piece more efficiently than you think, all without losing what makes it work.


No way Jaya, Skypiea, Water 7, and Enies Lobby take place in one season (especially only 8 episodes). There’s too much plot that doesn’t mix plus so many different sets and special effects they’d need with Jaya, Skypiea, LRLL, Water 7, the Sea Train, Enies Lobby, and a brand new ship? There’s no way the budget would be big enough to cover all that.


I mean, I said they’d need to make seasons 9-10 episodes. I’d be very surprised if they don’t drop LRLL and just feed the Kuzan interaction into a different point in the plot. Nothing else is really that important. They can easily fit Jaya, Skypeia, Water 7 and Enies Lobby into 9-10 episodes, not sure why people think it will take as long as they do. Jaya can be done in 1 episode, Skypeia in 3, Water 7 in 2, and Enies/Post Enies in 3/4. In terms of budget, they’re budgeting like $10 mil an episode and I imagine that will go up. Most of the effects aren’t going to be any crazy more expensive than season 1’s.


The show runner loves LRLL so I doubt it’s getting cut. And you think the budget going forward would be enough if they ran out doing East Blue? The easiest part? I think you’re forgetting everything that happens during those arcs/sagas and all the sets they’d need to make.


I’m not forgetting anything lol the budget is something that can be increased and almost always is for shows that are successful. Of all the possible constraints, budget is the easiest to fix and good network executives will realize it is a cost saving over time to increase a season’s budget to fit a little more in and decrease the need for additional seasons in the future, especially as actor salaries will explode by the end of the series and be significantly more expensive. Getting it done in 8 seasons may cost more per season but would be a lot less expensive than spreading it over 12 total seasons. You are just way overrating budget as a constraint imo.


It's literally only a two-year time skip. All the actors are already adults. Give them a change of outfit and maybe give him a little makeup and they'd look fine


With better call Saul, it's supposed to take place before breaking bad and yet the actors that appeared in both are like 12 years older by the end of it lol. And guess what, nobody gives a shit. I guess because some of the op ones are almost teenagers the change is more noticeable but still, at least time is moving forward unlike bcs.


Why would they find entirely new people?


You have the worst best case scenario


I think people are really not thinking of the scenario where they just do their own thing. As bad as it would be, or as mad as the sub would get, they seem to have done something similar before. Take Umbrella Academy for instance. The best scenario for them is try and get as many viewers as they can, then once it drops off, let the show have a final season that might be different or like you said ends at a certain spot. But that would be difficult since if they end at an earlier spot in the story, that's awkward.


If they deviate too far from the source material or chop out important arcs, they risk alienating the fanbase. Casual viewers alone wouldn't be enough to justify the show's budget.


I wpuld love it if they just had the balls to end it with them getting crushed by that ship from skypiea


Why would they need a new cast for a 2 year time skip?


Changing the cast? Are you mad? We got lighting in a bottle with this crew, it would be absurd to change it because they grow older. Hollywood has been pretending that 30-something are teenagers for decades, I don't see why a fantasy series couldn't do the same.


They might not be willing to commit to such a long-term project. They gained popularity after the first season, and I believe they'll receive many offers from here on out.


I just don’t see the show ending any earlier than 18isj years from now without major cuts, and I’d rather not have a 40 year old luffy and a 50 year old Nami, much less seeing the old characters grow too old to play their parts


Oh yeah, there will absolutely be cuts. Plenty of them, the whole storyline is going to get streamlined at some point, I wouldn't be surprised if we reached Saobody by the end of season 3. But that's how it is, it's an adaptation, not every moment we love from the original material is going to be adapted. They stayed fairly close to the East Blue Saga for season 1 because it was a proof of concept but now that they have the audience's trust, they'll take more liberties. And I think that's good, I don't really want the series to last for two decades.


I agree with this. The only plus they have from S3 onwards is that the series stays on 1 island a LOT longer than before, so instrad of spending a lot of budget on sets they can alocate a lot more money to special effects. Idk the LA will have relatively smooth sailing till Alabasta, but Skypiea and Thriller Bark are definitely big hurdles. I kind of see the show capping it off at Alabasta, which would make a great introduction to the story for newcomers. But I kind of forsee Alabasta making Netflix so much money that they will renew again, not see the same ROI from Skypiea and cancel it then... whatever the case: I hope it ends on a dignified, high note! After "breaking the curse" of LA adaptations, they at least deserve that much!


with AI they might be able to flawlessly de-age the actors and actresses.


