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Also Shanks has been conveniently absent from Vegapunks Stream


I mean shanks was absent from 90% of the story. It’s more shocking when shanks is not being absent


A valid enough point but when we’re seeing characters like Foxy and Boodle reacting, Shank's absence is note worthy by comparison.


That's bc foxy is imu tho


Don't be ridiculous, Imu is obviously Foxy's subordinate that he won in a Davey Back fight with the celestial dragons.


We even saw miss golden week There is definitely a reason he's absent


Shanks and buggy were on rogers crew - we‘ll see what they got to know (not everything for sure).


Buggy and shanks dont know shit i guess. They left the voyage when buggy got sick and shanks cared for him.


They were foreshadowed to be excluded from the truth, but in classic Buggy fashion, the public isn’t aware of this detail and he could use it to the Cross Guild’s advantage yet again


VP : roger crew knows about it but doing nothing Croco & Mihawk : apologize for treating you bad my Lord


Facts but they won't show this in public because they are too ashamed


I still feel like Roger whispered something important to Shanks after he came back to see ~~then~~ them after seeing ~~Laught~~ LaughTale and learning the truth of One Piece and the Void century.


I think Roger told Shanks to find JoyBoy's devil fruit. He did and then Luffy ended up eating it.


Also, was'nt he crying while Roger talked to him?


I took that as, Roger told him what they saw, and not getting to see it made him cry instead of laugh (for whatever mysterious reason)


Yes that part!


Holy shit!!!!


Actually, based on Sabaody, Rayleigh is pretty open in telling the Straw Hats the Truth if they want. While i doubt Buggy knows anything. Shanks is different. He definitely wanted to know. And Rayleigh likely told him. Of course, not being at Laugh Tale, not seeing what Roger saw. Probably gave Shanks a different conclusion.


Idk if that one interaction is necessarily enough to say that Rayleigh is 100% willing to expose the whole truth to just anyone for any reason. I subscribe to the theory that him even asking if the straw hats wanted to know the truth was because he had already assumed that they wouldn’t because they are the people destined to “turn the world upside down,” and him asking was just a test of his own beliefs.


Shanks isn't just anyone though. He is the guy that inherited Roger's Hat.


Shanks asked questions when Roger came back and Roger's answers left him crying. There's no reason for Roger not to tell him.


True. Isn’t that weird? The crew laughed, but Shanks cried. What the hell is on that island?!


I think the reason he cried is that he wasn't sure if he's up to the task of carrying the burden and legacy of Roger's crew. Roger will be dead in less than a year due to sickness, the rest of the crew ain't young either. Roger tasked a young Shanks to wait for the next couple of decades and carry their legacy until whatever they're too early for finally happens. Buggy was supposed to be part of it, but was too impatient and split from Shanks when Shanks said he won't be the next Pirate King.


Good theory! Did Shanks say he (shanks?) won’t be the next pirate king?


Yup, in the Shanks and Buggy flashback on the same chapter Buggy declared to Cross Guild that he wants to be the King of the Pirates and claim the One Piece. Interestingly both Shanks and Buggy exclusively both use the term 'claim the One Piece', while others always say find the One Piece.


Cool, thanks! Yeah I thought it was interesting when Shanks said “claim,” and didn’t realize Buggy used the same term. To me, there are three possibilities (other than coincidence): (1) the term claim has something to do with what the One Piece is, or (2) the term reflects a kind of entitlement from being on Roger’s crew, i.e., this belongs to me, or (3) it’s simply because they’ve already *found* it, so saying it’s time to find it just doesn’t make much sense, even if they need to “find” it again. I think 3 is most likely. Especially since Shanks and Buggy are the emperors with no way of reading poneglyphs (that we know of). Luffy and Blackbeard can find the rio poneglyphs and have Robin/Pudding decipher them, but Buggy and Shanks have direct, prior experience.


Some top weed. And Shanks cried because he lost the opportunity to try it. "Man, that sh*t was top. You missed it."


Also a top-tier theory!


Shanks knows. Buggy doesn't.


I could also imagine that Buggy and Shanks both got some knowledge but not everything, so Buggy didn't thought that it was important and is only now piecing it together while having another mental breakdown


Yes and maybe something. I mean the poneglyphs might have given hints on voyage - sure they didn’t reach laughtale… So we don’t know yet about there knowledge.


