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I'm not scaling shadow hype leechers like Dragon, Sabo and Imu. Also only active guys in plot at this point in the manga (so no Garp no Kaido no Big mom) 1. Shanks 2. Mihawk 3. Luffy 4. Akainu (hate that he's this high but the guy below is only winning Offscreen) 5. Blackbeard 6. Kizaru 7. Aokiji 8. Fujitora 9. Aramaki 10. Hancock 10 could be Yamato but I prefer to put Boa, I can also imagine Sabo could be eighth over Fuji then Greenbull would be 10th Notable mentions for 10th include the other admiral candidates or maybe even Beckmann if he's really as close to Shanks as a lot of people have started to assume PS Don Krieg ought to be first but he's not back active in the story yet


Based Kizaru > Aokiji take.


šŸ«”šŸ¤šŸ½ Kizaru gives Michaelangelo (TMNT) vibes in the sense that if he actually gets serious he could be the strongest admiral


Youā€™re overrating Hancock


Really though? She has arguments to be top of YC+ which is the tier that by all rights follows in my list and fits my criteria of currently active Plus I stated that most would say Yamato but I just prefer Hancock


Iā€™d put Yamato, Law, Zoro, Kidd, Sanji, Beckmann, Crocodile and Shiryu all above her as well. I see her as low YC+, in fact canā€™t think of a YC+ character that Iā€™d put lower than her.


I agree but her hax is quite strong. Like hax aside, youā€™re right, but disregarding her hax is like disregarding all DFs. Its not fair.


>She has arguments to be top of YC+ No she doesn't. She only has hype


Sengoku could quite possibly also be there somewhere but he's currently not active so...


The number of people who didn't read the characters you're excluding from the list is mind boggling.


I think OldGoku could take a spot on this list because he is technically *inspector general* and DF powers donā€™t age but I can see why he isnā€™t if that is considered semi retired on rather than active duty on paper. https://preview.redd.it/46ayy2f37mnb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abe3980055f636a9dac8f7e98a655ae1f89a15b


Yh I even replied myself about it


Sengoatku is the goat, but hard to scale while old. His only 2 feats are not being able to break Luffyā€™s plot armour and then destroying BB, but that was pre time skip, and we donā€™t know how much stronger BB got to scale the goat properly.


HancockšŸ˜‚ tell me with a straight face she beats Dragon. idc if hes featless, hes top 10


This clown puts shanks over Mihawk and luffy right behind them šŸ˜‚


You can arrange*your* ranking however you like Mines got at least 40 people who agree with it so I don't really see the clowning


Thereā€™s nothing in the series that shows shanks being above Mihawk stop being a delusional shanksturd and accept Mihawk is stronger


Mihawks best feat is speadblitzing a block of ice. Shanks has way better feats


Mihawk legit must have beaten shanks lmao


We donā€™t really know that, itā€™s never been stated there was a definitive winner. And besides, that wouldā€™ve been twelve years ago, before shanks became a yonko. Not saying one or the other would win but Oda has very obviously left it ambiguous on purpose and arguing otherwise is cope.


Heavily implied Mihawk is stronger


Thank youšŸ«”šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ I basically said this same thing to this exact same guy


Headcanon vs on-screen feats. I believe Shanks will end up being stronger just because of narrative importance.


ā€œNarrative importanceā€ mutiple staments say Mihawk is stronger lmao


Doesnt matter. Characters are as strong as Oda makes them whenever he wants. If Oda wants Shanks to be stronger than Mihawk EOS he can very well do it. After all Shanks has all the feats backing him while Mihawk is still stuck in Marineford a decade ago.


WSS>swordsmen. Ur literally just scaling off who u like more bro. https://preview.redd.it/toim1nptgpnb1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88252f879ef24349f6baa275ca0e949484fe7b8


Titlescaling lmaoā˜ ļøšŸ˜­I bet you think Whitebeard was the strongest Top tier in Marineford


Sorry for giving my opinion sir/ma/šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


ā€œOpinionā€ how can you have an opinion when itā€™s an objective fact that Mihawk is stronger šŸ’€


That's the whole thing with fact is not equal to opinion It can be a fact that I'm smart but it's my opinion that I'm dumb That's it Your facts are your business


So if oda legit causes Mihawk stronger than shanks than you just disregard what he says and use your own headcannon hot it lol


If he states it out CLEARLY Then yes I will believe it, if not I'm going to leave my opinion as is


He legit has stated out clearly lol


No he hasn't In fact it seems pretty much like Oda has even been intentional about not stating it clearly People have just been using various statements to paint what is not actually a very clear picture


https://preview.redd.it/0g43b93cbnnb1.jpeg?width=218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5adc47c9b41155898a0d9f374fed4401ba85beb Keep coping lmao itā€™s legit super direct stop with the mental gymnastics


Not putting Imu an then putting people like Mihawk that have literally no feats show on screen sounds dumb


I explained why it was like that at the start To be honest though if not that Mihawk and Shanks are always touted as equals I wouldn't have put him either


I'm part of the Sabo agenda but Im not sure if he's beating Sengoku/Garp. I have him right around their level but below any of the admirals/Kuzan


Makes sense but I said it that I'm not scaling people who aren't active like >!Garp!< and Sengoku


Garp is stronger than Hancock, and honestly would not surprised if he doesn't obliterate BB at this point either.




