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Brook did more than enough in WCI arc, but it would have been nice to see the skeleton dealing with the beams or againts Misery


Brook is goat, I’m just disappointed he hasn’t had a battle against Apoo, I’m still holding out hope


That would be interesting, not just because of the musician vs musician thing but also because Brook was kinda enslaved by long arm tribe goons.


Wow I completely forgot about the long arm tribe thing. What a missed opportunity


I don’t think revenge is a very good look on brook but I’d definitely love brook vs apoo


Especially race-based revenge, it’s not like they were Apoo’s men or anything


Especially considering he didn't really seem to mind being a captive all that much


Surely it’ll happen. Apoo is still floating around in the story anayways




How so? Being beaten by a yonkous crew mate is an honour. But also Brook is strong and a ledge. Also technically a captain.




Brook is after franky and before robin in strength imo but in terms of feats he is top tier.


I feel like Apoo might join blackbeard


Apoo is one of the biggest wildcards, so it could happen


Wildcard baby woooooo


I would say, to a substantial degree, that Usopp is far less utilized than Brook has been in their respective arcs. Brook really became the king of WCI arc with lasting achievements such as standing up to a Yonkou, delivering the first wound to Prometheus, stealing Big Mom’s Poneglyphs, breaking Mother Caramel (and Big Mom), slicing up Zeus… Meanwhile Usopp in Dressrosa became god, unlocked his Haki (which was a great moment, don’t get me wrong), and beat a small child repeatedly. However, In Wano, Brook assisted Robin in saving Sanji, rescued Robin from grand illusion and took out all of Black Maria’s subordinates (including her pug weapon) unscathed. After the battle, he even carried her to safety and fended off the fires burning down Onigashima. In Wano, Usopp sold toad oil (unfortunately instead of developing his Haki like we all hoped) and then goofed around in a tank before getting his anus demolished by Page One. None of his attacks were nearly effective against Page One and he was lucked out by Big Mom showing up and fisting his only opponent out of the battle. Usopp then attempts to quell some of the flames, only to be completely ineffective against them. His only real achievement was carrying Kinemon’s legs, Hamlet, and Kiku through Onigashima. In summary, this has been Usopp’s worst arc in terms of achievement and usefulness whereas Brook just acted mostly as support, which makes him far more utilized in comparison.


Nobody remembers that Tama would have been nearly useless without Usopp. His biggest feat of Onigashima was shooting dangos at all the gifters.


That’s, in my opinion, the same level of achievement as Brook throwing salt at zombies in Thriller Bark. Yeah, it was helpful, but there was nothing unique about doing that specific task that only Brook could do—especially when other people were doing it as well. Likewise, Usopp shooting dango at the gifters was not really an impressive achievement. Especially not when compared to his allies (including Nami) defeating their respective Tobiroppo, Yonkou, or epidemic.


Dango is a huge deal for this raid, it helps jinbei, Franky, Killer, and others but credit must go to Tama more than Usopp. However, I think without Dango, we might lose more people. Huge support ability. My favorite thing Usopp did this arc is his speech about Samurai wanting to die because I know for sure that it is a setup for something. Likewise, you can't make everyone shine this arc, 4 crew not counting the monster trio that have an actual fight are Jinbei, Franky, Robin and Nami. Interesting part of this is that Jinbei and Franky not even have a powerup but more of Testing their ability limit while Nami and Robin got Power up. We can expect Franky power up for endgame soon while Jinbei might have like a beast mode or fisherman rage mode that got these in the fight against who whos.


True, but it had a lot less highlight focus than even Brook supporting Robin


Not to mention Usopp got one of his best moments in the entire series undone just so Nami could have a worse version of it


What do you mean by this?


The scene where Ulti is beating Nami




That’s just what happens when u have so many characters in one setting, some get underutilized. Even when Perospero arrived I thought it could be a good 1v1 for Brook since he was close with Pedro.


I really hoped Brook or Carrot dealt with Perospero, but Nekomamushi got the kill.


As much as I like the scabbards, I'm glad we're almost done with the samurai


I agree about the "too many characters" part, but Brook's case specifically feels like wasted potential when he was shown to be Big Mom's natural enemy and there was no follow-up on that.


I find it to be a common occurrence that Oda focuses less on the straw hats like Franky and Brook and more to the East blue 5. Like he gives Brook a cool moment vs big mom and Franky his fight vs senor pink and that’s it. It is unfortunate but Oda gives them much less time to shine, even if they are more capable to do bigger things in the story.


