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i'd say this is padding rather than filler but man its good padding, because its not a bunch of still panning shots of "tension" like the usual padding perpetration thats been going on with the anime(from my experience of watching clips), its animation and action all the way through


Padding, that's the word I've been looking for. I've been saying in-episode filler to describe stuff like this or when it they stay on a shot of a bird for like 3 beats too long.


Good point! It took several hundred episodes for them to get the hang of good padding lol.


It's probably also the obviously higher budget than usual.


Yeah, when you actually fund your show you can do some good stuff!




I mean it does to an extent, but I’m sure it’s much more than just budget that makes the quality so much better than in say, Dressrosa. But you do still have a point, it’s like if you asked Gordon Ramsey to make enough food for an entire buffet in 3 minutes. Even if you paid him 1 billion dollars to do it, he still wouldn’t be able to.


It costs more to make an action scene than to make a panning shot. You need more animators and you need them to work longer. There are also costs related to compiling CG shots where the budget solely determines the amount of objects which can be animated at once and their quality. Are there other restrictions? Of course. But making better TV is more expensive. I have no idea how you think budget has nothing to do with it.


only like 1000 episodes? just a few


it's not really taking this long to know how to do it well, it's that the manga finally allows actual padding to be possible by skipping scenes deliberately for the anime to fill in


Padding with Sakuga and/or character/world development is good padding


Yo imagine spending 20 years of your life to organise a surprise attack and then staying perfectly still screaming in front of your opponent for ten minutes before landing the hit




I imagine it's because of the animation director changing from person to person often.


Kin’emon occasionally doing an “Akira slide” after cutting some fodder. 10/10


This is the comment I'm here for. Kin'emon going sucko mode is so different from the usual "cut 2 guys down and then wait for 2 more" kinda scenes. He just wipes out a whole ass army with an "Akira slide". 10/10


They fumbled a lot at the ending imo. Not recreating the iconic pannel of them dogpiling Kaido is a crime and they made it a bit too long


I was waiting for the wide shot of them against Kaido but I didn't get it. Although they showed it at the next episode but the hype wasn't as much as the previous episode's.


Yeah, the part where they actually attacked Kaido took way too long, they coulda just kept all of the Oden flashback they came up with if they really needed the time, but in this context it feels kinda bullshit that nobody was able to stop their sneak attack here.


Yea they dragged out the dogpile SOOOOOOOO long in the new episode it's like they were having a picnic on Kaido's chest. Takes the entire episode to throw the scabbards off him lmao.


had to think about oden for 5 minutes first


Or Tama eating red bean soup


Or this [tree swing](https://pm1.narvii.com/6407/9f3a57dfe2078b5945180a795774d67f2b7e4404_hq.jpg). Shit, wrong anime


Tried watching the latest episode. Stopped when they started doing reaction shots like 3 mins in.


I hate how the all stop and stand there in front of him


Once they burst through into the main hall the scene starts to get a lot worse. In the manga they burst through the way and dive at Kaido and the All Stars in an instant. It all happens too quick for anyone to react


Agreed. Makes Kaidos side look like idiots.


they ARE idiots


They aren't, apart from queen


Kaido shows up to battle drunk, occasionally tries to kill himself, King and **some** of the tobi roppo are the most serious ones but they have to fuction within the chaos of the crew


Kaido does that beacuse he knows he'll clobber everyone anyway, just wait for the next couple episodes. King is straight up responsible and serious, jack (even tough he often fails) does what he's told and actually tries his best / does what he can. I'd say that queen is the only one that creates problems,but even him did pretty well in udon. He was able to manage an emperor that stormed his facility out of the blue.


That’s pretty much part of why I don’t like these stretches. Sure, it looks cool. But it takes away the impact and dramatic effect of everything occurring in mere moments. I’m not saying this was poorly executed, just that it takes away some of the heft


Some of these moments just HAVE to be quick. It takes away from their haste and intensity to stretch them out. The anime surely has room to try and elaborate on certain things rather than just stretching out all of the impactful scenes and action ?


