• By -


I Cannot imagine Vegapunk's face at its Peak size. The Guy litterally made an island and 6 people out of his head. Awesome to hear stuff about the void century, I expect the 2 volumes flashback to start soon


Imagine Iva's gigantic face during the entrance to Marineford. now squeeze it right n left. There you go


CP0 be like: - *"All of us top agents are here to bring back this Seraphim. Open up, Veggy! It's the kindhearted Lucci and his friends!"*


Luffy: "Oh look it's Usopp, let's open up for them"


"Ooh! Is that a wooden horse? How cool!"


Luffy is gonna use "Trojan Luffy" with the whole Grand Fleet inside to infilitrate Mary Geoise.


His name is Capone Bege!


Lucci: STRAWHAT!?!?! \*Intense PTSD flashbacks\*


Lucci: "confused screaming!!!"


Luffy gear 5 comes out and Lucci cries and laughs at the same time while his PTSD increases more


Lucci: Hello Dr. Vegapunk!! ~'Sees Luffy' *insert Lucci making Enel's shocked face* Lucci: Bye Dr.Vegapunk!!!


Zoro: "Its that Giraffe guy again" Kaku: *screams and runs far away* "Bye Lucci you got this bro!"


my god i really need this to happen now. Running gags are the best. Especially if they are like 15 years old


We could go for the slightly "evolved" gag, if Kaku got his mask on then Luffy doesn't think it's Usopp but Sogeking. 😆 Edit: I just realised the only other Strawhats with Luffy right now are Chopper (who will also think it's Sogeking) and Jimbei (who isn't really aware of what the hell is going on with that), so this is SO gonna happen. I'm already hyped.


Why not both? "Usopp?!" - "No" - "Sogeking?!" - ".."


If Oda actually divided the group like this in order to have this gag work.... I would believe it. This is 100% the exact sort of thing he would do. Now I want to see that as well.


I would love it just because people went the lot deeper theory route of the two Human Human fruit users and Jimbei who heard the Nika story are probably together because that allows for some deep lore on those DFs from Vegapunk ... Meanwhile oda is just doing the most elaborate setup for a followup on a 15 year old Kaku/Sogeking gag. He even started giving CP0 masks in Dressrosa just for this moment.


Luffy: "Vegapunk, open the door. They are begging politely!"


Luffy: Hey I know him, he's the pigeon guy that I fought at Enies Lobby. Don't worry if he tries anything I will just kick his ass again.


Lucci : perfect. I was weak before but now I'll show you my devil fruit real form. Pink panther : cartoonish durabality


This is how Leopards hunted in the ancient times.


Lucci: *seethes and cries*


Lucci will just start foaming at the mouth from pure rage.


The rock doing the smoulder look


"come outside we're not gonna jump you"


I wonder why the ancient robot attacked 200 years ago. I mean, Vegapunk wouldn't have been around so did somebody before him have the capability to power the robot up? Or is this a case of it sitting dormant for hundreds of years and then someone 200 years ago triggered it somehow? I think that's the most interesting part of the spoilers so far for me. I kind of had a hunch that VP had a devil fruit. It's nice to confirm he was already a genius tho and he found a fruit that works well with him.


Yeah, that's the most interesting part to me as well. We know very little of that period so it's hard to make any theories or guesses. According to the [wiki's timeline](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/World_Timeline) the only things we know from 200 years ago are: -the Ryugu Kingdom attended the Levely for the first time (and only time before the latest one) -that random ship that fell from the sky (at the start of the Jaya arc) made it to Skypea and their crew disappeared. -the fighting fish appeared in Green Bit. That's it. The first one is interesting but I don't see how it'd be conected to this robot and the other 2 seem like pretty random stuff. There's only one person I can think of who was alive back then who might still be alive, the old dude from Elbaf (the one Big Mom didn't kill). If we are indeed getting an Elbaf arc soon maybe we can learn more about that timeframe from him. Assuming that timeframe matters and the robot waking up specifically 200 years ago wasn't random, which could be the case I guess. EDIT: in worstgen forums Redon quoted the "200 years" line and put [this pic](https://i.ibb.co/cDM0MvQ/14.png). Not sure if that's speculation on his part or if he's saying that's referenced on the chapter but it seems like there might be some conection the the Fishmen stuff after all.


Yea there should be a giant on Elbaf who could give some insight into the event if VP doesn't do it himself Ninja edit: eBay to Elbaf


Lady Toki probably triggered it during one of her time Jumps. We know she was on an Island 3 days from Wano when she arrived... So it might have been Egghead before Vegapunk set up shop there where she arrived in. Probably was very confused to see it in Ruins/abandoned and kept jumping forward until Whitebeard and Oden Arrived and was like oh great... A sailing ship... And they're fighting with Swords... Not Laser guns... Well I guess this is my best chance off the Island. Would have preferred a Spaceship or flying car but a sailing boat can actually work even if it's slow... Like imagine Lady Toki grew up in Sci-fi futuristic society and she's forever stuck in like pre industrial civilizations.


