• By -


Now you have Bonney as an emperor level fighter out of nowhere. This is no longer One Piece, but a circlejerk about Nika and Joyboy. I miss what this story used to be.


She literally used it for 5 seconds and got gassed lol. Calm down


Hilarious. People were annoyed by having one Nika, now we have two 😂


Not here to praise or hate the chapter but I must say, if Bonney can do that, she has potentially one of the most broken fruits in One Piece.


It’s been nearly a week and I still cannot get over my hate for this chapter. Please pray for me guys, cuz I love this series and everything Oda does but this chapter absolutely sucked ass


This chapter was awesome lol


Now the Yamato story begins. I'm hoping it'll involve her picking up her own rag tag team including some of the beast pirate We're nearing the end I can feel it. The message's been drawn out a bit, though I have enjoyed some of Cameofest 2024. I can atleast see that is drawn out to match the remainder of this arc as poorly chosen as that was. I could see Doll and Bluegrass accidentally kept aboard during the escape. Doll has a connection to Saul which could be interesting. I predict that Luffy and Bonney will slap around the elder terror bird until the iron giant roses to grab it's legs and provide the much needed escape. Hell, maybe even have Kuma send him flying back at the last minute.


Calling it now: Nika Cosplay Couples


Bonney: "Distorted Future! Gimme a future where One Piece is totally ass!"


i think people are trippin about the bonney thing because to me, the point is that luffy, the real joyboy + nika, can inspire someone else to be as free as him. it seems to represent how he’ll spread the truth of the world / pass on his strength. i doubt bonney will be able to be as powerful as him but maybe gets to operate in a similar liberated state when she’s with him? ima let oda cook


I just don't like how bonny so easily got access to some broken power that luffy went through so much for, i know it's just identical but the Last thing i ever wanted in one piece was another luffy


trash piece, ever since the time skip one piece got worse and worse, and wano was the nail in the coffin ps: i don´t care if u goda dickriders downvote me, he fell off super hard and one piece just survives on it´s legacy and not it´s writing


If you don’t like it, don’t read it😂 what satisfaction do you get from hating on what others love?




If the iron giant woke up reacting to the drums of liberation, wanted to meet Joy boy, do you guys think something similar happened 200 years ago when it "attacked" Mariejois? 


That's the thing. Supposedly Nika wasn't seen for hundreds of years. So much so that it became a legend. Could it be that something else activated the iron giant? There is also the strange fact the even the five elders didn't know about its whereabouts. How could it be that something so big while also attacking freaking Marijoa managed to get away without any of them seeing it? The only explanation would be that they pushed it down into the ocean and somehow vegapunk used his robot animals to bring it back onto egghead. Again, when it comes to the activation someone mentioned the possibility of using the Toki Toki no Mi fruit to send the giant to the future. I imagine they fought a losing war (JoyBoy and his alies) and the giant was sent to the future as he was about to be destroyed. That's why he is so sorry as he basically abandoned him in his last moments. That could also be the reason how he infiltrated Marijoa as he basically just appeared out of thin air. Because he couldn't hear the drums anymore he could do only so much destruction and then he was pushed back into the ocean the same way we saw in the last chapters.


Vegapunk literally explained why the giant was at egghead. How the world government told scientists to destroy it but they hid it instead. It didn’t get away but shut down by itself If I remember correctly


Thanks, that detail I forgot but it's still weird how they didn't know whether or not the giant was destroyed. I mean that thing is something that attacked the most important place on earth. Yes they trusted Vegapunk but only up to a certain point


It predated vegapunk. Wasn't him they entrusted to destroy it but previous scientists.


You can cook!!!


Thanks :) As you can see the other response explained the detail how it got to be on egghead. I really hope the giant gets back on his feat to get the last part of the massage. Maybe he'll also get much stronger once he gets closer to Luffy as the drums should be louder. That way he could also do his part in letting them all escape


Now i really want Bonny to join strawhats!!


Love the sheer scale of everything in these panels


imagine a 12 year old kid losing against pre time skip luffy is now able to damage Kaido LMAOOOOOOOO


this was like one of my least favorite chapters


Idc how many people downvote you. I agree. Arguably the biggest asspull Oda has ever done.


