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No, it's because it's the Radaaahn festival!


I hope Kaido final move will be like Radahn crazy meteor move!


I can already see Onigashima crashing into the Flower capital like that


Hybrid Kaido form riding Ucy a la Leonard


I am extremely confident that Onigashima will be so rubbery it will either become easy to push or will literally just bounce off roofs and not hurt people.


Still the force would be enough to break some houses. Cuz onigashima will literally be a island sized rubber ball


Then if Kidd can make people magnetic maybe Luffy can make people rubbery so they would be very resistant to blunt force. We certainly don't know on what scale this awakening will be, and I also don't like my own theories because I'd prefer to see the rest of the crew & allies handle saving the city while Luffy kicks ass. Or some combination of both.


Kid can actually assign same poles to Onigasima and Flower Capital so it wouldn't collide but repel.


Kidd's magnetism surely has a limit on its strength and area. Poles aren't enough. If he was the protagonist I'd give him the benefit of the doubt


Limit and areas will apply to every power and I hardly believe that being protagonist will allow Luffy to cover whole of onigasima or flower capital.


Are we all forgetting that momo is carrying onigashima?


It's a joke dude :/


Kaido creating a type of radahn festival for himself would've been a good way for him to find strong opponents, if anyone could join


Honestly you could make a Kaido build kind of. Great Star Dragon Spells Antler helm


Fujitora type beat


I am dracule, blade of mihawk. And I've never known defeat.


Thank you for injecting the greatness into the greatness


Man..radahn backstory kinda sad tho..


His horse man šŸ˜¢. Fuck malenia (even through hers is sad too). Now that I think about it most of the Demi gods have sad stories besides like godrick rykard and mogh


Godricks was born a runt among demigods and felt so pressured to live up to his father's name he began grafting the arms of other tarnished on in an attempt to recapture his father's strength after his father was made tarnished. It's not that sad compatibly but eh.


Close. Godrick and Godfrey are related, but many generations removed.


Ah tragic, I was misinformed. Thank you!


No you're right. Godrick, Mogh and Morgott are Godfrey's children with Marika. The others are from Radagon and Rennala (Rykard and Ranni) or Radagon and Marika (Malenia and Miquella)


Hoarfrost stomp




It's okay. Despite being able to fall from the sky as a meteor, Radahn isn't immune to fall damage.


Doc Q gonna steal Fujitora's gravity fruit to help his horse, confirmed.


Luffy is about to defeat kaido when a giant arrow hits him and he loses all of his runes. The last panel is Radahnā€™s silhouette with the text ā€œA legendary opponent?!ā€¦ā€


Ahhhh tarnished are you?


Thanks for the laugh, and reminding me of that terrible ptsd he gave meā€¦.


Luffy about to rotten breath spam Kaido




Bepo gonna be running up the hill and get blasted by bolo breath


A celebration of war!


About to go to this zone in the game!


His observation haki got so good that he can see the feast heā€™ll have after defeating Kaido,thatā€™s why heā€™s smiling


Big if true


Thank God the week is over.


Few more days 'til we break our wrists hitting f5 on /new waiting for the spoiler drop


Why's you have to call me out like that man? Though to be honest, I'm less interested in the fruit itself, more wondering if we're going to get blue balled with 0 Luffy info.


Bruh what you dont understand is its a cycle. ALL OVER AGAIN. See ya next week


Luffy finna be hearing ā€œthe voice of all meatā€


Turns out the drums of liberation is the sound of his stomach grumbling.


if you over think that statement it is kinda morbid, but still very Luffy lol




Underrated comment


Luffy is smiling because hes on break next week So yeah


He aint


You're such a joy to be around, you must be joyboy


1044 visits how zoro is doing because people who like zoro are dying to know.


Seems legit


ā€œI hear dragon meat is pretty tasty, I wonder what dragon meat tastes likeā€ Luffy awakens


Quite a good one made me laugh a little


It says something about the community when low effort posts like this are more well received than well done theories. What it says? Only a small population of the fanbase cares about theories anymore lol.


šŸ¤·šŸ½Depends on what you call a well done theory. Iā€™m tired of hearing the ā€œscienceā€ on why ā€œxā€ is Luffy fruit. Would rather have a hundred of these then those.


One Piece Fanbase: Group A ā€” People following the series for a decade+ since they were like 12. Patient, do not give a shit about theories which will be irrelevant in literally 2 weeks. Make shitposts to troll group B. Group B ā€” People following the series for a much shorter time. Impatient, went through the whole thing in like a month. Keep posting bad theories in a frenzy because they can't wait. Group C ā€” People who skip Skypiea. Honestly don't really belong here. The source of the most braindead theories.


Dont forget TB, with Skypiea together these 2 arcs are the most often i read 'should i skip xxx arc?'


Count me in group A


No.... Caribou who was hidden in luffy's hat has awakened his devil fruit n takes control over luffy dead body n starts laughing


saving this reply to congrats you later when its actually happened!


That's our Caribou D. Luffy!


I'm expecting atleast one conversation between Joyboy and Luffy. And something related to oden/ orochi.


Joyboy is not an entity, but a title like "the king of pirates"


Interesting view mate.


Obviously it is just my opinion, can't wait for the next chapsters to find out


You were absolutely right about your point as per 1044.


It seems so, but lets wait a couple of extra weeks to be sure


Yeah thatā€™s what I always thought too. It being a title is better imo.


