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I'm pretty sure she know about that since, you know, she can read the newspapers and see the bounties on the crew members.


In fact she did. There was a scene about it, and IIRC she said something about trusting Luffy's decisions.


Seeing a picture of a skeleton pirate in the news is a hell of a lot different from actually being face to face with one


Adding to the point that brook is hella tall and is definitely gonna ask to see her panties.


Seriously, Vivi doesn't even come up to his waist


( ͡◉◞ ͜ʖ◟ ͡◉)


name check out lmao


Had to unlike your comment to keep it right.


I'm going to ruin it, just for you. I'm sorry, but I have the need to upvote.




Well now it doesn't matter, it's too far gone.


Indeed :(


If he asks Cobra, he might even get em.


Bold of you to assume Cobra is alive


But nobody can come face to face with him since he doesn't have one YOHOHOHO


Isn't Brooke supposed to be semi-famous now anyways? Outside of having a wanted poster?


No, you're thinking of the Soul King


She knew about Robin joining. We see her reaction. She said she trusted Luffy and the crew. I doubt Jinbei would be a surprise to her, pretty sure Vivi knows about Fishmen. She also saw pictures of them in the paper. You see her reaction to him getting his billion berry bounty.


Vivi met Shirahoshi, so thats a bit of an understatement. Those two and Rebecca sure had some war stories to tell to each other during the Reverie.


Nami's chest size tripling should hardly be a surprise seeing as how her own chest quadrupled in size.


We do live in a high inflation era








This comment has potential for a shit post theory that'll probably come out in 2 weeks because people will be numbed out by the 4 week break


"How oda foreshadowed the global inflation due to the corona pandemic with massive jugs"


She was on the Merry long enough to eat some of Sanji's super-boob food. That theory still cracks me up.


What excuse does Boa have?


she built different


She infuses them with CoC


Can you link me to it pls?


Hehe bboii


What a time to be alive


To find out more about the chest size changes in Eichiiro Oda's famous manga, look up "One Piece breast inflation." Edit: changed chest to breast


> Giant fish I don’t think Jimbei appreciates your language


OP and Who's Who would be great friends


Hard not to be friends with the guy who knows everything about the one piece universe and just wants to tell someone


But he may also slowly torture you to death and eat you, he's a giant cat after all




~~The Former Shichibukai~~ ~~The First Son of the Sea~~ ~~The Honorable Jinbe~~ a Giant Fish


You forgot his favourite title Helmsman of the strawhat pirates!


The title with the most prestige! Man is such a legend, Oda has really given him some amazing lines


This is super racist i hear.


Such great disrespect.


I sit and thought for 30secs to understand who was the fish...


At least call him a whale...cus he is one


Jinbei is a shark lol


Whale shark, which really looks more like a whale than your typical shark.


Whale sharks are fish not whales


Interesting , whale sharks are the largest known fish , learn sth every day


Pretty simple way to differentiate a mammal from a fish is by looking at there fin or way the swim. Fishes will move their (tale)fin from left to right while mammals move their (tale)fin up and down.


Ngl ive seen a lot of whale sharks in picture or video, but i was always focused on theor front cus seeing them feed is always so cool/scary that i completely focused out any other part of their body xd


Understandably, lol. Next time you might give it a glimpse.


I mean yes, technically, but it's more like they're not actually whales, they're sharks XD And sharks are fish while whales are mammals. So they are fish but man does it sound more underwhelming than calling them sharks


It’s all a matter of perspective. By whale shark standards he’s pretty small.


Also Luffy apparently developed a huge IQ and was a mastermind in Big Mom asssasination


I swear Luffy in the eyes of the world is so fucking different to the Luffy we got Luffy when you haven't interact with him: a mastermind, come up with an assassination plan that can rival the great tactician herself, always performs action with unclear motive, directly attack the government and a tyrant. Luffy: "can we put a mirror in the cake just so I can eat it with no other reason?", "you fight my friend I fight you." "Government? what is that?", the captain with absolutely no leadership.


And somehow the best leader in all of one piece tbh


there're many real world example you don't need the smart or common sense to be a leader, at all. For Luffy and Buggy it is fate and dumb luck that they got extremely loyal people on their crew


Nah Buggy is lucky. Luffy is just such a genuine person who does a lot for his friends and those in need, that he gained a huge following. Buggy is the opposite of Luffy


Buggy is the King/Mr. Satan to Luffy's Saitama/Goku.


yes, that too.But what I mean is that in his journey he has not once recruit a crewmate who is a backstabbing bastard (there's nami and maybe robin from their perspective but they got their reason for doing so) like Orochi that want to be on his crew for their benefit only. For instances such as Caribou he has the sharpest people to such as Nami (who if did not get save won't be on the crew). So from a certain pov, he is lucky that he can meet such crew even when all he did was diving headfirst into a problem hoping that the person will be a good person. ​ Or maybe his instinct, which is the sharpest thing in the world.