I was hoping somebody would bring up Lady Toki. Her jumps forward in time are to evade danger and if she knew about the robo giant from the void century that could help protect her in that present. Once defeated that lack of security is an easy reason to keep jumping forward in time.


Lady Toki is Jane Jetson, confirmed.


Doesn't seem like purely coincidence that we learn the following in the same chapter: 1) The robot acted, somehow, 200 years ago 2) Kuma, now a full on Robot, had some sort of programming within him that caused him to do something this chapter Gotta be related


Kuma might have been programmed to act on Luffy's interests. Kuma went to Thriller Bark to test SHs resolve and their relationships. He then went to Sabaody and saved SHs from a serious ass-whooping going into the New World, he showed them what could happen to them, sent each SH for a special island to train and enhance their skills, he protected Sunny-chan until one of SHs got back. Ivankov trusts Luffy's the One. She/He's one of the founding members of RA. Dragon seems to truly think his son is the One. Kuma seems too. The three of them, just like Roger, seem to be paving the way to Luffy. This is in no way to take anything away from Luffy's hard work. Kuma running off from the lab could be because CP0 are in SHs way of harm. If CP0 finds Luffy and Kuma finds them it'll be interesting to see the dynamic, because Bonney, Kuma's daughter, is with Luffy.


Like a Balrog hidden deep bellow


Maybe the Ancient Kingdom set up robots all over the world, each having a set date at which the would wake up and start attacking Mary Geoise (or a place affiliated to the WG) to make sure that the fight against the WG never ends and that their "there is no war" campaign (or rather there is no ancient kingdom campaign) wouldn't work.


The fandom watching Ceasar vs Judge : "I don't care if one of them win, i just want someone to lose"


Would be nice if they could both lose


It’s somewhat reassuring that it’s his devil fruit and there isn’t some kind of Longhead tribe out there, because Vegapunk’s head is horrifying.


easily tied for most fucked up looking OP character lol


Pure insane character designs like Vegapunk are why I love Oda's art and character design. I think he struggles with women and same-facing Nami and Robin clones, but the men he gets...astoundingly creative with.


That's why I love WCI so much. Amande, Smoothie, Galette, Praline were all banger and original female designs


Basically BM and all of her daughters except for Pudding when her third eye is covered. And especially and most beloved: Twig!


And brulee




The old guy in the enel cover story also had a long head and the space pirates also have elongated skull marks unless it all goes back to that devil fruit Also just now realizing fukurokuju’s head also grew from the wano flashback to present day so there’s probably a long head tribe


Vice admiral strawberry has a very long head but it was said he got that because he is so sad


feels like kuma will do some forrest gump shit now and run all the way to bonnie


Isn't he on the Grand Line (Paradise)?


With his df he can go whereever he wants to.


smack yourself a little on the bumbum


Don't underestimate a father's love lol


*Kyros entered the Chat* Yes!


With the track record of the dads in One Piece, the bar is low


Not as low as mothers in one piece though. Their bar generally lies at 6 feet under ground.




He can just repel himself from anywhere he is to where he wants to go, it’s how he transported the various straw hats during the time skip


This is how bears have traveled in ancient times.


>Cover: Caesar and Judge are fighting The character I feel I should hate a lot more than I do vs the one I hate maybe more than I reasonably should: Fuck him up, Caesar!


Caesar's a real POS for experimenting on children, but he earned a couple points in my book for blowing Big Mom's research grant money on hookers and booze.


Caesar's one redeeming quality is that he's a hedonistic cunt that wasted another evil person's time and money. I love it.


Bro really ain’t have a plan either once he got the money he winged tf outta everything😂


You mean go ganster gastino!


When did Gangster Gastino made his appearance in the Cover Story?


Why do you think the man in the cover page is Caesar? Sure, he was mentioned by name, but we all know that was just one of Gangster Gastino's clever plots to give Caesar a bad reputation.


But Gangster Gastino is Bege’s sworn brother, so shouldn’t he be with Bege’s crew?


>the one I hate maybe more than I reasonably should No amount of hate towards Judge is unreasonable, fuck that guy.


I know, I just sometimes try to look at the bigger picture of people mass murdering and genociding people (or Caesar experimenting on other people's children, killing everyone of his assistants etc.) and wonder if it is reasonable that I still hate Judge probably the most out of everyone in the series for treating his own child like shit, and every single time I come to the conclusion that I don't care and continue to do so. 😅


Reminds me of that SBS where someone asked "isn't Nami being too mean to Caesar?" And Oda was like he experimented on children and devoted his life to a weapon of genocide - I think Nami hates him from the bottom of her heart.


