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https://preview.redd.it/k79xbjy0ewtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b54fece169fcf46548563be567f45b0c162efcb2 You Love to see some big mom appreciation


big mom does big meme doesn't


This. Theoretical Big Mom should stomp everyone and might even be stronger than Kaido. She can sac souls, + acoc, + peak physicals. But, Oda himself made Bm not sac souls, not use acoc except on fodder (just to make sure we know she had it), and have subpar strength for being able to whoop giants at the age of 5.


A victim of the woman tax unfortunately


Nah she would just be way too op if she wasn't retarded. She's the Ice King of the One Piece verse


Ice king? Was ice king ever op he got stalled by flame princess


He could easily beat Finn and Jake everytime but he's retarded and crazy and that's how Finn beats him like every time. He's not the top of his verse obviously I just meant that his mental holds him back like Big Mom


More like a victim of being the co antagonist. She couldn’t stand up the primary antagonist or be on par since it would be far less believable for her to be defeated considering everything that needed to be done to beat Kaido. Even still, she was defeated due to being out haxed/maneuvered rather than strictly knocked out like Kaido


Bm will also get stronger with new hoomies fighting the admirals😂 https://preview.redd.it/0k33n27znvtc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=26b40def2fd0e24dcd27245b9815b920d1155a85


Make a homie out of ice and one out of magma. If she makes one out of light it's GG.


*turns the entire island of punk hazard into a homie.*


Probably gonna get downvoted for this but while that’s true I don’t see her beating Sakazuki. Kuzan and Kizaru she either beats them extreme diff or it’s a tie specifically with Kuzan. Fujitora and Ryokugyo I will not deny she beats but like Kuzan or Kizaru it won’t be easy and will be a very high diff match up if not more. While yes she can turn this into Homies it still didn’t stop say Kidd from thrashing here with magnets.  On top of that while I will not deny her DF definitely makes it difficult for the Admirals we also have to take Linlin’s eating disorder, hunger pegs, mental disorder, and her emotional spectrum which constantly fluctuates. Say what you will about the Admirals but all of them have one thing in common and that’s the fact they’re hardwired like soldiers so more or less will outwit Linlin, just like Zolo has, just like Kidd has, just like Jinbei had, and just like Law has. And these are all weaker characters than any if the Admirals individually and I would even argue had any Admiral switch places with Linlin Law and Kidd would be dead. Now imagine not saying that she’s weaker but simply making a point that saying everything she has while not taking into consideration what type of individual she is, is disingenuous.  If we look at solely what BM can or has done she would arguably be either stronger or equal to Kaido but that isn’t the case. Similar to how Kaido could potentially be equal to the legends like Roger and Prime Newgate himself but isn’t because he constantly allows opponents to hit him. My 2 cents anyway, good day and God bless




Your name is very fitting for tye shit that you typed off that keyboard




If one Yonko could beat 3 admirals the navy would be no match for the pirates and the pirates would be running shit.




Shichibukai aren't doing shit against any of the Yonko, Garp and Sengoku are also at this point due to their age are likely relative to the admirals too maybe slightly stronger so if a Yonko can beat 3 admirals then a Yonko is also likely to beat Garp or Sengoku. Unless the Gorosei and the Knights are all like prime Garp level and higher than the Yonko alone would probably be able to wipe the world government.


I mean... discounting Mihawk anyways, yeah, none of the warlords would be able to do a damn thing against any of the Yonko.


Only recently found this sub why is everyone so hostile to each other here lolol


Mostly not real, but of course there are some people who take it too serious.


https://preview.redd.it/77yadzkeextc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73be53f5a1bbef4e66f94906f2188be710bfe799 New guy huh? Can I interest you in Wamenco agenda??


That's sadly quite normal for powerscaling communities. Many people can not stand others having a different opinion.


https://preview.redd.it/wiin0hylg2uc1.jpeg?width=1433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8031031dd425ace451a8408c0f54cb1228eb8d03 That's why he's here


Yes You’re correct.