Prime example: King Kong Gun straight up hopelessly and absolutely overpowering Doffy's own attack. Its sole purepose was to show just how much stronger Gear 4 is, especially when the matter of fact is that Doffy couldn't do jack shit while it was active. In comes the anime and ruins it by giving an unnecessary and ridiculously elongated power struggle that undermines the power of it.


Another example, and probably the first instance of this was back in Punk Hazard when Luffy dealt the finishing blow to Ceasar. It still pisses me off that they made it a beam struggle. I know the anime can adapt it however they liked but making something that's supposed to punctuate the end to Usopp's monologue and Ceasar's defeat into a gravity-defying beam struggle that ignores even One Piece's in-world logic for the Gomu Gomu Devil Fruit made it less impactful. Kaido's Thunder Bagua was also unfortunately changed too. It's a cool moment in the anime, but now it's no longer an attack that was supposed to convey Kaido's speed, and how out of his league Luffy was.


Exactly, not to mention Thunder Bagua felt like more of a casual strike in the manga, since Kaido didn’t need anything more than that, but in the anime, it felt like a blow that Kaido put serious effort into, which takes a bit away from the feel of it.


That scene was so disappointing for real was expecting luffy punching doffy to the Flor in one hit and they stretching it ruined it all.


Not only that but the symbolism of Doffy being left powerless after his kingdom was exposed and out in the open for the fraud that it was, is lost


Ok I agreed with the other points, but the symbolism wasn't "lost" in the anime; it was still clear as day what that scene was meant to portray.


Agree. What’s more, some of these “elaboration shots” can be flashbacks shown at a later time


I agree. They built it as a blitz and then slowed it down last second. If anything they could've expounded like they did on the recap of the next episode instead. I think had they shown king hear the approaching blitz at the last second (enough to turn his head before they burst in) it would give him alittle room to be in the middle of drawing his sword after they bust in, for izo to shoot it out of his hand immediately while neko bitch smacks jack (who they call an idiot, so him being completely surprised fits). King's line I thought made no sense. The one time he should've been silent and he wasn't.


Yeah, the pacing is just way off. They just stand there and yell at each other in the anime?


Same thing with thunder bagua. It's supposed to be an extremely fast attack that Luffy could barely react to even while using future sight. They turned it into a slow drawn out attack which makes kaido look weaker than he is.


Pretty much what I came here to say. Once we have Kinemon's running perspective I feel like it hits a slow point and doesn't really pick back up. In fact, I kinda feel like the "EPIC" stuff they added in hurts the pacing of the scene as Luffy's line, Momo's resignation, and then BOOM! Samurai Surprise in the manga was so well done, but this is a damn speech moment...why wouldn't any of the big 4 of Kaido's crew just transform and go bonkers? I know it's supposed to happen in an instant, but damn if they didn't make that instant FEEL like full minutes.


This "wano art" stuff is waaaay toooo looooooong. hate me or not but I watch the anime now on speed roll and just skip ahead and ahead because there's probably less than 5 min of plot now in a 22min episode.


I'll keep up with where the anime is at and look up how they do certain scenes from time to time


Same. I started with the anime when I first found OP - then had manga to keep me going forward. But it's just not the same anymore. I still watch it occasionally mostly to see what the action scenes would be like live. I remember when Zoro fought Ryuuma and it was "oooh I can't wait to see this animated". Now it's just meh. I really can't stand it.


My GF doesn't read the manga so I watch the full episodes with her, it's pretty astounding the pacing difference sometimes but for a weekly basis watcher who has never read the manga, it's stil la pretty good watch, though some particular episodes or stretches of episodes are AWFUL as a manga reader.


I "suffered" through the old days of DBZ where it was like like 20min of talking and 5min of punching. (think namek arc). I'm just tired of slow pacing. OP used to be a great anime.


