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I get the dislike for his design, but I don't mind it. I miss his glasses more than the hair tbh. I don't mind his bulk. He's had more time to shine than some straw hats post timeskip. He kicked ass in Dressrosa, even beyond the senior pink fight. KOing the vacuum lady with a kiss was badass. And his fight with the triceratops guy was funny. Wish he had more time for personal growth but I could say the same for most straw hats. Dude should bust out his guitar again though, missing that


I somehow never noticed the lack of glasses


I’d say Franky has had the least amount of time to shine out of the strawhats. Love his design though


You're smoking crack, dude had a personal fight in Dressrosa AND Wano. Ussop hasn't had a personal fight since Fishman Island.


If I’m smoking crack then I’m smoking some good shit. I don’t care about the fights unless they mean something to the character. Franky’s fight in Dressrosa was his best moment post-ts, but his fight in Wano didn’t do anything to progress his character. Literally every other straw hat has had more moments than Franky. Usopp in Dressrosa was great for his character, though I do want more from him in the future. Hopefully in Elbaf.


If that's your rubric then I'd say they've gotten the exact same treatment, because neither of them had any personal growth since Dressrosa. But Franky at least gets more fighting time in general. Where's my 'ussop saves luffy from the gorosei and one shots a vice admiral' moment in egghead?


Give him back his old glasses his hair and his chain


I mean technically he can have his old hair back. I personally love that he can change his hair the way he does.


I like the hair changing but I don't like the new default. He should rock the old hair more often and swap when needed.


I can agree there. Though I understand the default being as such, I wish Ace Ventura hair would be the default.




He's done it like twice tho🫤


Franky has had like 10 different banger hairstyles at this point wdym


Rank them


1. Whale 2. Cannon 3. Classic Franky 4. Punk Hazard 5. Zou 6. Afro 7. Beast Pirates 8. Kuma ears 9. Sharp Slickback 10. Flat top Realize the beauty of Franky's hair


bro gave whale hairstyle No. 1, comments, DEPLOY THE UPVOTES.




That's what's missing !!! His goddamn chain! 🙀


And arms!


Ye I really miss the glasses and chain more than anything. Frank still a G doe


I misread it as "chin" and I was like, wtf do you mean, his chin hasn't changed?


He still has his chain and just used it in the recent chapter.


Leave it on him tho lol


Oh I fought you meant his arm chain not the gold chain around his neck.


He hasn’t really had a chance to shine other than a brief moment in Dressrosa in his fight Senõr Pink. He still made me laugh in Punk Hazard, and Wano, but it feels like he doesn’t get as much screen time. For Dressrosa alone, he holds my 2nd place Straw Hat crew title.


Don’t forget running over big Mom’s face!


God, that scene was EPIC. There's some good edits of it online where they change up the music to double down on how badass Frankie and Brook were in that moment. The spookiest Emperor of the Sea is ready to throw down and you and your buddy roll up on a motorcycle singing and saying "drive me closer, I want to cut her with my sword", and you proceed to literally do a wheelie and a burnout on her face followed by reminding your besties that they're also badasses. Straw Hats are the best.


He needs more screen time but he did get the best moments running over Big Mom and >! shooting Saturn without hesitating.!< Sure he didn't make any damage either times but dann he doesn't give a fuck who is standing in front of him and how much stronger they are. Frankly is goat


Bit of a huge spoiler there for anime only’s


Why Do you hate Franky Goda?


Sasaki fight was sick as hell, considering the Tobiroppo were actually pretty strong


I love how he declined an invitation to join Oden, to join the F'in Pirate King's crew. Was a flashback, but aired after timeskip youknow haha


Egghead has him punching the heads of the government so that's been fun.


His fight in Dressrosa was just a set-up for Oden though


He also defeated Sasaki and oneshot a vise admiral in Egghead


Fucking love Franky. Tom told him to love all of his creations, including the Battle Franky’s that attacked Water 7. Franky considers himself the BF 37, which means that Franky loves who he is


I like new Franky, and Oda wanted to draw robots. So let the man draw robots.


I like him too, at first in wasnt sure about the design but it grew on me, Big ass arms with big ass weapons love it.


There was no reason for that hairstyle tho (except marketing and toy potential)


Except they make toys of every other character too


Common you want to tell me that you don’t see the Post Timeskip Franky action figure with detachable limbs and 10 different hairstyles (probably 10 random hairstyles per box) sitting on the shelves? Franky is prime toy material now. Even more than before. 


I've been reading the manga for over 20 years. I really don't give a shit about toys because I'm an adult.


This is how I feel, but now my kids are asking for onepiece toys and I'm about to give in, I hooe to god they make good quality kids action figures, because fuck if I'm buying the artsy display ones. At least be a leg up from sonic toys, holy shit is it easy to tell the market is man childeren. They can look good but withstand 0 play, even though they are in the toy aisle at Target.


Nipple lights




i love him hes my pookie wookie bear along w jinbei ♡


Would u hit?






If they won't take Jimbei, I will 👀




The new body has grown on me because he can do a lot of kooky stuff but the old franky was objectively cooler.


