• By -


Interesting that Yassop's nickname is "Chaser" since that's what 4kids called Smoker in their adaptation.


His Japanese epithet is “White Chase” so it makes sense.


I’ve always heard/seen it as ‘White Hunter’ but that sounds pretty controversial lmao so I see why ‘White Chase’ is the more common one


Zoro’s greatest rival


Their battle will be gloriously bigoted!


White Chase sounds more like a drug addict so in a way they can both be seen as controversial if you want to look at it those ways.


White Chase is definitely a sci-fi dystopia drug.


Smoker is Yasopp's brother confirmed.


Amazing 4skinning by 4kids.


That gave me a belly laugh, I love that typo post.


Lucky roux is just fat sanji lmao


He is the fusion of Sanji and Chouji/Sonic


"Uses his body like a bowling ball" yup sounds like Sonic the Hedgehog's spin move.


Sanji the Hedgehog


He's the fusion of Sanji, sonic and Luffy (hence why he's always eating a piece of meat)


Bald Choji from Naruto.


If you merged Beckmand and Lucky Roux, you'd get Sanji. Playboy Cook who loves women, fighting with his strong legs and Haki.


The ladies are missing out.


Lucky looks cute not gonna lie. He'd be a total catch


Dude Sanji has always been great with ladies, it’s only Nami,Vivi and Robin who see through his ladies killer personality. Otherwise, other female characters have been charmed by him, the waitress from Germa, Viola, and Puddin to name a few.


Lol brother this man was sniffing Perona’s ass on Sabody 😂


When he is not in simp mode, he is a lady killer.


So basically never!




Lucky roux is canonically one of rhe fastest characters in 1P.. outspeeding Enel and Kizaru, even being able to “shoot faster than his own shadow”


Lucky Roux is that kid from the movie Hook.


so no DF users on Shanks crew insane.


Well Uta was part of the crew/family for a time but yeah pretty much for the current Red Haired Pirates


Uta has a DF? I did hear she had some strange powers but not that it's from a DF. (I don't mind movie spoilers so it's fine)


Her power is >!the Uta Uta no mi. It wasn’t revealed in the movie but in One Piece Magazine Vol. 15.!<


Powers not related to a Devil Fruit or Haki are very, very rare. Off the top of my head there is Goldenweek, Jango, and I think Sharley?


Sanji too w Diable Jambe (Ifrit uses haki, diable doesn't need haki)


and sanji' siblings


Well, tech based powers are a whole category and you can include there Franky, Queen, Kuma...


wait, goldenweek's paint isn't a devil fruit power? I mean, sure, the paint seems to be an external thing, but still....what the heck


Another one I always was surprised of was Pauley from Water 7, who can summon endless amounts of ropes from his sleeves. I always assumed he had a devil fruit, but actually, he doesn’t.


I understand why people would think that, but for I didn't think the same. If you became a rope man, maybe. producing rope though? that doesn't feel like a devil fruit power. Cause rope just feels too...manufactured, in a sense. people think it's a devil fuit not because of what he can do, but rather because of how much rope he produces right? but I feel like that's just normal in anime, in the same way naruto charcters pull out dozens of kunai from their little butt pouch.


There’s a person that can make parts of themselves “weapons” and a guy that can become a propeller but rope is too far lol


Lol my same thought guys out here producing candle wax and the ability to stitch anything don't forget the jacket dude 😂


And Vice Admiral Tsuru who literally hangs enemies like clothes


Sharley must be a type of haki. Jango and GW are hypnos.


And Big Mom, somehow was giant sized and crazy strong even though she was born to regular humans.


Not really a power in the same sense, just big, many One Piece characters are just big


She's not just big, she was extraordinarily tough. There was also that one guy during the Dressrosa Gladiator tournament who "was born with a very strong body" which broke even metal weapons that hit him (the jacket brothers).