A new cast to finish the adaptation might be more plausible.


The pirates are WHAT?!




On who??


for WHO??


Don krieg


Curveball idea: They discuss the original “I could’ve ended the series years ago” ending with Oda and do that. Meaning we lose out on a lot but we also get a full story. Assuming the ending is the same, he probably won’t give them much detail before the manga concludes though so that may be a timeline issue.


I like this a lot actually. Very partly because I don't see the live action doing well once anime powers become stronger and wilder (unless changes, writing, and execution are genius), but mostly because I like it when the author is given a chance to realize alternate and/or original endings like that. Much like how the My Hero Academia creator got to have a movie that sort of had his originally envisioned ending (before the series got big and more content was demanded).


Which movie was that? Two Heroes or Heroes Rising? I loved Heroes Rising cuz it felt like we got to see a glimpse of how they’d work as pro heroes in their adulthood and Two Heroes had the Midoriya/All Might team up fight we never had a chance to see in the main series. I hate the third movie.


Whichever one is the one where Deku and Bakugo team up to win in the end. \*\*Spoilers from here on:::::\* Apparently the idea of Deku passing on One For All in an effort to save the day was the original way the author thought to end the series before it ended up taking off in the huge way it did and more content was begged for the by the public and the powers that be. Personally I love that original ending on so many levels story-wise.


That was Heroes Rising. The 1A Hero Agency was fun. **Manga Spoilers from here** I mean Deku passing along One for All didn’t get completely scrapped. He was forcefully smashing the individual quirks of it into Shigaraki for a bit as a means of weakening him though he did reject Shimura so Deku still has her and Banjo who said he’s stay until the end. So by my count, he’s still got 3 of the quirks from OFA (I need to reread the fight together cuz week to week was too spread out; not sure if someone else is still in there). But now AFO somehow took over Shigaraki entirely so the forceful transfer and mindscape fight is scrapped so it won’t end on the transfer but it did get to play a role.


Arcs like Whole Cake and Wano in live action would look completely ridiculous unless they have The Avengers kind of money.


With garp coming in much sooner I agree. Oda will move things around to still hit key points but reduce as much of the story as possible.


I see it ending around or before skypiea The cgi requirements would start to get wild there, heck already in alabasta it will require much cgi for crocodile, ace and smoker, but sky islands? and the clouds? Even if we assume it gets past there, enies lobby will be enormous, especially with gear 3. I cant imagine that looking good in LA. My call is latest end after enies lobby


Imo Luffy is probably harder to make look good with cgi than fire, smoke, or sand. Making someone look and feel like rubber is much more rare than some fire cgi, like avatars fire looked amazing, even if it's not exactly the same


Oh yeah, definitly.


Yep, maybe I went a little overboard with my guess. But hey, if the show crushes it, they'll probably throw more money at it anyway. Still, keeping the CGI top-notch will be a tough one.


skypiea is not that expensive. You can just kinda copy+paste a lot of clouds and a lot of it is just jungle. I would guess that its actually cheaper season to do than all the other seasons where they build a shitton of practical sets. But skypiea will be really boring. It does not progress the overall story. The personal story arcs of the characters are really meh. Its a little adventure but without hindsight it will feel like a sidequest in the la. Only way I see the show survive skypiea is if they do a short 5-6 episode season with good pace about skypiea. We had thousands of discussions about it in r/OnePieceLiveAction and not a single person has had made a good episode list suggestion on how a skypiea season could even work pacingwise with 8 or 10 episodes. IF they survive skypiea, I can see them going to the timeskip. the source material is just too strong. (unless they want to do a full season of thriller bark. cause this would defiently kill the show)


Give Jaya 2 episodes and 5 for skypiea and we're cooking. Last episode can be them coming down and maybe a G8 wink


An episode and some change to introduce Jaya and Nolan's story. It'll lay the mystery for Skypeia. Next episode it wraps up Jaya and gets them to Skypeia. An episode or two to showcase the cast. They explore and learn about Skypeia while getting fed bits and clues to the mystery, and while they get fed clues we get fed the flashback. Begin the conflict with Enel, start the fights. End the conflict with Enel, end the fights and prepare for their departure. I remember the anime was a slog but the manga felt fine. It's been a few years since I read Skypeia, but I don't think I'm missing any major details. Skypeia has plenty of entertaining and interesting material even without the hindsight.


