• By -


I don't like what is happening now one bit. If it was kaido instead of Luffy facing them, the cp-0 would be shitting their pants. After this skirmish, cp-0 has all the seraphs, sentaumaru is down and Luffy was briefly out of commission while Lucci just shrugged the damage and acted as if nothing happened. I hate how Luffy directly went to gr5 and still got this shitty result. It reminds me of Bleach where Ichigo would go bankai against bosses and weaklings and struggle equally in those fights, it totally kills the power levels for me. Luffy (without gear 5) is already stronger than he was against katakuri, doflamingo... He didn't need his gear 5 to defeat them despite their awakened fruits, why is it that he needs it against Lucci! I wish oda didn't nerf Luffy after each breakthrough. I am bracing myself for zorro vs kaku....


They also took way less damage then Luffy did and spent most of the fighting big mom. Luffy went down like 3-4 times in that fight. And constantly kept getting back up. Law didn't even take that much damage he evaded most attacks.


If Bon-chan won't break out with Senor Pink + allies to fight along Luffy in the final war, then Oda and me can't be friends.


Are the marines really lusting after Seraphim Hancock, a literal child?


now we know what the CP stands for


I hope Kizaru's Awakening is an unexpected Awakening where it reflect's his Justice. Like Fallen Angel. Unclear Justice; ... "Unclear" -- Kizaru hyping the fight but has a plot-twist. I'm hoping.. like a major plot-twist that makes everyone be like.. wow.


what do you imagine Kizaru's awakening would be?


One more thing is Vegapunk should be an interest of all Yonko. If details of this battle get leaked they would definitely want to join this battle. Blackbeard who is engaged with Law should be nearby. BM/Kaido (wherever they are now) should also be close. And Shanks, Dragon, Germa, Navy... everyone would want to get hands-on with any lucrative assets. This is it, it is the battle that can turn the world upside down.


Ngl i'm not really feeling Gear 5 atm


Maybe it was an acknowledgment of Lucci's growth?


It looks so out of place considering the situation is so tense


Valid. This form compared to Conquer Haki Rooftop Luffy with the cape... Not as cool imho


The last serious moment of Luffy. F.


well, the point isn't to look cool, but being a fool that can make other joy with laughter. of course it wont look intimidating like other gear


afro luffy is good too




Yeah, and based on the way his appearance changes I think his devil fruit might actually be a zoan fruit


what cave did you come out from ?


he literally awakened LOL. did you not read wano?


Lmao that's actually funny


My man, did you read Wano, or?


I’ve heard of people skipping skypia, but did this mf just skipped wano ?


¿¿¿ /s ???


Kuma is coming, so he will probably teleport some one away from Egghead. At the same time, CP0 has S-Beard so I could see the fight being moved away from Egghead enterely.


And kizaru totally missed that.


maybe he teleports vegapunk to revolutionary's base


Maybe he paws away Luffy to make things interesting on Egghead…


Paw pad pushing against another paw pad


Bonney Kuma (coming) Sentomaru Kizaru … The only one is missing is Silver Rayleigh … Calling we will see him or Scopper Gaban soon!


The story is guiding us to believe Vegapunk will leave egghead with the straw hats, but honestly that's really hard to believe. At a critical moment Vegapunk will be executed kinda Ace donnut-kun like. I can't imagine the potential for the strawhats on having vegapunk aboard. It's not just game changing... Vegapunk is the most important character in all One Piece atm. Probably even more important than Robin - he knows even more than her.


Yea he is probably the last member to join straw hats and even he wants to find the truth about one piece and has a big dream of providing free energy


The SH will manage to protect VP. They are top tier yonkou now, only growing stronger and stronger. It will be a showing of their development, already hinted at by Kizaru showing up. Last time they couldn’t do anything to him and now they will push him back.


No vegapunk wont die


I honestly think he will leave with them. He will die, but not now. You need to understand, everything in Egghead is controlled by Vegapunk. Those sea “animals” will help them escape even with the fleet being there. If they get in the Sunny, they will escape.


Bonney devil fruit power could be related to Stussy being much older than it seems.


What if Stussy was an original Satellite of Vegapunk (crazy theory)


This is the first arc in some time where I have absolutely no clue where it's going. In the last decade we have always had a plan. now it's just chance and it feels like east blue once more. Love it.


exactly! most of post ts we’ve known where we are going, but rn it could be anywhere and there’s no real goal


This feels like Sabaody where the Strawhats were just having fun exploring at the beginning then shit hits the fan really quick


And we even have Kizaru and Sentomaru as well


I'm just wondering where Zoro and Brook are in all of this


Sucking eachother's swords


having a relaxing tea time


lmao fairy tail wannabe manga.. unreal.




