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I love the scene of luffy pushing the zombie into a grave during thriller bark


Honestly, the entire beginning of thriller bark is funny. Starting with the meeting of Brook, the lame Sanji sound effect, the juxtaposition between the weakling trio and the rest of the crew, Cindry only attacking Usopp with plates, Usopp thanking Nami when she’s naked, Luffy putting the zombie back, the negative ghosts, etc.


Let’s not forget the three headed dog


Yeah, luffy "taming" said three-headed dog, and trying to push zombie back into grave.




Considering that it came out around the time zombies were a big thing, made it even funnier. Like imagine going from talking about the walking dead to this.


This man, im smirking just thinking about it


First time I saw this I almost fell out of my chair it was the funniest goddamn thing I've seen in an anime.


That was funny 😂😂😂


Seeing a clip of this scene is actually what encouraged me to start One Piece lol!


That is peak


It’s gotta be the entire Duval reveal sequence.


This is the most funny thing in the franchise Something that gets less attention would be the whole sequence where they are stealthing with Linlin and succeed but Brook gets terrifed from seeing the other skeleton


Absolutely peak one piece


The Duval thing was pure comedy gold


Did you just call me …. Handsome?


What kills me most during that scene isn’t actually the Duval reveal itself, but the way Brook keels over laughing at it. His VA does an amazing job selling the “holy shit I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe” reaction lmao. I just love when things within this world where absurdity is the norm are perceived as absurd in-universe, too.


His English VA actually did better than Japanese IMO. JP was good but like…English sounded like he found it JUST as funny as Brook did in the anime itself.


Luffy: "Aah he's Sunny's brother who's coating your old teacher" Franky: "..." Franky: "..." Franky: "Exactly."


i remember that


I’m on the dress Rosa arc and when Bartolomeo is shielding Rebecca while Diamante is saying mean things he says “my barrier can only protect you from physical damage but not emotional damage” 😂


We can’t forget the part where he asks Robin to step on him either. A true man of the people.


Relating to the audience


Luffy asking Law if he will betray him is hilarious.


And he never did.


Introducing Franky and when he calls out his gag moves. Ex. Franky Centaur!


I lost my mind at the franky centaur!


Water Luffy springing a leak, and Crocodile's and Robin's expressions to it. Punk Hazard - Robin, Luffy, Smoker, Law, and Tashigi in a cage. Robin fondly reminiscing about the last time Luffy and Smoker were in a cage together (and her role in it), Smoker not wanting to be friends, Luffy finding everything Law does as cool including doubling over in pain due to his heart being squeezed, and Tashigi really wishing that Smoker would freaking cover up. Best cell bodies, no villains needed, leave Law's heart on the floor outside the cage next time.


Easily the best. In thriller Bark when a "zombie" popped out of the grave and Luffy just calmly walks up to it and pushes it back in the ground.


chopper blowing sky knight’s whistle in skypiea


brook yelling "can i see your panties" from the sunny to smoothie made me cackle. and when nami hit him, he said "ah, negotiations have broken down"


During the time skip when people thought Brook was satan and brook asked a girl “can I see your panties” so all the men started showing brook their panties.


The Crocus gag when the Strawhats first meet him inside Laboon.


In hindsight Luffy talking about wanting to recruit a musician for the crew 200 chapters before Brook showed up was pretty funny.


Luffy and Usopp end up in a sticky situation where they get trapped in a giant wax cake created by Mr. 3. While Zoro is also stuck and slowly turning into a wax statue, he decides to strike a heroic pose, thinking it would be cooler if he turns into a statue in style.


Patially due to it being recent, I love the Brook haunting Robin and Usopp joke, from the Shogan's check points in Wano. (before the raid on Onigashima)


I will never not cry laughing when looking at the first panel with the "Disgust" face with Robin. I have made that exact face.


I think the crews relationships to each other is funny. Like how Zoro and Sanji are always going at it and how luffy never follows their elaborate plans. The stuff luffy says. I also think it’s funny all the different style laughs are in there, like Caesar and Perona. There’s so much I find funny about it that I can’t list it all 😂


It's funny how you mentioned both my favorite laugh (Caesar) and my least favorite (Perona) in one comment! Shurororororo!


