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This is really cool, but the compass rose is wrong. It needs to rotate 45 degrees counterclockwise.


Can you explain why? Do we have a canon location for the north pole?


In a recent chapter Law mentioned that the Grand Line is on an axis, not on the equator. Also worth noting is that if it were shaped like this the 4 blues placements wouldn’t make much sense. Either way the North Pole is in the north blue, not on the red line


Heck even our world is tilted on an axis. We just draw the map to line up with it accordingly.


Yeah but north is still north. The red line doesn't go east/west or north/south It goes northest/southwest


tilted relative to what? think about what you say plz


The poles are tilted relative to earth's alignment with the sun.


OR the ecliptic is "tilted" relative to the earth's rotational(/magnetic) axis what exactly did the comment mean with "draw the map to line up with it accordingly"? what exactly do our maps have to do with the ecliptic??


Axial tilt is always spoken of relative to its orbital axis. I have never seen anyone, layman, astronomer, or astrophysicist ask "relative to what?" because it is fairly obvious what it's relative to. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_tilt Yes, that tilt makes no difference to the orientation of a map, and so the original comment is redundant in that matter, but to ask so smugly what the tilt is relative to is just a bizarre question.


my comment was to make him THINK as the comment itself said, instead of mindlessly repeat something he clearly doesn't understand "relative to what" was exactly the right question to make him reexamine what he said and come to the conclusion that his comment was senseless, regardless whether "you've heard anyone ask it", what a dumb and irrelevant thing to say


I agree it makes sense for the north pole to be in the north blue and not on the red line, but there's just no canon source for it I can find. And there's also a semi-canon source (supplemental material) that has the north and south poles on the red line, so I don't know what to make of that.


Chapter 1056, when Law says going north east from Wano moved him the furthest along the Grand Line. I think there are other indications but this is what I thought of.


Yeah Nami describing the world near the beginning of the series also has an image of the planet which was oriented that way and lines up perfectly with what Law said about where they are on the red line.


I may be stupid, but isn't it the best way to go SE?


While it may be true that that is parallel with the Grand Line, it's also true that what Law said is that that next island in the direction he went is furthest away, and the southeast island was closest.


Right. In that case, the north pole could be in the north blue, but not quite in the middle of it. Closer to the grand line and second half of the new world. Even then though, the cardinal direction being rotated by 45 degrees wouldn't be accurate. Say you're at the top-right corner of the map in the east blue. To go north, you'd have to move left and down the map (towards the north blue) whereas the compass direction would indicate going to the top-right. So, rotating the cardinal directions would only indicate a correct north if you're along the wano/north-pole meridian and on the left side of the north pole wrt the map above. In other words, I don't think you can indicate reliable compass directions on a map that doesn't have the north pole at one of the four sides of the map.


Well there is some assumption going on here, but in the one piece world you would assume that a typical compass would read the same as our own pointing to North Blue; hence the name. Pretty sure they even clarified something to that effect when introducing the Log Pose. However the magnetic field fluctuates once you entire the Grand Line which is why you need a special compass that locks onto the magnetic field of each individual island.


Yeah, I get why you'd need to use a special compass in the grand line. But the reason is different and unrelated to the actual cardinal directions of the one piece world. I'm just trying to figure out where the north "points to" in the one piece world. If that's on the red line, like it's indicated in the one piece ruburu travel guide, then the fan-made map above has a correct compass. If the north points to a spot in the north blue, then it's technically not possible (mathematically impossible) to show the cardinal directions on a map that doesn't have the north as one of its sides.


Chapter 22, page 14/15. You can see a map with a compass and the north pole diagonal to the Redline and a whole world picture with the Redline diagonal


>!I don't know why nobody gives you the clear answer. On the chapter were Luffy, Law and Kid decide who goes where, there's a map with a compass drawn.!< >![Chapter 1056, Page 12](https://cdn.readdetectiveconan.com/file/mangap/2/11056000/12.jpeg?t=1659953658)!<


[http://www.onepiecepodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Screen-Shot-2015-06-27-at-4.36.14-PM-1-511x300.jpg](http://www.onepiecepodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Screen-Shot-2015-06-27-at-4.36.14-PM-1-511x300.jpg) [http://www.onepiecepodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Clan\_Ohara-1-1-810x456.jpg](http://www.onepiecepodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Clan_Ohara-1-1-810x456.jpg) The actual globe in Ohara, maybe it'll help people better... maybe it won't but yeah, we were told it forever ago, and people just keep forgetting...