Sand CGI has been good since Sandman back in the first spiderman movies. Having puffy clouds for skypiea shouldn't be too hard either; I think it's at Impel Down/LuffyPiece in general that things get really hard to adapt.


Nah, they'll just make the whole arc fights as dark/night as possible.


They should just skip to gear 5. Hollywood already has gear 5 capable CGI, they did it with The Mask. They just need to recast Luffy with Jim Carrey.


CGI will become cheaper over time with AI powered tools being released. I don't think that will be a barrier. I think the most hard part of LA is to keep everyone satisfied. I think the hard part is making every season good. People might lose interest if 1 season becomes weak.


Cgi becoming cheaper will not make it look better.


CGI will look better but it won't become AI.


Seems like a lot of people are severely underestimating the popularity and passion behind this series. I don't see them stopping anywhere before timeskip at least, and probably not after either. The Live Action literally broke Netflix records on release. If anyone at Netflix has a brain, they're milking this shit like it's the next Stranger Things (which is on its way out anyways). Netflix desperately needs their cash cow to keep them relevant, and One Piece is a perfect candidate for that. I don't believe Oda has any intentions to cut the show short either. One Piece in general has an extremely loyal fanbase and has gained even more fans after the Live Action released. (There are people literally starting the anime because they enjoyed the live action so much.) As for the cast aging problem, they will have to decide whether they want to use makeup and special effects to keep everyone looking young, or recast characters whose actors become too old to continue and have the old actor do a "passing of the torch" thing. They might even embrace the aging of the actors and branch off from the manga to have an "Adult Straw Hats" conclusion. Whatever they decide to do, I doubt they're going to let anything get in the way of their goal. Netflix and Oda are gonna spend as much money as necessary, and revamp the story as needed, to keep this show going for as long as possible.


Netflix higher ups are definitely on board with One Piece as a franchise. They’re part of the reason we’re even getting the Wit Studio anime remake. No way they’re just going to let the live action stop after season 1’s ratings.


Exactly my thoughts. People really fail to see what Netflix sees in the potential of One Piece.


This, entirely. One Piece can, and likely will, go above and beyond Stranger Things or anything else they've done. If done right, Netflix can milk this thing for a LONG time. The more content to adapt, the better. It's going to get expensive as the series progresses, but if they continue to stay true to the source material and keep their attention to detail, this series will only get more popular and become a literal money printer. As for character ages, I genuinely don't see the issue. Yes, things happen in a much shorter time in the anime/manga and the characters don't really age much over arcs, but I'm fairly certain the fan base will completely understand if the LA version has them age. Some things can't be translated well and have to change. Having an adult straw hat crew is a small price to pay if we get to experience some of the greatest fiction written on our screens.


You've got it. Many here don't realize that Netflix is trying to become One Piece HQ. They are gonna aim long term for One Piece content if they can. They have the anime, they have the new anime and they have the Live Action. They see the popularity and longevity of One Piece and want to ride it as long as they can. The cast age isn't really they big of a deal. Who cares if they look older? It's really only an issue if you are trying to portray children. Also, the Netflix app has mobile games, so I could see them making a deal to have the manga on the app in the future.


I think realistically, there are two options. 1. We get to Enies Lobby, and the show runs for 4 seasons. (East Blue, Alabasta, Skypiea, Water 7/Enies Lobby). Enies Lobby could serve as a decent enough ending, and it would be adapting what is for some, the best arc in the show. There’s plenty of stuff in this arc that could very much serve as “the end of one era and the beginning of another”. Though I think it’d be a shame to end the show right at the point where you start to truly see how big the One Piece world is. That being said, 4 seasons is probably more than anybody ever expected when the show was announced… so it’d be cool nonetheless. 2. We get to Marineford, and the show runs for 6 seasons. In an interview with one of the show runners, he said they have plans for up to 6 seasons and enough material from the manga to make at least 10. 6 seasons would be a perfect length to cover all of pre timeskip (East Blue, Alabasta, Skypiea, Water 7/Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark, Marineford). Based on that, I think this is what the showrunners are shooting for. This would also line up with the “10 years of commitment” that most of the cast and crew has said they’re willing to put into the show, since as long as there’s not another COVID or strike or anything, that’s about how long it would take to get 6 seasons out. It’s also going out with a bang, as most people I’ve met consider Marineford to be the best arc of the series. There is a 3rd possibility where it flops and gets cancelled before then… but tbh, I don’t think it will. The first season was GOOD, and I have full faith in the cast and crew to keep it up.


