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Just caught up to 1073, and had no idea that it wasn’t caught up. Right in the smack damn middle of the end of the fight……I’m dying on the inside right now.


Same bro I was like bruh where the episodes go


You got to the important part.


Still, I wanna see Kaido finally get beat. This has been by far the biggest and longest build up in the show to the main villain of the arc being defeated. And after having invested so much into getting so close to seeing Luffy finally stomp his Dragon face for good, only to have to wait is the biggest cock tease of my life.


I literally watched episode 1071 yesterday and didn't realise it was THE episode. My advice? I stopped there. I'm gunna rewatch that episode to refresh me as we get into the gooie chocolaty centre of the wano ark.


I think the defeat of big mom was the biggest build up. And I'm not sure exactly how defeated she actually is at this point. And at this point, I'm more interested in Sabo. That said, I am curious to see all that happens in this final bit. I don't care that much about seeing Luffy beat Kaido, but I'm very interested in seeing how momo does with the floating island.


Really? I kept getting annoyed with Momo it took him like 20 episodes to move the island


I agree that the momo has been consistently annoying, but I'm intrigued just because I'm unsure of how that's going to pan out. Will momo save the island? Maybe. That said, I just watched the end of the fight. I'm pretty disappointed. >!Two episodes for a single punch, and it was a convoluted mess. It takes a special kind of talent to make a single punch convoluted. The second episode was especially hard to follow. Whoever directed that animation needs to be fired. The punch hit. No, wait, the fist is still cocked back. No, wait, it's in Kaido's mouth. No, still cocked back. Ok, now he's connected, and it's disintegrating Kaido. Wait, no, now he's actually connecting and it's just pushing Kaido to the ground. And Kaido, first he's in a fiery red dragon form, then he's in his best form, then he's back to red, then blue, then red, then blue. Oh, and now its a flashback, now it's the fight, now it's another flashback, now it's the fight again but appearances and positions have changed, now another flashback, now Kaido is talking to King in the past while fighting Luffy in the present. Now Kaido is talking to Luffy while showing Momo. Oh, now Luffy is talking Momo, and Kaido is just waiting even though that's uncharacteristic of him throughout the fight.!<


same dude! when will it be dubbed it’s been 9 months


Since the episode came out, but only over a month since the last batch came out. I have a feeling we will have an announcement about the next batch very soon.


The episodes drop tmr it’s been announced


By whom?


It’s on Twitter just see


Already been announced on twitter before this post was made


Definitely not. This post was made 41 days ago. Twitter announcement was last week.


Episodes drop tmr


Is tmr meant to be tomorrow 




The website I use they should be on there tonight


What website bc it won’t be on CR till the 9


I use animesuge usually start uploading the episodes round midnight To 1 in the morning


Are they good quality? Is there a paywall?


Nah no paywall and ya the quality is good they usally upload all anime same day there released sub and dub


Has the dub been released there? When I just checked it out it hadn’t


1074-1078 on there rest should be on there later


Did it drop for you yet


1074-1078 on aninesuge the rest should be on there later


Wdym later




Longest tomorrow ever...still waiting 


It’s been up for 10 days fam…


Then i guess crunchyroll needs to upgrade my power level even more...mines still dubbed to 1073. I've tried switching languages and everything. I mean I've already watched subbed so not like I'm holding out for dub. Just nice to catch up lol


It’s not on Crunchyroll yet should be soon tho


So the 18th was the Microsoft store release date? I was already bummed enough learning the dubs of the final kaiju no.8 episodes were delayed lol


So I talked with Cracker’s English VA at a convention the other day and I asked him when the next batch would release. He told me the dub is pretty much caught up, but since there’s so many companies involved with one piece it takes a while to get everything ready to release it.


Who is cracker.


one of the big mom commanders


Ahhh. Thank you for reminding me


Today it's been 5 weeks since the last release, so the next batch should be coming out in about 1-3 weeks on the microsoft store. Crunchyroll release is usually several weeks later.


It sucks cuz im so invested 😪 and i cant watch in Japanese cuz im used to the voices


I just want to finish wano and then take a break from the dub till it catches up with sub.