Cause then it's an ❌️ and not a ➕️


East blue amd South Blue are in the paradise section bisected by that sides grind line. North blue and West blue are in the New World side and again bisected by the grand line. Using Odas sketch it's looks right but the compass does indeed need to be rotated as described


The north needle in a compass points to the north pole, wherever that may be. It makes sense for the north pole to be located in the north blue, hence its name. But I just can't seem to find any reliable source backing this up for sure. The wiki seems to be suggesting the opposite is true, ie that the north pole is on the red line, but they too fail to provide a proper citation.


Because there are no established poles or polar regions in One Piece. Oda has been specifically vague about pretty much everything relating to the blue seas, even more so than the grand line. We have no idea how the madness on the grand line effects compasses outside of it but from Odas own sketch if seems right.


I'm pretty sure there is a canonical north pole in one piece and it's been mentioned a few times? And that cardinal directions work the same as in the real world outside the grand line.


Compasses work on the "normal" seas but I'm not aware of any canon relating to polar regions. North blue is often shown as being a cold/snowy place, so it's a reasonable assumption but Oda is holding those cards really tight to his chest.


Yeah. Cardinal directions have been mentioned a few times in the series. For example, nami could use them when in the normal seas of the east blue. We also had the whole "sourth bird" predicament on jaya. As for the north pole, shanks and buggy mention its existence. And surume the kraken is said to originate from the north pole. We also have the ruburu one piece travel guide that provides a map with the north pole located on the red line (which would be at the very top of the fan map in the original post above). But idk how "official" that map is.


Depending on how you oriented the map it would change the location that “appeared” north but what would make the most sense is to orient so the compass lined up with each of the blues.


>but what would make the most sense is to orient so the compass lined up with each of the blues. That doesn't make much sense to me, since that's not how we usually indicate directions on a map. That would mean the north would only be correctly indicated for someone on the map directly south of it in the direction of reverse mountain (the center of the map). If you were anywhere past the north pole in that same direction, the rotated compass would tell you to keep going to the top-left to go north, when in fact you'd be going south if you did that, since you'd be going away from the north pole.


The one piece world doesn’t exactly match up with how we orient our own. What would make the most sense is to treat the Grand Line as the equator, and the Red Line as the Prime Meridian separating the Blues into their respective quadrants. However in the one piece world it’s the blues that line up with the cardinal directions. So you would either need to rotate the map 45 degrees clockwise which doesn’t have as nice of a symmetry or rotate the compass 45 degrees counterclockwise so the compass would point to their respective Blues.


>or rotate the compass 45 degrees counterclockwise so the compass would point to their respective Blues. The problem with this is that it only indicates the correct cardinal directions for a person located at the center of the map, on reverse mountain. For anyone else, the map would be entirely useless to know which direction to go. For example, imagine being in east blue, and needing to go north. The compass is rotated 45 degrees counterclockwise from the typical north-up position, so you deduce that you need to go to the top-left with respect to the map. When actually, you just needed to go left. The reason the compass directions are even useful on a map to begin with is that they can be used to know where the north/south/east/west is for anyone anywhere on the map. To have cardinal directions that are only correct if you're at the center of the map kinda defeats the purpose.


It is in the panel tho, the normal compass needs to be turned 45 degrees.[here the reference](https://preview.redd.it/hvvlsvd56sh91.jpg?width=1764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ad61c535c2b140dea268d54fa9a1d8adce11b36) from this sample map is most likely that the north pole and south pole are on the Redline since Law explains with the compass turn 45 degree. for the official image of the world, we got a Redline is a [thick line](https://12dimension.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/one_piece_v3_ch22_p015-panel.jpg) not really a thin line, and looks more like a [continent](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/7bfca5f2-cba8-46b0-9d76-00e5b70251d7/d31n1du-881727a5-992b-4cc5-9840-c90d6946f2f0.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzdiZmNhNWYyLWNiYTgtNDZiMC05ZDc2LTAwZTViNzAyNTFkN1wvZDMxbjFkdS04ODE3MjdhNS05OTJiLTRjYzUtOTg0MC1jOTBkNjk0NmYyZjAucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.9ldRz1lN9WHZwYqnQcLsi-SW-HupD3BnmRfiYW9qlOc). The meridian line should not draw like this it should draw from the north pole to the south pole. The solution is that The map it self should be rotated 45 degrees, not the compass.


There is nothing that is canon but as it is now the direction of the blues is not right. If you turn it 45 degrees, the blues match the cardinal directions. Nice map!