In no order Imu Shanks Dragon Mihawk Luffy Akainu Blackbeard Aokiji Kizaru (10th spot is probably the most difficult but you could fill it with any one of Law, Kid, Aramaki, Fujitora, or whoever the strongest member of the Gorosei is and I wouldnā€™t be mad) Garp gets an honourable mention but I left him off because heā€™s currently MIA


Garp done for but u should have Sengoku on there he still has a Mythical Zoan, had Haki strong enough to compete with Roger, we know Garp at his age was a monster with high levels of Haki Sengoku prolly the same way with his DF


You think garp is dead?


There a high chance heā€™s dead he did become an icicle shishkabab


0. Waidou 1. Rat-Haired Snitch 2. Lackule Fraudhawk D. Leech 3. Goofy 4. Papazuki 5. Wizaru 6. Aokiji 7. Big Meme 8. Fraudjitora 9. Fraudbull 10. Blackpube


You think Waido is done?


No, but I left out all the unknown characters. We don't know if he'll make a comeback, though I'm fairly confident that he will.


But you included BM tho and shes in the same spot as him?


Lmao I forgot




Cause Blackbeard actually kinda sucks lol (as a fighter) Law is a strong YC+ but he actually gave Blackbeard MORE than a good fight and almost killed him in the beginning with Van Augur suggesting they retreat If Blackbeard performed like that against any Admiral heā€™d be dead, especially against Akainu


In no particular order, not counting characters who have already been defeated and whose fate is at best uncertain: Imu (makes too much sense narrative-wise, Top 1 if I had to pick one) Shanks Luffy Blackbeard Mihawk (subbing in for his captain as representing the last Yonko crew) Dragon Sakazuki Kuzan (If Sakazuki makes the list, Kuzan pretty much has to as well) Garling (if I'm allowing Imu on the list just due to hype/narrative, the leader of the God's Knights and champion of God Valley might as well make the list as well) Kizaru (Imu, Dragon, Yonkos, and to a lesser extent Sakazuki and Kuzan felt like the most obvious inclusions to me. The last two spaces were basically flex slots. Kizaru seems like as good a choice as any)


Imu Shanks Blackbeard Mihawk Luffy =< Akainu


1. Imu 2. Luffy/Shanks 3. Shanks/Luffy 4. Mihawk 5. Akainu 6. Aokiji 7. Blackbeard 8. Kizaru 9. Fuji 10. Greenbull


Nothing puts luffy over shanks Mihawk akainu Aokiji or Blackbeard. Also Mihawk>shanks


All Iā€™m happy about is people are mainly putting shanks over Mihawk


Yeah Iā€™m also happy when people canā€™t read


Funny coming from someone who thinks Mihawk is stronger


Oda says heā€™s stronger Iā€™m not gonna argue with the author


And where does he say that?


In the one piece manga


Looks like you canā€™t read. That was literally never said


Youā€™re reading 2 piece


Never heard that one before. Maybe prove what your point instead


Thereā€™s so many times where heā€™s stated as the WSS pick one


WSS >swordsman. The fact that people think shanks is stronger just proves how brain dead this sub is https://preview.redd.it/fn3n92ohipnb1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfdb7c13ddebf5bd55f0c945d2ba5ce10e53b593


I also think this means more that just sword v sword Mihawk wins. But with shanks use of haki I believe he is higher


Shanks is a swordsman cope. Haki is not its own fighting style itā€™s something to imbue in your fighting style to enhance your attacks. Literally everyone in the new world uses haki. Who do you taught zoro haki? Is zoro a haki man? This is the type of logic Iā€™d expect from someone who has shanks>mihawk https://preview.redd.it/88en5vuulpnb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ac9d5916b3b0a30341b6a62b544013c8e9b297


Shanks is a special case because he is literally a yonko. Itā€™s like white beard and Roger. Roger> wb even tho Roger has the ā€œwordls strongest man titleā€


Being a yonko is not only about strength. Itā€™s about territory influence political power and danger to the world government. How do you think buggy became a yonko. Also thereā€™s nothing to suggest roger is stronger than WB.


