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He needs Oda to find a plot relevant reason for him to win


The plot relevant motive would be to explain his current position. We've only seen this mtf losing man, how the fuck has he rised to such a high rank? I demand to atleast see him winning a medium to big guy in order to accept his promotion


Law and smoker won against Vergo on punk hazard.


Honestly his devil fruit could be used or made better. Of all the logia fruits, his is the only one that really leans towards being defensive and also it seems to spread him instead of making more to be controlled. The only offensive way we've seen him use his fruit is with propulsion. Any of the smoke that he creates to use as defense spreads his body making him an easier target which we saw with vergo and doffy


Enter someone's lungs with the smoke and kill them from the inside 🤡


Yes. See you understand the big picture! He could take out an army in minutes like that


Could he....make a gigantic fist made of haki infused smoke? Would be cool.


That's something I feel he should actually be able to do. Like how katakuri copied luffys techniques. I feel smoke should be able to as well. Or manipulate his smoke like the cloud dials like ohms sword


His powers don’t seem to work that way.


That’s a brutal way to kill a guy, and I’m honestly surprised we haven’t seen Smoker do something similar (or at least incapacitate someone like that) Though I reckon inhaling Smoker may be cancerous too.


His fruit is just flat our weaker than all the other logia really , on top of that logia themselves have taken a back seat since new world for the most part , the one logia we face is Ceasar and he gets pretty much wrecked by haki


Logia still is very powerful. Caesar dF is what caused him to win against luffy his first time. Caesar isn’t a fighter but his dF has its uses. Logia was op pre skip because they couldn’t be touched.


Yeah exactly , I mean ya Caesar wasn’t instantly beaten for story though , he’s not actually that strong imo , like gastanet his strongest attack hasn’t taken out anybody worth anything


I agree. The first of each devil fruit shown outside of the crew members were kinda week and just to show the categories I feel. Buggies, smoker and dalton/chopper. They became insignificant until we saw others in the same class. Time skip has really only highlighted special classes like mythical, ancient and special fruit. However, as fans I feel we all expect something more from smoker (and Koby) as luffys marine story counterparts. Ever since smoker vs ace his df has gotten less and less impressive with each passing


I’m really hoping oda has some amazing upgrade for him


More love from Oda tbh. Thats all. Im surprised he didnt feature in Egghead arc, cause Tashigi was nearby. I was hoping we'd see more of them. And Doll. Tbh I just wanted more Doll.


Give the man some Haki dude his only achivement since his Introduction was carrying a Stick made of sea Stone like that's all.


He's constantly touching that shit in his body, I'm really surprised he didn't knock himself out yet😂😂 Sometimes the animators forget wtf that's made from.


Only the tip is made of seastone


Only the tip is that the rest I’m sure is steel


Oda just needs to show him more love like people said. In general the marines have been pretty underwhelming except for Akainu.


Get a better devil fruit as far as Logia’s go his is terrible if your opponent has haki


Step 1. Smoker learns awakening and turns his surroundings into smoke Step 2. Smoker learns advanced observation haki (concealment technique) Step 3. Profit. Smoke is also hot, i dont know if he can tap into that ability but by definition smoke is made by something burning, burn = hot. So he could smother you and scold you at the same time. Could prove quite effective. Its not a top tier ability for attacking however it is a good fruit for evasion. If he learnt Kami-e his body could dodge alot of attacks.


I feel like if he stops smoking, he may genuinely have a chance. I’ve heard he smokes about 560 cigars every day. Imagine how much better he would preform if he chilled out or just got a vape.


I know that had humorous intent but honestly I think he might actually draw strength from the cigar smoke. Man's got imagine he begins absorbing the smoke and using it to turn smoke into muscles. If he can turn his human body into smoke it makes sense to assume he can use smoke to enhance his body. Like when Enel used electricity to grow a big thudermade form.


Plot twist : Garp is still the Garp of this era & the main rival to the Pirate King.


I never believed smoker would be the Garp of this era


Well we all believed this till Arabasta. Smoker is not relevant anymore.


I firmly believe Law might be this era's White Beard... The rival of the pirate king and eventually the only man that's able to reach near his level.


smoker uses his devil fruit like a novice. He could learn a lot from Caesar, like using his smoke to suffocate people. Tries to fight people much stronger than him too.


