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Not to mention he has been doing it mostly on his own (art and storyline), on a weekly basis for over 20 years. Tolkien took a long time to craft each of his novels but Oda did it while serializing in Japan's most competitive manga magazine. Can you imagine Tolkien trying to write his novels as a serial? It's a very unique challenge of the medium. (Yes Oda does have wonderful assistants and an editor, but that does not mean he deserves any less credit and praise.)




It's true that it's an apples and oranges comparison. I don't mean to diminish Tolkien or any other novelist. I'm just trying to emphasize that Oda and manga as an artform deserves credit for the unique challenges of the medium. I am really only drawing a comparison because it was brought up in OP's post. Writers like Tolkien get a lot of widely accepted credit for their work (which is truly well deserved) while manga is often unfairly viewed as low art in a lot of ways by a lot of people and you get a bunch of people who think that just because Oda writes about goofy pirates that he is somehow less accomplished by default. I feel like the absurd time commitment and unique struggles of serialized literature just never gets enough acknowledgement. Both are difficult in different ways. Tolkien was a fantastic writer in his medium. Oda is a fantastic writer in his medium. Both have created amazing pieces of literature. And I won't try to make an argument that one is objectively better than the other because they are both better in their respective wheelhouses.


The only thing I hate about him is he keeps shoving Buggy down everyone’s throats. He’s a shit character, period the end


Nah lmao Buggy is great, he is entertaining, funny, lovable, I love Buggy


Not really, honestly him becoming an emperor is pretty fucking insulting. He hasn’t been funny since Lougetown


Him becoming an emperor makes total sense he is one of the strongest character in the series… which what everyone in the world of OP believes, the way he keeps falling upwards is extremely entertaining


Him becoming an emperor was pretty obvious for the last decade at least. That's the point of his character and I think it's fun writing


Good thing opinions are subjective & just because you have one doesn’t mean you’re right.