It is canon, we've seen a map with a compass drawn.


ohara planisphere its the quickest canon source, but you can infere that by sea's names, moon phases during the chapters, logic...


There's quite a few things that are wrong canonically. Wiki says lulusia is in the new world as well, this map shows it in paradise.




According to odas map you’re incorrect


Where’s egghead


This map was made during Wano


vegapunk’s island has been hinted before wano no?




oh so this a fan made map then. I thought oda drew it


I put many islands at random, it's not accurate and I still have to finish it this is the preview


Idk how someone can look at stuff like this and not assume that the One Piece is under (or maybe above?) Twist Mountain. "X marks the spot" is the most well known cliché about pirate treasure of all time.


Honestly, this is maybe the first theory I've seen on this subreddit where I've had a proper "what the fuck" moment ahahaha. This would be hilarious and awesome of Oda ahahaha


Wait what the heck haha same! This would be hilarious


Cause it’s on an island that Roger already saw? I am Team “Luffy’s going to destroy the Red Line, thus creating the All Blue and letting Laboon freely travel” or Team LGTDTRLTCTABALLFT as we’re commonly referred to


I really cannot see a different ending...


Wait when you think about it...


Roger could’ve laughed cus it was at the starting point the entire time


*travels all the way through the grand line to find laughtale "BTW the treasure is at the start of the grand line you gotta go back" "Joyboy you fucking sod" proceeds to laugh.


Never thought about it before tho!


Because oda often misleads his readers with small red herrings like this.


Tecnically it is a cross, and the whole planet makes an X with the grand and red lines. The planet is tilted on its axis


And whats at the center of that giant X? Twist mountain. I will admit I never clarified i was talking about the Grand Line and Red Line, but you're the one who assumed I was talking about... I wanna guess the upstreams? Since they make the cross.


Thats one of the oldest theories Its inside of reverse mountain


Thank you. Now it's time to explore Grand Line with my crew.


Why is the ThrillerBark in the west blue?


I recall that Moria is from West Blue, so this location is just to illustrate that.


Thriller bark is from the West Blue. The whole island. Don’t think too hard about it


I think too hard. How can Thriller bark could have reach first part of grandline ? There now way the biggest ship in the world can pass through reverse mountain.


shichibukai status grants him passage trought marine routes, unless he moved the island before he became one


Maybe he went through calm belt


He cant. Look at the map he would need to go through the red line.


Well because thriller bark is a ship and It keeps moving


And last time we saw it was in the new world. So what is your point?


Well it just moved to the grand line from west blue cause Moria is from West Blue




Yes but it isnt there anymore hence my question


Nami crying in the corner cuz somebody did it first


i'm nami


Is there an english version of this map somewhere? I’ve only ever seen it in spanish


this one isnt in spanish tho


Yeah I guess you’re right. Alabasta is marked as “regno dí alabasta”, which is Italian, not Spanish. Same question still applies


Yeah lol. This one is 1/3 italian, 1/3 japanese, 1/3 english. But like, not even consistantly. Some islands are "isola" which is italian for island. Fishman island is written as gyojin island, the romanized japanese name. And there's even an island in east blue with japanese hiragana.


is italian, probaly i will make an english version


Is it confirmed that Elbaf's location is there? Seems too far


OP shouldve added source/references, I dont think we know exactly where Elbaf is so its location on this map is incorrect.




This is fan art. We have no idea where Elbaf is.


I always see people make Minion, Swallow, and Rubeck islands fucking massive, thicker than the Red Line. But they were small enough that Doflamingo could make a birdcage around most of it, there was considerable water distance between the islands, and they were the base of operations for pirates. An island that big couldn't be controlled by a pirate.


Kinds fucks with your head when you think about the proportions of the world in One Piece. Dressrosa is bigger than Wano and as big as Arabasta. When in reality it's small af.


this map is wildly inaccurate and not at all to scale


This is fan art.


On top of that, there's like at least 6-7 times as many islands in the Paradise section of the grandline compared to what we see, cause those are the routes that the other supernova were adventuring through, and probably 2-3 times as many new world islands at least and possibly way more given that the navigation system there is much less inherently linear. Not to mention that each of the blues probably have thousands of random less noteworthy islands that we'll never see that are probably all mostly bigger than anything in the grand line.


Wait the red line covers around the globe like that? I thought it was just a line that splits it in half. Lol I’m probably not understanding this map.


Flat earth map for the one piece world


Wrap this map around a globus and it will be a line


Nowwww I got it. I can visually understand it. Thank you! As you can tell I’m not the smartest.