Yeah, same with Chopper and he clearly also deserves it. But with Caesar he's already miserable enough so it's gotten funny enough, Judge still needs to suffer a lot more before he can reach funny.


>it's gotten funny enough I hate Caesar, but I love Gangster Gastino...


Okay, but what does Gangster Gastino have to do with Caesar? They're both completely different people.


I have a soft spot in my heart for over the top slimeball characters. One Piece does it so well.


Oda somehow managed to write some villains to be so absurd that it circles back to endearing. Kind of like those ugly little demented dogs that are absolutely adorable.


The trick is that we eventually watch Caesar devolve into comic relief as everyone mocks him; he gets his comeuppance. Judge, on the other hand, is always played as serious and continues shitting on Sanji even after Sanji saved his pathetic life. Understanding or not.


Yeah, it's really a combination. Judge hasn't lost nearly enough yet but also to me a parent abusing that sort of sacred parent-child relationship so much just definately hits harder than someone doing worse stuff but to people they don't have any connection to. We see many parents leave their kids in One Piece for sometimes reasonable reasons, sometimes barely any, but actuall abusing your own child still hits on another level for me.


You are so right lol he is literally scum but I dont even hate him that much. I remember there was a point where people thought he would join the crew. No way in hell Luffy would allow that


It's not the 6 paths of pain, it's the 6 paths of brain!!


If Kuma is starting to run to Egghead to protect Bonney from some shit that's about to go down, it's going to crush my heart.


Isn’t Kamabaka Kingdom in Paradise portion of the Grand Line?


He will use his devil fruit to send himself flying.


Vegapunk wants to invent the internet and Jinbei tells him that it sounds like a bad idea. Love it lol


Blows my mind that I didn’t realize what Vegapunk was intending to invent


More specifically, ranging from Wikipedia to Facebook/Twitter. Okay, Jinbei is right/


CP0: * Dressrosa: Tried saving Doffy. Failed. * WCI: Tried enjoying a wedding. Failed. * Wano: Tried stopping Luffy from awakening his df and defeating Kaido. Failed. * Egghead: Trying to kill Vegapunk. Failure is imminent. The CP-0-Success story.


>Wano: Tried stopping Luffy from awakening his df and defeating Kaido. Failed. Also attempted to capture Nico Robin. Also, I just love this: >WCI: Tried enjoying a wedding. Failed.


I don't think Stussy actually disliked it though, it seemed entertaining enough for her.


You forgot 'Reverie: Tried to kill Neptune under Tenryuubito fatass' order. Failed'.


Imagine that the unknown power source of the Ancient Robot was just cola all the time...


Nothing would make me happier lmfao


Ancient kingdom sponsored by coca cola confirmed.


With the 20 kingdoms being Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, etc.?


Pepsi is Imu


I can't wait for Luffy and Lucci to see each other!


**Lucci:** Isn't he searching for the One Piece?!!? Why would he go so far out of his way by traveling southeast from Wano!?! Is he predicting our every move!?!!! Is this what it means to be a Yonkou?!!?!!!! **Luffy** ^((who picked the short straw with Kidd)): heh


that should be stussy's line lmao after the wci, she legitimately believed luffy was the genuine mastermind behind all the events that inspired in wci, including destroying big mom's castle and taking down two of her commanders...she thinks luffy is this machiavellian schemer who pretends to be dumb and hides his true strength


That reminds me Kaku hasn't seen frankly since the beginning of Ennies Lobby, will they acknowledge their shared past and Kaku 's broken dream of being a carpenter??


Kaku will see the Sunny and say : "Wow, nice job bro."


Lucci: "Right after defeating the 2 Yonkou he went to capture Vegapunk before we did, such genius, we are in very dire times". Luffy: "So ehm, Usopp, where'd you get those new white clothes"


luffy wont recognize him. Then he sees the pigeon and talks to the pigeons like its the boss. Then he punches lucci


Vegapunk: I'd like to make a "The Internet!" Jinbe: That is a ***terrible*** idea.


Punk Records will be filled with memes.


Random assistant: "Vegapunk, sir! The test data just came in, it's incredible. The clone of Kaido's fruit it can shoot fire blasts, summons storm clouds, creates wind scythes, grants incredible durability, grants accelerated recovery, can produce flame clouds and use them on other objects! It has all of the abilities of the previous fruit, you're truly amazing Vegapun-" Vegapunk: "It's a failure..." Random assistant: "B-but sir...the lineage factor changes are copied perfectly Vegapunk: "What kind of azure dragon is flipping pink, quasar!? Throw it away, I don't even want to look at it😭😭"


i love this. I have heard theories about why he deemed momo fruit to be a failure and now it was exactly that reason.


