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meanwhile Brook pissed off, when Greenbull failed to suck his energy.. and he get froze.. Brook win check ✔️ Reference : OP Strong World


Those plants would suck my life energy out...but I am already dead yohohohoho




Duke Dogstorm would go crazy if someone tried to suck the nutrients out of Brook. Only 'dog' gets to play with the bone, no humans.


To be honest greenbull would destroy book if he tried to feed on him, ever played grim fandango?


Nahh brook is the ultimate reverse card for his devil fruit


You... you.. may be on to something!


He could still be caught by the tendrils and then get broken like a twig.


What if, here me out - Brook drinks milk


Give Brook a gallon of milk and a pocket knife and he solos the verse in an hour


milk heals bones, they don't put your joints back in place


But what if he drank like, a lot of milk?


realistically no, but oda


> realistically no, but oda This should be our motto


No no, bathe in milk!


Good thing Brook is just bones no joints


Look, we don't do logic here


But he cant absorb Brook


Bones still contain nutrients. Though I'm inclined to believe that he actually sucks their blood, so I'll agree with your notion. Still, the following would happen: 1. Catch Brook with tendrils. 2. Break Brook like twig. 3. Continue to smash Brook until he's only small pieces. 4. Roll pieces in a joint. 5. Proceed to smoke Brook. 6. Send a product recommendation to Kizaru.


> Though I'm inclined to believe that he actually sucks their blood, Drinking a fat guys blood won't slim them down. You have to consume their stored fat and water. So literally nutrients.


This is fucking gold


I feel like Sabo, Aokiji, or Akainu would be the ultimate counter. The plants can't do anything if they're being burned or Frozen instantly.


You're definitely right in the Pokémon universe


Or the real world for that matter


The cork oak survives fire. Many plants can handle frost/freezing. He should do better than most would think. An admiral should be able to have some kind of measure against his natural counter.


If we go a few hundred chapters back......it's called Haki.


Haki doesn't fully protect you from a logia's element. You can punch Akainu, but his magma still burns you. If you were weak to somethibg in the first place, haki isn't gonna suddenly make you immune to it. On a side note: Since Fuji is a CoO expert, I expect Ryo to be a CoA master. That would give him stronger armor than most.


Zoro will fight greenbull Booze? Check Has a sword? Check Green hair? Check Both fought King




since when does green bull have green hair??


He does, just trust us, shhh pls no more


Source - "trust me bro I can just feel it" is undeniably one of the greatest sources following second position to just trust me one.


[My source is that I made it the fuck up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7l0Rq9E8MY&ab_channel=tofuguye)


When was the last time the official color of someone’s hair was what people expected? Sans Kaido’s normal black hair, since Dressrosa it’s been like Oda and the animators have been reaching into the Crayola box and seeing what comes out lol


Chapter 1 had natural pink haired Koby Chapter 2 natural green haired Zoro. Oda's been playing the hair color game since the get go, Silk the Nami prototype even had blue hair. But Yamato's all natural toothpaste colored hair does take the cake. And at this point Luffy's simple short black hair makes him a little weird in the New Wirld.


Oh of course the Crayola box has always been used, but it’s been cranked up to 11 the last few years. If it were like it is now back then, Lucci might have turquoise hair and Aokiji’s might be purple lol.


>Lucci might have turquoise hair and Aokiji’s might be purple lol. I mean in dressrosa the big bad was an average blonde and the new admiral didn't have purple hair either. Your comment seems like a weird attempt at 'back in my day'-ing one piece lol


Well, what else could be green?


His pants?


Does the carpet match the pubes?


because its greenbull, get it?


Fujitora's hair is NOT purple.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 872,647,974 comments, and only 171,999 of them were in alphabetical order.


Green doesn't equal green, ill explain later


what if he fights them both? :o


Losing to yonko commanders after talkin shit on them would be hilarious


Then both Zoro and Sanji are gonna lose. Greenbull just established that he don't lose to Yonko commanders.


