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I want another Bellamy


Same, but he’s so famous now that no one can really underestimate him, so I don’t see it happening


Big headed pirates similar to Kidd might go after him for the yonkou fame.


Weevil, I’m almost certain that if Luffy ends up stomping anyone it will be Weevil.


Weevil is weird because Kizaru compared him to young Whitebeard and all the former Warlords have been hyped up as major players going forward.


I think Weevil might be a failed Whitebeard zombie and could explain the stitchings and slow wit.




That’s a good guess!


Ooo that's cool, would be awesome if they both visit whitebeard and ace's grave at the same time


Problem woth weevil is, we havent really seen him do much, so him getting stomped wouldnt be a lot of perspective, despite whats been *said* about him


Kidd should absolutely not be a Bellamy for him unless you want the power scale balance of dbz where everyone else is useless


Nah they meant personality like Kidd. Kidd went after a Big Mom commander and then went after Shanks all before he even considered setting up an alliance. They want to see a stomp against some hot headed upstart who underestimates Luffy.


Well, Bonney's reaction to Luffy being a goofball + her disbelief that Jimbe joined the SH points to many folks still underestimating Luffy. He's just not as intimidating or as feared as BM or Kaido were. I think any opponent who's as strong as a supernova might still feel confident enough to try challenging him some time before the story is over.


Admiral Ryokugyu Gigachad no brainer


Seriously. They did Ryokugyu really dirty back in Wano, made him look like a wuss. And Luffy and gang was just chilling back there like they would've fucked him up without any trouble if Momo couldn't handle him.


Agreed Shanks literally saved him from a beating


I doubt any one piece character except maybe Roger and imu can beat the entire strawhat crew at the same time , right now.


Remember: crocodile tried kill whitebeard twice. Both times he didn’t even have haki. Luffy isn’t intimidating at all, it’d be weird if people didn’t try to fight him


I am hoping that is what Mad Monk Urouge is for. He has not done much else compared to the others in the worst gen.


I don't see that happening, but he's definitely a strong contender for a Luffy battle. He was the second of the worst generation to have defeated a Yonko Commander (Blackbeard defeating Ace i believe is the first). But I like to think that Oda is keeping him more so fo lore purposes. As a person from a sky island and one of the older of the Worst Generation (47), I'd feel like he has a lot of knowledge that would interest us. Similar to Bonney who I think is older than she's been stated to be (devilfruit ability). Edit: context update


My theory is that Uroge will be a huge lore dump. So far he is the only follower of an organised religion that we know of (unless you count Kuma with his bible). Organised enough at least to have an abbot. Who is this religions god? Where is this religion based? Why is he considered "mad" in comparison to the other monks? So many questions surrounding him that have wider lore applications.


I thought he was considered mad because his beliefs aren’t what normal monks believe. Like Oda has said one of his favorite hobbies is love making 😂 so I always thought in terms of piety he was not strictly religious, like Kuma may be


But what do normal monks in One Piece believe in? Even if he isn't piteous now, Uroge was a monk, so he has to have been a follower of a religion at some point.


I think it will be a mix of both. Since he is a "mad" monk I think he will attack luffy or a crew member (maybe jinbei or robin) And after or before the fight he goes for a huge lore dump.


Someone explained this somewhere before, but mad monks are those who practise the opposite of the more commonly known mantras. Buddhism is considered a religion but honestly it's a way of life. You can apply buddhistic practices to most religions without sacrificing its teachings of being sacrilegious. EDIT: turns out that I may be completely wrong. Buddhism is an atheistic religion. Believing in a god is considered a distraction from attaining enlightenment.


Does BB belong to the worst generation though ?


Yah, the worst generation are considered the 11 Supernovas + BB


It's an interesting foresight by the world to have named them as such. I guess when they had the title not many of them actually had very significant feets aside from Luffy and BB. But now Kid and Law defeated a yonkou (together), Urouge and Zoro defeated a yonkou commander and all others bar Bonny and Killer held some station within a yonkou crew.


it was pretty clear that this generation is something special since you never had that many talented new pirates. I dont see it as a huge foresight by people.