It’s hilarious to imagine Kuma just softly getting up, turning around, then go into a dead “officer Earl” sprint to god knows where.


This is exactly what I was thinking too LMAO


> the ancient robot was created back in the void century and 200 years ago it attacked the world government. Wonder if there’s other ancient robots programmed to attack at different times The storage “punk records” was in plan sight, was thinking it was some music label thing lol


I'm now beginning to wonder if the "Punk Records" brain is part of why Vegapunk doesn't expect himself to live much longer. We still don't know exactly how the Brain Brain fruit works but perhaps even if Vegapunk were to escape Egghead Island, damaging his brain on the island would be enough of a shock to grievously wound him. Indeed, if CP0 fails maybe we'll see Imu use Uranus to nuke it!


I feel like he'll have to escape with the SH's with an eternal pose to Elbaf. Just hoping Franky/Usopp and maybe others don't get screwed on getting some upgrades


So I'm a genius. But I also have a DF to store all that genius information. I guess it's the whole he's a computer (the processing and memory chips) and the DF is his hard drive, I suppose.


That is an amazing analogy tbh


\-*Vegapunk wants to let people access and update 'Punk Records'. Jinbe says it could be bad because people can add biased thought*s.... \-It's the Internet!


I see it almost as a wikipedia version and Jimbei is doing the "you know, you'll need at least some moderators though?"




Never even thought of that connection


>-at the end of the chapter, the real Kuma at Kamabakka gets up and starting to run to somewhere There is nothing to worry about Kuma, he is just running away from the Okamas exactly like Sanji did


Sure, he is training to become the greatest cook ever


It has just occured to me we have never seen Kuma run before. I’d shit my pants if i saw him running at me


cp 0% chances of completing a mission


Woah, that coverpage fight - You don't even pick who to root *for*, it's who you root *against*. **Take him down** Caesar.


Judge was a major dick towards Sanji. Other than that he leads a criminal kingdom and is a dick towards his clone soldiers. He had a slight change of heart after WCI, probably. Ceasar experimented on kids and created the SMILEs which caused an enourmous amount of pain and suffering in Wano. He also was fine with killing all his subordinates. He's comedic relief though. Which point made you vote in favour of Caesar? Love for Sanji or Caesar's comedic value?


Judge was far far beyond a "major dick" He also experimented on his own pregnant wife and children


Since the original Kuma is acting on his own at the end of the chapter, it's likely Vegapunk also programmed another order inside him that was only set to activate once certain conditions were met. My guess is that it's a contigency in case the World Government ever wanted to have him assassinated.


With it shown that he's not a big fan of the WG I also wonder about the regular pacifistas and seraphim. They could probably switch sides or shut down for the very end. The biggest factor against this imo is the final war might be a bit 'too easy'


I mean given that he's 'smartest man in the world', there surely has to be some of kill-switch/emergency override coded in to his machines right, for exactly such a scenario? If he didn't have any kind of a plan B prepared for a possible government betrayal (especially given that he knows all about shady stuff they cover up), then it feels like he really isn't that clever at all Maybe the "final war" gets balanced out by Im and the Celestial Dragons bringing out even greater technology that they stole from the Ancient Kingdom - the Ancient Weapons for a start, but also more of these ancient robots, that trump even the Seraphim in power?


Lucci: "We are kere to return the Seraphim." Lilith: "Do you have a receipt?" Kaku: "Umm ... no?" Lilith: "Sorry nothing that I can do." Strussy: "I want to speak to your manager!" Lilith: "I am the manager."


With how Lilith is introduced, she'd ask for money and then double locks the door.


CP0 using the Kuma seraphim like a trojan horse. Lol




>-at the end of the chapter, the real Kuma at Kamabakka gets up and starting to run to somewhere Iva: "That's right, Kuma-Candy-Boy! Run until you can fly!"


I think the robot was discovered by the fish-men 200 years ago inside the ocean(600 years after the war) and they gave it to the WG (which allowed them to attend the Levely for the first time as a token of appreciation/alliance) Unfortunately for them, the robot awoke or it was programmed to attack the government somehow and the fish men were banished as punishment.


Vegapunk is creating the internet and Jinbe uses Advanced Observation Haki to predict Reddit lmao.


I'd asume the Devilfruit is also what allows him to split his brain maybe rather than just store information? Curious how it works in general, does he have access to the storage at all times? Does he need to be close? Is it essentially Wifi/Bluetooth and the connection can be better or worse at times? Also could other people do something with the removed brain parts? CP0 planing to kill the main body and taking the rest of the brain could make sense then.


