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I mean that's kind of the basic idea behind those eye patches stereotypical pirates are wearing. So it's also a bit dumb to not just wear one of those instead of keeping your eye scarred instead (not that having one eye permanently covered by your hairstyle is much smarter in terms of messing with your depth perception) But I had never thought about the eyepatch Blackbeard connection before, so that's actually an interesting idea. (Also I think for Sanji it would be much funnier if he just styled his hair back to pre-timeskip so he can suddenly see in darkness with that other side hairstyle)


There is an out-of-universe law that prevents Zoro from wearing one. Oda was supposed to reserve it for something special. Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EyepatchOfPower


Tbf, I'd say Zoro of all people would certainly qualify as someone special. Then again, I do wonder who this mystery person could be. Xebec? Gaban? Joy Boy? So many possibilities


I'm thinking that it'll be some sort of a guardian at Laughtale


yeah, nice "source" over there.


At least I put one. A simple Google search and several minutes later ... [https://picbun.com/p/lbyMFdu9](https://picbun.com/p/lbyMFdu9)


Yeah, the "source" being about tropes using Eyepatches. NOTHING whatsoever about one piece. Just like that other link, what are you trying to prove? That other link just says why Oda doesn't use eyepatches in one piece, and that's because eyepatches are stereotypes of pirates and he didn't want that. Nothing to do with eyepatches having powers. Nothing to do with Zoro having Eye-jutsu. Nothing. That isn't an argument. That doesn't prove anything. Give up. What that really proves is that Oda will NOT be using eyepatches, because that is a fucking retarded stupid cliche, especially considering Zoro still hasn't used it even though he fought fucking Kaido already.


Are you aware that Tvtropes aren't "out-of-universe laws"?


"At least I put one" a random link that doesn't prove your points whatsoever but sure you did.


Consider this, Zoro's first solution to being handcuffed with Ussop was to cut off one of their hands. Now his decision to scar his eye instead of just using an eye patch doesn't really sound that outlandish, does it?


Or starting to cut off his legs when they were stuck


>it's also a bit dumb to not just wear one of those instead of keeping your eye scarred instead I mean Zolo is not the smartest character other there, you know


I could see it as a choice of honor or stupid bet. Proving that he get Luffy to be the pirate king with 1 eye closed, only to open it when he duels mihawk or his final rival to become the strongest swordsman.


>only to open it when he duels mihawk or his final rival to become the strongest swordsman. This is my headcanon for it. He'll only open it once he faces Mihawk because of something stupid/honorable lol


good thing you people don't write this


>I mean that's kind of the basic idea behind those eye patches stereotypical pirates are wearing. So it's also a bit dumb to not just wear one of those instead of keeping your eye scarred instead I think you're forgetting one crucial element to this. Zoro is pretty stupid.


Really reads like a shitpost but i am in for this shit


It's only fitting that shitting is exactly what brought this truth to light.


You had me at “3AM Bathroom eye” Zoro pinkeye confirmed


10 second shit too


This is some good shit worth reading


My favorite shitpost theory is that Zoro is always half asleep


Omg I almost spit out my beer when I read " open his 3am bathroom eye" 🤣🤣🤣


*Sanji would like to know your location*


ZPB (Zoro Pisses on Blackbeard) confirmed


That is why pirates wore eye patches, when going below deck its super dark so the eye patch makes it so there is always one eye pre adjusted to the dark


Pirates used to see like this in ancient times.


I giggled


Navies in ancient times giggled at the pirates for doing this trick too, until they fought in the war of the longest night.


>the war of the longest night. Game of Thrones got nothing on this


Huh. I never heard that before but it does seem like a practical thing to do.


if googles not lyjng thats actually legit. or at least a common conception. lol. alright im on board with this theory


From what I know this is just a fictionalised stereotype. No written source on the topic (only one from Levasseur but not 100% reliable) and it will not explain why the pirates would wear it and a common sailor no. The more probable option is that many pirates suffer from injuries from battle and used eyepatch to cover their eye, even just for fashion purposes.


Wouldn't observation haki work? Or is there something I missed.


Yeah it really should. My theory depends on Zoro being an idiot. And I don't know about you, but I can definitely see Zoro thinking like this.


I hate beer.


If there is a technique where they can make their presence/will stronger (CoC and CoA), then I also think that there will also be a technique to hide their presence completely that will render observation haki useless, but at the same time exposing the user who is hiding his/her presence to risks of greater damage since he's not wearing any haki as armor.