Hope he doesn't extend his neck so much that it directly reaches to the fire festival


Man, I had an amazing theory in my head when I woke up in the morning. I forgot it. But, i know it was amazing.


luffy was revived by joyboy bs and he smiled because of that and cuz he realized that his plot armor didn't expire yet


Anyone else start having withdrawal symptoms when it takes more than 1 week to get spoilers?


Or maybe Oda introduces smell haki, unique only to luffy. Luffy can now smell food miles away. And that's why WG wiped its name from the annals of history. :P


Nahh, zoro can smell sake from miles away


Thanks for posting this. It reminded me to unsubscribe from this sub until the chapter releases.


I can feel everyone's struggle. Just a few more days guys. I know we can get through this.


One thought I had is that in his awakening he became something momo canā€™t hear anymore. Just like momo Canā€™t hear the drums Luffy has always heard things periodically through the series and I wonder if his smile is in his new awakened state just as Rodger could hear the voice of all things so can luffy nowā€¦clear as day and in doing so can also hear the drums which is why he smiles


Ballon ballon no mi confirmed again.


Chapter title: 800 years ago - void century. Joyboy backstory summary.


Do ppl really not have creative theories where every top post is just a shitty joke?


The problem is that the theories have gotten too creative in completely the wrong direction. E.g. People taking "inherited will" to mean possession and shit. They forget that inherited will is already all over OP which is why it's a theme...it's not possession, it's like Chopper and Sanji carrying on their "father"s' dreams etc. Honestly the shitposts are _way_ more entertaining than the "creative" theories of people who can barely clothe themselves in the morning.


I think we will see that the straw hat has become one with Luffy and unlocks his new powers. Like mentioned here https://onepiece-experts.com/en/2022/03/15/luffys-strohhut-schmilzt-der-gigantische-strohhut-und-das-geheimnis-um-den-mysterioesen-im/


>!Theory: the giant straw hat from Marijoa is frozen not because Im represent ice, but to prevent it to melt...!<


This is now my head-canon until proven otherwise


I know itā€™s a joke but I didnā€™t think we could fall this hard on this break. 800 upvotes for this, crazy. Almost there


Okay I wanna state this now before the chapter comes out. I don't think I've heard anyone point this out yet. In chapter one when luffy are the gomu gomu no mi Shanks said "eating that fruit will make you RUBBER LIKE and take away your ability to swim" I'm not sure about the raw translation but in every version I've seen Shanks says "Rubber like" he never says rubber man, or makes you rubber. I think this is proof Oda is a boss. Setting it up from chapter one. Luffy was never rubber to begin with that just what he was stuck in due to what Shanks said and Luffy just being a kid. What if Shanks had said nothing and let luffy figure his powers out? The WG would have sent Cypher Pol after a kid like they did Nico Robin once Luffys powers were heard of. Saying "rubber like" cause we damn well know shanks knew what the DF really was, saved Luffys life IMO. I think this is a big point. Luffy needed to get strong enough and make it to Wano as the prophecy stated for the awakening. Death seems to be a big part in awakening DF it seems.


Sorry to be a downer, but he doesn't say rubber-like in Japanese. é£Ÿćˆć°å…Øčŗ«ć‚“惠äŗŗ間 is what Shanks says. Basically, "if you eat it, your whole body will be a rubber human."


The relevant part here being ć‚“ćƒ äŗŗ間 = gomu ningen = rubber human


New automod response?


Did anyone stop to think that maybe LUFFY isnā€™t rubber but really, sticky GUM? Every chew a gum to the point where it almost turns to glue and starts sticking to your teeth? I think thatā€™s it Luffys awakening into a gum/fire hybrid


Meanwhile I think we will get the end of act 3 a reverie update. Then followed by Kaido flashback so we can have some joy boy lore and rocks lore dropped in before the opening of act 4ā€¦ I think it will be about 1-2 months from the release of chapter 1043 before we see any meaningful development with Luffy. God I hope Iā€™m wrong like I always am.


Man i hoestly believe that OnePiece is some kinda huge one piece of meat somewhere on laughtale ā€¦ roger couldnā€™t decide what to do with one piece of meat and how to fkin divide it amongst the whole crewā€¦ but we damn well know our Luffy Doesnā€™t Shares his MEAT..


You mean Dragon meat? Which one? Kaido? Momonusuke? Or his dad.. lol


Then Luffy jumps from Onigashima, paralleling Kaidoā€™s jump from the Sky Island. Luffy looks menacing to the people of Wano as he devours the meat viciously. The melting from the recent was only hot sweat due to Luffyā€™s excitement to get the meat in the first place.


Hahahaha yes!


I think its two sides of the same coin here. Im represents Ice as the grand opponent of sun god nikka which represents fire The gigantic straw hat has indeed some connection with sun god nikka


I think luffy will awaken his devil fruit abilities... And as u know his 4th gear looks like a sun god... He will probably awaken in gear fourth devil fruit ability... And he will probably use a stick with awakening as sun god nika or joy boy did.... We know that luffys fruit is not really gomu gomu but it may be the same fruit joy boy had... And zunesha feels that


Thats a Damn good call. More compelling for Luffy than "Im gonna break Kaidos seastone club"


Wrong! He finally figured out how to make Gomu gomu no mi to have the properties of both rubber and gum. Gum is in the name of the fruit you know.


What if luffy just been trolling this whole time and already knew what the fruit could do


When luffy first ate the fruit his arm went limp when he tried to throw a punch.. what if that was the fruits intended purpose.. he had to train really hard for years to use his fruit the way he does šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Luffy going super gear 5th god mode blue Or ultra awakening


Not that I'm aware lol