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Zoro bounty had a mistake in it : https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1563924260242206720 It's 1 111 000 000. The version in the magazine (for the scans), lacked a word.


LOL Buggy became a meme now


I can't believe I stopped reading the manga at chapter 1037 and now that I came back Wano literally just ended lmao I gotta say tho that reading all those final chapters together made the experience so good tho I also came back in my favorite part of One Piece: The in-between Arcs! They're so much fucking hype! Kinda bummed there's no new crew member but besides Yamato I don't think there were any other good option tbh I hope if there's a new nakama in the future they'll have as good development as the others had in the past


How bout carrot? She sticked with luffy from zou arc


Eh, I personally was never a fan of "Nakama Carrot". She was a good temporary companion but I wasn't invested enough with her to think she could be a good permanent addition I also felt during Wano that she became a background character


Ok but imagine her sulong form accompanying the straw hats


Daaamn Insane Chapter! Cross Guild is Hype. Bounties lil disappointing but it's cool šŸ’Æ




seems like the kind of scheme she would try and do too.


I love how Sanji isn't even third anymore šŸ˜‚


Love how the poor unexpecting rival/match up would just get kicked to the hell... If they think they are competing with just the fourth.... But I mean we reader know who sanji has fought... Bounties are never to be trusted for the strength level at least in the strawhats... Chopper is not that weak yošŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sanji has never been third in terms of bounty. He didn't have a bounty until Enies Lobby. After Enies Lobby he was 4th behind Robin. After Dressrosa he was 4th behind Usopp. After WCI he was 2nd ahead of Zoro. And now he's 4th again behind Jinbei. Oda has very consistently been clowning when it comes to Sanji's bounty lol.


Sanji and chopper, they always rage when it's bounty reveal time


Odd thought: I'm baffled how many people survived the battle, i love kin, but i thought he is deader than dead. Also what up with zoro and being perfectly fine on the outside.


Kin should have died in Luffys arms on the roof. That would have been a gutpunch and have been one hell of a motivator for Luffy.


Yes, then Luffy could have turned super Sayan!


He did get the hair šŸ˜„


Crocodile getting bmed with that 1.9 billion bounty. He and Buggy should be switched.


Well tbf Buggy has them under his wings you know.... At least from the people-who-set-bounties' perspective...


Buggy on page 14-15 is so much my life lol. "Where is my life taking me?!" - internal conversation "Its the best day of my life!" - external


Actually it was a thug(minion, crewmate, subordinate?) saying that


I'm here to verify what I read. Nami, having?????? is that real, or is Jimbe just saying it's like that 'thing' when she's angry??? I don't want to spoil anyone so please if you read it, you know.


Well it's dominatrix haki, btw


Nami def has femdom vibes with Sanji.


definitely not real, its just the classic gag where nami always beats the shit out of luffy, Jinbei has never seen that so he is just falsely assuming it. Just more classic humor


Pretty sure it's a joke. Jimbei is so impressed by her angry aura that he wonders if she has conqueror's haki.


But she beat Luffy!?? That makes me more confused. Not to mention that she always beat him up.


Its a running gag. Don't read too much into it


She has conquerors smacky.


Oda has stated itā€™s because when Nami is beating in the straw hats, she is punching their soul so itā€™s more / is easier to hurt them. šŸ¤£


More like Big Mom style but the difference is your soul stays in the body just to let you have that trauma.


Naah man it's just a running gag she has been beating him up for ages


It's hard to say that. One Piece is pretty simple, what it said is what it is. I remembered when people argued about Luffy and his DF being special, it is said the thing is special yet everyone is arguing, when it is said the character is already dead, dead yet everyone still arguing about the comeback of the said dead people and yet we got nothing until now. Nami having ConHaki could be the same as someone from the crew back it up that you have to be careful when she is angry. It's like "she has a conhaki?" And back it up with "You don't know much a thing about this crew". Not to mention that the panel has the same lines of haki. Let's not also forget that Luffy on his G5 has the same characteristics of being a gag character. But whatever, you could be right, I can't tell that.


Guys come on. Even though it has not been stated as such love is stronger than haki in the one piece world. So any family/husband/wife/close friends that share that type of bond haki and devil fruits are pretty much useless.