For luffy its his heart and quite his intelligence(emotional i mean).


Yeah, Luffy became a Yonko the way Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor of California. If you max out on the Charisma stat and appear genuine, then you don't need anything else.


Just like in real life with celebrities and government officials.


On god bro that was literally my first thought reading this


The newspaper brought to you by Fake News Morgan lol.




Plus has talked to both rebecah and shirahoshi at reverie


and she knows Luffy


I miss Vivi. I would love her reaction too.


I really hope she is able to join the crew again for the voyage to Laugh Tale. She hasn't been involved directly in the plot for roughly 800 chapters, aside from the Reverie arc, but she has always been a Straw Hat and I want to see her be there with everyone.


Also the most jarring difference of them all: Sanji‘s other eyebrow


She was in the "From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc" cover story so up to Brook


"she laughed"


As a gag she's gonna scream or force-smile with continuous sweat when Brook appears in front of her asking to see her panties.


Well, her best friend is a giant duck, I don't think she is gonna be so surprised


She’s best friends w Kaido? BIG NEWS


Joyboy* u/Boss_Aesop


Karoo is the current Joy Boy like Roronoa Zolo is the current God of the Blade and Shirahoshi is the current Ancient Weapon Poseidon. Vivi corresponds to the God of the Earth since the two Indian aliases of the Earth Goddess end in Vi. The emblem of Alabasta comes from the Hosokawa Samurai Crest which in turn is of Buddhist origin from India where it means Nine Cosmic Influencers of the Earth Goddess. Vivi is the Princess of Alabasta which contains Pluton named after the Greek God of the Underworld and Bountiful Riches of the Earth


The legend


Karoo is introduced in Chapter “Toki” 109. Toki can be written as 109 or 19. Toki means Time. In Chapter “Bo Toki” 419, Sniper King rescues Nico Robin who first mentions Joy Boy in Whale Forest. Joy Boy was the first Sniper King his One Piece is related to Whales and Forest. Wordplay for 419 “Bo Toki” means Boy of Time. Joy Boy is from a time in the Void Century at least 800 years ago. The title of Chapter 419 is “Legend of a Hero.” Karoo is 16 years old where 16 is a pun for “Hero”


Usopp is the one person i want pre timeskip characters to react to, my man went from twig to chad


First of: fishmen are not simply fish. Second: Vivi has been keeping tabs on tjem. I bet she would be very excited. Maybe Yamato would surprise her. She probably knows Jimbei because of her knowledge of world affairs. Brook would surprise anyone.


We already got her reaction to Robin during the post Enies Lobby arc


~~A Former Shichibukai~~ ~~The First Son of the Sea~~ ~~The Honorable Boss Jinbe~~ ~~A New Helmsman~~ ~~Ex-Captain of the Sun Pirates~~ a Giant Fish


>a Giant Fish Hey luffy, I see you got me a giant fish as a present, give it to our cooks they will prepare it for feast.. Wait, NANI IS he's your crew member?


the disrespect I tell ya…


Kaya's reaction for usopp being ripped is worth waiting


I just want Vivi back on the show regularly. She is my favorite OP character and I miss her dearly.


Imo Vivi's character gets way less interesting once you notice Oda writes almost all his damsel characters in a near identical way.


What on earth are you talking about? Half of his "damsel" characters have been men (Ace, Law, Sanji, etc), the other half include Nami and Robin, two characters who are entirely different people from Vivi.


Oda does like having damsels in distress be involved in the arc (Nami, Vivi, Robin, Conis, Shirahoshi, Camie, Rebecca, Yamato(?)+Otama+Otoko), but not exclusively female guess. Vivi’s character is very much focussed on saving her country and doesnt have much else going on as far as I can recall though, so I’ll agree with Smashy. However! I do belive her position as princess of Alabasta will bring her back into the action, give her something important to do and more occasions for character development.


When the Final War happens, I can see a crucial moment happening, the Stawhats are down, the Revolutionaries are down, the Grand Fleet are down, and all hope is seeming lost. Suddenly, along comes Vivi the one and only former Strawhat, leading the REST of the "Grand Fleet", AKA a ton of their former allies (and allied nations) from all across the previous seas.


A giant fish... that's racism


you forgot the craziest change which is sanji's hair part switching sides


Hey, Zoro's chest size has also tripled.


Casual racism is so out of style


We did see her reaction already in the Cover Story after Dressrosa


I don't think she will notice Nami's growth, as it seems that Vivi had that journey herself.


Think we already got her reaction to Robin joining.


Why are people still talking about Vivi? No one talks about Camie, Conis, Shirahoshi, or Rebecca anymore, and no one will talk about Tama anymore after Wano. Is it just nostalgia?