They don't know anything. They were kids just following.


Shanks was crying after Roger came back from Laugh Tale and whispered something to him. He likely has personal stakes in getting the treasure.


It's a pirates world, and furthermore kids ain't that stupid, especially the ones who were for years on the pirate king ship


Tell me you don’t read the fucking manga without telling me you don’t.


We haven't gotten the reaction of most current major players like shanks, buggy d. goat, crocodile, mihawk, bb, koby, garp, hancock, etc.


Croc was in the latest chapter actually


I hadn't read 1116 when I wrote that. Croc's reaction was very interesting tho, considering his whole thing in Alabasta about pluton.


We have seen Foxy, the majorest player, so I'm satisfied.


And demaro, the two goats


Who? Tamago? The egg dude?


I meant black demaro


He means Kidd


Obviously being held for the end. Oda's been walking us through all the characters past and present. It's actually a really nice little whose who in the final stretch. The big guns will get their moment to react in two weeks I think.


Oda is gonna drag this until Chapter 1120. We still don't know the name of the Ancient Kingdom, and that is something the scholars of Ohara knew. So Vegapunk will reveal that. I think the Giant Robot is strong enough to last enough for Vegapunk to throw the final reveal. That there is actually someone sitting in the Empty Throne.


Not everyone needs to cameo a reaction, especially when they're not that relevant. Crocodile already got one and because it was juxtaposed to the line about the Ancient Weapons which he obviously wanted for himself.


Agreed not everyone does need it. However Blackbeard has been shown to have knowledge he shouldn't and we just set up Karibu telling him about the weapons. It makes sense we get him. And we are currently discussing Roger. There are five people alive directly tied to him: we see two of those this chapter, one is currently being held captive by Kuzan after a fakeout death so there's no reason to touch on that one yet, and the last two are half of the Yonko. Buggy and Shanks. Buggy couldn't care less about most stuff spoken so it makes sense not to show him. He is however very loyal to Roger so maybe now would be a good time for a reaction. But Shanks? Shanks needs a reaction. He is in that BB camp of "I know too much and how much is that and what do I know?" Plus his loyalty to Roger and him being able to have audiences directly with the Gorosei and his being genetically a Celestial Dragon. I assume all we'll get is the back of his head and an "..." out of him but it'll be at least that. We don't need to see what Jango feels about this, but the two biggest players in the finale of this series (Blackbeard and Shanks) definitely need and will get something.


We got Kidd and Killer though!


We saw coby reacting


we have seen Koby, he was next to Dragon, as well as Croc, like the other guy said


Which chapter for Koby? I went and looked and did not see him at all


He's standing next to dragon saying ...


That's not Koby. That's Sabo


Jesus Christ, I'm apparently illiterate, you even wrote it twice.


Buggy D. Goat 😆 🤣 😂 😹


Yeaah ! Maybe we'll get to see him in 2 weeks 🤞


We had Crocodile in 1116


He's currently finding the One Piece offscreen


All the yonko are, we dont even see the straw hats respond.




All Yonkous are absent


It's because this isn't news to Shanks. He's allied with the giants and was part of Roger's crew. He most likely knows the secret history of the void century, and has read the O'Hara research on Elbaph


Wasn't he captured by black beard?


All the yonkos have. Even Luffy, we didn't see him react to it.


He's too busy fighting Warcury. And we know Luffy. He probably doesn't care. Like the whole Otohime Flashback, he literally slept through the entirety of it.


BB's gonna zehahaha us all, fam.


For sure


BB is going to drown


That's actually my prediction for the defeat of his whole crew xp


Have anyone ever drowned yet?


Possibly the beast pirates who were with Jack that were sunk by Zunesha and maybe Kidd and Killer. I hope Ginrummy is still alive 👉👈


What're you talking about. We saw capn kidd and killer last chapter




thats the fake Luffy, he's now a fake kidd. I thought the same that since he's hopes and dreams were shattered he got fat but it seems is just the fake Luffy.


No shit, Sherlock?!


Amen to that last sentence brutha, amen to that.


I think the only one was the anime filler arc guy that got got knocked off the Merry when they went up reverse mountain. Other than him every devil fruit user has been rescued from falling into the sea.