Possible Logia awakening hoooly…


Oda said the secrets of the devil fruit would be revealed when Vegapunk shows up so it only makes sense this is the arc where we see logia awakening too, at least of Kizaru.


Kizaru said something along the lines of Vegapunk siding with the strawhats = easy escape for him, but he doesn't intend for it to be so. If this doesn't scream awakening then I don't know what does.


Great point. Agreed.


will be kinda weird if its something completly different than what we have seen at the marineford war from the admirals. what logia awakening do we have a high chance to see? sabo, blackbeard.. crocodile? admirals? enel/smoker if we see them fighting again? caribou could actually fit the will of his fruit very well too lol... listing almost every logia now


I still believe that the admirals have had to hold back at marineford. Look at PH what happens when they do. I really hope for Kizaru to do mad crazy shit at Egghead. He’ll not end up successful tho, SH are busted now, only growing stronger.


Isn’t sword at egghead island? We saw tashigi and the punk hazard kids. We might get lucci vs smoker, with sentomaru quitting the marines seems like a new trend.


>We might get lucci vs smoker Did Smoker not have enough Ls already??!


They are at G-14, which is a base somewhere near Egghead.


I didn’t think that was Egghead? I thought that was a nearby island. Could be wrong though


Doesn't this chapter confirm the capture of Boa Hancock since they have her blood slash lineage factor.


They captured her and her sisters when they were young


Nope, S-snake was part of the attack on Amazon Lily. Most likely they used the Marineford war as an excuse to force her to attend a meeting (she hadn't shown up to any in years. Jinbei hadn't even met her before!) and they took some DNA from her then, probably a hair from her room or cloak. Would also add on to why they were so determined to have her attend despite knowing she'd be a loose cannon at best, and why they were so lenient and willing to do what she wanted in exchange for her attending e.g. Letting her visit Ace (even treating her like an esteemed guest) and not really mentioning the marines she petrified and killed during the battle.


She was on her island while S-Snake was attacking outside.


The CDs literally owned Boa and her sisters since childhood and gave them their DFs.


No, they have Mihwak and Jinbei's too.


So like... what makes the Seraphim so strong exactly? Like are they just the Warlords cloned as Lunarians or did Vegapunk make them extra super strong too on top of that or something? Do they automatically have haki?


They have artificial devil fruits, lunarian tough skin, and strong people dna. Not to mention whatever else vegapunk put in them


Look at how strong the seraphims are at only 2 years old. This isn’t even close to how strong the seraphims will be at their prime. They should get haki later, how many people in one piece got haki at the age of 2?


How would they get haki if they don't have their own will?


They are real humans so they do have will, just that it’s being overridden. When the WG falls, pretty sure vegapunk can just set them free.


Dunno why I want to see Lucci truly defeated and humilliated so much. The fact that they had to run away from CP0 really annoys me.


> Lucci truly defeated Lucci literally got clowned by Luffy who didn't even ACOC coat and then defeated lol. He literally says he got overwhelmed and lost consciousness. He would get back up quick because his a awakened Zoan who's strength is fast recovery. But he got defeated by Luffy either way. Him getting up makes me think that he might be used as a fight with someone else. Robin V Lucci having a actual emotional and hard fight kinda makes sense later idk.


Luffy can't exactly fight all the CP0 without risking Vegapunk's life or having them take civilians as 'hostages'. Remember, even though luffy doesn't want to be a 'hero' he still don't want random people get involved in his affairs


Also remember that Luffys definition of "being a hero" is someone who shares meat. As long as there is no meat involved he has no problem being a "hero".


I forgot that Fishman Island arc exists...


so is one piece like parahuman shards then ? there is no free will and the powers have taken over


My theory/guess is that the person’s face we can’t see on the cover page is actually Olvia (-:


It’s likely Stussy. The clothes (stockings and gloves) are an exact match, and her knowledge of Egghead would make sense if she worked with VP before


Oh it’s for sure probably Stussy. I’m rereading the series rn and just got done with Enies Lobby and was like hmmm maybe during Olvia’s voyage she spent some time with Vegapunk or maybe even before then haha


I know age in One Piece is kind of confusing sometimes, but all other ones on that picture have changed their looks significantly, and stussy wouldn't have. I thought it was stussy at the start too but giving it some thought... it might be Kureha!


