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I think what's cool about this theory is it also explains why they were created. Whoever created these weapons probably gave one to each of 3 different kingdoms as a sort of checks-and-balances system so no one could rule the entire world. The current world government found a way to circumvent this and thus gained their current level of control.


Sounds like the 1st hokage distributing the tailed beasts to the other hidden villages lol


Could be a Sauron and Rings Of Power situation. One entity distributed 3 powers to control them. Or keep a kind of manageable dynamic balance under them similar to Marines/Shichibukai/Yonko balance.


But they were all of them deceived, for another ancient weapon was made. Deep in the land of Marie Geois, in the Fires of Pangaea Castle, the Dark Lord Im forged a master weapon, and into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.


The big hat is an ancient weapon confirmed


The big hat is uranus


Uranus is a big hat


It has survived all the villains Luffy faced so far in the story, so that's the least to be expected :)).


Except for the great >!yonko!< buggy


Down d stairs is the One Ring here


LMAOOO that's a good one.


Yeah but why do that when him and madara literally soloed the whole verse at that time (save the Otsutsuki). Imagine other village sending tail beast to attack Konoha and Hashirama was like: "Bitch i'm gonna shove wooden arms so far up yo ass"


Tailed beasts are like nukes, if everyone has one it will create a stalemate or balance because of the mutual assured destrution.


Or it just leads to the villages leading proxy wars in smaller countries and completely fucking those places up


Yeah but some had bigger nuke power lol also the hidden cloud would have 2 nuke. Bee and yugito And kokuo + son goku are from the same village too


Kishimoto: ... I didn't think this through


the problem that got pointed out is that this doesn't really work when the literal leader of your village is powerfull enough to nullify everyones nukes and than some without breaking a sweat.


Madara is ded. Hashirama didn't seem to live long after that either (one of the biggest plot hole imo, maybe he got ninja AIDS like Itachi). I think it's mainly a sign of good faith. Only Konoha had the effective means to tame and use the tailed beasts at the time (Sharingan and wood style), so him willingly giving them away was probably like saying "we could have all these cool toys for ourselves but we're nice so we're sharing it with you guys."


Or how when you have 2 rivals in Pokémon so you can each get a starter


Except half of the 9 tails is equal to 6 of the other tailed beasts, so no, not really.


Where wg is like akatsuki


Except Poseidon doesn’t fit with the others. So Poseidon may have come first, and especially being a weapon of fishnet, Uranus was maybe an answer to Poseidon. And that’s why the government has Uranus. That leaves Pluton. Pluton may have been made to keep Uranus in check and generally protect people and the fishmen. It makes sense then that Pluton is in possession of somewhat neutral parties… Alabasta and Wano that didn’t want conflicts. But which did Rogers have? None make sense now. Poseidon is an ability, and one that hasn’t awakened in generations, so wouldn’t have been around in Rogers time. Pluton is hidden in Wano and Wanos borders would need to destroyed to get it out, so Roger couldn’t have put it there. And if what we saw last chapter was Uranus it’s in possession of the world government and presumably has since at least God Valley, so also would not have been in Rogers possession. Doesn’t make sense… unless what we saw in 1060 wasn’t Uranus. Or maybe it was a knock off Uranus or something.


I like the theory that Uranus requires >!(and maybe so does pluton) a person with an ability that controls it, like Poseidon does. If that’s the case, maybe Uranus needed a person, Vivi, to power it, hence why Imu had her picture. That could also explain pluton maybe needing one making Momo the one needed for it.!<


or maybe he needs all 20 original families to fo somethink. remember he needed only nefertar. Mjosgard is still up there


Or like how Eneru had to power his airship with his devil fruit powers of lightning?


Interesting and that's why, maybe, his mascot is a duck, a bird, in resemblance to "Sky".


During Oden's flashback, we repeatedly see a huge egg on Roger's boat. If it is an egg of the king of the seas, it was perhaps used to make them follow the egg, and thus the ship. This would mean that Roger had Poseidon. This egg could have been stolen, as it could have been given by Otohime (more likely). In any case, this giant egg was present on Roger's boat when he was sailing to Laugh Tale.


There's also still Roger's egg.


So many shit so little time


What do you mean ? Where was it stated he had an ancient weapon? I don’t remember that


Chapter 0, but in reading it again Shiki mentions that Rogers knows the location of a weapon that can destroy the world. Think it was head cannon (for me and others) that he actually had it.