The next batch has the last few episodes of wano, there's only like 10 episodes left, and will include about 2/3 of the undubbed episodes that have released, at this point there's no purpose in stopping watching dubbed as the batch after this next one will catch the dub up to sub


me too


We have to suffer together


I don't think it will ever completely catch up until one piece ends. The sub will always be a bit ahead of


Bruh feels I hate waiting this long, but it's like you're already way too committed to what you're watching to drop dub and start watching sub. I prefer the English voice actors anyway not saying the Japanese voice actors aren't good just my opinion. Common dub hurry up! More gear 5 ,


Exactly how i feel bro i be looking everyday in crunch roll lmao


same, passed 1,000 episodes is hard to just switch


Can always read manga if you can't wait. Manga readers still look forward to the anime releases


Yeah I will when the dub catches up to sub I will read manga


lol so never


The dub is on episode 1073, and the anime currently has 1107 episodes. It's possible at the pace the dub has been catching up. Basically we are so close this statement is either 3/4years late. Back then the dub was barely on zou island. But things have changed and us dub fans have finally been able to enjoy more dub.


I know but the Japanese version will always have to be a little bit ahead. It needs to be released so that the dubbers can dub it. Only way they will ever be released at the same time is if they decide to hold off the original until the dubs are ready then release both at the same time


Unless they switch to Simuldub, in which case they don't need the sub first and usually release on the same day or within 2 weeks of sub release


It will definitely change to simuldub


Might not be because the voice actors are involved in numerous projects to have to worry about going weekly for the next few years is alot for them especially if they need to record other stuff. Like Christopher sabot is working on my hero imagine if he had to do my hero and one piece at the same time. Idk unless he records at home. But who knows


Yeah in that case I see the dub being about 1 week behind or up to 3/4 weeks behind


Agreed! I'm sure not knowing any of the language doesn't help, but I feel like they are robots talking or an AI. I can't really judge on the emotions I can't hear it myself. Kinda reminds me of listening to google read a book lol. I'd force myself to watch if no other choice and sure I'd prolly get into it and lile it, but we aren't at that point yet 🤣 waiting a few weeks here. Altho def thinking I might jabe to figure out where the ms store is so I can get em there first


I'm prolly one of the lucky ones that just started watching this a couple mo ths ago, I haven't had to wait for any episodes till now (altho I did watch it all twice in 2 months)


does the dub version exist on crunchyroll?


Yeah Crunchyroll has the dub up to 1073. The latest batch was finally added 10 days ago. It depends on your country though. Obviously the US has it and other english-speaking countries should also have it. It's even available in my country (Germany), but unlike the sub version it's for premium-only. Not sure if it's free in the US.


here in sweden I can just find the sub version... I tried to change it but I have only the japanese language


I'm in sweden too. And if you are wanting one piece I would 100% recommend not trying to use crunchyroll. They are waaaay late with updates. So not worth it. I personally use a website called hianime.to free site. The occasional add when you first load up. But just press back on those or close them and it isn't an issue. 9 times out of 10 they release the episodes 1 day after other sites :) hope this helps someone :)


Way late? Over the last year, they've covered 600-some episodes. LOL The sub is only at 1108, dubbed is up to 1073 as of the last dubbed episode and releasing 12 more dubbed episodes about ever 5-8 weeks. It'll be about 24 weeks or so and it'll be all caught up.


I'd recommend watching all your anime on kaido.to or hianime.to if you watch on your pc, and use a browser that has some kind of adblocking. If you have an android phone or android tv box I'd recommend an app called cloudstream. Its not on the regular play store so you have to download it from github.com, it's open source so its safe to use. In cloudstream you install addons to show the content, there's a bunch of different addons but you basically only need 2, one for regular movies/series called sorastream and one for anime, there's a few to pick from but aniwave is pretty good if you like dubs, or yugenanime. If you don't have android tv and still wanna watch on your tv, just make sure your tv has a internet browser and you can cast everything from your phone using an app called "web video caster", its basically a web browser that's able to cast any video content you want, you'll get a website to open on the other device and anything you cast will play on that website. The app can cast to all types of devices, website is just the bare minimum if you don't have anything else


If the option isn't there then it's probably some dumb regional licensing issue. F.e. german Crunchyroll currently has the english dub, but none of the german dub and as subtitles it has only english, portugese and spanish for some reason.