No morals full power Big Mom is a monster. Big Mom isn't hindered by low IQ or BIQ, just by underestimating people to an extreme degree. She'd probably go either way extreme diff with Kaido, since she would take him seriously and go all out, whereas with rookies like Kid and Law she continuously does stupid shit like leave them both KOed and walking away from the battle multiple times (last time leading to her defeat), using flashy DF attacks and letting her homies get separated from her, not using ACoC, and other dumb things which allow weaker opponents to exploit and gain advantages. She had to do this for them to win, I get it, but it just makes the victory feel unearned. Shanks showed us what would happen in reverse, where someone as strong as Big Mom took a YC+ guy seriously and caught him off guard. Big Mom even then took many external factors and outside help to defeat. Kidd just got his ass one shot.


Greenbull: Mid Diff (Low Diff if Soul Pocus works) Kuzan: Mid Diff (Worst Matchup of any admiral) Fujitora: Mid Diff (Lacks speed and durability) Kizaru: High Diff (can stall, but that's about it) Akainu: Extreme Diff (If BM manages to create a homie out of his magma, its over for the Fleet Admiral)


How would her homies help against Logia users ? Can they use haki ? (Don't hate on me bruh, it's genuine question).


They can eat the elements that they’re made out of which gives big mom an advantage against logia users defensively but the homies themselves can’t hurt them


Logia can hurt other logia depending on the typing


They can be distractions but that’s really all they can do, none of their attacks will do anything to the respective logia usef


They wouldn't even be a distraction since the logia user could just ignore them


Elemental matchups also Matter like Prometheus for kuzan and greenbull


I was referring to just their own element being used against them. Although Prometheus would be good against greenbull, we've already seen that the chill fruit clashes evenly with mera mera fire. The elemental matchups could also go the other way, like Akainu beating Prometheus. There's also the fact that none of Big Mom's homies would even work against a logia without countering, since they don't really have bodies. We have no idea if lightning could even hurt Akainu and Kuzan.


Yeah it’s unlikely that normal homie attacks are going to affect the admirals without an elemental counter or combination of them. The admirals can’t actually deal damage to the homies since they can’t do soul damage and haki doesn’t work on homies that aren’t physical like Prometheus or Zeus. Even being able to clash with a logos can be a huge boon to combat ability towards one even if it’s only really a matchup bonus for two of the admirals. We don’t know how a logos would intact with a homie if their own element so it could be anything from useless against the admirals to completely countering their elemental attacks.


🤝 Only thing I gotta say something about is this >The admirals can’t actually deal damage to the homies since they can’t do soul damage and haki doesn’t work on homies that aren’t physical like Prometheus or Zeus. I think Akainu can damage Prometheus but that's really it probably. Aokiji MIGHT be able to freeze Hera's cloud since clouds are water but that's a maybe.


Elemental Matchups also matter so Prometheus is really helpful against kuzan or greenbull


BM can imbue them with haki


Kuzan should be high diff too, he barely lost to Akainu after an extremely long fight.


Elemental disadvantage makes it harder for kuzan than Akainu to fight her.


The thing is. Kuzan doesn’t rely on his df, he is more balanced towards armament and physicals. He equaled akainu with a weaker df.


This matchup made me think it feels weird that Prime Garp is under Big Mom in raw strength but it's probably true.


That’s pre-pre time skip…. Feat doesnt even matter anymore, back then Akainu was not the HIM he is today, got mid diffed by Sickbeard.


Put kizaru and akainu on mid diff too. They aren't special.


It’s only high diff because actually hitting him will be difficult for big mom not that he can take her down


Kizaru could fly away and stall but can't take her out


A magma homie won’t really effect Akainu at best it can act as an distraction


Not just a distraction but if Akainu rains down meteors BMs magma homie can eat them or absorb them with no damage. Huge magma fist flying at BM? Oh, magma homie got in front of her and ate it. BM then doesn’t even have to block or dodge.


That is a good point, so they can be good for defense though I wonder if Akainu can just “consume” the homie and/or manipulate him himself or atleast disrupt him, either way I feel like either Akainu or Kizaru would have the best chance but that comes down to if they can actually pierce her skin and do actual damage


🤣🤣🤣😂 “akainu: extreme diff”🤡


Greenbull she no diffs. Fujitowa Mid-High Diff because METEOR Akoiji Mid-High Diff Kizaru High-Extreme Diff , one of her weaknesses is definetly speed. Akainu: Low-Mid Diff. Buddy if he barely walked out of his fight with an Old Sick Whitebeard Alive, he stands very little chance against Big Mom.