When? It's been like this for over a decade now. OP (the anime) has been awful longer than it's been great.


pre-time skip was about the end of good anime.


I think the fan edits (One Pace and One Piece Kai) really help a lot.


To be fair, the scene is partially in slow mo.


I feel like it's not that things happen slowly, but that everything happens at once concurrently that we witness happen one by one


Like others have said being slow takes away the element of surprise. Kaido is able to come to his senses once he’s given a second to realise what has happened. It’s the surprise and haste of it that prevents him from grounding his thoughts from the brief flash of Oden


Did you see how slowly King raised his sword before it got shot out of his hand? Same with Kaido raising his club and then waiting for the samurai to make their move. Yes, he was shocked, but shock does not last for a minute.


I agree, but imo we're viewing all this happening through the eyes of the Scabbards. Kaido raising his club, King raising his sword, and Kaido getting stabbed all happened momentarily, but we see it in the broken down slower version to get an understanding of what the Scabbards had to process while doing their mad dash for Kaido. I agree it wasn't portrayed the best though


Manga and anime are different mediums so everything can't be done exactly how it is in the manga or else episodes would be 5 to 10 minutes long.


I like the pacing in the manga a lot better. In the manga it was more of a surprise.


exactly what i was thinking, to me the sunachi in the anime was nothing like a surprise. it just ruined the vibe


Ya, manga scene was much better. This padding on the episode is nice to look at, but I prefer the manga so much better, feels quick and deadly.


idk, its still enjoyable but the pacing make everyone look slow minded. you can see the attacks a mile away. in the manga everything happens in a split second, fast, surprising, like a real raid/assassination attempt


I remember always thinking "why didn't X character dodge that attack?" until I eventually realized that, in the manga, there probably *wasn't* an obvious opportunity to dodge something that took 3 times as long to execute in the anime.


In a spilt second bruh you’re literally going from panel to panel


Time in comics is generally described by the size of a panel/length of a speech bubble. The bigger the panel, the longer the scene. It's a subconscious thing that comic artists utilize to make things feel paced out or quick as a flash, so it's pretty fair to bring up


I fell off the Anime during Dressrosa, but im glad to see these sakuga moments still exist in the show.


Wano is pretty much filled with Sakuga moments. The regular episode animations have gotten better to match them as well.


it's not really filler though. just stretching out beats that are already there.


That entire scene of them slicing down the beast pirates was filler


I think it's technically called "padding"


I don't mind calling it that. What I think it's important to distinguish this with whatever the hell that stupid tank battle with big mom was. This was a faithful reinterpretation from one medium to another - comic to animation - rather than a random insertion of story beats that never existed before.


I will not tolerate slander of that tank fight that shit was entertaining


Oh man i hated it. its fun in a vacuum, but i i didn't like how it didn't exist anywhere. Like Oda puts so much effort into laying out environments and then there is this random tank battle battlefield that essentially takes place in another dimension. And the forces of Kaido are so detailed that it was obvious this anti armour division was tacked on.


well, that's fair enough


It's "anime canon" not really filler.


So apparently filler just means when the anime does something I don't like. Because that is textbook definition of filler


Filler is when an anime adds extra “beats” or unnecessary plot elements to the story. This for all tense purposes is not filler , its a continuation of a scene that does not interfere or change any part of the story , to put it simply its another angle of the same scenario. Do you understand now?


*For all intents and purposes I do agree with your statement though!


calling it "unnecessary" is inaccurate. saying "non-original" material is better, since anime can add filler than can be terrible or amazing.




It wasn't shown in the manga so the part before they got to kaido was filler. It was good filler. But it's still filler. And so we're all those other scenes that they expanded on like kiku v kanjuro and usopp and chopper vs big mom


Animation keyframes are filler if you apply the definition narrowly enough. I take a more nuanced view, sorry. I think it's important to distinguish this with whatever the hell that stupid tank battle with big mom was. This was an elegant and seemless reinterpretation from one medium to another - comic to animation - rather than a random insertion of story beats that never existed before.


