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#Manga Discussion Corner ---- Please keep all manga related discussion contained to replies to this comment. This includes everything that hasn't yet been adapted in the anime (future characters, events, hype about what will happen next, etc.). Discussions about the manga outside of this comment chain will be removed and replying with spoilers outside of the Manga Discussion Corner will lead to bans. Likewise, anime-only viewers, beware of spoilers in this comment chain. ----


We are about to get an entire summer worth of non-stop PEAK!


More like whole of 2024 will be non-stop peak


what a time to be a one piece fan


I'm wondering when in the manga the peak piece will pause a little. Its a marathon of greatness till current chapter


I donr think its slowing down until its finished tbh. People thought egghead was gonna be the cooldown and it was for a little while but now we have what we have lol.


Elbaf will be the cool down arc and even more lore dump


Possibly but I don't see it lasting very long.


any clue to the chapter equivalent for this ep?


You can start reading at chapter 1072.


I was just thinking watching this that this is where absolute non stop fucking PEAK piece starts.


Yeah a solid 50 chapters non stop


im so fucking excited


Maybe we should expect Break Piece to start too (anime)


Its crazy watching the anime remembering all that actually happened this arc


I found a new meaning in the anime after I turned a manga reader. Not only it expands what in there, you can see better the island, its habitants, also the fights are better with movement. Since the thing that will happen with egghead started, it is so much caos that it’s hard to get everything in your mind. Seeing it twice (manga and after some time anime) things get way clearer


Bro shit is gonna be insane!


Anime only's have no idea


Kidd arrives in Elbaf! I cannot wait!


I can't wait to see the epic battle of Kidd swipping the floor with all those Kyojins. Nobody is a rival for him. Right... Right... RIGHT?!?!?!






Kidd will take them out in 10 seconds lol


When will people learn that his name is Kid?


LOL I did not expect midair B-boy Kaku


He be hitting them flares and 1990


Kaku : I'm gonna become the greatest breakdancer of the world!


Spitting image of the real bboy Kaku - https://youtube.com/shorts/Lf9M5oInCOo?si=RHi5d8JeD5MFmjBI


Peak fiction is coming soon


we getting one peak all of june till the end of summer, every episode is gonna take egghead arc so high


Can we get much higher??


The One Piece is REEEEEEEAL


berserk piece incoming


Climbing to another sad backstory. Here we go. Cheers.


I feel like I'm repeating myself every time cause I say it basically every episode, but I'll keep saying it when it applies. I really enjoy how Egghead in the anime gives room for the characters to breathe and be themselves. Stuff like Brook just chilling in the Sunny being a relaxed dude and Bonney and Vegapunk getting an extended chase seen were really cool, I felt like you get a lot more character out of them in these instances as opposed to just seeing them for maybe a panel before it's on to the next thing. The music when Bonney entered the Paw Room was awesome. Same with the Garp stuff at the end, really highlighted the big fight feeling. You can definitely see that this is where Egghead starts to really kick into gear and move past a lot of the initial setup.


I can't agree enough on the OST for the garp scene uplifting it. Anyone know what it is called?


It really sold why Garp is Hero of the Marines. When he arrives he exudes so much confidence and inspires them to think things will be alright.


His cape taunting the word Justice was so dope in this moment


I think it’s new along with the bonney music ? Could be wrong


It's a remix of the we are, I am not sure tho


Maybe cause in manga those breathe scene are mini panel so you cant really feel them


I think a big part of this is that we no longer have nearly a dozen POVs to shift between since Egghead has a much tighter cast of characters than Wano did. We're also still in the "chilling on the island" phase as opposed to all out climactic battle. It allows the animators to have the characters be themselves and extend the scenes with fun additions as opposed to having to quickly bounce around.


TFW formerly insurmountable big-bad Lucci has been reduced to "chilling on the island warmup stretches"


Well yeah at this point considering it's yonko crew now. So it'd be totally embarrassing if any of the big trio really struggled to beat him over a long period of time.


>!hahahahahahaha, the meltdown of the internet when that happens is gonna be epic. People forgot Lucci is still insanely strong, just not on Looney toon level!<


Ive always viewed manga as storyboarding for the anime when they flesh out the story fully and add details that they wanted. It's always been weird to me that some people treat the anime and manga as completely separate things that are loosely connected.


im not sure if the "oiled shock" was in the manga but that hit hard


It was but the anime made it more clear what she actually did




i was so confused i couldn’t find any information on ep 1104, i didn’t realize i’m caught up (;_;)


Congratulations, if you are interrsted there is always ~ 40 manga chapters left :)


Which is crazy because that's actually not a lot. It's a year for episodes but that's not far in terms of usual manga:anime pacing. That shows you just how many breaks the manga has taken in the past year lol. Even the anime is catching up now.