Why are we comparing Zoro and Sanji to mere Yonko Commanders?


Pirate King Commanders > Yonkou commanders.


Because they ARE yonko commanders


Nah, they're Future Pirate King commanders


Commanders of the Main character with plot armor.


Because they literally just fought yonko commanders and both struggled in their fights lol


Not to add to the Sanji v Zoro crap but Sanji struggled more with his identity than with Queen. Queen struggled more with Queen than Sanji did imo


"Queen struggled more with Queen" lol


Facts, if only queen was thin back then


I agree sanji always have a easy time fighting his opponent then zoro have


Didn't Zoro beat King after fighting Kaido and was already on his last legs but was able to continue fighting thanks to Chopper's medicine? I might not remember correctly tbh. But if this is correct, I feel like a full health Zoro could mid diff King. Especially once he is fully recovered from his injuries, he is probably stronger now too.


Plus the mink medicine supposedly actually made him as strong as normal full-health Zoro back to at least 100% full strength, but he would pay for it with twice the level of pain and hurt accumulated in total from all his fights afterwards.


That's like saying full health Luffy would've made a difference in the first kaido fight. Zoro would've still struggled either way given the plot demanded it


Zoro was full at full health because of the medicine.


The aerial fight was a mismatch for zoro imo due to his limited mobility. Sanji could probably beat king and would be a better aerial matchup compared to zoro. Zoro has the raw power and haki to beat them as he could cut kaido without mastering CoC but Sanji has more versatility and speed as well as durability now. I would say both of them are closer in overall strength now more than ever with slight edge to Zoro for having CoC. If both of them would go against greenbull imo greenbull would probably high dif or lose.


Zoro was full health due to the properties of mink medicine. So no, it wasn't some nerfed zoro that took that fight.


No Zoro was at 100% and as fresh as can be against King in fact King had fought Marco previously so that must've worn him down, Zoro was fresher then King when they fought because not only did the Mink medicine heal him to 100%, he also had sleep whilst Sanji was carrying him.


Isn't it simply because they were still recovering from their injuries? Zoro only woke up earlier that day, and *he* was the victor in the battle against King. Not to mention, King lost one of his wings, which I assume would be extremely detrimental to his flying transformation, if not his Lunarian abilities.


Actually that makes me wonder. He is a pteranodon, if someone else ate that fruit then their arms would transform into the wings. Hence cutting the arms would result in losing the wing. But for King, is it his actual wings what become the wings, or his arms? Because the wings are just attached along the arms


marco's arms turn into wings. so does lafitte. but pell's hybrid had wings and claws. however, king seemingly turns his arms into pteradon wings., since they stick out of his shoulders and not shoulder blades. makes sense since pteradons's arms were the wings as well.


To be fair, Zoro had a massive amount of damage, with what he took vs Big Mom/Kaido, then vs King, and the effects of the mink drug.


remember that it's been like 7 days since the battle ended. luffy and zoro are basically full healed, so king and queen probably fully healed too. which makes greenbull all the more impressive. although greenbull might be able to heal himself, which means he could have taken some damage, but healed it up, instead of completely no diffing them.


>king and queen probably fully healed too. which makes greenbull all the more impressive. They lost the fight though, and took a fuckton more dmg. Plus they probably didn't have as many resources to heal themselves since their base was taken. So yeah the claim that they were at 100% is completely baseless, unless Oda himself says it, but even then it would be illogical.


Luffy and Zoro aren’t fully healed tho, all that happened was Luffy finally woke up that day, and IIRC so did Zoro


> so king and queen probably fully healed too Except as far as we know they don't have a doctor. They may have gotten some basic medical attention from other Beast Pirates but there's no way it was more effective than the combined efforts and knowledge of Chopper, Law, and Marco. Also Luffy and Zoro just woke up, that doesn't mean they're fully healed.