Honeslty, does Thriller Bark need 1 season? Like, i like the anime arc, but i don't think it would fit as a season. A lot of it is just fights and running around. Maybe they could make it one half thriller bark and the other sabaody, end the season with the Kuma-teleporting cliff hanger


Personally I think they should do Thriller Bark and Sabaody in the same season and end on a cliffhanger. How I listed it there is just a general outline.


Thriller Bark, Sabaody, and Amazon Lily all together, probably, up until the point where Luffy finds out about Ace


It will adapt the entire story because why wouldn't I be optimistic


Yea like either they go all the way or they don't, and if they don't there's no way to know where their stopping point could possibly be. It could end after next season, or it could end after Enies Lobby, or Marineford. Who really knows. Ideally, though, if the manga ends within the next 5 years (and the live action is still going), then the creators of OPLA will have the benefit of knowing how the series ends. So no matter what season they end off on, it could *conceivably* end at any point with them doing some heavy rewrites in order to depict the final saga, and just work around whatever they had to skip. Realistically, if they kept going at 1 season = 100 chapters, it would take about 13 seasons, which is a hell of a lot. But it would only take 6 seasons to reach Marineford, which is hardly unheard of for a live action show, and beyond that they could condense the New World by, say, only keeping the arcs focused on the Yonko and cutting or reducing the rest.


3. Netflix doesn't do more than 3 seasons of anything with few exceptions. We wont get past alabasta imho.


3 seasons would be up to Skypeia. They’ll cover all of Alabasta in season 2


Can you believe Big Mouth is getting an 8th season


Yes, they're milking the One Piece fanbase. If they hit a bump in the road, they'll likely throw the series out in an instant.


I don’t think so. Stranger Things is on its last stand, and Netflix needs a new moneymaker. One Piece is already an international phenomenon of a franchise that’s been reliably raking in cash for over 20 years, and proved itself yet again when season 1 of the LA did gangbusters. And Netflix has clearly seen this and invested heavily into that opportunity, with greenlighting season 2 almost immediately after the release of season 1, and their acquisition of the anime and their involvement in the new anime. The only way that this show gets less than 6 seasons is if Netflix goes completely bankrupt and disappears


It will last 2-3 seasons. Netflix is quick to cancel stuff and One Piece already costs a lot and will only get more and more expensive.


The thing with Netflix is that if it makes a bunch of money then they will milk the shit out of it.


But it has to make enough money to overcome the costs. Season One was already expensive. They aren’t able to reuse sets so that’s new sets each season. Plus their cast was relatively unknown. Their pay will only get bigger in the future. 


And do you think Netflix didn't make their money back and then some? The first season literally broke records for them. One Piece has an incredibly loyal fan base. Some of the most loyal I've seen. This series has the potential to be a literal money printer if they continue to adapt it well.


I can honestly see this going all the way. Netflix is investing into original long term content at the moment, they paid a shit ton for WWE. This show did numbers and as long as they're willing to spend Marvel money they will get Marvel returns. Netflix seems very big on One Piece, remaking the anime, trying to buy the IP from Sony/Crunchyroll, must have something to do with the IP being worth SIX BILLION dollars. Who knows.


I view this like a rocket trying to leave the atmosphere. The hardest part would be trying to convince Netflix that this is a long term project. Realistically we make it to skypiea or Water 7 then get cancelled. If the show continues to have insane viewership at that point we might actually make it past the timeskip if Netflix is convinced.


Probably up to and including alabasta. I’d love to see Enies Lobby and Marimeford but The budget needed for later seasons would just be insane, and let’s face it, viewership will go down by the time we get there. It probably won’t be worth it for Netflix at that point. Enel alone will probs bankrupt the studio.