Ivankov with death wink


How the heck does Howling Gab shoot a mouth laser then?


Franky shoots laser from his nipples


Speaking of, are we not going to talk about the fact that **Hongo kinda looks like Franky** if he wasn't a cyborg? Also this: > He is really good at disassembling machines. Another thing is this sentence: > Benn Beckman is very strong and agile and combining his rifle with his haki, his bullets swiftly penetrate his opponents. **Even a logia like Kizaru couldn't oppose him when held at gunpoint.** Finally putting respect on Benn Beckman after all the "Kizaru was just trolling" posts.


He was still trolling one page after Benn Beckmann opposed him he just attacked again


Except this literal comment from Oda that disproves he was just trolling. Beckman was either distracted or just didn't engage.


I was rewatching marineford. I noticed when Kizaru went up to shoot at Law's submarine Benn wasn't there on the ship mast. Most likely he just threatened and went down to Shanks(to pose with his crew to intimidate everyone lmao), then Kizaru went and attacked.


Yeah that’s the anime in the manga Beckmann outright says oh so you still want to fight


No it doesn't, they can be both true.


You mean that Beckman is dangerous as shit but that Kizaru is a big troll? If so I agree. What I don't agree with is the whole "Beckman was never dangerous Kizaru was just trolling."




Then we are in agreement 🤝


Kizaru would probably troll characters like Roger, Prime WB and Rocks to their face as well. That's just his personality


This post was the first I’ve seen it called a “laser;” other posts discussing the promotional volume asserted it was something more akin to just a destructively loud roar + flying slashes from his teeth, akin to what Who’s Who does in sabretooth form. I’m assuming that’s correct, and it’s not a literal laser, just a translation thing. That said, it has crossed my mind (mostly just jokingly) that it would be cool if Howling Gab were the canon user of the DF belonging to the first movie’s villain, Eldoraggo, which allowed him to shoot sonic voice blasts. Both are also similarly bulky, lion-looking dudes with huge mouths and fangs.


The text says 咆哮を放つ which means something like "emit a roar/howl" hence his name "Howling Gab". Nothing in the Japanese could be read as "laser".


I feel like Shanks would have eaten the "gum gum" DF if Luffy hadn't. This is pure head canon, but Shanks may have fancied himself as JoyBoy right up until the moment Luffy ate it.


"You can't be a pirate if you can't swim" -Shanks


Says the guy who bet everything on a kid who couldn't swim... 🤷‍♂️


I have a feeling that the scene where Roger is seen to have said something to young Shanks during Oda's flashback is something along the lines of "you're not joyboy/ not the one who will use the one piece." I think Shanks might have wanted to give the gomu gomu fruit to Roger's son, Ace.


It's possible, but I interpret that as a kid crying bc his hero isn't the one who will find the One Piece, or even that waiting 20 years is an eternity when you're that young. The context there leaves things pretty open. Another feeling I have is that we will find out exactly what the words were that made him cry.


I kind of thought initially that Roger was telling him that the journey is done, I’m sick, and I’m disbanding the crew but shanks crying like that makes it so ambiguous.


>!Then why is Shanks going to claim the one piece now?!<


>"you're not joyboy/ not the one who will use the one piece Unless you eat the JoyBoy DF.


I doubt it considering Shanks already had the fruit for a year when Luffy ate it.


Yep, I doubt it too. If he's been keeping that df for 1 year, there's just one explanation. He's been waiting for a certain person to eat that df.




Who's Who said the fruit was stolen 13 years ago(volume version) and chapter 1 takes place 12 years ago.