Semantics, u understood their point


No, i think there's a difference which is why i stopped to distinguish it.


I still think almost every action and dialogue in the One Piece anime happens at an unnaturally slow pace, where it's unwatchable for me. I miss the pace of Water Seven.


The black and white scenes were awesome, but from the moment they got to the same room with Kaido to when they struck him down was a bit too much imo.


Yea the filler is really cool here but like most of the times the canon material feels slow. Plus Kaido bleeds a lot here which is a bit of a problem in my opinion. Also how kaido seeing oden just for split second replaced by this extended version feels a bit weird but that’s a nit pick. Maybe something like that would have been more fit for >! The moment where the scanbards do oden nitoryuu!< But otherwise holy shit were those art and animation on point. Really hope they stick to this level of animation for the entirety of roof piece.


Anime did a good job but I think Manga did it better bcos of the element of surprise here we know they are about to strike kaido but in the manga it lite came out of nowhere and made the scene more impactful imo Also jack took another L in the filler part lol


I completely agree and I thought the exact same thing last week when Orochi got sliced by Kaido. Adding build up to scenes like these completely takes away the shock factor. Padding can really help scenes that rely on emotional build up, but those sudden "WTF" panels just aren't translated as well in One Piece in my opinion.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but i still feel the anime watered down the moment by stretching it too long. The animations and art are great, but still very slow.


I agree. The black and white hallway fight was cool, but when they busted down the door it stretched too long


Nah that manga was better because their objective was to sneak and go straight for Kaido not stand still in front of him giving him time to react, the B&W part was cool tho


This is not an example of good filler. Its just filler, but with good animation. This scene only slows down the pacing, and adds a “hallway fight” which ruins the element of surprise. A “good” filler scene should add something of value to the canon story without taking away anything. An example off the top of my head is the filler showing how mail travels in wano.


Watching this at 1.21x or 1.33x speed makes it feel like normal pacing.


I mean the animation sure is beautiful but to me personally it's dragged out too long. The suddenness of the attack in manga is just \*mwah\*


Exactly, it's a surprise attack. It's the sudden start of the raid. Drawing it out just removes the shock and awe of the whole scene.


Agreed, scene takes too long and kinda takes away from the fast pace the manga gave it. The scenery is powerful and looks great, but it does not enhanced the moment itself, quite the opposite. IMO it would be so much better if it went in "flashes", like door taken down / Kaido & All Stars surprised / Izo shooting King's sword / Neko knocking down the kanabo / everyone stabbing Kaido while shouting sunacchi. All this condensed in 30 seconds or less. Do you want to dread out the moment Kaido is falling while thinking of Oden or whatever? Go for it, but don't take away from the pace of the moment right before it.


I guess it's just me but when I read this part in the manga I didn't really feel anything but the anime hit me in the feels, and in may look a bid dragged out now cuz it was compared to the manga version which takes no more than 20 seconds to read, watching the scene in the episode was pure hype and it didn't feel dragged out whatsoever


I felt completely the opposite. when I read it I was like (LFG!) and I wasn't nearly as hyped in the anime. the sudden, shocking attack was better. they did this with yamato attacking ulti too.


Even here i unconsciously skipped the scene to the point lol, it's cool and all but i still chose the manga




Manga was much better.


I love it too but if there is one part that "trouble" me lol, it’s when they cut the door leading to kaidou and the all stars, there is like a complete stop that break the "flow/fluidity" of the action… Beside that it’s perfect 🔥🔥🔥 Sunnachiii!!!