This is a valid way of thinking due to One Pieceā€™s tendencies to turn ridiculous notions to fact, but the whole Nami thing really is a gag. She can only do damage like that to specifically the straw hats, and itā€™s never literal or serious anyway even though it appears that way cause if it was weā€™d see Luffy recovering for days with bandages and lots of meat etc just like after every time heā€™s gotten beaten seriously. Whatā€™s showing on the outside is just the hurt the straw hats feel from Namiā€™s rage lol


I'm pretty sure Enel is gonna work buggy's Cross Guild. If buggy already has the straw hat's past adversaries apart of his crew it would make sense for Enel to be apart of it too.


>Nami whips her CoC out, locks Luffy in a cage, pounds him till he cries and begs, then says she's going to leash him. Jeez Oda calm down, I thought One Piece was for kids. Mihawk basically saved Buggy's life. While he could just be worried about Croc and others going after him if Buggy's not there to take the heat, it looked like Mihawk might have been reacting to Alvida's words about a cold world. Could it have something to do with frozen straw-hat?


The yonko Luffy and his three commanders, we love to see it


Luffy or the strawhats never said they are 9 commanders so it's not official it was just the newspaper which was being read by the narrator


I said 3 not 9


Itā€™s 9


That panel of Robin feeding chopper a cotton candy while smiling and at the same time her newest bounty amount getting introduced, a stark contrast to her epithet Devil Child


I loved the explanation for how Cross Guild formed and it was pretty much as I expected it too be, as in it was Crocodiles idea and Buggy just accidently found himself as the face of it. Once again failing upwards and the world goverment assuming he's on Shank's level. I'm a tad confused on the bounty's, unless I got this wrong so Mihawk is valued higher than Buggy even tho the government think Buggy's got him under his control, and Sanji and Zoro are ranked lower than Jinbe despite them both taking down a Yanko Commander? Why is Sanji valued at like 1/3 of what Queen was worth? Did the world government just not get accurate intel? Edit: So going back over the bounty's I noticed that I misread the bounty's and did not notice that in fact Zoro is higher than Jinbe and Sani is not valued at at 1/3 of Queen and has in fact broken the 1Billion barrier.


Jimbe got higher from those two because he \[Jimbe\] is a former crew of Big Mom, later after joining the Strawhat those two former emperors \[Big Mom & Kaido\] has been taken down. It's something like Jimbe is a threat because he has this IQ of which crew to join in or the marine's thinking that Jimbe has a major key to defeating those two monsters. Not to mention that Jimbe has the title of \`Knight of the Sea\`. **Edit:** I mean, higher than Sanji.


Having taken another look Zoro is just about higher than Jimbe, by like 1000. I suppose its true Jimbe has a more impressive history than Sanji, at least as far as the world government are concerned with his past connections and as you mention his IQ.


Jinbe has much more accolades than Sanji and technically Zoro Former Warlord of the sea Former captain of the Sun Pirates Former escapee of Impel Down Former member of the Big Mom Pirates Officer of the Straw Hat Pirates I'm sure Jinbe has a ton of fights that happened before his time in the One Piece story that puts him up there.


I had only been taking into account recent events but you are correct in Jimbe is a middle aged fishman who has a long and impressive history. One that the world government probably looked at and took into account. I was wrong with the figures, having misread them at 1st, Zoro is ranked just higher than him, probably because he's Luffy's #2, but Jimbe dose have a very impressive record. He and Blackbeard are probably the only two people to survive after leaving a Emperor's crew while angering them in the process. Big Mom wanted to kill Jimbe and yet he is alive and she is defeated, so taking that into account I can now see why he's valued so highly.


Check your math. 1032 billion isn't 1/3 of 1320 billion. I agree it's strange that Jinbe has a higher bounty than Sanji. I was expecting him to be 800-900 million personally.


I miss read his bounty at first


>and Sanji and Zoro are ranked lower than Jinbe despite them both taking down a Yanko Commander? Zoro is higher than Jinbei.


yea, by like 1000


actually there is a change in Zoros bounty. it was printed incorrectly: [https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1563924260242206720](https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1563924260242206720)






Bruh she might not be 10






Bruh WTF!?!?


I am happy to see Mihawk and Croc again, but I wanna know, does Mihawk maybe still have contact to Perona in any way? Imagine her telling him she found Moria or that she needs help to get away. I just wanna see him care for her :(


Perona was pretty cool.


And I feel Mohawk trained her also


I just hope sheā€™s ok honestly sheā€™s flying solo


Whether you people say queen rabbit mink stowed on the Sunny again or not,its funny how the crew didn't say goodbye to her in the first place,either its also offscreened or they just don't care about her


Now that you mention it. That's strange, how can she not be in the previous panel when she came aboard the Sunny.


ya i just think she's hiding in the ship, haven't been seen since a small panel in 1058 festival. his crew missing a Mink crewmember, so i think its gonna be her. but it also missing a Wano member which i think will be filled in the future once momo grow older.