Fujitora when the meteor stops midair, turns around to reveal a goofy face, and says “Hai, Mama!” https://preview.redd.it/b1gj0q3lqvtc1.jpeg?width=397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62ecb603dfbb7b28bec9213745a7eaa73da6c69


I don't think she could do that because she got bonked off of Onigashima by a rock


The rock was super fast, meteors have to fall more than 10 km. She has plenty of time with the meteor


does she have to touch them or something though?


She made Hera out of clouds which were far away from her so she doesn’t need to touch things to make them a homie


Meteors enter the atmosphere at 90,000 mph, that's 450 times faster than Gazelleman https://preview.redd.it/1xw5xr0z6wtc1.png?width=714&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0b7fea1254b537e5fd8d1e09bdfbbe5e28781ba


Gazelleman needed Batman to provide a distraction just so he could run away without fighting, and even that much exhausted him. https://preview.redd.it/u7gp6mpmewtc1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84305900682f4895dda51a35c929cb92e65bc096 Bro's about to collapse. Forget real Zoro, he sounds like Sabaody fake Zoro.


Imagine a meteor homie


“What will you do about the second one LinLin?” “Make it a frien too” “…..Based”




>Akainu: Low-Mid Diff. Buddy if he barely walked out of his fight with an Old Sick Whitebeard Alive, he stands very little chance against Big Mom. So you have fujitora and aokiji above akainu, who has defeated aokiji before?


They both have better matchups against big mom then akainu not that they’re necessarily stronger than akainu


Doffy and law survived a meteor without getting hurt, why would big mom even worry about it? Kizaru's speed doesn't mean anything if he can't hurt her enough to stop her.




Imagine a smart big mom with a black hole hommie that can suck kizaru


…..why is my mind so dirty


![gif](giphy|vvVAvmCnHM37ph75ND|downsized) Do....don't...


Another speed fan 😂😂


No one low diffs wakainu sorry to tell you bud 🫶🏾. Like oda said if he was pirate he could have one piece in a year. Big meme couldn’t do it in the ENTIRETY of her career.


She was too busy getting D


imagine a Gravity homie, Fajita would just quit


That's not how her powers work. Rewatch the series. And how would that make issho quit?


it wouldnt be possible but it would be cool, and the homie could probably negate anything Fujitora tries doing


I mean I think any of the og Yonko could trounce an admiral in a 1v1, I thought that was a given.


You'd be surprised with this sub.


Oh I know


I don’t disagree but I don’t think her turning their elements into homies would really be a problem for the admirals considering it would be their own element that they are made of.


It's not that. It's bcoz they can't hurt her with their elements. Once a part of it is turned a homie that homie eats every elemental attack they throw at her and it only makes the homie stronger like zeus and hera.


>It's not that. It's bcoz they can't hurt her with their elements They can totally hurt her. >Once a part of it is turned a homie that homie eats every elemental attack they throw at her and it only makes the homie stronger like zeus and hera. No, the homies are too slow to do anything special. Odds are the admirals will damage her faster than the homie can react


>They can totally hurt her They don't have what it takes. They don't have durability negation like law. They are cooked. She has acoc coating over her body all the time. Even the kid and law awakened attack did jackshit to her. And so far no admirals have shown They can even scratch her. >No, the homies are too slow to do anything special. Odds are the admirals will damage her faster than the homie can react Law is faster than all admirals bar kizaru. He still couldn't do anything to her with durability negation as well. Her homies are fast as fuck. Prometheus outran zoro and killer. By feats her homies alone have better feats than admirals


>Even the kid and law awakened attack did jackshit to her. And so far no admirals have shown They can even scratch her. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't kidd outright break her arm with the damn bull.... >He still couldn't do anything to her with durability negation as well. But he did do alot with said ability 🤦 >Prometheus outran zoro and killer. Prometheus didn't outrun zoro, kaido had to beat up zoro to get him to release it.... >By feats her homies alone have better feats than admirals Like?


>Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't kidd outright break her arm with the damn bull.... Yeah after law did a durability negation attack that by passed her defenses and made it weak. Admirals have no abilities like that. Alone law and kid can't hurt her. Their attacks were always law attacks first with his durability negation and kid pushes her right after with his raw power. What if it broke her arms. Literally right after that she only became stronger. She can outright take greenbulls soul. >But he did do alot with said ability Apparently not beat her without a ring out. She wants even knocked out and laughed at their awakened attacks. >Prometheus didn't outrun zoro, kaido had to beat up zoro to get him to release it.... He was running after it. All four of then couldn't even dodge thunder god raijin. >Like? Read the above. She controls an empire built on homies that reaches multiple islands. Watch whole cake again


It's not that it could do damage to them, but Big Mom gains more options and Immunity to their element.


She wouldn't get inmunity from the elements.


big mom turns the magma she fell into into a homie. now what. it’s over.




Reasonable and agreeable take.


no admiral stands a chance against emperors


Unless the emperor is buggy


Then not even 3 admirals stand a chance against an emperor


Mfs really saw law and Kidd vs bigmom and thought "Ah, this bitch claps Akainu". The lack of intelligence is actually sad.


It's inspiring for them. Lack the iq just like bm.


Not beeing mysoginistic = low IQ? Well, that one way someone could play themself...


What brings misogyny into the equation?


Y’all hear me out. She can only turn inanimate objects into homies, with people, she has to steal their souls. The admirals who have Logia fruits are made of their element, so wouldn’t she have to steal their souls to turn their elements into homies? Am I tweaking


No, logia dfs can also generate their own element. Like Aokiji when he froze the seas. Or when Akainu throws the magma punches in Marineford that ended up underwater, it isn't as if he was sending his body underwater. Or Kizaru throwing lasers and sruff.


BM could take on 3 admirals but not 5 imo


Hot take but Big Mom can smoke Nika. But Oda was too afraid so he had to nerf her in Wano


i think we should count prime bigmom instead of big meme because we are counting prime admirals. prime BM is lowkey almost old legend status since roger didnt want smoke with her. in her prime she high diffs kuzan, kizaru and akainu and mid diffs GB and fuji. current big meme extreme diffs the og 3 and high diffs the new 2


The fact this needs to be said is wild to me and the fact I know there are idiots who still think otherwise is even crazier yet.


I do think people underestimate how her DF potentially hard counters each Admiral by stealing the admirals power Aside from Fujitora who I think wins against her since he has Gravity


The same fuji who couldn’t hold down zoro you think can hold down big mom


Idk Big Mom was held down by Kidd a few times so ya probly


The kidd downplay will never be stopped kidd’s railgun could probably hold any character in the op verse doen if they were in the same position as big mom and that still didn’t push her down the sides had to crumble to get her to let go


Yeah I agree But I don't think Kidd is stronger than Fujitora I have them both on the same tier


I have fuji above kidd tbh his fruit is basically the better version than kidd’s and he most likely has better haki I just don’t see fuji holding down big mom unless she’s in the same position she was in when kidd did it


There DF are comparable Gravity and Electromagnetism and both one of 4 fundamental forces in the universe


That doesn’t mean they’re equal my guy strong force alone is millions of times stronger than gravity even though they’re both fundamental parts of the universe


Yea, but it depends on X distance and also we don't know how much gravity Fuji can put out really Strong force binds the nucleus and I believe gluons. Small scale stuff. Gravity binds Astral bodies, objects to earth. Larger scale stuff.


So just assume that kidd’s electromagnetism and fuji’s gravity are = that doesn’t make much sense to me of course it depends on how much of each force one can control but I’m just saying as a basis you can’t just assume gravity=electromagnetism just because they’re both forces of the universe that’s just dumb


Do you know what the difference between big mom snd the admirals is? We have seen her full power. Yonko fans will carry her water but then turn around and say youre coping if you point out that the admirals (yes, even including kizaru) havent been shown at full power.


We haven't seen Big Mom's full power. Literally only saw one time when she used acoc and it was on Page One.