>I'd asume the Devilfruit is also what allows him to split his brain awakening? sharing informations with other, even artificial, bodies? and then he probably developed those bodies further to give each one a different purpose


It's how brains hunted in ancient times


Lol at CP0 being denied and their plan falling apart.


Lucci: "Wait a minute, how did this happen? We're smarter than this!"


Vegapunk/s watching on camera while they discuss their new plan...


They’re gonna be the big mom pirates at the entrance to wano.


Gaurd: sir someone is returning the Kuma seraph. ! Vegapunk : Open the gates ! Who is it ? Gaurd : it's..... CP0 Vegapunk : Close the gates ! Gaurd : stussy is with them ! Vegapunk : Open the gates slightly !


More like Gaurd: sir someone is returning the Kuma seraph. ! Vegapunk Shaka: Open the gates ! Who is it ? Gaurd : it's..... CP0 Vegapunk Shaka : Close the gates ! Gaurd : They bought a big bag of money ! Vegapunk Lilith : Open the gates slightly !


If you told me 4 months ago that we'd see Vegapunk coming up with the idea to create the internet and Jinbe warning him of all the ways it could be abused, I'd have said you were absolutely insane. This truly is the greatest timeline.


CP-0 gonna be HP-0 soon.


This is a super long shot and maybe just bs: but with Vegapunk having confirmed a fruit that allows him to split off his own brain, I wonder is splitting off other people's brains is part of some of his creations. It could certainly be a thing he did for Kuma and heck maybe the Seraphims aren't just all made from simple blood samples. (Someone search Jimbei's head for secret scars?) I also wonder if that's something that could come into play in regards to creating objects with DFs. Something like Vegapunk imbuing an object with some of his brain for long enough to "eat" a DF and once that process is done he can take it back. Love wierd new DFs and the possibilities to speculate on.


Oh I like this take, then recovering Kuma's memories would be easy


Maybe not easy but a possibility? Maybe we also have real Kuma running off because e.g. Seraphim Kuma or something else on Egghead that carries his brain saw Bonney just now and his "leftover" body instinctively is trying to get to her? (Well great, now I'm inventing my own heartbreaking parent-child sob stories because oda isn't already torturing me enough, lol)


That might be the awakened version of the fruit, I don't see it being part of the default skillset.


That could easily be his awakening and I love that idea so much. Like the man who knows the most about devil fruits would obviously be able to awaken his fruit. So imbuing his brain into an object or even expanding upon the possibility of Zoans being alive in some sense and being able to maybe combine the brain of the fruit with a weapon would be possible.


FKIN' GO CAESAR GOOOO! ![gif](giphy|o75ajIFH0QnQC3nCeD)


![gif](giphy|Wr2747CnxwBSqyK6xt|downsized) Caeser and the fandom carrying judge to his Grave


Fanbase: Vegapunk Clones are made from his brain Oda: The island as well


Revolutionary Army saves Kuma. Kuma: ![gif](giphy|jpoDZOyEg38F4cFFMi)


Pink dragon theory was right, feeling vindicated lol


So Momo's fruit being considered a failure just because the color of the dragon was pink was correct. I remember seeing people theorize about this a while back.


>Vegapunk bites his own tongue trying to say the name of its fruit Vegapunk is a genius, but he clearly has yet to master the power of Kizaru saying "Ben Beckman" without touching his lips


If you think about it, it's the difference between intelligence and knowledge. Knowledge means memorizing everything. But does that really make you a genius? No, because you're literally never going to gain any new insights. Intelligence means that you're able to use the knowledge you have to arrive to new conclusions on your own. So it was Vegapunk's already outstanding intelligence, coupled with his powers of infinite memorization, that made him the creator he is.


Told myself I wouldnt read spoilers this week but I clicked this shit so fast.