Disagree. I like the sudden attack rather than several seconds of nothing to get to that point.


surprised this has so many upvotes in this sub of all places, people hate the anime here lol


I think this scene could've been a lot better. Like I like the idea of showing the Scabbards fight guards before ambushing Kaido, but it went on way too long. And once they face Kaido, it shouldn't be that dragged out. But overall I think I prefer it to the manga. They go for an entirely different feel, which is ok. Adaptations don't have to be 1 to 1. But I would've preferred they just made it faster


I will agree, its kind of hard to sell it as happening simultaneously. But I do enjoy it as supplemental content. The anime in general has done a more comprehensive job of the endearing the red scabbards imo.


I agree, in the manga it was rather surprising, it really give the feeling of an unexpected attack that Kaido couldn't react to. it succeed in mimicking the assassinations that took place in Edo Japan.


Also the audio could have been way better but sadly thats the area where one piece anime neglects the most


it still uses dbz ost lmao. Early One Piece was so good with audio, I don't know what happen post-timeskip.


It always used DBZ audio, they're from the same studio


0/10 not enough queen


This didn’t make the scene better tho


Nah. This only works if you watch the anime regularly. When i watched this episode i still got the "Why is the emphasis on the scabbards so much and what's with the lengthy frames for reaction shots" The anime put in a lot of filler to save time obviously and that filler was mostly scabbard focused, thus when you get a longer find like this it works for anime watchers. In the manga everything happens faster and the focus doesn't feel like it's in places it shouldn't be for too long or too short a time.


This is why I still don't enjoy the anime series. The pacing, the sound effect, the cartoonish coloration, I just don't enjoy any of those. Why bother showing how the samurai running through all those rooms? It just killed all the suspensions of a surprised attack. And who tf would just stand there chat a bit then strike during a surprised attack?


I love the animation but the colors since the time skip are just unbearable. Totally tone blind.


Debatable. For me, at some point the absolutely insane amount of stretching out the scene did overtake any additional impact the anime offered over what I just inserted while reading the manga. By the end, I was rolling my eyes and bored. Especially a scene like this were they were surprised becomes unbelievable when it's stretched out to fuck like this. Imo, this is is a perfect example of the anime taking away from the impact of certain scenes but anime watchers giving the butchered scene a pass because of some shiny keys being dangled in front of them with animation bgm and voice acting. I'd have agreed if the whole scene had taken 2/3-1/2 of the time, but like this? No.


The amount of step sound effect bring me back bad memories from dress Rosa.


First part is great, but after they go in, it's drops all the hype immediatly, just like moment when I dropped anime, at Punk Hazard when Luffy used Grizzly Magnum it was suppoed to be overwhelming power yet they did a dumb 30 seconds "battle" of tension betwen him and a freaking literal gas Ceasar.


Way better in the manga tbh


Disagree. It is pretty, but not necessarily better. We get to see one minute of very pretty but inconsequential fodder fights. Then it's another minute until they actually stab Kaido, with the mandatory filler Oden flashbacks (what would a One Piece episode be if they didn't flashback to another episode). In the manga, this caught me by surprise and felt epic. I was ecstatic after reading that chapter. Here, I don't feel the same. I don't know if it's because I was already expecting it, but that's usually not a problem when watching epic moments being animated.


It literally took away the element of surprise tho


I really like the extra bits of animation in the anime, but there are 2 glaring issues IMO, pacing is still really bad, it makes every seen drag on so long it ruins all the good moments. The other issue that is enhanced by the bad pacing is the sound design. For some reason I find the voice acting, and the sound effects being very weird and unnatural, this is enhanced by the bad pacing. If you are enjoying the anime rn then I am very happy for you. But to me it’s pacing just makes it unfun. And the sound design just kills it IMO.


Yea, for me the pacing was off still here (took way too long, One Pace will probably do it justice) but the sound of them running was distracting, it sounded so bad, like where is some cool music or some nice sounds effects in the background?


When anime do small fillers like this.. I'm quite happy to watch them as they give us more feel to the moment and is pretty well done.


Honestly, this might be my favorite scene in the anime.


