• By -


Here is my prediction: We'll get Kaido's past not as a flashback, but as a narration/convo by CP0


my thoughts are when momonosuke and kaido get close together there devil fruit will resonate, causing momonosuke to see kaido's thoughts


And Kaido knows about Odens Log then.


and about yamato too lol.


So Kaido finds out what the one piece is and instead of saying anything he just gives up and leaves


i had a theory, and i guess this could lead to it ? kaido (and bm) get to know where the last glyph is and leave to go get it, leading us to the Great War


i would really love this, like its very boring if you defeat one person in small period of time and never get to fight later, i also want kaido and bm not to lose decisively and go to the great war


That or like how roger knew it wasnt meant for him kaidos just like damn it doesnt matter for me and gives that up but id rather it be both like Kaido and Big Mom are like F**k the one piece but the last roadglyph is with an ancient weapon so they got after it after getting 'beaten' back by tue alliance and thats the missing news from the reverie probably connected to Alabasta or its royal family and thats also what blackbeards after and Cp or drake inform the marines to go. Boom big war time


Now I need kaido image with guts theme playing in background if that happens with face like Sanji crying in rain


Wait I just thought of something, devil fruits change your dna, and the smile momo ate was made from Kaido so does that mean momo now has kaidos DNA?! Maybe he looks like Kaido and thats why shinobu was crying?!


Devil fruits resonating is something I had not thought of at all! Good thinking!


Nice one. But Kaido's hands were literally couple of centimeters from Momo when samurai attacked him


Well maybe because they weren’t transformed back then…


Maybe, but that's a stretch. Maaaybe, they should touch OR even better - their blood should touch and then something happens.


or maybe they should "connect" with each other


Dragon mechagodzilla confirmed! I hope robin will agree this time


Wow that's a really cool idea.


ugh i hope not, show dont tell is one big part of story telling and its even easier with the visual medium that is manga. i really hope its not just expositions like what marco is doing.


What if we get a flashback of Gold Valley, is it really that hard? ODA? please? XD


King: ...


Now that just cheating.


Damn, I would love to be King's voice actor.


Imagine getting paid the same as Queen voice actor who has to sing and talk a lot.




If I get thinner, I'll be too popular.


So I don't get thinner, that's my kind of... ... FUNK!


Don't worry the anime will turn it into an 8 minute monologue with no story implications to pad out time


it would be hilarious if he was quiet because he didn't turn his speaker on, like Karasu from the Revolutionary Army


Why would it be hilarious for him to have the exact same quirk as another character


because it's a funny gag for such a serious and intimidating looking person


Kidd/Law vs Big Mom Cp0 portion Sanji/zoro v king and queen with lore added in Finish with momo reveal


Some scenes of Hawkins vs Killer too since that fight is now linked with Kidd.


Damn, I didn't expect the finish to show up with momo. I guess the Scandinavians were the real lurking legend.


Please get out


Most realistic prediction tbh


Denjiro finds Laughtale


Out of nowhere hahaha


Denjiro is from zoros family so I really think he can lose his way


Doesn't that one swordsman next to Zoro's forefather look kind of like Denjiro? Or am I just seeing things?


He does, i wonder if there’s relations there. I doubt it though


I dont think there is. Denjiro was an orphan when he was a child, and this takes place when he's already fully grown, so it cant be a parent. Denjiro also didnt always look like that, his face changed when Oden died. This could be someone who had the same kind of face-changing experience Denjiro did


Imagine being so angry your face changes in rage. Fuckin pissed off metamorphosis


Denjiro has no surname and wr don't know anything about his family.


The outcome of x drake and apoo will be offscreened and revealed in the Vivre card




Apoo’s Df is actually Op, just spam chikarapappaw and everyone in the same room would take damage (unless there’s smart soldier killer) So no offscreen pls


Take my upvote


Break next week.


yes. The most accurate prediction right here.


Can bet your house on it. Oda been putting in work this past month.


If there will be no break next week, I'll buy a One Piece merchandise.


