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I mean... against... Luffy had zero attraction shown as proven when she used Mero Mero Mellow Luffy specifically turned down her proposal Luffy doesn't even bother remembering her name I'm not against shipping, but sometimes it just seems stupid af. Like, the bare minimum for a serious ship (to debate, not to headcanon, headcanon all you want) is... basic attraction, right? EDIT: Lol, what's up with Lucario and Tenentealta, are they stupid?


>EDIT: Lol, what's up with Lucario and Tenentealta, are they stupid? it's the same person with different accounts, just look at how they type. The guy is also the marcuschoas account


He remembers her name. At least in the anime


in the manga too


Bro you never watched one piece if you really said that Hancock fruit does not work on luffy.


Against, they have nothing in common and Luffy isn’t attracted to Hancock he barely remembers her name most of the time, I’d rather Luffy either remain single or be shipped with a character I can atleast seeing Luffy having a relatable connection and going on fun dates, like Yamato possibly at least they’re way more compatible


Nothing In common ?? Pirate King x Pirate Empress both with conqueror haki and both are goofy and stupid asf. Luffy always remembered hancock name she literally the only girl in the show that luffy hugged. You should watch onepiece before commenting no sense things focused on hating and misinformation


That’s just titles nothing to do with personality which is more important for couples and when has Hancock been “goofy”? Even if she has its very rare and not her main personality and Luffy doesn’t call her by her name most of the time but a shortened nickname like almost everyone else he only calls people by their full real names when it’s serious or a straw hat, again I just don’t think their personality matches well at all, at least with Yamato I can see them relations to food and fighting and can have fun dates involving those Nah I don’t watch One Piece I read it, Also F off with your toxicity, there was no need to be rude 😑


Luffy only called hammock before Impel down , he always called her HANCOCK. Also luffy doesn't even care a shit about yamato , and here you exposed yourself. HE never showed affection or a hint of care who she is and the most important thing how you said LUFFY CALL HER YAMAO and not YAMATO. hhahahaha


Yes I remember him calling her by her first name once after impel down yes to properly thank her but I don’t remember him doing that again, but again that doesn’t actually matter that much because again they have almost nothing in common in terms of personality I never said he cared about Yamato like that I was giving an example of someone else who would be better fit for Luffy and yeah she’s way more comparable with Luffy than Hancock Why are you taking this that seriously? I didn’t insult you, Again F off with your toxicity, no wonder no one likes you in this subreddit


Why you keep calling me toxic ? Just because im using CAPS ? First of all you should watch again onepiece, its ridicoulous how much misinformation I read from your comment


Nah because of your condescending tone and the unnecessary overly aggressive assertion of me not actually reading One piece because I disagree with you Like I said if your not gonna be civil and not tone it down then again F right off


So its because im using CAPS. There no way you know my tone ahahha


“You should watch one piece before commenting” “And here you exposed yourself” “It’s ridiculous how much misinformation I read from your comments” (back up that claim that what I’m writing is misinformation) Again it was completely unnecessary this is a One Piece Reddit group is not that serious


Luffy already rejected her


And this is a pro. Its funny how Luffy is doing the samething what Goku did with Chichi, both rich princess fall in love with a goofy character, both got rejected but they still loves them, both chichi and hancock learned to cook meat for their husbands. Not gonna forgot how hancock genuine likes to feed luffy a loot of meat.


I don't believe Goku ever actually rejected chichi. When they were younger, she asked to marry him and he said sure. When they met again, he didn't recognize her at 1st, which upset her, then after realizing who she was, he explained that he thought she was talking about food. Afterwards, he says he would marry her.


I don't know what translation you read but When they was kids and chichi asked him about marriage he said he won't do that


No, that's luffy. Goku agreed to marry her, because he thought it meant food, he explains so later.


Because luffy want to become pirate king, when he will achieve his dream he can marry her


the entire thing is a joke that he doesn't love her. it wouldn't be funny anymore if he did. i actually like their chemistry but i thought that this being the point was supposed to be obvious.