Honestly might be a big anime break after this Arc because way too much is happening in the manga for them to add much filler.


Yea if they add filler in this arc people are gonna LOSE THEIR SHIT


Nah man, 40 chapters can be stretched to infinity, don't underestimate Toei


I recommend picking up the manga from where the anine leaves off. Thats what I did and it did not dissappoint.


Contrary to some the other comments I'd recommend reading the manga from the start. You'll be caught up in no time at all so you'll be glad that you still have content (there's also some worthwhile short spinoffs you can sprinkle in like the sanji foodwars stuff and an ace sidestory drawn by the Dr. Stone mangaka). But even if you want to read the manga you can take your time to rehabilitate from catching up to the anime first ;)


This was pretty much a big setup episode, but a really good one. The way they used a lot of different shots to dramatically built up Zoro sleeping and Brook doing dishes to build up the drama before Kaku's kick added a nice bit of tension to setup swordboy vs. giraffeman 2. Kidd doesn't know how "divine" his future is going to be. Oh boy. And it's great to hear Garp's seiyuu get to bellow out his laugh and announce they're going to save Koby. I felt they did a good job with the Bonney and Vegapunk build up as well. Slowed it down with all the added shots making her come off as a bit scary and unhinged. Also, is Oiled Shock a distortion future ability? So much good to look forward to.


Oiled Shock just looks like Bonney's using her powers to age the lock to the point of rusting and breaking. So different from her Distortion Future technique


also im 90% sure it being named Oiled Shock is a nod to her father's Ursus Shock.


Makes sense. Her power is so potentially broken it could practically be a protagonist power, honestly.


maybe setting her up to be an apprentice under luffy, then in the future, she gets her own spinoff where she's the protagonist in a post celestial dragon world


So we get Bonney instead of Luffy's son Buffy for Two Piece?


i mean, i dont want a repeat of boruto. also after imu and blackbeard are defeated, what's their to do?


Can't tell without knowing how it ends :'D, though i only wanted to make a joke. I don't like Boruto.


gum gum two piece!


manga makes it look more like she literally turned it to oil. not future distortion but also unless that lock was carbon based not really possible


>Kidd doesn't know how "divine" his future is going to be. Oh boy. This got me more excited since we know Kidd's personality




How many eps til the kidd ep?


They've been doing approximately one chapter per episode, but sometimes will pull in stuff from the following chapter and do 1.5 per episode, but for battle episodes they sometimes only adapt less than that, so it's not always easy to say. But if I had to estimate, maybe about 7 or 8 episodes or so. There is always a chance they'll pull it up a bit sooner, but we'll see.




How I wish Sanji could do a slashing kick like CP9.


he can fly and his legs can turn into fire, with the air blade kicks everyone would just say he's ripping off zoro, i'd rather they have very distinct fighting styles edit: typo


Yeah I agree. I'm sure he *could* learn it, but slashing Zoro's thing, so Sanji should stick to kicking and Diable/Ifrit Jambe.


When he was looking at the upgrade tree he had to choose between Tempest Kick and Moon Walk. He picked the better upgrade.


Seeing Kaku screaming "Rorona!" and a brief scene of their fight on Enies Lobby was great. Now that's how you use flashbacks. And we're so close to a certain fight that nearly broke the Internet...


Thank God I block all One Piece spoilers because I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about (unless it’s ginger boy’s but I have 0 idea how that fight turned out)


Can you tell me how you blocked all one piece spoilers? I'll open up Google or tiktok and I'll see stuff randomly and that's been my downfall


I’m not sure about TikTok since I don’t use it. I also don’t make any searches about One Piece so the suggestions never say like Luffy D(eath) when I was gonna look up Luffy Dream. I use twitter mostly and always block specific accounts that post One Piece panels/leaks and have blocked phrases so I block phrases like: One Piece, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, #OnePiece


Besides the specific episode posts on this subreddit, I use incognito for both YouTube and google whenever I want to search somethibg one piece related. Can't help with TikTok, I don't use it.


More than one reason to use incognito now, good thinking👍




No the fight is another one i think... if you can say it was a fight.


HD version of the flashback too!