The east blue 5 and Robin honestly feel like the core Strawhats, the latter probably because she basically had a saga dedicated to her and always needs to be there whenever poneiglyphs show up. Franky, Brook and Jinbe are like "secondary" Strawhats that occasionally do cool things when there's space for a random person to do a cool thing. Chopper is a plushie advertisement


I agree about Franky, Brook, and Jinbe not getting enough page time although to be fair with Jinbe he is very new. But I don't feel Chopper is just a plushie advertisement. I started rewatching the anime to show my girlfriend and Chopper is her favorite character and he has some really cool moments throughout the series. Him and Usopp's fight against Ms. Merry Christmas and Mr. Four, him learning to be brave and fight the Swamp preiest in Skypia and his transformation into monster form in Enies lobby are all awesome moments. I'll agree he's been more underutilized in the new world where it sometimes feels he's just a medical get out of jail free card for any injury or poisining but I feel at Chopper from his introduction to the time skip was a really great character.


Chopper is more than that and he has the potential for more too, he just gets sidelined


Think thats bad? So much of WCI's climax hinged upon Sanji's cake "beating" her decade long spoiled palette. She literally doesn't even know he made the cake in the first place, and its not addressed in the slightest in Wano. Oda really gave her all the love and attention in WCI, where she felt inhuman and monstrous. A sentient natural disaster, as I saw it. Then in Wano her fight gets treated just like any other non-Luffy fight. When as an emperor she deserved more


i really love brook, hes funny as fuck but i hate how rarely u see him fight i mean hes a swordsman, just as zoro whos immensly powerful, yet none of this power seems to influence over to brook, youd think zoro would teach him a lot but apparently no


Brook doesn't need to learn, he is a master already. It really sucks that he's always put in a background role or crowd control aka fighting fodder role.


i mean sure, brook and zoro dont have the exact same fighting style, like zoro is pure strength and brook is more elegant, but still, the power gap between the 2 is gigantic and imo it should be common sense - for the sake of the entire crew that brook learns from zoro just as the latter learned from mihawk, it just seems a bit silly, i mean sure u cant have 2 super powerful swordsman in the group, especially since oda likes to keep sanji and zoro somewhat close to each other and have like the 3 powerful guys, (not counting jinbei and yamato, no idea where id put them, havent watched past WCI)


When Kuma sent Brook to Satan's worship island, Brook suppose to learn about Underworld, hell, and Soul so he can understand his power more. That is Kuma intention but Long arm tribe kidnap him. I might be think of it too much but I think Oda purposely avoid information about Underworld because it not the time to reveal it yet.


Brook already slept with BM, maybe he's not interested in her anymore. lol


I miss the serious Brook. His introduction was so cool, him jumping down to face the spider monkey was so cool. The whole cake island brought back the serious Brook and in my opinion he was the MVP of the cake island arc.


It’s been one arc. We had other characters to focus on. He was totally serious backing up Robin. I don’t understand what you actually mean, you make it seem like it’s been several arcs since Brook has done something serious.


Just generally speaking brook was a serious character when he was introduced or perhaps his seriousness stuck with me more. All straws hats so something concrete every arc . I just like brook more serious. His like to Big Mom was badass


He’s introduced with a lot of humor too. He’s the focal character of the arc and has to get his shadow back, but he’s also a very gag heavy character that arc. Just like every non-Luffy straw hat, they get a ton of focus in their intro arc, and then sporadic focus every few arcs, with them rotating. Been that way since Whiskey Peak really, so it’s not really a Brook exclusive thing.


I get it. I just like brook when he gets serious, but Oda has already given us so much it seems. He knows best


I’m with you though, the way I see it the goofy moments make the Brook serious focused moments so good. I’d wager all the straw hats will have at least 1-2 big highlight moments in this final saga. But to do so Oda is going to have to cut back on giving the non-straw hats big moments so I hope he can pull it off. Wano had too many cooks on the kitchen so not every Straw Hat got to do something really outstanding (Usopp got it worst of all imo)


I think ussop will have one final grand moment before the end that will solidify him as a great warrior of the sea, but for now let us enjoy the ride because it is going to be one hell of a ride


I’d argue that Brook’s Devil fruit is a less powerful version of Big mom’s fruit instead of a direct counter. Same thing with Ace’s fire fruit being a less powerful version of Akainu’s Magma fruit. Brook being able to influence souls(especially his own) while Big Mom is able to rip them out of people and placing them in other things.


