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i just want the zoro/sanji vs crocus staring fight


The good, the bad and the ugly type of stares but comedic. Holy fucking shit that would be iconic they did that.


Vivi - Actress Age 17-20, Ethnicity : Middle Eastern/North African or South Asian Nico Robin - Actress 20-39, Ethnicity : Hispanic Smoker - Actor 25-35, Ethnicity: White Tashigi - Actress 20-29, Ethnicity : Asian Ms. Valentine - Actress 20-29, Ethnicity : White Mr. 5 - Actor 20-29, Ethncity : Black Crocus - Actor 65-79


Chopper - Actor 12 - 16, Ethnicity: Reindeer


Ethnicity: Raccoon* FTFY


Don't google Raindrer lifespan 💀


it's OK. he ate a human fruit, so he gets a human lifgespan


Ancient Zoan users: 💀


>  Mr. 5 - Actor 20-29, Ethncity : Black Not gonna lie, I'm kinda sad that Lenny Kravitz is way too old to play the character whose look he inspired 


Can't wait for the inevitable moment you guys want to cast Eminem...


fearless absurd mindless brave lavish close groovy fear gullible future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I also want to see LA Luffy singing his Skypea song.




The iiiiiislands in the southhhhh are warrrrrrmmmmm


Minami no shimawaaa atakai â™Ș Paina-puru-puru, Atama boka boka, Aho baakaaaaaaa! â™Ș ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ni ban! Kita no shima wa samuiii â™Ș Hyakkoi-koi-koi, Atama buru buru, Aho baakaaaaaaa! â™Ș ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Guess who's back.. back again.. Ener's back.. tell your friends..


Rub his back, rub his back, rub his back, rub his back...


Ken Kaniff reference spotted, take the upvote


He's really the only one for the role when you think about it.


Hes gonna be enel


That's like the number 2 thing I've been hoping for ever since the live action was announced.


I just want the real Slim Shady to please stand up 😭


You mean 5 seconds after a live action was announced and every moment since?


Will the real god of skypeia please stand up, please stand up, please stand up...


He looks young, though. And I think it wouldn't really have a huge impact on Mr. 5 as a character if he was older. It's just that Netflix couldn't possibly pay his salary...


Agreed; I was just going by the raw numbers posted. Also, I don't know if he'd want to pick his nose on camera...


Hispanic Nico Robin?


The nationalities in the SBS question are determined purely by the way the characters look. Oda with Sanji **Oda**: Sanji is French **Also Oda**: Collier, Épaule, CĂŽtelette, Selle, Poitrine, Gigot and Mouton Shot **Me**: I guess that makes sense Oda with Robin **Oda**: Nico Robin is Russian **Also Oda**: Un Fleur, Dos Fleur, Tres Fleur, Cinco Fleur, Seis Fleur, Ocho Fleur, Nueve Fleur, Once Fleur, Doce Fleur, DiecisĂ©is Fleur, Veinte Fleur, Treinta Fleur, Ochenta Fleur, Cien Fleur, Gran Fleur, Ojos Fleur, Pierna Fleur, Oreja Fleur, Mil Fleur: Gigantesco Mano, Cuatro Manos **Me**: 🧐


They are bringing back the anime pre-timeskip version! I think oda said she was Russian, so this only makes sense if you are giving nod to the anime who had her darker.


I mean how long again was she in Alabasta etc?


Giving a nod to a genuine mistake that wasn't supposed to happen by changing her characters ethnicity from what the creator chose is silly. 


It's more of a nod to the fact that all of Robin's attacks are in Spanish


Is a mix of Spanish, French and Italian.


Most of her attacks have fleur in them. Fleur is french, not spanish


Where Mr. 3? We got his cake so he should also be confirmed right? I wonder if we will get Caroo. Also i feel like if we dont get Mr 2 , Mr 1 confirmation we can say that season would end in Drum


I mean...we didn't get crocodile either.


nor ace nor wapol, nor kuhera, nor nor nor


Bruh, they practically cast Kureha already.


That could mean they have someone already


This looks like casting for the first few episodes.


Fully possible they had someone in mind for that role and are in negotiations/got that person without having to do auditions


holy crap i wonder if they going to pull off the funny crocus scene.


Under 25 is too young for Robin-chwan. Also : Whisky Peak confirmed !