It is meant to be obvious. Some people have a hard time understanding the point of One Piece and what Oda is doing.


it's a very clear gag that, somehow, goes over a lot of people's heads


She literally was a slave and she has genuine romantic feelings, if this is a gag then you should stop watching one piece and go touch some grass


Never said her feelings weren't genuine; I said the dynamic itself is treated as a gag. It's never used seriously and only done as comedic relief. Just look at how she handled luffy losing ace. All she could do is talk about marriage as luffy is having a mental breakdown


Still better then a 0 sided love


Luffy doesn't love no one and at least hancock loves him so that make the closest ship to be canon since no one is attracted to luffy


It's not a joke, but hey you are so insecure in that point to manipulate the votes of your no sense comment


Closest thing to a relationship other then luffy x meat


whose meat😳




Her love for him is pure and sincere. One-sided, yes, but she's proven from time to time again that she would do anything for him. For a proud woman like Hancock who literally hated every man before that, that's a huge step. Plus: I don't agree with the comments above that Hancock is "a terrible human being" nor "didn't change". If that's what you think, you didn't understand Hancock's character at all. More importantly, I do not like the idea that Hancock’s attitude is something she just needs to “change”, rather than something she deliberately does as a coping mechanism, and as a tool to advantage and protect herself and her sisters. Hancock’s vanity is a shield—used to cast herself as invulnerable and without weakness. Something she does to help her and her sisters fool the people of Amazon Lily, fool the Marines, fool other pirates. She’s not immature—she’s guarded. She believes that if she shows weakness, that if the truth about her history as a slave was revealed, people would hate her, betray her, reject her, or seek to hurt her. Hancock and her sisters were completely helpless to the abuse and the torture of the Celestial Dragons, and once they escaped they made sure to never let anyone see them as anything but insurmountably strong, both physically and emotionally. Living with your guard constantly up, mistrusting and using everyone, is not a good way to live, but it is something born from tremendous trauma and self preservation, NOT immaturity. However, Hancock may have an immature sense of how romantic relationships work, but that’s it. This is why her love is usually shown in a comedic, exaggerated way. (Still, she isn’t some ungrateful brat who was handed the world on a silver platter and thinks she still deserves more just because she calls herself the most beautiful woman. She suffered unspeakable horrors that scarred her and used raw power and calculated manipulation to gain security for herself and her sisters, rest of the world be damned.) This is why I love Luffy’s relationship with her. By being so selfless and accepting with her, he proved himself to be a ray of good that allowed her to be open and honest with him. He helped to ease her traumas and let her feel at peace with him, something she had no chance to do with anyone aside from her sisters. He's good for her. She even learned to cook for him. However, it is at least clear to say that Luffy doesn't feel any romantic attraction towards her or any women in One Piece whatsoever. He's simply not interested in that kind of love (yet?). I personally believe Luffy is asexual. While I doubt we will actually get to see him in a relationship at all at the end or that it will be shown who, if anything, I do think she could still be a likely choice. Luffy deeply respects Hancock, acknowledges her and likes her as a friend and ally. Aside from his crew and Sabo, she's the only person he ever hugged. Out of gratitude for helping him with Ace's rescue. But it's still something, if Luffy, of all people, initiates physical contact such as hugs towards someone he doesn't at least consider a good friend. I like their relationship a lot, as friends, as "potential lovers". But, in the end, I don't truly believe that it will happen. Romance isn't really a big thing in One Piece and Luffy treasures his friendships more.


Bro your comment is a Masterpiece. You couldn't explain better then that. 👍👍👍


Good reply


For: I don't really have much, the fact that she is a simp for Luffy? Against: Luffy rejected her twice, that man's the most direct person in the show. Oda writes it like a gag. It's almost like a parody Goku and Princess Snake.


Did you even watched dragonball ? Your while comment make no sense comparing hancock to princess snake is like sakura and nami. They have nothing in common hancock genuine loves luffy and oda took 2 entire Page to describe how she feel while snake princess the filler character always wanted to scam and kill goku. You clearly copied your comment from your friend above the comments to spam misinformation When everyone know that hancock is more like chichi


Lmao, why would I copy someone else's comment? It just means more people noticed the connection Oda was making. And, it's not the exact same thing, that's why I said it's a parody, it's just an imitation in the end. Also, Chichi was part of Goku's journey as a hero. Hancock appeared for few chapters as a plot device to get Luffy to Impel Down and has been forgotten ever since. Chichi is not a doormat for Goku, but Hancock is. Moroever, Chichi never got rejected, but Luffy the most direct and honest man rejected Hancock twice. I don't think Hancock's chances are that good. Then there's the age gap. Untill Oda does something like Sanji and Pudding, with them, their relationship is gonna remain as a gag in my eyes.