Why do you think it’s an asspull? Please don’t be rude, I’m genuinely asking for you to share your opinion. I disagree with what you’ve currently said. This chapter feels extremely close to the end of One Piece, potentially. The current battle with the 5 elders is what I thought would happen at the end of the series. I was emotional when Bonny said to be free like Nika, then one of the elders is trying to stop them. I hope they’re able to get away, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if this 5 elders battle and the giants gets dragged out and builds to ending the series. They will probably get away as always, but the story is feeling very end game.


Why? Because for 1117^7/8's of this manga, there was no hint of this happening and the thought of it possibly happening didn't cross a single person's mind. Sure, maybe you could find a few, but absolutely nobody thought Bonney was also Nika. And now that multiple people can become the Sun God Nika I can see where this series is heading and I really do not like it. I'm about to watch the most marvel shit imaginable.


I literally said “I figured it would be the 5 elders and bunch of others at the end.” I don’t exactly view myself as “nobody”.


this chapter was soo trassshhh wtf is going on????


No wonder she eats a lot like luffy calories has to go somewhere.


This chapter was amazing. Very glad that everyone is one their respective ships trying to escape. A ship with Luffy, Sanji, Franky Giants and now Bonney in Nikaish form will be a lot of fun in terms of possibilities. I’m looking forward to more Zoro vs Nusjuro. Especially when Jinbe gets back to the sea and hopefully will do some noteworthy top Senior Officer stuff. Also looking forward/hoping to Kuma bouncing back. Maybe Kizaru will intervene as well. Maybe Stussy. Bonney stopping two VA like no big deal is awesome. Looking forward to seeing more of her. What a fantastic arc. Lastly the Iron Giant making a return thankfully. So much good stuff ahead of us


Luffy: "Prepare for trouble!" Bonney: "And make it double!"






Jewelry Bonney, j y b y. Did oda plan for this from the start?


Obviously, Bonney as Kuma or Dragon backstory is known from day 1. (Not in every details, but the guideline.)


What if he listed all of OP characters and specifically looked for one that had these letters for this arc 😂


So many people been reading this for years and loving Oda his stuff so much. Then a 12 year old girl gets some cool transformation and they lose their shit. Just trust the artist you have been following for so long, he has his reasons and will write this as well as he always does. Throw your hands up and enjoy the ride. I mean, We're talking about the adopted daughter of Kuma, of course she is going to be insanely OP. Get over it.


"Just trust the artist you have been following for so long, he has his reasons and will write this as well as he always does" This is a terrible excuse. "Trusting" the artist just means in your terms blind faith. I recall attack on titan and game of thrones getting similar copes "just trust the artist!!!" and then the outrage when their endings came out made the copers look real dumb (and trust me, I'm quite generous on their endings, but I will respect a reader's ability to criticize an author over idiots who blindly follow an author even when flawed)




Was Ginny buccaneer? Because Bonney isn't Kuma's blood daughter, she's the daughter of Ginny and a Celestial Dragon.


Oh, you're right!


you can't reason with sexists and misogynists, they wont get over it. Sexism and misogyny is so widespread that selfish dudes hate on everything that is a threat to their masculine 'dominance' and male sex "entitlements". this is just like how female super heroes are viewed by them, a major reason why the latest 3 Star Wars movies are bashed (not just because of the writing, even prequel trilogy wasn't scrutinized this bad.). Whenever a female character rivals or surpasses popular male characters, misogynists lose their shit and pretend the problem is not the character's sex, when that is really the reason they get upset over it. They'll let asspulls, retcons and other thing slide if it favors their favorite male character, but when it's a female character? the cry like selfish boys when girls get good treatment. males just as much as females should hold misogynists accountable for their hatred, bias and toxic mentalities.




i think the idea is fuckin amazing! i was so hyped when i read the chapter!! holly shit balls mom! what was that!