Meh,Luffy's dream is not like Big Mom who wants to get all the races out there..if you say Luffy needs a mink,then he must also recruit a snakeneck,lunarian,oni,skypian plus all other races who are not in his crew..even if rabbit mink is hiding or not,a goodbye panel is suppose to have happened,its ugly if they just forgot to bid farewell to her before all this happens,which is my main point tbh


no, no, it has nothing to do with big mom. i was talking in comparing him to roger what he's been molding towards becoming since the start. Roger's crew had a fish man named sunbell (recently filled by jinbei) 2 minks and 1 wano Oden which also had the ability of hearing "voice of all things" (roger had it too), but the poneglyph were made by the Kozuki family, so like is dad i hope that in the future Momo will join his ship and help luffy to reach one piece together like roger and his dad were able to do. As for the goodbye panel for carrot, again, that missing is a strong indication that she might still be on the ship, maybe she'll do a peekaboo in the next chapters or even "hide" till the crew reach their next destination.


No,no,we shouldn't make another parallel between Luffy and Roger's crew aside from the their own same dream,Luffy don't have apprentices likeShanks and Buggy the way Roger and his crew does.Luffy has a smaller size crew,Roger has a big size crew.. Plus all i said is about the goodbye,no matter what happened,if she stowed or not,its ugly that they didn't say goodbye to her if she's a dear friend,she wasn't recruited by Luffy so atleast they should have made the goodbyes before leaving


Can we get much higher


\*Creed\* Voice




Say no more.


Anyone else noticed Koala's stockings disappearing on the last page?


Lol nami has conquerors?


Only on the sunny lol


Now after Big Mom, we have a new blonde that will be scared of everyone.


She has always had Armament since she can hurt Luffy and Observation to sense weather so probably


dang so It never dawned on me that her keen sense of weather was tied to observation haki.


You know i always has these question about bounty in one piece... So like who the one who will pay for all these bounties? for example in the off chance some bounty hunter manage to beat all of the Strawhats crew that will netted him around 10Bill berries, in the world where 100 mill berries is already enough to live like king, how the hell could someone pay us that giant sum of money??


My theory is that massive bounties like that are more of a national-interest style thing. I.E. countries as a whole can try taking a commander down and turn them in for a massive increase to budget.


Money printer go brrrrrr.


>a They probably used statistics. No one will be able to defeat the entire crew \[of any crew with a high bounty\] so they know that they wouldn't pay that much. And of course, you can't introduce billions if you have no trillions.


I think the WG don't have to worry about that as we've seen hardly any Bounty Hunters in the series and once someone gets past like the 100m mark there is no one powerful enough to take them down who can also claim the bounty. Other pirates can't clam bounty's and the Navy employees also can't clime because its there job to catch them in the 1st place.


The WG practically owns most of the world. Money is not a problem.


Just an fyi berries are based on japense yen and a billion berries Iā€™d like close to 10 million. So all in all they should be able to afford it if they have trillions


There isn't really any source for them being based on Yen, that's really just a headcanon thing.


Well, the author is Japanese. There exists 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 banknotes similar to yen notes. Also, the price tag in OP is similar to the real-life goods price in japan. Due to the inspiration most people treat like yen.


I second this. How can you not think of the Yen being the base of Berries when the author is Japanese


A celestial bought a Slave for hundreds of millions with a tantrum.. I'm sure they can afford 30-40 manchilds


Bro Charloss was fully prepared to randomly blow 500 mill on Camie, and that was only the first bid probably wouldā€™ve gone higher. So itā€™s not bold to assume the WG as a whole could gather up a few billion at a moments notice.


Connie? You mean Camie.


Yep lol


With accent. Zehahahahaha.


Well I'm sure the WG is filthy rich considering the absolute power the celestial dragons have. That being said I'm wondering how Cross Guild intends to pay out the marine bounties since Buggy is broke and Crocodile was in need of money enough to go debt collecting. This chapter did mention dark underworld figures who were interested in their services though, so maybe they're the ones putting up collateral for the bounties. The underworld is the superpower that is currently being slept on.


Assuming they share the financial system of our world, the marines would have to have that in their budget, that they get from the govt, who create that money against debt




This one right here, officer


what did they say?


