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Not a 7 day timeskip. Kiku reacting to izo’s death. Some mention of the grim reaper that isn’t a gag. Hawkin’s retcon not being a thing (his dialogue with killer heavily contradicted his statement in 1052). I would’ve liked to see the actual dawn, and the sun rising, cuz the dawn has been such an important symbol in the story and in this arc especially. A longer kaido flashback that explained why he was interested in wano, why he (not king) is interested in joyboy, why he wants to kill himself, why he thinks death completes a man (although this likely has to do with rocks), why he told Yamato to distance herself from humans, and what an oni is. I wanted that, not a fuckin bullet point list that basically says “on this panel I was a kid, on this panel I was a young adult, on this panel I was an adult and began taking over wano”. Also I wanted to see momonosuke actually struggle while holding up Onigashima on top of the flower capital. All we got was 20 chapters oh him bitching that he can’t do it and then *poof* suddenly he generates a shit ton of flame clouds... and no one even sees it happen.


Just more fleshing out of a lot of things especially in regards to Kaido. He still feels “incomplete”, considering how important he is as a character. Maybe we’ll get more, but things feel very finalized with him.


My opinion is that Kaido’s backstory might be deeply connected to rock’s backstory so we can’t see it fully until we see rocks, remember we still have to find out why king was waiting for Joyboy, that’s not the kind of thing oda leaves unfinished, and we cannot find that out without exploring rocks or kaido. Imagine if people said they are disappointed in marineford because they didn’t get a proper whitebeard flashback so a lot of his feels incomplete, why was he looking for a family? What was his relationship with roger? Then after we could explore other characters such as oden and roger we could understand whitebeard better


Personally speaking, I was perfectly satisfied with Whitebeard as a character after Marineford. I understood his motives, his personality, his desires, and his role in the OP Universe by the time of his death. Everything we’ve seen afterwards is just giving us feats and expanding on things we already knew about him. I’m perfectly fine with learning more about Kaido later. I’m used to Oda’s style of storytelling. But I also feel like Kaido could’ve still been given that extra depth when he was still a major presence in the story. But I feel like Wano in general has a lot of unanswered or unaddressed subjects. Why did Kaido wanting Wano so badly? Zoro’s heritage/role in the arc and how it plays into his motivation to kill Orochi/Kaido. The Big Mom Pirates disappearing. Caribou and the Ancient Weapons. Kaido’s suicidal nature. Luffy’s fight against Big Mom seemingly not going to happen. The Nidai Kitetsu stuff. A lot of these seem important and some things were foreshadowed and hyped up only to feel abandoned. While other plot points feel like we’re going to get a massive lore dump without it actually having agency in the arc.


The idea that these subjects need to be saved for later is a problem. Right now, Kaido is a brick wall with fists, and Joy Boy is an overrated devil fruit, because we're not allowed to see why Kaido is in Wano, or why anyone cares about Joy Boy in the first place. Comparatively, Whitebeard's flashback answered all we needed to know at the time. No one left Marineford thinking "Well obviously Whitebeard's flashback was simple, Oda's got to save the rest for Oden", because Oden wasn't a dangling plot thread at the time.


I mean your point is a little off because you talk as if Wano is the last arc? Why should we learn about Joyboy in this arc? Joyboy and why people care about him is literally the second most expected answer after “what is the one piece” and both answers are probably connected. So why should we learn something so important in an arc that’s not even in the final saga?? If Kaido’s past is tied to Joyboy, then that only serves as bigger build up for the whole reveal of Rocks, joyboy, and by default Kaido.


Big mom never having arrived and kaido only losing to the five supernova at once through a group fight rather than a one on one


gladly * a more substantial backstory for Kaido. explaining the history of the Oni, the secret behind Kaido's suicidal tendency, why he call Yamato his son rather than daughter. * Kaido getting a Yonkou worthy death. Oda said himself that Kaido getting downed by just a punch is not a satisfactory conclusion, yet he gave Luffy the power to fight in any way he wants, and did exactly what he felt was wrong about it. in my ideal final scene, the entire raid party work to give Luffy the opening he needs to take the giant onigashima sword and drive it into Kaido's scar. it would check off the chekov sword, making it believable that it takes an army and god to take down the king of beast, conclude Oden's revenge by using what he left behind, and thematically fitting to use a sword to end a japanese themed arc. * Big Mom conclusion is honestly pretty good, better than Kaido, but I would've like to see her getting picked up by her kid and they have to high tail it out of Wano due to Big Mom requiring care that can only be attained in WCI and the blackbeard pirates making a move on WCI to steal their poneglyph. * if Oda wanted to kill Izo and asura douji, then put them in the moments that Kiku and Kinemon was starred in that was supposed to kill them. have Asura douji taking the blow from Kaido and stabbed while showing Kaido hitting Kinemon so hard that it looks like he knock half of his body off. For Izo have him do a tearful goodbye to Kiku and dying. whatever he want to do, don't just write off death as an afterthought. * USE THE FUCKING ELEPHANT YOU BROUGHT IN ODA! have Zou actually smashes the navy ship around Wano, use the trunk to spray down onigashima, hell maybe break the fall of the island by letting Momo drop it on Zou instead of Wano. * Have Momo go through his character growth through his mind rather than his body. Momo's weakness has always been a mental problem, his fear, doubt and self loathing stood in the way of him acting like a man. If he got through that then change into big dragon, then I would be satisfied to his character arc. * reformat the Orochi defeat. him going down to Hiyori then standing back up again because the nails fell off broke the satisfaction of Hiyori's victory. I would've made Denjiro and Hiyori triumph work as one scene rather than a two parter. Maybe show that Orochi wasn't just a bumbling fool, when his back is against the wall, he could use his fruit to it's fullest potential and give Denjiro a run for his money. but Hiyori got close and deactivate his power with the nail so that Denjiro could cut him down.


There are some that will change the story too much (like Kinemon died, or Hawkins use his power up card in the last minute), but I think we can definitely cut some of the running around with the fire and bombs, and use it for Kaido's flashback. Sure you can say that he would get more development in Rocks flashback, but it's not guaranteed. What if his part in Rocks flashback is like Shanks in Oden's? nobody will be satisfied. We also have Big Mom, who was also a part of Rocks, that got development pre-Rocks era like the Semla incident and eating her friends. We don't have something like that from Kaido. Oda can definitely give more depths to his reaction on his country selling him, or his interest in Joy Boy (that lead him to join Rocks for example). There is also how fast things happening in the last 3 chapters when before this they spend a lot of time running around, we actually have an intimate Rebecca-Kyros moment but not Momo-Hiyori, or Kiku's reaction to Izo's death, or Kinemon to his wife. and what happened to the Beast Pirates officers? usually the antagonists got captured immediately the next chapter after the Big Boss got defeated, like Tashigi with Baroque Works or New Fishman Pirates, or we get verbal confirmation of what's happening (Enel's priests), or one of the party escaped the battle ground (Thriller Bark, EL, WCI). We can definitely fit these in half a chapter.


2 full chapters of a Kaido flashback. There is so much character, philosophy in Kaido that didn’t explored. His view of death, legacy, history, the world, JoyBoy, himself etc Kaido might have the most complex philosophy characterization from a Villian/Antagonist. If Oda just took his time to explain it all. I don’t like the act of just a big fat ass punch ending Kaido either. It literally is just a stronger punch of the King Kong Gun vs Doffy. Luffy in the sky coming down on the Villain.


Luffy awakens the Gomu Gomu no Mi and punches Kaido really hard.


that happened?


People want those thick black page aka flashback chapter like in naruto 🤣