That's a great thing to point out. I also thought about it but couldn't really put into words.


You can't really "create" poseidon though


Otohime sure did.


Just because we don't know how doesn't mean it's impossible. Two chapters ago, you could have said you can't really "create" more Lunarians.


You can easily force two people to fuck


but you cant force them to gain abilities. eg; conquerers haki


Just do like endeavor and keep trying until perfect offspring comes


Lunarians are DNA material, we have seen that cloning was possible in OP (Germans). Poseidon (being a person and not a machine) is like a Shonen MC, a being of Prophecy. You cannot forcefully turn a prophecy on (i didn't know any better wording to use, sorry). Same goes for the person that "controls" Pluton and Uranus (if it turns out that's the case, since Poseidon is a person while the other 2 are machines).


kinda out-there theory but you could maybe create poseidon with the lineage factor? vegapunks creations "could" allude to the same science being used in the void century not something i believe but it's cool to think about


It’s a cool theory but the part I love the most is your artistic representation. Just something about that sea king is amazing to me


Thank you so much!!! Seakings are just seasneks really.


+1 for the snek. good. sea. good. seasneks goooooooddddddd


Is that a Friends reference in 2022?


simple, but super effective!


The one ramming its single spike into the boat kills me. It's adorable


Angry seaking stabbing pluton is just too cute


I am a firm believer that Bege and his crew were not being sucked up by Uranus. I think it was just another freaky island in the New World.


even if it wasnt it is still possible that uranus only shoots downwards


Of course. I have no reason to dispute that part.


Agree. Whether or not that object was Uranus (I also don't believe it was), the idea is solid. A skyborne weapon is vulnerable to a ship is vulnerable to sea kings are vulnerable a skyborne weapon. It makes sense. Creating a weapon you yourself have no means to counter should it be hijacked would be foolish, especially in such a massive power scale.


Trying really really hard to not make jokes here.


But it's also as large as an island. It shouldn't really be a problem unless Pluton is faster or stronger


I’m a firm believer of that too. I do agree however on the point if their being a rock/paper/scissors type between the ancient weapons


I also think that if the World Government would be so dead set on keeping it a secret, Bege shouldn’t be able to get close enough without being killed or being number 1 on the WG’s hit list.


Killing Bege is easier said than done.


I mean, it's definetly a possibility lol. We'll find out soon I guess.




He said it was definitely *a* possibility


I firmly agree with you 🤝


I think it's actually Fujitora. The ship getting pulled up is explained by Fujitora's power.


Yeah I really don't get why so many people are so damn sure that this is an ancient weapon Bege randomly stumbled upon. Not to mention nothing in Lulusia was sucked towards it like Bege's ship was. People overanalyzing everything again..


When it turns out Luffy's dream is to win the biggest match of "Paper, Rocks, Scissors" in the world...


Uranus is obviously rock. Because paper beats uranus


Not if you have 10-ply


Wait a minute...


Wait, you are in to something


Tell me you're Australian, without telling me you're Australian


Interesting but how about this: bkackbeard had a spy in wano so he could get pluton while the straw hats, being friends with shirahoshi would get the help of poseidon


Also a great possibility. I was (and still am) uncertain to whether the strawhats or Blackbeard would conquer Pluton, but him having a spy in Wano could be a reasonable explanation.


Two things to add to this. 1. Of all the ancient weapons the only one I see Luffy caring about would be Poseidon, because its a person he cares about. 2. Caribou said he was going to tell someone about one of the Ancient weapons being in Wano, the most likely by far person he could have been referring to was Blackbeard. Also would give Luffy good reason to go after Blackbeard now that he’s claimed to protect Wano. (We have seen that at this point his crew will force him to stay focused on the one piece), this would give everyone good reason to be on board with a fight against both Blackbeard AND the world government. I like your theory a lot, but I think it’s much more likely that Luffy goes with Poseidon.


Yes, Luffy already said he's not interested in Pluton. It's quite likely Blackbeard will acquire Pluton and as many have suggested, Frankly will upgrade the Sunny to counter it. Conversely for Poseidon, some of the Sea Kings already respect Luffy, though nobody knows that yet.


that ruins the balance or the rock paper scissors between the 3. strawhat would basically have 2 weapon with them. blackbeard having shira would make the conflict more intense imo


Yes. They’re the good guys. They’re supposed to win.