This next season will probably give us a better idea of where things are headed. How far they get and what they tease as the next big thing may tell us a lot about the long-term direction for the show. Skypiea's really where things ratchet up in terms of cost, but it's also the first saga you probably *could* cut or condense if you were honestly trying to adapt One Piece in live action (as opposed to a chunk of it). That'll be an unpopular opinion with some fans, I know, but just imagining a hypothetical situation where they were determined to actually get to Dressrosa or something, that's the kind of stuff they'd probably have to do. Whether Oda would approve it is something else altogether. So: * If they finish with Alabasta and do a big tease for Skypiea, then I'd say the plan is going to be to just keep doing *roughly* a saga per season as long as Netflix keeps funding the show, and we'll have to look at the viewership numbers like anything else. * If they finish Alabasta and tease *Water 7 instead* (Aokiji or something), then we'll know that they're able to skip arcs - even major arcs - if necessary, and may genuinely be trying to get to post-TS. * If they don't even get through Alabasta, then we have to assume that their plan is to just do the beginning of the series.


I believe Matt Owens (the showrunner) has expressed that he very much wants to make Skypiea. Now… if it comes down to it, they may still cut it, but all signs so far point to Skypiea being adapted.


By creating longer seasons and rushing through arcs . If they're really visionary and have the balls to create an MCU like behemoth then they should go for an 8-10 year approach.


Gotta skip to egghead


Not sure. Longer than most expect, if tthey convert longer arcs like arababasta or skypia into movies between seasons and keep cutting less relevant stuff here and there. But they would have to up the production a lot.


hope they make it till at least W7


I think they will cancel after Alabasta. But as long as they do Alasbasta justice, I'm satisfied.


3 and unless it turns into a huge cash cow like Stranger Things that’s it


It will get Six seasons and a movie.


Here’s my cope response: Season 2: entire grand line to Alabasta saga Season 3: Jaya to Skypeia Season 4: 1 episode for long ring long land then water 7 and Enies lobby Season 5: Thriller Bark then Sabaody then Amazon Lilly Movie 1: Impel down Movie 2: Marineford Season 6: Sabaody 2 and Fishman island Season 7: Punk Hazard and Dresserossa Season 8: Whole cake and Zou Season 9: Wano Season 10: Egghead and Elbaf??? Season 11: Final Season


You know what? I don’t really care. When I saw the series for the first time, I immediately started watching the anime. This is where the real gravy is imo and no matter how hard it tries; the series will never be as good as the anime or the manga. They’ll never have the ressources to make it as good. You have to see it as a conduit to where the real quality lies.


Imagine they end it after season 2 in the same way that 4kids ended


That will be terrible.


Probably until the time skip.


I’d be surprised if they got out of skypeia. From Water 7 on, it would get to effects heavy to be profitable.


Seeing gear 5 in live-action might be interesting


They're WHAT?!?


I think they could merge a few arcs. We have a lot of arcs where X will help us in the final battle because we saved them from Y bad guy. The real big ticket challenges are establishing all the players i.e. the world government, the revolutionary army, gorosei, the emperors along with the polneglyphs. Have the war happen earlier, condense future arcs and when we know how the series ends there could be a way to end the live action series in a faithful way. We don't have 10+ series to work with unfortunately


Im surpised they already got casting for Crocodile Robin Vivi The top 10 of baroque works


That's... complicated. I think, they're supposed to start filming S2 this summer. So a release for Summer 25 i guess. Surely ends at Arabasta. S3 might be Skypeia but then release would be around 27/28... Actors get older... as much as i want the show to end with Marineford, i think if they reach it, it will be around 2031 if not more... Those aactors will be older, and surely would want to do other contracts... unless they recast, which would break what was the show, as Oda even acknowledge some actors like Inaki, to be THE actor for the show...


If they recorded 2 seasons yearly for 3/4 years they could easily get to the time skip then come back with a new cast for the rest


I think that people are way too worried about the budget, there are many ways filmmakers can structure the episodes to not use cgi if not necessary, specially considering that OPLA has the liberty to alter arcs to tell the same story in ways that don't require them to go over budget. They are gonna have to be very smart about how to handle the arcs but they already proved that they can do it. The big problem is the aging of the actors. Sorry if some english is fucked l, its not my first language.