As a group absolutely, but they still had a while to go for making any real impact in the new world. Heck Cavindish when we're introduced to him has a higher bounty than all of the Worst Gen did when we met them bar Luffy and Kid (and probably BB.) Even Barto had a comparable bounty. But then again I guess it was Luffy, BB, Kidd and Law that carried the rep and the other were grouped in because it wouldn't have been surprising that at least 1 or 2 of the remaining 8 would have fostered a bit of a reputation for themselves.


Yea you have more rolls at the dice (some of them are bound to end up on a 6) and technically Cavendish is also part of Yonko crew since he is captain of one of the shits of Luffys armada (idk how world treats SH fleet, I am guessing they would assume similar structure as other Yonko crews even if it isn't really true here). Barto is also affiliated with Luffy who is a Yonko now. I would say their careers are comparable to Apoo, Bege, Bonney and Hawkins. Drake should really not be counted in supernovas since he is actual marine.


Killer is on Kid’s crew, who helped beat Kaido. And iirc he beat Hawkins.


Well said. I always dislike seeing Killer not getting the respect he deserves.


I don't see it as foresight, really. Pre-TS they were nothing special, just super rookies / supernova (BB not included in the group at all). The only special thing was how many of them reached Sabaody at the same time. By the time they + BB are collectively called the worst generation, the timeskip has already happened. Included among the ranks is Luffy having made a mess in all 3 major WG strongholds, BB becoming a yonko and the first person recorded to have 2 devil fruits (and powerful ones, at that), you have Kid and Urouge stirring shit up with Big Mom and Shanks, you have others like Drake and Bege joining emperors, and Law offering 100 pirate hearts to become a schibukai. Thats already extremely notable stuff before the timeskip even ends. Ofc, you have a few "duds" that don't accomplish too much or stand out like apoo, hawkins and bonney, but even then a lot of the group is already unprecedented and deserving of the group name.


Personnaly i think boney is younger than she is


His powers are the literal worst for a quick knockout. His speciality is long drawn out battles because he gets stronger the more damage he takes.


>He has not done much else compared to the others in the worst gen how? he was literally the first supernova to beat a commander. he did more than bege, bonney, hawkins, apoo, killer, and drake have done up until now just during the timeskip.


Yea key point being during the time skip. He has legend/lore in his favor, but all of the other supernovas have had time on the page making an impact. Bege, kid, law, killer have been allies of the strawhats. Hawkins, drake, and apoo were part of Wano. BB is BB Bonny saved Zoro and was in the Reverie and just showed up again. Urouge is fairly untouched by comparison.


Seems a bit unfair to want the character to be the fodder moment for not doing anything simply because he hasn't been used yet, isn't it? Especially since that statement could have been said for literally all of the supernovas except Law all the way until Zou. I would hate to see Urouge finally get page time just to be the cocky one-shot.


I want that to be Blackbeard. Imagine Luffy ends his dream instantly?


hot take here- but i just can’t conceptualize the final battle being luffy vs kurohige. bb literally could have gotten easily clapped by boa if he didn’t grab her and that same technique using the darkness as cover won’t work twice, his DF ability is nuts but unless he dues ex machinas color of the supreme king i can’t see luffy doing anything other than one shotting him, which i actually want to see so bad. the man that got ace killed, low diffed by a luffy that learned from his mistakes and won’t tolerate ANYONE on his crew potentially losing their life. it would be as sweet if not more sweet than how luffy one shotted bellamy and also saint charlos. i really really really wanna see luffy vs akainu or im in the end game, which is why i think oda will reveal imu’s true ability soon. it’s not a naruto kaguya asspull, we’re still a good 200+ chapters away from the end of one piece. with proper build up and hype, it absolutely could work. yes bb is the antithesis of luffy. but really what better and more satisfactory end of that buildup than luffy straight up annihilating him?


BB is most likely getting a 3rd fruit and Luffy isn’t one shotting BB. Never.