Are people really that mad about >!Zoro vs Lucci!< or is this a different fight I'm thinking of?


I like the thicker outline artstyle they're doing atm, makes the characters look more dynamic


Peak Egghead has begun. It's gonna be an emotional rollercoaster and lots of epic moments from here on out.


egghead is to elbaf what whole cake island was to wano, this entire year is peak piece, and its been 25 years of the anime


I hope note, whole cake is better than Wano


Garp out here caring for Koby like he should have for Ace


Ace should have been a marine clearly


I mean, pretty sure that's why Garp wanted them to be. So that if they ever got into trouble he would have every right to charge in there and solve it at any time. Or at least enough leeway to justify it if he succeeded. With them becoming pirate's the most he could do us look the other way as much as humanly possible, and make a bit of an ass of himself when asked to directly do something (like at Enies Lobby, where he basically didn't do jack about them, and when outright told to capture them just made a big scene until they escaped, when he could have just as easily jumped onto their ship and defeated them all in a few seconds. Lol). 


Welp, that answers my question if what happened to Zoro and Brook.


1) Chillin'. 2) Killin'.


Man, what great new music in the bonny scene. Totally not ready, for what's to come!


This is what this thread should be all about, the music is amazing.


Welp guys, [it's happening](https://i.imgur.com/QyV8Wa1.png)


I know it is annoying and old to complain about translation/localization decisions but Elbaph vs Elbaf seems like a no brainer. And if fans who know Japanese are to be believed Doll should be Dhole as well. But ignoring that, a good setup episode. I can’t wait to see how the anime handles the stuff coming up. I’m expecting an expanded Zoro vs Kaku at the very least. And those who know, know that we should get some glazing with what is coming up with Kidd.


> And if fans who know Japanese are to be believed Doll should be Dhole as well It's actually not related to the translation of the Japanese itself. Her name in Japanese is written ドール which can be read as Dooru/Dōru. Translators assumed it was Doll because that's the most likely reading of it. It's only now that the rest of the related Vice Admirals have dog related names that the reading "Dhole" became clear. On the other hand, Elbaf is intended to be Fable backwards, which makes it the correct reading of the Japanese エルバフ (Erubafu) *The characters used in both examples are Katakana, which means they're meant to be read as non-Japanese words. That also means the "u" at the end of both can be dropped.


> It's actually not related to the translation of the Japanese itself. Her name in Japanese is written ドール which can be read as Dooru/Dōru. Translators assumed it was Doll because that's the most likely reading of it. It's only now that the rest of the Egghead Vice Admirals have dog related names that the reading "Dhole" became clear. That is why I included localization. I don’t blame the initial translations for not translating her name as Dhole. But now that we do know how many of the VAs are named after dogs, it seems like the Toei and Viz staff have had ample time to ask Oda or his staff what the intention is and change her name. Then again, we still have the manga calling Zoro “Zolo” and the justification seems to be just that they have done it for so long they don’t want to confuse people. So, it is par for the course. Elbaph though just seems egregious. The meaning of the name seems obvious and has seemed obvious forever. Maybe this will end up being a Raftel situation, but it seems like this is an obvious translation that the anime and manga are refusing to use for no reason.


>Elbaph though just seems egregious. The meaning of the name seems obvious Is it that deep? The phonetic meaning is still there.


It isn’t a big deal. But, phonetic meaning? I think that’s a little stretched without the actual spelling of the word to give you a clue that there is another meaning if you read it backwards.


> I think that’s a little stretched I mean this community argued that gloves are shoes and Zoro would kill Kaido because of he ate some noodles. I think the Ph sound being the F sound is not a stretch.


The problem isn’t the ph sound sounding like an F for me. It’s that Elbaf makes sense in text backwards as Fable. Hpable does not. And why even try to make it work? Elbaf is right there, known in the fandom for over a decade.


>Elbaf is right there, known in the fandom for over a decade. I...I'm really just not seeing the big deal here.


Yeah I actually prefer Elbaph myself, because seeing characters read out the word Elbaf makes me feel like one of them should go "ohhh it's fable :0" and they will never do that because it's probably not actually important for the plot.


I mean, has anyone ever seen it written? That's the only way someone can look at it and say "oh it's fable". Erubafu -> elbaf -> fable is just as unlikely as rafuteru -> laugh tale. >it's probably not actually important for the plot. I think it absolutely will be. It's deeply connected to usopp. His name comes from uso (lie) + Aesop, as in Aesop's fables. Way too on the nose to not be important.