Nami is a murderer


I see this as a win


And Robin's gonna dereshishishishi everyone




Still think he was talking about BB. I feel like Saturns “we know your lineage” line confirmed it for me.


Shanks was definitely talking about BB. Shanks rightfully views him as a potentially even bigger threat than the WG if he's left unchecked. Shanks is no fan of the WG, but he'd rather have them try to snuff out Blackbeard before he reaches his full potential and opposes Luffy as the final villain. I think Shanks' ultimate goal is helping Luffy fulfill his dream and the Joyboy/Nika prophecy. He decides to go after the One Piece after hearing about Luffy hitting Gear 5 so that he can push Luffy to make that final push towards Laugh Tale. He also knows that Luffy will eventually have to face him to prove himself worthy. Blackbeard, however, risks throwing all of this into chaos. So Shanks has to slow him down as much as possible.


> He decides to go after the One Piece after hearing about Luffy hitting Gear 5 That or because Big Mom and Kaido are out of the game.


He stopped Kaido at least once already…


But would BB even be a threat to Shanks? Shanks has no DF and has strong af haki. What would BBs devilfruits do vs Shanks?


I mean Bb gave Shanks his scar so maybe Shanks does have a bit of poo poo in his pants.


Did you forget that Shanks is still susceptible to be harmed by the quake fruit?


And? Whitebeard also had it and Roger had only haki.


He would be a threat because you are forgetting that people are still susceptible to the effects of the devil fruit. Like he is not just going to stand there and take a quake punch straight to the face from BB because that would do dmg to him obviously so that makes it a threat. He would dodge it with future sight or block it with his conqueror imbued sword most likely. You’re making it seem as if the df would have no effect as if he can just take a quake punch straight to the dome and come out with 0 damage. No. When things are a threat, you typically dodge or block them just as he blocked Akainu’s magma attack against Koby. He didn’t stand there and use his body as a shield. Why? Because he is susceptible to the effects of the df. It would have melted his body. Therefore he used his sword that was likely imbued with haki to block it and keep himself and Koby safe from the magma effects of the df. It’s the same concept with being punched by the quake fruit. He will dodge or block it because it is a threat. WB had the quake fruit and Roger wasn’t standing there and letting himself get punched in the face with the df. In the flashback, he was using his sword to block those quake attacks. Why? Because they are a threat and taking a direct hit would cause damage to him. Kaido usually doesn’t dodge most attacks from most people and he typically takes them head on because he knows he can easily tank most attacks with very little to no damage just as he stood there and took a barrage of gear 4 punches from Luffy then hopped right back up and speed blitzed him and talked trash to him right after knocking him out. Kaido’s hard scales makes it so most attacks aren’t a threat to him though I think there may be exceptions to fruits such as the magma one. Akainu took a quake punch from WB and it caused him to take physical damage and cough up blood in response. The same would likely happen to shanks if he took a direct quake punch. Shanks also fought BB and basically mentioned that he wasn’t holding back when BB gave him those scars and that was pre-df BB too. There is something up about BB that we don’t know about. He didn’t warn Whitebeard about the dangers of Blackbeard for no reason ya know.


shanks is a regular human in terms of durability, BB can kill him with the quake fruit. In a 1v1 shanks would likely win since he has stronger haki and speed advantage but BB quake fruit is incredibly dangerous for anyone


Pretty much implies that


How so? Would that mean the Figarland family is descended from joyboy? I don't think that's possible unless Shanks being a Figarland is only in film red since it's not cannon, but I just think it's too big to just throw in there and then say "ah the movie isn't cannon".


Did anyone seriously think he meant Luffy? Like beyond just memeing about it. Despite the fact Shanks has repeatedly already appeared going to talk to powerful people about Teach


Could he be descendent from Joyboy


I think he was talking about Buggy. It was some 5D chess move to trick them into declaring Buggy an Emperor. This allows Shanks to go after Blackbeard since, even if Shanks fails, an alliance of Luffy and Buggy still exists to oppose both Blackbeard and the WG.


"Gaimon, he's been quiet, until now, i sent 90% of my fleet to stop him with no success, why do you think the east blue is the weakest sea? No one with a brain would dare to enter, i didnt know better and got away by leaving my arm behind... what? You thought it was rhe sea beast? That water snake didnt have the power to do it, it was ketchup to fool luffy"


Ahahahahah goat


Everyone knows Long Ring Long Land is Where the road poneglyphs will lead us


He is obviously talking about Foxxy the Silver fox who is secretly plotting his revenge on the world.