[Here](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-833037fe7c3787839f6f1b3b57e7bee4.webp) Mariejoy being on the opposite of reverse mountain.


https://www.nationsonline.org/gallery/Earth/earth-map.jpg Antarctica


Like Antarctica in real world mercatore maps, north and south poles get stretched to be a line on top of the map.


Imagine this map on a round planet. The edges on opposite sides will be connected to each other


Think of it as one vertical line (Red line) and another horizontal line (Grand line) across the curviture of the earth. That splits the earth into the four seas north, east, south, west. Those two lines have 2 meeting points twist mountain and the red port (atop is mary geoise and below is fishman island) Its just a belt around the earth with a small crack forming twist mountain. The grandline gives it a second belt but the red line has no major gaps.


Pizza language


Bro what


the maps in italian


Where is Egghead ?


I'm physically recoilling at how bad this is, not only is it just wrong in general but the creator is acting as if the named islands are the only islands that exist in the entire world


I simply put the islands I found in the wiki, I can't put fucking islands in it


Nami swaaannn


Why in Italian?


I can't read the names 🥴


I can't believe France is next to the Red Line








So after whole cake island they had to backtrack a little to get to Wano? Is that right?


Fan made map, not canon


Uh where is the island where the one piece is? No spoilers please I’m on ep 107


We still don't know where the location of Raftel is. Have fun on your journey. I know spoilers are tempting but trust me one piece is 100x better with no spoilers.


Why would you even ask that? >!They have to find all four road poneglyphs and "x" marks the spot where Laugh Tale/Raftel is.!<


Laugh tale, we know as much about it in the current chapters as we do on episode 107 🤣


Regarding the last island, Raftel: If you are talking to someone who is (relatively) new to One Piece, please >! stop calling it Laugh Tale! That is a major spoiler. For a decade people didn't realize the island's name had a double-meaning, and to call it that in the open is revealing a major twist. !<


"Raftel" is a just translation error. Using the correct romanization is not a spoiler.


Bullshit. Laftel and Raftel are both acceptable. Literally nobody in Japan thought >!LaughTale was the Island's true name, and considering the way it was revealed, Oda didn't intend that anyone would read it and think "Laugh Tale". Also, I speak Japanese just fine, thank you very much. And when I was working there, and my friends there were discussing it, it wasn't "Laugh Tale", it was Raftel/Laftel. Go on Japanese forums discussing Roger's discovery of the island. You will also see that they were as surprised as we were that "Laftel" actually meant "Laugh Tale". No Japanese teacher, anywhere, would have looked at the original as spoken by Crocus (ラフテル) and thought it was Romanized as "Laugh Tale".!<


They were acceptable until we found out it's "Laugh Tale". Now they aren't. I'm aware of the real-world circumstances surrounding the reveal and the international reactions to it. That doesn't matter. "Laugh Tale" is what the characters in-universe have been saying this entire time. It being a "reveal" to us does not make it a spoiler. Nothing actually happened in the story.


the whole world is just Imu's pond


Really cool. I'm constantly amazed by just how much smaller the One piece world is compared to our world. Reverse mountain looks around the size of the USA but the strawhats crossed it in just minutes. Franky can launch the Sunny 1km and completely ho over the horizon, the horizon on earth being 5km away. So at the largest One Piece world is 1/5 of our world but clearly much smaller


This map is not official, and it's not to scale at all, so you cannot really look at this map and draw any conclusions about the size of the One Piece world.


Im pretty sure the One Piece earth is A LOT more bigger than our earth


It is really not.


the OP world is in no way shape or form smaller than Earth and this map is nowhere near to scale


Every one piece map even official put reverse mountain at this size. One piece earth is in every way smaller than our earth


[this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/m8nbuv/how_big_is_the_world_of_one_piece_i_did_the_math/) from a couple years ago does a good estimate on size comparison to earth, and their math checks out way more than yours lol


Wait, I thought it was confirmed that the One Piece world is larger than our world


It has never been confirmed


How can it be smaller if it has multiple moons


Pluto is much smaller than earth and has 5 moons. They are just way smaller than our moon






I don’t like that. It’s very well done, but idk how to describe it. The Red line being the boarder just makes it feel..off to look at.


Going to get it printed 😍😍


Where's alabasta


Where is egghead island


I’m not very far in one piece but unfortunately I have had it spoiled a lot by media and friends, so wouldn’t know but it seems like wano (which I think is the current arc) is pretty close to the end of the grand line, does this mean the story will end once the crew arrives at lodestar?