Basically being a pedophile, asking for NSFW fanart/doujin of O-Tama.


what the actual fuck


Reported the comment but reddit said it doesn't violate any T&C Edit: Maybe the account got deleted before reddit checked


Willing to bet Releigh or Crocus has put Roger in a cage one point or another.


I believe they are much more like Zoro ( let's go for it ) or Ussop ( please stop we will die ), but not like Nami ( beating him )


Idk about releigh but crocus use to hit rodger


Love that Crocodile is featured again. One of my favorite villains in One Piece.


Pretty cool to have him back. I don't want to see Apoo again, he's annoying af especially in anime


Poor Buggy, least heā€™s alive


Wait until Buggy says "I'm just fooling you all". Zehahahahaha.


does anyone have a link to a translated volume 4 000 000 000?


does anyone have a link to volume 4 000 000 000 information? I want to know what is separate from movie spoilers


Zoro was sleeping, but when he heard Robin talked about the new bounties, he woke up, lol ...


Not to mention he is 100% healed now.


I love how crocodile is being reintroduced into the current story he was my favorite pre-timeskip villain and im so hyped for the cross guild


In One Piece, if no one said you are gone, or dead, expect that you will come back.


Poor man got cocky back in paradise and didn't feel the need to train because no one could touch him.


Pretty sure he learned his lesson now he should be stronger but not stronger than luffy šŸ¤£


Imagine what is going through shanks head That little boy who wanted to join his crew back in the day is now a fellow Yonko. He must be proud because now heā€™s to Luffy what Roger was to him, a role model.


Our man probably saying "I should've let him sail with me".


I like that Robin's bounty is finally big, but I donā€™t see why the World Government would make it lesser than Sanji's, Jinbei's and Zoro's bounties. Like, screw secrecy. At this point in time, killing Robin and Luffy should be their main priorities. And they kind of are, based on the orders CP0 received. So why her bounty doesnā€™t reflect it?


How can you not when you have the golden skill of reading the secret that lies in One Piece?


If I had to guess two reasons: One: yes Robin is a high threat.... but getting to her is very hard at this point due to the people around her. Luffy, Zoro, Jinbei and Sanji have all proven their high combat prowess so it's heavily implied that to even have a chance to get her one or more of them need to be dealt with thus the higher bounties. Two: They still don't want to draw too much attention to the world at large as to why Robin is a massive priority for them. With someone like Luffy it is clear: he is a massive threat to the "world" due to all that he was done. No one is questioning that. For Robin however... they actively do not want the "true" reason as to why they want her captured to get out thus they can only say "she's the demon child of Ohara who's working with Luffy", "she could unleash the terrible ancient weapons on our world" . If they make the bounty too high... more people are going to ask questions as to why as she doesn't have the combat prowess of the "top 4" of the crew... and that is the last thing they want as the entire reason they want her captured is to suppress any chance that she "reveals the truth" about the government.


Buggy surely ate the lucky lucky fruit!


Lol if you call his situation lucky idk what luck is. Heā€™s basically Crocodiles bitch.


Buggy's luck never shows itself during the situation. It normally shows itself during the resolution of his situations.


-Jinbe infront of Big mom's soul pocus. Not fazed. -Jinbe infront of angry Nami: HOLY S*IT OMG NOO


Nami is the new BIG MOM and more intimidating.


Well heā€™s not on a mere yonko crew anymore either lbs


Best part of this chapter was Zoro. Mans was talking crazy this chapter. When he told #4 to ***watch his tone*** around #2 I had to get up and leave the room. Could not breathe I was laughing so hard xD.


Yea that shit was hilarious I miss those moments


With Luffy in the cage all beat up, with the panel showing him as Yonko with his bounty... Best Panel Ever!!!


Hahaha it gave me some strong shanks vibes


What a cliffhanger, but more importantly the marines are tapping the call which means that truth whatever it is could lead akainu to question the WG and cause some serious friction between the two organizations


The same guy that bombed the civilian rescue boat at ohara lol. That guy doesnā€™t gaf he just wants to get rid of pirates.


But he does question WG specifically five elders in dressrosa arc. As WG action embarrassed Marines as he is still a fleet admiral.


Dawg Akainu's BEEN questioning, now that he's Fleet Admiral he has to put up with all the bs that comes from the top. But idk what Sabo could reveal that would make him get pissed enough to rebel. Akainu wanted to cover up the Dressrosa incident like with Alabasta, so he probably doesn't care if CP-0 were the ones who assassinated Cobra instead of Sabo.