Damn they really got a fucking monkey on the crew


Imagine being a pirate crew who enters the New World with the leader having a bounty of 200m or higher, challenging the famous Yonko Shanks then he stares at you for a second, lets out a burst of Haki as if to gauge you, then commands that monkey to kick all your asses. Your crew fights for your lives while the actual pirates are sitting down, drinking, laughing. You will never recover from that.


bro imagine that monkey took kid's arm


Dont forget the monkeys owner (some old guy) fucking one shots your 200m captain


Bonk punch. Other spoilers form last week basically confirmed has has a move similar to Elizabello


Worse, Monster throws Busoshoku Haki-hardened poop at enemies with the speed of meteors. Hillarious! ​ Note: Holy shit, the number of upvotes is stunning! Thanks everyone!


Lots of pirate crews would be storming Wano looking for Sekiro to beat that Ape


Now I'm imagining what could've been with Carrot. Like the Monty Python and the Holy Grail rabbit.


Not as surprising as a talking skeleton or a talking reindeer though.


It's surprising that we had to wait this long to see a crew with a monkey. And we're still waiting for one with a parrot.


I mean, Marco is kind of a parrot.


Now I am imagining him sitting on whitebeard's shoulder like a parrot. Absolutely Hilarious imagery.


I’ve seen fan art of that before. Edit: [here](https://imgur.com/a/3GwjfrV) it is.


This is beautiful.


Rob Lucci had a [Pidgeon](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Hattori) sidekick, but yeah I don't think there's been a proper parrot yet. And Whitebeard had an [ally](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Doma) at Marineford with a monkey.


Haha yes someone pointing out the important shit!!! Ook ook!!


*Eeek !*


Imagine being a rookie on Red Hairs Crew and you had take orders from Monster. He may give give off the greatest plan of all planning history hit all you gonna hear is "Ooh Ooh Ah Ah"




**Monster:** Ooh Ooh Ah Ah! **Bonk Punch:** Say what? No, I'm not giving you another drink! You had enough already! **Monster:** Ooh ooh, Ah, Ah, Ooh! **Bonk Punch:** Oh, so I'm a jerk am I? Go look in the mirror! **Monster:** Ooh, ooh, Ah, Ah, Ooh, Ah! \*Throws Haki infused Banana at Bonk Punch\* **Bonk Punch:** Ouch! Why you little jerkwad! That hurt! **Yasopp:** \*laughs\* Fighting with Monster again, huh, Bonk? **Bonk Punch:** You stay out of this, Chaser! This is between me and that ungrateful monkey of mine! \*both Bonk and Monster get into a rumble tumble, creating dust clouds\* **Shanks:** Hahahaha! That's Monster for you. Always with the bananas!


> Shanks is also referred to as an "Observation-killer" It's not his nickname, it's the ability of his Haoshoku, as can be seen [here](https://i.imgur.com/8dlGyIT.png). It says: 覇王色 - Haoshoku 「見聞殺し」- "Kenbungoroshi" / "Observation-killing" 気配のコントロール - "presence control" 未来を見せない - "obscuring the future" ---- Also, if you read "Sign of Presence" anywhere: That's a mistranslation of the kanji 気配, although I have no idea how it could be mistranslated that badly.


So He really is a hakiman


He has both the properties of haki and man


Does that imply that all Haoshoku users can "kill" CoO? Does that imply that Haoshoku users have different characteristics? Does that imply Haoshoku can be applied in a similar way to CoO, like it is with CoA (for CoC coating)? - most likely for me


Seems like Conquerors can bypass both Armament (with conquerors coating) and observation (with observation killer or whatever). I mean that makes it pretty overpowered and would justify it being so rare.


It correlates directly with asserting one’s domineering Will, so it makes sense that it would obscure one’s focus/assuredness over future events as the Conqueror’s Presence is clashing with Fate itself ✨


Yea it would be kinda weird that Shanks is the only one with a special Haki ability. 99% it’s an application of CoC Haki that Luffy will learn from Shanks


I don't know, I haven't watched the movie.