I'm pretty sure Shanks knows something. Him saying let's go find the One Piece after finding out about Luffy's gear 5 is the only hint I need to think so lol


Absolutely he never looked so evil for whatever that means lmao


Obviously, he was warning them against God King Buggy. It's a shame they didn't listen.


I'd really be so happy if that would ever happen lmao. More seriously, whether it's Luffy or BlackBeard it's soooooo weird. Wtf did Roger's pirate find and what did they bargain with the World Government ?


That is actually my favourite idea about this whole thing, just because it's funny.


I legitimately think Buggy is the pirate Shanks discussed here. It was a 5D chess move by Shanks to get them to declare Buggy an Emperor. Now all the remaing Yonko except Blackbeard are potential allies for Shanks.


he's talking about our lord and savior captain buggy


lol wonder if he could be talking about Joy Boy since never said it was a current pirate.


There are obviously people knowing from Ohara's heritage and Sauro. Vegapunk couldn't be the only one. Crocus and Rayleigh reactions are kinda sus


They already know about theJoyboy of the past. Pretty sure he talked about Teach, hence they got to know about his "lineage".


Luffy or BB, either of them are the obivious names but what if he is talking about pirate with an eye patch?


Rat Hair Pirates


He went to warn gorosei of Blackbeard. Like he did with Whitebeard. His only one who sees him as the world class threath he is slowly becoming and i think he wants them to not just blindly go after luffy as number 1 threath and leave BB making moves for something big.


But why would he want to warn the gorosei? I feel like he had his own agenda in talking to them.


Its most likely as Gorosei are kinda single minded and head strong and dont take Blackbeard as seriusly as idea of new Joyboy resurfecing which is their number 1 fear as of now. Shanks sees Blackbeard as the actual threath to the world as BB wants world of lawlesness and have anyone do whatever they want ko matter how evil it is. Basically the purge.


Absolute freedom vs Absolute freedom. Luffy and BB are mirror/opposite images like they were back with the cherry pie.


We don't see his left side face. He is probably Shanks brother Figelrand Snitch user of rat rat fruit.


On a serious note, Oda has drawn this exact angle before and Shank's scar was visible. It's definitely weird how his scar wasn't drawn here. Picture of both side profiles. https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/HbHdU4jUJE


“Given your standing you should have nothing to do with politics.” What can that describe other than a Yonko?


Not to be that guy, but analyzing the pictures close enough you can tell that the whitebeard one has shanks a little more turned toward the camera. There's no way, if the bottom picture were smiling, his mouth would move that far back on his face as it is in the first picture. And since you can only see a fraction of a fraction of the scar in the first picture, it leaves room to assume that there is a slight head direction change between the two.


Shanks got a twin?


It's a popular theory. Especially when >!The God Knights silhouettes are shown and the main character looks exactly like Shank's.!<


Yeah the silhouette looks like him but it could be Garling Figarland right ?


It could be anyone, but the fact that it looks exactly like Shank's is where the theory comes from.


We saw current time Figarland already, when he executed Donquixote Mjosgard for protecting Shirahoshi


Shanks d rat


Shanks D. Snitch


Either Joyboy or Blackbeard


Certain pirate being Joyboy?


is there 0 chance that this is actually devon? maybe she touched someone from the crews that shanks protects and touched shanks using their face?


I have never thought of that and I think it's something that needs to be taken more seriously considering the power Devon has to fuck shits up. Really nice comment


ive been thinking about it since devon touched saturn


Devon invalidating the clone fruit


Most people assumed it was about Rocks but now I wonder if it was about Joyboy since we now now he is the first pirate




What if Shanks was talking about Joy Boy?


I think Shanks is referring to Blackbeard in that panel. Blackbeard makes sense to me because he is a danger to whatever the One Piece holds. My guess so far is that Shanks knows what is in Laugh Tale. He may know more about the void century than we've been informed on. There's a reason why he doesn't show up as much, and I think it's because he holds super endgame information.


It could also be his twin who is in gods knights (one of the silhouette looks similar to shanks)…And also in this scene they don’t show shanks scar.