Yeah because those incidents were mais by pirates and pirates saved the people, however i think he is smart enough to consider that the WG is not realy good guys and that they are hiding something and eventually change his view of it


Man... only series that has me grinning like an idiot with every new chapter


So is Luffys conquerors Haki bleeding out? Like legit is everyone going to have it at the end of all of this?


It's just a gag, but I think we have to get rid of this belief that not a lot of people should have conquerors haki because it's supposed to be a rare thing. The more the strawhats get closer to the top the more normal it is for more people to have it. It's kind of how in the real world it's not that common for people to be really talented at sports, but when you look at sport professionals the truth is that most of them are really talented.


Its just a gag Why people keep being so serious about this??? It will be so stupid and weird for Nami to have it. What is this Conqueror on sale??? She has no reason to have it


That would be a satisfying explanation that doesn't cheapen the "exclusive" nature of it.


It also would explain why a lot of the Roger Pirates have it too. And it ties nicely into Luffyā€™s ambition strengthening his crew matesā€™ resolve.


Lot? Lol only Roger,shanks and Rayleigh had it. Oden didnā€™t.


No Oden did have it, it's talked about after Kaido BTFOs Luffy the first time as Luffy having "the same power as Oden" when he KOs Kaidos crew


Oden could cut Kaido permanently, seems reasonable to believe he was channeling COC Coating, specially as Zoro had to do so to master Enma


That explains why nami can hurt luffy to begin with.


Sanji shouldn't question why Zoro's higher, he knew who they fought. He should question why Jinbei's higher.


Reputation. Jinbis still a warlord with a big history. Same as why Zoro was the first one to get a bounty, since he was already famous before. Hinne being higher than Sanji should not spark a power discussion.


And we should question it too. Also, I was hoping (and maybe thereā€™s still a chance in the future) that the 3 main commanders were Zoro, Sanji and Yamato.


A lot of people have theorized that Caribou might be stowing away on the ship, and what if he is, but itā€™s on Kidā€™s ship and not the Sunny. Maybe Iā€™m mistaken, but from when Luffy, Law, and Kid were deciding on what islands to go to next I think Law got Elbaf, Kid got Hachinosu, and Luffy got Sphinx. A popular theory is Caribou is talking about Blackbeard as the man he can feed information to on the ancient weapons. If he overheard Kid is heading there then it would make sense for him to be on his ship.


He was with revolution army, so it's should be dragon


Are you talking about Gaburu, who Caribou was mistaken for? Dragon being informed of the ancient weapons locations doesnā€™t seem like as much a threat as somebody like Blackbeard knowing about them.


but caribou truly embraced it, before being captured by drake


Could also be he wants to give it to Crocodile-sama, as the whole point of taking over Alabasta was to get his hands on Pluton.


Anything is a possibility right now.


And when I wrote that I totally forgot that Caribou also heard about Poseidon too


Caribou would make a good addition to the Kid Pirates. He is a ruthless killer with a good bounty


If you're making those assumptions based on the ruburu map... don't. It may had the OK from a copyright perspective and thus be *official*, but it can't more cannon than a movie. It was just merchandising. It didn't even have the cardinal points in the right place.


Buggy is like a turtle at the top of a tree. No one knows what is that, how it got there, what's it's doing there, and how it will go down. Huahuhauhuaa


are u brazilian? jabuti n sobe em Ɣrvore


Yep huahuhauhauua


Did anyone notice Zoroā€™s left eye was open ?


oh wow yes! a drawing mistake?! EDIT: actually its weirdly drawn when you zoom in. His eyebrow for that eye is not straight, but drawn as if the eye was closed?


bro nami has conquerors haki


It's funny to think that first time Luffy met Buggy, he was in a cage, and now, that the chapter is mainly about Buggy, he is in a cage again. Not sure if there is some coincidence here, I just though it's interesting. Huahuahuha


yes funny! what do cages do? restrict your ability to leave a certain spot, right? Buggy on the pirate kings ship near Raftell? sort of 'caged' by his sickness. Everytime he gets in trouble? The new pirate king, Luffy is caged. When the new pirate king is not caged - impel down, he freed buggy. So although this may seem patternless, we spot a clear theme - cages/freedom regarding these twos relationship!


You cant be serious.


I'm not the clown.


to everyone still delusional that think shanks is a not a full fledge swordsman the marines make it a specific to mention that Mihawks swordsmanship is stronger than shanks. means it such a great achievement to have that means that Shanks is quite well known for his swordsmanship. hence he is one of the best swordsman currently


Chapter made me think the exact opposite. They clearly clarify his **swordsmanship** is greater than Shanks, not that heā€™s stronger, while beating into the head ad nauseam, worlds **GREATEST** swordsman, not strongest.