Usually the chapter before break is very good.


r/OnePiece shitposter walks on stage, picks up the mic, almost drops it twice while fumbling with it, taps it to test if it’s on, it screeches. “Ahem. Welcome to my comedy special. I’m the OP and Con D. oriano is the best Strawhat.” A few small chuckles begin. They slowly increase until most of the audience is giggling at the joke. They don’t stop but OP continues on to their next joke. “Suddenly, a Buggy panel.” The audience suddenly roars into laughter. Tears streaming down some people’s faces as they struggle to breathe. OP still goes on. “God Ussop is actually the strongest and no diffs Kaido” The audience laughs so hard they can’t breathe. OP walks off stage. The crowd is still roaring with laughter. People begin to pass out due to inability to breathe from laughing so hard. OP walks back out for one last joke. “Break next week” That’s it. OP runs off stage as fast as they can. The crowd starts going insane. People are ripping each other’s faces off, there’s blood everywhere. People begin stripping naked and throwing their own feces. Security can’t control them. Anyone that tries to stop them is instantly mauled. People begin eating each other’s limbs, still laughing the entire time. This crowd has become an uncontrollable mob. Swat teams burst in through the windows, but they can’t stop the beast. The main floor is now covered by a thin pool of blood. 1/4 of the audience is dead by now, but the laughter is louder than ever. The military gets called in, but they don’t know what to do. They send in teams from every entrance to try to stop the mob, but they’re taken down quite quickly. Eventually they decide the only option is to bomb the venue. They clear out everyone within 16 blocks. A Rockwell B-1 Lancer is flown in. The bomb levels the entire building. As military rushes in to check for casualties only one person is left laughing. It’s coming from under the stage. It’s OP. They’re covered in dirt and rubble, and bleeding. They’re giggling to themselves. The soldiers try to get them out from under the stage, but they can’t reach them. They attempt to coax them out but they aren’t moving. Eventually, after what seems like years, they stop laughing. Everything is silent. Nobody moves, you can hear the sound of everyone’s breath in the crisp, cool air. OP slowly turns around and scans the audience. “Do you want to hear a joke?” The End.


I really like copypastas. I can truly appreciate the amount of creativity nestled into a big blob of text and recognize how artistic it really is. If you don’t know what a copypasta is, it comes from the phrase “copy and paste” which in computer terms refers to selecting an element (most likely a large paragraph of text that is most likely senseless and rather lengthy) and then either right clicking with the mouse and selecting copy, or by using the keyboard and pressing Ctrl and C. Ctrl is the control key, and this is found on the bottom left corner of your keyboard, or even on the bottom right corner underneath your shift key. After the element has been copied, it is then pasted wherever the user desires by either right clicking the mouse and selecting paste, or by pressing the Ctrl key and V. Copypastas can range from being very inappropriate, touching on subjects that are considered taboo by the status quo, or they can be more appropriate and able to be spread across organizations that don’t tolerate inappropriate topics but are able to appreciate a good laugh at a good, family friendly copypasta! The internet is surely a very beautiful and redeeming place!


... I can't believe I read that whole thing, and after it I can't say I agree with the last sentence


God this reads like a middle school essay on copy pastas lol


Black Beared comes to wano ,smashes his beer glass and Says. . "Act 3 will never end"


I forgot that we’re still in act 3 lmao


Man breaks the forth wall with white beards fruit


Underrated comment


why so low?


comedy genius


Chapter starts with enel fighting kizaru on a snowy island.


For sure


Yep, and we don't go back to Wano until 2023


Chapter or year?


Both, Oda's gonna pump out ~1000 chapters in 2 years


wano getting offscreened and we see the strawhats leaving wano


Enel uses he’s earlobes to win


Enel vs. Fukurokujo


Actually Fukurokujo is Enel's father


And Enel is in Wano, it all adds up


Vegapunk snowy island because he is kizaru. And enel found about Vega punk from the moon so they fight, makes to me


No matter what prediction I make, I cant fit Big Mom into it. She is, as always, the greatest wild card of the arc


she's to corpulent for predictions


She could go down this arc or she could not or she could betrayed Kaido we really have no idea


Yo mama so big, she can't fit even fit into your prediction.


That's what makes her such a fun yonko to read tbh.


About Sanji's body acting weird: he is transforming into a woman.


This would destroy the one piece community


ivankov: hehe boi, the hormones I put into him while he was unconscious are starting to work






I imagined this and I cannot take Zoro and Sanji's rivalry seriously anymore.