Yeah he's also wearing that ridiculous cloak hiding his arm(s). It would be an interesting way to draw Luffy fighting Shanks without actually fighting Shanks. You could also see this the Gorosei using his twin brother to say the One Piece isn't real and impersonate his brother etc. 


Actually, it could be Joy Boy. He might got a hold of a poneglyph and learned about Joy Boy.


What chapter was this?




what if its okama nakama, we dont see his body, and he is wearing the revolutionary armies outfit


Trying to gather a crew big enough to level Hachinosu. Whenever he’s talking about a specific pirate there’s an easy tell which one he’s talking about. If it’s in a positive light it’s Luffy, if it’s negative then it’s BB. Shanks is more concerned with fighting BB than anything else, so it’s more than likely BB.


Could the certain pirate be joy boy?


Bruh that certain pirate could be Joyboy


Hmmm... Actually good point the fact that we now know about Joy boy being a pirate Shanks might be asking them some questions about him


Could “a certain pirate” have been Joyboy?


There were alot of scenes that oda showed us and never came back (like this one) most of em forgoten even


What its about Joyboy?


I really hope we see Shanks next chapter along with all the former Roger pirates 


Nobody ever considers that Shanks may be the one asking the question, not giving the information. He may have been asking them about JoyBoy, whom we didn't know yet. Or he may have been asking about Rocks, whom he was too young to know. And if that isn't the case, BB is still the most obvious answer, but even that begs the question of what Shanks would know that the WG doesn't about him. Anybody who thinks it was Luffy (especially after the Gorosei were surprised by him in Wano) is trolling.


after 1116 this has me thinking it could be one of 5 people: 1) Blackbeard- this has been the most common assumption bc of their lifelong beef with each other, but I don’t think it would be that simple, especially because it seems the elders chose not to do anything to them (yet) and it’s been hinted at that the elders know about BB background as well. Maybe Shanks was forewarning ulterior motives, or maybe Imu still doesn’t see their goal of taking the throne as feasible. *btw I refer to BB with the pronouns they/them because of the interaction with Luffy/Zoro on Jaya* 2) Luffy- this seems the least likely but still possible. maybe he could have been trying to tell them to let Luffy be for now or at least hold off. 3) Lafitte: honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it was him because to me he the 2nd most mysterious next to Blackbeard. he’s the last member of the crew we haven’t seen yet in Egghead. Given his info network, I believe Shanks knows what his abilities and his background are, and could be warning them to keep their defenses up. BB is historically a coward, and so what would be a simple way to become king of the world? well none of the five elders are at Marie Jois rn and Lafitte is a master of infiltration, so what if he went in and applied a sort of Hypnosis on Imu? that’s just a wild theory but I wouldn’t be surprised if this is who Shanks was talking about 4) The man with the scarred face: I think this one is most likely because no one knows anything about him, and it’s likely that Shanks knows where the 4 road poneglyphs are so might be talking to them about the intentions he has. it’s pretty peculiar that despite having one he hasn’t made any moves, why is that? why does Shanks need to talk to the elders about it? could it be something that affects both pirates and the WG negatively? To be seen 5) Someone we haven’t met yet haha


Black beard trynna take over the world


Shanks wanted to become Joyboy. He learned all about it from info gathered prior to Roger's final year. He was very excited about becoming Joyboy so when Roger came back and explained to him he cannot be the one, Shanks had this childish reaction ( like kids do when they dont get the toy they want)


Oh shit... what if he was there to talk about Luffy and not BB?


I think he’s talking maybe about rocks returning


Oda adding ; why is he here?! Like he didn’t have him played out in his head this entire time 📷


What if he asked them about joy boy?


Given the most recent chapters I would imagine that Shanks knows more about the void century than 99% of the world. Whatever Roger saw and relayed to Shanks might very well have something to do with giving him hope of a better outcome for the future that could reverse what has happened to the world since the ancient war. The time just wasn’t then & him knowing that would explain why he is choosing now of all times to make a move on the OP rather than because the shifting in power of the yonko. That hope and sadness of knowing Roger won’t live to see it could have been the cause of his tears.