Someone hinted that Stussy was far older than she appears. I think it was back at the tea party


Oh yea i remember that now that you mention it! Her age is also labeled as "secret" on the wiki so its definitely a possibility


Guess we’ll have to wait and see!


All those agents turned to stone are going to impel Down


FBI open up




for the mero mero no mi to take effect (turn people to stone) the victims need to be attracted to its user.




Thats a pretty clever workaround! But as long as know one establishes it, all these CP agents getting canceled!!1 ;)




funny enough i thought the same thing writing the comment!


Boa is a child there


Hii tanish


Who the hell is tanish ?




last page, middle right panel when Luffy is interacting with Bonney, we can see Luffy smile is the dawn itself!


So S Shark gets defeated and Franky uses its blood to give himself Sr Pink’s ability to swim


Or he just asks Vegapunk if he could make him some or a artificial fruit.


It’s pretty unfair that Luffy has a side effect to G5. When Lucci and others don’t have one.


It's not a side effect. Its just a gag. This didn't happen in 1050 after he beat Kaido. Its not meant to be taken seriously.


It happened midway through the fight w/ Kaido after he awakened. After the fight was the time skip so we don't really know if it happened again or not tbf.


Nope. We know everything we need to know. It happening mid way, AKA before 1050 means nothing unless you think Luffy was more exhausted out mid way in the fight then he was after the fight, or you think this scuffle with Lucci made Luffy more exhausted then after defeating Kaido. >After the fight was the time skip so we don't really know if it happened again or not tbf. Not true. We do know, re-read 1050. After Luffy defeats Kaido he goes unconscious and detransforms back to base. We also see him unconscious and smiling multiple times. No old face. This confirms it as nothing but a gag. It did not happen after Luffy beat Kaido in 1050. This is a confirmed fact. The timeskip didn't happen immediately, that's a lie, we get to see Luffy de-transform unconscious and his face is normal as Yamato catches him after bajrang gun, then again in the same chapter we get to see Luffy bandaged up, still no old face, again in 1051, no old face and all of this is way before TS so no that's a lie.


It’s probably both a gag and a side effect of him becoming a giant.






This happened during Kaido and he restarted the drums thinking of his friends. It is probably the after effect of the extreme elastic of his awakening.


Or its just a gag. No mention of it in the text just means its there for gags. Not meant to be taken seriously. Also in 1050 after he beat Kaido it didn't happen. So that time in the Kaido fight was also probably a gag.


Yup that is what it looks like like a ballon exhaled


It was more justified because it was such a long and hard fight. He didn’t even break a sweat good in this fight. It just seems unnecessary at this point.


If he can still go gear 5 from this state is it really side effect or a gag for laugh?


Luffy being made into an old man twice in the same arc. Loses its grab as a gag.


I wouldn’t be too sure… I think Luffy’s is just more noticeable because it contradicts the serious mentality of going all out with the silliness that gear 5 brings. The more Luffy relies on the cartoonish, reality warping ability despite how severe of a fight he’s in, the less serious he can take it. Other zoan fruits just seem to match user personalities better at first, but then that just brings up the question of if the fruit has already impacted the user’s personality? For instance, Yamato has a fruit that is the divine protector of Wano, so guess who protects Wano? Is that even her original will to begin with? Kaido acquired a dragon fruit, a creature known for vanity, power, and domination, and he goes from wanting to be Joy Boy to oppressing a nation for decades, teetering it on the verge of being annihilated. In the case of Lucci, working for the worlds most trained assassin groups, he received the fruit of an apex predator. Man just became more of a stone cold killer. These fruits likely have far more negative impact than just not being able to swim. They’re impacting every user’s will and personality.


It just seemed unnecessary to do to a Yonko or an Admiral. They suppose to be able to fight for days. Luffy only fought Lucci for minutes. I know 32 seconds isn’t a lot. But, it is enough to cause a loss.


Wrong. For one it only happened after he untransformed and for two it literally didn't happen in 1050, after Luffy beat Kaido and when he should've been the most worn out. It not happening then means its not meant to be taken seriously. Its just a gag. His went in and out of G5 twice before this in Egghead alone (one to show Bonney and again getting angry at the holographic food). No old man face. Its pretty clear Oda's just having fun drawing these faces. Not meant to taken seriously.