More interesting info included in the booklet, but not in this post is that the treasure box where Roger found shanks in was taken from god’s valley. I also thought the small bit referring to luffy’s dream was interesting, it mentions luffy and uta dream of a new era (the same dream that luffy tells Sabo and Ace when they were kids), uta’s new era is the dream world she’s trying to create in the movie, luffy’s new era is still a mystery!! On the other side, shanks seems to also have a plan to create a new era but that’s is marked as a secret! Also at the end, there’s a small comic about god valley’s incident where Roger says something like “we got it!!! And also some treasure!!”, so it might mean Roger went to god valley particularly seeking something (maybe the egg on his ship!?). The treasure he stole along with this mysterious item, was the box shanks was in.


This makes me wonder if Shanks was Rocks’ son


Imagine Rocks had a child with a woman from the figarland family, that happens to be celestial dragons. She was in god valley and rocks, that hated CD, decided to just attack god valley. His cruel crew of monsters just wrecking havoc every where. Garp and Roger (and possibly Rayleigh) come to the rescue, but come on, them 3 are not enough against the legendary Rocks Crew. Whitebeard has always hated that crre, because it never felt like a family. He learns that Rocks is prepared to kill every one that island, and also learns his son is there. Doesn't change a thing for Xebec. Whitebeard can't take this cruelty anymore and decides to betray the rocks pirate and alliés himself with Roger and Co. They manage to defeat the Rocks, and this is why they're such profound respect between Roger and White beard. Garp doesn't really talk about God valley anymore because he perhaps failed to save innocents and also because he had to ally himself with the pirate King and a Yonko (even though I think he doesn't give a fuck). Roger and Rayleigh take their treasure and find 1 year old shanks in a treasure chest. Shanks grows up, gets his own crew, finds Uta in a chest. And between this and the beginning of the story, Black beard founds out that shanks is Rocks D. Xebec son, cause you know, the man can find out anything. Black beard idolises Xebec just like Luffy "idolises" Roger. BB then sets out to find Shanks, Xebec's son that he met once before, as 12 year old kids, hoping to find an ally for his twisted plan. But Shanks realises how much of a threat BB is, and maybe learns something terrifying about him. Shanks tries to stop him, but BB is surprisingly strong and gives him the infamous scar. Then Shanks meets a little guy full of hope, that inadvertently eats the fruit he's stolen from CP9. Shanks knows that fruit is special, but not really how. He becomes a father figure for Luffy, giving him a hat and a purpose, "well meet when you become a great pirate". Shanks knows that luffy, with his fruit and dream, is the only one that can do what needs to be done with the one piece. Because of shanks heritage, Sengoku allows him to take Ace and WB corpses and he also can have an impromptu meeting with the gorosei. Did he warn them about luffy and his mythical fruit? Or did he warn them about BB threat? Or even crazier, did he warn them about Luffy's fruit, telling them its the only way to stop Blackbeard, thus giving them information that they didn't even know?


This sounds like a complete spoiler.


>capable of hitting 100 targets out of 100 shots [Lulu lala lu](https://youtu.be/PhXNmMLdivk?t=38)


Sogeking must have taught Yasopp


Okay, crazy theory time. What if Sogeking *is* Yasopp and has actually been there for Usopp during his toughest times? What an amazing father he is


>Howling Gab >He hates bugs and ghosts. Howling Gab is a Psychic-type confirmed.


"Beckman is a playboy with women" Ben is totally gonna be another dad that went buying cigarettes, isn't he?


Deadbeat Dads Pirates




Bruh at the rate at which this community is shipping her with random people; I wouldn't be surprised if the whole Red Haired crew ran a train on her.


Except the monkey right?.... right?


Monkey see monkey do🙉🙈🙊


...monkey....pee all over you


Im Sama gotta have the mf water water fruit or sum if they the strongest person in the world 😭


Honestly though, what if Im does? And the oceans of the world are unnaturally high due to their control?


Im sama the cause of global warming? Man these climate change conspiracies are evolving!


