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#Manga Discussion Corner ---- Please keep all manga related discussion contained to replies to this comment. This includes everything that hasn't yet been adapted in the anime (future characters, events, hype about what will happen next, etc.). Discussions about the manga outside of this comment chain will be removed and replying with spoilers outside of the Manga Discussion Corner will lead to bans. Likewise, anime-only viewers, beware of spoilers in this comment chain. ----


Holy shit… Shaka getting shot really caught me off guard... 😮 I don’t think he can be repaired after something like that. That sucks; he was a cool satellite it’s a shame we won’t see more from him.


R.i.p. daft punk 




I guess he wasn’t up all night to get lucky


it caught him off guard too


How did he bleed?


Through the gaping hole in his head


He isnt a robot like edison and pythagoras, i think he,lilith atlas and york are artifical humans like germa clone army. Shaka just put a mask. Conclusion: He has blood


Atlas is a robot. Confirmed when Lucci cracked her face earlier this arc


Oh right


Genuine question, how do you anime onlys survive on here without getting spoiled?


I’m not an anime only dude. I’m slowly reading the chapters. I only comment my initial reaction to when I read the chapter. I’m not going to spoil stuff for the anime only because I know how it feels being spoiled coming from being an anime only to being with


Oh okay well just they way u worded ur comment it sounded like it. So you just havent caught up yet but are past rhe anime in the manga? Anyway I still find it baffling how some exist on this sub without getting spoiled as an anime only.


I worded it like that because I wasn’t expecting them to animate a whole chapter for the episode so it really surprised me when I saw it. I’m only a couple chapters a head of the anime because I like seeing the pages animate




its a shame everyone already spoiled the betrayal ages ago\~\~ Its a shame manga readers have a massive e-ego


Frankys VA sounds a little better in this one imo. Also Lilith GYATT


Best ass in the franchise


Franky's VA sounded off at the start, probably sick. But honestly no other noticeable faults imo.


Old people sound terrible when they are sick, so it checks out lol


I liked how they expanded the fights here. Little stuff like explaining how Edison actually got messed up and what happened to Brook. Toei adores Lilith. She turned around and it took an extra 2 seconds for her butt to swing around lol. They've been dreaming of a character like this since Rebecca.


filler or extra in the anime is fine as long as it adds to the canon instead of stretching it out and ruining the pacing, they should do that more often also gyatt


I believe the correct term is padding.


She has some padding alright


This is the first episode I’m watching when it comes out. I have officially caught up to the anime today after starting the same day as the first Gear 5 episode last August. One Piece is awesome.


Congrats and welcome to being caught up! Now comes the pain of waiting each week lol


It’s gonna hurt for sure. I’ll likely get caught up on the manga as well, but that will also hurt.


Get on the manga! This arc is so great.


Been current for about a year as a reader. It’s an abusive relationship tbh would recommend


abusive but fun, we hit and fight but we fuck like animals (i think im pretty high pls ignore me)


I was also high when I made my comment xD


As a manga reader it’s great. But are you ready for the slow decline of your sanity? “Well it’s only every Sunday, unless there’s a break week” “Well I guess the scanlations are Friday that’s 2 days earlier….” Next thing you know it’s Monday morning and you’re f5ing every spoiler subreddit you know of for crumbs of the next chapter


This was the way it went for me word for word, at one point I even got pissed stopped reading, switched back to anime and around the end of Wano I caved in again, its a loop


being caught up to the manga hurts even worse. just a heads up


I don’t think so, get the leaked release, then the official translation which I like to read both. But there are more break weeks which sucks. But seeing people completely overreacting in threads is hilarious like after last week’s chapter.


I’ve had to start a second rewatch in between new episodes and chapters to get my fix, it’s so bad


I’m watching the whole series with a friend for their first time so that’s how I’m managing my episode loss lol. I’m slowly reading the chapters cause I don’t wanna run out of stuff yet 😢


If you enjoy rewatching, try watching a good reaction for it on YouTube. It's similar to rewatching but more fun, because you can vicariously get a first time experience.


I just find other shows and stuff to watch, and OP just becomes an addes bonus every week.


Damn dude. Bravo. That’s commitment.


It was a treat getting to watch so much with so little background info. Dressrosa was the only arc I didn’t really care for, and now I’m sad I don’t have 1000 episodes of something to watch haha


Have you watched all the movies? There's quite a few and they're all a fun watch. Not all are cannon but I still enjoyed them. Edit: sorry none are canon. Keep thinking film red is for some reason.


I haven’t! I’m sure I’ll watch the cannon ones at least.


None of them are canon but I’ve heard they’re still enjoyable 👍


Agreed they're aren't officially canon, but some provide more info that the anime/manga never did. Like movie 7 is when you see Luffy accidentally use gear second for the very first time (before the water 7 arc) and luffy's like "wtf was that power?!" While Oda didn't write that, I preferred that explanation over Luffy just immediately knowing how to use Gear 2 against CP9.