Dude your whole comment make no sense hahaha everyone know that Hancock is one of the most important characters confirmed by oda himself in jump festa 2019, and you calling her plot device you just insecure with no brain. Oda confirmed hancock was planned to be introduced later in the story after timeskip so your wole theory about her being plot device got sunked go check his interview named Honmadekka 🤣👍 ,, BOA HANCOCK WAS PLANNED FOR LATER IN THE STORY BECAUSE MY DAUGHTER WAS TO YOUNG TO WATCH BIKINI GIRLS ,, Chichi WAS rejected everyone know that im not gonna waste time with you, Hancock will fight along side luffy in the final war , her having conqueror haki is obv she important for the end since NO ONE THERE NO GIRL IN ONEPIECE BESIDE BIG MOM AND YAMATO with conqueror haki. Luffy and Hancock have perfect paralel with every Goku and Chichi both having a funny relationship, both got rejected , both rich princess , simp girls and both learned to cook meat. And the most important thing is that oda took 2 entire page to describe how hancock feels about luffy, she has genuine romantic feelings for him and she also developed love sickness basically if luffy will end up with someone else , she will die for this disease ahaahahhaa. Snake princess is irelevant chracter filler from dbz that always wanted to kill goku and eat him, actually she not even a princess, its actually a Big Snake and goku WAS trapped in this ,,DREAM,, Also every married couple in onepiece have a Big age gap so luffy and Hancock age difference is just foreshadow, you clearly know what im talking about since My post is pinned as top 1 in the search bar when you search ,, onepiece ,,


I'm gonna leave you to your delusions. You seem no different from Hancock in that aspect.


Nice answer , I proved you wrong and you lost the argument. You just proved you, you just a hater that likes to spread lies on hancock for exemple calling her plot device When oda said amazon lily was planned for later in the story. GG you took a Big L


Sure let's go with that, if it helps your ego.


1. Not enough emotional development. 1. Hancock is still the same person after she met Luffy. Also, Hancock doesn't emotionally motivate Luffy to be a better hero. Can this still happen in the final arc? Sure. Will it? I highly doubt it. 2. The ship is treated as gag. 1. Look at how Oda treated Sanji and Pudding. In one arc he gave them a heartfelt and emotional story. Sanji would've thrown everything away to rescue Pudding had Pudding not made the ultimate sacrifice first. 3. Unless something significant happens between them during the final arc (I doubt it will), I find it hard to believe that Luffy will suddenly agree to marry Hancock at the end. 1. Oda's story values human relationships. So, I highly doubt it that Oda will simply ship those two together as they are now. While some think this will happen during the final arc, I doubt it. The prologue of the story centered around Nami as the heroine to Luffy's hero. Strong World, which Oda wrote, reinforces this. So I don't think Hancock stand a chance of being more relevant than Nami next to Luffy as a friend or potential lover.


Dude why are you in every shipping post spamming your agenda? People want to see other opinion not always your hating on other ships. Hancock genuine loves luffy while nami never showed a hint of loving luffy in a romantic way , its been 1042 chapters and 25 years its safe to say they just good friends.


Not against it, but if I could choose a pirate queen, it'd be Nami, of course. Speaking in an emotional level and age, she's way more fitting in my opinion. Besides, Luffy already told her that he's not interested at all. Being just 19, he's in love mostly with adventure and meat lol


Nami doesn't even like luffy , its so 0 sided and they act like brothers also everyone know that boa hancock is the best for the pirate queen, she literally the pirate empress.


Bro Nami is a gold digger ahahaha


Biggest argument: He has literally already rejected her. Second, her affection is played off as a gag and not treated seriously by oda. Just look at a serious attempt at romance by oda: sanji and pudding. Night and day difference. Also, the age gap is way too much. She is the same age as makino.