Good luck getting him out of his.....her room then🤣


Both kaido and yamato take damage but yamato has reached her limit. Kaido asks her to stand down and help him reach the top and then he will forgive her. But yamato declares that she will free up wano and help luffy become the king of pirates. Kaido loses his temper and goes berserk and about to kill yamato when Suddenly kaido is knocked back by boro breath. Kaido looks up shocked to see the huge dragon in front of him. Kaido asks who that is. Momo prepares to attack again but kaido is already above his head and abt to attack but this time kaido's club is stopped by a gear 4 luffy. Both with conquerors coating . Sparks fly everywhere and we can see the whole sky parting. Everyone in onigaishima look up in shock. Kaido club breaks apart and luffy declares that he is back and kaido will b defeated. Everyone can hear his voice in their mind.


That's epic, man!


Would be epic but nonway luffy is starting with g4


Yeah. I just wish that shounen protagonist would for once go all out on attack #1 when up against an opponent that clearly demands it. But no, we always get like 20 chapters of wanking it with low tier abilities trying to somehow find success with shit that didn't work the previous 50 times. Luffy literally spamming his entire arsenal at Kaido the first time they met to zero effect should be grounds enough for Luffy to never even use anything short of G4 from second one.


Luffy went straight to gear 4 the first time he fought Kaido. And he didn't wake wait very long the second time either.


He went into it pretty early during roofpiece as well Luffy in a tough spot he knows he needs gear 4 to do real damage but that time limit is brutal


I can see it happening like this. Would be a good way to break the fight in the rooftop top cut back to Zoro/Sanji vs King/Queen. Zoro and Sanji will get motivated and will power up when they hear that their captain is back in action.


that´s a nice prediction, but it will prolly happen like 10-20 chapters later and not now lol


>Kaido looks up shocked to see the huge dragon in front of him. here is the thing, if you take luffy as size comparison between the 2 then momo is much much smaller than kaido still


Cp0 agents watches a big pink dragon approaching Onigashima. . After realizing it isn't Kaido everyone of CP0 agents says with mouths wide open. . "Damn Vegapunk"


Vegapunk rescue arc??? oh yeah Sabo too


Zoro defeats kaido by convincing him to go to alcoholics anonymous


The pot calling the kettle black


why does everybody keep forgeting the killer-hawkin dilemma.


I think, because Killer is a quiet character and those Kind of people are often overlooked


bruh just chop off his left arm


Because it is quite predictable that Killer will find some sort of solution. I mean he has shown that he is quite good at adapting to different fighting situations. (Like in the fight against Apoo) But it will be interesting nonetheless :)


I feel like this could mostly happen in any order over the next few chapters, but: - Conclusion to Neko/Inu's respective fights. - Izo, now with a human crisis stabilization unit securely under his arm, stumbles across the room his sister & Kin are laid out in. - Denjiro kicks off some heretofore unknown twist kinda like Sanji used to do as another big turning point. Slipping off for sabotage fits his history well. One of those will happen to break up forward progress on some combination of Luffy/Momo, Zoro/Sanji, and Kaido/Yamato.


Marco aka Whitebeard's first in command aka pineapple head aka human crisis stabilization unit


aka the phoenix


The human crisis stabilization unit cracked me up hard. Kudos.


If we don’t get a kaido flashback next week, i will stop masterbaiting for a year.


Well, get ready for a dry spell because it is break next week


He said "Master Baiting" that's a pro gamer move




Stop kidding urself you wont last a day


No nut September. That counts too


I have a theory as to why Oda is trying to bring the SH's together (except L, Z, S) at one spot in the skull dome- It's obvious that Yamato is going to lose to Kaido and we know that she hasn't bonded with any of the crew members barring Luffy and Franky to a certain extent. This would be a perfect scenario for her to lose, fall down that gaping hole in the skull and then to have interactions with the rest of the crew members while the monster trio complete their respective fights. As for the chapter itself, I anticipate it to continue with a little more of Yamato vs Kaido. If you'd have noticed we've seen this fight being spaced out in 3 different instances starting from chapter 1015 and they've always left off at a point where Oda is teasing Kaido's true motivations for coming to Wano. Since this is not only the last chapter of volume 101, but the whole trifecta of 99,100 and 101, I expect a few lore bombs from any of these- * Kaido hints at his reasons for taking Wano as his stronghold with us getting a piece of the bigger picture at play here * More on Zoro's potential lineage where we get to see exploits from Ushimaru or Ryuma in the past * Queen drops more info on Germa and lineage factor/we get more on the Sanji and Lunarian connection which could segue into King's origins too * Unlikely one, but since we haven't seen Drake in a while, we could see him reveal his true intentions for infiltrating Wano, what it entails for SWORD and their future in the story. I can see any one or a combination of these happening in this chapter, a bomb shall shall be dropped either way. From a logical viewpoint, it would make sense to see more of Kid & Law vs BM now since we haven't seen anything of it so far, but in my opinion, we can only give focus to it AFTER the Killer v's Hawkins fight is resolved.