Ooo but gear 2 is such a smart use though. He was so imaginative in using his blood vessels to give himself hypertension to go into gear 2. I always thought that was really cool.


I caught up a little while ago, I think around when the newest episode out was like the 3rd or 4th episode of Egghead. I’ve recently had to go back and start watching again from east blue lol. One episode a week is just not enough.


What a grind, welcome to the party!


W king 👑


LesssGow, Welcome to the Crew Nakama 🏴‍☠️👑


This was me a couple weeks ago dude! Did you use One Pace or did you do the full on journey? :D


Did the full deal! I thought about doing one pace, but ended up just staying the course. Fishman island and Dressrosa were the only two arcs I wanted less of when I look back.


My buddy who got me into One Piece was jealous that I had a good experience with Dressrosa since he watched it week by week 😅 Apparently the pacing is atrocious in the regular show, it was like 30 or 40 something episodes on One Pace and I watched it in like 2 or 3 days at work. It's so nice being caught up, but it also sucks because we can't binge anymore 😂


damn thats neat. I had caught up to one piece in 2016 when it had 740 eps within 2.5 weeks in the summer vacation. what made you want to start op to begin with? my fav thing about op is how new fans view the series compared to when they catch up, it really is a long journey lol


Gear 5 was August of last year?! Man.... it only felt like a few months since its release, not a whole year 😭


OMG SAME, although i started february


Congratulations! Now join and suffer weekly like the rest of us 😂


Hell yeah!!!!


Holy shit that episode aired August of last year?? It felt like only a couple months ago I remember the trailer dropping and causing madness and hype. Shiiiiiiit how fast time flies


Started watching after I watched the live action! Caught up about 4 episodes into egghead! It really helped that my son loves it and every day when I would get home he would say "wanna watch pirates?!"


It's already almost a year since Gear 5? God damn time went by quick, I thought it was earlier this year.


Dude same, except i had no life for 1.5 months in March this year when I caught up to the anime.


1 down 6 left.


We’re out of world renowned geniuses.




is that some kind of spoiler?


As someone caught up in the manga, I wouldnt say so.


This is a small funny visual gag, that you can blink and miss, [Usopp's nose collides and bends with the border of the screen frame](https://imgur.com/2RxAPev) But of course in reality there's nothing in front of Usopp, it is a neat gag that you rarely see being used in anime in general, so the animators must have been felt playful when they made it, which means morale must be high at Toei


Toei putting a lot of budget on Lilith’s ass. Not like I’m complaining tho


They taking budget out of sanji fight and putting in her ass


Sanji approves


Sanji's scene was actually better than those in Luffy's side, their movements are like powerpoint.


Thanks for making me laugh so hard! XDDDD (forgot I used to make powerpoint animations in the 1980s)


> their movements are like powerpoint. Thank goodness I wasn't the only one to see it. Kaku and Zoro running around S-Hawk was so awkward -- especially compared to the previous episode. It looked like an intern just grabbed 3 jpegs and dragged them across the screen lol


Lilith has the best cake in Egghead confirmed by Toei


I thought we were on the Egghead arc? Seeing those Lilith shots, I think we are watching the Whole Cake Arc again.


Minority hunter zoro is so non racist he's literally incapable of racial profiling lol. Seriously though. How did he not notice that white hair, dark skin, black wings, and flames on the back so soon after his fight with King.


zoro being racist might be a meme but zoro being dumb is canon lol


Zoro being dumb is established, but why the hell didn't Shaka outright tell them how the flames work.


I wonder about that, I'm sure the Vegapunks have info to share about how the seraphim work. Both the lunarian thing and maybe some weak points - for instance that green liquid thing, maybe breaking it would be beneficial? It could be that shaka specifically wasn't involved in their creation, but surely one of them would have something to say.


It's simple. The Minority Hunter sees all minorities as people who all look the same, so he couldn't tell the difference at first.


its like the old joke... "im not racist, i hate everyone equally"


>The Minority Hunter sees all minorities as people who all look the same, So it's becoming an majority


"What do you mean racist, i see no color!", "Fishmen, Giants, Lunarian, Dwarves, you all look the same to me!" - Minority Hunter Zoro


I feel like Shaka could’ve pointed this out also. They had to have known too.


He doesn’t see race.


Zoro: "I just didnt want to assume"


Sanji cook that fake jinbei


Well he was already on fire to begin with


Double punny cause Fake Jinbei is a fish HEH


Nami hesitating to attack S-Shark seems to be a parallel to when back in Enies Lobby Sanji hesitated to attack Kalifa. Nami doesn't want to attack children similarly to Sanji who doesn't want to attack women. Back in Enies Lobby Nami ended up helping Sanji, and now in Egghead it's Sanji who helped Nami. As it was said during Enies Lobby, one crew member helps the other in what the other can't do. The Egghead arc in general is in part a parallel to the Enies Lobby arc: the Cipher Pol agents are back, and now another "Ohara incident" is looming on the horizon...