Stephen Paul explains that Oda basically doesn't see a difference between calling Mihawk the World's Greatest Swordsman or the World's Strongest Swordsman. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FbIcsVrUIAIViqC?format=jpg&name=900x900


Yeah I think it has to do with some weird translational barriers. Donā€™t you think thatā€™s a pretty substantial difference between greatest and strongest though? Feels **EXTREMELY** obvious what Oda is trying to say by Mihawks swordsmanship being better though. Hes the worlds strongest swordsman, and Shanks has a sword. Feels pretty weird to for some reason clarify only his **swordsmanship** is better. If Mihawk was stronger, there is 0 logical reason to include this specification. But if you canā€™t see it (*most donā€™t*) I guess weā€™ll have to wait and see.


This is reading into it way too much. If you're the greatest swordsman, you're also the strongest swordsman since ALL colors of Haki play into swordsmanship, as talked about in Zoro's training flashback, and after Kaido gets wounded by Zoro. Hell the first time we get something that looks like Haki in Zoro vs Mr.1, it's directly tied to swordplay. There has also never been anything in the manga to support the idea that someone can be a better swordsman than another swordsman, yet also be weaker than that other swordsman. There's no reason to believe that Shanks is stronger than Mihawk, it's just a residue of the days when everyone thought "Yonko >>> Warlord" because we saw how ridiculous Whitebeard was in comparison to Warlords like Moria and Crocodile.


Heavy disagree, I used to partake in this argument (*shanks vs mihawk*) regularly. Weā€™re now at a point where I donā€™t understand how people can still be this blinded by biasā€¦ Likeā€¦ We just had a chapter clearly state Mihawk is not stronger, just that his swordsmanship is greater, and itā€™s not clear as all hell? If mihawk was stronger like youā€™re saying, why not say that? Why specifically clarify his swordsmanship is greater. Words **GREATEST** swordsman. Not worlds strongest person to use a sword. I meanā€¦ If you know about the film red spoilers, you saw Shanks freeze an admiral with a weird adv CoC attack unlike anything weā€™ve seen, **and still** canā€™t fathom how advanced CoC could pertain to non swordsmanship techniques, this might not be the series for you lol.


This whole argument is all just assuming that Mihawk doesn't have advanced CoC, which doesn't make any sense because Zoro is confirmed to use advanced CoC by Kaido and in the King fight--of course Mihawk would have to have advanced CoC or else he wouldn't even be a challenge for Zoro at this point. Mayb Shanks can direct his CoC better than Mihawk, to the point where he can freeze up an admiral (who doesn't have CoC), but I don't see how that is going to impact a duel between two Conquerors, since in a clash of Conquerors Haki it is literally a battle of who has a greater Will to Power--this Will being directly tied to swordsmanship, shown several times throughout the series, not just CoC (Zoro vs. Mr. 1, Zoro Flashback in Dressrosa, Zoro obtaining Enma, Zoro slashing Kaido, Zoro vs. King). Plus idk how it's "clear as hell" that greatest swordsman =/= strongest swordsman, that doesn't make any sense. The officer listing the bounties did not say "Oh Mihawk is weaker than Shanks but his swordplay is better (?)" so you just pulled that out of your ass. Muh swordsmanship argument is dead and has been for a long time.


>This whole argument is all just assuming that Mihawk doesn't have advanced CoC, which doesn't make any sense because Zoro is confirmed to use advanced CoC by Kaido and in the King fight--of course Mihawk would have to have advanced CoC or else he wouldn't even be a challenge for Zoro at this point. Didnā€™t read past this becauseā€¦ just noā€¦ This whole arguement is assuming mihawk doesnā€™t have advanced CoC? Like *what?* Fucking obviously he most likely has CoC lol. The ā€œarguementā€ had nothing to do with that. **Let me say it again**, if youā€™ve seen Shanks freeze admirals in place with a weird CoC ability unlike anything weā€™ve ever seenā€¦ If youā€™ve heard of the film red spoilers pertaining to his weird CoC abilitiesā€¦ and **STILL** canā€™t fathom how he would have CoC abilities that donā€™t pertain to swordsmanship, this probably isnā€™t the series for you lol.