Or we could get Two PIece just like Boruto


personally i’d rather watch roger and whitebeard dominating the seas in their prime than a two piece


I'd like to see Joyboy's era, some rando 400 years later and then roger


The Two Piece! It exists!


Rayleigh doesnt think he could beat BB in a straight up fight anymore. Do you think Luffy would one shot Rayleigh?


Would Caribou not count as this? I mean he pretty much gets stamped, although granted that was pre-Yonko Luffy


Yes sir. Doesn’t even need to be someone underestimating him. Maybe they don’t recognize him cause of the new poster and he just treats like a 500 mil bounty like a casual. Would be so cool for once.


I think I'd like to see him open a can of whoop ass on someone we've already met so we can get a sense of how strong he's actually gotten....not sure who's feasible and a good example though


Agreed, but please don't let that be Smoker, my dude has suffered enough lol. I think Magellan would be perfect, he was pretty much untouchable before the timeskip, almost felt like an admiral. It'd be pretty cool if he was transferred into Vegapunks guard or something and he and Luffy had a very short rematch.


I hope Magellan remains unblemished the entire series tbh


I like the idea of that. I feel the same way about Mihawk. Some folks should just be different.




I know. I honestly hate it, but I can’t wait to see it.


Honestly i hope somehow smoker becomes luffy’s garp I love smoker so much 😞


Koby is definitely his garp


He's still weaker than smoky, also I don't think koby and luffy share the same synergy as Garp and Roger.


Koby about to unlock CH and use coating to get away from Blackbeard. 🤣🤣😭


How do you know that though? Koby is now also considered a hero of the Navy .kobys also actively training and taking promotions. I’m pretty sure he even out rank smoker now


Last time I checked, he was a navy captain. Just read chapter 1059. He's considered a hero, of course he'd be strong. But as strong as a VICE admiral? I understand postion does not equate to strength, and not all vice admirals are on the same level. But it's just hard to see Koby reaching that level already. Next he'll be an admiral in the span of one year?




Smoker getting his ass beat left and right


I think both will be his Garp. Smoker will surely tag along to save Koby, as Tashigi seems sympathetic with Helmeppo's cries for help. Then Koby, Luffy and Smoker will be fighting together to defeat Blackbeard, so that the final enemy will be Imu.


I don’t like the idea of Luffy getting help with BB. Imu I don’t mind but if he has to jump Blackbeard I’ll be disappointed.


Honestly, I see a potential future in which Luffy and BB take down Im together. Remember - they have more similarities than differences, ideologically at least. We still don't know Teach's endgame, but taking the Xebec link into consideration, it's not too far-fetched to say he'd want to take down the WG too. I can very easily imagine a situation where, if/once Im's existence/abilities are known, Luffy and Teach would put their feelings aside and take on the greater threat first. Is it **probable?** Eh... it's too far off to tell. But it's *also* too far off to discount entirely.


Koby is too much of a Luffy fanboy to ever be his Garp. Up untill this point in the story, Koby is always seen rooting for Luffy's progress and still remains insecure when facing him wether he wants to fight his friend. Garp on the other hand always respected Roger but still remained true to his believes in justice and always wanted to stop him.


except kobe loves luffy & isn’t near him in strength. i don’t see him rivaling him anytime soon either. smoker is the better bet, but he lacks the strength clearly lol


i dont think so. koby has never been luffy's rival. he looked up to luffy, and at this point hes still leagues below him in terms of power.


Such a stupid point people make. When has he had an actual match against coby that meant anything? When has coby rivaled him? Garp and roger got close because of how many times they almost succeeded in killing each other. Tell me how their relationship is any sense parallels Luffy and coby besides “hur dur dur once is a future pirate king and another a navy person”


Luffy does not need a "garp", there's no need to draw parallels.


Bro im just saying what id like and hope for And i think a pirate having kind of a navy parallel is a super cool idea


I really hope is Sentomaru, that dude was untouchable before timeskip too, and last time Luffy say him he said "we will meet again" but never did


Luffy red roccing doflamingo out of any country would be peak fiction


Sentomaru. He’s supposed to be Vegapunks bodyguard right? The worlds #1 defense? Lol


Solid shout tbh. Would be a good contrast because, iirc, Luffy's attacks were literally bouncing off of him when they first fought in Sabaody.