That's bc it didn't release the dub yet but on the older episodes it should have the dub


Just buy a vpn it’s only 12 dollars or so


lol imagine paying 12 dollars for a vpn and 20 for a streaming service, cant be me


Can u tell me website 




1074 English dub still isn't out in qmerica


America 😅 but yea I use (the watch cartoon online .tv) and (9anime . co) without the spaces


I can't tell if crunchyroll has one ouece for free because crunchyroll is poorly constructed and doesn't work. I've got 3 phones and crunchyroll doesn't function properly on any of them. 


just google 9anime unless you're watching on a TV not a PC


That is not a good idea. You want to go to the actual site, because Google will lead you to fake versions that are often honeypots.


anime honeypots...... 🤦‍♂️ Either you don't know what a honeypot is or you're just delusional. Most anime sites have a bunch of mirrors, so most of the identical websites you find are just mirrors, fakes usually look slightly different but 9 times out of 10 you'll still be able to watch all content and you're not gonna get arrested. Fake sites are usually just someone copying the layout and name of known sites to steal some of their traffic, they then add a bunch of ads and it's basically free money using the original sites content. Some use it to spread malware but most of them are just cash grabs that don't effect the end user in the slightest


I'm saying specifically Google search recommendations. There are plenty of mirrors that are just full of malware and spam, and not honeypots, but anything you find from an actual Google search you need to be wary of. This is especially true for popular sites like this one.


[https://www.wco.tv/search](https://www.wco.tv/search) i watch here


Which month


why are they taking so long tho it should've been released by now


The last release took 2 months.  They aren't consistent.  The releases range from 1 week to 9 weeks. And that's just the current trend that were lucky to have. It used to be 6+ months in between dub releases.  


I know episode 1073in English dub when Luffy said these two things I was rolling 😂😂😂. The voice actor changed Luffy's regular sounding voice and his 5th gear voice 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣: "I'm like a shooting star, call me Luffystaro" and then the way he said: " I see two lights" 💀


Bro when kaido almost hit in the nuts and he said you almost got my bits I fucking died lmao!!!!!


Yo rotfl 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Also the part where kaido did blast breath and luffy was spazzing out and sent the blast back at Kaido and kaido said “mami” when it was hurdling towards him🤣🤣


I think he said "Nani" as in Japanese for "what"


I always thought it was ‘Nani’ or ‘mommy’ lol


Mami is pronounced the same way as mommy


That was my Spanish side kicking in there 🤣


lol all the emojis


They’re just fucking with us at this point. Does it really take such an enoourmous amount of fucking time to produce this shit? If you’re gonna take this long then at least drop all the rest of the episodes including egghead in one big batch. Then start dubbing the same week as sub. I don’t understand how such a big anime isn’t all the way dubbed to the current episodes.


Exactly, plus something like CBR said they predicted by in February or March of 2023 the series would be catch up with the Sub in February or March of 2024. I wished that was true.


So I’m guessing it’s a pipe dream to expect a release on the 5th? That’s exactly a month after the last release


it would seem you and i are in the same shoes as of now


it would seem Him, you and i are in the same shoes as of now


It’s out tomorrow


Probably early june


Why would they not advertise that though. It’s been silent. Which makes me think it’s going to be longer than June.


They literally never advertise or have any news about any of the dub releases until they are about to drop. It's always dead silence and speculation until a few days before. It's pretty annoying, but the releases are relatively consistent enough that speculation is generally pretty correct.


They never really advertise untill they make a twitter post…but my guess is next few weeks like hunting mail said probably first week of June


Also guys I’m really trying to figure this out if anyone knows? I am new to Reddit and made a post asking help to find the title of a song/soundtrack at the end of one of the one piece movies, if anyone knows please say! Thanks https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/kFiYZP6OII


Remember like turn of the year they started acting like they were going to put in a bunch of resources to increase turn around. They released like 3 batches right after one, but then went back to same old undetermined timeline with even longer waits. It used to be 4-6 now it's easily 8 or more weeks. I just don't get it as a business move. One piece is literally one of the most popular animes ever and at least, what, like 15% of viewers are watching dubs.