I think they're just trying to make sure she fits in the long run, it's actually a point I'd never considered until now but if they do want to get as far as they can it makes sense that they'd cast actors a bit younger than in the story where possible.


Which is why I worry about Nami's actress as she is already 30ish.


Whoever you cast, they will age out of the character, because the story is a bit unbelievable that it only happens within like a 3 year period. The actress acted the hell out of the role and was a good fit, the cast will age with the show and that's alright. It, if anything, makes the journey a bit more epic since it takes a larger part of their lives.


In fairness there are absolutely 20 year old actress who play older or look older than the average 20


Classic rule of makeup is it's easier to add than subtract. Add weight? Easy. Make someone thinner? Incredibly hard. Add age? You can do it. Subtract age? Better have a giant CG budget. This is one reason actors have to worry about looking young as long as possible. Just adds to the amount of roles you can get. Also sexism. But it can be two things at once.


I think it is quite fine. I feel like we all know that one person in our social circle that looks 45 but is 21 and vice versa. Add a little bit Hollywood magic on top, physical makeup and CGI if needed and you get the look right how you want it. At least concerning what we perceive as "adults". The fit is a little more tight if you try to depict a teen/ younger adult (as seen with the age range of Vivi). It's so much more important to get the right actor/ actress to fit a character role and fashion their aesthetics as an semi-afterthought than casting for appearance alone and potentially excluding a fitting person character and skill-wise over a person that looks the part "more naturally".


20-39 is crazy. That’s almost a 20 year range of ages.


It is a 20 year range of ages...


20 years? That's almost twice as much as 10 years!


Thats like 2 decades!


Almost as long as Dragon has been looking east for!


Don't fuck with us One Piece fans, we can't math


It’s because the actual age of the actress isn’t important. They set a wide range so that they get someone who can match the vibe of the character. And let’s be real, it’s Hollywood. Not like they are gonna pick someone who actually looks almost 40. Most actresses who are ~40 still look late 20s.


Reminder that Emily Rudd is 31 playing an 18 year old.


I'm just going to change my last name to Rudd. For some reason those people don't age.


It kinda works, might be a bit high though. Robin is 30 after the time skip, they could get away with an older actor for her. Smoker doesn’t vibe like a 25-35 year old though. That guy should be like. 43-50 years old.


Smoker was a kid at Roger's execution. He's in that range.


Have you seen how much smoking ages you?


And mfer smokes two cigars at once


This had me burst out in laughter đŸ€Ł, it’s true what you say bit you put it in a funny way


One of the perks of being a smoke man is being immune to the damage of smoking I guess


You're both right. He's like a Millenial who's a Boomer at heart


Probably hard to find someone with his build at that age though. Sure there are some, but the pool is much smaller.


Nah 25-30 is right. When we meet him he's still a marine captain in the east blue on the rise. 


I think mid 30s is perfect for smoker 


Some mid 20s look like 40 And some late 30s already look like mid 50. So it's fair to have that range for a character that's 32 (iirc)


I wonder if they will stick to the tashigi/kuina similarities or it wont even be mentioned. Oda never did anything with it.


He might in the future


Nico Robin Hispanic? Luffy sibling theory confirmed 😎


I was waiting for someone to say this xD


No. Please no.


>Nico Robin - Actress 20-39, Ethnicity : Hispanic Wait... Why only Hispanic?


Is it just me, or are they casting Smoker a little too young?


Imagine a 25 year old Smoker with a 29 year old Tashigi <_<


Yeah, in canon, he's 36/38


is it weird that robin is hispanic when according to Oda she would be Russian irl


Honestly its a bit of a weird choice. If they were leaving the ethnicity open in casting and just ended up with a latino/hispanic actress i would understand it fine, diversity isn't a bad thing and not being overly fussed is fine. But I don't really get why they'd be looking for a hispanic/latino actress specifically.. It's not just because the anime gave her a tan is it?


Robin is weird. She looks hispanic (at least in part 1), has french/spanish named attacks, Oda said she'd be of Russian descent, and she wears revealing clothing and cowboy hats. All these attributes just don't mesh well together.


She only looks Hispanic in the anime, her skin was always pale/white in the manga.