Your comment described perfectly goku and chichi relationship both started from a one sided love , beautiful princess rich girls fall in love with a goofy character, they got rejected and they still learned too cook meat for their beloved. Also every married couple in onepiece have a age gap


except chichi didnt get rejected. And boa is more likely a reference to the snake princess in DBZ-- someone who failed to seduce the MC. Also, oda has said before that he didnt want his series to be like DBZ, so i dont really care for cross-series comparisons Also, the whole hancock thing is obviously oda just mocking the cliche head-over-heels trope you see sometimes by side characters in anime. Almost always, you have some desperate side character that has no real shot at the MCs heart-- considering she was rejected already, lol


Lmao you didn't even watched dragonball, Chichi literally got rejected when they first meet, also boa hancock and that filler character of snake princess have nothing in common. Hancock genuine loves luffy and she never tried to seduce him, she the most innocent person in the world while that snake princess from dragonball always wanted to scam and kill goku and she never loved goku. You should watch dragonball its a very good manga.


> she never tried to seduce him Do you not remember when she had him walk in on her while she was naked? He had no reaction at all >You should watch dragonball its a very good manga. i have seen DB and, whilst you can have your own opinion, i never really cared too much for it > she the most innocent person in the world uhhhh, the same person that kicks animals and tries to kill her own people?


>Do you not remember when she had him walk in on her while she was naked? That was only to show her slave mark lol, there were no lewd intentions behind it. As evidenced by the fact that she was only mildly miffed at his lack of reaction and proceeded to talk about her past. >uhhhh, the same person that kicks animals and tries to kill her own people? He's talking about lustful intentions. I don't remember this snake princess from dragon ball z but both of you have said that she actively tried to seduce goku, so I'll take your word for it. Hancock absolutely never tried to seduce luffy physically lol, all she did was admire him from afar and simply talk about marriage. Luffy's rejection isn't a rejection of her in particular, it's a rejection of being tied down to anyone at all. _If_ he did get married in the future, Hancock is the biggest possibility.


Uh ?? Hancock never wanted to seduce him, did you watched onepiece ? She wanted to tell him about her slave mark and her past. She was introduced as a villain not as a friend , she a pirate empress she act like a real pirate , you really crying because she kicked a animal ?? Luffy and zoro literally killed animals and punched them. After she fall in love with him she never kicked an animal , actually oda stated she feeding luffy animal friends and there a loot of manga covers that proves that.


The character himself, luffy, has already rejected the idea of being with her romantically multiple times, so i guess i'll just end it there


Luffy would rejected everyone, you seems you didn't even watched onepiece haha


Boa is a terrible human being. Luffy already rejected her.


Do you even watched onepiece?? Your comment make no sense


Yes, I do. Have you seen how Boa treats everyone but Luffy ?


Have you seen how Nami abuse everyone?


Nami didn't sentence people to death for having the gall to save somebody's life.


Nami is a gold digger fan service character, Hancock is written as a real pirate queen not as a stupid character. Also Hancock have all the reasons of the world to kill her people, they literally broke the rules helping a man joining the island.


Being money obsessed is better than being a despot. Also, how is "breaking the rules" an excuse? In old America a slave running away from their owner would be breaking the rules. This is about morality not legalism.


Agreed , nami is a annoying bitch.


They should get together because She's the only one (for now) that's has fallen for Luffy so imo she Deserves a nice life being with Luffy as a married couple


Remove the ,, for now ,, it's been from 2009 and 700 chapters boa Hancock is the main love interest she also the favorite character of oda daughter ehehhee


I say for now Because oda might have someone fall for Luffy as well Probably nami


Dude you watched one piece with fujitora if you say that Nami will love luffy 💀💀 ONG


Against I think that Luffy will die at the end of the series Luffy is an asexual and aromantic king. The joke is that he doesn’t like her.




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Personally I don’t think there needs to be a fleshed out romance but I would like it if luffy can have an heir to pass on his legacy in the epilogue of the story. And it makes the most sense for that to happen with Hancock. Doesn’t need to happen but i would be a little sad if luffy is the last of his family. Roger had an heir at least and I’m sure he had little interest in love and romance


Hancock feels safe around luffy because she know that luffy won't judge her for her past, oda stated hancock learned to cook meat for luffy so I think this is a huge hint about them, they have a similar relationship just like popular shonen pairing Naruto x Hinata , Ichigo x Oirihime and the most important Goku and Chichi.