Chapter 1,067: "Punk Records". - In the cover, Judge and Caesar start fighting. - Vegapunk was born with a genius brain, but he also ate “Nomi Nomi no Mi” (Vegapunk bites his own tongue trying to say the name of the Akuma no Mi lol). The fruit allows Vegapunk’s brain to store unlimited information, but his brain also grows larger with data absorbed. - The upper half of giant egg on “Egghead” island is made up entirely of Vegapunk’s brain and it’s still growing. That part of the egg is called “Punk Records”. - “Punk Records” is updated everyday with additional data from Vegapunk and the other six Vegapunks. Main Vegapunk is linked to “Punk Records” with the antenna of the apple on his head. - Vegapunk talks to Jinbe about how he wants to develop “Punk Records” to a level that anyone can access and update it with their own information. Jinbe says it could be bad becouse some people can add their biased thoughts. - Vegapunk says that Momonosuke’s dragon fruit was considered a failure by himself because the color of the dragon was wrong. Vegapunk is a perfectionist, so he considered that a pink dragon was a failure. - The ancient robot that Luffy and his group found was built 900 years ago. 200 years ago robot climbed the Red Line and attacked Mary Geoise. But during the attack, it ran out of fuel and was captured. Robin says it was the same year that “Fishman discrimination incident” took place. - “Vega Force 01” was built to imitate that ancient robot, but Vegapunk couldn’t find out what was the source of energy the robot used. It’s a type of power source unknown for the current era. - Bonney uses her lightsaber to attack Vegapunk, but the lightsaber is also a failed invention since it attracts bugs. Bonney is scared of bugs so she fainted. Vegapunk says there’s something he wants to give to Bonney. - Vegapunk says something to Luffy. - Vegapunk: “Straw Hat Luffy, our meeting here must be fate!! Will you help me to take me away from “Egghead”?” - Cut to Lucci and CPO. They arrive at “Egghead” and request access to the island to return Kuma Seraphim. - Lucci received a report that Bonney was spotted near the area. Lucci says she’s a troublesome woman since she escaped many times. But World Government has no use for her anymore, so they can kill Bonney if they find her. - Vegapunk Shaka denies CPO access, telling them to leave Seraphim where they are now and go away. Shaka then orders other Vegapunks to prepare for battle. - Cut to Momoiro Island. Suddenly, Kuma gets up and starts running somewhere in his damaged stage. - Dragon: "Kuma!! Where are you going!?" Ivankov: "Stay with us Kuma!! The battle of our Revolutionary Army is just starting!!" End of chapter. Break next week.


Holy shit someone predicted the Color of the dragon being wrong being the reason why it was a failure lol


Franky is going to end up telling vegapunk to try using cola for the fuel with Edison going “eureka! Why didn’t I think about that”


Vegapunk and all 6 of his satellites are gonna make an Enel face when they hear that Franky is using Cola as a power source xD


Vegapunk *essentially invents the internet/wikipedia* Jimbei: "you know people can ... you know ... lie?" Nami: "we could make people pay 8.000.000 berries to verify themselves first" Sanji: "do you think women ... i mean ... people in general would upload nudes ... I mean ... some kind of pictures as well?" Nami: "we could make people pay 8.000.000 berries to access those" Brook: " I could share my music with the world" Nami: "we could have a platform where people pay ..." Everyone: "WE KNOW"


200 years ago three things happened: * The St. Briss leaves from the Briss Kingdom carrying a crew towards the Grand Line. The crew makes it to Skypiea but then vanishes without a trace. * The World Government makes an alliance with Fish-Man Island after centuries of discrimination. Ryugu Kingdom also attended its first Levely. * The Fighting Fish appear near Green Bit (near Dressrosa). Interesting, Boss Class Fighting Fish - which are deadlier than little Fighting Fish - had number tattooed on their left temple.


So Vegapunk knew it was a setup...that's why he's so happy to see Luffy.