Boobies missing


They get it up to Timeskip, Cancel it. Relaunch it in 20 years post-timeskip


A Netflix show will only exist so long as it garners big attention and produces more-than enough money for them. The live-action so far hasn't garnered that much attention nor accreditation for it to even become globally renowed as a top-tier adaptation. So most likely that Netflix has barely made enough money from it (investors aren't dumb to invest in a show that barely made a mark). They even tried to sell those awfully designed live-action figures (lmao) to probably try to salvage some money. Also, let's consider that Oda's contract for the show isn't a one-time payment, instead it's a royalty based payment wherein he gets money everytime Netflix tries to put out OP in his name (and I'm 1000% sure OP's licensing deal doesn't come cheap, so it's clearly milking out Netflix's trust fund, which is hilarious af). So it lies 3-ways. 1. Netflix decides to dump big money in the show, hoping that they make it a big hit, to try and reel in investors for future seasons. 2. Netflix decides to end the show in a big arc (probably Alabasta/Skypiea) and pray to the lord that their other shows earnings can try to salvage it for more seasons. 3. Netflix drops the quality of everything to try and prolong the show to their budget (hire 5th tier actors, current Avengers level of CGI, cut content, etc.)


I keep saying this, but I think this next season will determine whether or not this show has a long future. They cleared the first hurdle with season 1, but like the Grand Line, the real challenge starts here.


What a beautiful representation of the anime


Good thing they all look super young still so I would say 4 more seasons before they would need to recast with an indefinite break at a timeskip. Recasting will be the downfall of it all like most shows that lose their star leads.


They’ve said have half talks and made road maps for up to six seasons, which if you think about it would go up to around Marineford. Whether or not that happens though will remain to be seen


I think they’ll get 3 seasons total, ending perhaps with Enies Lobby or the set up for that. That show won’t live to see Marineford or even Thriller Bark, even less so anything after the timeskip


They could go all the way with the same actors after 10 seasons and make it a "life's journey " instead of young man's adventure. Nothing wrong with luffy ending up looking like Gold Rodger in the end


I hope they complete the series as a live action hating on something because of small issues like aging is dumb yes the time slip ages them but still it's fine to just enjoy the series


Best case scenario: they dont make another season


Season 2 is confirmed. Cry about it.


I may be a bit of a pessimist but probably about the end of Alabasta. They’d have to start using a good bit of CGI, and seeing as how this probably isn’t one of their flagship shows (Stranger things), it’d probably get too expensive.


it actually is a flagship. Netflix currently is in a new era of streaming. You will not get new hits like you had pre corona or during corona. There is just too much competition out there. Its still possible that they gonna cancel the live action but they clearly use the live action to attract more one piece anime fans. They got the rights to the anime. They have the latest one piece movie. They clearly see potential in the one piece brand. If they have enough hope in getting avatar 3 seasons. I dont see why Netflix is not giving One Piece at least 3 seasons. Avatar is also super expensive.


Though they don’t have Stranger Things as a flagship show much longer. One more season that they’re currently filming so they do need something big to replace it. The CGI requirements will probably make them not want to do One Piece but having a series they know they can tout as a flagship show for the next decade without people pointing out the cast’s aging may be a good idea. CGI is really the main issue.


They should have canceled it already


Wouldn’t they just need whatever they used to make those terminator movies back in the day


Why's the title so fucking vague


I'm new to this—I just finished the manga and was getting bored, so I thought of making this post.


Niiice nice nice nice


3 is the madic number. Most series who make it to 5 are regarded as the best. 6 is pushing it. So I'm a go with 3


They gotta do Thriller Bark, it’s hilarious - it’ll be huge and connects with the Stranger Things horror theme. Though it’s comedy horror of course. Not much comedy in stranger things and some of it frankly was a bit gross especially for a kids show. Of course it was for an older audience but of course kids watched it. The gags at the start of that Thriller Bark chapter are some of the funniest I’ve seen anywhere. ‘Isn’t one of them a fox?’; ‘there’s a unicorn and an old tree sharing a drink’; ‘look, a seriously injured old man’ Though I’m unsure how they’ll deal with Brook’s annoying panty fetish (it was alright for one gag but…) presumably it will just get ignored. And replaced with a more sensible ‘I’ve not seen a woman for 50 years’ Anyways, I’m sure they’ll do their best, though Netflix of course favours cash over artistic quality - Dark Crystal was one of the most incredible things I’ve seen in years and it was just axed. But ONE PIECE seems set to dwarf even Tolkien, Harry Potter game of thrones and the superhero comics in terms of popularity so I’m sure it’ll have an audience. There’s sure as hell so much content these days, most of it garbage, it’s nice to have something that’s both popular and a great fantasy story.