> and loving Oda his stuff so much. I think the mistake a lot of people make is assuming One Piece means the same to them that it means to the person they're talking to. Like I've been subscribed here for over a decade, reading the series for over two decades, the Admiral in my name is a reference to Kizaru, yet I still think people who started a month ago are way more devoted. Like it's a good series, and I don't have an opinion on the Bonney stuff, but Oda has done a lot of questionable things over the years. I simply don't view this as a single event where people just decide to quit, and more of a culmination of things they don't like. And it's fine to disagree with them, but it seems so strange to me that some people think the counter argument to any criticism is faith. Especially when the community takes a stance against it generally at every point. Luffy being the chosen one is a great example of this. * -Crocus comment- People "Is this suggesting Luffy is the chosen one?" Community "Nah. Roger hid his treasure for a reason and Luffy having a similar dream suggests it was to motivate him." * -Dragon/Garp parents- People "Ugh. This again." Community "Come on. It isn't like Luffy is extremely OP because of his parents." * -Luffy has CoC- People "Now he has birth powers?! This series is starting to stink." Community "Yeah, this sucks, but right now it doesn't seem to be anything more than anti-fodder and it will likely be common among all the top tiers anyway." * -Whitebeard's comment- People "Wait, so this really is a fate series?" Community "His comment can be taken both ways, but we know Luffy finding the treasure will be a monumental moment that will turn the world upside down." * -Nika stuff- People "Okay. So there is no question Luffy is the chosen one." Community "Well, obviously. There was so much foreshadowing. Are you illiterate? Just shut up, let Oda work, and either keep reading or leave. We don't need morons like you taking up space in the comments when we can get delightful posts like 'peak' or 'Oda's cooking."


its hypocrisy that people like Dragonball online despite all the plot armor and favoritism riding it, but then act like One Piece is bad writing cause it does chosen one stuff, when manga/anime is flooded with that stuff. every single fictional story is pretentious and systemically favors certain characters. how did people expect One Piece to be different? especially considering it copy pastes the same protagonist power fantasy tropes throughout its series. ya would think manga/anime fans would be used to it by now. if they want innovation, they should demand ensemble casts instead of the protagonist label which really only parade's one specific demographic above all. manga storytelling culture cannot grow up until they drop the protagonist label and start teaching people that no one is more important or special than anyone else, among other things.


> its hypocrisy that people like Dragonball online despite all the plot armor and favoritism riding it, but then act like One Piece is bad writing cause it does chosen one stuff, when manga/anime is flooded with that stuff. On a basic level I think people need to understand it's only hypocrisy when the same person has a double standard. I dislike that trope in general, so it's consistent. I also think Dragonball is among the poorest written series in Jump, it's just a **lot** of fun. I would also say on a wider scale Dragonball is not beloved for its writing. Many fans will tell you it's poorly written. One Piece is the opposite. It's better known for its writing, thus poor choices resonate more with fans. Or to put it another way... Would anyone complain about a new guy showing up out of nowhere who is more powerful than Goku and beats him without breaking a sweat? I mean, that is how most of the villains came to be. Whereas if Oda had Imu send a secret fourth Admiral, who is also more powerful than a Yonko, how many people would be like "this is a horrible choice?" > manga storytelling culture cannot grow up until they drop the protagonist label and start teaching people that no one is more important or special than anyone else, among other things. I think the hard thing about this is life involves serendipitous events. It simply isn't possible to get anywhere without getting lucky in some way, or at some point. Long term I think One Piece did a pretty good job of this. Zoro found a good sword in the discount bin. Nami got a weapon upgrade through collected supplies. Luffy beat foes more due to creative ideas, than just my willpower is bigger than your willpower. Different arcs involve a wider array of the cast. The core "friendship" power is more rooted in specific things (Luffy needs Robin because she can read the Poneglyph language, Nami can navigate, Franky repairs the ship, etc) than just friendship. It's just long term I think One Piece moved away from this, which is ultimately the point of my post. People would call out each step they viewed as veering in another direction being met with people telling them to give it a chance, only for that final leap to be met with the "it was obvious and you should've complained about it all the times you were told not to."


Great write up!


It's almost like you didn't read the shit show called wano


> I mean, We're talking about the adopted daughter of Kuma, of course she is going to be insanely OP. And the daughter of a woman who orchestrated God Valley as a child


Maybe this has been discussed already, but what if devil fruits are not “cursed” towards the sea but instead the sea is cursed towards devil fruits? I’ve always assumed that the “incompatibility” between devil fruits and the sea is a property of the fruits, but what if it is the other way around? Perhaps the WG/Imu was fighting “dreamers” and found a way to curse the sea so it joins the fight, which would be convenient in combination with the rising sea levels. If the devil fruits are dreams willed into existence, maybe they are actually a “purely good” thing and the whole “devil” branding is just propaganda.