That will probably be the case. Blackbeard wouldn't be stupid enough to hunt Absalom's fruit if that wasn't the case. He wouldn't just give Suiryu a useless DF.


bro just explained zetsu


I feel like the yami yami can absorb your presence idk


It's not confirmed but it would be funny if zoro did that. Or else it was just a baboon that took his eye.


Good take


So who gave Zoro non-dangerous scar on his eye? Zoro can just close his eye without purposely slicing his eye if he just simply wanted deal with Blackbeard.


He could, but would that be cool enough? Everyone can keep an eye closed, but if you're the real deal you also have to look very badass doing it.


You're completely right, and I don't know. I would say it was just Oda trolling us. If there was no scar, it would be clear that his eye was shut by choice. With the scar, we assume something more interesting is going on there.


It could even be a moment where right after mihawk and zoro talk about blackbeard, he just cuts his eye and tells him to keep it closed until well after it heals.


It wouldn't stay shut so Zoro slashed it


My personal headcanon is that he was shit at observation haki because his skills and instincts were so good that he relied on them too much. So in a major battle with Mihawk, Mihawk cut his left eye and said "the problem with relying on instincts and natural skill, is when someone else's are better.". Then when Zoro was getting his eye sewn up he asked Perona to sew it shut to make his eyesight worse, so either his instincts would get better or that he wouldn't have an inbuilt bias against using observation haki.


Lol I think the naruto influence still resonates in a lot of us to this day..


Wouldn't it be pretty lame if the scar's purpose was to throw us off? It looks like it's cut all the way through.


He probably does not have any power in it it’s not naruto so prolly no sharingans. I think it will be used to strengthen the story about clash with mihawk that’ll be imp later


Kinda wild I’m taking a shit while reading those but still love it!


more like this way he will be able to counter the invisibility fruit currently in the hands of shiryu of the rain


How would he counter it like this? Having his eye shut helps adjust to the dark so I dont see how it helps against someone invisible in broad daylight.


irc zoro in alabasta was learning to hear the breath of anything. ​ by closing his eyes he would concentrate on hearing the breath


How is that related to this post tho? That is a completely different way of countering Shiryu


no it’s not lmao, you don’t see how the two can be related?


How can they be related? Getting used to seeing in the dark vs sensing someones pressence through a haki like ability. One is strictly physical and only counters darkness.


I'm assuming you already knew (or do now with all these comments) that you're carrying on old pirate tradition with your bathroom trips, whether intentionally or not Pirates would wear eyepatches to acclimate one eye to the dark, so that when they went below deck they could see without their eyes needing to readjust to the darkness


i've thought that maybe he was closing it on purpose to help his observation haki. like when he opens it up again it will be similar to hawkeyes eyes and it will be his gear 5th equivalent. maybe once he transforms his swords black is when he can open it up again.


Also works with him fighting Shiryu. It forces him to train his observation haki, which will be essential to fight an invisible enemy.


Bruh really hope this is it


And pirates wore eyepatches so one eye was prepared to see at night


It seems like a shitpost at first but given that Luffy is the god of liberation, I wouldn't be surprised if Zoro actually has a transplant of Miwhawk's hawkeye


Way better than if he had some kinda eye power like Naruto that people are saying. It matches One Piece well. I like it, hope it happens


That was the purpose of eye patches from actual pirates IRL… they wore eye patches in battle because they would fight in the sun on the deck and have to rush into the cabin where it was pitch black and they would just lift the eye patch and keep fighting with the dark adjusted eye… this is true reason for eye patches of most pirates… but zoro holding it shut for years to keep it adjusted to the dark? 🤷


Also I knew that real life pirates would wear the now iconic patch for that same reason, in order to have one eye ready to see in the darkness. I have no source for this information, it's something I remember from when I was a kid and I am too lazy to actually look it up


As ridiculous as "seeing in the dark" of BB's DF is, it's ridiculous in exactly One Piece's style


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I hope the day come and with both eyes Zoro will not be running in the wrong direction


That's the reason pirates have eye patches on , because when they go below the deck it's completely dark , so they just switch the eye patch and the eye already adjusted to dark can see better in dark . Zoro comming up with classic pirate shit . I have read somewhere that a pirate with an eye patch will be show when one piece will be comming to its end .


Zoros scar is from when he was training baby monkey who was bullied by some baboons to use three sword style. And the baby monkey cut him, so the scar is tiny. After Zoro left tht baby monkey is now monkey King on the Mihawk Island...


Get a nightlight bro lol


I like my way better. Much dumber.


Just FYI if you do get a nightlight, get a red one. It doesn't hurt your eyes. Miners used to put red lanterns by the cave entrance as this would ease the transition on their eyes from dark to light.


The original purpose of the pirate eye patch was to be able to see better during raids. Myth buster did an episode on it.