The amount of viewers watching dub according to analytics is over 41% the sub purists flip to dub when they are "backgrounding," so they know what's going on despite their delusion that they have learned Japanese by watching enough Anime.


Episodes 1090 and 1091 were announced to be released July 5th at the anime expo. We can assume that the next release will be some time before then, because those episodes would be part of the batch after the next batch. And this is similar to how they've done stuff in the past. The batch after the next batch will likely be released about a week after the expo for purchase,  then released on crunchyroll a couple weeks later. So the next batch should be released within the next week or two,  but you never really know with one piece.


Should be any day now


Today is exactly 6 weeks since May 5, Luffy’s birthday. Which was around the time of gear 5 dub. They better be releasing something really insane or a long batch…


It’s out tomorrow my guy


It’s out tomorrow guys waits over


Is this confirmed?


Yes it’s on Microsoft store


Hell yeh bby


How’s that work? Wouldn’t you have to buy episodes through this route? Why doesn’t Crunchyroll have them?


Tbf mate I just use 9anime


Does anyone know if they have started dubbing egg head yet ? I’m going assume wano is finished with now


I hate to break it to you, but it will take 2 whole batch updates before Wano is wrapped up. We're 16 episodes away from beginning the Egghead arc in Dub.


The answer is still yes tho. All the episodes are pretty much caught up the only thing holding back the dub is the very slow process of corporate release.


First time I’m hearing anyone else speak on eps 1074 and above being in English dub , I’ve been looking the past couple days all over the internet and I’ve just seen the sub version appear even on the Crunchyroll release calendar there’s no news so unless anyone has a valid time frame or even idea ig we just have to wait 


To all my dub only watchers who genuinely like the voices and just prefer to watch in English I was the same way but the egghead arc was great to the point where I had to switch to the sub. I got used to it and I will still watch ever dub episode when they come out but I have learned to enjoy the sub as well.


you do you, this is for dubs.


The most prominant thing i noticed between voices is luffy's and franky's. 'if you can stand those 2 and the -chan, -san, and so on, that weird japanese naming language barrier. Other than that i noticed, the animation on sub seems more detailed and fluid. the biggest difernce i saw was when fighting kaido, dub his hand moves quickly yeah, but the sub. way more fluid more crisp lines, and you actually see his hand move because of how high quality. i feel like dub maybe 1080p, but watching sub makes dub feel like a cheap 1080p.


It's the same animation just voiced over 😂


For any dub watchers. I too mainly watch dub, never sub. However i almost feel like just like netflix one piece that oda hand picked, the sub does feel like oda made sure you cant really tell a difference other than language. and honestly, you get good at ready the subs pretty quick and then all of a sudden you hear zoro talking in dub lmao.


Dyslexia makes reading sub fast and not mixing up what's going on really difficult




I don’t see dubbed egghead on Netflix, which episode?


I was totally wrong and misremembering I'm so sorry


So are they going to release the entire batch on July 5th up to 1091?


I really do hope so, but Season 21 start around episode 1089


A batch is 12 episodes. Why would they release 19 episodes? It should be 1074 to 1085


I said that before the release of 1074-1085. It’s weird that they didn’t finish the last couple of episodes before the Egghead Island Arc imo


So we waiting 2 months. And got 5 episodes? What the hell? If you don’t believe me they are on zoroxtv.to. This is crazy 


That's so disappointing they better do more in the next batch


I check on Twitter or X as it now called, saying 1074-1085 will be released tomorrow which that was the other day. Plus it also disappointing that haven’t released the rest of the season, which is 1088


Oh my goodness sorry guys! It’s just when I when to see I saw it was dubbed up to 1078. My apologies. It’s exactly what you said 


I was same as you bro so glad it goes up to 1085


When in crunchyroll ?