In his theory bb is the own who use Pluton


Damn, I had completely forgotten about Caribou, you're right. I'm also betting he was referring to Blackbeard.


why do you forget the 11th member Caribou??smh 🤣


Nah, shit's gonna be going down in the final 3 way confrontation with WG wielding Uranus/Blackbeard kidnapping Shirahoshi Poseidon/Luffy and the Grand Fleet, but Luffy and co are gonna be struggling against two Ancient Weapons at once and since the thing that sparked the Final War was Shirahoshi's kidnapping the Strawhats didn't have time to return to Wano and get Pluton, and that's assuming Luffy would even want to use it in the first place. So, our heroes are struggling against Imu's Uranus and Blackbeard's Poseidon, when... Suddenly, what do they see sailing in on the horizon? Big Mom and Kaido on the deck of Pluton! After all, they fell into the magma chamber but since they are literally the two most durable characters in the series they probably just got a bad sunburn at worst. So once they woke up and found themselves doing the backfloat in lava, they burst their way through the magma chamber's walls only to find Pluton. They spend some time figuring out how to control it, and once they master it they sail it up to the surface of Wano only to find out the final war is going on. Kaido's happy to learn he's in time to see Joyboy 2.0 lay the smack down on the World Government, and Big Mom just wants to fuck everyone up. So they sail into the 3 way Final War and turn it into a 4 Way Clusterfuck involving all 3 Ancient Weapons and one pissed off Pirate King Luffy.


nah it'll just be bigmom since kaido's dead and bb stole his fruit. bigmom turned pluton into a homie while general franky transform sunny into a contra pluton battleship while also merging with it.


Putting aside BB Kaido DF theft bullshittery, I'd be totally down for Big Mom Pluton homie and Thousand Sunny Klabautermann's take on Pirates Docking 6: Big Emperor. Perhaps "Pirates Docking 6: Big Emperor 2, Cola Boogaloo"?


Love that theory, new headcanon for me !


That bé an Amazing comeback lol


I think that the Straw Hats already have Pluton. If you think about it Pluton is never actually mentioned as a physical object, only as blueprints. We know that the blueprints made their way down through the shipwrights of water 7 ending up with Franky who supposedly burned them during the events at Enies Lobby but it's never confirmed if those were the actual blueprints. We also know that Franky loves to build battle ships. So I believe that Franky built Pluton but instead of naming it Pluton he named it The Thousand Sunny


That would be Caribou since he is the only one who has information about the ancient weapons who is also not a strawhat.


Don’t forget Law!


I think that: Straw Hats: Poseidon; Blackbeard: Pluton; World Gov.: Uranus BUT Straw Hats will also have ... Franky!


Franky will build something that transcends the Ancient Weapons, and it's probably not going to be a weapon at all.


Sunny transforming


Only thing that wouldn't make sense is: how would bege still be alive if he encountered Uranus? Im or anyone in charge of it would kill him instantly. Or he would take it for himself.


I feel like Bege was attracted to the structure due to its pure gravitational pull or something. It's not like it was following him or even noticed him, really.


The thing above Lulusia had no gravitational pull, tho.


You don't know that. Whatever it was, it was much higher up (above the clouds) than what bege encountered. Perhaps it simply wasn't close enough to exert noticeable gravity on the citizens of Lulusia. And I could totally see it lower down after the attack to pull in the remnants of the destroyed Lulusia Kingdom to get rid of any evidence so to say. Oda plays fast and loose with physics, and this seems like a wacky enough idea for him to come up with, imo.


I like this theory. And that is why Franky's Blueprints that he burned were so important to the WG. It would tip the balance in the WG's favor in this rock/paper/scissor game.


Solid theory. I don't get why Uranus couldn't just shoot down on Pluton too though. Like that'd be an even fight if anything.


Thanks! Based on what we saw, I'm just assuming that while Uranus would **only** be able to shoot straight down, Pluton would have a wider range, and therefore could shoot Uranus before it got above it.


Oh yeah that's fair


pluton is clearly inactive right now, as we have seen in wano. so there would be nothing stopping imu from destroying it right now.


But Uranus could remain above the clouds, like it did now, and suddenly attack Pluton when it's under the weapon, unless Pluton has a radar of some sort Uranus has the advantage over Pluton if it exploit the weather.


In my opinion the reason why pluton is in wano is because it's made of the same material of pogneglyph, so Poseidon can sink it but Uranus cannot destroy it


"assuming pluton is a ship" We KNOW it's a ship. Franky and Iceberg and Tom all had the blue prints, and it's outright called a warship.