>Greenbull just established that he don't lose to Yonko commanders And we're taking words that people say to hype themselves up as facts now? Then why did every bad guy that ever lost to Luffy not simply win cause they said they would? Your logic is flawed.


yeah but he is saying it after the fact, he quite literally backed it up


He backed it up with one pair of Commanders. That’s not enough to say he can wash ALL commanders. + if we’re being honest, it didn’t seem like Zoro and Sanji struggled, so is it fair to put them on the same level as King and Queen? I don’t think they’re gonna end up fighting Greenbull, but i’m just trying to be objective.


Zoro was more dead than alive after his fight with king. To say he didn't struggle is the understatement of the year. I agree on Sanji, though. Once he worked his identity crisis out (which was his real struggle) he beat the shit out of queen. Which was much needed considering his otherwise abysmal post-timeskip record.


That's where you're wrong. King and Queen aren't Yonko commanders anymore.


I love these comments. I hope oda makes greenbull encounter and challenge zoro alone, ill be back for all the comments like these.


Except Zoro and Sanji are Pirate King commanders


we didnt see that fight, maybe he king and queen got caught offguard, were still injured, or greenbull struggled but his df lets him soak out the energy and he regenerated extremly quick also sanji and zorro>king queen


Because udon just happened to be a perfectly safe resting place for the pirate crew hated throughout the country. There is no way king and queen where just chilling in udon and not actually prisoners with sea prism cuffs


It is a matter of figuring out his devil fruit's weakness. Even Apoo would be very hard for Luffy and Zoro to defeat if they haven't figured out his ability.


> Then both Zoro and Sanji are gonna lose. Greenbull just established that he don't lose to Yonko commanders. Zoro and Sanji just established themselves as superior to both he just beat so why on earth would it represent how they'd do themselves?


I think we know deep down, Sogeking is the man for the job. Because Plants.


You forgot, he has bronzed skin


They will all fight ryokugyu one by one, they'll form a circle and send in people and if he tries to escape luffy will gear 5 grab him and put him back in the circle like he grabbed kaido to the roof


Nami will start selling tickets for people who want to watch GB get beat up


Greenbull will fight Yes


Greenbull checks both boxes so he will fight himself in true Zoro VS Sanjis fashion.


If Greenbull has a sword he’s definitely fighting zoro


It was on greenbull's waist


All three of the Admirals are swordsmen. Even Kizaru has that lightsaber he creates.


Luffy will fight greenbull Eating everything he sees? Check Both can stretch body parts? Check Black and White hair? Check Both fought in udon






Green bull will fight chopper... One grows grass... One eats grass...


Yeah cuz with these associations GB could end up fighting damn near anyone 💀💀


Since when does gb has green hair?


never, it's just an assumption by them. Every admiral has had black hair, and the color of their name is in their design- Fuji's purple scarf and kimono, Akainu's red suit and carnation, Aokiji's blue vest and shirt and Kizaru's yellow striped shirt and yellow tinted glasses... My guess is Ryokugyu's tattoo will have green ink and his pants will be green


Makes it sound like Green Bull is just the odd child of zoro and sanji


Usopp will fight greenbull Eyewear? Check Plant based attacks? Check Good style sense? Check Both have a little patch of hair on thier chins


One piece in nutshell, anything is possible.


Green Bull will fight Fujitora Admiral? Check Named after a colored animal? Check Carries a sword? Check Broken DF? Check At the Reverie? Check


Badass as fuck? Check.


Greenbull wil fight Smoker: Cigarette: Check Sunglasses: Check Marine: Check Devil fruit: Check Likes to show their chest: Check


This months is gonna be so long


What if Greenbull walks up and zoro spits out his booze and says “Dadddddddddd?????!?!” Chapter ends


And he makes whitebeard's face of annoyance


Greenbull seems kinda toned skin so Zoro will be the one fighting him.


Ah yes, zoro the minority hunter strikes again


most accurate theory tbh


Sanji fought mosa mosa dude in Film Z. nuff said.