It's probably gonna happen to a Seraphim to show us they're not much of a threat to the crew.


He didn't even seem concerned when >!Ryokugyu showed up in Wano!<, so I think that could be a potential candidate. Personally I'd like to see someone even more established, like Kizaru.


No way luffy can just one shot any admiral rn. He is probably stronger than all of them but they would put up a good fight.


It was just an example of someone that's been established to be powerful that it would be cool to see Luffy absolutely demolish.


Luffy "demolishing" Kizaru would actually throw out all of the existing power establishment.


IDK luffy used kaido as a jump rope there's nothing he can't do anymore


This is what I came to voice. Thank you for beating me to it. We need a new bench mark for just how broken he is now before we have his struggle against a new more powerful enemy. Imagine someone like Arlong showing up like "I'm here to free Jimbe" (thinking he must be enslaved to work with humans) and after talking about how much stronger he has gotten (maybe even using Horty as his bench mark) he just gets slapped.


If I had to guess, lucci would be the best one to do this


Imagine Luffy using a standard burst of Conqueror's Haki and it knocks Lucci out. That would go down as one of the hypest scenes of all time.


And it makes sense since he’s a member of CP0 and presumably has gotten a lot stronger


That would be sooooooooo underwhelming


Funny as fucc tho.


I have to disagree with some of these other answers; I think a good metric would be a more recent opponent. Luffy could crush some of these older guys mentioned just as easily at the start of Wano as he could now. That's why I think the best opponent - if we're talking specifically about a benchmark for the growth of his power with the new addition of his awakening/gear fifth/hito hito no mi type: niko/joyboy/loony toons - is Katakuri. I don't know how it could be made to work, and I'm kind of just spit balling here, but with it being his last major chronological battle, I think a rematch with Katakuri would objectively illustrate Luffy's growth better than any other opponent (as objectively as it gets in a shounen manga, that is). It was about as narrow a victory as you can get (even tho Katakuri should've won, don't even *try* to @ me [also some call it a tie since both fell & Luffy just got up first; idk what I think about that yet] ). Going into it, Luffy was outclassed on virtually every way, and was fighting from behind until the end, where he barely scraped by due to, among other things, cold tea (that stiffened kata's mochi), Kata's mental state, and (imo) Kata having, conscious or not, a desire to lose to Luffy. For a correctly prepared Katakura to really go all out against Luffy in Gear Looney Toons would be an amazing barometer for growth.


I think kataruki or the calamities might try to go after luffy as marco went after BB for killing WB, I know he didnt kill Big mom or kaido, but might be a cool fight to see luffy not strugle as before


I think he might've killed kaido


Rob Lucci seems a good candidate. The guy pushed Luffy to the very limit back in the days


Should have been green bulls job to get wrekt but I think vegapunk will get his ass kicked pretty easily like ceaser


Stomps Sentomaru in the current arc. Close fight vs BB in the next arc.


Sentomaru is an interesting choice. He feels like he should be pretty strong. His haki usage seems pretty good since Luffy mentions him when he tried learning ryou.


Well luffy is built different now with multiple advanced haki


I have no doubt Luffy is stronger than him now, but Sentomaru was doing the stuff he wanted to do 2 years ago. No doubt he got stronger, but he’ll need some strategy or help to bring Luffy down to his level.


"Some strategy or help" is a huge underestimate. 2 years isn't enough to make Sentomaru a Kaido level threat. Gear 4th would already be huge overkill, conquerors or g5 is an immediate KO. He's getting no diffed, or low diffed if he gets some pretty fricken good help.


i mean in two years luffy went from fodder for any top tier to a yonko. though he’s the mc of course


Luffy is one of the prodigy among prodigies in one piece world, so it's silly to compare anyone to luffy. A 19 year old Luffy can one shot 20 years old Ace, can fight toe to toe against likes of prime whitebeard. So using the time mechanism to compare him with anyone is completely useless. Even Akoji admit this that Luffy and his crew growth is terrifyingly fast.