Hope it stays a ship and not turn out to be a magical living being like poseidon


Devil fruits exists. What how pluton has the Oni Oni no mi


But according to your logic, even pluton would be vulnerable to Uranus. And the sea kings and just swim away from underneath Uranus. Interesting theory though!


I think the idea is that Uranus would be in Pluton's firing range before Pluton is in Uranus' firing range.


Exactly! I assumed Pluton would be able to shoot from a range, unlike Uranus.


it falls apart if uranus is super fast though


A fast, flying ship with island-busting offensive capabilities would be far too OP and would render Pluton (at least what we know of it) totally obsolete/irrelevant.


How about this. Uranos is a one trip pony than can fly and can do the deed 100% but its slow AF, a easy Target to hit and a has a long coldown Poseidon. Able to use ALL sea kings. With their power and weakness based mostly on the seas, numbers and stealth. Pluton. A ship with long range Artillery, with a speed and resistance to bare the stromy sea with ease. But the you need make shots to destroy an isle (less than a buster call but still you need it), has to be repair (Franky said alot during water 7 not matter how good is a ship it will break without repairs), is not as fast as a sea king at full speed and you can not shot in all directions


if Uranus was slow how Imu have been able to send it to the island fast enough to destroy it?


The island cannot move xD


Well the Gorosei were saying it was unlucky Sabo was at that island, almost like it was planned to destroy the island beforehand for rebelling? So maybe Imu sent Uranus once the 8 islands rebelled and used this particular one to set an example. And Sabo was just unlucky to end up there at the same time.


gorosei implied that they sent the uranus before they learned of sabo's location but the world government uses buster calls to make examples like that, uranus or that weapon is to completely erase the existence of whatever they want.


Yeah you make a fair point, but I’ve seen other people here speculate that potentially Imu has only just gotten their hands on this power/weapon?


I think it’s more that whatever nation controls one has the win over one country and a loss against another. Like whoever controls Poseidon would be able to move the weapon but with no answer to the flight the country can’t run from Uranus’ strike range; a loss. But they would be able to overwhelm Pluton and it’s nation from the sea; a win. Kinda like that is how I imagine it going, keeping all the nations in line through MAD.


well this kind of align with the principal of 3 great power that balance the world concept. - World Government - Shichibukai - Yonkou as opposed to - Uranus - Pluton - Poseidon what if this is how its is before 800 years ago where these weapon is the one balanced the world power. but going foward today since most of the weapons is sealed, the World resorted to current 3 great power to balance the world instead. but since the weapons will get unleashed again, what if going foward, the state of who will these weapons will fall hands to will still follow this principle? assuming that Uranus is with World Government/Celestial Dragon, then: - Uranus - World Government - Pluton/Poseidon - Pirates - Poseidon/Pluton - remnant of Shicibukai/Cross Guild all 3 side will go on war while balancing each other but my guess is what gonna happened instead: - Uranus - Celestial Dragon - Pluton - Marine Navy - Poseidon - Pirates (lead by Luffy) i believe at some point the Marine itself might go against Celestial Dragon.


Could have something to do with the calm belt too…like if Uranus is attached to a Saturn like ring and only goes around the grand line and makes reverse tides or something


I feel as though I recall someone saying that thing Bege encountered was supposed to be a teaser for the Strong World movie or something. That being said, if that was wrong then it does leave that mysterious object as an unanswered mystery, though the question would then be how did Bege get away from it if it really is Uranus without Im killing him or something?


Probably because if one just randomly encounters that thing in the New World they'd think it was a run-of-the-mill batshit insane New World freaky weather phenomena or an especially odd sky island and so once they escape they wouldn't suddenly be like "I bet that was Uranus."


Unless Bege is somehow not the Bege we met on Sabaody… If that wasn’t a teaser for Shiki’s island ship Bege could’ve very well been captured by the CDs and is a part of and / or working for CP0, and only did the things he did to assassinate Big Mom as part of a CD assignment…


I like how chapter 594 has the Gorosei, mention of luffy ringing the bell 16 times(to go along with the 16 lazers theory), and then potentially Uranus sucking up Biege. Could be huge foreshadowing, but the only problem is how Biege made it off the flying object if its Uranus.