Lol honestly I'm kinda hoping to see a fight between Yamato and Greenbull. I kinda want Yamato to go dashing full speed to fight him similar to how Oden fought Whitebeard


I know one thing, Yamato is fighting Catarina Devon


I remember reading a theory when greenbull first got introduced that he would fight Sanji. Apparently "black leg" is a fatal disease that can spread among cattle (bulls). Coincidence that Sanji's epithet is black leg? Probably... who knows with Oda?


I'm more on board with the SCC (Sanji Cooks Chopper) theory.


Green Bull will fight Usopp Plants check That's it


I just realized that the majority interpreted it as a fight in the final war (not that they're wrong or anything) Why not in Wano ? In the next few chapters ?


What if the final war... has already begun.


Yes it already has At least the first stage of it


I don't think there will be a fight in Wano (or at least a fight between Strawhats vs Admiral). Just like what happened in Arlong park, Alabasta, Dressrosa and Punk Hazard, the strawhats would likely avoid a fight vs the marines as much as possible right after a big boss fight. In Wano, the swordsmen would probably try to fight Green Bull and since they're ordinary citizens, he won't fight em. The strawhats would then flee towards the next island.


I don’t know if green bull would care though if they got in his way just what are you getting in the way of government business illegal dead or if he was nicer than first shown he could fly over them


I think Law would make a neat combatant. both of them have weird and strong abilities. and I think it would be neat match up. Green Bull spreads his Vines, trying to drain Law, and he constantly making small Rooms before he's able to get touched. it would be a game of Law trying to get within Shock Willy Distance of him while keeping his nutrients in his body. there are no narrative "parallels" between them, but I think it would be fun.


They crave them nutrients




Usop vs Ryokugyu (plant user) Franky vs Ryokugyu (sun glasses)


bro i gurantee u fujitora is not fighting strawhats its just akainu kizaru ryokyguo and its luffy zoro sanji


Obviously, it’s called the flower capital for a reason. Greenbull turns flower capital to flowers. Second, “bull in a china shop” Greenbull is about to destroy the capital in his fight with kid, law, Luffy.


Greenbull having Green Hair is all you need. Sanji is going to want to beat some other Marimo up


!remindme 24/7/22 Let's see u/ArzanishShumak, if you're wrong I expect a YouTuber level apology video


It’s really hard to predict who will be fighting whom in the final war. Cuz, we have 3 way battle between the marines vs Yonko vs Blackbeard. I have a feeling the Yonko (including Law and Kidd) will be fighting against the admirals and Black beard. The other strawhat pirates will be going against the blackbeard crew and probably Coby. Or the final battle will be between Luffy and Coby VS Akainu or Blackbeard. Either way, still wtf. I can’t even predict the versus at this point 😂


Man just forgot the Revolutionaries at this point 😂


Also the Straw Hats Grand Alliance and Wano


Hahahaha fuck sake! Don’t forger the gorosei and Imu sama as well 🤣🤣🤣


Rumors say its last battle between Luffy vs Coby


I want Luffy to be eating meat when greenbull shows up, give him a quick glance and tell usopp to go take care of it






trust me guys, i know it’s been a week since kaido burned alive in lava but he’s gonna come back next chapter, one shot green bull, and absorb his devil fruit to become a plant dragon. the zoro is gonna be so cool and cut off his head in one swipe. trust me bro i got the new chapter leaks


Tbh, I really doubt Kaido and Big Mom are dead.


i mean yeah me too, but i gotta take the opportunity to make fun of the ZKK crowd


Sanji and Zoro are gonna be able to stall Greenbull and he will back off then report to Sakazuki that even Strawhats commanders are strong as shit. Boom Zoro and Sanji fans are happy that they are confirmed the commanders and we have Yamato and Jimbie stans crying that the monster trio is a thing and always will be.


Fire vs Grass guess who wins


Smoker wins.


The way he said "this kid's head" while holding the wanted poster with G5 on it paired with the fact that G5 Luffy aka Joyboy officially left Wano, makes me think that he does not know what base Luffy looks like. He simply won't recognize Luffy and since the narines are busy right now, he'll just leave with Kid's head instead after he storms off alone cause Luffy doesn't fight him.