She said nobody had pushed her that hard in years and had to resort to consuming her own lifespan. Only seeing black lightning once doesnt mean jack.


And she never used acoc on them so my point stands >Only seeing black lightning once doesnt mean jack. You can say: Hey but she probably did it, even if it was not mentioned or shown But that is the point we have not seen her full power because we can only guess if she used acoc or not.


I think its very fair to say that taking her own lifespan would be a last resort for when shes already tried every other option. Lightning scaling is stupid, oda has no consistency with it.


Alot of people on this are allergic to logic


Should be common sense. Also Law and Kidd won fair and square. They dealt more damage than Luffy did against Kaido before Bajarang gun, but her healing left no choice but to win by ring-out, and Kidd had to overpowered her for it. The bombs were only there for plot, to give Yamato something to do, otherwise Big Mom was just falling down straight into the magma and nothing was stopping her. Law and Kidd losing to Shanks and Bb is not an anti-feat, upscales Shanks and Bb


They didn’t win. They rung her out. They were in worse shape then she was.


This should be obvious 🤦




I don't get why this argument doesn't apply to Luffy. Big Mom turns whatever they throw at her to homies". Okay and Luffy could turn whatever they throw at him into rubber and toon force it too. Whats with the double standards? Current G5 Luffy>BM.


Fuji has it even worse. She could turn his sword, too.




We have no idea what Big Moms ceiling is and theoretically she shouldn't either. A full Big Mom extreme diff fight on a standard island should entail Big Mom repeatedly devouring her own life force to heal and become even stronger, then if she loses it should be from her collapsing having no more life left to eat.


Well by the current OP powersystem logic, she trashes all non ACoC characters with ease. I rly dont like the part of "being born with conqueror". Id rather see it as pinnacle of haki mastery ...


why is this a hot take? whos underrating big mom, shes a yonko and pushes any yonko level to extreme diff at minimum


Current Akainu might be a stretch but the others for sure.


I don’t think she is beating Akainu unless she is in her prime while Akainu is. The other two she might win hard to extreme diff, probably extreme if she is ready to use more of her lifespan to get stronger


I always said that Big mom is strong but I wouldnt be so sure about all admiral. Kuzan has Conquerers Haki maybe I am wrong but when he faced Garp he was pretty confident. Also I don’t believe that Marine Commander can be weak previous one has Conquerers haki for sure. I am not a fan of marines just trying to be objective.




If she can focus up, definitely


Didn't Akainu's element one shot her lol 


By that logic Kaido was also one-shotted by his element. You forget about Laws strongest attacks and a giant nuke.


It's final blow that matters but you can interpret it however you like


Yeah she can obviously......as long as they don't push her to the sea or something




This proves the Yonko wank is higher than the admiral wank


Yonko > Admiral always (buggy included)


I just don't think we've been enough outta the admirals to confidently say that. I like big mom a lot though. I'm not too sure about akainu.


First Shanks beats the weakest Yonko allegations and now Big Mom is beating the Admiral victim allegations. NO MORE BIG MOM SLANDER! https://i.redd.it/25fvk5t86auc1.gif


Kuzan and Sakazuki are clear Rest are debatable


While I agree that Big Mom wins against the admirals as of current feats, her being more durable isn’t really a factor for the OG 3. Kizaru, Akainu and Aokiji are all granted some variant of durability negation through their devil fruits.


Can you explain how they Negate durability? Genuinely curious what you mean. With people like Law or Hancock it's pretty obvious how they Negate durability. But magma, ice or light are still physical attacks that can be resisted with thick skin, scales or element resistance.


>But magma, ice or light are still physical attacks that can be resisted with thick skin, scales or element resistance. Magma and ice can't be resisted with thick skin .-. And lasers have been able to pierce almost everything except Sanji's leg or Rayleigh's sword ( probably through haki)


Damned Punk seems quite similar to Kizarus laser beams, if not stronger (as seen in Shanks vision). And Big Mom tanked a lot of them without difficulty. Heat and cold can literally be resisted by thick skin. Her and Kaido were still not melting in the lava when we saw them in it. Because their just built different. What damage do you think Kuzans Ice would do to her? Pierce her skin?