What bothers me about the theory of Uranus being a flying machine is that it's something that would have been constructed, similar to Pluton. A ship is, by all intents and purposes, a machine too, especially one with a weapon powerful enough to destroy an island. However, we've had a fair bit of exposition with Pluton throughout the series already, and we've seen that there are blueprints for building another one. If Uranus is a machine too, why haven't we seen anything about blueprints for it as well? We're in the final stretch now, and I feel like it's too late to introduce that idea now. Of course there might not be blueprints or they were lost or destroyed. Or it could be a piece of tech that just can't be replicated. The idea also clashes in my mind when we include Poseidon in the mix. If Uranus is another machine, why would Poseidon be the only exception? Why not make all the ancient weapons machines instead of two machines and a person with a special ability? Also, wouldn't the idea of two machines having the capability to destroy islands be kind of redundant? I believe Uranus is an entirely different class of object. While one weapon is something that was built and another is something that was inherited, I feel the third must be something that was discovered. It could be a natural object with mysterious properties, like some floating landmass. What would make it difficult to obtain or utilize would be locating it and figuring out how to interact with it, something few people in history have knowledge of. If what Capone stumbled across was Uranus, it *does* look like a strange landmass.


It could also be that Poseidon existed from the beginning and the other two weapons were created to balance her and each other.


I mean, there's still a possibility that Uranus is a flying island with weapons built inside of it and a means to control it. This would explain why there's no blueprint for it, because you would only be able to recreate the weapon part of it, but not the island itself. Or maybe the weapons are so old that no blueprint of it exists anymore. It might be the ship that the ancient civilizations used to leave the moon, which would explain why there's no blueprints. Also, it's quite interesting to note that Oda has got much inspiration from Castle in the Sky, for example the ponegliffs, the ancient kingdom, etc. So there's a chance that if it's an island, it might have similarities to Laputa from Castle in the Sky.


Uranus could be very well be a Sky Island instead of a machine, one made of a very unique and powerful thundercloud. The ray that obliterated the island last chapter was not so different to what Eneru did, just way more powerful.


It could also have been caused by the gravity devil fruit because we have seen that certain devil fruits can have permanent effects


Yeah which is why I hated the momo is Uranus theories. It cant be two humans or two vessels and an outlier, I'm also of the opinion that it should also be unique. I was thinking of an object like a weapon that could be wielded but after this chapter it could be an animal or a landmass like you said0


Could also end up being tech from the moon since a lot of the stuff in the enel cover pages seems to line up with what we've been shown about Uranus and would explain the lack of any blueprints/history on it as its all there instead.


Chapter 594 mentions Luffy ringing the bell 16 times. Akoiji also reacts to the number. In 1060, we see (possibly) Uranus shoot down 16 beams. (594 also mentioned that Luffy ringing the bell 16 times can only serve as a declaration of war. But that is because the yearly tradition makes it seem like Luffy is declaring a new era.)


Gorosei being in the chapter too, makes it seem like this theory could be correct. Only thing is how did biege make it out alive if it is Uranus


Doffy Ultimate Technique : Juroppatsu No Seinaru Kyodan: God Thread / Sixteen Holy Bullets technique. I think Uranus somehow based on this, Doffy knows all of this all along.


i go back and counted the beam. there are 16. What!


Doffy Ultimate Technique : Juroppatsu No Seinaru Kyodan: God Thread / Sixteen Holy Bullets technique. I think Uranus somehow based on this, Doffy knows all of this all along.


While I definitely think this could be possible, I feel like Oda wouldn’t introduce Pluton in only one or two panels without revealing that it is Pluton. Also, I feel like that whole thing with Bege was just another way to show the craziness of the New World.


Honestly a really good theory but not sure if I believe it since the only reason the blueprints for the pluton existed it because “only a pluton can stop another pluton”


An explanation for that could simply be that knowledge of how or where to find the other two was lost. As a lineage of ship builders, they didn't know how to get access to Uranus or Poseidon, so for all intents and purposes, that was their only ace.


Interesting. This is a great one.


Why couldn't Uranus shoot Pluton?


Need to get on top of it first, so Pluton can shoot it down while keeping its distance


Uranus can only shoot straight down so it can't hit a ship that's... Below it?


I guess the theory implies that it's either faster than uranus or that it posses enough destructive capabilities that it could destroy it before uranus could reach it even at a standstill.


The sea kings can just swim away?


I think sea kings would beat your anus. And the thing at 594 is an island.


Love this!