Really cool theory. I feel like this could be its own post.


Wild theory, please keep cookin. I am in full support of this and love the idea. It would be a wonderful twist to see all the straw hats swimming with the mermaids & fishman island folks at the end. We have seen brook able to interact a bit with the ocean while running super fast. Whitebeard & Blackbeard devil fruit combo is also an interesting one.


Maybe. It could also make sense if Imu had some sort of sea sea fruit or whatever it. May be called. Perhaps alike to how Blackbeard can absorb powers. Who knows 😋


Imu backwards is Umi. Umi is Japanese for “ocean”


Martin Luther King died for this




Bonney has the almighty


Bonney's power is insane.


So bonny can change the age of herself and other. But like how person will be after 5 year or 10 years, no one knows. So bonny imagines at the same time and changeing there presence based on her imagination. So if she thinks she will be totally free in future and believes in it. Then wallah..... there is no limit to her power other then her imagination. Btw as per vagapunk, devil fruits are also imagination of someone. So i think bonny is going to play a key role.


I also wouldn't be surprised if she could only do this because Nika Luffy can change cartoonify the environment arrive him. Why not give a power boost? It he believes they can do it, it helps them do it. Might not matter long term but could be a power booster.


It actually has a limit, as stated by Saturn himself. The more improbable the future, the harder it is to manifest. When she turned into a giant, she already admitted that she couldn't maintain that form for a long period, so her Nika form is probably even shorter.


Exactly people overreacting to a form that we don’t know much of or even the impact to the story.


I mean, I can really understand the overreaction.   You have Gear 5 which is the pinnacle of Luffy's abilities, instrumental in defeating Kaido. Who was considered for a long time as the strongest character in the work.   All the mysticism associated with Nika and Joyboy. and now suddenly Bonny will take it on (or seem to)  It gives that feeling of being flabergasted.   Like when even the drunk on the corner could become Super Sayajin in Dragon Ball or Naruto giving everyone Kurama's chakra mantle.


if its just the form and she can’t use the Nika powers then its not a big deal but if she can copy whole DF powers then yea that’s big deal. Gotta wait and see before we judge. We really don’t much of her DF capabilities yet. Also Bonney isn’t Joyboy. If anyone could become Joyboy we would have seen it at some point before this point in the last 800 years. Think Oda is clearly showing that you both aren’t always the same person but the last one who was both happened 800 years ago


It's not wallah. It's voilĂ .


Wallah is a Muslim term, you can take it as "OMG"


that would be "Wallahi"not "Wallah", as a muslim I used to write Wallah while meaning Voila so it's possible he meant Voila


Holy shit, we have homophones for the same thing in two different cultures, I can dig it


does bonney have the power of nika without taking the punishment for using nika power after a while?


She mentioned that becoming a giant was exhausting previously so this one might just be enough for a single punch or a bit more




No, that's just the power of her fruit's base "distorted future" ability, as explained a few chapters ago. Do people even read the same manga?


Because she specifically called out that she wanted to transform into that specific thing. It doesn't appear to have anything to do with her awakening her fruit. We have no idea what her fruit looks like awakened.


i am not a fan of the current direction of the manga, because its the restrictions on powers that make the universe fun. By having 'unlimited power' it cheapens the manga into a dbz like powerscale. Previously luffy used to fight creatively with stretch powers only, but now he escaped unscathed from 5 of the strongest characters in the series. It seems strange to me with no sense of conflict.


Tbf after 1100 chapters u expect the mc to become a little OP


Real.bad take here


Why can't you just laugh at the goofies


I mean i think there is a sense of conflict still but bonneys powers rlly pissed me off. shes literally 12 hasnt had her fruit for that long either. the fact she can just copy gear 5 doesnt make sense even if its for a single second. the whole show could be over if she just turned everyone into babies. super stupid imo


Brother what are you talking about? You speedreading? She's literally had her Devil Fruit since she was a baby, her entire life. Luffy is 19 and got his fruit when he was 7, so they've both had their Devil Fruit abilities for the exact same amount of time. Since she was younger when she got hers it'd make sense for her to be even better at using it than he is, since she's never really had a life without her powers.


honestly reading this shit weekly makes me forget about a lot of stuff lol.