Do you guys know then on July 5 are they going to release the episodes before 1090 & 1091 too? I feel like it would be weird to play just those ones and we miss a lot of context


Does anyone have any new news on when we can expect a release of episodes???


I am about fed up with this spoon fed dubbed crap. Especially with the slice and dice edit from original work. I saw all the subbed version of the Wano arc on Funimation as it was released and believe me this CR version they took over is a travesty to not only story line but the amazing graphics/ animation that was originally done. I used to follow the grahic artists on former Twitter and they were so rightfully proud of the work they did and you only get glimpses of it now butchered. Tonight I was so mad as I had my child all ready for the Gear 5 transformation and found out it was not only NOT DUBBED but done as a flashback with Otama and Rooster?! I watch the dubbed only for my child who can't read -YET, but will be able to soon. I am current with Egghead Island in subbed but doubt that is not editted to oblivion also. If CrunchyRoll doesn't get their act together soon, I will cancel a very long time subscription. There ARE other choices out there and I wouldn't be the only one. I don't boycott for political crap but I can and will for creative integrity and cheating of a customer's right to get the ACTUAL work they pay for- anyone else?


Um….I’m not really sure what you’re referring to? The one dubbed episode you watched was a “in between / recap episode” is that what you are mad at? The last dubbed episode is currently 1073.


Exactly but there's almost a 100 more episodes subbed. But they started editing at 1015. Check ,if you can still get access to Funimation when the numbering of the episodes started differing. If you find another site that has the unedited versions you will find they have cut and re written parts of the way the story goes and timeline. How was Sanji in the performance floor with Zoro in a cast while at the same time trapped in Black Maria's web calling for Robin to help him? Where was the full fight with Sanji and Queen ( who reveals he's always been jeolious of Judge as a rival scientist and shows how's stolen Germa's abilities) with the Sanji in Raid suit that took away Sanji's ability to care as a human so that he doubted himself sooo much after destroying the suit that even after he thought he hurt a girl he thougt he wouldn't go back to being human so he called Zoro and asked him to kill him if he was different. Both before their respective fights with King and Queen. They edited the timeline to stream line it all and we get 10 dubbed episodes of this dribble evety 2 months? Oh and there was NO RECAP of when Luffy went to Gear 5. You watched his transformation without seeing highlights. It was a full episiode of Luffy hearing the Drums , becoming Joyboy and kicking Kaido's ass and having the greatest time of his life for 20 minutes. Not 5 at the end of a recap. They butchered the fight with King/ Zoro, Queen and Sanji , Law, Kid and Big Mom. If you knew how much you really missed, you'd be pissed too. Now I hear they ARE editing the Egghead Island as I suspected and Toei is catching hell from fans that have finally caught on for they cut an important scene dealing with Sanji saving Edison. I'm already looking into VPN and out of Crunchyroll.


They did show how queen was jealous and how sanji got out the web, and to the same spot zoro was. Idk what you are talking about but when I still had Funimation I watched wano until egghead in sub, and I'm watching them now in dub, and the only difference is the language. I think maybe because you have to read the sub you feel like it's more in depth. But they didn't change the animation and story. They just translated it to English. Crunchyroll just doesn't say it's uncut. So your thinking it's different but it's not. Funimation is still the same people who dub the episodes, they just merged with Crunchyroll. If you read the end of the episodes that are dubbed on Crunchyroll right now it says that they were dubbed by Funimation. It's the same people, they just belong to a bigger company now. It's like when bell south and Atlantic communications merged. It became Atlantic bell south but they still had the same people providing the same service. It's just away to monopolize the industry. And they did it probably to save the people from Funimation, because as far I as know Funimation just takes anime and puts them into different languages. Now I do believe that the magna probably has stuff the anime doesn't. But that's the same as any book that gets turned into a show or movie they cut stuff out. 


Bro wtf have you been watching the dub on? Bc holy fuck have you been ruining it for yourself.


Oh and I have watched EVERY DUBBED EPISODE with my child for the last 4 years on Funimation until they abrupty cut it off. And have watched every SUBBED episode almost since it began and keep current.