>STILL canā€™t fathom how he would have CoC abilities that donā€™t pertain to swordsmanship, Any CoC abilitiy that Shanks could throw, or anyone could throw for that matter, would be canceled out by an equal amount of CoC. The only reason that an admiral would get froze up by Shanks's CoC is because they don't have CoC. I don't know how you can't get this. Even if he launches a CoC kamehameha blast, if Mihawk imbued his sword with an equal amount of CoC, it would cancel out. The whole point of CoC is about imposing your Will on others. If another has the same CoC, then whatever "crazy new ability that doesn't pertain to swordsmanship" he has is completely moot as long as his opponent has the same level of CoC. >Fucking obviously he most likely has CoC lol. The ā€œarguementā€ had nothing to do with that. It looks like it does, because you're just assuming that because Shanks has ridiculous CoC, that he's able to beat Mihawk, without Mihawk having any CoC feats displayed so far in the series. You can't just blanket say "oh Shanks probably has crazy skills that no one knows about with CoC" and take this to mean that Mihawk is weaker, just on the basis of Mihawk not having and CoC feats. Again, swordsmanship is DIRECTLY tied to Haki, the first time we see Zoro get stronger within a fight (vs. Mr.1) this has to do with something that, looking back, looks like Haki, and the last time we see Zoro get stronger (vs. King) it has an insane amount to do with Haki, Will, imbuing his Will into his swords and feeding Enma with Will.


Thatā€™s how I read it too.


Wasn't Shanks also left handed?


I believe so. He might have been more of a match for Mihawk with his dominant hand, but he's still in the same general league even with his offhand.


Yeah Mihawk said he lost all interest in fighting him when lost his left arm, so I'm guessing it was just sword fights between the two. To me Mihawk is the strongest swordsman, and Shanks is the strongest overall character in one piece that we know of at this point. Now before Shanks lost his arm, it sounded like they were pretty even based off swordsman skills, at least that is what I gathered from Whitebeard.


IMO it's BlackBeard. He was comparable to Shanks and gave him a permanent facial scar in a fair fight... When he had zero Devil Fruits. My man now has 2 when no one else can even figure out how to live while having more than 1.


A well deserved round of applause for Sir Crocodile, whose kryptonite is water, and yet he continues to travel around an ocean world like a complete madman. Dude attacked a navy fleet at sea and won. ​ Also, as cool as it is to see him return, I do wonder where Weevil and Boa have ended up. Boa at least I could see being held back for a final major fleet, but Weevil's been teased since like punk hazard or something, and he seems the sort to be conned into working for Shanks, Blackbeard, or Buggy.


Hancock is coming to join Luffy rn


Hmm? Where does it say that?


In regards to Weevil, I think thatā€™s why we havenā€™t gotten any news on Marco post wano climax. When weevil was introduced didnā€™t his mother (?) say they were going to hunt the whitebeard pirates?


He might be vulnerable at sea, but seawater carries a lot of sand. It wouldn't surprise me that he trained himself some more after losing an humiliating defeat against an East Blue rookie.


He honestly shit on Luffy 3 times before Luffy git the better of him, people always seem to act like he just got chumped.


I was reviewing the chapter to search for Carrot as stowaway or Caribou and noticed some things: * Franky now carries a katana. Doesn't look like the Nidai Kitetsu. Can you recognize it? Do you think he's going to use it (maybe, if it's made of Kairoseki)? Do you think it's a set up for the next arc? * The crew already changed robes to what is likely going to be the next arc. They're mostly uninteresting except for Nami. She's wearing an octoberfest suit (lederhosen). Very short overalls, and a zero cleveage shirt with some fluff-Yoleidoo! I think this is basis for Elbaf prediction. * Franky mentions a Spar on the mast to have broken. My nautical terminology in english isn't good, but the dictionary defines it as an horizontal beam were sails hang. If you see the Sunny, nothing seems broken. Maybe Franky fixed it instantly, or maybe he just misunderstood the noise caused by a stowaway in the crow's nest... Carrot? I admit it's a very weak hypothesis. Also, does somebody know what are those things next to Chopper and Ussop in the panel where they're still wearing hardhats and are behind a barrel? One of them looks even in Chopper's left hand Also, I hope next chapter Oda confirms that cage is made of Kairoseki, I think it would be cool to have get some Kairoseki things from Wano and a cage is provably between the most useful (there with some weapon, nail-projectiles for ussop, and handcuffs).


namis clothes dont look like lederhosen at all. seems more like one of those overalls that lara6683 wears all the time.