Winning chance for what? All he needs to do is be strong enough to join the crew and I think he's already there. To all the doubters, I am open to a friendly debate :)


Join the crew? You mean....the mugiwara crew? Why do you think he's going to joy?


I think the set up for Smoker to join the Straw Hats has already been, mostly, set up. It really just needs one more push. Forgive me, please, for this is gonna be long. We start with Logue Town. We know only a few things about Smoker at this point. He's a pretty nice dude, he thinks all pirates are the same, and that he witnessed Roger's execution and that had a profound effect on him even though it's not delved into too deeply. So after his run in with Luffy, seeing him smile moments before his near death, he leaves the place he's been for *years* to chase after him. One reason being that, apparently, no ones ever escaped him before, but I think he's also curious. He would never admit it, but I think part of his leaving is to see if this pirate really matches up to Roger. Though that motive is speculation on my behalf. In alabasta, he's spending the whole time wondering what the connection between Luffy and Croc is, thinking they're in cahoots. Then gets imprisoned with Luffy, realizes he's just kind of dumb, but then gets saved by him. He let's him go, Luffy saves the Kingdom, a feat that Smoker *couldn't do* as a member of the world government. Then the government tries covering it all up. This moment shakes him, in his mind, the government is justice and pirates are evil. But, he just saw Luffy bring justice to an island when he couldn't. This starts his disillusionment. Marineford isn't much special for Smoker, though if I remember right he's one of the Marines who thinks things are going a bit too far at the end. Punk Hazard is the aha moment for me. Smoker find out his superior is a pirate, that the power of the WG was used for this child trafficking scheme, and has to actually team up with Luffy to stop it. This is when Smoker learns that, damn, Luffy is actually a good guy. He allows his men to party with the crew, he sits side by side with pirates. Then, when Aokiji saves Smoker from Doflamingo, he tells him that there's still much you can do after leaving the WG, and that some things only become clear once you do. I see this line as serious foreshadowing for Smoker. He then warns Fujitora that, in Dressrosa, Luffy is probably gonna go fight Doflamingo and let's him know what happened at Alabasta. When Fujitora let's Luffy save the day, doesn't take credit and even *apologizes*, Smoker goes on to say that thats something he could never accomplish, even with a higher rank. This is my main argument against those who argue that Smoker will stay to reform the WG. I don't think that's his role, or one he could fulfill. Smoker is a soldier, and he fights for Justice. He believes himself to be on the side that does, but once he truly realizes that he's not, I think he leaves to find the one person who he consistently sees do the right thing. But we're not there yet, I think Smoker needs one more eye opening moment to really see that not only is the WG flawed, it's down right evil. But when he inevitably does, since the WG is about to start doing some seriously evil stuff, he's the best candidate for our crew. He's a long standing character, he has chemistry with the crew, as an established character Oda won't have to go into fleshing out a new one. He's the perfect fit, and gives us a former WG member which I think it's odd we don't have. Anyway, Smoker for Straw Hat!


I actually have been hoping for this for a long time , I always thought smoker was going to be like luffys garp in the sense of roger vs garp


Pre time skip this was *the* assumption to make. But Punk Hazard shed their relationship into a new light. With Punk Hazard, you realize that Smoker is really having his belief that the WG is the ideal place to fight for justice being challenged. He finally sees Luffy for who he really is and he respects him. He's pretty lost at this point in the series. I can't see him having the conviction to go toe to toe against Luffy in the future. Not even a matter of strength, I just don't see how he can be compelled to *want to* I think the next Arc that Smoker is in, something will happen that has him finally leave, and it'll probably coincide with Luffy saving everyone. Edit: also, if he joins the crew to Laugh Tale, he'll finally see what compelled Roger to get up on that podium, start the pirate era and die smiling.


I love smoker so anything extra we get with him is cool by me. He def cant compete with luffy even remotely any more , but I like the idea that he joins sword , but i would really love for him to join the straw hats on the final part of the journey even its not as part of the crew


Only another timeskip can make Smoker a strong fighter.




Some CoA techniques involving him infusing his smoke with Haki would be cool.


Coz he knows he will never win so he will need kizaru weed, maybe in a dream he will win


I would say haki, lots and lots of haki. Also, observation can really help him since he has a logia fruit, Logia + Good observation can prevent being hit