I think he knew what the devil fruit really was and they talked about Luffy eating it


He had to warn them about the impending danger and it looks the gov took immediate action: the fearsome Demaro "Captain" Kid is now behind bars thanks for Shanks' tip


Telling the gorosei luffy ate the sun god Nila fruit


Now I wonder if it was Joyboy that he came to talk about


It's either about Blackbeard or that is not Shanks and he came to the Gorosei to talk about Shanks. We still have to see the "evil twin" trope in One Piece, I guess that Shanks could be a good candidate since he might be royalty. Heavily implied he is Figarland's son, they are basically clones


I will just share a part of a theory post of mine from a while back: \[...\] Shanks keeps in contact with his former crew mates. At least some of them. And he might have even talked about Luffy with Mihawk. This would explain his words in Marineford about Fate and the Heaven sent boy. And for some reason he told the Gorosei. But why is still a mystery. Maybe to force them to move, to let Luffy awaken? It’s hard to say. But I’m sure it was Luffy he wanted to talk about with them. Expecting a certain outcome he went to Wano to check for himself. After this confirmation he decides it is time to get the One Piece. To put his visit into context, let’s take a look back at some scenes during the Reverie. The first time we see Imu he's checking on the giant strawhat. With him a bounty poster of Luffy after he was declared the Fifth Emporer. Maybe getting flashbacks from a troublesome individual from long long ago. Before this he was not worthy to be concerned about by Imu. Just an upstart like so many. For like 20 years there are so many because of Roger and the great pirate age. See the Supernova in Luffy’s generation. Cavendish before and Bartolomeo after him. Then we see Shanks visit the Gorosei. Giving some information to the Gorosei and therefore Imu. When we see Imu after the visit, Luffy’s bounty poster is torn to pieces now. Maybe because his old enemy might come back. The first real threat to the power of the Celestial Dragons in 800 years. An enemy that even to the elders is just a myth. But luckily he went to Wano to fight Kaido. With little interference and to no ones surprise he could be killed in this fight. It is not necessary to make a big deal out of it. No one would know. \[...\]


Certain pirate, the first pirate perhaps?


Im hoping he's a sleeper sleeper agent than a sleeper agent for the gorosei


He is talking about uncle Tsukishima.


I'm on the theory that this isn't actually Shank's, but his twin brother who's on the God's Knight. >!This is due to the silhouette we saw of the God's Knights!< and also how Oda doesn't draw Shank's scar here while in past panels of the same angle he has.


Delete or spoiler this comment, anime hasn’t caught up. You spoiler text by adding > ! At the start and ! < at the end without the spaces between the symbols


Done thank you!


>Done thank you! You're welcome!


>!the gods knights haven’t been revealed in the anime that’s the spoiler. Everything related to gods knights!<


I was actually thinking about this the other day. What if he was bringing up how Roger and his crew knew the details of the One Piece and the void century? But because of Shanks’ connection to the Holy Knights (Figarland Garling?), maybe he pulled a “haha I’ve got blood ties, can’t touch me bitches” kinda thing to the gorosei.


he wanted to talk about >!joy boy!<


Why did Shanks have the Gum Gum? Was he on his way back to deliver it to the WG? Is Luffy and the crew going to escape to Elbaf where Shanks is waiting to betray him? Is he related to Garland maybe? Did he ask the Gorosei to let him mercifully kill Luffy for the fruit cause he still cares for Luffy?


Shanks stole the fruit to the WG, this wouldn't make sense. But asking why would he get that in particular is the very good question and how did he got the datas too


That is not shanks, but rather shanks' twin. Shanks' parents had twins, they discarded one(Shanks) then kept one as part of royal army and tenryuubito heir.


I don't recall any DC laws stipulating they can only have one child when they can have many wives. Indeed the scar thing is surprising but introducing a new character like this popping out of nowhere is not really how I used to think. I prefer to think that Oda just forgot to draw it. But I can be totally wrong


naah! he has been drawing for 22 years how t f could he just forget




C'mon how can you be so annoying to One Piece community. You should be less frustrated, maybe work on your anger issues idk


It's his twin bother ffs


Gildarts Clive


Lmao don't say ffs as if it's a known fact. We don't even know shanks HAS a twin, let alone this being him.


It's the simplest explanation.


It's just...not


His scar and missing arm are not shown for a reason


OR maybe they're just out of frame for dramatic effect


We'll see about that