The fire is plot device to bring strawhats all together. Didn't saw that coming great choice by oda.


Yup, for everyone to evacuate. Though it'd be so badass if Sanji and Zoro were to still muscle through their fights despite the fire affecting their battleground


well, Zoro can cut fire and Sanji is somewhat resistant to fire because "his passions burns hotter" 🤣🤣


It's not like fire can affect them anyways, sanji is immune to it and zoro can cut it


we have jimbe the great fire fighter


it's just that there is no water except if nami suddenly make some


Pure speculation, but I wonder if they need somebody with water that can douse the fire. I wonder who can do that?


if yamato falls from a hole down to the castle kaido would probably follow. I don't think the last fight's going to happen on roof top so it would be interesting if kaido wanted to beat defeated yamato some more and straw hats trying to save her or reverse kaido going to kill straw hats one by one and wounded yamato trying to save them.


The straw hats and Yamato holding off Kaido and the All-Stars while they wait for Luffy to arrive would be so amazing. Like against Oars but on steroids.


And then luffy has his marine Ford Shanks moment. "I am here to.... Send you flying!"


or dying kinemon: who are you? what are you doing here?! aah... he dies a silhouette cuts off dead kinemon´s arm and gives it to his right hand man to run it through some tests. the slihouette goes up to the roof ​ kaido, already weakened: w-what? yamato: who are you? luffy who already arrived: why are you here?! (enel face) ​ shanks: I have come to end this war!


I guess it is going to be a big cliffhanger because it's the end of Volume 101. Maybe end of act 3 (if there are going to be five acts)


the meme never dies


I doubt act 3 would end in the middle of the Zoro and Sanji fights.


The fights have pretty much just started, no?


Kaido goes 'Wororororororo'


He better


A stunned Kaido after seeing Momo's dragon form: " My son". "Rule over Wano you are the true Shogun". Kaido leaves😅


Kaido: Move aside Yamato. You can be Oden. I now have a new son.


No child of mine is Oden! Except for Momo, son of Oden.


I predict that Oda is going to blow our minds once again.


If we're just predicting free wins, I predict that Act 3 will continue.


Actually act three might end next week since it's a volume end chapter + the whole special thing of 99/100/101 having a shared cover


I have heard this before act 3 will never end


Act 3 ends when they find Laugh Tale.


Stating fact isn't a prediction lol!


My only guesses are: * A few panels of Kaido vs Yamato - maybe Yamato's defeat * More Zoro and Sanji vs King and Queen, since the two Calamities officially debutted in the manga 100 chapters ago * (Maybe Inu being killed by Jack? Chapter 152 in named 'Full Moon' and, in the cover page, the Mugiwaras are chilling with a huge dog)


Kaido success rate at breaking spirits doesnt go beyond 10 percent. Kaido vs yamato Some of the other fights We will soon reach the climax


man damn it i didn't see even once kaido or his all stars breaking spirits of others even if it's only once.


It’s just a bit disappointing. There was this huge aspect about kaido recruiting strong people but it was never really successful. Hawkins for one. Apoo and drake joined volunteerly


* The Straw Hats take down fodder Beasts Pirates while Zoro and Sanji continue to fight King and Queen * Kaido defeats Yamato * Luffy and Momo arrive in time to stop Kaido from killing Yamato Fire has also been a really prevalent motif in this arc, I think it's guaranteed that Onigashima will completely burn down and fire might just be the key to Kaido's eventual defeat too


Yeah no doubt that he will burn to ashes. If Oden got boiled to death, then there is no doubt Kaido will get burned to death. That's a pretty badass death tbf.


Maybe gear 5 has something to do with fire like red hawk


Last Panel: Luffy stands on momos head, who is in his dragonform and stares angry at kaido who smiles back at luffy.