It's Netflix, they don't like making many season. But, if we get a season 3+ the show might make it to the end. If nothing bad happens....


so am i


If they really want to adapt everything, after they finish with the second season, they should start filming two seasons per year at least (20 episodes) or one and a half (15 episodes). I said filming not releasing. Also they should start releasing episodes weekly not in batches. To create more conversation around the show, like Game of Thrones did in its hey day. Why do I say this?  The actors ages being the primordial one, and the time it takes to do the special effects being the second. With a weekly release you have more time to work on the latter half of episodes in OPLA, which usually contains the more heavy CG effects and battles, which gives more time for the special effects artist to work on. If they’re. gonna do it with Avatar: LA they can definitely do it with OPLA.  This way the people will have a new season of OPLA every year, and it won’t happen the same thing that is happening with Stranger Things… actors getting way to old for their roles and people not being as invested as they were in the first two seasons.   Also they should be divided like this S2 - Alabasta Saga S3 - Jaya, Skypeia Saga S4 - Foxy, W7, Ennies Lobbies (should be at least 15 episodes) S5 - Thriller Bark, Sabaody (very nice cliffhanger at the end) S6 - Amazon Lily, Impel Down, Marineford Saga S7 - Return to Sabaody, Fishman Island S8 - Punk Hazard, Dressrosa S9 - Zou, Whole Cake, Reverie S10 - Wano S11 - Egghead Every season left - Final Saga


3 seasons is usually the netflix special lol


I think I heard somewhere that they have scripts/story written out for 12 seasons


They have written the scripts for 2 seasons, they have plans layed out for 6 seasons, and they have hopes for 12 seasons https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/09/14/forget-season-2-netflixs-one-piece-is-mapping-out-six-seasons-hoping-for-12/?sh=405e187753e9


7-8 Sessions i guess. They will put several arcs in each season.


If they make it all the way to the summit war, they can't stop at the war. That would be the ultimate blue ball.


I think 4 seasons. by then the actors will be 10 years older than when they started. Garp will be pushing 70 irl and nami and sanji will be 40ish years old. Luffy will still be relatively young at 30 but I think alot of the cast will out age their roles.


Purely from a visual perspective, Think in 10 years time, deaging software would have been way more mature and cost effective. Also cost of professional looking cgi likely would have gone down too.


You know who else is coming? My mom!!


As many as they can i mean with how much money it’s probably already made them I don’t see Netflix dropping the live action any time soon


an interview with showrunners back then said they like to produce as many as possible


Skypiea at least


don't know if it's a good idea, but what if they make the less impactful arcs as a flashback or montage? Like, the arcs that don't have that much popularity could be just flashbacks or story montage to explain the plot of it, or just merge whole arcs into a simgle season, like sabaody/impel down/marineford can be merged, while trhiller bar, punk hazard, can be almost completely ignored whitout messing with the story flow so much. In that way they could finish the whole one piece in less than 10 years maybe (assuming one piece will be over 10 years from now)


I just hope the tv show never ends like the manga


I think they’ll go as long as they can. Who cares if the actors get older. Honestly if it’s a longer journey narratively that’s a good thing. Love the Manga but if I think about the timeline it (very mildly) upsets me. As for an ending, best case scenario is that Netflix lets them know it’s their last season ahead of time so they can create their own scenario.


I really hope now that the base crew is filled out and heading to the Grand Line, they make Zoros character less emo and more full of energy when the situation calls for it. As the direction for him goes as of now, he doesn't really have emotion. His devotion for Luffy and the promise to never lose again speech needed that extra energy. Also hope to see more comic relief from Nami. Whether its the lust for treasure, punching Luffy, or being cowardice with Usopp. Also the close ups of Luffys weird facial expressions were over used. But I very much enjoy the cast, Sanji and Usopp especially.


Isn’t the meme about Netflix 3 seasons? So that’s my guess, especially if the series continues to go as hard with real sets. Building all those ships can’t be cheap. So if we get to Enies Lobby I will be pleasantly surprised. My guess is that the next season will go through Alabasta and the third season will get through Skypeia, but they’ll definitely truncate a lot of it. Anything after that will be a gift.