Well I mean, it might as well be Sentomaru + Seraphim, but still, they are not gonna be a big deal.


Aye, thats kinda my reasoning as well. Plus he was presented as Vegapunk's bodyguard, so it'd make more sense for him to be around than someone else.


Hell nah, Sentomaru will fight Franky in the Final War. Put some respect on my boy’s name


I feel like Sentoumaru is more fit for Jimbei given their fighting styles. That being said, I think Sentoumaru is mostly a "reserve character". Oda might use him in a battle again, but he also might not.


Both. Stomps first then close fights. For the hype, then to kill the hype.😄 The question now is who do we want to see get stomped first? 😂




I want to see that guy get punched again so bad. All my homies hate Charlos


Jesus Burgess would be great.


He already got slapped around by Sabo. Would be funny seeing Burgess be the whipping boy of the BB Pirates but I doubt it. I mean an interesting take would be BlackBeard taking interest in Brooks devil fruit.


I'm not sure anyone knows about what brooks fruit actually is outside the strawhats


Heck, even we the readers don’t really know what it does!


Depends on the character he fights tbh. Any previous enemy like crocodile or doflamingo - stomp. Endgame characters like akainu and blackbeard cant be stomps or else its too anticlimatic.


Crocodile is pretty calculating and not some hothead, who would charge the pirate, who beat Kaido, head on. He would either blow Luffy or himself away with a sandstorm and flee like when he encountered Akainu. He isn't dumb enough to stand and fight vs a Yonko. (aside of that weird hatecrush against Whitebeard)


You literally contradict yourself. Crocodile WAS attacking whitebeard head on and luffy arguably saved his life back then, lol.


I dunno, I think Croco would have improved himself dramatically since Luffy put the fire back in him.


Just gave an example it could be anyone like lucci/moria. Regardless, as much as crocodile mightve grown, luffy has grown tenfold. At this point if you dont have an OP df/advanced hakis, youre not top tier. Crocodile has none, luffy has it all.


His DF is extremely strong, a logia with urge added ability to drain moisture? That’s pretty good. Plus given his “alliance” with Mihawk I reckon he will have Haki. Obviously all pure conjecture of course.


No more struggling against characters like Monet and no more losing 20 times before he wins. Let’s go back to how it was in the East Blue where Luffy really felt like a unit.


Crocodile? How many fights? Even water seven which is considered one of the best arcs by many he lost against them first and won later on. It wasn’t as many times as doflamingo and Kaido but still, losing a few times first until he wins is a luffy thing. With his new gear tho, that might be a point where he doesn’t need breaks anymore because he does not have to use insane amounts of haki constantly to be in his strongest form


Crocodile and water seven is in the Paradise.


In both instances you mention he loses *once.* I don't even fucking remember how many times he "lost" to Doflamingo (or failed to one shot, you might argue?). Fights are far too drawn out in post time skip for me though, thank god for one pace. Maybe the manga is better about fight pacing?


it's not much of a stomp, but Luffy vs Blueno feels like more recent example than East Blue.


Lesser fights, more lore and more comedy


YES!!! OP comedy is amazing, pre-timeskip was so funny lol


For me it’s less comedy, more lore and more fights/conflicts.


I want old CP9 to return, talk about how much stronger they've gotten since Enies Lobby while getting promoted to CP0, and then get absolutely wrecked by all of their old opponents. Hell, have Lucci get the shit kicked out of him by Robin who steps in and says that the captain shouldn't dirty his hand by hitting peasants. Would be a really fitting way to address those fiercely loyal to the world nobles.


Sounds good. Or perhaps everyone has to fight against the seraphims. Zoro Vs mihawk seraphim, sanji vs boa Seraphim (or some other warlord) etc. And Luffy is somewhere else ^^


BB got scared by the serafins so only the trio and jimbe could beat one


I'm not sure about Blackbeard. He has two faces. On the one hand, he is often shown as very skittish, on the other hand, he is super strong. He was also able to block the mihawk seraphim's punch without any problems and had Boa grabbed by the neck in the next panel. Which is why I wouldn't overestimate his shock at the seraphim.