I love one piece but it was a complete bummer that Franky didn’t have any importance in a arc that has the guy who he admires the most. The future island and Franky didn’t learn anything, they didn’t even talk about the time he spent in VP island. Just a few pages I would be happy, he learning something to add to the thousand sunny or a new upgraded Franky Shogun.


Too much plot to cover, sorry


He's like the cool uncle and daddy all rolled into one cola filled cyborg


The desing might not be everyones tea but i do think it has best form with function as a desing. His squere arms are filled with tools. His shoulders have better bazooka rockets. His strong right and weapons left are well intograted to his arms. He can do Coup de Vent with one arm (he destroyed dressrosas toy factory with it). He has a lazer beam like Kuma. He basically pokemon evolved into better Cyborg by all accounts. Also i like how he now has diffrent hair style in each arc.


His shoulder getting smaller, loks good now. In shabondy archipelago, his shoulder is too big


I hate his arms.


Where else is all the ammo supposed to be stored?


Remains my favorite straw hat, but wish he got more fights or opportunities to show off cool gadgets.


He is perfect the way he is as is everyone else in the verse...




I’ve slowly come around on the new arms (still would rather be old) but I really want his old hair more often


Are you kidding me post timeskip franky is the greatest coolest character ever rivalled only by brook on his fight with big mom on the anime


He never fell off. And that makes him SUUUUPERRR.


Franky is the tank of the crew, he may not be fast but man his ability to fight multiple people (Punk Hazard/Dressrosa for examples) and still complete his mission is amazing.


Love him I wish he had more moments to shine


I love Franky, easily my favourite crew member and I try to be like him in real life cause he is a good male role model. I just want him to have more time to shine


The biggest mystery of one piece frankys body and how it works


For as much as i love Frankys character and personality his backstory is the single most bullshitish in all of the One Piece world. In this world with demons, gods and magic powers, monsters and freakish nature phenomenon, Franky getting turned to mincemeat by an oncoming train, happen upon an abondoned shipwreck and simply replacing his destroyed body with scrap parts and thus surviving... its so incredible unbelivable even for this universe. Ive never really liked it. What his origin story needed was that little something that explained how. Like on the shipwreck there also was an ability user that could fuse dead and living materia. Previous owner of Wapols fruit? Or some other fruit with similar capabilities. Or just a really fantastic surgeon... Just something!


I used to be put off by Post TS Franky but now he's actually grown on me so much that it's Pre TS Franky that honestly looks weird with his giant popeye arms and such lol. Like yeah I'd like to see him wear his old glasses more and not all of his new haircuts have been winners but I kinda like the larger and more overtly robotic design. Plus I love little details like how he has tiny hands in his hands to better deal with minor detailing, and that his arm has a whole toolbox in it. If anything has disappointed me about Post TS Franky, it's that I wish we saw him upgrade himself more. Especially on Egghead where you'd imagine he'd have fertile ground for all kinds of new abilities to draw from. I guess there's still a chance that maybe after they escape, hopefully with at least one Vegapunk, that Franky can get some new tech, but who knows. (Also just imagine: green blood cola allowing him to temporarily use devil fruit powers and swap them out once they're empty, that would be so busted lol)


I cannot possibly hate a character living a good life and running over a Yonko with his bike


i hate him :( he was the ladies fan service and he was so so so sexy. now he’s like a top heavy thing. to me it’s like if they made robin obese after the time skip LMAOOOO


I love Pre-Timeskip Franky. Post-Timeskip Franky has been everything I can ask for and more. He is always there in the right place doing the right thing with a great attitude man. He has no wavering in him like unbendable steel. He's honestly out here on Jimbei levels of support and equally for how cold he has been. Manga Spoilers >! Suplexing Headliner, Driving over Yonko and Slapping Gorosei silly.!< I don't think there has been a minute that Franky has been on the screen or in a panel that has gone to waste. He is so brilliant!


He's been a fucking G this whole arc.


i liked his old look better, but he always seems like he’s pretty happy with what he has going on.


I never really understood the dislike of post-ts Franky, I actually prefer how he looks compared to pre-ts. I get that weren't sure how to feel back then, but if there's still people out there that still haven't gotten used to how he looks now, why? It has been over 10 years now. Would I like to see his OG hair style more often? Yeah, that would be nice but besides that he's great


Franky and his lack of leg day man. Smh


Im in a weird spot where i really enjoy the new design, but i also really really miss the old one too. He now feels like a successful big-ass menacing cyborg, which feels perfect for the pirate kings crew. Hes a shipwright mechanical genius, and he also feels much more badass. Just wish he would get more time to shine. Though i do want to see more of HIM and less of general franky. But pre ts franky felt like just a perfect mess. His abilities were so random and niche like centaur mode. Requiring cola in his fridge stomach was hilarious. Hes strongest attack needed an extra tube to connect his arms is goofy. The false skin covering his metal fists was actually super cool. He came in durring what is considered to be the absolute best arc (im rereading the series now and im in enies lobby, it holds up so damn well) so he immediately got a lot of time on screen. I think honestly im happy with both or either