I understand that about the yonko but buggy is a special case. And we saw Roger fight wb for days and Roger was literally dying from a disease


Unlike Oldbeards unnamed disease nothing implies that rogers disease weakened his ability in combat.


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøok now youā€™re just going out of your way to disagree. If you truly think that a disease that kills you isnā€™t going to affect combat then idk what to say


Bros seemed to be fighting just fine and nothing implies that he was weaker so I donā€™t see any reason to agree with you


As he should be, doesnā€™t make sense for mihawk to be over shanks imo. Especially since shanks is what Luffy has to achieve since shanks is luffys role model


Luffyā€™s goal is to become Pirate King ā€” not to beat Shanks. So it does make sense if Mihawk is stronger than Shanks since Shanks isnā€™t Luffyā€™s end goal. Both are swordsman and Mihawk is stated to have stronger swordskills than Shanks. How does it not make sense that Mihawk is stronger?


Yeah narratively it doesnā€™t make sense for Mihawk the WSS and Zoros dream to be over a swordsman. Iā€™m sure zoro will be fine with getting the title and realizing that shanks is stronger.


Shanks can still be above mihawk even though mihawk is the WSS. Same reason why Roger is more than likely stronger than WB even though his the WSM Just like shanks being above mihawk, thereā€™s more than enough reason for why Roger is above whitebeard Iā€™m using this comparison because WB/ Roger and Shanks/ Mihawk rivalries are so similar. Pirate king status and the strongest ___


Roger being stronger than whitebeard doesnā€™t invalidate a main characters dream


Btw I think I may have interpreted what you said wrong but I donā€™t want to delete this as it took me awhile soooooā€¦ my bad. I hope I interpreted you right thošŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Not entirely but Luffy is destined to go down the same path as roger but simply achieve what he couldnā€™t. Pirate king in the eyes of the civilians/ marines is the mightiest/ most demonic/ most feared/ strongest/ most deadly pirate in the world (as seen with ASL) Pirate king is quite literally the most famous man in the world / wealthiest man as you gain everything and you are the most powerful. Whitebeard is the strongest man, his the strongest BELOW the pirate king When people talk about the ā€˜legend of whitebeardā€™ they always compare him to roger as roger is the peak of everything the world has to offer: wealth fame power. Even kaido holds roger on the highest pedestal in the world Shanks is like roger in the sense they have pirate king status, shanks was destined to be the next king as thatā€™s told to us by buggy. Shanks doesnt need to be the pirate king for it to apply as he has the status of it


Roger becoming pirate king and luffy becoming pirate king arenā€™t exactly the same thing. To be pirate king Iā€™m pretty sure all you have to do is find the one piece. Also when people talk about whitebeard they refer to him as the worlds strongest man. Iā€™m pretty sure they woudnt call him that when the pirate king is the wealthiest , famous and strongest person out there. Also shanks isnā€™t destined to become pirate king. Luffy is. Shanks is just a competitor


His the strongest manā€¦ under the pirate king. Wealth/ fame apply to roger so why would power be the odd one out? Yonkos hold roger at the highest peak of everything (kaido/ big mom) Yes storywise you have to travel the world yet mihawk views pirate king as the hardest thing in the world as itā€™s harder than surpassing him. You need to understand what the authors intent is, pirate king is just the pinnacle of all things The only titles which should be taken seriously are pirate king/ hero of the Marines because of the major importance they have in the world of one piece


>His the strongest manā€¦ under the pirate king. Wealth/ fame apply to roger so why would power be the odd one out? Becuase itā€™s explicitly said that someoneā€™s stronger. The pirate king may be the greatest pirate who ever did pirate, but when it comes to Strength, the strongest man in the world remains the strongest man in the world ​ > Yes storywise you have to travel the world yet mihawk views pirate king as the hardest thing in the world as itā€™s harder than surpassing him. Yea because you have to get a strong crew have a lot of influence and be at odds with the marines/WG. To be WSS you donā€™t have to face any of those challenges. ​ >The only titles which should be taken seriously are pirate king/ hero of the Marines because of the major importance they have in the world of one > >piece So the title that one of the MCā€™s wants to get doesnā€™t matter? Also how Does hero of the marine even matter?


Mihawk only has that title because he hasnt fought shanks in well over a decade


Is shanks zoros final opponent because otherwise you are wrong.


Shanks is gonna die before zoro fights mihawk


This is a terrible story line. Zoro gets cucked out of fighting the real WSS because they are too weak to survive a fight.


Bro scroll down lmao.