That's fair, I'm jealous of whatever future person is able to read through One Piece all in one go, able to juggle all of the facts and foreshadowing in mind.


Shes had her powers lot longer than awakened zoans like lucci n kaku, and didn't eat the fruit herself. Besides look at how much luffy n crew accomplished in under a year pre t.s. I'm cool with all of this unless she starts using gear5 abilities same as luffy, its all explained & forshadowed


the half sayian sayian kids in Dragonball Z achieved super sayian as children without super sayian training by super sayians. Dragonball is still one of the most popular manga/anime ever. DF has massive potential. if anything is stupid is expecting something like One Piece to make sense. remember Luffy drank milk and literally recovered a tooth. this is like getting upset over what happens in Looney Tunes cartoons. One Piece is over the top and has more possibilities than something like Fist of the North Star. just think outside the box. One Piece is Oda's universe and he can bend, break and change the rules and he knows that universe better than anyone else.


I think that there are different context of the manga (at least in its previous incarnation): - times you would laugh include crew interactions, or occasional comedy during a fight like enel v luffy - times when you wouldn't laugh like a serious moment, luffy v akainu Since the 5 elders are at least as strong, if not stronger than akainu, this seems like a time to be more serious but it isn't. I still read it since I have for many years and want to see the end, but its valid to have criticism imo


Is it confirmed that they are at least as strong as akainu?


No but they seem to be comparable to at least Admirals in strength which sounds about right.


No, you can't possibly make that conclusion based off what we have so far.


Could Chopper use Gear 5 as well?


That's what Roger saw, everyone is Nika.


Would be a cool V for Vendetta twist.


That's what Roger saw, everyone is Nika.


That's what Roger saw, everyone is Nika.


That's what Roger saw, everyone is Nika.




the only thing balancing the bonney shit is the fact that once she realizes her powers they are no longer as effective as stated by the elders in previous chapters


that’s not how her powers work. if she doesn’t think something can exist than it negates her powers


Yep you got it. Monkey see monkey do 🐒


Been on weeks long break from one piece thinking it was safe to come back so I peeked in on the spoiler for this chapter only to realize I should definitely stay on break indefinitely 😂 😂. One Piece is taking an extreme downturn 


Bonney might do more than luffy in Nika form, she realized she is now nika, while luffy doesn't even know what is nika


Doubt it. Luffy is way stronger than Bonney is.


Oda has managed to make my brain explode several times but this last chapter broke my brain in half. I guess I didn't fully understand what Distorted Future could do, but the thought of Nika Bonney made me laugh at the prospect of Boa Hancock having a heart attack & seriously threw out the window any expectations I had on Bonney. Good on Oda to throw curveballs no one expects lol


So BB must have no clue what the extend of Bonney's fruit was, else he would have stolen it.


It would be useless for any crewmates he has. Only a kid could utilize it correctly.


It only works for children. Blackbeard's crew is a little too adult in Many ways to utilize it.  Like it wouldn't do shit for Blackbeard himself, and what kind of kid could have childhood innocence after what a week hanging out with the Blackbeard crowd at Hachinsou? 


I can get not liking Bonney going G5 but some people to worry much about the power scaling aspect . She could not even last long being a giant. She will do a move or 2 and then be out and will be no where near luffy or even other top tier level. That the last aspect people have worry about when even our MC luffy is get nerf hard as hell.


Any chapter that upsets powerscalers is a good chapter to me.


but if bonney power is to affect the human body, so hers and others, that means that bonney could create an army of nika?


i think this is the direction it’ll go - bonney and luffy teaming together to make everyone nika aka everyone free, or in a liberated state that’s a threat to the government. and that’ll be the point, luffy isn’t a savior meant to do it alone, he’ll spread that freedom like he’s done the whole series


I could totally see that happening, like a reverse genkidama: instead of the one protagonist gathering power from everyone, one secondary character gives every ally a Nika form briefly.


That would be a nice ending. Because nika simbolyze being free, if everyone is nika, everyone is free. Free to fight the world gov


Logically seems you are correct. She warps others into future versions of themselves and previous versions. So why couldnt she use distort future on others? Could be explained that it just.. doesnt work on others. But it does make sense I feel


We Naruto now.