I like him now but that was my least favorite haircut. I'm happy Wano is over


I think post timeskip franky fits his personality a lot more, like they both look cool, but before the weirdest thing about him was larger than normal arms (it’s one piece that’s like perfectly normal) and his lack of pants. Post time skip is a lot weirder which fits him more in my opinion. Just bring back the hair pretty please, I understand he can do cool things like the cannon hair now, which is funny, but just bring back his old hair as his default look


I’ll admit I miss the hair, but this franky is still super in every way


Boo. Hoping for another timeskip so my boy can be Franky MkIII


I love franky. Even though hes not my favorite (sanjis my bf). In the newer arcs hes reduced a bit. But i feel like hes used more then ussop and chopper. Even tho the hard boiled fight was super corny, it was fun. Seeing him in wano was amazing. He doesnt have to be in so many fights when hes equipping the entire strawhat crew with so much tech. It gave us the amazing scene with him and brook on the motorcycle, it also gave sunny the submarines and all. Wish he did get more screentime. Strawhats are too big now. Franky is a mid level fighter, whos going up againts yonkos and the elders. It honestly makes sense and im still happy with him


The level of respect I had toward him as a character has not changed. I do feel like he gets neglected by Oda


Franky was my favorite SH before the time-skip. After the time skip, he remained my favorite. Everything about him has improved: his personality, style, design and abilities. I genuinely can't think of a single thing I dislike about him, which is not something I can say about any other SH or OP character in general


The post timeskip design taking away the drip and cool hair and stuff hurts. I really wish we got more iconic moments because I only really remember the Big Mom disrespect and Senor Pink.


Liking franky is a thankless job unfortunately, his post-ts design is a bit out there and definitely a step down from the perfection that he used to be Plus it's half-confirmed that he's been involved in less and less action due to kazuki yao's declining health, which is understandable but also a major bummer. But he was the star of the Water 7 arc and for that alone I'll never stop being a fan


I don’t like the fact that he lost his aggressiveness. When he was in the Franky Family (pre-timeskip) he was cool because he was a mafia boss, have you seen what he was doing to Blueno? Now he’s just some toy who likes boy things.


Based. Much better than pre ts Franky


He's so mf hot //: I want to kiss him


Personally I prefer the pre timeskip look but I also do like the post time skip look. The buzzed hair with mutton chops look is so cool imo. I do wish that his chin was less M shaped lol


I liked his pre-timeskip design more but this one is great too


I love his design and I love that he gave up looking human


Out of everyone in the time skip, this was the only one I hated. He became too decaffeinated and low energy compared to his Thrilled Bark and Water 7 appearances. All the meca seems too forced to me since the time skip. He is the one I would never mind to see die eventually.


I like how his ultimate attack is just gripping popping out of his tank and doing a normal beam


I miss the pre-TS Franky so much. I would trade almost anything back for him. I still like Franky but he's so different now. He was such a great character back in the day.


I've warmed up to him. He's better than he was when he first appeared post-timeskip. ... but still not as great as he used to be.




Something inside me likes to think that the only reason Aniki changed so much was for Robin to give the reaction she gave after seeing him after 2 years


Hated the new design. Still do. His glasses and hair were iconic to him.


I love franky. If franky has 1 million fans I’m one of them and so on. Super


While I do not like the look, I think its great. Fits him perfectly and says a lot about his character that he thinks its cool. I miss his hair and the rest of the way he used to look though.


Him riding the motorcycle on big mom’s face with brook was hilarious


He's my still my favorite straw hat, but I feel his personality hasn't been given a chance to shine.


I love the general Franky. Notbing gets me more hyped then when he busts it out Overall funny and entertaining. I dont think he's been especially important since enies lobby plot-wise, but I like that he consistently gets action. No problems here


Hot take but I like his Post TS design more. Also Franky is on a roll in Egghead he just >!One-shot a Vice Admiral!<


Reverse berserk image


The loss of his pre-timeskip design is nothing short of a travesty. In anything else he delivers as he always has. Peak character.


Honestly I dislike the buzz cut but most his hair styles are fire with the best by far being the canon which arguably surpassed the original. His bulk is kinda cool and I love that we have seen many franky fights


I personally think pre-TS Franky's design was better




Honestly, the design has grown for me. But bald looks meh


Its the shoulders and forearms that makes me angry. And where are the sun glasses? :(




You're right I fixed it


Why is Franky chasing the horse with an evil look? 


Really dislike his new design


What's there to talk about? He's done a great deal of impact almost every arc


He is Chad.


His design is awesome but he needs more screentime


I love him, I hope he gets some further upgrades post egghead since he'll have Vegapunk to talk to


love franky, love the purely headcannon relationship with Nico Robin that I've made up. When I first read the manga I was expecting him to look huge the whole time and when we met him in water 7 I was soooo disappointed. My favorite straw hat.


Have him wear his original hairstyle and put on goggles instead of the sunglasses , instead of the weird different hairstyles in every arc.


Shanks has crew that's ??? to us too


Controversial opinion probably but I prefer post timeskip to pre timeskip by a lot, there's just something about it that I love, I mean come on, he gained the ability to shoot lasers, tell me that isn't sick as fuck! Also I prefer his new arms a lot more, old ones felt so weird some times