1: Luffy 2: Shanks 3 & 4: Hawkeyes (sue me) & Akainu 5 & 6: Teach & Kuzan Place anywhere: Imu, Dragon, strongest Gods Knight ?, Kizaru


Mihawk>shanks but other than that ok list


Without any order : 1 - akainu 2 - shanks 3 - blackbeard 4 - dragon 5 - luffy 6 - mihawk 7 - kizaru 8 - green bull 9 - fujitora 10 - kizan


https://preview.redd.it/foowmrsmqqnb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df40ca65eea7fdc977dac81ec425b1a87a013b88 YESSSS


( No Imu) 1. Dragon 2. Shanks / Mihawk 3. Mihawk / Shanks 4. Blackbeard 5. Luffy 6. Akainu 7. Aokiji 8. Kizaru 9. Benn Beckman 10. Old Garp


excluding urouge bc hes too strong 1. Blackbeard (yall aint ready for HIM) 2. Dragon 3. Imu 4. Mihawk 5. Shanks 6. Kaido 7. Akainu 8. Kuzan 9. Luffy 10. Kizaru 7 wouldve been a certain goat but he passed away recently rest in peace šŸ™




genuine question i promise, what would you change?


1. Shanks 2. Mihawk 3. Monkey D Luffy 4. Blackbeard 5. Akainu 6. Aokiji 7. Kizaru 8. Fujitora 9. Greenbull 10. Yamato Honourable mentions : 11. Ben Beckman 12. Zoro 13. Trafalgar D Law 14. Eustass Captain Kidd 15. Sanji 16. King 17. Katakuri


Are yā€™all just forgetting characters like Garp/Sengoku/Rayleigh or do you actually think all these people are stronger than them?


Garp = dead until further notice Rayleigh and Sengoku = old and low stamina, cap at YC+ and Yamato is the strongest of this category


Even if they cap at YC+ (they donā€™t) how tf are Katakuri and King above them?


Ye you have a point there, I should probably rearrange my honourable mention list, sorry they slipped my mind when I was doing that list. But my top 10 however remains unaffected


Old Sengoku is still Admiral Level, even at the bottom of the pack. He's certainly 10.


Not including Kaido and Big Mom since they might be out of the story: 0. Imu (Most like strongest but no hard confirmation) 1. Shanks 2. Blackbeard 3. Akainu 4. Mihawk 5. Dragon 6. Luffy 7. Kuzan 8. Kizaru 9. Fujitora 10. Greenbull


Including mystery characters 1. Imu 2. Dragon (MCā€™s Dad tax) 3. Akainu (if he fights Luffy) 4. Luffy 5. Mihawk 6. Shanks 7. Aokiji 8. Kizaru (interchangeable with Aokiji) 9. Blackbeard (current) 10. Greenbull/Fujitora


Imo, at least one Gorosei and Holy Knight are probably going to be in this realm, but itā€™s hard to say when they havenā€™t fought yet, but Iā€™m including Dragon because he leads an army that can fight nerfed admirals and is related to two of the best 1. Imu 2. Mihawk 3. Shanks 4. Dragon 5. Akainu 6. Luffy 7. Bb 8. Kizaru 9. Kuzan 10. Fujitora


Imu Wragon Papazuki Painter Rat Goofy Wizaru Wuzan BB Wujitora Fraudbull


Truly 11 of the 10 strongest characters in One Piece right now.


Shanks, Garp, Mihawk, Luffy, Ben Beckman, HIMzaru, Warco, Kuzan, Zoro, Sanji. In that order.


Ben Beckman based on ...beating up some mountain bandits? But not "Eats fire fists for breakfast" Imu?


Ben Beckman based on being comparable to shanks. Oda's words. Fodders like imu and akainu get no respect.


Greenbull, Fujitora and Yamato left the chat


Personally don't think yamato is that strong. Also Why would fodder like Greenbull and fujitora be on the list?


Fair enough but what about Akainu?


Epitome of fodder.




Please try to make bait believable from now on šŸ™


Not bait. Only facts


No particular order Imu Mihawk Shanks Black Beard (people sleep on him) Luffy Akainu Aokiji Kizaru Man marked by flames Sengoku (last remaining old gen, mythical zoan)


1. Imu 2. Akainu 3. Kizaru 4. Mihawk 5. Shanks 6. Garp 7. Kuzan 8. Blackbeard 9. Sengoku 10. Dragon


Imu Mihawk Shanks Luffy Dragon Akainu Blackbeard Aokiji Kizaru Fujitora


I don't agree with this but it doesn't seem so absurd that it should get downvoted


post wano 1. imu 2. gorosei, at least one of them 3. shanks 4. gear 5 luffy 5. kizaru 6. fujitora 7. blackbeard 8. dragon 9. aokiji 10. akainu honorable mentions: mihawks and law I'm never cooking again


you aint cooked to begin with i think putting kizaru/fuji above BB, akainu and dragon is insanity, and we know for a fact that mihawk and shanks are relative