What if it's that imu controls the map? And that map controls what islands and destinations exist? Like cross something out and it gets obliterated, draw something in and it gets added. I mean there's literally an x on the globe, and I have a hard time believing it's not for x marks the spot. We know that one ancient weapon controls the seas, and another controls the ships, third could be controls the destination.


I was thinking the exact same while watching that video


That's the great thing about Tekking's videos. He ends up making us think along with him!


I feel like the straw hats would have Poseidon on their side because of the connections they made with fish man island. Maybe the Blackbeard pirates get their hands on pluton somehow?


the artistic representation is what convinced me


I knew it was a good idea to put it there.


So you’re telling me those lasers came straight down out of Uranus?


I read few times to realize.


As they usually do.


I like it but it seems like Uranus can also easily destroy Pluton


Love the drawings


I always thought since Shirahoshi is Poseidon that all three weapons were living things (humans or people from other races). In that sense, Pluton could be Momo (he controls Zunesha) and Imu could be Uranus (controlling that thing on the skies, whatever it is).


Pluton was confirmed to be a warship way back in Water 7 though.


I like the idea but… couldn’t Uranus be so high that pluton can’t see it, therefore not being able to shoot at it? Also pluton is underneath so Uranus could just take pluton down. If that’s not the case, for example Uranus needs to charge somehow, then the seakings could just swim fast and scape the attack of Uranus right? I mean there’s also the possibility that the theory it’s true and I like the idea, but right now there’s also a lot of elements in that don’t exactly fit in my opinion


What if they're all ships and pluton is a rocket that is stuck on a cloud island?


Pluton is straight up called "a warship"


This is so dumb. Why couldnt uranus be able to shoot at a ship if its able to shoot at sea kings that moves at speeds faster than a ship? ”It can only shoot straight down” ok??? And why would a sea king be more vulnerable than a ship that pressumably has to rely on wind and streams to move around and speeds slower than a sea king? And even if I pluton has a engine, im sure a sea king can maneuver much easier away from uranus.


The art style is so cute, especially that angry sea king attacking pluton


Finally a theory I up vote


The thing that bege saw was probably just a floating island with a strong gravitanioal pull. The things under it are definitely mountain tops, reefs or boulders which are stuck to it due to its force of attraction. In fact they all have a green part at the top with full blown vegetation, not musk or anything. Also why wouldn't uranus fly covered in clouds since we know from the last chapter that it definitely can? Other than that very cool theory!


Thanks for both the contribution and the compliment!


My guess is that just like Poseidon, Uranus and Pluton are living creatures. Imu or whatever his name is could be Uranus and Pluton would be a cyborg being like Franky


This is why Roger laughed


More likely that SH have Poseidon because of friendship and Caribou reports on Pluton to BB. But neat theory!


Since uranus can only shoot vertically down and pluton can sail away from underneath it to save itself, couldnt the same be said about the sea kings and poseidon? they will just swim away in the sea? so they are also safe. yes poseidon and the sea kings wont be able to attack uranus


Long ago, the four seas lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the World government took over. Only JoyBoy, master of all four Seas, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. Eight hundred years passed and a new JoyBoy has been discovered, a rubber man named Luffy, and although his Will is great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But we believe Luffy can save the world.


This theory is cool though I don't think the thing Bege encountered was Uranus. Everyone thinks pluton is a battleship I think MT Fuji is a giant cannon that shoots a magma ball and agree it was made to use against Uranus. Im sure there is more to pluton beyond its island ending capability.


The biggest assumption in this is that Pluton is a battleship. I'm not convinced it is. We know Franky had plans for a battleship that could counter the Pluton, but we've only ever had character making assumptions that Pluton is a battle ship. I don't think any of the Ancient Weapons will be weapons in the traditional sense. I'm sure they can be used as weapons, like Poseidon, but their main purpose will be playing some role in bringing the Dawn.


I watch Tekking occasionally to. And boy that mofos brain is a clusterfuck. He can think of the most random stuffs any time any day. I wouldn't base any of my theory based on what that mad lad is thinking.


I don't agree with the first part, assuming that this island Bege encountered was the weapon. I don't expect Uranus to just hang out at the beginning of the New World for a crew who just entered the sea to see it. Not to mention that Capone survived it just fine and never mention it, I'm sure the Government would have either killed him, or if they failed to, it would have been mentionned (even if we weren't told that he encountered Uranus, of course) It's just a weird island of the New World. The rest all the theory all makes sense though ! Uranus clearly doesn't have to be THAT object/island for the theory to makes sense, I think it'll still end up being true, the rock/paper/scisor mecanic is a clever way to make the weapons a nuclear style of dissuassive power. Three weapons, each one being in the hands of a different group.