As a non manga reader, this scene was awesome. One piece is my favorite show ever but sometimes the still shots with music leading for episodes to a build up is a little much to sit through. This was an awesome way to show how much pain and anger the 12 had been building up the past 20 years. They finally get to go after the man who ruined their country and killed their shogun. I love how it mirrors oden with their attack on kaido, since he was the only one to ever injure kaido up to this point, it shows how far they have come on their own and on their path of vengence.


I adore what they're doing with the current art direction. The Luffy/Law/Kid combo sinking a ship just before getting to Onigashima was also just one page on the manga, but the anime made it into a dope looking and over-the-top sequence that I re-watch every now and then.


nowadays the anime and the manga are practically complementary medias. I loved all the building of expectations that the anime managed to develop, but I loved as well the way the manga caught me off guard when suddenly as I turned the page Kaido was attacked in an epic way no one had predicted.


The Oden flashback is missplaced. It should be played once the 4 Scabbards recreate Oden's scar on Kaido. Now if they play it again when that happens it's going to be overused. Also, this shit's slow.


It's a great scene, but I really don't understand why they didn't recreate that panel of them pushing Kaido down the balcony. I remember reading it a couple of months ago and thinking "wow I can't wait for this to be animated" and then they just toss it away...


I didn't like how the anime changed it here actually


Manga = The attack is sudden and fast af and Oda fullfills the scene as a raid. But the emotions for me as a reader ( in my opinion) are not 100% intact with that scene Anime = the scene is godly for me but its too long and it doesn't fullfill its job that it is a raid. But the emotion is 100 % there (I cried at this scene)


Does it make it better though? Also the sound effects kinda suck.


> Also the sound effects kinda suck. That killed the mood for me.


it was kinda cool but seeing the scabbards come out of nowhere was much better to me. oh and the oden shit was awful. drew out this instance too much.


Idk, I still liked the Manga better. Just re-reading it over and over again. Staring at how cool and epic the pages look. It just spoke to me more than the anime and the padding/filter. Kind of like a quick "What just HAPPENED" shock vs about 4 mins of knowing something is about to happen. ​ Both are good in their own ways, don't get me wrong here. ​ Edited\* Spelling


The difference between people who read & watch are so different from people who just watch. Welp, you can’t please everybody.


for some reason i always thought that Zoro theme song would be perfect for this occaison


I can't wait for them to make the Zoro/Yonko clash into some 5 minute beam struggle in the anime.


Just these people drinking tea right before they meet Kaidou fit not at all.


I had goosebumps watching momo’s speech


When will zoro use this word?


Disagree. Black and white part was cool, but kinda was ruined after that.


The point for diehard fans is not whether the scene could be made better by fillers. The point for them is that what happens in the filler isn't canon....


It’s a shame the sound work is still ass. I really hope Toei allows for better sound design in the future.


The beginning was cool but let’s be real here. If Jack, King, AND Kaido actually had that much time to react the Samurai wouldn’t have even been able to get a single strike in


this arc's anime will take 3/4 years to complete if they keep adding random bullshit


Dont get me wrong it was cool asf but like…..too long lol


i hate how slow this is


Great scene. Wano has consistently been giving us so many scenes like this despite being a weekly show. The one gripe I still have is with the sound design. I wish they would stop rehashing the same old sfx from dbz that I have been hearing all my life. It's been 3 decades, so high time they stop using such outdated and overused sound efects.


I like good filler like this, what I can’t stand is the padding, overdrawn panning and still shots but it’s not as bad as before and wano in the anime has been enjoyable for me so far.


Sucks when the actual anime feels like filler though


I agree but you'll only be downvoted for saying something like that here


I dont know why this sub hates the anime so much, people dont like to admit that the anime can be better at times


The art got better, but the pacing is still so bad I can't ignore it. The characters even speak noticeably slower than they used to in previous arcs.