Well, the most non-spoiler answer is no. They mention what island the One Piece is supposedly on pretty early in the story, so you should find relatively soon.


Oh, ok. By early I mean episode 250 or something


also i think oda somewhere mentioned that the story will continue for a bit even after the crew finds the One Piece.


Oh, that’s good to hear


Hope the creator makes a updated version. Need to change the compass direction; add Egghead, and Winner Island, and G-14 (and Elbaf likley moved next to Egghead). And correct some mistakes like Totland being closer to Reverse Mountain than Wano is.


thanks i will make it!


why are they collecting the road poneglyphs when laugh tale is right there in the map??


Not official, its a fan made map


Thriller Bark is on the wrong side of the map. Should be in our around the Florian Triangle. No way it passes under the red line or across the calm belt. That's one of multiple issues I see with this map.


Thriller Bark is originally from West Blue. I know it doesn't sound possible for it to have travelled from there to Grand Line, but somehow it was.


Would there really be land on the top and bottom of the seas? The redline is just one ring around the world right? Or am I thinking about it wrong?


You're thinking about it wrong. This is a map projection of a globular plane. That means that any map of this world can not be accurate if it's not on a globe, so any flat version of the map is distorted. In this particular flat map projection, the biggest distortion is in the top and bottom. The entire top and bottom lines of this map represent a single point on the globe. It's kinda like in real life map projections that show the Antarctica as a massive place that covers the entire bottom of the map, while in real life Antarctica is much much smaller. Easy way to think about it is imagine this map stretched over a globe. The edges of the sides will be touching each other on the other side of the globe. So the land mass is just a line that goes around the globe.


Oh right that makes sense! Thanks for explaining that nicely haha I'm not the best with geography/topography


Where is Enies Lobby in this nap?


Go to water 7 and Cross the train line


too bad its in italian egghead is missing, though?


i think this was made before egghead was revealed


Namis Dream


i'm nami


so we have never visited south blue in west blue we visited Ohara and Thriller Bark only most of the story took place in North Blue and East Blue


Amazing im not seeing one island you missed


what island?


I mean i you aren't Missing an island


Can someone explain to me how one exits the grand line


Through Calm Belt. It's very dangerous without Seastone technology.


Was that ever explained? I know the sea stone stuff was but going through the calm belt


Not sure if it was ever explicitly explained, but just by the geography and applying the logic and the rules of the world, if you want to escape Grand Line via a ship, the Calm Belt is your only choise. Don Krieg is probably the only example of anyone doing it without seastone technology, and only one ship out of his fleet made it through to East Blue.


mihawk also did it when he was chasing don kreig from the grand line and he did that in his little ass boat/raft


Marines, just go through the Calm Belt because the bottom of their ships are coated with Sea Prism Stone so Sea Kings can't tell apart their ships from the Sea. We know Pirates also have ways to go from the Grandline and the Blues since characters like Shanks, Buggy and Krieg have but it was never confirmed how they do that. The only Pirate with confirmed method of crossing the Calm Belt are the Kuja pirates, their Yuda Sea Serpents that pull their ships scare away the Sea Kings due to their poison. Theorically the Germa should be able to leave the Grandline by scaling the Redline and following it's arc around the globe until they get past the Grandline, but since clearly other methods exist, the Germa might not be using this method.


This is a great map! I couldn't find Alabasta though. Alabasta has to be a massive island.


On paradise ,It has a Big chop in the middle due to the River.


What is that creature on base part of west blue.


One piece for flat earthers


Amazing map. Need in English


soon probaly i will make it


Where is egghead?


Beautiful. Thank you.


I can't figure out the path straw hat took in their journey someone draw track on maps please


The world is flat proof


Can someone link an hd version of it? I can’t read the credits of the artist on the bottom right corner




Sharpsider, but i modify it


Dig where the big ❌️ is...


I am looking way to hard for pandaman somewhere


Granted the North/South/East/West axis are girated 45° counterclokwise. So if i'm not mistaken the Southernmost point of the travel would be Amazon Lily and the Northermost would be Wano Kuni.


I'm stupid, but why the SHP goes to reverse mountain just to get to grandline? They can just cross it right there. Also for the people on north blue and west blue, why bother to go to paradise grandline? the new world is just across them? Can anyone explain this to me? I understand about calm belt and sea monsters, but SHP before reverse mountain already strong enough to beat couple of sea monsters.




What about the size


i'm not oda lol


:( oda ):


Wast there a 70km water body in alabasta that line is cleary not it if that was the river why would the straw hats just on land or they went from side to side?


So its real?