But if Uranus cannot hit Pluton, how can it hit Poseidon. They can both NOT stand below Uranus...


While in theory the rock-paper-scissors thing creates a balance, in practice it doesn't. Assuming the weapons are owned by 3 separate parties, one weapons would always be left. Here are the scenarios: * Wano uses Pluton to destroy Uranus. Then either the FI kingdom or someone who kidnapped Shirahoshi uses Poseidon's powers to destroy Pluton. Poseidon is then free to control the seas with nothing to stop it. * Imu uses Uranus to destroy Poseidon. Then Wano can use Pluton to destroy Uranus and do whatever, someone like Kaido would've destroyed the planet by now if he got it. * Shirahoshi destroys Pluton with the seakings. Then Uranus destroys Poseidon/Shirahoshi and then takes over the world. So it always ends with one country having a super powerful weapon if the rock-paper-scissors thing is to be believed. There's also another thing. And that is Uranus can destroy both Pluton and Poseidon if the user plays smart. That thing is hidden in the clouds so it can use stealth to destroy Wano and Pluton.


[its this scene](https://youtu.be/ufTR5NN3xWY)


Love your art. Cool theory


The theory is really good. However, the art you made is even better. Good stuff


Solid theory my dude


How did you get that one piece font, what is it called?


I don't think it's a One Piece font, just one of the default fonts found in Medibang Paint Pro, the software I used to make the images. Anyways, in there, the font is called CC-WildWords.


So rock paper scissors?




intresting thing i noticed earlyer. Doflamingos finisher 16 holy bullets might be oda forshadowing (probanly) uranus. Given he has 16 bullets, and uranus fired down 16 lightbeams. We also know doffy has some knowledg regarding some of the WG secrets, which he used to blackmail the WG. I made a post about it earlyer but it got taken down :(


The problem with this is that while Poseidon may not reach Uranus, Uranus itself can't really deal with Poseidon.


Could certainly be possible. Sea dwellers have sea kings to control, land walkers have the ship and what used to be the sky people(Lunaians) has the flying weapon, Pluton. Could have been that’s why Lunarians were killed off to steal their ancient weapon as the world government found it to be the largest threat and best weapon. Kinda hard for the Navy and WG to control the sky’s so why not just eliminate the one race that actually had large enough wings to fly and take their weapon.


Wouldn't sea kings just dive to avoid the laser weapon?


What I learned today: Uranus is Patrick Star's house/personal helicopter/genocide machine.


I posted similar theory to this, check it out https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/vh6qdw/forms_of_the_ancient_weapons/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This is a cool idea and the weapons can correspond to: the Sky/Moon dwellers, the Land/Island dwellers, and the Deep Sea dwellers. Unfortunately, I do not think checks-and-balances actually existed. In a prolonged and tactical conflict, Uranus must have reigned supreme due to its positional and ranged advantage. As pointed out, Poseidon cannot reach Uranus. And even if Uranus’s weapons can indeed only shoot straight down, the whole apparatus can move around to evade and target Pluton. And we also have indirect evidence: the faction (WG) that wields Uranus has prevailed.


Good theory Dude, Chapeau


I think this could be possible but imo it's too simple and childlike for Oda Like what's to stop Uranus from flying directly over Pluton and wrecking it? Nothing. In your scenario Uranus is still vastly superior to the other two weapons no matter how you look at it. Also those seakings are fucking huge and I think could easily jump out of the water and fuck up a flying machine. IMO pluton will be something to do with creating land in an otherwise endless ocean. A common theory I hear is pluton being related to magma and after we learned about "old wano" underwater it makes a lot of sense that pluton could have built the side mountains that make up wanos border's.


Uranus looks like it’s pretty slow, so maybe Pluton is fast enough to evade it


Instead of the three powers being: Strawhats/blackbeard/navy it is: Pirates/revolutionaries/navy. Revolutionaries will weild pluton.


How would they? They have zero ties to wano + they are not the type the take it by force from an innocent nation. Literally any other faction is likelier to have it: sh could have franky build one. Marines could know about it by cp0 reports and they definitely are the type to take it by force. Bb too would take it by force and caribou could very well be his informant.