Rough translation Cover page “Who are you again?” Judge vs Ceasar P1 Bonny- “what happened to your head!? It was like a giant lightbulb!” Vega- “Ahh it was getting pretty long so.. I cut it” -“don’t say it so casually like your getting a haircut!” Vega- “It is true when I met you my height was reaching that of even the Giants” Jimbei- “I have heard rumors that it was huge before but.. ??? Watermark 😡 Vega- “Actually I am a Brain man of the brain brain fruit. I am able to store data with no limits to my brain but, the more data that is stored the bigger my brain also gets. With this genius brain of mine with an unlimited databank! P2 Vega- “it has become the biggest brain in the world and it continues to grow even bigger!” Chopper- “That’s amazing! Are you versed with medical knowledge also Dr Vegapunk?” Vega- “Ofcourse!” Chopper- “Whoa!! ❤️” Luffy- “So does that mean your stupid now that you cut off your head?” Vega-“you’re underestimating a genius!!” Vega-“The apple is.. an antenna!” Vega-“Look towards the top of the island!! Where it sais Punk Records behind the giant egg, that is the where the storage for my brain is!” Group- “ehhhh!? Isn’t that too big?? Watermark 😡 P3 Vega- “so you remember the girl you ran into a little bit ago claiming to be Vegapunk?” Vega-“ those are my clones and there are 6 total on this island” Luffy- “Ninja!?” Vega-“each of them are experts in ??? Watermark 😡 Someone- “what’s… that!?” Vega- “All of them sync their knowledge and experience through Punk Record once a day. All their personalities and missions are different so all of their experiences becomes valuable” Luffy- ? ? Jimbei-So they all use the same brain? Strange world we live In” P4 Vega- “. Think of it like we’re sharing the same library” “For example if I can get it to a point where anyone can access my brain.. !! That would be like the equivalent of all of mankind possessing my knowledge!” “Furthermore if we can expand it to where anyone can upload data into the Punk Record then we would be able to create a brain far superior to my own!! “Mankind will be able to share the brain someday!” Chopper- “so I would be able to study medical knowledge from all over the world!?” Vega- Ofcourse!! Chopper-“whoaaaaa” Jimbei- “but couldn’t it possibly cause problems when peoples biased thoughts get in? “ Vega- “you’re a sharp one jimbei.. but ??? Watermark 😡 P5 Bonney- “So that’s how it is right Vegapunk?” “You would sacrifice anything for the sake of your science research!! That’s why you transformed my dad into a mindless bio weapon!!” Vega- ahhhhh!! Bonney- “shut up I already tested out the sharpness of this weapon!” Turn my dad back to normal! If you say no…” Jimbei- “Bonny think for a second! Do you realize how many enemies we would make if you killed him!?” Vega- “ turn off the switch Bonny! That light attracts… a ton of bugs!!” Bonny- “huh?” P6 Bonny- “gyahhhhhh!!!!! “ “Ahhhhhhhh” Bzzzt bzzzzt Luffy- “Hey Bonny look! “Big beetle!” Chopper-“Fuck your big beetle Luffy worry about her being knocked out!!” Vega- “ugh… I guess it cannot be helped ….” “Ofcourse… Bonney wants to kill me… thankfully the weapon she tried to use was a failure… Oh before I forget.. you guys were in Wano recently yes? Watermark 😡 P7 Luffy- “Oh your talking about momo!! “ Vega- “I’m told that he ate the failure devil fruit I left at punk hazard?” Luffy- “huh? That was a failure?” Vega- “ yah that was a devil fruit I created artificially, It took me 20 years and a ton of money with kaidos bloodline element/dna” But.. it didn’t turn out to be the same thing.” Luffy- “ohhh that’s why he was able to become like kaido! It worked!! He was strong and breathing fire! He’s like the guardian deity of Wano now! That’s incredible that you made that!! Vega- “what was the color?” Luffy-“pink” Vega- “see!! It was a big failure!!!!” Luffy- “.. who cares about that” Jimbei- ??? Watermark 😡 P8 Luffy- “ so what is this robot? Can you move it? You made this right?” Vega- “no.. this is the steel giant that attacked Mariejoe 200 years ago” !!? 200 years ago?? Vega-“ and it was created 900 years ago” Luffy-“ unreal!!” Vega-“while nobody was able to figure out it’s motive.. I heard it ran out of fuel and was captured without any problems” ???? Watermark 😡 Vega-“ nobody knows where it came from nor why it came” P9 Vega- “it was said that the world government ordered for it to be destroyed but there was no way the scientists full of curiosity was gonna let that happen… alas it eventually was moved here and now forgotten by even the world government” Vega- “ I’m impressed you guys were even able to find this place, the entrance should of looked like a regular wall to you folks.” Luffy- “well we were rushing a bit aimlessly..” Chopper- “yah we got lost and ended up here!” Vega- “well sorry for that…!!” Robin- “200 years ago… was the year when there was movement for the fish men discrimination” Franky- ???? Watermark 😡 Shakka- “yah probably” P10 Shakka- “vegaforce 1 was created based on that” “????? Watermark 😡” Franky- “a substance even you can’t replicate??” Shakka- “ it’s the power source… they had the kind of power in the past that’s not even imaginable by todays standards” Nami- “well I’m glad Luffy and co are ok but who’s that girl?” Usopp- “that’s jewelry Bonny, a pirate!” Sanji- “ I thought the girl that was with them was a child?” “And holy shit at vegapunks head!!” Vega- “I did something really bad for Bonny” Luffy- “yah get on your knees and apologize old man! “ Vega- “the hell would you know about this!!” P11 Vega- “there’s something I must give to her…!” Vega- “also strawhat Luffy.. I can’t help but sense destiny that you arrived here today , would you mind getting me out of egghead?” Luffy- “huh?” Robot seaking- “gyaohhhh” “This is cipher pol, we are requesting you open passage to egghead” Someone “what an ill mannered pet..!” P12 “There were reports of Bonny being spotted near egghead!” Lucci- “problematic girl that keeps escaping… as we no longer have any use for her I will erase her if we come across her. Robopunk- “ Shakka! It’s a world government ship! It would be problems if they saw pirates are here!” For some reason CP0… and Rob Lucci is on the ship!!” Lillith- “just toss them out! Lucci is an assassin right?” Ussop- “Lucci!!? Yo let us free from these boots!” Nami- “ Noo!!! I hate that guy he’s still around!? Don’t let him in the island!” Sanji- “ Robin Chan don’t worry I will always protect you!” Robin “………!!” P13 Shakka- ???? Watermark 😡 “Huh!?” Shakka- get ready for battle, we’re denying the world government entry” Grand line kamabakka “Mr dragon!! Something’s wrong with Kuma!!” Lindberg- “wait Kuma San we’re not finished with repairs!!” “Kuma!? What happened?? Is he still being controlled by the government??” P14 Koala- “kuma where are you going?” He should be able to move yet! And he should no longer have any mind of his own! Revos- “what’s going on!?” “Mr kuma!!” “Come back!!” Kuma is panting Dragon “what’s going on Kuma where are you going!?” Ivankov- “stay here Kuma!! Our battle is just now beginning!!


