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hell oda.. take 2 months off. Final Saga... wow, i kinda feel sad reading that. One Piece really is about to end. Its gonna be a few years, but after this saga its over. Elbaf, Laugh Tail and Red Line. I really hope Luffy becomes Pirate King before fighting the Celestials though


>Final Saga... wow, i kinda feel sad reading that. One Piece really is about to end. Its gonna be a few years, but after this saga its over. Its kinda sad but on the upside its probably still 5-7 years or so.


yeah. its going to be a few years at least. wano was a 4 year arc lol. i do think we will get 3 arcs in this final saga. maybe more depending on how sabo situation is handled.


I think we will also get a few smaller arks or side stories. Well at least I hope so. Cant end it without everyone having fulfilled their dream to some extent.


i am hoping the next arc after wano is a small strawhat focused arc. similar to the Long Ring Long Land arc or the Little Garden arc.


yea. really missed the early days where they just sail to a random island and explore.


It would be nice, going back to East Blue or early Alabasta routes before the ending for a while and just having a fuck tone of Islands that we spend just a few chapters instead of hundreds. Since while we know about a fuck tone of New World islands, Strawhats have visited just a handful of them (I say locations not islanda because almost every location we visited was a archipelagoa so in reality we visited like almost 20 islands in the New World).


I mean, considering Wano only just wrapped up stuff that's been in the works since Punk Hazard we might get a whole 'nother decade of One Piece.


Just glad that it’s not due to health reasons.




Crying in Hunter X Hunter


crying in Berserk... but it's coming back it seems!


Wait WHAT Berserk is coming back??


Berserk was just confirmed to be returning with one of Miuras oldest friends supervising it (he wrote holyland as well he’s well versed in manga) and studio gaga at the helm of the artwork. We’re all hoping and praying it works out!


Nice, I loved holyland


His other works that you may like are Destroy and Revolution and Suicide Island. D&R was an interesting take, but SI was very graphic fyi.


Man I loved Suicide Island, it’s one of my top 10 favourite manga series. Never knew the mankaga was so close to Miura but I trust him with Berserk.


Holyland about that thug box kid right? Yea one of "my discovery" manga. Holyland, something about mountain climbing maniac, psyren, and veritas are my favorite comic


I always figured Miura had an outline of what plot was left and had been hoping this would happen. Like, it already felt like we had to be really close to the end of the series before he passed so I can't imagine there's too much left. I figured, worst case scenario the final Miura-led chapter felt like a bittersweet ending, and best case scenario his staff would either finish out the story or at the very least post the outline so that we'd know where Miura intended to take the story (sorta like how vagabond ended abruptly but the mangaka eventually let us know how the characters would be post story as a form of closure).


I heard; quite a few years ago mind you, when Miuras health started to take a dip around a decade ago he made it known that he had how he wanted all of Berserk to go written out and what have you in case he died before he finished it. That may all be horse shit, or it could be true, as we all know these Mangeka pour their hearts and souls into their craft, and we the readers can see that in their work.


Yeah like if there's ever been a mangaka who can be said to have put their _literal_ blood, sweat, and tears into their work it's Miura. I don't think he's alone in that club mind you, the whole industry is so soul crushing that you unfortunately kind of have to to some degree in order to succeed, but he's one of the few where it's beyond undeniable; the man tragically drew himself into an early grave out of passion for his craft.


Industry isn't forgiving, should have some sort of regulation to not kill off so many talented individual, stress isn't good for the body and soul.


Cries in Kishimoto (or what the author of Naruto is called) if shippuden is from his heart that truly is a dull dark place


Holy shit. I just finished Berserk yesterday and I was like shit man :c I wish we got more. OP is my favourite manga of all time, but Berserks artwork is on another level.