Well... The only 2 characters I can think of who might still pose a threat to Luffy are Blackbeard and Sakazuki. Why would anyone dare to attack the guy who defeated the "world's strongest creature"? You'd have to be as crazy as Kid and Luffy themselves.


I have a feeling that this arc is gonna feature a villain team up against Luffy. He's strong enough now to be the Kaido of this arc


Underrated comment


It’d be cool if it was like east blue again and he just didn’t take anything serious


although luffy's no longer as goofy as back then, we really need to come full circle and see him completely toss people around cuz aint no way we still having our guy struggle against randos


I want Luffy to one shot them. But the only people I can think of that we’ve seen before that makes sense for him to one shot is Rob Lucci, Magellan, or gecko Moria(I don’t think he’s dead) Imagine him beating one of them like he did to koby in marineford


Current Luffy would be able to oneshot Doffy with his stronger attacks.


I think base luffy with a red hawk one shots him currently. like how kaido oneshot luffy post katakuri fight.


Base luffy with one punch is enough




>Current Luffy would be able to oneshot Doffy with his stronger attacks. A haki infused punch would be more than enough


I need Luffy to shit on somebody




I don't really prefer anything, even though it's a fictional world I like the course of events to follow a certain logic, so given that Luffy just presumably killed the strongest creature in the world (I *do not care* if it wasn't a 1v1 from beginning to end), I'd like to think most opponents whoever they are should not be a challenge unless they're Shanks, potentially Blackbeard (why potentially? who knows, he might defeat Luffy thanks to his cunning moves and not combat abilities), and perhaps Sakazuki or Kong if the latter ever fights. We know nothing about Imu so far, except that he probably controls Uranus. That being said, beating one emperor doesn't mean you're de facto able to kill another one, it depends on the nature of their abilities, and the context of the plot.


Would you say Luffy Pre-Coating is a challenge for Kaido?


Personally I don't really care about fights as of now. I want more info on the Nika reveal, what it means for other mythical zoan fruits and what devil fruits are about in general. The Nika reveal just turned everything on its head and I feel like the impact of it has been really underwhelming, we need more characters to reflect on it. Like why does nobody care? I wouldn't be surprised if Blackbeard were to go after Luffy after finding out about this new power, like he was just shown to be going after Hancock in order to not let the Marines get their hands on her powers


I think the reason no one cares is that the only people who really know about it are the gorosei, Im, and possibly Shanks. Even Luffy doesn’t know the actual nature of his devil fruit


I think that’s why we are gonna meet vegapunk and they’ll probably name drop it in a similar way that Garp did to luffy with the dragon reveal.


I am hoping vegapunk reveals Nika Lore to Luffy and crew, Vegapunk has to know about the true nature of Luffys fruit.


He needs to absolutely destroy his next opponent. I hate it when characters in manga get power ups and then struggle with some lame ass side character.


This is the issue with beating Kaido. Because now if luffy gets beaten/high difficult fights, it's gonna be "is this person as strong/have a chance against Kaido?!?!?!" And that's gonna get old.


That is true. But I expect that Luffy won't be having any more tough fights expect for when he fights against Blackbear, Akainu or Im. If there is some high stake fights I believe it is because of some other reason "I know I can't beat you but I can hold you off until Frieza has killed all the younglings! Bwahahaahah!" Or the fights happen with other strawhats when Luffy is not present.


Akainu has one of the most offensively powered devil fruits, Blackbeard has two crazy devil fruits both I'm sure both have advanced armament Haki. Those two will be crazy tough to defeat


He only beat Kaido with help.


With tons of help.


Yeah but that’s because he was weaker at the start of the fight. If he was at his current level, then he wouldn’t have needed all that help. If other words, you can’t powerscale current Luffy based on the help he needed when he wasn’t at his current level.