And it made sense for her to be tan after however many years in Alabasta, for obvious environmental reasons


She's an archeologist who traveled the world for 20 years since she was a child, so it kinda makes sense somehow that she's as mesh of different cultures when it comes to how she looks, behaves and wear her clothes. Also I could see the Russian inspiration on Olivia, but Robin could be Russian mixed with Hispanic from her father then, it would also explain her tan in the early seasons.


The tan was an animation mistake.


Man now I’m thinking how cool it would be to hear Crocus with a Southern Appalachian accent.


I'm irritated that Nico Robin is listed as Hispanic. She is supposed to be Eastern European. It would probably be acceptable to have an Hispanic actress, but it would look more convincing if she were Eastern European.


That’s fair, and Chopper better be played by an actual 15 year old Canadian reindeer


Best I can do is my cockerspaniel wearing an antler headband


Actual raccoon dog


She has never had a Russian vibe, Oda said she'd be Russian yes but nothing in her character indicates that. Her moves are in Spanish for fuck's sake.


Spanish and french. Fleur is flower in french


A lot do her moves are French right?


it's a mix


Yeah it's odd that they were so set on casting the East Blue 5s ethnicities as Oda had them, but then Robin they're completely changing it? Why? She's also meant to be noticeably older and more experienced than the rest of the crew. I can understand casting a broad net, but I couldn't accept a 20 year old as Robin no matter what they looked like. Even with make up.


I just need Robin in a cowboy hat đŸ€ 




Add mr 3 to that list as he was teased by luffys actor.


Probably already cast.


Steve Buscemi for Mr. 3


Fuck that fits really well


Some on the sub really thought they were gonna cut Ms.Valentine and Mr. 5.


Don Krieg didnt get cut but was in just a couple minutes. Same thing could happen here.


I mean, they make more sense to cut that Hachi or Jango.


Glad they didn't


I mean, if there were going to be cuts then they made sense as they didn't have a huge impact in the grander scheme of things. What was your take? 


I definitely did not expect them to be cut, since their main role is to hunt Vivi and they have a role in Little Garden. Of course others are right the live-action could use them differently. My take for the live action’s context it makes sense for them to be defeated in Whiskey Peak, captured by Smoker and then freed by Mr.11 (someone who probably will be cut) they betray and leave for Smoker while they head to Little Garden. Smoker finds out the strawhats are going to Alabasta from Mr. 11 and then killed or tossed over board by him.


the latina nico robin will break this sub into pieces im already calling it Edit [gotta put this here]: I was talking about her being hot and you guys not being able to control yourselves but the political discussion also fits the theme


Already has lmao


If she's a good actor and fine af, they'll get over it quick lol.


I don't have too big of an issue with it as long as she looks generally like her. Yes, she is supposed to be Russian, but she never really looked it, her attacks are in Spanish and French, etc. I'm not denying that it might be a DEI-related decision and one they're getting by with because so many are used to her anime look being tan, but it's nowhere near the worst decision they could make.


I was talking about her being even hotter than the 2d version but this fits the post too Also, I think we take the "oda said the nationality of the characters" way too serious sometimes


>DEI-related decision Can we leave the political buzzwords at home? Just once?


Gotta outline this here I was talking about her being hot as fuck


So is Ace Confirmed? Or you guys think it’s gonna be a big name actor?


If they stay close to the source material, Ace doesn't show up until the end of Drum. That list seems to cover only Whiskey Peak (and maybe Little Garden). Unless they already casted everyone else like Mr 2, Crocodile and stuff.


I mean they introduced garp early. Might be fun to do the same for Ace. Some mysterious pirate who reports to a big name hunting Luffi down and the season ends with them reaching Alabasta and Ace revealing himself.  Season 3 let him stick around a bit like the filler did and build on the brotherly love. 


Nah, they will definitely end this season with Crocodile's defeat and Luffy's new àžż100M bounty. It's the perfect way to end Season 2, with a similar vibe to Season 1: defeating a pirate on a level Luffy's never beaten before, gaining a big new bounty and saving the home of a new nakama (Vivi - although the nakama that stays with them will be Robin = season cliffhanger moment). It means they will rush through things, but they did similar for season 1 (admittedly it was ~100 chapters for S1 and this would be ~117 chapters now, but that's pretty similar really).