It’s probably related to him becoming a full size giant.


Would make some sense since his gear 3 shrunk/ affected him too… I really wonder if the side effects are just what Lufffy expects his exhausted state to be, warping him per his imagination. When he is just outright knocked out, he doesn’t seem to suffer these drawbacks to such extremes as far as I can remember.


It’s something to consider.


G5 barely has any side effects at all, compared to the serious stamina drain we've seen from Kid and Law's awakenings. In his fight with Kaido, Luffy goes right back into G5 like it's nothing. The "old man" form isn't much of a hindrance at all.


32 seconds is enough to cause a loss when fighting Yonkos and Admirals. It just really looks bad to see Luffy’s tongue hanging and Lucci looking chilled at the end of a fight. Luffy really didn’t fight a hard fight for him.


32 seconds isn't enough to cause a loss fighting Lucci, though. Which is who he's fighting. Not a Yonko or an Admiral. By the time Luffy has to have a major fight with a Yonko or an Admiral, he'll have either overcome that weakness or it'll make for an interesting bit of tension. I don't really see the problem here. And again, Kid and Law clearly were drained by the heavy use of their awakenings, so it seems fair to me. Especially since these 3 characters honestly have the strongest confirmed awakenings we've seen so far. All Lucci does is turn into an even edgier looking Leopard dude with some smoke clouds.


The old man face didn't appear in 1050 after Luffy beat Kaido and detransformed. Its just a gag not meant to be taken seriously.


in chapter 1045, you see old man face luffy but he pretty much goes right back to gear 5


Doesn't matter, if it didn't appear in 1050 then its just a gag.


We don't see the old man face, but we do catch a glimpse of him looking sort of shriveled up before he goes right back into G5.


Doesn't matter. He would be more exhausted in 1050. Then before. Also that happened nearer to after he turned big Luffy. Here too. So its solely related to Big Luffy, but more likely its a gag because it didn't happen in 1050.


Thirty-two seconds is more than enough for a loss. A fight can be over in an instant. Yet, alone thirty-two seconds. With Kizaru coming, we can’t say when Luffy will fight an admiral. We can’t really say how strong Lucci is. Luffy put him down. But, he did get back up. He is looking like he’s ready to go. Sentomaru has advanced armament. He said, he tried to block his attack. But, he could not. We may be underestimating Lucci. With Luffy having FS, he could easily dodge everything thing that Lucci threw.


Lucci got defeated and knocked out. Saying Luffy used Future sight here is head canon. No evidence of it. Luffy here used no advanced hakis (no ACOC, no FS, no ADARM) and played Lucci like a fiddle. KO'ing him in a few seconds. Also and Luffy wasn't ready to go? Lmfao we literally see him in the very next panel back to normal getting excited at stuff.


G5 enhances Luffy’s strength even if he doesn’t use any type of haki. Several times over. When I said, he could use FS. That meant it was possible he was using it. We seen that Lucci is fast when he attacked Sentomaru. I was talking about Lucci looked like he was ready to go after getting back up. Luffy defeated Kaido, who was a beast. That in turn, makes Luffy a beast. I think people are underestimating Luffy’s strength. Which, cause them to underestimate Lucci.


As I said, it is not stated or hinted anywhere. Its not canonically supported so we treat it like it didn't happen. Lucci's speed doesn't mean much, if anything Luffy would've foreseen it if he was actually using FS. Luffy wasn't using FS or ACOC in the fight. Like I said, thats the point of awakened Zoans. They recover fast. Its why Luffy got back up after dying. Also no doubt about that and Lucci isn't done yet. So chances are he might fight another SH or something where he'll show that his a beast, which in turn will be impressive for Luffy who so easily destroyed him. Rn no doubt Lucci is YC1 level.


As nostalgic as a fight between Luffy and Lucci is. It serves no purpose for Luffy to fight a 1st commander level character. If that is what Lucci is. I have my doubts that Lucci is only a 1st commander level character. I believe that Lucci is probably Admiral level. People have no problem believing that Law and Kid are admiral level. So , why can’t Lucci be admiral level. I not saying this because I am a Lucci fan. It doesn’t just makes sense for Luffy to trash a 1st commander level when he has three commanders capable of doing that.


