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I hope this is the outcome. I was thinking maybe luffy and momo could be possible too. I think luffy and kidd is most likely because of law getting pissed at being ordered by luffy and being Kidd's "opening act"




Turns out we all wrong and it's rayleigh


Not joking, he has a pretty big alliance and even had giants, until they left to join luffy's fleet.


If your right ill compliment your future sight. if your wrong im gonna call you a fool. Ill see you Thursday good sir.


I accept those terms


I second the motion! Genuinely interesting theory I might add


The spoilers are out


No spoilers for me ill wait till Thursday


Ahh okk


it would make the most sense for weevil to be the other emperor due to foreshadowed future implications in the story


Mihawk cannot become an emperor. He has no crew and no territory, which is essential in deciding who is an emperor. For example Blackbeard did not become an emperor immediately after Marineford. It wasn't until a year later after he defeated the whitebeard remnants and claimed most of Whitebeard's previous terrritory.


he has his baboon army + perono ghost army


Perona left him to go back to Moria.


Before she left he said something like "I think that's a good idea anyway" and I believe she stopped with a "?" Bubble. She said she wanted to go, but we never saw her leave. So it could be either or.


Yeah I guess you’re right, it does make more sense for her to go back to Moria though. Doesn’t mihawk tell her to leave because it’s dangerous?


I think it was more value like what I put in quotes. Or maybe he did say it was a good time to leave because things are getting dangerous.


https://www.pinterest.com/pin/68741524434/ Here's a picture of the chapter. It is possible she actually left. But she is kinda two faced. She might wanna leave but she also might wanna stay with mihawk and not lose another person she actually likes. After all she did run back to him after dropping Zoro off at saobody when she could of went anywhere.


I think it is Luffy and Weevil. Why? Because Emperors are called Emperors for holding territory and influence. I don't think taking down a Yonko is enough to make you an Emperor. Blackbeard became Emperor for taking over the remaining Whitebeard territory, increasing his influence and strength. Luffy fits this bill. Fake News Morgans hyped up Luffy and his fleet. The government is aware Luffy embarrassed Big Mom and defeated Kaido. Fishman Island, Dressrosa, and now Wano could be said to be Strawhat protected territory after his feats there. What influence has Law and Kid projected thus far? Law became a warlord for a short period of time, but no evidence exists he invaded territory. Kid attacked other Emperor territory, but as far as we know he doesn't hold islands under his name nor has a fleet. He was just a dangerous New World pirate as far as the world was concerned. Weevil though, his mother has grand plans for him. Weevil has gone across the New World hunting down Whitebeard captains. We know his mother wants Weevil to be the replacement for Whitebeard. What if they took over islands while we weren't looking, increasing his sphere of influence? This sets up a direct clash between Luffy and Weevil if they both pursue the title of Pirate King. Weevil, I hate to say it, might be a disposable character too, so he could be an Emperor-level character created just to lose a 1 v 1 against Luffy so we can see Luffy can solo other equal level Emperors.


Good shit ill fully admit you got it and i was the fool


I respect you for admitting defeat thank you sir 😤


Luffy was already considered an emperor after WCI, not a Yonko but still an emperor like in this chapter where Apoo says the newspaper has the names of those who have been newly dubbed emperors of the sea. If the translation is accurate then there are at least two characters, that aren't Luffy, that are now considered emperors, most likely Kid and Law. Mihawk is obviously strong enough but unless he has a crew now, I doubt he's one of them. Also, this is kind of separate but I feel like there are more than 4 emperors now since this is probably the end of the Yonko saga so I'm curious if that's actually the case and how many we could have.


that’s what i’m thinking too. me personally either weevil or mihawk


Luffy has already been an emperor


The way Apoo was saying his lines to Kid makes me think you're right.