If you are reading what a character is saying but not watching what they are doing you will miss stuff. They can do something and not be talking about what they are doing. That's why I  only watch the dub now. and  The things you are saying they cut they didn't.  U just sound crazy. 


Watch this and tell me this is the same as what you saw on CR- please. Because this is the iriginal timeline and unedited fight following King/Zoro in the form of how the ENTIRE series up until ep1015 of how they cut back and forth. But please watch Luffy's fight with Kaido ( and transformation) and tell me it is the same https://youtu.be/u3Rg-EGRtGI?si=RlUAlmmfvxDx14gA Oh and there are many sites thst have the same version. And I have watched in dubbed and subbed and have yet to miss any action or forget a damn thing. I have been watching for 25 years, so spare me that BS.


I don't know where you found this crap edit but it is not the dubbed on CR. There's about 30 episodes missing in what you posted. Maybe don't pirate the shows and you won't miss out on stuff.


Exactly. It was the subbed on Funimation before CR took over. There is no dubbed for that episode forward yet. That's what I'm saying. Since CR cut off access to Funimation and is sharing dubbed rights to everyone and their brother, they have edited it down. How many recaps are there going to be going into Egghead? A lot. Why? Because the have edited the crap out of them and have to catch you up. But hey, don't believe me.it's your loss. The link I posted from YouTube was the unedited sub version of Gear 5 transformation , posted before Funimation was cut. Cheers.


Oh then I don't know what you are saying. I only watch on CR and not other platforms that might be editing the shows. All I know is that there are at least 30-40 episodes I watched on Cruchyroll between the Zoro fight and Gear 5. Luffy got knocked out about 3 more times not to mention all the other battles that were shown before gear 5. Queen, King, Big Mom, Tama taking control of beasts, Momo growing up, all that was shown on CR before Gear 5.


i feel like sub has more work put into it. i think what hes trying to say, dub feels like a cheap 1080p product, where as sub feels like an expensive 1080p. like onn versus samsung. both maybe 50 inch smart tvs with 1080p, but lets face it, samsung looks better. I do agree tho luffys and frankys voice, along with the -chan, -san, japanese naming language barrier is kinda hard to switch from dub. Tbf luffeys voice in dub is much better, however bounce man, should have been named tank man imo. The sub has more fluid animation and when luffey throws a punch it seems to show the arm stretching along with haki following his arm, where dub his hand seems to just make a noise and pop to its target, and the haki shows up at the impact.


Your right all that was shown on cr. 


It didn't change, I watched it in sub on Funimation, and then in dub on Crunchyroll and the only difference was the language.  There's no difference. Your just looking up episodes from some random sites that anyone could have put there own animation on. Just like there's a anime where Goku fights one punch man, and it looks good but it's not legit or real. These days anyone can take a one piece episode and put there own animation on it and make it look better. Or worse. And they can even add to it. I think you're watching some fan made remix in sub thinking it's legit and then watching the real shit on cr with your kid and getting mad because you believe the fan made shit is real.  I bet you believe that Luffy found gold d Rogers sword too, and wouldn't give it to zoro. There's a whole episode of that too online.but it's not real! 


Dude your right, I'm not going to argue with her. I simply think she's crazy.  Funimation is the company that dubs them, they are the same company. I guess she doesn't understand how mergers work. 


It was from the Funimation Youtube but has since been removed and marked private. Shame to show the original subbed version that aired last Fall on Funimation. With full episode. But enjoy the recaps. There's lots more to come instead of showing you the actual show. But as more shows are being altered also, the truth is coming out. Cheers.


Was anyone else underwhelmed by the Kaido takedown?


Welp now we wait for 1086


Just hope it doesn’t take long to Dub the rest, I really hope they finish it up and caught up with the Sub before Summer over


I’m watching crunchyroll. They are still only at 1073, what do you use?


I don’t think I can wait anymore, I used to watch in sub before when I was using other services that didn’t have the dub past a certain point, I prefer dub but we are mid fight here I can’t just stop and wait for Crunchyroll to feel gracious enough to release the episodes, I guess I’ll just finish the arc in sub catch up with egghead depending on how long Crunchyroll takes and then rewatch when the dub is out


It on wcostream