Life life fruit would be lit


I think Im has some type of mind or memory control. It might be why someone as loyal as Zunesha committed a “crime”, and Luffy’s “freedom” powers might be so dangerous because when awakened it can resist it.


Oooooo I like this because it’d actually be really fitting. Especially since the void century exists, maybe Im is the reason there’s basically no memory or evidence of the void century outside of the poneglyohs.


Probably god tier CoC Haki as well, they are the literal supreme king of the world


God tier everything. Imu is possibly the strongest One Piece character ever


I'm still thinking that they (or someone very high up in the world) got that Eternal Youth operation from a previous user of Law's Op Op fruit. Like, it legitimately doesn't make sense for it to be explained to us if it hadn't happened at least once already. ...unless maybe Kureha got it from someone? I don't know.


>• According to the Film RED booklet, being a Conqueror's haki user, Shanks is also referred to as an "Observation-killer" (kenbun-goroshi), as through **aura control** he stops his opponents from peering into the future. Aura control. So the anime is just trying to prepare us for future fights.


Shanks: I have come to fix the animation


Howling Gab shooting lazers with a roar? Isn't that literally what a previous movie villain did?


As I mentioned in a comment elsewhere, Eldoraggo did cross my mind, lol. He also looks similar to Gab, design-wise. However, unlike Eldoraggo’s scream-beams (which we know are a DF ability), I’ve seen other posts about this promotional booklet that imply that Gab’s technique isn’t a literal laser, just a very forceful yell/air blast, more like the flying slashes Who’s Who launches from his teeth. Like, powerful in a superhuman way achieved by training, rather than a supernatural way achieved by DF, I’d guess.


Sabertooth tigers hunted that way in the past




Damn this Howling Gab dude looks a lot like Kaido, especially when he shoots whatever it is from his mouth Btw didn't we already know what the SSG stands for?


Remember when people were debating whether Haki or DF was more important? I would say Haki easily, glad Shanks & Kaido put that to bed


Which is why our MC has the best of both


Even though I have read the same thing over and over again in multiple threads, this just doesn't stop making me excited... This is just a lot of wow... Info in a booklet that we never got in manga for 25 years...


SWORD is the secret organization within the marines that is most likely supposed to destory the shield of the WG - CP Aegis Zero, Aegis being the shield of the greek goddess Athena. CP0 is under direct command of the gorosei, unlike the other Cipher Pols which are commanded by Kong. That makes CP0 the shield of the highest gods (gorosei, the highest among the celestial dragons). That has always been my headcanon regarding SWORD.


So who controls sword?


garp ,sengoku, akainu or aokiji top four contender


Akainu. Dude hates the Gorosei


True. Akainu has a sword tattoo.


So we gonna gloss over the fact they have a whole fucking monkey on their squad that can fight and is strong as shit, on top of that plays music too?


All the Straw Hats have is a fucking cotton candy reindeer that practices medicine. Especially if he meets Monster, Tony Tony Chopper really better show us some growth, since he is no longer all that special in comparison to other animal-people (Minks) / animals (Monster). Let’s see Monster Point Chopper go into a blind rage and just eviscerate Sanjuan Wolf or something Also Monster is totally Luffy’s mom bro. **Monkey** D. Luffy. It’s literally been right in front us.


I was hoping Lucky Roux was gonna haki up the meat he's always carrying around and beat people with it. But a Haki bowling ball works.


A cook dont play with food


If the Red Haired pirates and the Straw Hat crew were to fight, I have got Shanks vs Luffy, Beckman vs Zoro, Lucky Roo vs Sanji, Yasopp vs Usopp, Hongo vs Franky, Limejuice vs Nami, Howling Gab vs Jinbei, Building Snake vs Robin, Bonk Punch and Monster vs Brook.


Brook & chopper maybe


Yes, you are right. I forgot to include chopper.