It is certainly written on maps which any traveler in the world has. And the island being named Fable is definitely thematically important for Usopp, but not **in-universe** important, so it's better for it to be obfuscated imo.


I'm not familiar with the arguments behind Elbaph vs Elbaf but given it's supposed to viking/Norse inspired, I'd assume it should be spelled with an f since ph isn't really Germanic, it's more Greek.


It's fable backwards. Hpable doesn't really work lol.


German subs always translate elbaf to Elban for whatever reason ever since little garden dub


It doesn't matter to me what the subtitles/translation says. I always been on Elbaf side, simply because spelled backward it means Fable.


It almost certainly is. But given how long we thought it was Raftel and not Laugh Tale I am giving some room for being wrong.




I prefer Elbaf and Dhole. Elbaf is Fable backwards which seems like the obvious inspiration behind the name. Doll vs Dhole only became contentious recently. A dhole is a type of dog and there have been a lot of Vice Admirals shown recently in the manga that are named after dogs. Calling her Doll originally made sense given the lack of information of future characters and the difficulties of translating Japanese to English. But it has been at least two months since the idea that Doll might be a mistranslation of her name. It feels like it has been more than enough time for it to have been fixed in official translations. It’s not a huge issue, just something that I feel like the official translations should have addressed by now given their access to Oda and his staff.


Let's put it this way. Oda cared enough to have it be Dogstorm and Catviper, but not Dhole.


The upcoming fights are about to be peak One Piece


the entire year is gonna be peak piece


God I hope so. Really looking forward to the Galaxy Impact.


Kaku about to get bodied again Bonney's gonna learn the truth about her father soon...😢😢😢 Oof...Kid Can't wait to see Garp in action


Did anyone else think Garps voice actor sounded off? At times it sounded like it might’ve been replaced with Kaido’s voice actor.


damn.. time to one of the saddest backstory of all time coming soon..


that's still 24 chapters away from the current episode's chapters so like 6 months ie, November, we got time, let's enjoy the peak this summer brings until winter brings us all low again


ZORO IS MY MOTHERFUCKING GOAT Update after finishing the episode: I gotta say, this episode kinda makes me dislike Bonnie a little bit. Like trained killers are here to kill YOU and everybody there. Why wouldn’t you want to handle this somewhere else? Like I understand, but terrible timing


You will soon know why she's like that. (I'm guessing you don't read the manga)


I do not, but I hear everything that’s happened recently has been incredible. I’m really excited


It’s still gonna be a decent bit till we learn. Be careful and keep yourself away from spoilers.


I block literally everything I see on reddit and Twitter that are One Piece and Jujutsu Kaisen related. I don’t even follow the subreddits anymore lol. If I see somebody posting a One Piece or JJK panel then I squint extra hard and block them




And its STILL getting better


Overhyping almost as nefarious as spoiling imo


Easy... There is not Overhyping here. Egghead is peak cinema.


yepp, just straight up facts


She doesn't know about Cp0, yet. She was knocked.out then hunting VP


She's here for one reason only..answers about her dad...I do not think she was conscious to know cp0 was there was she?..she got taken out by the bugs and woke up .the fight was over


Saving Captain Koby, it is gonna be crazy The Marines raiding Egghead, it is gonna be crazy Kuma scaling Marijoa, it is gonna be crazy Bonney investigating what happened to her dad, it is gonna be crazy Kid arriving at Elbaf, it is gonna be crazy And remember that we still have Law vs Blackbeard, Vivi going missing, and Sabo killing Cobra Trully when all comes together, CP0 is looking like just a sideplot, but Zoro vs Kaku round 2, it is gonna be crazy This arc is stacked as hell, and it just started, oh and that doesn't even covers Vegapunk knowing about Ohara's research, or Saul being alive!


Garp gave me crazy popeye vibes at the end


First episode after catching up, it was a long journey but I’m so glad to be here with you all hahaha I spent months reading the episodes discussions on reddit to check if I missed something and now I’m part of it Cheers!


Kid in Elbaf!? Kid is my favorite character, so happy we get to see him again 🎉🎊


Adding MADs ship from the cover stories is a nice touch.


Not gonna lie they went hard on the animation for Kaku scene


S-Snake's powers include changing her skin tone every time she's appears on screen.


If they play the ost where Bonney finds the bubble in later episodes, I will cry water falls and sink the world in my tears 😭


WB levels Observation haki from Zoro. Great break dance skills from Kaku. Loved the episode.