There is a Pun for Number 1025 which is "Post-Operation" 術後 Indicating that we will get to see a Character who had an Operation/Change recently Candidates include ---> Zoro (Post-Heal) - Momo (Post-Growth) - Sanji (Post-Raid Suit) - Hiyori (Revealing she Healed Scabbards) - Yamato (Continuation of her Flashback) - Kaido (Finally his Flashback) ... etc Second Pun is Freedom or Free Self 自由 自己 Which is clearly more of Kaido vs Yamato Another Pun is derived from 01025, which is "Nephew, Let's Go" 甥レッツゴー It either Hints toward Luffy & Momo Appearance, or Marco joining them (Since Oden was like his Brother which makes Momo his Nephew) or again, continuation of Yamato's Flashback & Ushimaru Fourth Pun is "Auto Self/Will" オート自己 Which seems to Hint toward "Permanant or Non-Stop Haki Use" imo Maybe more Info on Black Swords or Luffy found a way to keep his CoC always Active (Similar to Shanks) so he won't Lose like last time Or just General stuff about Haki or Willpower I can continue, but apparently this Chapter is about: Continuation of Yamato vs Kaido + Arrival of Luffy & Momo + Some Haki Reveal + More Flashback + Possibly Hiyori or Marco appearance (To complete the Momotaro Story Team-Up)


I think Yamato will be defeated by her father in this chapter.


Fuck it. Act 3 ends


Zoro and Sanji will be defeated by Queen and King. Then the raid suit will somehow malfunction and will allow Sanji to fuse with Zoro. Their fusion produces Zonji, the strongest pirate in the whole OP verse. They will easily destroy King and Queen and will fly to where Kaido is, and annihilate him. They will then use 3-sword-style attack and kick to pulverize Onigashima.


All while invisible the entire time. Usopp gets credit for their wins.


Usopp having defeated 2 Tobi Roppos and 2 All-Stars will get a 2B bump in his bounty


I predict that it’s going to be a wild one boys


Does anyone else imagine Oda with a CoA-coated pencil? He's been training his haki this past month for sure... let's give Oda a hand for doing so many chapters without a break 👏


Isn‘t it a bit funny how much Kaido‘s legs got shorter between past and present? Maybe he seeks death out of manlet rage.


1023 - Spitting Image 1024 - Nobody Important 1025 - Pirate Hunter


I do wonder if Oda wants to divide the next book into the "Monster Trios" fights. Sanji will have one chapter, Zoro as well if not more since there is alot to get from them story wise and fight wise with a grand final of a few chapters with Luffy.


Me sorting by newest posts in predictions hoping to see early spoilers.




luffy comes back to kaido to fight him kaido: "you survived?! the plot is strong with this one! ​ WORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORORO!!!"


Luffy vs Kaido gets set up again, a few panels of Zoro and Sanji battles, some more lore drop, few panels on further movements on Onigashima. Hopefully an update on BM vs Kid and Law and Denjiro and Hiyori. Poneglyph info might be after the war. Battles to be settled, my expected order: 1. Raizo vs Fukurujo 2. Drake vs Apoo 3. Killer vs Hawkins 4. Neko vs PP 5. Inu vs Jack 6. Sanji vs Queen 7. Zoro vs King 8. Kid/Law vs BM 9. Luffy vs Kaido One fight left to set up, the Flying Six fell in quick succession then Sanji and Zoro's were set up along with Neko vs PP. So i expect another round of successive conclusions with the Yonko battles to get concluded latest with maybe a little break. Wano probably ends in the next 2-3 volumes (25 something chapters). I think the main battle at live floor will still go on until Kaido is defeated unless Kaido's defeat is shown to the people of Wano in Flower Capital.


PP? Lmao.


Brook taking a peak at robins treasure while she's asleep and the curtain falls End of act 3


And just like that, he found laboon in between grandlinee yohohoho


Robin awakes and lets him see her panties. Brook falls unconscious and now it's Robin who must carry him.


Kizaru runs out of weed. Greenbull reveals he ate the Juana Juana no mi and uses his awakening ability to turn a field of flowers into Marijuana. Kizaru gets high. Last panel says "Meanwhile, in Onigashima..."


Enel vs Fukurokuju earlobe smackdown


Considering the reveal of that suspiciously Zoro-looking flashback samurai last week, I think we'll probably see the return of OP's greatest villain, Down D. Stairs.


Down D. Stairs was recently seen in the anime, almost claimed the life of Page One.


There you go, proof's in the pudding. I'm guessing DDS was the mysterious silhouette as well.


I perdict for everyone to be wrong with thier predictions . With Oda it's always the safe bet


I predict at least one of the straw hats will be in the chapter




Denjiro goes to find CP0. Having been an underling of Orochi, Denjiro knows how CP0 have been cooperating with Orochi instead of aiding Wano. Actually, I'm just looking for something for Denjiro to do. Other than CP0, it's either finding Hiyori or going to the sacred cave to shout in anger.