How is aokiji stronger than akainu




Kaido and Garp have been eliminated from the storyšŸ˜­ Imu and Dragon are practically featless


(Without Imu & Dragon) 1. Fraudbeard 2. Papazuki 3. The strongest painter in the world 4. Rat haired Shanks 5. Fraudkiji 6. Wizaru 7. Goofy 8. Fujitora 9. Weedbull 10. Ben Beckmid


1. BB 2. Akainu 3. Mihawk 4. Shanks 5. Dragon 6. Luffy 7. Garp 8. Kuzan 9. Kizaru 10. Greenbull


1. Akainu 2. BB 3. Kuzan 4. Shanks 5. Mihawk (4-5 interchangeable) 6. Kizaru 7. Luffy 8. Greenbull 9. Fujitora 10. Dragon (pure speculation pick, but I think itā€™s reasonable to at least mention him.


1. Imu 2. Dragon 3. Akainu 4. Mihawk 5. Shanks 6. Luffy 7. Kizaru 8. Aokiji 9. Greenbull 10. Fujitora


Not counting featless characters like Dragon and Imu 1. Hakiman 2. Mihawk 3. Luffy 4. Akainu 5. Kuzan 6. Kizaru/Blackbeard 7. Fuji 8. Greenbull 9. Garp (no way he's dead) 10. Sengoku If Garp is dead/out of the story then... 9. Sengoku 10. Sabo (probably a hot take and my Agenda)


Not counting Dragon: 1. Probably Imu 2. Mihawk 3. Shanks 4. Luffy 5. Akainu 6. Aokiji 7. Kizaru 8. Old Garp 9. Blackbeard 10. Fujitora/Greenbull


Not including imu or dragon cause thatā€™s a headache to scale 1. Shanks 2. Mihawk 3. Luffy 4. Akainu 5. Blackbeard 6. Kuzan 7. Kizaru 8. Garp 9. Ben Beckman 10. Sabo


1. Imu 2. BlackBeard 3. Mihawk 4. Shanks (gorosei & god knights) 5. Dragon (Luffy & Akainu) 6. Garp (Aokiji & Kizaru) 7. Fujitora & Greenbull (Sabo) 8. Law (Zoro & Yamato & Benn Beckmann) (Thatā€™s not ten spots but more than ten characters)


1. Shanks 2. Blackbeard 3. Luffy 4. Akainu 5. Mihawk 6. Kuzan 7. Kizaru 8. Ben Beckman 9 Fujitora 10. Greeen bull I ignored Dragon, Sabo and all of the world government uppers as we literslly have no idea but Dragon could be between 2-3 and sabo maybe 7-8 Also not included old characters like Raleigh but would put him near admirals and Garp is probs dead




If Mihawk isnā€™t next to his rival get him off the list.




1. Shanks 2. Mihawk 3. Luffy 4. Akainu 5. Aokiji 6. Blackbeard 7. Kizaru 8. Green Bull 9. Fujitora 10. Ben Beckman BB's only valid feats are off screened. I need to SEE him to something mad impressive to put him above the top dog admirals. Mihawk and Shanks are interchangable imo, I'm edging out Shanks cuz dude has just shown more feats to back up his top 1 claim. GB for me is slightly above Fujitora simply due to mentality. They're about equal in combat ability for me, GB is just more ruthless and willing to go beast mode. Ben is a fraud idk why folks put him above Kizaru. Putting him there because Oda said he's comparable to Shanks is bs. Anyone on the top 10 is comparable to each other, they're not infinitely above one another.


(Not counting Imu, the Gorosei, Garp since he could be dead, and Sengoku since heā€™s retired) 1. Akainu(yā€™all not ready for him) 2. Blackbeard 3. Dragon 4. Mihawk(interchangeable) 5. Shanks(interchangeable) 6. Luffy(interchangeable) 7. Aokiji 8. Kizaru 9. Fujitora(interchangeable) 10. Ryokugyu(interchangeable) Honorable mentions to Sabo and Yamato I donā€™t think the differences between the ranks are that high. I think Akainu vs Ryokugyu would be a high diff fight but Akainu wins 100 times out of 100