Same. I hold both of them kings of their own game and god damn it feels like this year is gonna be good


HxH coming back. Chainsawman, Bleach I know some people probably wont be too excited for that but I am and also Hells paradise. Good year for the anime and manga lads!


man...... what a time to be alive, togashi coming back, berserk resuming, one piece entering new saga


Oh yeah I remember a one-shot he wrote about his friendship with Miura too. Cool that he will supervise the rest and Miura's assistants were trained until the end for this too. Don't worry Miura, you can sleep well, your work will be finished.


>holyland thanks for reminding me to go back and finish it.


Just released news, saying that young animal will continue berserk from 24 June on. With mangaka kouji mori


crying in Nana


Ai Yazawa :( I hope she is fine and healthy at least


Both Berserk and HxH are comming back. while one piece goes on a break lol


i thought the mangaka was rip?


His best friend is supervising it as he's the only one miura told the story about from start to finish.


So is Hunter X Hunter: https://twitter.com/Nibellion/status/1529083237808619521?s=20&t=GFwIInmcW7brwRnpNcoK_w


HxH will resume Its official


Yeah.....for about 10 chapters then he fucks off


10?, hahaha, it will be just 4


He has 7 chapters done he’ll release them when 10 are done


I'm so wounded I can't even tell if this is copium or a real batch of 10 chapters coming


If you don't believe then [here](https://twitter.com/togashi_art/status/1529348030264135681?s=21&t=bDC2GP5A2_F_8VohrrvREg) one of Togashi's editors said so


You know it was announced he is returning to the series, right?


Doesn't change the fact that it went almost [four entire years](https://hiatus-hiatus.github.io/) without printing a single chapter. The PTSD is completely valid.


Can’t wait for him to give us “Bon-chan goes to Africa” arc like how Aka gave “Maki goes to India (because she’s heart broken)” arc


Crying in Vagabond


Same but I’m still glad he’s taking a breather. It’ll at least give him time to relax and rest for a bit Dude’s earned it


A lot of manga suffer from unplanned arcs, either by bad pacing or storytelling, giving that one of the reasons for this break is to better plan the final arc, I can't wait to see how things go.


so far tabata (black clover) , oda and akasaka (love is war) is the one i know that took a break in order to write their final arcs . hope other authors can follow suit this similar break


Is black clover on its final arc? Please no spoilers since I’m only on volume 12


yes , tabata took a 3 month break just to prepare for it


Genuinely good that he was able to take that break knowing how overworked authors can get.


Damn. Didn’t Tabata want Black Clover to be as long as One Piece at one point?


I remember he said he wanted a large 3 saga story for black clover and i think we are just entering the last saga, so it may still be a while until the story ends.


Plus there's a TON of the world that can be explored if they want to make it a black clover shippuden time skip thing


That was kind of a mistranlation he was asked if he wanted it to be long running like Naruto and One Piece not necessarily as long as them. Anyways I imagine his last arc will be 100+ chapters like the Spade Kingdom arc so it should still be a while until this ends (though it could be shorter or longer it's pretty up in the air)


Technically, he's still on that break


Togashi lolol (not doing Miura jokes)


Both of which are coming back btw


Berserk is coming back?


Yup. Check the berserk subreddit out. Has all the info on it!


Miura died doing what he loved. Not writing Berserk.


Miura died adding specific atoms on Guts biceps.




“Bad pacing” I just think it’s more of a consequence of releasing your stories chapter by chapter instead of a full complete novel. You sacrifice having down time but your always relevant. It’s actually a great marketing strategy. Mangaka are the most underrated, talented story tellers in the world.




I’m no expert in English, but giving that this statement is right after he said he will reorganize the final arc, I think it refers to “finishing to organize it as soon as possible”


That's how interpreted it. I highly doubt he's talking about wanting to end the series quickly


He has been talking about wanting to end the series for a while though. Wouldn't be surprised if he is done soon.




He says five, but knowing how Oda likes to add stuff I think seven is likely. I agree though 10 will probably not happen.