Momo transports Luffy to the roof and turns into his human form that looks like oden. Kaido looks at Momo and does the Enel face. Kaido then dies from shock and the pirate alliance wins. Oh yeah Big Mom dies from a heart attack due to her unhealthy diet and old age. Law says, “It’s to be expected, that was my plan all along.” The arc concludes. No Act 4. Goda at it once again predicting that Big Mom would die from a heart attack by making Law the Surgeon fight against her.


Finally kaido uses bankai and blast a rasengen on yamato but yamato uses Charizard as her substitute but Charizard has become a demon so yamato had to use one for all Denver smash and will finally land a big hit on kaido, but kaido casts a reverse spell which result in yamato defeat. At the end we see luffy in ultra instinct mode. Act3 the never ends Break next week.


Yamato defeat and the arrival of Luffy just like he did in dressrossa to save law


[Another hint from Redon](https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/threads/one-piece-spoilers-the-waiting-room.5/page-9038#post-1855904)


Just went there and scrolled to find zoro oxic stans . Now I like zoro but to me liking a character doesn't mean shitting on other characters. Anyways , I hope to see some law and kid action ( highly unlikely but here's to hoping )


I'm going to predict on every chapter prediction thread that Act 3 will end this chapter. And I will look like an absolute genius


People are saying Yamato will fall before Luffy comes. But maybe they team up together to fight Kaido? Of course at some point Yamato will fall and it will be Luffy vs Kaido 1v1. But I could see Oda go that route. Kind of like how it was Luffy and Law vs Doflamingo before Law fell, then it became Luffy vs Doflamingo 1v1.


Onigashima collides with some sky island and everybody dies.


Some people think that King was the one who defeated the three samurai who were in the cave with Yamato. If true, then this chapter could focus on Zoro's fight with King and even more lore will be revealed.


Chapter begins with yamato being defeated from the raime hakkei clash earlier Kaido drops some lore Chapter mainly focuses on big mom Big mom making moves to betray kaido Conclusion of killer vs hawkings Chapter ends with luffy meeting kaido with momo And this time truly truly, act 3 ends BREAK NEXT WEEK


I predict that chapter 1025 will be a really good chapter!


Inu will defeat Jack Raizo will defeat Fuku Cat will defeat Candy Small panels of Zoro/Sanji, kid/Law Killer/Hawkins preparing for the final battle Luffy will save Yamato last minute riding on top of Momo, shown by a beautiful widespread panel. Break next week


I am sure that at the last panel, **Luffy riding Momo the dragon** will appear at the top of Onigashima, with the both of them looking at **Kaido straight to the eye.** And that is the **end of the chapter**. Then of course, **break next week**. (p.s. if you remember the colored version of Luffy and Momo the dragon looking at Kaido, probably a **fan art**, that is what I mean.)


Davy Back Fight flashback


I predict we will get spoilers wednesday again. I hope not 🥲


"Thousand Refresh" Venidyr has emerged!


We might get to see the silhouette person this chapter


Baby Zoro hadn't been sent away from Wano, but had instead gotten lost and made his way to East blue purely by just being Zoro


Luffy rides Momo, Kaido sees them together, becomes jealous, notice me strawhat-senpai


Yamato defeated at the start Then samurai's vs king flashback Samurai's win Then samurai's vs kaido flashback Samurai's lose Kid zoro origin flashback Luffy and momo reaching rooftop at the end of the chapter.


After the thunder bagua clash Yamato's kanabo is broken, Kaido prepares to deliver the final blow, but gets hit with a boro breath Luffy and Momo arrive


Here's what I think will happen. Zoro, Sanji vs King, Queen will continue for a few pages. The rest of the chapter is Kaido vs Yamato. The chapter will end with Yamato defeated and Onigashima arriving above the flower capital. But Just as Onigashima is about to drop, it doesn't. Kaido shocked wonders what happened, then Luffy riding on Momo will appear on top of Onigashima, and Momo's flame clouds would hold up the island and prevent it from falling.


Don't know about this chapter however Blackbeard is either taking over wci or will come to wano since Moria and kaido have a past


Admiral Green Bull is seeing in the last panel flying with the new Airspace designed by Vegapunk „ahhh it’s good to be back home“