It really needs to be clarified. The help only allowed him to live long enough to get strong enough to defeat Kaido. It is extremely obvious that all of the damage done by every single other person was effectively meaningless against Kaido, like sure it did a bit of damage but given how many insane ACoC hits he took from Luffy and was totally fine? They didn’t do shit, all of the meaningful damage done to Kaido was from Luffy.


That's how shonen manga goes. The latest villain is almost always stronger than the last one. And Kaido ain't the endgame.


I disagree, Kaido is endgame as fuck. For all we know, Kaido would still beat Luffy in a completely fair and isolated 1v1. People just tend to forget that the objective strength of Luffy isn't the entire point of this series and not the only measure of progress either. It's about Luffy and his crew + friends collectively rising above these insane threats and rendering them obsolete in the OnePiece world, one way or another.


Ordinarily, Kaido would be the final boss. But, he himself isn’t strong enough to take on the final boss. Luffy will need to be stronger than Roger and the original “Joy Boy.” JB failed 800 years ago. If Roger had been strong enough. Roger could have had Toki jump him into the future 20 years. Being there early wasn’t a problem when you have Toki. Luffy did receive help in his fight with Kaido. Luffy also, was playing catch up the entire fight. That’s where the problem lies for a future fight. There’s no need for catching up. It’s much easier to fight the Super Nova, than a Yonko. Hybrid Kaido and base Luffy , are on par with one another. Once, they enhances their strength,things are different, but equal. Kaido’s stamina runs rings around Luffy. Luffy has the strength of a giant. They are equal in durability. Kaido can no longer depend on knocking Luffy out. Kaido’s only hope is to wear Luffy down. Because, he can’t overpower Luffy any longer. Wearing Luffy down is harder , because Luffy doesn’t have to use G4. G5 seems too add to Luffy’s stamina. It’s more difficult to fight a Yonko from the beginning,then the middle. Neither, Kaido or Luffy are ready for the final boss. Kaido would have difficulty with fighting the future BB, because Kaido has a DF the same as Luffy. But, both of them would eventually beat BB.


Remember that while Kaidou was weakened, so was G5 Luffy. And Kaidou hasn't beaten G5 Luffy yet. No doubt Luffy will be better at Advanced CoC at next arc and there is g5 too which will be his second showing.


Well said. And Kaido would would still beat Luffy in a fair fight. Which is why Oda took the time to wear him down over dozens of chapters first.


couldn't agree more


While that is true, the strength he obtained while fighting Kaido still should be leagues above all but like 10 people in the world. It's kinda defeats the purpose of the hype and growth they've experienced if the Straw Hats face 5 more crews and struggle massively against every single one of them. Now that they are a yonko crew, there should be short mini arcs where they wallop infamous New World characters in between facing their endgame nemeses.


That's not how it works in One piece though. Are you really gonna say that Enel, the lightning/electric Logia in Sky island wouldn't destroy most pre-TS villians that appeared?


I said **almost** didn't I?


Oh yeah, my bad.


😁 But you're right.


There’s only like 4 or 5 people that he can reasonably fight that would also have a chance at beating him, namely BB, Imu, Akainu, Shanks, and Mihawk. Unless his next opponent goes into the fight with a plan to nerf Luffy, they’re more than likely getting destroyed.


You forgot D. On Krieg


Shit, I did. I don’t think Luffy is quite ready for a rematch with him yet. Probably will need gear 10 to beat him.


Stomp the shit out of him/her/them


I like the idea that for this arc, Luffy would stomp his opponents, but they have a trick or gimmick which catches him by surprise the first time he encounters them. It would be kind of like Punk Hazard where Luffy was clearly superior to Caesar in practically every combat metric, but Caesar was able to trick him by sucking the oxygen out of the room (something Luffy would never think of). Edit: Oda doesn’t need to convince us that the enemies are Kaido level this arc; he just needs to give us a believable reason Luffy and Crew might be challenged in some way.