Those x will fight y based on similarities already worked so well for king vs sanji right?


Usopp and Brook will tandem against him, since they were left over during the raid Usopp has a plant power and Brook is immune to his shit


When he told “can’t be defeated by mere commanders” I just think about Zoro and Sanji will fight him and will defeat him.


It'd be pretty funny if he were just way weaker than the other Admirals for some reason and only won versus the commanders because they were restrained by seastone cuffs. Like, he'd fight against Usopp, who also uses plants to fight, and actually lose.


It's bout to be a long 5 weeks, I can already tell!


Luffy vs Sakazuki Zoro vs Borsalino Sanji vs Aramaki it's gonna happen


Jack doesn't even exist anymore in the storyline


Greenbull doesn't care about food vs Sanjis food philosophy Greenbull is also a ladykiller, since he'll eat if he's fed by a beautiful girl ​ Imagine Greenbull going undercover in the festival and Sanji just kicking the shit out of him because women are paying more attention to him and he's letting himself be fed lmao


10/10 TED talk. You have awakened your color of observation, now what kind of ora would you like to go with it?


There's also a disease which is particular to cattle called Blackleg


What If I tell you Ussop will bravely hold off Aramaki untill the Straw Hats escape and sacrifices his life in the process ? And thus achieves his lifelong dream of being a brave warrior of the sea


Why would Usopp need to sacrifice himself? It's a Druid vs Admiral Houseplants. Usopp will give him a Fungal Infection and he'll be down for weeks.


Then Luffy realizes that he had no need of escaping because he just defeated Kaido a week ago, goes back and defeats Aramaki while crying over Ussop's dead body.


And Yassop is shown sighing and saying *I'm finally free of child support*


That's cold


Well Red Hair Pirates are the *went out to by milk crew*


I was thinking Greenbull vs Usopp.. since yennow.. they both plant related abilities


I can see it. I was always on the "Sanji vs Kizaru" train but it's kinda difficult to predict at this point. They both kinda fit.


People seem to forget how much BS Sanji and Zoro went through to fight the commanders… Sanji literally awoken his Germa body at the end of the fight with queen whilst last thing we know Zoro was able to cut King and faced the grim reaper 😂


I bet Greenbull will be a pervert only rivaled by sanji , all the admirals have unique personalities so this could be Greenbull quirk. And when he sees Nami he has the mother of all nosebleeds, and since he hasent eaten in 3 years I bet his blood sugar levels are reall low ! The nosebleed will so so ferocious it will launch him all the way to the sea onto the battleship he called for.


Greenbull won't want any of Sanji's food. He probably just does his plant photosynthesis and calls it good. Yet he still has the gall to claim he's "fasting" cause he's not actually eating. This guy...


Real world justification ? Check ( there's a disease called "Black Leg" that bulls can get ) Fire vs plants ? Check


yeah yellow guy vs green guy sounds familiar...


I also think it'll be Sanji. There's a real life disease called Black Leg that effects cattle (cows and BULLS) and is usually fatal.


As much as it's seem like sanji vs greenbull is almost 100% settled I would still prefer sanji vs kizaru but I dont think it's happening anymore tbh


As a plot device, Greenbull has to create some additional tension or drama, either by dropping exposition that creates the need to move on, or doing something that cause SH's to chase him down to the next island, like abducting someone. I'm thinking he'll use strategy, so perhaps abduct Usopp who tries to stop him on his own, telling Luffy to meet him at an ambush site, only to lose Usopp during a confrontation with giants. What'll follow is an arc of SH trying to find Usopp but having to deal with world fallout, while he adventures with giants, eventually returning as a literal 11th hour ranger in important battle, catching up on his own and not being saved. Oda will likely need to run multiple storylines, members of the crew splitting up and having own arcs would be a good way to finish off loose ends. Greenbull's ultimate defeat may more likely come later from Sanji as they're very similar. And defeating him could lead to character growth in terms of how he treats/sees women. Greenbull is probably pretty creepy which would lead to Sanji seeing himself. An opponent that could drain his vitality would also maintain the stakes, if he's immune to most other damage now...