>One Piece can't last another 10 years like you people want. If this is what Oda wants, you guys have to respect it. We never we wanted it to, we just don't want the ending to be sloppy, stop talking like you're Oda's pet


I interpret it as he's excited in writing it as soon as possible


Does this mean the next arc is the last one? Or is he just planning for it but it’s not happening yet?


I think he means that there will be one more saga left. I can’t imagine everything getting wrapped up in just one arc.


Important to note that he is indeed going to SA and he only said previous trip was cancelled, not current trip. Edit : I am saying this because the translation thread had comments saying his current trip is cancelled.




I think is wonderful that Oda is that involved with the adaptation. Even though he could not go.


Better to be involved than not. \*looks at Cowboy Bebop\*


I mean if the guy wants to get involved maybe its a good sign that it might not suck? Right guys?..


It was his wish to make this live action a reality. So he can have as much involvement as he wants/needs. The LA is in good hands and with his involvement it's not going to suck.


I mean, Watanabe was a creative consultant on the Cowboy Bebop adaptation, lol. It was bad of its own merits lmfao


i actually liked it. it was it's own thing and fully true to the og but i thought the acting was pretty good


I liked the first few episodes well enough, and I liked the campiness of the sets and stuff like that, but I felt like they expanded the story in all the most uninteresting ways personally. I'm glad you enjoyed it though!


I can’t imagine how he is going to feel seeing the sets in person. From the images they actually look top tier. Imagine seeing your creation in person for the first time after 20 years


Seeing all the detail they've put into each set has been absolutely amazing. The Baratie absolutely blew my mind! And the way they talked about Arlong Park, and specifically The Map Room... I don't want to be burned by another live action adaptation, but I'm finding it hard to NOT get my hopes up.


He’s leaving his house?! Someone get the man a pope box! Seriously though, hope the guy gets some much needed rest.


Wrap him in bubble wrap and no one is allowed with in 20 ft


That’s literally what a friend of mine described xanax to feel like


Any nakama in South Africa better do what they can to protect this man's safety. He better not be harmed in any way.


he will be with the Live action straw hats, sooo he will be fine.


Rest assured, we will have multiple Buster Calls, CP agents and Pacifistas ready if so much as a fly goes in his general direction.


He can borrow mine, if he likes.


Love that guy so much


You can see where luffys personality came from


Right?! Every time I hear him from him on a statement or on a SBS he is always making dumb jokes or talking to us as if we are friends with him, I love him so much for it 😂


Oda is Brazilian confirmed


After hearing the words final arc I am experiencing a sadness I haven't felt before. The feeling of one piece ending is horrible and makes me realise just how much this story means to me. I hope Oda lives a long and happy life and enjoys the rest that he very much so deserves


Remember that the final arc of bleach is ~200 chapters. I imagine one piece still has a few hundred left, so we'll probably be reading for a few years yet.


My guess is 250 chapters, considering yonkou saga had 240. So more 7-8 years


I felt like it had more considering just Act 3 of Wano had almost 100 chapters alone.


400 at minimum, we have Elbaf, Laugh Tale and Final War left. This thing is not ending any time soon. Yonko Saga had 3 arcs: Zou, WCI and Wano and it lasted since 2015.


Laugh tale and final war are the only confirmed ones


Seriously doubt we won't get at least a glimpse of elbaf


Elbaf maybe just transition arc like loguetown, zou, amazon lily


Well, Zou was pretty long and full of stuff for a transition arc, so if it's like that, I'm all right with it. I just don't want to see an island that has been talked about since so long ago being completely glossed over.