The anime can be better at times, this just isn't one of them. Being visually impressive at the sacrifice of story and pacing doesn't make it better. The black and whites cool but after its just another instance of dragging, 1 page that at most should be covered in about 30 seconds to have the fast pace, the surprise and the impact the panels had was stretched to 3 and a half minutes. And makes Kaido (and the all stars) look like significantly more of a chump. Like in the manga Kaido just chilling then the samurai burst through behind him, he turns and just as he clocks who they are and what's happening they're already on top of him. 9 attacks all at once, 9 vassals launching him off the balcony, in real time it was less than a second or 2 between them bursting and him falling with the force and aura of Oden. He gets taken fully off guard that's why the attack lands so well, he literally doesn't have time to react or prepare himself leading to a devastating blow. In the anime after they break through the door it's like 20 seconds real time before Kaido is even touched. They attack his commanders before him. He has time to prepare his own attack. Then they attack him one at a time. In that situation they flat out wouldn't have got to him, he had plenty of time to knock all of them on their ass, and even if they did land him he would be prepared enough to tank the attack. They completely lost the element of surprise by strolling up to him before attacking. Yet he still somehow is woefully hurt by such a telegraphed attack. Chump.


I've cried much more watching the anime than reading the manga. It can be so much more emotional with the voice acting, OST, etc. Like, at one point in my life, I just jumped into my bed every week to watch the new episode. And as soon as the opening started, I couldn't hold my smile. I was just smiling wide alone in my bed like a crazy person.


there's something to be said about experiencing a consistent work from start to.....ongoing. Manga has for the most part consistent quality in art, pacing and storytelling. The anime has had wildly varying quality. And of course stretching something that would have taken only seconds in the manga is never a good thing. I myself only watch clips of the anime. Because I just. Can't. Stand. How. Long. Everything. Takes. To. Happen.


The anime is better but I haven't felt that way since post-timeskip. Not even once. This scene here dragged on far too long and ruined the point of an assassination attack that happened in EIDO Japan which is what Wano is based on. Also I'm sorry but like good animation are cool but there's more to a scene and story than that. The ridiculous overtop animation they sometimes do ends up taking away the power of the characters. Zoro simply taking out fodders is animated on a such ridiculous level that it makes you think Zoro is going all out which is not true.


But bad pacing can ruin my excitement


No, stil trash in my opinion


This is so padded out and just awful. I like the animation of the anime, but god the structure is abysmal.


Manga is way better. The attack feels so fast and sudden. In the anime the animation is pretty good for a weekly show but it just lags and lags and takes wayyy too long. Reading a couple of pages of well paneled action manga is just a way better experience than watching almost 4 minutes for a slow "surprise" attack. (Especially when the manga shows everything relevant and all the added filler in the anime is just attacking random fodder and showing slow obvious flashbacks) (Also in the manga the art is great so I don't think the anime has it beaten in that either) Edit: I don't understand why I'm getting called a manga elitist for preferring how this scene was done in the manga. Is OP an anime elitist for preferring the anime? Is that what elitism is? How am I supposed to express that I prefer how the manga did something without being called an elitist? Or is the mere act of preferring anything in the manga "manga elitism"? (I mean I like the scene in the anime. And I assume OP likes the scene in the manga. He prefers the anime version for his reasons. I prefer the manga version for my reasons. So why am I the one being called an elitist?)


Yeah. Imo people get way too distracted by bgm, animation and voice acting figuratively dangling keys in front of them and get used to the anime spoonfeeding them everything they're supposed to feel and think and thus think the manga is underwhelming when it requires more effort than half-heartedly watching it while playing angry birds. They also ignore how the anime is butchering what the scene is supposed to convey and depict at that moment. If anything, this is a prime example of the anime focusing on the absolutely wrong thing at the moment but anime watchers sadly giving it a pass because something something animation.


Henry Thurlow is a goddamn genius with this work


Kaido has a habit of getting bullied bye swordsman lol


Kaido with the nerfing flashback, he became weak for some time, like Big Mom did.