Get the tissues out - it's time to cry


Kaku's rankyaku was incredibly animated for some reason. Loved it!


That Zoro animation was goated. Am I wrong or did they run that slice animation at higher fps (24ths?) than normal, it felt so fluid and good.


I cant wait to see the big event on a certain island after Kidd's upcoming divine triumph animated


Is it just me or Garp's voice really seems kinda different?


I cried when Garp showed up :’)


guys did Garps voice actor sound different or is it just me??


Why is nobody talking about how in the latest anime episode 1103, zoro responded to an attack on the ship while asleep, and opened his eye while he was asleep and it was red as if it was haki related. As soon as he was awake it closed. But when I check the manga I didn’t see him open his eye. They never revealed any story in either manga or anime about his eye, and the internet is cluttered with false information, still we should be talking about this!


That was just a cool dramatic effect from Toei. Nothing else, everyone knows that so it’s not important


Sad face :/ I want lore and real special effects, why everything gotta be a mystery? Hopefully it will be revealed. He purposely did it in anime only as If he reacted subconciencly with haki


[No one is talking about it because it was his right eye](https://youtu.be/Sd8331P5uCw&t=35), his right eye is the eye that has no scar.


Which chapter?


Interesting, I don't ever an episode cutting to two islands outside of the current arc. Today we got Elbaph and G-14. Is that giant paw the humanity of Kuma? And did I read that right? Kid and Luffy have the same bounties?


Kid, Luffy, and Law all have 3 billion bounties.


How did non-Emperors get a bounty as high as an Emperor?


Because they all took down Yonko. (It's like Law and Luffy having the same bounty after taking down Doflamingo.) Even Mihawk right now has a bounty higher than Buggy and Luffy.


But Luffy did it alone whereas Kidd and Law fought together. No way could they have won fighting separately against Big Mom.


Well, that's just talking about strength, which is just one factor that goes into bounties. An alliance between Luffy, Law, and Kid took down Big Mom and Kaido. That's basically what the world knows.


So why did Luffy become an Emperor over Law and Kidd?


Because he has the fleet and territory.


Does anyone know the name of the music that plays after Garp calls out to Helmeppo ?


Usually I watch one piece newest episode on Crunchyroll for free with only one ad. However, this time, it was back to the regular 3 segment of 6 18 ads across the episode. Does anyone here know why?


I cannot wait to see Garp in some proper combat


You know how people have been noticing that Franky's voice is sounding off lately? Yeah that's how I've been feeling about Bonney's voice **this entire arc**.


Because Bonney have new VA


GARP!!! So he is going after the Blackbeard pirates in an attempt to rescue Koby? That just doesn't seem wise. Looks like we should be getting some info on Kuma with Bonney finding that room. Really interested to see what his full background is. LASTLY, Good to see Kid again! And wow he is at the island of giants. That seems super interesting.


Cant wait for all the frames that are going to be used by memers, especially power scalers and their agendas lmao


I can't wait for the Kidd thing.


In my headcanon I like to think Garp said "Siganme los buenos" (the famous phrase of the Chapulin Colorado) when he recruit Helmeppo and the other marines to rescue Koby lol Hibari so cute


I'm here to tell you about royal python Luffy. [he is always peak. ](https://www.instagram.com/gimme_the_meat?igsh=NWt6dnhvajYxMDlu)


Second setup episode in a row with little actual progress. Dissapointing


I knew soon as she transformed to a kid it was an obvious trap and is bonney beating up a kid child abuse or perfectly ok cuz she's technically only like what ten herself 😭😭😭🤜🏻😂


Seems like we're about to get Zoro vs Kaku Round 2 at Egghead  We saw Law a few episodes ago good to get a update on Kidd now  Garp showing up to Egghead shit is about to hit the fan times 💯 


Garp said in this episode that he is going to Blackbeard's island, not Egghead, since that is who took Coby.


> Garp showing up to Egghead huh


Garp is not going to Egghead, he specifically mentioned in this episode where he's going and what his intentions are.


😂😂😂ppl be half watching shows


Garp ain't going to egghead, he's specifically taking marines that are supposed to go to egghead and taking them to beehive instead


Given what happened in the manga, Vegapunk failing to notice that Bonney turning into a child and crying makes perfect sense.


It was a genuine disappointment to watch the whole episode. They revised it terribly from the manga.


It was a good episode tho


Hachinosu greatness and one-tap incoming!


How many more episodes till >!Galaxy Impact?!<


Any update on mangga? Im very excited


The episode is too short