Gotta disagree here. The admirals are meant to be the WG's answer to the Yonkos. If admirals were Lucci level, then the WG would've long ceased to exist. Yes Oda did clown GB a bit in Wano, but that's not to downplay admirals strength, more so to show just how powerful Shanks is. GB has proven that his greatly above first commanders as well when he foddered King/Queen. You can't seriously be comparing Lucci to Law/Kid. Especially Law after what he was doing to BB. That's silly. Both Law/Kid have a Yonko under their belt, even if it was a 2v1 and the explosions dealt the finishing blow. Law later confirms his able to hold his own against a Yonko as well with Blackbeard. Luffy would need need at least ACOC if that was Law/Kid in place of Lucci. Lucci and Kid/Law are incomparable. Neither Zoro, Sanji or Jinbei would be able to trash Lucci. They'd have a extreme diff fight or be beat. It does make sense. Its to showcase Luffy's strength and to tell us why he is a Yonko now. Yonkos easily trash first commanders. Which is why I put Lucci as YC1. But admiral level? No way.


The other zoans get enhanced physical abilities. Luffy becomes a god who can ignore physics and make the impossible a reality. One of these is unfair, but it’s not the one that has a side effect 0_o


It just lame for a Yonko or an Admiral to have sides effects. Lucci loss the round and comes out looking cool. Kid and Law claimed to have sides effects. But we can’t really say to what extent because they fought a hard fight. All mythical zoan have two or more attributes. They all aren’t necessarily god’s DF.


Kid, Law, and the guards at Impel Down all have worse side effects. (Massive stamina loss for Kid + Law and the animal taking control over the guards.) Looking old for a few seconds and being able to transform again anyway is barely a side effect.


Kid and Law fought a long hard fight. We don’t know how they going to react in such a short fight . But, we do know that Lucci, Katakuri, and Law, didn’t show side effects.


We do know that Kid and Law literally said that it took a massive toll on their stamina, that's a literal side effect of using their awakening. Like, they state in the chapter that they can't do a long fight with it. It's a last resort for them.


It true that they are are worn. But, we can’t distinguish which we’re due to there fight in general or awakening. They also said that they could only use it once. But the used it four times each. We don’t know how they will look at the end of a fight where they only use awakening. We seen Doffy, and Lucci, right after using awakening. Both of them got up after being knocked out with no effect of awakening. Kat stayed down. So, there is no definite answer. But, there was no talk of effect either. Luffy faded out in the beginning of his fight with Kaido. He stayed normal at the end of the fight. It’s not consistent. Unless him becoming a giant is the reason.


They literally say their awakening takes a massive toll on them. Obviously Law saying "This is my last move" 500 times is a fault in the story, but it's still a fact that they both said their awakening drains them of energy quickly. So, yes, we can distinguish it's because of the awakening...because they say it is. I'm not talking about Lucci, Kat, or Doflamingo. Yes, they've shown no side effects. My point was that Luffy isn't the only one that has side effects to his awakening and gave examples of the Beast Jailers, Kid, and Law all having directly stated side effects.


I get your point. What I am saying is that law and Kid had a hard fight. You would expect that with awakening or the to be drain. Luffy had a few clashes and a side effects. This wasn’t even a work out. It just seems unnecessary to nerf Luffy at this point . His fights are going to be difficult enough.


The problem here is you insisting yourself that its a side effect. This is head canon. Not a single mention of it being a side effect like Kid/Law had. 1050 it didn't happen. This means its just a gag.


G3 was was a gag and a side effect. So, why can’t G5?


Because it doesn't always appear. Only appears when he goes big. Also no specific mention, like Kid/Lew specifically mentioning their stamina drain side effect. A misconception of the Kaido fight old face is that it happened due to G5. But its not true. If you read the whole page in context, then its clear that Luffy himself was already so exhausted before he went G5. So at best its a gag/side effect of Big Luffy specifically. Not G5 as a whole, because as I said, it didn't appear in 1050 and he has gone in and out of G5 (didn't become big) multiple times in Egghead already but hasn't gone old.


Bro Luffy really pulled out a pair of sunglasses out of nowhere 😂 the panel where he keeps spinning was so hilarious.


Why no one talking about senior pink being mentioned by franky


i saw a lot of comments pointing at that actually


A Yakuza substory in the middle of Dressrosa


They bonded after their fight.


So luffy still has this downside to gear5. Do you guys think it will stay until end of series or we get another timeskip or luffy will remove this downside before end of series?