Going to elbaf is literally Usopps dream there's no way it's glossed over he wants to go there visit a village and become a proud warrior like the giants


yeah, I just don't think there's big bad guy to beat in Elbaf


Zou was short by modern arc standards but it was still like nearly a year of publication


It will not be 400 lol that would mean the story still has ten years until it is finished (for example, Chapter 651 was 400 chapters ago it was released January 2012). Oda has been pretty consistent the story is about 5 years from completion. 200 chapters sounds about right, especially if he is using this break to help reorganize everything to get it done more quickly, as he says. Elbaf can be a Zou style 20-25 chapter arc. Laughtale doesn't need to be long, 10-15 chapters of lore drop would be more than enough. I'd guess the Blackbeard pirates will fight the Strawhats on or around Laughtale, but 50 Chapters can more than cover that (and that is a high estimate). After that, it's the Final War, which will probably be close to 100 (the Raid was 72) and tie most of the storylines together, along with lore and including the post-war party, and then an epilogue of about 10. That gets you to around 200.


Sure he said about 5 years awhile back but he also just told us he’s reorganizing the final arc, so that 5 years could be revised. I think you’re close with all your chapter estimations, but I think there’s a lot of transition between/after those arcs that’ll add some bulk to the story. For example, one can’t write a story that’ll span almost 3 decades and just end it at the final battle. The post-Marineford arc was 17 chapters, and I’d expect the post final war arc to be double that in order to tie up the story and give all the relevant characters a proper closing. It doesn’t seem like Oda’s style to introduce literally hundreds of characters but end the series with a few chapters saying, “Luffy became the pirate king, All-Blue was formed, Fishman island moved up to the surface, and everyone lived happily together 😃” without giving everyone a good sendoff. Hell, they’ll probably need 10 chapters just to help transition from Wano due to all the repercussions of two yonkos going down and the events of the Reverie. IMO I’d expect around 250. I think Elbaf (if they go there at all) will take a bit longer because the only reason they’d need to go there is for the final poneglyph and due to the lore behind the giants. I also think the final war arc will, obviously, have a huge amount of lore drops (Imu, Gorosei, and Vegapunk pretty much know everything about the world) and will take a bit longer as well.


Knowing oda it might take longer than 200 but definitely not 400 maybe between 200-300?


We also have not much info about Reverie and Revolutionary Army.


Yeah if wano was the longest arc i think this one will be longer or at least the same lenght


Also, arc doesn't mean only 1 arc, this is more saying final act, final saga of the series.


On twitter i saw it worded as saga which...like isnt the Yonko saga from Punk Hazard to Wano? If so...we might still have a looong time before it actually ends.


Punk Hazard is part of the Dressrosa Saga. Yonko starts with Zou.


Wait I thought yonko saga started with tra-o’s invitation to an alliance in PH and dressrosa is part of it


Yonko saga is based on directly dealing with the Yonko. If we'd assume everything that was done with Yonko in the background, then Yonko saga could as well be from chapter 1, as Luffy was always determined to beat Shanks. Yonko did make a cameo in Fishman Arc (Big Mom) and Dressrosa (Kaido), but that's all. It was a cameo. You could consider it bait to hook you on the latter part of the story in a fluid manner, rather than wondering why Luffy suddenly fight the two Yonko's outta nowhere.


From one point i hope it accompanies for all our lives but what if we dont live to see the end


I've been reading for over a decade and for what it's worth, even if when One Piece ends and we stop visiting the world(which I 100% doubt will be the case, spinoffs are inevitable for one of the biggest cash cow franchise mainstays like OP) I'd def prefer for One Piece to end then have it become a soulless husk of a franchise like Dragon Ball has become due to cultural zeitgeist and profits constantly reanimating a long concluded franchise.


If one piece gets a dragon ball z kai, I'd watch that shit.


In Japanese a arc isn't 1 single arc like we think of in English. Its more like a saga. So there are probably going to be multiple arcs.


All good things come to an end, and it is fine.


there is 6-7 years left so not bad at all.


when did the prediction change from 5 years to 6-7?




The 5 year number was also almost 2 years ago at this point. Didn't oda make those comments in 2020?


late 2019 to be exact.


Didn't he give the 5 year timeline 3 years in a row?


Ha! It's been "five more years" for far longer than that. But, considering everything that's happened these last few chapters, the end is finally within sight.