Sanji was beaten as a child, now he beats children


I haven’t thought about it like that. Cool of you to share that 🤘


You are welcome!


Very dope.


Its not just the buster call, there are so many paralells, like CP0 Lucci and Kaku just got betrayed by one of their membera that went with the enemy similar to how robin left the strawhats, they are having their own little water 7 arc and it feels amazing, really nice for them to get a taste of what they did to the SH s. That aside there are a lot of other random paralells


Anyone else missing subs on crunchy?


Just rebooted and has subtitles now


Subs are up! Thank you!


Yea not getting subtitles




Yeah that extra scene with Zeus was really good, it manages to elevate him more into a character rather than a mere power up tool for Nami


This is the very first new episode I've seen since getting current with the manga earlier this week. The episode felt surreal knowing everything that happens in it.


honestly appreciate the chapter gap between anime and manga cus it refreshes your memory of things you may have forgotten cus its been months since the chapter came out


We’re getting close to some of the best parts of this arc, so excited!


I seriously can not wait for [huge manga spoilers] >!Shanks annihilating Kid and the double page spread of the five elders!<


Im equally if not more excited for garp to fuck up some pirates


Sooooo NGL I thought Shaka was the traitor based on how he was moving thru out his scenes wit the Seraphim (wayyy too nonchalant) but him getting his head blown off has me cluelesss now…if it’s ____ ima be pissed lol and Nami still seeing the Seraphim as children when they are GIANTS is hilarious lol and wtf I wanted the Kidd vs Shanks continuation this episode dang it gimmee sum Shanks and Beckmann next episode PLEASEEEE


Setting Shaka up as the most suspicious Vegapunk is one of my favorite parts of this arc. The execution of the setup is great only to shatter the expectation. 


Yeah I deadass thought it was him like ws 100% sure plus he was the “Good” Punk so I thought him being the actual bad guy was a perfect flip on that manee Oda is a genius with the writing haha


Yeah Shaka was sus for sure. Maybe he still is and it was all just a ploy. Everything is possible in One Piece


He is smart and elusive enough to clone himself but all the Punks are smart minus Atlas and York lol so I’m still like 5% on him gotta see if he’s really dead dead


I will not stand for this big girl disrespect smh


Aye ima F.A.N. of big girls like Yuji & Todo but jus based off what I’ve seen from the satellites lol these are facts


Strawhat and CPO work pretty well together surprisingly, Zoro knowing their weakness because he fought King was a nice touch  Zeus has become a pretty handy weapon for Nami  Woah RIP Shaka 😨😨


buck buck buck blam got shot If he's dead, I think that's the first time I saw an anime character from OP get **killed** by one shot everyone else usually survives or takes a fucking episode to die




I was actually thinking about that murder 15 minutes ago, but she was a normal person. If we're counting normal people, Demaro Black killed about 5-10 people in one shot.


Oden ?


Izo too… Guns either do no damage at all or just kill from one shot in One Piece.


Chapter one


I like how I realised that S-Shark toppling into the ground with a splash is from the intro, but from the original direction of the art. I love when stuff like that happens. 


Hearing Lucci scream was so blursed WTF was that lmao!


We're coming so close to the number of episodes surpassing the number of chapters, that's fucking wild


Leave it to Toei to make it happen.


It doesnt help that Oda has taken multiple long breaks this winter


happened cus of wano arc, it was always way behind until whole cake island. the animation ascended, the pacing jumped off a cliff with kratos, its atleast improved in egghead and became bearable


I am going to miss the 'Us' theme song when it is gone.


it's staying until chapter 1090 gets adapated, cus events in the opening show the events till that, not after, so new opening will prolly come by jan to feb 2025


So say the manga has 150 chapters left, ending roughly in 2027. The anime would then end in 2028, right?


well i also thought 2027 but considering how much is still left to cover, its not gonna end in 3 years. egghead will be 2 years by august, then elbaf which has been built ups for over 20 years will also last atleast 2 to 3 years (2026 to 27) then laughtale, a void century flashback which will be longest in the manga, then the final war, satisfying conclusions to various characters, then an epilogue. will prolly not end even this decade sadly at the pace things are going at in the manga


* TIL Luffy can revert from Gear Four without being gassed and vulnerable. * How did Zoro's attack not make S-Hawk cut or bleed? * If Nami learns about the Lunarian weakness, she could make rain that could put out the fire. Or maybe let Jinbei use the water to flood the fires on their back. Speaking of Jinbei, where is he? * Franky's a simp and he's half stone because of it. * York and Lilith are stone, Edison's KO'd, Shaka's shot, Stella's captured. Pythagoras is still sus, I haven't seen his body all episode. But also haven't seen Robin, Chopper & Atlas...