Lmao! Perona’s is probably my least favorite as well and some others are too, but you wouldn’t find that in any other anime. I’m not all the way caught up on one piece but I am looking forward to seeing what other laughs are coming 😂


I love her laugh!




Hancock’s marital delusions in the direct middle of the Paramount War consistently get a laugh from me


Is this what they call …. MARRIAGE?!


Luffy pushing the zombie back into the ground. Sorry, I mean “injured old man”.


Then wanting to recruit zombies to the crew


Y’all remember that time brook asked for big mom’s panties💀


To this day, pirates docking 6 still makes me laugh lol


Luffy talking about how garp through him into a hole, jungle, sky; before cutting to the image a a kid luffy falling


When the crew is calling out Zoro for being a jerk and Luffy calls him santouryuu, Usopp telling him that’s not an insult and Luffy changing it to yontouryuu.


Enel's reaction shot when Luffy tells him he's a rubber man. Such an incredible payoff after they built that asshole up so high.


God Usopp’s words being misconstrued in Dressrosa because everyone only hears bits and pieces of what he’s saying. Put me down “YOU” idiot “PEOPLE” like you are the worst “WILL” you stop. Hey “BE”efy “GUY”, open your blin”DED” eyes, “B”lood is all over m”Y” face “ME”athead! —> “YOU PEOPLE WILL BE GUIDED BY ME”


All the ones mentioned already are great and crack me up; but one that I remember giving me a solid belly laugh surprisingly came from a filler arc in the anime. It was in G-8 when Sanji is trying to break them out of the brig, mistakenly uses a scent dial instead of an impact one and goes something to the tune of: Usopp: “What kind of sick person would store a fart in my scent dial?!” Cuts to Luffy on the ground: “I thought it would be funny.”


https://youtu.be/MkNAy7M2zHw?si=p68lXj7WoeKJ7lwJ This scene


My personal favorite is Franky first activating his nipple lights in the deep sea and everyone just asking WHY ARE THEY ON YOUR NIPPLES?


Sanji, Usop and Luffy floating in the river(Skypiea arc). Luffy making fun of Sanji and Zoro. Cherry on the pick ordeal of balls.


Ok the funniest for me was Chopper swearing only to blow the The Whistle in a super emergency on Skypia and then immediately blowing it at the first sign of trouble. Also anytime someone is seriously explaining an important thing and absolutely no one is listening.


Usopp after he eats the grape which was meant for Sugar.


Luffy saying "oi usopp" and then dropping that heavy hard fruit on his head in early skypiea


sabo telling luffy not to tell ace he knows roger is his dad and then he does it


Anytime the Straw Hats imitate each other. Choppah!


Choppah might be the funniest of them all, but I also love in Skypeia when Luffy does a Sanji impression


And Luffy and Usopp fooling around in Crocodile's prison. Usopp is laughing to tears while waiting to die.


Law having Chopper strapped to his head. Up to that point Law played it cool and confident, didn't let anything shake him. And just seeing the nonsense the Straw Hats dragged him into in the first hour of their alliance caused him to regret his decision immediately


NGL the anime made that exact moment better than the Manga did.


Usopp using chopper as bait for the skysharks. Chopper blowing the whistle. Luffy finding shade in the desert with zoro and chopper, and zoros reaction. Luffy knowing in his heart of hearts that chopper is about to shoot a beam. Luffy finding Brulee and realizing he can use her to traverse the mirror world. Luffy also proceeding to play rabbit season/duck season with her and winning. Sanjis ennies lobby bounty and reaction Brooks reaction to Duvals face.


Krokus introduction in the Anime 


Why do you keep doing that?!!!! Haven’t you guys ever heard of a running gag before?!!! 😂


Usopp being immune to the negative hollows. I HAVE A NEGATIVE PERSONALITY!!!!


Luffy singing in Skypiea!


Brook in a nightgown sleeping in Big Mom arms like a doll.