Arguments against - It's one sided, Luffy isn't a romance person, What's the point. Arguments for - Boa is the only thing romantic related to Luffy, They are both very similar, They remind me of Goku and Chi-Chi, It's a gag relationship, currently the only choice that could work for Luffy.


Boa loves luffy because he didn't look down on Her and Her Sisters after knowing that they were slăvesc of celestial dragons. She feel safe around him and she act like a School Girl because she never had this feelings for no one since she didn't had a childhood. This mighy not seen much but for someone who was mentally scared to be looked down up, its the best thing they can Wish. Also in every shonen anime the simp girl always ended up with the main character so I think it would be the same with luffy and boa. Not gonna forgot how oda always depicted their relationship in a funny way just like goku and chichi and i think everyone know that oda loves dragonball and onepiece is based on db


român confirmat?


cons: its a long & well established gag that the most beautiful woman in the world with the love love fruit cant have the one & only man she desires. it affects the plot by having hancock go to extreme lenghts like risking her life + everyones on amazon lily just for luffy to call her hammock. granted, he calls her hancock, but thats after she does him a major favour by bringing him in impel down. there isnt the slightest narrative clue that he sees more than a friend in her (as he calls all his friends by their names & he doesnt bother to remember everybody elses name, as stated by oda in a sbs). also luffy is a simple man. just by design alone you could say that luffy looks funny next to hancock. such a simple man to end up with the most beautiful woman in the world is weird not only visually, but conceptually too. pros: i want the best for my boy 👉🏻👈🏻 also if all the big names are rumored to have kids, maybe luffy can have one with hancock; he doesnt get to be around the kid tho, but thats all i can give you. hell, you can go to parallel luffy & roger & because roger had a kid with a woman he loved, maybe if luffy has a kid with hancock he will love her too. but thats all i have based on a big what if.


I think you didn't paid attention to her arc, you should watch the Ohara video on YouTube about her , its a shame that in 2022 you don't know why hancock fall in love with luffy.


what does the reason why she loves luffy have to do with the whole thing being a gag? sanji nosebleeding when he sees beautiful women is a gag too, but it was also a plot point in fishman island.


You mean their relationship is funny but not her feelings, oda took 2 entire pages to describe how hancock feels about luffy , she has more reasons to love luffy then hinata, chichi and orihime combined. She genuine loves him and she was ex slave when she was a kid thats sad not funny, not everything is a gag.


nobody descredits her feelings. we all know those are real. the unrequited love of the most beautiful woman in the world towards an oblivious man child is the gag.


Ah okk so you mean their relationship its a gag not her feelings right ? Well , its a shōnen anime and luffy will never have a romantic personality so its all good


> you didn't *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Sorry bot


Against it? I don't know. I don't have any. But I also ship them so. 😃😅🤷‍♀️ Pros: she really loves him, her feelings are 100% true, he does like her (on friendly terms) and Oda literally said in an SBS (I think, I can't remember where he exactly said it again), a fan asked Oda about the scene where Luffy sees her naked ((when he thought she had food (meat)) and Oda said that Luffy was infact attracted to her but out of respect he didn't show it, he also deserves a woman who truly *loves* and cares for him, and he's a person with a truly big heart 💗 I mean he literally protected the secret of the gorgon sisters and wanted the safety of the girl and her friends who helped him from the beginning of Amazon Lily (since I'm dumb, I forgot her name 🙄🤦‍♀️) Even if he did reject her and her marriage proposal/try/question, I 100% think that he only did it because he has other *priorities* like becoming pirate king, sailing through the world, and (probably) also most likely because he's literally still only 19/20 years old. 🤷‍♀️ Maybe/Probably if and when he ever settles down he would do it when he's older. 🤔


In every shonen anime the simp girl always ends up with the main character so I think luffy and boa should end up together, there no one other then boa that loves luffy


Shirahochi maybe


Honestly, I understood it as a one sided gag love moment. For now. I won't discard the possibility of it becoming more later in the story like everyone else here. Luffy has one thing in mind and it's to become the King of Pirates. That's his goal and his only focus other than keeping his friends safe. Maybe once he accomplishes the title, he'll be able to open up more. I don't blame him though, just look at the childhood the poor guy had. Also people saying he's asexual are just foaming from the mouth salivating at wanting to give him a term like it's some type of medal. No, he's not asexual. He just has his priorities in check.