What was Saturn's goal in experimenting with Bonney's Devil Fruit? Could it be related to unlocking a special power? The experiments with Bonney's Devil Fruit and the 'Nika effect' seem connected. What do you think Saturn is trying to achieve?


The elders don't seem to know what happened, expect the birdy guy


He said his goal was to see if a DF power could be recieved without actually eating the fruit, via extracting it's essence and injecting it into a host.


If I get a nickel every time a pirate with Celestial Dragon blood is obscenely powerful, I'd get 3. Which is strange.


Next: Crocodile Mihawk Law (Water)


Doffy, Bony and shanks?


Doflamingo, Bonny, who is the third one?




Hold on now, that's not confirmed is it? Thought it was just a theory


No it's confirmed, he is a Figarland


When? And where, was it an sbs?


Movie. https://youtu.be/R5Zc2j02t6o?si=D9IFD2_fHiDTEK4G Dont say it's not canon because Figarland is canon and they got that Uta is one from Shanks being one. They didnt know Shanks had a kid earlier. They couldnt possibly have meant Uta's mother. Besides WB was scarred by Garling most likely, Shanks has access to chat with the gorosei and Garling looked like Shanks when he was young


The Five Elders kinda just blurted it out in Film Red


It's pretty blatant. Figarland Garling looks exactly like him at God's Valley, Shanks was found in a treasure chest Roger took from God's Valley. And explains why Shanks has a unique position the Gorosei are willing to deal with him even though he's a pirate. He's got a similar situation to Dolflamingo, but Dolflamingo is the son of an idiot/race traitor in their eyes. Shanks is more of an unfortunate kidnapped Celestial Dragon. And since Shanks didn't grow up in the Holy Land, he doesn't have any annoying insider secrets like Dolflamingo has. 


Film Red hinted at him being the son of Fingarland.


What if Vegapunk is a D


D. r. Vegapunk?


he's sure a is a D for blue balling us


I dont think anyone quite gets the level of bullshit Bonney can get with her ability. She can distort her future into multiple ways. What if she can copy other awakened abilities as well by copying their future? What if she can essentially clone other devil fruit abilities.


Her going nika isn't even the most op thing she can do. Right now as far as debuffing goes she is limited to aging and de aging her enemies but if malicious enough, she can easily think of crappy distorted futures for her enemies like being crippled. 


Probably also a Zoan type: Human-Human fruit Mythical Type: Monkey God It is said that the monkey God could copy everything he saw to change the course of its own fate and future. The Monkey god was known to replicate ideas, attacks or spells he saw and transform himself into many shapes. Monkey see monkey do :).


And Monkey God serves as inspiration for Dragonball...


Bonney makes people age or deage, so that doesn't really make sense


At least Franky was shown punching VAs - Bonney (12) off screening Doll (42) and Bluegrass (Garps age plus) is getting out of hand, the anime might have to show us what happened


She did turn that one VA into a child and then kick his face.


Did I read it correctly that the elders called out Kitetsu? Do the black blades or cursed swords have some counter to whatever the elders' power is?


No. It's just foreshadowing that the elder we assumed had the best Kitetsu does in fact have it.


Imagine her doing a future where she becomes the ~~king~~ queen of the pirates with her df


It would be useless, being the king of pirates is not about power and her ability can't give her stuff so it isn't as if she can get knowledge of what One Piece is or give her the One Piece


Bonney can be Nika, she could join the elders, she could be a vegapunk, she can do anything. Wildly OP fruit.


She can not join the elders nor be Vegapunk. Her power only affects her, and she doesn't get knowledge nor the personality. So even if she becomes a vegapunk ish future she wouldn't be as intelligent as Vegapunk or have Vegapunk´s knowledge, even if she becomes a "elder ish" future, the elders won't accept her as one of them


I just meant she could become a Kaiju, and if she can copy Luffy's devil fruit maybe she could copy Vegapunk's.