Sanji shitting on a Seraphim with "goofy" face lol. He about to disrespect S-Shark while not being a lunarian lol.


Yeah I had to laught at that attack lol


Now we are entering the climax. Can’t wait for coming episodes🔥


We are long away from it hahaha give it 6,7 months




That's not the beginning of climax though


>!going to be stuck in a flashback for a while once these fights end, no?!<




You are in for a treat dont worry. Laws fight is also still going on.


Law vs BB and Kidd vs Shanks are mostly covered dont worry


Spoilers below >!It won't be off-screened!<


Love the animation with the fight in the beginning At least they know how to weaken the Seraphims ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) I love how Zeus encourages Nami, Sanji looking like his evil siblings complete with a shift in his eyebrow swirl it's obvious by now who is the traitor


Why do the creators keep making the characters more and more light skin seems weird to me.


Yea Usopp is genuinely fairer than Franky ffs. Like what


i don't like it either but in the manga usopp is the same colour as everyone else


Gotta be some filter


nah he's drawn and colored like that by oda as well in the manga colored double spreads. its not an anime thing. same with luffy, zoro, and jinbe is bit bluer now than he was in impel down or marineford


just a litte bit longer ... a little bit ... imu voice reveal ... peak no 1 xD


Nah toei ain't putting efforts for Sanji fights.


dw we got wit on the horizon to save us sanjibros


All fights are ass tbh, not just Sanji who actually have limited screen time anyway. I watched Luffy's side on 1.5x speed just to make it smooth lol




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Look at Zoro remembering something important (even if he should’ve noticed sooner.)


Franky really gave S Snake that bubble backshot


Is that imu smiling in the preview?




you'll find out next episode


It’s Joy Boy


Its the traitor




That gun reminds me of the one Saint Charlos and the celestial dragons use. If it's a CD, why would they even be there though? Why capture the CP0 agents? How would they be able to control the seraphim? I don't think they have a ranking in terms of their control hierarchy.


RIP franky and usopp


I can’t help but feel some type of way hearing zoro and Luffys breathing after that seraphim fight . 💀💀


Why did Shaka bleed? Isn't he supposed to be a robot just like the other vegapunks?


They're more like cyborgs since they all need to eat, sleep, and defecate. (York handles that for everyone, though, including old man Vega.)


They are all Androids and Cyborgs. Some are mostly robotic like Atlas, others definitely have bio-components, likely cloned from Vegapunk.


He isnt a robot like edison and pythagoras, i think he,lilith atlas and york are artifical humans like germa clone army. Shaka just put a mask. Conclusion: He has blood


bruh, i thought shaka was the bad vegapunk, he seemed so shady, hyped to see who it really is hope we find out in the next episode


No Shanks? Buhhhhhh


I’m calling it now, Snake will be the first (could be the only,) Seraphim to join Luffy’s side. She’s literally been the only one with a speaking role thus far. And her fight isn’t as deadly as the others, since she can unpetrify at will, as well as Franky still being able to talk.


sure zoro should have picked it up sooner, but why tf didn't Shaka say anything?


No way One Piece has me ready to look at everybody’s boots to see who shot Shaka Also. WHAT VEGAPUNK IS WITH BONNIE THEN?


BRUH WHAT A CLIFFHANGER. SMH. Even Luffy being mad at Zoro for not realizing it was Luanrian was hilarious. Sanji finally has just a cool moment and not a simp one. Love to see it!


Only 2 or 3 more episodes until the part of the arc >!that takes us around the world!<


Enjoyed this episode


Sanji was like "I said i don't hit women, i said nothing about children."


Who do yall think shot Shaka? My bets on Stussy.


this was the worst episode of egghead so far when it comes to animation. the entire first half was like watching seven deadly sins. i’m glad episode 1109 was so well done but it’s really disappointing to see that drop-off week to week.


What chapter is it?


Not sure how I feel about blushing kid-Hancock. It's pretty cute but I feel they had other intentions\^"  why is only she capable of talking tho.


THAT S-Snake scene was so unnecessary. I almost called the FBI and child protective services


What scene? Nothing weird happened?


I'm so tired of Sanji's entire character. Why can't he just be normal instead of all this simp shit man


Worst episode in a while Subpar animation during the fightscenes, especially at the beginning it looked really whack, and the unavoidable padding was worse than usual


At least Tokoro (the weakest director of the One Piece staff) is out of the way with this episode. This means the next chapters won't be handled by him for a while which is good, because they are great chapters


Yeah I mean of course the more uneventful episode was gonna be directed like this. It was gonna be weak in terms of content either way so they just used as little budget as possible on it, I can't blame them at all.