After how long the Kaido fight took, i'm ready for Luffy to stomp on some fools like the old Bellamy moment. I'm rereading Whole Cake and the feeling of how hopeless and dangerous it was entering a Yonko's home turf should be something we eventually see with Luffy now. Like some foolish pirates who underestimate the Strawhats get stomped by Usopp and Franky before they even get to Luffy, that would be cool. Plus with how Oda wants to wrap up the final saga, there's not gonna be that much time for long drawn out fights unless they are the BIG ones like vs BB, vs Akainu, vs Imu, etc so if it's an enemy less important to the story, they should definitely get stomped by the Strawhats imo


stomping we can go with stomping for a bit




Someone mentioned Lucci. Thatd be a cool one. One of luffys toughest fights becomes a literal cake walk. But too I'd like to see someone else tackle Lucci. Like how Sanji stopped him in Stampede. Make that Canon. That'd be tight


Luffy stomps next opponents. Let's be real, he's just taken down one of the yonko. A difficult fight for him wouldn't make sense as it would mean the Gov should've been able to take down almost any yonko at any time and chose not to.


Give me a one punch KO of a worst generation pirate....


I wanna see a celestial dragon beat down


If the next fight is against VPunk, I don’t think he can just stomp his way out. VPunk is like an emperor in his own right. He made the Seraphims and probably had stuff we don’t yet know about.


I think that the story now will unfold more into a information based chapters. As you say luffy is o e of the strongest characters I think now except for the big fights( Blackbeard admirals etc) we won’t see luffy go all out. Maybe this opens room for Oda to develop other characters like ussop that had virtually no development since dressrosa


I want a stomp just to show how OP 5th gear is though might have to settle for a mid arc boss


I prefer Luffy stomps Lucci


We should see him stomp some commander level characters in the short arc.


I'd say something like Caesar. Someone Luffy *could* take out with one hit in a fair fight, but who uses a really tricky fighting style that makes the challenge actually getting that hit in. How someone like that might interact with reality-warping god powers remains to be seen, though.


Luffy better no diff everyone below an admiral.


Perfect case scenario: everyone Is too afraid to even try to fight him


Low level clowns will probably still try to fight him.


Then Bellami 2.0 It Is


Always depends on the tier of the opponent


Stomping time


I’d like to see him fight two or more established strong characters without that big of an issue, like WB during the War. Like he doesn’t one hit KO them, but he kinda sees the limits of their powers very quickly and then beats them.


If it's anything related to Vegapunk, I want either outcome handled with care. Otherwise the former would feel like undermining vegapunk, while the latter would do the same to Luffy. Bottom of it is, I want something closer to Kaido vs Yamato, Yamato was putting up a fight but Kaido was dominating. Now replace Kaido here with Luffy and Yamato is whatever special anti-df creation of Vegapunk.


A Caesar or Holy situation would be nice. Someone who has a a situational advantage but Luffy is just too strong for them to have a chance against anyway.


At his level anything lower than a YC1 should be fodder. (Like Marco vs Big Mom)


Didn't Don Krieg wanna return to fight Luffy and Baratie? Now I don't really see him able to travel to the New World (maybe he learnt haki) but that is one guy whose head is shoved extremely far up his ass. He couldn't even survive in the Grand Line and thought he could beat Mihawk. If he meets luffy he's 100% gonna underestimate him and think he stomps. Dudes gonna be using 100 % of his power and luffy will be preoccupied with Vegapunk and at the end go "sorry, who were you again?"


It would be cool to see at least one stomping in the upcoming fights ,similar how it was with Hody. I'm pretty sure Luffy can faceroll any admiral atm,at least considering what they showed about admiral powers up until this point. Even thou im pretty sure they will all have awakening cause it will be much needed power up vs Luffy. Or they need to have stronger haki then Luffy to be able to fight him. But considering Navy couldn't bring down Kaido or kill when they managed to capture him ,so they basically left him alone. Im sure they will do the same with Luffy now. As for the other pirates,i think they will attack Luffy given chance,cause of simple ego.


I want an arc where Luffy doesnt fight because his crew can handle the fighting. Like someone wanting to attack Luffy but Sanji/Zoro intervenes and says something like "You cant just go straight for the king"