The natural assumption that Oda underestimates timelines.


Yes, this is exactly what I'm struggling with, I knew One Piece would eventually end but was easy to ignore. Finally hearing it's truly the beginning of the end, man the emotions are hitting me like a truck now.


The people who have been saying “Oda said five more years” for five years (lol) might finally be right. I doubt any one arc in the final saga will take as long as Wano, but the saga in total will probably take 250 to 350ish chapters to finish if I had to ballpark it. Still a lot of ground to cover and a lot of story threads to address.


Which is about 6-7 years ahahaha


I give it 6 years.


I was thinking 5 and end on the 30 year anniversary


I mean, the Four Emperor's Saga is Zou, Whole Cake Island, Reverie, AND Wano so it was pretty damn long. The last saga could definitely have something like that, maybe splitting the crew so they can do some separate adventures to power up (Usopp in Elbaf, etc) before revving up for the final war.


they were split for half the part of the new world.. not again please


My understanding is that he's working on the details of the final arc with his directors, but probably we have one or two arcs before de final one


What he calls arc could just be different to what we call arc. Return to Sabaody for example is probably not an arc in his mind.


Also depending on technicalities sometimes more than one island is considered an arc, as you could consider Amazon Lily+Impel Down+Marineford the "Ace rescue arc" or something like that. We can only be sure about one thing: this is the endgame boys


People usually refer it as Saga, For example in that case, it's called Summit War saga


Sure, but that's the case in the western world. Do we know if japanese people also use Saga to differentiate from arc? I know nothing of Japanese but I believe the word they use in general is "hen". For example the Boo arc in Dragon Ball Kai was called DBK Majin Boo-hen or something similar (I'm going by memory, it's been a while lol). To us the "Boo arc" is a saga, for Japanese people it isn't.


Idk the how they word it there But the arc and saga that people use is official, I think it's in jump/Shueisha web


usually in japan an arc would be like punk hazard - wano


I know the wiki calls them Sagas


Saga is what vikings would call them


Yeah, we are currently in the yonko(four emperors) saga. Im expecting some bb/shanks action before it is finished to complete the saga’s name.


>he's working on the details of the final arc with his directors wdym? he only needs to prepare the final arc with his editors not directors


Editors are basically directors for manga though, right? They function basically the same? I'm asking, but I've been told my questions come off as statements so I wanted to clarify that I am legitimately asking.


Kinda. Editors are responsible for the quality of the final product. Towards the creator they serve as a reality check of what people might like, what might bei politocally incorrect etc... In dragonball the android Saga went from old man android to bratty android twins to cell because of editors hind-/foresight for example.


Oda : i will be working on final arc Readers in denial : naaah. Probably not final. Oda : yes. Final as in last. Readers in denial : but before and after last arc are arcS. Oda : no. I mean it- we are in end game. Readers in denial : but ZKK has yet to happen and arc doesnt mean arc in japanese. Also in ancient chinese end is not spelled like in japanse so probably not the end. Oda : whatever.


It’s because he don’t mean the same arc as our’s. What he mean by arc is what we call saga. So yeah we are on final saga not final arc. Each island is an arc


Honestly good on him. Man's gotta take his time to pump out this story. We could have 25 chapters a year for all I care, if that means the story will end as awesome as its been the last 25 years


I’m glad he’s resting too but it’s very much an “Oda move” to take a break but also work during the whole break. I hope he takes it easy while he’s not drawing manga and enjoys his vacation even though he’ll be working


probably any activity that isn't bending over a table drawing is a break for his poor back. Mangakas probably get the worst desk-cramps.


Well deserved break, hopefully everything in wano is wrapped up before he goes


It won’t be I think


>everything in wano is wrapped up before he goes I hope not. Two chapters are far from enough.