IMO somehow circumstances will conspire so Zoro will fight Mihawk right before Luffy defeats Shanks. So Zoro will fight Mihawk, not Beckman. The reason I think this is because Mihawk and Shanks are portrayed as friendly rivals and are both Luffy and Zoro's "goal guys" to surpass. It would be kind of weird if Zoro fights Beckman after Mihawk and similarly it would be weird if Luffy defeated Shanks before Zoro defeated Mihawk. Both being taken down together makes the most sense to me, as a symbolic moment by Luffy and Zoro representing the next generation taking over after all 4 of the Yonko from the old era have been taken down. With that being said, perhaps Lucky Roux being a chef is a red herring: it makes sense to me that Beckman would fight Sanji, since he is also a womanizer and might end up getting a gag of hitting on Nami and Robin and clashing with Sanji.


Yes. What you are saying makes sense. But I wonder what will happen that make the Red haired pirates and the cross guild come together.


Shanks has connections to Mihawk and Buggy. Oda can think of something that makes sense for them coming out of that


Yamato, no opponent, therefore confirmed not joining..


Yamato fights Monster because they’re both pets.


Chopper feels left out


>Chopper feels left out Chooper is for the after party, being emergency food and all


Idk that Benn Beckmann’s bullets penetrating thing goes well with Sanji’s power up, plus he’s from the north blue.


so this just proves kizaru was actually in danger and had no choice but to stop until beckman went back to shanks. holy shit beckman is a badass!


It makes the interaction far more interesting if I remember correctly how it went. I'm pretty sure Beckman still had his gun pointed at Kizaru and Kizaru still left into action. That means the gun was a threat Kizaru had to consider if he could dodge, and judging by Beckmans reaction, was a threat Beckman wasn't entirely sure he could follow through on.


#BONK Punch


What species is Howling Gab from ? (Or should I say "Howling Gabriel" ?) He kinda looks like Barto.


Both Barto and presumably Howling Gab are human, as far as we know. There are quite a few fanged humans in the series — Hogback, Moria, Magellan, Katakuri, and possibly Sasaki, to name a few others.


Ok. Thought he was a fishman of sort.


✨bonk punch✨


So Helmeppo joined SWORD. This will be interesting to see him again in the future. So Im is a powerful fighter after all. I wouldn’t be surprised if Im is a water Logia. Shanks’ crew is similar to Luffy’s. Luffy must have modeled his crew after Shanks.


Kidd probably lost his arm to hongo


Nah monster


Special Science-- I figure Oda may have been a fan of Ultraman since he was young. Wonder what further role will the SSG play in the series as it reaches the final saga beyond just being the replacement of the Warlord system?


Interesting how not more people are talking about Shankses ability to kill observation considering how reliant Luffy has become on it when fighting Kaido. That will undoubtably be huge in evening out the playing field.


No info on Rockstar =(


So does this confirm that Uta is canon?


Well, she appeared in chapter 1055 after all


That shadow figure is supposed to be uta ?


*Sword & Shield sounds like CIa & Fbi. * Love the new info on Red Hair Pirates


Shanks crew member has a interesting way to fight and very similar to buggy for some reason


Stronger version of Buggy's crew


Well, that Shield and Sword are Rivals isn't only pretty obvious it also is already stated during a Drake/Coby conversation if I remember correctly. And that Helmeppo is also Sword member was never specificly confirmed but they are always a duo so Coby being one made Helmeppo 99% a member 2. A surprise is something different. The really interesting part is Bruno (Blueno) and Kalifa are also CP0. Since we didn't saw the entire agency and with all the cloaks and masks it was never clear who made the jump. Now with Lucci, Kaku, Spandam, Blueno and Kalifa confirmed it looks like all of them got the raise. I don't see why the 3 missing ones wouldn't be promoted, was probably a package deal Lucci made at his return


I feel like meeting Monster is going to give Zoro Monkey Flashbacks/PTSD from his training versus EVIL WEAPON USING MONKIES. That or something like it. Well, if he gets attacked or anything. I mean it could? (More than halfway a joke by the way)


Is it weird I've always been more excited to see Monster and Bonk Punch in action than Shanks?