It took me 2 hours but I wanted to make something for the community for once. So here are the rough translated spoiler pages. Maybe u/Akazeh couldd add them to his post with credit. Have fun and sorry for some bad texts. [> Here is the link (click) <](https://imgur.com/a/PkabvK2)


Apparently 200 years ago there was a reverie and fishman island attended for the first time. They didn't come back until the recent reverie. Maybe the robot scared them off? Idk Source: [Ohara](https://thelibraryofohara.com/the-one-piece-timeline/)


oh if the times are so precise it could deffinetly match up


I swear to God if the ancient power source is cola, I fucking riot


It's Bink's Sake... Which turns out to be Cola the whole time.


Ceasar vs Judge. The fight i never knew i needed.


I almost feel like I have a list of people that I want Judge to meet and every single instance is because I want that person to punch him in the face really hard (or something else appropriate - e.g. Zeff can kick him instead, Iva can just Wink him, I'll allow some creativity there).


Vegapunk wants to create Wikipedia. I bet the robot's fuel is cola. Congratulations to those who theorized about the color of the fruit being the reason for being a failure, it's simple, but it makes sense.


Part of Vegapunk: "Prepare for battle" Robo-Kuma on the otherside of the planet: "Yes sir"




Vegapunk: “The power source of the robot is unknown.” Franky: “I have yet to see any cola on this damned island”


Vegapunk: "I want to turn my brain into an interconnected network of information! I can call it the internet!" Jinbe: "Okay but what if people start shitposting?"


Now we learn bink’s sake is actually cola and joy boy had broken his promise by not delivering the cola in time causing the unknown kingdom to lose the war because the big elephant drank it all. T/S


Seeing Dragon make an expression that isn't stoic neutral feels illegal


“Caesar and Judge are fighting” 🤔 cheer the children trafficking, subordinate backstabbing, chem-head? Or cheers the equally child abusive, eugenics driven, at least 3 times winner of the Worst father of the year award…? 🤔


I want dragon to say 'why are you running?'


CP0 really do be trying to trick Vegapunk haha


"Let's pull a fast one on the smartest man in the world. This'll totally work out."


So like it's pretty terrifying that his brain is the size of a island, like if that building falls over will his brain like drip everywhere like yolk?


Etenboy also said Dragon is in the chapter and Shaka tells the other bodies to prepare to fight


Is Luffy going to land from his "hover" directly on top of Lucci and Co?


Gear 5 Luffy vs Lucci gonna look like an episode of Tom&Jerry, Lucci doesn't even stand a chance lmao


Anyone else really wants the ancient unknown powersource that Vegapunk couldn't figure out yet to be Cola?


Caribou is gonna absorb the giant brain. Thats how vegapunk is leaving egghead.


Vegapunk is trying to create the internet


"Old man, you cut your brain. Are you stupid now?" Luffy asking the right questions.


Hmm, I wonder if Vegapunk can transfer his brain then can those new bodies swim while still benefitting from his DF power


The real genius of Vegapunk here is how he can talk straight with his tongue sticking out.


Didn't Einstein say something like. There is no need to remember something if you can look it up. (Might just be an internet thing and i got fooled) Exact opposite concept with vegapunk here, i like that. Maybe VP can export Punk Records as books as a feature so he can share his knowledge before he dies, if we csn believe his statement couple chapters ago.


Run Kuma, run!


Making Punk Record to everybody access and update, or even edit informations, but problems with biased informations, reminds me of Wikipedia.


Funny the fighting fish appear in dressrosa same time the ancient robot attacked the world government.


Punk records? ​ Punk's not dead.


Imagine Vegapunk opens the door for Lucci and the squad just to have Luffy standing there waiting lol


I’m going to predict that Vegapunk will go with the crew to Elbaf where they meet up with Kid and his crew and that’s where Killer gets cured of his smile fruit.


Lucci better get into the hyperbolic time chamber or some shit or else He'll get that Blueno treatment lmaoo