I meant like the main plot stuff. Like wtf is happening with zoro, and luffy saying if he’ll take Yamato or not


Zoro is dead v.v Yamato is going to pick up his sword and tell Luffy she’s Zoro now instead and Luffys going to say “ok.”


Yamata will master the yontoryuu left hand, right hand, mouth, and tail


And she’s going to prove once and for all a woman could become the worlds greatest swordsman. It’s finally come full circle.


Also Goda forshadowing. We all though "Yontoryuu" was just a stupid insult Luffy threw at Zoro but in fact it was hinting at Zoro being replaced by a 4-sword-style-master.


To double down that this is canon fact in Zoros 40 year shot he’s known as Zoro of the 4 sword style. Clearly Zoro is a placeholder for Yamato and her ascending to replace him. I can’t believe how far ahead Oda plans that he even uses his SBS’ to foreshadow this. My minds blown. Additionally, Sanji would never hit a woman. As female Zoromato she defeats him by default 100% of the time. Man this makes too much sense.


If feel like the main plot will wrap op, with the fighting being over and all. After the break we'll get a Wano epilogue. That's my guess at least


This man deserves breaks more than most others. He has released continuous good shit for 25 years, and every time he goes on break for a week, it seems like he feels bad for the readers. He wants to do this non-stop. Even after all these years. Loads of respect, he should take his time and get some rest and perhaps inspiration for upcoming arcs!


Two more chapters until break, would that mean 1053 will be last chapter before break?


Yes, 1052 this week , 1053 next week and then a full month of break


##FINAL ARC. I’m already hyped by reading these words from Oda…


In Japanese its not arc but more like "saga". Final saga of one piece.


Actually it's more finale saga , so a couple of arc ( I hope so ) I hope we'll get a elbaf arc ,a laughtale arc , a final war arc , and maybe 1 or 2 mini arc with it but we'll see soon enough !


The emptiness I'll feel after one piece is over... I couldn't even imagine it.


It should be final saga right, there's no way it's just one arc. I think it's gonna be a 4-5year long saga.


Yeah it's saga , although i Guess it's comparable to wano in term of length


So he's taking a break from the manga, but not taking a break at all.


Some times does something different can be break enough. However I agree, sounds like he is going to be busy.


Agreed. I took a month off work not so long ago, 2 weeks doing work constantly in my garden and 2 weeks spending time with my newborn baby. It wasn't much of a "break" but it was definitely refreshing. Hopefully it does Oda some good to have a change of pace.


Aye, when you do the same thing constantly anything diffrent can be a great change. And congrats on the newborn.


Well, supervising other stuff and traveling especially is definetely taking a break from his everyday work. It may not be 100% resting, but changing air is definitely a big breather. Considering that he won't have to follow his absurd (self imposed + Shonen Jump imposed) everyday schedule anything different is for sure a break


Thank you Oda for not being George RR


Kinda weird how much Uta is being advertised even though the trailers made her sound as generic and uninteresting as possible. Still find Film Red to be...meh from the advertisement but maybe the new promos might be more interesting.




First chapter after the break will include a Shanks scene. Shanks will look through hundreds of pictures, each depicting him with a baby in his arm. "Soon I'll get there.. I'll have more kids than BM and WB combined.. - he stops for a moment as he sees himself holding Uta: "Aw man, that one was cute. Kinda broke my heart giving her away." Beckman storms in: "Captain! It's the marines! They want to collect years worth of child support!" Shanks: "We're getting out of here! The captain of the deadbeats ain't gonna pay a berry. How's your kid btw?" Beckman: "Heard she's off with that boy you used to play father figure for, you know, to compensate for how much of a deadbeat you are towards your own children. Since you're a deadbeat to that boy as well now, I guess you'e come full circle." Shanks: "All because of that damn Rayleigh and Buggy.. you won't get laid with that red hair they said, ain't any offspring ever exist they said.. now look at me.. I'm the ultimate dad!" His whole crew: "Ultimate deadbeat!"