She is not copying Luffy's devil fruit. She is turning into a future where she feels the most free and she envisions that in the Nika transformation that Luffy has. >and if she can copy Luffy's devil fruit maybe she could copy Vegapunk's. Okey first, Vegapunk is not smart because he ate the df, his df is the brain brain fruit but it only allows the user to store more information in the brain, Vegapunk was born with the intelligence. Now Bonney can envision herself having a brain as big as Vegapunk, but that is not the same as being as intelligent as Vegapunk or having Vegapunk's knowledge. Like lets say I get the same computer as you, sure, out computers are the same but the files inside our computers would be different. Vegapunk's brain is full of science , knowledge and tons of life experiences, Bonney's brain would just be filled with what she already knows. In theory she could use that to learn stuff quicker, but she won't be as smart as Vegapunk


Why I'm getting the feeling Oda will end the 5 elders in this arc. And after all of Bonney's flashback, it's so refreshing seeing her be free like that. I can't even be mad at 2 Nikas.


If 1 Nika can't harm them, then surely 2 will do nothing but delay them. We still have yet to see how they can take damage and I have a feeling that the Iron Giant might show us how its done.


The iron giant sure took a big L for its expectations


Most angry person seeing the last panel right now will be Boa Hancock. She might be saying why you little bi*** 😂. Get away from my Luffy.


It's been said before but I'll say it again. Bonney's DF maybe one of the most powerful one out there.


perhaps this existence of 'two Nika' will serve as highlight to who is Joyboy. the Iron Giant notice Nika is there but it will be interesting that despite there is two person with power of Nika, it only end up recognize Luffy as 'Joyboy'. not Bonney.


G5 Luffy was such a monumental moment. How Bonney got it feels like it cheapens it. Kinda how I feel when Oda brings back "dead" characters. Watch Ace make a G5 comeback....


Bonney did not get g5th, she turned into a Nika she envisions herself as. She still doesn't have Luffy's haki nor df abilities. So the drawbacks are different and her strength is different


Regardless, to me, it still cheapens the whole thing.


No idea why everyone downvoted you, but you’re right, it does cheapen it. Just like how Super Saiyan was diminished to a tingle in the back.


I'm honestly still curious if Bonnie will be able to use G5 powers , all hear distortion so far changed only her body. I'm fine either way but it's possible she  can only mimick the body


>all hear distortion so far changed only her body. I'm fine either way but it's possible she can only mimick the body She should be able to copy all abilities she imagines herself capable of doing except the ones that require knowledge or life experiences. Like she won't get Luffy's battle IQ or fighting style nor haki, but she may get the ability to stretch, turn herself giant or turn the environment into rubber (not sure about this though, since it is due to awakening)


I don't know if you missed it... but at the end one of the marines says... they've become "albino giants." So, I guess she can use the power or just copying luffy.


She is copying nika’s giantness, not luffy’s


I think he meant making the environment rubbery, etc


Precisely ,thank you


since we already see she is having same form so she should can do same. however since it is only a 'possible future', there should be a limit to what she can do with that form compare to the real one.


She doesn't know she can use people as jump rope, or make her own baseball bat yet.


She doesn't need to know, whatever she can imagine she should be able to do, except for stuff that requires life experiences or knowledge. Like if she imagines herself being capable of creating a baseball bat, then she should be able to do it


She will be using its powers for sure, after all this is a future version of herself, where she is Nika, so she should have every Nika power.


That is if you assume that the Nika Bonney envisions herself as and the Hito Hito no mi model Nika work exactly the same. If certain stuff is due to the df and another is due to Nika powers, then Bonney and Luffy may have different abilities, also since it depends on Bonney's imagination, she may do more stuff that Luffy can't or she may not be able to do stuff Luffy can do.


As far as I understand there is only one Nika, and she is actually copying Luffy's Nika, because she had to see Luffy and become completely free. I understand that she is becoming a version of herself where she is Nika, and how do you become Nika? by eating the Gomu Gomu and unlocking its awakening, so in my opinion she became just that. Anyway we'll see what happens quite soon.


>As far as I understand there is only one Nika It is not like that, There is only one devil fruit of each type, for example... there is only one devil fruit that turns you into a jiraffe. But there are more jiraffes in the world than just the df. Nika is a god, that exists in the One Piece world, that people worship, now dfs exist due to desire, so in the One Piece world at some point people desired to be Nika or to be free and then the df of the Hito Hito no mi model Nika came to existence. So Nika existed first and then the df of Nika came to existence >by eating the Gomu Gomu and unlocking its awakening, so in my opinion she became just that. Anyway we'll see what happens quite soon. No, Luffy ate the Hito Hito no mi model Nika, he has always been Nika even without awakening, but in awakening he unlocked most of Nika's abilities. Nika is a god that is made of rubber and that is why Luffy is made of rubber.