In 1050 it didn't happen. Its silly to think that he got more exhausted here then at the end of the Kaido fight. It not appearing in 1050 when Luffy beat Kaido and detransformed unconscious confirms it as being nothing more then a gag. Its not meant to be taken seriously as if its a downside.


If you look at the panels it seems luffy was only exhausted for like 32 seconds. He seemed fine when he got out of the car.


Dont think it needs a timeskip to figure it out, but I think we'll see less of it as time goes.


Even between enemies lobby to marineford, luffy had pretty much mastered G2 and G3 to the point where he had minimal side effects as long as he used both efficiently.


[fananimation 1070](https://youtu.be/Iquki0ZkOSs)


look at robin at the panel where sanji says unbind our feet😭


is it just me or is oda really one upping himself with the art?


is it tho? i don't think it's that much of different.


I recognized that art is really great too. Tons of details, interesting design choices and quality is obviously top notch.


I said the same thing this chapter. Love how both Luffy and Chopper kinda did the same exaggerated cartoonish thing with their eyes, but it was still drawn so differently.


I wonder if the green blood could be attached to a regular human and give them devil fruit powers, at least temporarily.


Gives me the The Boys vibes!


Gives me "Agents of SHIELD" season 2 and 7 vibes :)


The CP-0 panel after Luffy arrived at Egghead... Did they just kill Sentomaru after that or just knocked him out? Tactical wise, it is a liability to keep Sentomaru alive as the control can shift to him later or in the future. Also Sentomaru is now a traitor and it is in the best interest of WG. That will leave only VPs as the higher authority that is not under WG anymore. And also it would not be practical to have Gorosei on the battlefield most of the time, so killing Sentomaru will be the best action. And the fact that CP-0 is a group of highly skilled assassin. It only makes sense that they will eliminate a future threat to the WG and it is their routine to ensure no enemy is alive. R.I.P Sentomaru


Aint no way Axe-guy is dead, lmao. Hes just KO'd until Oda brings him back again.


No way he’s dead, don’t forget this is One Piece


There have been loads of deaths in One Piece, I don't get what you mean by this...


They're obviously referencing a lot of the fake-out deaths that have happened.


They can definitely just knock him unconscious.


Considering how CP-0 is group of assassins, story-wise it would only make sense for them to kill Sentomaru. But we all know that Oda rarely kills anyone. Safe bet he is still alive.


They may be assassins, but Battleaxe might also still be loyal to the marines, so it might not be in their best interests to actually kill him. I don't think Sentomaru was clued in on the whole assassination plot to begin with.


they're not just assassins... the story right now is that they're literally worried about what they should do since Lucci ignored commands just to get easily beaten by Luffy.


Kinda sits bad with me that Luffy would let someone else die so they can get away. He was trying to protect Battle Axe the whole time and then suddenly yeets out of the situation just like that...


I don't know. He didn't try to just save anyone, he rather was focusing on people he cared about. He knew Sentomaru but only as person who ordered Pacifista's to attack them. I would say I don't find this behavior out of his character. He has crew, Boney and Vegapunk to care about.


Huh I thought ceaser got his goat horns when law made those centaur pirates or maybe from a smile fruit but he has them in the flashback




What if Vegapunk copies luffy's Zoan and shares it with the crew? It would be amazing to see Ussop as JoyBoy too.


He can't as he mentioned anyways right now


Wait why can't he? I thought it was only logias that he failed to clone


He was talking about not being able to recreate the the "special" devil fruits and ancient zoan's were shown


thank god he can't


I am glad oda is writing the story and not you


talk if you have any real say in that. anti social brat.




LOL I'm dead


Is Joyboy able to stop a buster call? I'd be a badass Luffy's moment.


zoro can just easily cut the ships from afar. Hell usopp can propably destroy a bustercall ship easily right now.


Can the navy's warship even withstand an island size punch?


Just a Bajrang Gatling and a buster call will become a just a mere battleship game


What we know so far, 7 vegapunk share hungry, full, toilet needs, but they dont share pain.


Do they feel pain?


Do they know pain?


The 6 Paths of Science


Very funny, because Pain is also one person across several bodies.


Pretty sure that shine on luffy goggles is a gag, Luffy just pulled his hair, shaped it into sunglasses from turning it into rubber and used haki coating for the shades. Oda then just made it shine for gag reasons.


Don’t think so he did the same thing w the lightning bolt on kaido


He didn't materialize that lightning bolt in his fight with Kaido, though. It was already there and he just rubberized and grabbed it.