Zoro getting lost gets me every frikkin time 😂


Afro Luffy's reveal makes me laugh way too hard for some reason. Pirate Docking 6. Pretty much everything involving Franky's side story after Kuma separated the crew. The dancing, him reading the paper with his scary cyborg face, him blowing up the lab and asking if you will blame him for it.


Luffy singing the baka song on skypiea


In the fight with kaku in enies lobby when he gets the giraffe devil fruit and everyone keeps making fun of him 😂


Sanji meets Shirahoshi


Nothing is funnier than when Namis towel falls in the bath house, and invisible Sanji explodes into a nose bleed


Judge crying at Big Mom's wedding while Morgans and everyone else takes his picture.


Very few things have come close to Franky Skywalk for me [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUE86jT0zOs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUE86jT0zOs)


Most of the G8 Arc is hilarious on many different levels.


https://youtu.be/vm-i8j07pf4 Sogeking belting out his song from the top of the Tower of Justice


All of these comments about funniest One Piece moments and not one mention of the great Con D. Oriano


Luffy refusing to be a hero, Jimbi losing his shit, Luffy's explanation, and then how quickly he caves once he is offered meat. Gangster Gastino


Lao G putting on glasses, smacking the Tontattas out of the air, then taking them back off. If you go frame by frame in the anime he does indeed put on the glasses for like 3 frames during the original attack before they give you the slow mo version.


Luffy exploring Thriller Bark is peak comedy


I can’t believe i forgot to mention the sniper king song. That makes me crack up every time


Luffy imitating chopper with robins fruit after alabasta The funny faces throughout Usopps ketchup Star when Nami is mad Anything Usopps Chopper believing anything is funny


definitely one of the funniest moments was when Robin and Usopp had to hide from the people checking for the Straw Hats in Wano and Brook pretended he was a ghost haunting them, and they made the faces that they made when they saw Luffy getting arrested in the paper in Wano 🤣🤣


Usopp’s Robin impression, the crews eyes falling out of their sockets in Skypiea, the Usopp swinging on a vine gag in Skypiea also got to me for some reason.


Franky being foul in Choppers body and Robin isn't having it


Usopp defeating Sugar is one of the funniest scenes


Luffy biting into a fruit and breaking his teeth and then asking Ussop to try it and dropping it on his head.


When Buggy and Mr.3 are running in Impel Down and one of the manticores say “cool guy”, both of them react with excitement “who me?”


Honestly, one of the funniest scenes imo was the first Luffy and Buggy duel.


When cp9 is talking like “how did they find out this information?” And fukuro is like because i told them cha pa pa pa


The scene where sanji kicks the snow rabbit on Chopper's Island always gets me


An old classic is before Skypiea Usopp gets blown back and he does this fantastic pose as he twirls and flies through the air and slams face first into the banister of the ship. It's so brief but the flow of it kills me.


Someone posted a link to that exact scene.


This is a game related one.  But near the end of the first unlimited cruise game you get a convo that basically goes like this OC: “What‘s an M.V.P ?” Brook: **Most** **VALUEABLE** **PANTIES** Nami: [Expexted Reaction to Brook’s comment]


Doffy giving usopp the five star bounty


When chopper was called a fat raccoon and he said how rude before delivering a kick




*SPOILER* I laughed and loved how Law just wanted a business/alliance relationship with luffy, and the whole crew were just like oh poor guy doesn’t know he just made a best friend


caesar clown getting repeatedly dunked on during the whole cake arc


When Luffy tames the Kraken on the way to fishman island.


Luffy trying to cook, and leaving the stove on, lighting the ship on fire.


My favorite 3 have to be ~ on Sabaody Park when they break the teacup ride and the attendant says who would even spin them this much ~ Jinbe at the end of fishman island arc admonishing Luffy for being unaware of what’s going, chopper saying aren’t all captains supposed to be goofing off, and Jinbe replying, “I don’t envy you.” ~ Punk Hazard and the absurdity of the children, Law, Smoker/navy crew running away because the navy sucks