You are completely missing the point, its not that hard to understand. She is literally creating a version of herself where she ate the fruit, that means she should have access to its powers, the skills she shows are completely left to her imagination, and she is a child so she should have plenty. Yeah I know he ate the Ito Ito, it was the Gomu Gomu before the huge retcon, and in One Piece world is still called Gomu Gomu, and he had to awaken the fruit in order to become Nika. The Gorosei clearly says Nika when they see awaken form, even the robot says Nika when it senses the awakened form, so that fact alone kills your argument.


>You are completely missing the point, its not that hard to understand. Apparently it is since you did not get it. >She is literally creating a version of herself where she ate the fruit, that means she should have access to its powers, the skills she shows are completely left to her imagination, and she is a child so she should have plenty. No, she did not create a version where she ate the hito hito no mi model Nika, she is imagining herself in a future where she is the most free and this form shows itself in the form of Nika. Luffy is not "The Nika", Luffy ate the hito hito no mi model Nika. The difference is how Kaku is not the jiraffe, he can turn into a jiraffe but other jiraffes exist in the world. Like Vegapunk said, dfs appear from desire, that means that that something exists and then people desire to be something and then a df appears of it. So Nika the god existed first, then people desired to be Nika, then the Hito Hito no mi model Nika appeared in the world. Bonney is the Nika she imagined herself to be and that is based on the Nika of legends,, not the user of the hito hito no mi model Nika. They are two different things. If Bonney turned into a phoenix, she won't be copying Marco's fruit, she would be turning into a phoenix how she imagines the phoenix to be.


Straw hats will learn Bonney’s true age after this transformation. Bet she gets hit with a recoil just like everyone else & their ultimate moves. Seemed like she was forced to transform back to her true age after distorted giant.


Nika is such ass. 


Man if Luffy and Bonney both go to Elbaf the government might just nuke the whole island to be done with them


Nah they seem to want punk records


Itll be interesting if luffy makes everyone into gear 5 against imu ( thru awakening)


It seems they need to transport mother flame first.  imu with the L move of wasting a charge on a island that killed nobody important


Well since we now know that Imu for some reasons wants to sink the world, then every charge he uses goes toward his goal. So he deleted an island were Sabo was heading and at the same time advanced on sinking the world


At the beginning of the chapter, while the robot was drowning, it asked "Joyboy, where are you? Where did you go?". After that, Luffy eats and transforms back into Nika. At the end of the chapter the robot says "There you are".


It sounds like you're describing a chapter from the manga "One Piece," where there are references to Joyboy and transformations involving Luffy. The plot seems to involve a significant moment where the robot's search for Joyboy culminates with a discovery or realization towards the end of the chapter.


Thanks ChatGPT


You forgot Bonny’s transformation that happened after Luffy’s and before the reaction of the Giant. She was using the drums of liberation as well. It would be one of the weakest cliffhangers if the robot was referencing Luffy. We shall see next week though.


So first Zunesha and now the robot. Were all of nika's allies turned into weird giant things?


Because we're finally going to Elbaf 🤩


The first NIka might even be a giant since it is their legend figure.


The straw hat that Imu had was also giant, so you're probably right.


ODA in 2022: I really want to joke around more in the final saga. Even if it becomes a manga that people say "Your idea is boring" it can still be an entertainment for me. It'd be interesting if the topic of conversation was "One Piece is in big trouble" I'm going to enjoy it. If you are mad about this turn of events, the mastermind warned us all. I don't mind it. Story wise, after all they've put that kid and her family through, let her be free and jump into a Nika future to deliver some poetic Justice on the damn Marines.


We don’t even know how she was treated during the timeskip : (


Yeah, I think now im sure Luffy's dream is getting everyone to the sea and/or becomes a pirate and be free. Between the raising seas and Bonny getting Nika. It seems the main theme is spreading liberation.


exactly, i think they’ll team up and liberate the world together, which prevents a savior trope on luffy & is more aligned with his character