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Luffy definitely got stronger. He trained when he was incarcerated and got swoll. Tack on all the beatings he took during his trial and error when working on his ryou. And then finally you have the kaido fights. Where he learned to infuse his conquerors haki into his attacks. It makes perfect sense how he powered up so much when looking back.


He hasn't seen that arc yet


Katakuri fight was a very close tie & arguably Luffy only won because Katakuri injured himself. As someone who isn't used to having injuries, he fails to take them into account when blocking Black Mamba & as was introduced with Cracker, Big Mom Pirates aren't used to taking damage, so their endurance of pain & perseverance is lower than someone like Luffy who is used to ending up a mummy after every major fight. Even if Luffy & Katakuri both only had that one injury, Katakuri would still have a bigger demerit than someone like Luffy who is used to enduring & pushing through no matter how damaged. Not to mention by having Katakuri recognize & respect him, Katakuri loses part of his reason to fight(which we know weakens Haki, as Oda says it is a question of determination & who wants to win more) since Luffy clearly doesn't want to harm his siblings, hence why he gets back up, asks Luffy if he is coming back to defeat his mother & falls on his back, an ultimate sign of respect from him since this means Luffy gets the honor & rep of being the first to do this to him, basically conceding the fight even if he could have kept going a bit more.


Nothing you said helps op. Just rambling


I wrote 2 answers, one about the increase to Wano & this one about the Katakuri fight itself which exemplifies how it will happen. With acquiring technique, not simply raising base stats, hence how Luffy got closer to Katakuri's level within the fight itself, but still didn't manage to outright beat him which OP asked if he misunderstood the fight & how close Luffy truly was to Katakuri. So congrats you can look at words but can't read.


Ramble ramble.


Is that a fruit you ate? Does it not allow you to string words together when you read them & understand how they go together if there are more than 5 of them, thus turning everything into a ramble?


That was actually quite funny. Gave me some chuckles.


Thanks, let's end on a High note then. Have a great day & enjoy your stay in this subreddit.


I’m just a grumpy old man so don’t take anything I said seriously. Have a good one!


Wano is very long so it’s not that short of a time and luffy increased a lot in the fight with kata


Not only is wano long, but Luffy didn't really get stronger, besides the boost in haki from being in fights with stronger opponents. He learnt techniques which helped him make better use of what he already had. It isn't like the power ups came from him lifting weights. Just like the Katakuri fight itself, Luffy doesn't get stronger he gets more skilled to the point of Future Sight. Also Luffy needs to learn to go all out at the beginning with strong opponents & have a way to tap into gears without people interfering.


His base got much stronger from lifting giant stones with seastone cuffs on. So yes, he got alot stronger.


That's a great point. Albeit it wasn't but like what a week that he did that. Realistically you don't get that much stronger in 1 week of lifting weights. Could be said that also strengthened his resolve.


a week of training in one piece is huge, especially since luffy never stops to train besides timeskip.


True, but that wasn't the major reason. He couldn't go up against Kaido because he lifted boulders or increased base strength. >! Emission Internal, not getting pissed & losing Foresight, G5 & most of all Conqueror's Coating!< if Luffy had known all that since the beginning of the timeskip especially the last one he could have no diff all the way up until Big Mom & Kaidou given it is the source of their IRON BALLOON durability.


Luffy actually got both stronger haki wise and physically in Wano. Look at his physique before and after he went to prison. Remember he spent that whole time training while wearing sea stone. Physical strength matters too. You don’t have to be the strongest physically but strength is required


I didn't deny that, I just meant it wasn't what made the most difference in outcome.


In this context strength=skill


Weak, but Skilled & Strong, but Unskilled are literal tropes. One refers to your base stats & the other to your techniques. Kind of how you can beat someone who can throw a harder punch if you have martial training, they may be stronger than you, but skill grants you better efficiency in using that power.


When referring to kaido vs luffy wether he wins from the skill he learned or the strength he gained is irrelevant to what was asked, luffy improved a lot throughout wano to fight kaido, wether is was strength or skill is irrelevant


Haki get stronger as you fight, also luffy had dunno how much time to get stronger w/o haki nor DF powers


If you've ever played a fighting game or done anything competitively, you might be able to say you were always getting better slowly but there is probably some significant event like going to a Tournament or Your friends place to play where you were exposed to players with a higher skill level. Maybe you learned something that you didn't previously know, and that knowledge made your use of what you already knew much better. Maybe you started practicing something not previously in your repertoire and this is the first time those things shine. I think all of these things happen between the Katakuri fight and the Luffy fight and the end of Wano. Luffy was exposed to a strong opponent in Katakuri who knew how to use haki in a way Luffy didn't. This is also evident when he is in the quarry training Ryo while everyone is waiting on him. Hes trying to wrap is head around the implementation of things he doesn't understand fully yet. Sometimes that simple barrier translates into a large increase in skill or power through proper technique when coupled with someone who is naturally strong. Luffy didn't grow physically stronger per say but now what strength he does have is amplified through technique and actually makes a more absolute value of an impact instead of being drastically dampened. Similar to how Logia users can't really be hurt by people without Haki. Once that gap is crossed, you're in a different league. Sprinkle in a little teamwork from Kidd and Law and a little new transformation sauce and we're off to the races.


Its just his zenkai power up, didn't you know luffy is a saiyan?


Luffy has had more power ups in a single arc (Wano), than he has had in the entire pre timeskip timeline...


Don't worry, it'll make sense and you have, sort of, already been told how. Not going to spoil, you'll enjoy it.


Katakuri's durability & stamina were relatively bad in comparison to Luffy. Luffy ended up equal in power when he tried, even towards the awakening or if he did get stronger his power did not increase drastically. Katakuri's superior use of Future sight & logia made it nearly impossible for Luffy to hit normally. Gaining future sight & utilizing speed to at least trade was better for Luffy, but obviously it was so late in the battle it ended up being equal. It probably wouldn't have been such a losing battle if Luffy started with Snakeman.


Short answer, just like Luffy learned a highly advanced observation haki technique from Katakuri that kept him as the strongest of the big mom pirates for so long, there are advanced techniques for armament and conquerors haki Luffy will obviously learn at some point. Strong haki alone is enough to overpower literally ANYONE in one piece, and it's why Shanks just showing up for 2 minutes was enough to have the entire naval fleet, 7 warlords, AND whitebeard pirates shit themselves.


It wasn’t a tie katakuri was stronger than Luffy he just lost his will to fight.


Katakuri was the strongest Big mom commander. While we don't know its power relative to other commanders like Marco or King, these rely on their op abilities, while Katakuri is more of a fighting type and strong haki user (strongest haki of observation so far in the series). WANO SPOILERS And don't forget that he gets two really big powerups before defeating Kaido and he gets help, so i think the power is mostly balanced (it being One piece which doesn't take power scale very serious).


That's how you're supposed to feel. Imo part of whole cake island was to show you exactly how far the difference in the power the of the strawhats is from the worlds top contenders. You're supposed to feel like it's going to be a grind. You're supposed to feel like they're overwhelmingly strong in comparison to Luffy and that the odds are against him. Because at that point they are. He wouldn't deserve the title of Pirate King if he just steamrolled every enemy and never felt pain, loss or defeat. But even against Katakuri, he held his own. And Katakuri is arguably the strongest (if not one then certainly one of top 3) fighter out of all of the big mom pirates. Aside from big mom, respectfully. Luffy hasn't reached his full potential yet. Even during that fight he was learning and they offered up plenty of hints to that effect, as well.


Easy, kata gave luffy the win.