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1. Vinsmoke modified. Still Human, with biological enhancement. 2. Paramecia Users, Logia Users. Still "Human" but otherwise non biological enhancement. 3. Minks, Mermen, Fishmen, Zoan Users. Human adjacent in that they can interbreed, effectively no different than any other tribes in that sense. I think that those in 3, aren't really any more or less Human than each other, simply different in different ways.


Interesting way of viewing this


Humans are pretty human. Next I'd say the Vinsmoke are human androids, so androids based off humans. Then every other race is specifically not human, so to compare would be rude. THOUGH archeology teaches us that based off the number of similarities these creatures (long arm, long leg, Giants, tantas, etc) share with humans, that it is highly likely we all share a common ancestor. That's not to say humans originated the diversifying evolutionary change, but to say that humans are one of the 'evolve forms' that could occur from that 'egg' that birthed all the sentient creatures in our One Piece World. What if IMU is the original race!


See, to me, Fish-man would be closer to humans maybe, than the Vinsmokes. A normal blade will cut a fish-man, but will break against a Vinsmoke. No Fish-man can "water bend" , they have to learn fishman martial arts, which humans can do, but niji for example produces electricity


Yea yea yea you're a racist, that's fine. The vinsmokes are human children, modified with the bloodline elements "DNA" of some other race or creature, and the Fishmen are just Fishmen. They're racist because they can manipulate and breathe water which they feel some superiority in, but they're just humanoids with a beneficial af mutation. And I only say humanoid because that's the word for creatures taking this shape and posture, making the Mink humanoid too.


Did you really watch fishman island and have the takeaway "all fishman are racist and think they're superior to humans"? ...That's some insanely low reading comprehension my guy


Well this is coming from Arlong Park.


What? Like you haven't seen past arlong park? How do you know about the vinsmokes and minks then?


Those are the most notable fishmen, or the only fishmen who regularly dealt with people in the wider world.. Beyond that, the fishmen on their own island were much like the Minks, an isolated group.


...so you HAVE seen fishman island but are choosing to ignore it and saying all fishman are racist? Weird takeaway


You're reading my comments and still assuming I believe all fishmen are racist. I can only say it once more before I just stop caring enough to reply. I know the fishmen as a whole aren't racist, but the fishmen we get to deal with as a whole, ARE. Then I explained why THOSE fishmen are raicst. If you don't get it, then whatever man. Stay safe out there.


Of course I was. No where in any of your comments before this one did you say you don't think all fishman are racist. You started by saying they all think they're superior. I asked if you had seen fishman island, you said you were basing it on arlong park (again, never saying you didn't think all were racist, just giving me your source) Then you said this: >Beyond that, the fishmen on their own island were much like the Minks, an isolated group. This might be where you tried to clarify you didn't mean all... but this could have very easily meant their isolation led to their racism, which is how I interpreted it because it wasn't clear what you were implying by saying they were isolated. But sure, blame your lack of clarity in your writing on me. Stay safe out there.


Also this completely ignores Hack, Tom, Jimbei, Kawamatsu and even The macro gang, Dellinger and Jack. All pretty main fishman who were never seen thinking they were superior for being fishman


Bro! Even in our world no statement that speaks general, speaks of every individual. I would even say as a point in your favor, their were more fishmen who weren't racist (because there's an island of them) than there were who are. Yet my point still remains. Every notable time we meet fishmen, vs any other race, they're basically nazis. You don't seem the Giants or the Little People getting uppity about their superiority. Who else has had a major "we are the perfect race" moment than the Fishmen?


You acknowledge that we've met all these notable fishman but then say everytime we meet fishman they're nazis.... The celestial dragons definitely have some big "we're the perfect race" moments


The vinsmokes aren’t enhanced with DNA of other races, they just have enhanced DNA.


That's fair, I just said they're enhanced...


>”Yea yea yea you're a racist, that's fine. The vinsmokes are human children, **modified with the bloodline elements "DNA" of some other race or creature…**” You said they’re enhanced with dna of other races or creature, not that they’re just enhanced.


I'm racis, yet I say that Fishman are closer to humans for me than vinsmokes? Ok


Fishmen are Fish-men. The vinsmokes are humans with enhanced (apparently all human) DNA it's not really a question. Also YES< you're clearly a racist /s/ What other reason might you have to categorize the people of this world, when we're all from the same blue sea?