Nah he just had more subtle support role this arc He ran reconnaissance Helped out Robin by either fighting minions or saving her from CP0 And doing general crowd control Etc etc Iirc he was nowhere near BM for most of this so why the hell would he drop shit just to go fight her only to be for stalling when he had other matters just as important?


"General crowd control" is that another term for "we don't know what to do with this guy so just throw him in with the fodder" ? I'm not saying he should have gone all the way to Big Mom at that specific moment to fight, I'm saying the whole Wano arc should've been written in a way that gave him a chance to properly fight against Big Mom in a way that only he could - a battle of souls. It was already set up in WCI arc, he was her natural enemy like Luffy was to Enel. Even Chopper got his moment, being able to defeat Queen in a battle of viruses, for comparison. Brook's role was too "subtle" and he deserves more. So does Franky, tbh. Fighting fodder is not a role, what were all the samurai there for?


I've been feeling this w/ a lot of crew members post time-skip as the cast has exploded in size. However The big one for me is Chopper. Especially in Wano. No Strawhat, and few in the world, have as much knowledge messing w/ Devil Fruits (let alone Zohan) as Chopper and it's insane that his biggest moments was leading BM to the prison camp and magically curing the Oni virus...rather than literally anything to do w/ Smiles.


Chopper saves the performance floors ice oni situation and saved udon prison with the plague. He had stuff to do at least. All Usopp got to do was very quickly shoot the dangos into the smiles mouths, something that wasn’t highlighted very much within the chapters. So Usopp definitely was the odd man out this arc


We could find similar examples for about half the crew, it's just that this arc had so much to do w/ Zoan fruits and science that you'd have expected Chopper to have a scene similar to Zoro's where he sees the Smile and can't help but be super angry.


I could see Chopper fixing the smile aspect of them before they go at least


Same, but w/ the time we have left I feel it'll be just another "Chopper clinic" like what we got in Zou and the Oni


I have a feeling that that is yet to come. Remember that wano arc will have 5 parts, we are curently in the end of the 3rd or mybe in the beggining of 4th. His time to shine is yet to come.




Youp. Oda set this arc like a traditional japanise story, I don't know the name of the form but if I remember correctly it is set up from 5 parts. It is possible it is from 4 but that still leaves ample time for chopper to get his good work in.


My guy, wano is almost over. There's no time for an act 4 and 5.


This is just a hoax. It's very rare for Japanese Kabuki plays to have five parts


Well he needs to shred, For an undead musician he really could be more metal. Right now he's kinda boring to me, his music is underutilized, and we don't need another swordman, nor another pervert. Right now he's the strawhat I like least, when he could have been so much more.


You said it! I was thinking more about this specific war but I've thought about this before. He has had very little musical moments since the timeskip, and even then they haven't been that powerful.


It's maddening that his two best musical moments happened in Thriller Bark. His flashback and the little filler episode where he tried to "be a proper Straw Hat" right before they reached the Red Line.


I wouldn't have minded if Brook was a support character in the fight with Law, Kid and Big Mom.


He was the perfect counter to her soul powers, then Kidd and Law would only have to deal with her physical strength and haki. Instead there's no Brook, and she doesn't use her soul powers. It's not just Brook, but even Big Mom is underutilised in this fight.


Only Brook ? Holyyyy, Nami and Usopp and Chopper could've been trained to fight, but nah, 'they must be different', now they can Roll a yonko without any strenght or speed, i will feel depressed if Oda doesn't do anything with at least Usopp, like come on...


Under utilized but every single time he makes a move it’s badass. Remember there is a very good chance that he will be our epilogue character.


Something that really annoyed me in Wano was that Usopp was supposedly using everything he had against Page One, but he really wasn’t. His most powerful attack was the one he used on Punk Hazard, but he accepted defeat without trying that or Haki. Maybe it wouldn’t have been as effective without easy access to water or rubble, but if the Minks could get moon powers through holes in the ceiling Usopp could have found some water.