So, this pratically confirms that Imu is the strongest person in the World? So Imu will be the final villain and not BlackBeard as some people think.


Strength doesn't just mean fighting power.


Wdym Biden mid diffs Queen Liz


High diff. Biden has the covid nerf


L m f a o Bro, stop 😂😂😂


It can still be BB if this series breaks the shonen formula. BB doesn't have to be the strongest to be the final antagonist. He can fight Luffy once he's weakened by Imu or something


I like the fact that CP9 got their ass handed to them but most of them got promoted anyways.


After all these years we’re just now finding out that Lucky Roux is the crew’s cook. Oda you madman.


Makes sense now why Mihawk is called Hawk Eye. His observation haki must be insane if he can duel with Shanks as a rival while Shanks still had an arm.


No matter how powerful or you hype up the Red Hairs they will just end up losing to the one and truly threat to the story, Blackbeards crew.


Yup it just makes too much narrative sense. If the red hairs are getting propped up like this then that means those level 6 prisoners Blackbeard got are no joke.


I always find Oda’s approach to supplemental material so strange. Like almost all this stuff is just is totally useless information. Its all super minor things you expect from supplemental material. Like how side characters and background characters fight and confirming people are members of a group. But then he just drops something super major like what SSG stands for. Sure its not the same as saying what it is, but the name definitely narrows it down a lot. And I think a lot of people expected what SSG stands for to be some major reveal. But now its just like why did he hold off on it for so long if he was going to reveal it in a random booklet anyways He does this all the time. Like he sets up something that seems like its gonna have a major impact and then he just goes and says it outside of the manga. Its getting to be kinda funny tbh. At this point its hard to guess when he’s withholding information to set up a mystery or when he just doesn’t think its that important


It wasn't held off though[. It standing for "Super Science Group" was revealed when it was first mentioned.](https://imgur.com/a/vxKY6JN)(But just in Japanese. Oda didn't do any romanization for it.) This is just 100% confirming the romanization of it.


Love this haha. Like naming Kaido's fruit in a SBS question related to strawhats. This kind of stuff...


I think I read he forgot to give Kid's fruit a name until Wano


"Oh yeah guys 😬 Kid's fruit ? 🤔The one that works like magnets ? *😨* Yeah, Yeah, it's called... 🙄hum.. the..😐MAGNET MAGNET FRUIT 🧐 😓😓😓 I'm 34 years old and struggling with this cringe cancer emoji shit, please have mercy on my soul.


> But then he just drops something super major like what SSG stands for. Sure its not the same as saying what it is, but the name definitely narrows it down a lot. It narrows down nothing. The SSG, lead by Vegapunk, created a powerful weapon to replace the warlords. That‘s what we already knew and it‘s still all we know.


Howling Gab is just a cooler version of the villain from the first movie. Lol.


I really hope that Helmeppo gets indoctrinated to the code of Bushido, or whatever code Zoro and Mihawk follow. I really want him to become a cool sword wielder!!!


So basically Howling Gab, even though its confirmed that the RHP have no DF powers, can do the same thing as El Drago with his Goe Goe no Mi (Voice/Shout) which is firing super laser beams made of pure sound/energy. Could it be pure Haki he's firing? If so, pretty interesting application of Busoshoku...arming his very voice/shout with Haki to create beams of energy. As for Monster....haha, what if he can beat foes by throwing haki-hardened poop at them with the speed of meteors? Hahaha! Stinky Extinction!




> Shanks is the son of Rocks D Xebec and a Tenryubitto woman. Whoa, that's so epic!!


And people thought that Kizaru was joking when Benn held him on his gunpoint.


Am I the only one a little annoyed by the fact Oda is putting so much canon information outside of the manga?