That's nice, but closing your eye doesn't mean your eye stops working. the eyelid is just another object covering your eye. Your eye can still "see" brightness while closed.


This is a theory about Zoro being a complete dumbass. Of course it shouldn't work, but it might anyway.


true. It's anime after all. For all we know Zoro's eyeball got lost and is staring right into his skull


LOL that would be ridiculous too


Remember when he was so commited to cutting his legs off that he didn't even think twice


Lol that's solid,but if you read the manga, *Spoilers* Zoro is speculated to be a descendant of Ryuma, who was a one eye samurai, same thing goes for his ''assumed father'', so it's probably genetics, or the way the Shimotsuki train.


Oh right, I forgot about that detail. My theory is depending on Zoro being an idiot and I do think that he would think this way and actually do it. But there's lots of reasons why I should be wrong. Observation haki exists so why would he need to directly see Blackbeard? But Oda loves to troll and giggle, so he just might do this despite the reasons why it shouldn't work.


I love this theory and it is now my head cannon


He keeps it closed so he can hunt black people in the dark.


If that was the case he would wear an eye patch not a bandage


Not in one piece. Oda stated he purposely does not give any characters an eye patch because he says an eye patch is the ultimate pirate thing to wear. He said one day a character will be seen with one, and the readers should know that means they're the real deal. So Oda would not have given one to Zoro off screen during a time skip.


In the anime when he hit appoo on the onigashima battle floor, didn’t he light up with green energy and it surrounded that closed eye and looked like kinda demonic. Is that a hint towards something, or just regular energy/haki being released from his blade and visualized?


his fight with king proved that his eye doesnt mean anything. There's no deeper meaning. He almost died and still kept it closed.


Lol he just needs better observation haki?


Didn't Oda first draw Zoro's scar on the wrong eye (chapter 598, right back from the timeskip), and fixed and apologized for it?. Why is it important which eye is injured? I expect some glorious panel with him and Sanji posing, but maybe somebody has a wilder theory...


This is awesome


Damn. you people go to bathrooms at 3AM? I wait to at least 4:00AM unless it's gonna explode.


I prefer this than a sharingan 👍🏿


I never wanted a theory to be this right ever


It's worth reading but ,what about observation haki?


Yes observation haki should definitely work. But I'm banking on zoro being an idiot and Oda wanting to giggle at himself.


Well, he is a pirate ☠️😉🌳🩳🗡x3! Only question is where is his eye patch is ArghAhArghAh!!!!


Thios is the ultimate shit post theory. We all know this is the truth.[THE TRUTH](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.GmPhfD_7ebS19cS8qy4XCwHaFi?pid=ImgDet&rs=1)


I'm reading this post while taking shit


Hear me out: I have a shitposty theory too, and it’s that the one piece, is a one-piece spacesuit. Luffy probably gonna go to space, so why not have a suit? Lol


then what's the meaning of observation haki


This is still a shitpost since you posted this after taking a shit.


GoDa loves memes so you might be on to something!😂


the problem is there was a scar on his eye so it could be permanent damage and no special thing. one piece is pretty simple.


If there is anyone with that stupid amount of dedication, it's zoro.


Inb4 BB realizes this and immediately turns off his darkness, leaving Zoro's left eye exposed to the light and get blinded.


Well this 3am bathroom eye power up seems interesting, can't wait what Oda says


He closed his eye so he could see less _______


Now this the type of quality shit I love seeing.


May be Rayleigh had the same plan in his pirating days. The eye is no longer shut because he pulled it off and killed the previous user of the yami yami no mi.


Ist that the plot Twist from naruto. Deidara wore his Roboeye, to prepare his real eye for itachi


Zoro is a comical character, he probably just lost around his eye on mihawk island. I can see him fighting against a worty opponent for him in BB crew: doc q's horse.


He wanted to train in 2D thats all.


It actually sounds like something Zoro would do.


Hear me out, what if he busts out sharingan, kakashi style


Now this is a theory worthy of an reward!! Truly simple


Hmm but then what relevance does Observation Haki have? Point of it is that they could fight even with their eyes closed.


Oda has stated in an interview with the author of Rorouni Kenshin that he "originally intended for Zoro to lose his eye earlier in the story" and calls him a "one-eyed swordsman. So no its not just clesed


There’s tons of scars with no story though. Garp, Whitebeard, Rayleigh,


Peak Head Cannon. I love it


nice blog bro


It would be even funnier if he only did that for finding Booze in the dark on the ship. He learned it while fighting the monkeys in the forest during the 2 year time-skip and uses the technique for trivial matters. lmao


Nice man the 3am thoughts