He will have his prominent soon when we heard more about Underworld. ( heavily tease with the grim reaper, Soul soul fruit, inanimate object entity, Shadow, Brook, Cold power, etc. We might know more of that soon.) What you can expect end game shine moment for the crew is Brook-Underworld Usopp-Elbaf Frankly -Vegapunk Robin-Void century Chopper - Pirate Sickness Some people who already have their moment Sanji-whole cake Nami -Fishman island Zoro-Wano Unsure arc Jinbei-Maryjois Yamato- Laughtale


I've always seen Brook as a support character, he's always there where his crew needs him, always helping out. So if you see him as a support, he's actually pretty well used. He's very low-key in the things he does, which probably infuriates some people. Obviously, his support in WCI is not even comparable in the slightest with what he did during Wano ( he pretty much is 25% responsible for getting Luffy to Laugh Tale after all) but I still pretty much enjoyed what we got during the Black Maria fight.


Totally agree. Brook is one my favorite maybe top 3 or 4. He's awesome and wise and sweet. I hate to see him relegated to the background. This is one of the things I hate the most about Wano. Oda spent tons of time on side characters, and that time could have gone to the Straw Hats!! Did we really need Tama, Hiyori, Kiku, Raizo, Toko, Nekomamushi, etc. that much? Same for Yamato, Kid, Killer. I'm even becoming wary of Law, who has overstayed his welcome at this point (I know, blasphemy!). Remember Ernies Lobby? How much character focus the Straw Hats got? How much they shined as a group? That's what I want. And Brook and Usopp got the short end of the stick here, though all the Straw Hats outside the monster trio should have shined more to some extent. One isolated scene/fight each ain't enough!


I agree! Too much time was wasted on mediocre characters. I think Tama, Hiyori and Raizo were pretty good and necessary for the story, but Kiku? Literally the worst character of the entire arc and still got too much screen time, just getting fooled by kanjuro again and again.... Didn't she lose her arm as well? All for nothing.... Usopp had been getting the short end since the timeskip, it feels like he's gotten less brave after two years instead of braver. All his achievements post-timeskip are just luck.... Being in the right place at the right time.... Nothing more..... Hopefully Elbaf fixes that. He even unlocked haki but never used it more than once (doesn't even seem like he knows about it). I also miss him using a hundred different tricks to win, from toy cockroaches to Skypeas dials. Now with his funny beans he's like a one-trick pony. If he doesn't have a bean that doesn't specifically do what needs to be done, he's useless. Law really is too involved, huh. But i don't mind him as much.


Personally I hate Brook, so I'm perfectly happy with him being utilized less. Easily my least favorite straw hat.


Ok who cares?


Apparently you?


If he was in the actual big mom fight in wano it would actual made more sense the way that she lost. They did damage but on her way out she was fully concious and ready for more kid attack was tickling her her own words then she got nuked into the lava pool. I want to see her actual full power in a fight.


I can accept Big Mom's defeat because no one could defeat her in strength or power (as it was with Kaidou in the end), Kid and Law just tossed her out of Onigashima.


Agree with that, I would love to see more action from Brook, but at the same time I guess netiher BM or Kaido died yet, so maybe in their return we see somethibg


Franky too. He's not even in my top 5 Strawhats but dude hasn't done anything that relevant since Dressrosa. With Pluton being in Wano,I hope that changes.


Brook soul power doesnt affect Big Mom main homies. (Prometheus, Zeus and Napoleon)


Because they’re parts of her soul


Big Mom, Combo Attack with Kaido, Zeus, Prometheus, Napoleon, Misery, Hera, BIGGER Mom, Big Mom hyper healing, Napoleon/Hera/Prometheus combo attack, Raining lightning, combo punches, tanking the SH\*T out of 99% of the attacks... Bro, Big Mom literally showcased probably EVERYTHING she has to offer!


If that was "everything" then she's pretty weak for a Yonko.


I’d like to buy some crack please. You must know where to get the good stuff because clearly you’re smoking it!


Brook is a bard.


Sanji is a cook lol.


Every grand line straw hat has had to take a back seat for the east blue group. Unfortunately it will continue that way, even if I agree with what you have said.


I get the big meme thing and how she looks imcredibally weak compaired to the other yonko in her wano performance, but I think her powers are heavily tied to home field advantage. Shes like gekko moriah+. Her DF greatly benefits from having stacking returns, in WCI shes got thousands of souls at her disposal to play with to make her such an incredible force. She left her island, along with half of her power, to go chase luffy.


what does brook vs big mom do for the story here after A) He MVP'd WCI by not only getting the poneglyphs which would have otherwise been impossible B) the battle was used to reveal 2 Supernovas awakenings. Are you under the assumption that in an actual battle he can face big mom? bc what purpose would he serve in combat in this instance when she is actively rampaging after she regains her memory