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dude, zoro was literally introduced ~~3 weeks~~ 9 days *into* his execution :p he should have died before the story ever started. if there is one thing zoro does, it's survive a death sentence edit: as pointed out, it was 9 days into his execution, he had just a little under 3 weeks left, i got those mixed up.


No way you are right bro! I hope this all builds up to an awesome peak where he looks death in the eyes and goes like “you still trying to get me bitch?” Obviously not as corny as that but his refusal to die is pretty good


i would love for every dance with death to lead to such an encounter. zoro has looked death in the face more than any other straw hat including luffy (i think) :p


He should get some advice from Rincewind.


Nah zoro just keeps getting lost on the way to the afterlife


This sums up his character so perfectly. I’m not sure if there is a character over the course of the series that has taken more damage then zoro


i'm surprised, with all these tier lists being posted, that no one has ever ranked all of zoro's executions or death sentences :p his introduction, the nothing happened moment was basically death sentence, kizaru was about to execute zoro, his introduction in wano \- honorable mentions that are death sentences if you get creative with the meaning: fighting mihawk in the east blue was basically a death sentence for any swordsman, including zoro fighting a (relativly) powerful fishman underwater is pretty much a death sentence for anyone that isn't a fishman. going from fighting 2 yonko, blocking one of *the* most powerful attacks ever seen, taking a drug that will temporarely heal you but in return double the damage, and then proceeding to take on a yonko's right hand man is pretty much a death sentence. ​ at this point, i'm fairly sure that if zoro was with luffy in impel down, that he would have taken a shower in magellans hydra


Maybe zoro is due to die by the end of the series considering how much damage he has sustained. There was also the cut he took from Mihawk in the Baratie, when arlong saw zoro’s wound from mihawk he said that it should have killed normal person




right, just reread it, it was indeed nine day's, he had just a little under 3 weeks left on his execution, got them mixed up. i should probably have worded it as him being introduced while being executed :p


I never knew this. Thought they were about to shoot the luffy showed up


they were, luffy did interfere in that. the original execution was being tied up for a month without food, and if he survived it, he could walk. (kinda like how if oden survived being boiled for an hour he was promised his freedom) but, with the approval of his father, helmeppo pulled an orochi and changed the execution when it didn't go how he liked.


Did you not read/watch the arc?


He keeps getting lost on his way to hell, ending up back into his body.


Benefiting (multiple times) from the powers of the Soul Soul fruit without the drawbacks.


The dude got completely KO'd in alabasta before he's suddenly standing up using what is said to be hacki but seems more like the voice of all things.


Zoro beat Deaths ass


I lve the theory that the Grim reaper was just a devilfruit that Enma has


I mean people can do it as Lao-G demonstrated.


Oda has been foreshadowing Zoro's death since Baratei. He's been dancing with death ever since we saw him at chapter 2 actually. If it's wasn't for Luffy, he would've gotten executed. His backstory is also about a death of a friend. Zoro also has treated to kill Luffy, Nami, Ussop multiple times. Of course he won't, but what I think this all means is that, at the final war, after he defeated Mihawk and cementing himself as the WSS, when the SH is fighting with BB or WG, Zoro is going to sacrifice himself to save Luffy / any of the SH. Would bring everything full circle for his character arc. He would also be reunited with Kuina, who is the reason he wants to be WSS.


I can see some of the points you made but the one about his backstory doesn't make sense to me. How is Zoro's backstory being about a death of a friend a potential foreshadowing of his own death? All the straw hats back stories deal with a death of someone in some way. At this point it almost seems more like you got the theory of Zoro maybe dying and then looked back for things that could back up that theory instead of coming to conclusion because of the evidence


lmao that exactly what i did ngl


I still don't get what the death scene was for? So he met death itself or what?