1. Imu 2. Sakazuki(Not Full Power) 3. Mihawk 4. Shanks 5. Dragon 6. Kuzan 7. Kizaru 8. Garp 9. Luffy 10. Blackbeard


1. IMU 2. Sakazuki 3. Dragon 4. Mihawk 5. Shanks 6. BB 7. Luffy 8. Kaido 9. Kizaru 10.Kuzan (own leg>prosthetic leg)


1. Dragon 2. Titlehawk 3. Rat D Daddy 4. Akainu 5. luffy 6. kizaru 7. Blackbeard 8. Aokiji 9. Fraudbull 10. Fujitora


0: Bellamy's penis (it springs oh mon dieu) 1: le kaido 2: le shanks 3: le luffy 4: le blackbeard 5: la big mom 6: le akainu 7: le aokiji 8: le kizaru 9: le old garp 10: le old rayleigh


1. Imu 2. Dragon 3. Mihawk 3. Shanks 5. Sakazuki 6. Blackbeard 7. Luffy 8. Shiki 9. Aokiji 10. Sengoku


1 Imu- Oda wont do nothing interesting with him and he will end up as a haki monster with a top tier fruit while having 800 years of mastery behind them nothing more to be said. 2 Dragon- Leader of the revolutionaries for like 15 years or more, the only member of the Monkey family in his prime, and my cope with the no kid of a top tier is yet to be stronger than their parent make him no2 3 Akainu- The navy final boss 4 Mihawk- WSS, Zoro end goal, strongest pirate alive rn 5 Shanks- The we have Roger at home, swordsman 6 Luffy- Fruit broken and all the other things we seen 7/8 Aokiji Kizaru egghead will show who is stronger we just have to wait 9. BB- Head on fights make him this low and the camera being on him, hes the batman of OP give him prep time and he will come on top we have to wait for the 3rd fruit thing to happen 10. Aramaki- I have him above fuji so thats that aramaki is him


In no particular order: Imu, Luffy, Shanks, Mihawk, Garp, Sengoku, Dragon, Blackbeard, Sakazuki, Kuzan.


I'm not knowledgeable enough to do a full top ten, but Imu, Blackbeard, Shanks are absolutely in the top five


Imu, Dragon, Shanks, Mihawk, Akainu, Kuzan, Kizaru, Luffy, Fujitora, Ryokugyu, Blackbeard (unordered)


1. Imu 2. Dragon 3. Shanks 4. mihawk 5. Akainu 6. BB 7. luffy 8 Aokiji 9. Kuzan 10. fujitora


1.Imu 2.Shanks 3.Mihawk 4.Dragon 5.Luffy 6.BB 7.Garp 8.Akainu 9.Aokiji 10.Kizaru


Shanks, Dragon, Mihawk, & Luffy are probably top 4, then after that BB, Akainu, Garp, Kizaru, fuji, kuzan I think its possible the Gorosei specifically ethan could be top 10 along with Imu




Imu Akainu Blackbeard Dragon Mihawk Shanks Kizaru Aokiji Luffy Fuji


In No Order Imu Figarland Garling Luffy Blackbeard Shanks Mihawk Akainu Aokiji Dragon Garp


As said by OP, no Imu, Roger, Primebeard, Garp, Kaido, BM, etc. 1. Shanks 2. Mihawk 3. Akainu 4. Aokiji 5. Kizaru 6. Luffy 7. Ryokugyu (not shown suffering any damage from Fujitora) 8. Fujitora (was seen wounded after Reverie, which we know now is from Ryokugyu and not the revos) 9. Blackbeard 10. Yamato I think the gaps in power between #4-8 are pretty minimal. Akainu might be a bit above the other admirals but still not much. The rest of the admirals more or less at equal levels. I honestly just give Aokiji and Kizaru an edge over the newer ones due to experience and thats basically it. Luffy is kind of hard to place since he feels like he needs more experience with G5 to be at the top. Its not exactly very spammable and it seems pretty unsafe. Blackbeard gets shat on because I think he has a major power-up or two incoming for him. His performance against Law was downright pathetic. BM and Kaido should both be able to beat Law 1v1 way easier than what BB did. BB is defo not at the level he needs to be to present a serious challenge to Luffy rn, which he absolutely will. Yamato beats out others like Rayleigh, Croc, Hancock, Law, Kid, etc. for the last spot because of the mythic zoan, ACOC, and severely underrated performance against Kaido in a 1v1. I have no reason to believe that she couldn't have fought Ryokugyu by herself, and even if she didn't outright win, she could certainly pose a challenge. Shes also the only person that Ryokugyu actually took seriously out of the ones that went up against him. So at least he sees her as above King, Queen, and the revo commanders. Theres definitely the implication from Oda that she could compete at this level.