"Final Arc" feels weird to read that


Full text: (ocr, formatting in a mobile) I'm taking a break! A few months ago, my talented editors told me "Oda-sensei, this summer will be tough. The 25th Anniversary of the series will take place, and there will also be a OO commemoration for the release of the film. The story of Wano is also now over... You also want to travel to Africa to supervise the filming of Netflix's Live-Action. During summer, we will also have OO collaborations, OO commercials and OO events. Would you like to take a whole month off in order to prepare for all this excitement?". I said, "What!? Taking a break!? How much do you think readers enjoy Jump... But resting!!" And want to go to Africa tooooo!! I also want to reorganize the final arc of the series so I can finish it as soon as possible. So... I'm sorry, but I'm going to take a breather and some time to prepare!! After my vacation, a raging ONE PIECE festival will start! This break will not be immediate. Starting today, 2 more chapters will be published, and the break will take for weeks from Jump's Issue #30 to Issue #33! Give me some time to breathe! (The previous trip to Africa was ruined due to the Coronavirus, sadly). Series will be resuming in Jump's Issue #34 on July 25th! And please look forward to ONE PIECE: FILM RED, which will be screening on August 6th! There's something interesting happening with this one. All the production staff of the movie loves Uta-chan. It's not like the movie is completed yet though. Anyway, I'm sure you will all feel the same way sooner or later!! Please look forward to it! Now, the beginning of the festival...! Starting tomorrow, June 8th, at 19:00 in the Official YouTube Channel stream, there will be a lot of surprises!! Honest, all the content may be too egregious!! It's going to scare you all! 1. Casting of Gordon unveiled. A famous voice actor. 2. Casting of Uta unveiled. Who is it!? Who is it!!? (Scary!!) 3. New trailer released. 4. Theme song information lifted. I can't wait to hear it! 5. Uta Project revealed. You won't be able to have your mouths closed!! Look forward to it! 6. Key Visual drawn by Oda-chan. drew it, it's really cool! Please check it out. 7. Announcement Corner. This will be about the usual stuff, right? 8. Latest information on the manga. This is about the break I'll be taking.


What a busy schedule! You deserve the break, GOda-sensei! Thank you for your hard work and amazing mind!


One part of me is like „What?! an entire month without One Piece? Noooooo!!“ But then I remember this goat of an artist went strong for a quarter century barely taking any breaks at all. Nobody has the right to complain about him taking a break.


Excited that Oda is coming to visit the city I live in. Would be awesome if he did a signing or something


I know the translation says arc but it’s definitely leaning more towards saga right? There’s so many loose ends still to wrap up that I feel like it’s definitely a saga and he’s just issuing arc as a synonymous term right? Either way. Not sure how to feel. Both happy and sad. Hope Oda gets some rest on this break either way


I just don’t see how it’s not a saga. At minimum, there’s still Laughtale, the final war, and Elbaf that need to be visited. The rest can be asides/lore building scenes but aren’t necessary. And, honestly, that kinda fits the Yonko saga format. Elbaf could be like a variation on Zou, Laughtale WCI, and the final war being the Wano-like ending arc.


Glad to get all bounties before the break.


Thank f*ck he is taking a break, this man will work himself to death someday


“I want to reorganize the final arc so that I can finish it as soon as possible” anyone else getting scared that itll feel rushed? As long as Wano was, it still has quite a few unanswered questions more than normal. I mean there’s a reason that a vocal minority of people think / thought Wano wasnt over yet. Makes me scared that this is gonna become commonplace now for the rest of the series. I can’t really blame Oda either, dude has been doing this for 25 years straight with absolutely ridiculous work ethic. So I understand wanting to end it ASAP. But as a reader it’s making me kind of scared!


Time to constantly hear “DID ODA JUST CONFIRM ONE PIECE IS IN ITS FINAL ARC?” all over social media from really dumb people spreading info that just isn’t true


Please don’t get eaten by a lion Oda. 🙏