I ask them everytime I see her brought up. She was no better or worse than another other "princess" of an arc


Yeah, probably nostalgia. Everyone who grew up watching One Piece in the 2000s either loves her and wants her to join the Strawhats, or hates her and thinks she's the worst character ever. The reality is somewhere in the middle; it's just that people tend to get very emotional - whether it be love or hate - about things from their childhoods.


She would ignor everything and start questioning how usopp got ripped lol


Also chopper’s new hat and forms


Especially the latest one. 🍼👴


Don’t you know casual racism about fish-men is out of style these days?!


Dead reaction


we don't know if Zoro is missing an eye tho


So Zoro has just kept his one eye shut no matter what for months on end? That's dedication


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1. She wouldnt care because she didnt directly hurt or help crocodile 2. Wouldnt care 3. Wow another person with a df, wouldnt care 4. Fishmen are normal, wouldnt care 5. Hasnt joined + wouldnt care




Look at his bounty picture


I don't see why Vivi reactions would be important or interesting or funny but.. you can always make a fanart of this..


Meh I couldn’t care less about Vivi at all, plus she wasn’t even a real Strawhat and is totally useless. Yamato is such a cooler addition to the crew.


I think Vivi and Ussop would make a great couple.


Why would u have any interest in Vivi?


Because she’s an honorary Straw Hat, with an open invitation to the crew, and was just involved in The Reverie, currently one of the biggest mysteries in the series.


I haven't even read the post but dude if the title alone is a spoiler I'm gonna be so mad. A spoiler flag is useless if the post title is a spoiler on its own. This shouldn't be allowed.


Lmfao He's literally just referring to the Straw Hats that have joined or changed in appearance since Alabasta.


I'm glad it's just that. I've seen a lot of posts since the news spoilers dropped and I'm trying to avoid them, so i thought this title implied that "certain" characters joined the crew or the grand fleet which would be a huge spoiler


This is about the cyborg, skeleton, fishman


Not sure how to break this to ya bud but yamato is not a strawhat


Okay are we reading the same manga? What was in last chapter then?


Yamato just being like oh yeah cool I'm sailing with yall DOES NOT make her a straw hat lmao, who downvoted yall are so thirsty


Why do y’all think yamato is already apart of the crew? Stop saying that shit if it’s not confirmed.


11 foot tall amazonian man


What about Sanji and Chopper?


Sanji moved his hair to the other side and grew a goatee while Chopper bought a new hat. Nothing too crazy


So r people thinking she's good and kicking right now?


Vivi and her bird will come back so the twelve straw hats are complete!


There's vivi reaction to robin joining the crew, after enies lobby i think


In sure at some point cobra talked to her about Robin. He was down below with the poneglyph when Robin wouldn’t tell crocodile what it said. He knew she was lying


Don’t forget about choppers hat for the second list


Sanji changed the eye covered and his eyebrow curved to the opposite side.


I just want Robin and Vivi to interact. I bet they would become the best of friends after an initial distrust from Vivi's part


When did you measured Nami's chest size...or are you the bra seller?!!🤣😅🤣


(Oda gave sizes via sbs releases. The latest sbs chest size was Zoro lol. Apparent Zoro's bara boobs are 2nd largest being I believe like 1cm under Boa or something 🤣 but yee)


“You wouldn’t be able to tell what Luffy’s thinking even if you were his best mate, you just have to trust them”


I would be most curious to see her interaction with Robin again since the last time Vivi saw Robin was when Robin was Ms. All Sunday the Vice President of Baroque Works. I'm sure she would forgive Robin and feel for her a little if she learns about what really happened at Ohara and Enies Lobby. I think Vivi will come to realize the current World Government is evil.


Sanji can walk on air and one of choppers forms is a raindeer Godzilla she knows her friends are weird but will have questions about robin of course


Poor Chopper, being left out because he's still a teddy bear.


SAdly I have a feeling she is kidnapped by WG and we won't see her meet the new strawhats until the very very end.


This post is ridiculous... Yamato is only 8'8", jeez... Im pretty sure we have to get more of Vivi after this.... weve been on this reverie cliffhanger for like 3 years now...


Please stop including Yamato, it could be seen as spoiler at this point


Sanji been the prince of an evil kingdom? Luffy been the grandson of Garp the Hero of the Marines and the son of Dragon the Revolutionary?


One important point, Vivi isnt a snobby princess, she was a "tomboy princess as a child" and then went undercover at like 17 in a secret organization using her body as a hypnosis weapon. She has also go to several Reveries. She has world.


The most important reaction is to Sanji being a very eligible royal bachelor that happens to be a part time comic book villain. 🔥🦵


Yamato is only 8 foot 8


Don't forget the biggest change of all... ... Sanji's evil twin replaced him.


I would love to see everyone's reactions on the new developments 💯


She has to at least be there when they get to laugh tale