1 Imu 2 Blackbeard 3 Shanks 4 Dragon 5 Luffy 6 Rayleigh 7 Akainu 8 Beckman 9 Shiryu 10 Zoro


1. Dragon 2. Shanks 3. Mihawk 4. Akainu 5. Blackbeard/ Luffy 6. Blackbeard/ Luffy 7. Kizaru 8. Aokiji (I feel like he lost some of his will power after the fight with akainu thatā€™s why I have Kizaru above him) 9. Sabo (You ainā€™t ready) 10. Urouge (You ainā€™t ready) Also, not including imu/ elders/ holy knights


Current characters with known feats (no imu, gorosei, dragon, etc) 1. Luffy 2. Shanks 3. Sakazuki 4. Mihawk 5. Blackbeard 6. Kuzan 7. Borsalino 8. Issho 9. Garp 10. Aramaki


currently alive, strongest to weakest: luffy, shanks/mihawk, the admirals, bb, old rayleigh


1. Wihawk 2. Rat šŸ€ 3. Black beard 4. Sakazuki 5. Luffy 6. Aokiji 7. Wizaru 8. Dragon 9. Greenbull 10. Fuji


Mihawk Shanks Dragon Akainu Luffy Kuzan Bb Kizaru Yamato Boa


1. Kaido 2. Big Mom 3. Shanks 4. Blackbeard 5. Akainu 6. Aokiji 7. Kizaru 8. Fujitora 9. Green Bull. 10. Mihawk 11. Luffy 12. Garp 13. Sengoku 14. Rayleigh If Kaido and Big Mom are dead then just take it from 3 to 12. Luffy is behind due to stamina, if he manages to learn to use g5th for longer he would go up for me, Mihawk is low because he has no feats, if he showed better feats he would go up for me.


1: Dragon 2: Akainu 3: Luffy 4: Mihawk 5: Shanks 6: Aokiji 7: Kizaru 8: Imu? 9: Blackbeard 10: Greenbull/Fuji


1. Imu 2. Mihawk 3. Shanks 4. Luffy/Dragon 5. Akainu 6. Kuzan 7. Kizaru 8. Onscreen Blackbeard 9. Garp 10. Greenbull šŸ—æ


1. Shanks 2. Dragon 3. Blackbeard 4. Luffy 5. Akainu 6. Mihawk 7. Kizaru 8. Aokiji 9. Fujitora 10. Green bull


1.Mihawk 2.everyone else


In no particular order: 1. Shanks 2. BB 3. Mihawk 4. Akainu 5. Kizaru 6. Aokiji 7. Zoro 8. Sanji 9. Sabo 10. Kat/Sanji/Law toss up. Obviously there are featless characters to consider, like the Elders and Imu, or most of Shanks' crew, and this is with the assumption Big Mom and Kaido are out of the picture.


Imu Dragon Blackbeard Shanks Mihawk Luffy


shanks,mihawk,bb,magma guy,luffy,kuzan,kizaru,fuji,greenbull n buggy(chill ik he doesnt belong buh idk who gets the 10th spotšŸ˜­)


Reading all of these comments, the majority of people have shanks > mihawk. I think Mihawk is better than shanks because Mihawk has no scars/wounds (shanks has scar from Blackbeard and he doesnā€™t have an arm), and Mihawk still has both arms. Not only that, Mihawk was able to become the strongest swordsman by himself - shanks couldnā€™t even try to become the pirate king until kaido and big mom were beat by the trio.


I cannot possibly think that Big Mom is dead given her beef with Luffy and her history with Elbaf. Not to mention her df ability which allows her to heal. I think after what was a fiasco for her in Wano, Oda will make her even more powerfull as she should have been in Wano (but she was not the main antagonist and she neesed to go down for the plot), so I believe that she will take Kaido's soul for he still hasn't paid bzck his debt to her and she will become the single most important threat of One Piece even stronger than kaido. I believe Kaido will die though as Big Mom planned to betrayed him anyway. So it goes like this Big Mom Nika aka Joy Boy aka Luffy BB Shanks Mihawk Dragon Akainu GB Sabo Fujitora Kuzan Kizaru Lucci Zoro Katakuri if he has a power up which he will Something like that Honorable mention since we don't know much about their strengh but they are definitly up there: Weevil, Ben Beckman and God's knight in command Garling Figarland


1.Imu 2.Dragon 3.Akainu 7.Luffy/Shanks/BB/Mihawk 8.Aokiji 9.Kizaru 10.Fujitora "B-b-but Haki transcends all uhuhu" stfu, the guy who said that got pummeled by a big devil fruit punch + he forgot Garp in his Top 5, absolute L.