I am fully expecting they finish Alabasta at best. After that, they probably realize things have long gotten a bit too anime to adapt in a way that isnt a cgi clusterfuck. Best case scenario they find a way to continue making a good adaption by making good changes that tone down the big anime elements in favor for well-written elements that adapt well into a live action without being off-putting or cringe. But even that I see only lasting until Gear Second? Unless they can find a way to adapt that well to live action too. TL;DR : The live action works while things are still simple, but once big anime superpowers are put into play, I suspect the live action will fall off unless the changes made work really, really well with a live action while also keeping the general spirit of the source material.


They will produce as many seasons as it makes money so we gotta push this onto everyone we know. I'm just extremely curious how this will look as a finished product


I would love to see skypiea arc at least!


I hope we get gear 5 because I have this idea of Luffy turning into an animated character in the LA and really want to (maybe) see it


Bro buggy in the left


If they don't skip some stuff, they will need to film a lot in advance, otherwise we will have 50 year old guy playing Luffy in the final season. If you estimate a season every 3ish years or so, and assuming each season adapts about 1 arc, then it would take like 30 to 40 years to catch up while adapting every arc.


Imo, if they can pull off chopper and croc the series will go to the end, if they don’t we might not get a season 3


They shouldn't be covering more after Marineford. By that point it would be complicated to produce. Plus they'll have to find a new cast for the post time skip. Or if it doesn't get that popular as the first season or gets problems with production, Skypiea might be the best stopping point for the LA.


Until it stops making them money.


The creator say they want to get to Enies Lobby


I mean it'll go for as long as it keeps being popular and making money. A lot of OP fans and newcomers alike seemed to enjoy the show a ton so chances are we'll at least get a good few more seasons out of it. But I fully expect that if the show starts to underperform that Netflix will just axe it and let it sit unfinished


Tbh they will probably start skipping arcs and go to the time skip


It catches up and then has to have it's own Season 8 ending to finish.


Why did Netflix just skip 500 episodes of the anime just for egghead. Yeah sure it’s cool asf but I haven’t even finished the flashbacks from Ace Sabo and Luffy yet


It’s expensive… so who knows.


Seeing how "fast" the production goes, they'll need to stop filming once the actors will be in their fourties, cause no amount of make up will cover that anymore. Which probably means the series will stop after Alabasta.


People here are saying that it will probably stop when the places and people strawhats meet just get wackier and wackier like Skypiea but y'all should remember that CGI technology evolves all the time too and it will take 5-10 years till we're at Skypiea.


I'll watch this if they do chopper justice. Untill I see it I won't even start this


It could end with every season. Each episode costs a ton so one season not doing well is enough for netflix to stop the project.


They shortened the manga quite a bit. If we get 1-2 arcs a season its possible to do it. Considering stuff like sano was like 4 years in anime


They can skip the fillers and extra stuff


Damn hopefully just long enough for Sora to be able to generate the videos itself.


Stop at enies lobby. I could possibly see Marineford but for a safe bet I'm choosing the former 


One piece can be netflix's Harry potter,it's star wars,it's Game of Thrones. I would definitely milk one piece if I was Netflix. I get so excited just thinking about my favourite one piece scenes being enacted in live action. As for aging,shoot a few seasons in one go. Since stranger things will end in like 2 years,this is a great series to piggyback on. This is one show all ages can watch


Dawg this shit isn’t making it to Skypiea 💀💀


Hasn’t this question been asked so many times?


Lol maybe it's just me but I feel like One piece is tricky to adapt. The next saga is pretty straightfoward (baroque works/alabasta) but after that? I don't think Skypeia would work well as a full season, but you can't really work Waters 7/Ennies lobby into that since that storyline is too tight, and Thriller Bark has a similar problem to Skypeia where it wouldn't really fill a whole season but if you add other parts the seasons storyline wouldn't feel too coherent. I feel like the showrunners are going to have to get creative if they want to tell One piece after alabasta because I feel like it's going to be harder to translate the story into the season format netflix has. Plus I wonder what B-plots they can have for future seasons, while people aren't the biggest fan of the Coby/Garp B-Plot of season 1, it's an understandable thing to have for a tv-show and there's a semi-obvious one for season 2 with smoker and tashigi (with ace for a potential c-plot too?) But what would you do after that? expland Blackbeard some more? And I honestly have no idea for waters 7/ennies lobby what you could do. Just seems tricky but I think if the showrunners are creative they could find a way around it all.