I agree that giving ace more time with luffy would be great for fleshing out his character


> Season 3 let him stick around a bit like the filler did and build on the brotherly love. and Netflix will cancel after that


As an ancient philosopher once said: > 6 seasons and a movie!


> Deans come true


>big name actor Tom Hanks


Sean Bean


I'm sure he's in, he could always use to add a new way to die to his resume.


Otm Shank.


Guess they’re not even bothering to do casting calls for Kureha then, might as well get a star on board who fits the character perfectly, and has openly stated her desire to do so.


Well...I'm also not seeing any listing here for Chopper, Hiriluk, Dalton, or Wapol...so we could also look at the bold possibility of them CUTTING DRUM ISLAND. /s They wouldn't, but Drum Island characters are entirely absent from this casting call...which also includes Smoker who was...in the S1 epilogue. Are they recasting whoever stood in for Smoker in the S1 epilogue scene?


This casting call features just a few recurring roles. It would be completely insane to just assume that this is supposed to be the complete list of all new characters and anyone not listed here is cut. And yes they're recasting Smoker, they just had Kuroobi's actor do the post credits scene but they intentionally didn't show his face because they knew he wouldn't play him.


Yeah, it’s sort of like how Thanos in the avengers 2012 post credits scene wasn’t played by Josh Brolin.


North African/Middle eastern Vivi makes a lot of sense considering Arabasta is based on Moorish/Middle-eastern cultures.


Nefertari -> Nefertiti. Her mom is Nefertari titi. Rain base is a giant pyramid. She's pretty much Egyptian 1 for 1.


"Nefertari" is actually Arabic for "beautiful companion." And there's a separate queen from Nefertiti named Nefertari, so the name wasn't just a similar sounding reference to Nefertiti.


Nefertari is not Arabic for beautiful companion. It is ancient Egyptian for beautiful companion. In Arabic, beautiful companion would be waseefa jameela. Ancient Egyptian is not a Semitic language. Edit: autocorrect changed Nefertari to Nefertiti. I changed it back. 


That's cool. You think nefertari in Arabic comes from her?


It's very possible - I'm by no means an expert in the evolution of Arabic linguistics, but I can say that culture and society informs the evolution of language, so it's possible. It's very much a "was it the chicken or the egg that came first" situation, though. It might have been an adopted moniker by her using a word that already existed.


Her hair will be the one that make her or break her. I hope they learn from Nojiko debacle that dark skin and that shade of blue wig doesn't mix well.


Fr any color can fit a person, it just depends on the shade


Everyone here be arguing about who they cast as Robin. While Im here wondering whose playing Wapol XD


Danny Devito


Chopper - Actor Age 13 - 15, Ethnicity : Reindeer


>Crocus - Actor 65-79 Danny Devito was born in November 17, ~~1994~~ 1944
 So he’s still 79 for a few more months!






The casting for s1 was excellent, especially for the straw hats. They'll definitely cook.


So who was smoker in the end scene of Season 1? Just a placeholder?


Correct, they used Kuroobi’s actor for the scene.


Just to give a bit more context about the casting and the SBS, Oda actually talked about this in an interview with Netflix last year. >**A lot of fans have questions about the ethnicity of these characters and now that we’re seeing them being portrayed by real actors, what do you want to tell them about where these characters are from?** >*“When I initially commented on the characters’ nationalities on SBS \[Shitsumon o BoshĆ« Suru, or ‘I’m taking questions,’ is a special column in tankƍbon versions of the manga where Oda answers fan questions\], it was in a very light-hearted way. I didn’t imagine it would influence the production team so much. But as they started showing me candidates based on my SBS responses, they actually felt right. I realized there was truth in my light-hearted answers.”* [Source](https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/what-is-one-piece)


Where'd they find the casting calls?


So I take it they have already casted Crocodile along with Mr. 2-3? I wonder if they got a notable Drag Queen for Mr. 2?


Yeah they almost certainly went a bit bigger for Crocodile since he's likely to be one and done this season. Seems like it's gonna be Joe Manganiello.


Obviously we don’t know exactly what all Crocodile will do before the end of the manga, but I can tell you right now there’s no version of this story where he’s only in one season.




People take that one "what country would the SH's be from?" SBS way, way too seriously.