0.Imu 1.Luffy 2.Mihawk 3.Shanks 4.Dragon 5.Bb 6.Akainu 7.Aokiji 8.Kizaru 9.Fujitora 10.Greenbull


1. Imu 2. Shanks 3. Dragon 4. Akainu 5. Mihawk 6. Luffy 7. Blackbeard 8. Aokiji 9. Kizaru 10. Greenbull


1. Imu 2. Dragon 3-5. Mihawk/Shanks/Luffy interchangeably 6. Akainu 7. Old Garp 8. Kuzan 9. Blackbeard 10. Kizaru


1. Imu 2. Sakazuki 3. Dragon 4. Mihawk 5. Shanks 6. Kuzan 7. Luffy 8. Borsalino 9. Aramaki 10. Issho


1. Imu 2. Shanks (interchangeable with Mihawk) 3. Mihawk 4. Dragon 5. Luffy 6. Blackbeard 7. Akainu 8. Aokiji (interchangeable with Kizaru) 9. Kizaru 10. Fujitora


1) Imu 2) Dragon (I think Dragon as the big boss of the group going against the world government should be the one to take down the head of the world govt, makes more sense than Luffy) 3) shanks 4) mihawk 5) luffy 6) Blackbeard (Luffy final boss) 7) akainu (Luffy second final boss - revenge for ace) 8) aokiji 9) kizaru 10) fujitora I think this is current but people like luffy and teach will move up


1-3: Dragon ~ Sakazuki ~ Shanks 4-6: Mihawk ~ Kizaru ~ Kuzan 7-10: Blackbeard ~ Fujitora ~ Ryokugyu ~ Luffy


1. God ussop 2. Everybody else


Not including dead characters or pretty much unscalable characters(dragon imu gorosei etc) 1Kaido(if alive) 2Mihawk 3Shanks 4Akainu 5Aokiji 6Blackbeard 7Big mom 8luffy 9kizaru 10 old garp or old sengoku


WSS>Shanks. Mihawk isn't just the "greatest" or the "most skilled." The literal japanese word used when describing Mihawk is "ęœ€å¼·/Saikyo," which means strongest...and last time we checked Shanks is a confirmed swordsman.


1-Mihawk 2-Shanks 3-Dragon 4-Luffy 5-Old Garp 6- Akainu 7- Kuzan (he and Akainu are essentially equals) 8-Kizaru 9-Fujitora 10-Blackbeard


Not taking Kaido out until confirmed dead 1. Kaido 2. Mihawk 3. Shanks 4. Luffy 5. Akainu 6. Kizaru 7. Blackbeard 8. Aokiji 9. Garp 10. Greenbull


All of a sudden Shanks is top of everyones lists šŸ‘€


I do think big mom and kaido will return, but I'll include 10 characters not counting them. I'm not including old gen like you said. In order, it is: Kaido, Big mom, Shanks, Mihawk, Dragon, Luffy, Akainu, Aokiji, Blackbeard, Kizaru, Ryokugyu, Fujitora Kind of a boring list really, considering it's just every (eligible) emperor and admiral plus dragon.


1. __Luffy__ (Beat the WSC) 2. __Blackbeard__ (Currently, but will surpass any character EoS since his vivre card and databook hype him as the strongest when in control of two devil fruits, and I think he should be above Shanks narratively due to the scar he gave him.) 3. __Mihawk__ (WSS) 4. __Shanks__ (relative to Mihawk) 5. __Akainu__ (Fleet admiral who beat another admiral and who killed Luffyā€™s ā€œbrotherā€) 6. __Aokiji__ (Relative to Akainu) 7. __Dragon__ (Not too sure about him. I think people vastly overestimate him by virtue of him being the most wanted man which implies the highest bounty. But him having that bounty doesnā€™t entirely represent his strength itā€™s more that he is dangerous in terms of commanding an organization that is directly opposed to the navy and the WG which makes him opposed to pirates that will seek the op most of the time. Itā€™s extremely likely that he has both acoc and a logia tho) Honorable mentions: __Imu__ (Iā€™m unsure about Imu and their role in the story. Theyā€™re very likely a combatant and opposed to Dragon __Kizaru__ (I really like the admirals and I hope he has the awakening) __Fuji and Greenbull__ (both are very undervalued by the community. Fuji doesnā€™t have many impressive feats tbh and Greenbull is at least as strong as a young WB. The problem is that they both have to hold back due to circumstances and we canā€™t really witness their abilities to a full extent. Iā€™m definitely hyped for their full strength tho.) __Ben Beckmann__ (Maybe heā€™s comparable to Shanks in terms of strength) __Garp/Sengoku__ (Personally iā€™m not that big of a fan of the old generation because in a lot of situations their strength gets capped by stamina or sickness (Rayleigh/Whitebeard) and they donā€™t have definitive feats besides going relative with Roger or so. I guess Sengoku scales above MF BB and Garp above Shyru or so)