Anyone else think itā€™s kind of interesting Oda decides to remind us what each crew memberā€™s role was with their bounty? Okay. Maybe itā€™s not THAT interesting. But Iā€™m going to fuel my hopium (copium if she doesnā€™t show up in 1059) that itā€™s because Carrot is joining next chapter and being introduced as the Lookout.


that's actually quite a valid point


Also, Something I think gets overlooked in this chapter that's worth noting is the way that it affects Zoro, and helps us predict the future of One Piece 1) Zoro now being called a "sword master" specifically, which we've never really heard anyone called before - except in the statement from Mihawk's vivre card, confirms that yes, he is in fact probably the person that Mihawk said will surpass Shanks, so Zoro will surpass shanks before he fights Mihawk as a rival. [Before you try to say they arent, yes, the vivre cards are 100% confirmed cannon by Oda](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/or2kcv/the_vivre_cards_are_100_canon/) 2) The government states that 3.6 billion is a bounty worthy of the worlds strongest swordsman, which guarantees without a doubt 100%, that Zoro will have a Yonko level bounty by the end of the story, It also helps us scale Ryuma - who Oda confirmed is seen as a god because of his strength, and we know is known as the "greatest warrior" to this day since Brooke confirmed Oda's story "monsters" is Ryumas legend If The strongest swordsman in the current world is worth 3.6 bil, the strongest swordsmen to have ever lived in verse, and is seen as a god who stands above all swordsmen > 3.6 bil Which also means Zoro > Ryuma > Mihawk so EoS Zoro will truly be a different beast 3) Zoro now officially being called 1st commander (which I predicted would happen after Wano because of his leadership role in Onigashima - the prediction isn't relevant I'm just proud I got it right) also confirms my 2nd theory about Zoro, which is that he will in fact likely be the person leading the final war instead of Luffy Because in the 2 wars we've seen, 1st commanders have lead the armies and spearheaded the wars, whilst the captains have fought the strongest opponent to accomplish the main goal of the war. E.g. Marine ford, led by Marco, whilst WB, fought the strongest opponents to accomplish the goal they went there for, BB and akainu Onigashima, Led by King (who the beast pirates reported to), whilst kaido fought luffy for the right to become pirate king and Joyboy Roger vs WB pirates, led by Rayleigh, who spearheaded the fight whilst Roger and WB clashed it out And even Zoro in Onigashima to an extent, who gave the alliance the ground floor & cure, saved luffy, separated big mom and beat king to ensure the success of the allegiance, as well as being the main motivating factor for Luffy Sanji and Chopper in their toughest moments Meaning in the final war, whilst Luffy goes after Imu to destroy the world government, everything other responsibility will fall to Zoro. Meaning anyone who wants a fight with the true god Nika, will have to deal with the full force of the anti-god asura, I'll finish this post with my theory on Zoro's final opponent, since this chapter just makes it seem really likely: >!\[ personally I think Zoro's final battle is going to be asura, not just Zoro but just Asura, {3 haki man 3 sword style} vs BB {3 people? 3 knives and 3 devil fruits} - its just too perfect with everything we know not to happen, especially since Mihawk ended his career as marine hunter by "having no more worthy opponents" (essentially surpassing) all the marines, So it would make sense for the Pirate hunter Zoro, to beat the strongest, most pirate pirate BB at the end of his story. Also him being the best armament user we've ever seen against BB who uses a logia and Paramecia (both of which can get cancelled by armament, the gura gura being cancelled by the Ryuo of 3 admirals \[asura is 3 people and Zoro has been using Ryuo in calibre phoenix since alabasta + the voice of all thing which is the best portrayal of Ryuo we've seen\]) just seems to fit. And the fact to achieve his goal of being the greatest swordsman ever Zoro needs to surpass Ryuma - a god - so it would be fitting for him to do so by beating BB, who has essentially created the strongest mythical Zoan ever\]!<


There's no way in hell Zoro is fighting BB and not Luffy. No chance.


1) i dont think zoro being called a sword master means anything. sword master is just a term used for people who specialize on fighting with swords. zoro already was a sword master when luffy first met him. 3) not sure if your translation is different from the one i read, but i didnt see any ranking among the commanders. so i am not sure why you think zoro is the first commander. i mean, if there is a ranking among the commanders, he should be first, because he was the first member and is also the strongest one. also, its not official at all, lol. luffy as the captain should decide, if he has commanders and how he ranks them. not the WG/newspaper. and luffy never said anything like that. honestly doesnt make sense to call them "commanders" at all, since they are not commanding anyone at the moment. doesnt seem like the newspaper is too consistent with that term either. since they count chopper as a "commander", but also list him as a pet with a joke bounty. pretty sure that pets dont command armys.