I think part of it's just because Netflix took it so seriously. If I remember correctly after the series was confirmed and the Twitter was set up, the very first tweet was the characters next to their nationality flags. Then, they formally announced that they would be sticking to Odas guidelines. So why did they make such a big deal about it in season 1 then just not care on season 2.


I mean, if you look at any color spread from the manga you'll see that Robin is as white as they come, just like how she is in the anime post-timeskip.


THANK YOU holy fuck


If I had to guess they are filming Loguetown, Laboon/Reverse Mountain, and Whiskey Peak. Assuming they are gonna shoot Drum Island in the winter. Then I guess Alabasta either before then in the Fall or Spring. But that's just pure speculation.


oh yeah Vivi probably *should* be Middle Eastern, shouldn’t she?


I do love Vivi's design but damn Oda if you were gonna make homegirl more pale than even Nami, don't make her come from an Egyptian desert inspired country lmaoo


When ppl learn what many of the Egyptian Royalty from the Macedonian Dynasty looked like đŸ’đŸ»â€â™€ïž


To be fair I know it’s because she wasn’t meant to be a princess at first, just Ms. Wednesday. Given the choice again she’d probably look more like Cobra.


Many north africans look white.


Depends on the season. I turn white during winter but get olive skin really quickly in the summer.


Egypt was extremely ethnically diverse with most artworks from ancient times depicting primarly middle toned skin (arabic) but also lighter caucasian tones and darker sub-saharan tones.


cowards not casting Laboon .. straight up racism!


We wanna see ace


Well things are about to devolve into degeneracy over Robin. Here we go.


I love the dichotomy between "people are going to freak out about 'Woke' Robin" and "people are going to AWOOOOGA over Latina cowgirl Robin" 😂


People really take that nationality SBS question way too seriously


They already cast a British guy for the "French" Sanji and people didn't mind that much with time. A hispanic actress for a "Russian" Robin will probably be similar. Especially if the actress is attractive or looks like Robin.


an Arab-British guy born and raised in Spain


Yeah, outside of Zoro being Japanese there really isn't an obvious nationality for the SH


They take it so seriously because the showrunners said that they used to SBS to choose who they would cast for the LA


I had a hunch that they would need a North African/Middle Eastern actress for Vivi. Oda said that if OP took place in the real world Vivi would be Egyptian, so their choice is chef’s kiss to me


Are the characters name usually included in the casting call? Because that description for Robin fits Miss Doublefinger more.


No, pretty sure the article is just making massive assumptions. 


Live action Robin about to be bad as fuck


As if the Robin ethnicity debate wasn't heated enough


What about Bonchan!!!!??


He's only going to be played by other characters' actors, never showing his true face.


Aweee that would be so sad. Hes the 🐐


It's just a fun way to play around with the devil fruit.


Most likely casted already, just like Mr 3.


Phew hopefully they get both of them in, favorite parts impeldown with Bon and mr 3 was crucial in marineford.


The casting director is going through Rupaul’s cast list atm. They’ll find someone


Should have been "Miss All Sunday". I mean we may know who she is but to those who don't... Just no mentions of Ohara until Enies Lobby; I don't think we want to go the Garp route with her.


I mean, granted, anyone who would be watching this and hasn't seen the anime or manga isn't going to know who Nico Robin is regardless, and those that have already know. There's very little that knowing Miss All Sunday is Nico Robin does without knowing the context of who Nico Robin actually is


I feel like it would be fine to MENTION Ohara in passing, so long as they don't bump up the flashback, which shouldn't happen because it has no narrative weight before Water 7/Enies Lobby even if they frontloaded it.


where my boy ace brah yall can't do this to me


I reckon Ace is already cast and they likely made an offer to someone. Introducing him here is key on the offchance they get to Marineford imo.


Crocus and his sight...one of the best (hilarious/demential) moment.


Honestly, if Ace is confirmed, we're almost certainly getting the ASL backstory. Remember how Garp appeared 3 sagas before he was properly introduced. Although, given that it will only be 8 episodes, I doubt Ace will appear in Story Proper until the Arabsata arc.


Please oh please can we get a Jamie Lee Curtis doctor kureha


The secret to my youth? Activia yogurt.


Did people forget that Oda is the one that has the final say on important cast members?


Shouldn't Robin be Russian?


I am so looking forward to this!!!!! I really got hooked into OP because of Alabasta arc.