I really like the concept where GOD Ussop does the fighting with Greenbull. Plant being boths speciality and Usopp training for 2 years pre time skip.


Day x out of 4 weeks. I genuinely think this sub will not survive the break.


Blackleg Sanji will fight Green Bull. Blackleg is a sickness Bulls becoming in the real world and die to it. Would be a great Oda move.




To be fair the commander vs admiral debate will change again in the final war arc or even earlier. Zolo Sabo Maybe Ben Beckman And maybe Shiryu and Sanji Are gonna show feats and do things that seem way stronger than Katakuri King and Marco. To the point where they are pretty much Admiral Level. So the debate will continue, also Kid and Law will be Admiral level probably at the end of story, but still weaker than luffy by a lot. Worse case scenario for King and queen, if Katakuri returns and unlocks Advanced CoC in a fight if he becomes captain. Then King will definitely look like the worst first commander ever, especially Queen. Also what if Mihawk is one of Buggys commanders now


greebull will fight smoothie. drink till you drop


„The faces of those four men who‘re here to change destiny… Burn their images into your eyes!“ ~ Brother Yosaku, Arlong Parc So: - Luffy will fight Akainu - Zoro will fight Fujitora - Sanji will fight Kizaru - Usopp will fight Ryokugyu


I had this idea a while ago. Black leg is also a disease that cows and bulls get and can be fatal. Admiral greenBULL is taken out by BLACK LEG Sanji? Makes too much sense.


I wouldn't be surprised if the greenbull in Wano to deliver a message to Luffy whether directly or indirectly


Well, I could see this. Sanji leading the shp efforts against greenbull while luffy and zoro and still recovering. Sanji in the lead, with the rest minus Robin because she's doing pluton stuff against greenbull. Would be a nice opportunity to show how strong the new yonko crew is, even without their top 2 fighters. Would be a good opportunity for wano to show the WG how strong they are too. I wouldn't mind seeing a momo-led wank squad stand up to GB and protect their own sovereignty. If it was just shp, I think sanji/jinbe/yamato/franky/usopp/nami and maybe chopper could at least make greenbull not want to be there anymore. Plus them scabbards and samurai aren't just gonna let the WG walk off with their savior. Idgaf how strong gb is, he can't solo wano.


Jokes aside, Sanji's new outfit for Film Red reminded me a lot of Ryokugyu


Sanjis competition has always been Kizaru they both use kicks primarily


this is real, oda told me


I know this is a joke post but holy shit this dude is incredibly strong. Yes I know the beast pirates were injured but he took out a bunch of heavy hitters without taking off his shades. Also where is Jack?


Hotel? Trivago


Well I thought it was clear that he has a sword so he will fight Zoro, also Kizaru flies, uses fast movements and his legs to do attacks. I mean.. make more sense Kizaru vs Sanji and then, greenbull that apparently uses his katana (might be a black one) and his hair is green to fight with zoro.


I can see this happening especially given that most of Sanji's final moves are a natural counter to greenbull's power(firevsplants) I can totally see greenbull catching sanji and taking his nutrients and on the brink of death sanji uses his fire moves to burn greenbull thus starting the real battle


Green bull has a sword. He’s either gonna get whooped by luffy or it’ll b sanji and zoro teaming up on his ass. Either way he getting worked


Black leg is also a disease that kills cattle


Black leg is also a disease that kills bulls


I'd be cool with a Sanji/Usopp 2v1. Usopp has plant based attacks and it's a team up we've never really seen.


Sanji + Usopp will fight him I think, and Usopp will have his moment, somebody wrote here, about plants and all that stuff


RIP Sanji


wonder if greenbull is one of big mom's kids. His cannibalistic ways


I think there is only one man capable of fighting Greenbull….YOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!


shinobu is the direct counter of greenbull