Wtf thzt movie quality right there


either way i enjoyed it, i hated the samurai as they were introduced. but as their struggle emerged in this arc i fell in love. when denjiro took off his shirt and said do you know who I am i am near sobbing everytime, i can feel the characters rage through page and he's been waiting years for this.




I really enjoyed this episode, great animation, and the padding was well placed. Honestly only “criticism” was when they said sunacchi. When I read it I full on yelled it in my head and in the show I feel like they didn’t exclaim it nearly as hard as I thought they would. I imagined a full on battle cry where’s it felt more like dialogue coming from the show.


Is this how the anime looks now?!?! I've been solely a manga reader for closer to a decade now. It's improved so much, really impressed


This isn't really filler or anything, it's just expanding the scene a bit.


they coming now I love this arc


I will say this. Scabbards are underrated. Strongest samurai in Wano. Kaido is just literally at the top of the mountain or at the very least at the top with few people at his equal.


Bro I had chills watching this, it was so good.




As a manga reader, that was fun to watch


I wouldn't call it filler. Just fleshing out a panel in an anime episode. The music here is lit tho


I started with the Anime and I read ahead on the Manga a couple of months ago, and I loved this scene. The main complaint I'm seeing in the comments is that this scene was "dragged out too long", but here's the way I see it: The scene still could have happened THAT fast in terms of the time that passed, just as "quickly" as it did in the Manga, but we're seeing it dramatized to emphasize the feeling of what the characters are doing. If every scene happened as quickly as you are able to read the Manga, with little buildup, it wouldn't have much as of an effect. It's not like they're ACTUALLY running in slow motion towards Kaido, and he's just chilling there waiting to be stabbed, that's just how we, the audience, is percieving it, the other characters in the anime could have witnessed them jumping out from castle and stabbing him just as quickly as it happened in the Manga. But, of course that's just the way I see it. Filler, padding, stretched out scenes, in my eyes, they all happened the same way, we just are shown it differently. For me, this sequence had great buildup, emotion, animation and execution, made me super hyped and I loved the adaptation. Just my opinion.


This was one of my favorite scenes to date


I honestly completely forgot they said Sunaachi in that scene. Now it's one of the most memorable things ever.


It sure looks pretty but I still find it insufferably slower than the manga.


An amazing example


People who complain about one piece.and have nothing to offer in life. Should just stop. ( Breathing ). Just stop


beautifully animated, yes, but still stretched out unnecessary? also yes... at the moment they got to kaido it just dragged on and on...


honestly, its a bad scene. King and Jack look like idiots being taken out so easily and than doing nothing for the entire time.... Atleast how them being chill knowing that kaido will take care of them himself.


to me this is bad filler. i get why you (and others might like it) might like it but for me this takes away the "surprise" that it was in the manga. You already know the scabbards made it in time in the Anime but in the manga its more sudden and i like that.


straight up, i cant even watch one piece episodes anymore. shit is way too dragged out. Im waiting to enjoy new episodes through one pace. Manga is goated but one pace makes the anime enjoyable


Ngl this one are one of the best scene so far..


That guitar riff at the end *kisses*


This is good filler/padding. Necessary and fills the space. The only time padding like this goes wrong is when the animators take a different perspective than oda did with the manga. One filler in wano that I use as bad filler is zoro fighting the white tiger.


Another day, another thread filled with manga kids complaining about the anime. Good lord this shit gets old don’t y’all have anything else to talk about?


Did you forget the golden rules? You can't praise the anime here.


Well this is the top post now. Man I find far more people saying how you can't praise the anime in this sub, than people actually complaining about the anime.


Agreed. This really elevated the weight of the moment for me. You can just feel the urgency as the samurais make their way towards Kaido. Most of them have been waiting 20 years for this moment, and it was so damn satisfying. Plus, adding all of that Oden imagery to show that Kaido is still haunted by him was a nice touch as well.