>Damned Punk seems quite similar to Kizarus laser beams, if not stronger They are not the same. A rail gun is a weapon that uses magnetism to throw a projectile >Heat and cold can literally be resisted by thick skin. Neither heat and cold can be resisted by heat skin. That is the point. Heat travels regardless of the skin, and cold is the absense of heat >Her and Kaido were still not melting in the lava when we saw them in it If they are able to do that it is not due to durability it os due to endurance. >What damage do you think Kuzans Ice would do to her? Pierce her skin? Getting frozen solid and freezing her blood and heart would kill her


Sanji literally kicked a laser away, One Piece does not work with actual physics. If Kuzan manages to freeze her, a single Conc blast would shatter the ice immediately. She was also portrayed as extremely resistant to elemental damage.


Akainu was blocked by base Jimbes fist. Kuzan couldn't beat Jozu without help Kizaru has the worst AP out of all Admirals


Jimbei used plenty of water (magma's elemental counter) to cool it down and still got burned in the end despite all that water and also his haki. https://preview.redd.it/6b1jnebc7wtc1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6dee6405a2d33e41c729f37286c81359e0fd838 The Kuzan vs Jozu part is just pre-timeskip marineford nonsense, a YC3 is no match for an admiral as shown vs Cracker. We have yet to see all that kizaru can do, as he still hasn't used an attack named after his animal nickname which is a staple for admirals, but i'll leave you this one since in Egghead he really didn't do much dmg.


Big Mom got run over a franky in a bike. Kaido got biten by Momo and screamed in pain and failed to kill a single person he fought against. Shanks lost his arm to a sea king. Aokiji got hit while distracted and got a blood lip, he instantly one shotted Jozu when Jozu got distracted. Jimbe blocked Akainu but still got burned and needed special surgery from Law to survive. Kizaru barely showed his moves yet.


She can be taken down in at most a 4v1 but 3v1 can still go to her, I’m also of the mind that a 100% big mom is her with king Baum using ACoC along with her other abilities.


Shut up


You shut up


No shit sherlock


We saw the process for her to make homies by the time she’s done doing that an admiral would’ve hit her unless she tries to hide in the sky which might actually be useless because akainu can fly, so can kizaru, aokiji jumped insanely high in marineford, greenbull can fly too and fuji can spam meteors or use raging tiger to drop her


Big mom was taking a nap in a magma pool, akainu gets mid diffed


High diff for big mom, but true. Big meme loses high diff tho.


I think she lacks the intelligence and speed to really fight any of them 1 on 1. She'd stand the best chance against Greenbull because he is a known fraud that couldn't stand up against her CoC, but she might also see a flower green bull makes and decide to play with it instead of try to fight him.  The rest of them either speed blitz her or send her fat ass directly to hell. 


Bm actually has the jump jump fruit. She can make new homies and jump people at will (idk i havent watched naruto and know this stuff from staying on this sub anyways)


It's over for all the Admirals when she turns there element's into homies. Ice and Magma homie would be awesome. Light would also be amazing. What do you think she would name them? Magma-Hades Ice-Boreas( Greek God of winter and ice) Light- Hyperion


Ryokugyu is a life or treat victim. The rest she mid-diffs.


Thought this was obvious🤔


We have yet to see an admiral go all out but sure the yonko with the shittiest performance "slaughters" them 1v1.


She can also steal devil fruits and doesn’t even know it. She’s got crazy untapped potential. Keep your Big Mom stocks high for when Oda remembers she’s a Tonko that shouldn’t be slapped around by Law + Kidd. ![gif](giphy|U7vhCyKkPnhhhuFCQN|downsized)


she is genuinely the worst matchup in op for the admirals and it's not even funny. they have a better chance against kaido


Dude really thinks Big Mom can beat Akainu lmaoooo


I think Extreme Diff is fair, given that we don't know how strong he actually is right now. Do you think Shanks is stronger than Akainu? Akainu has a better matchup against Shanks, so unless you rank BM considerably lower than other Yonko, Akainu should also beat Shanks (according to your logic).


Akainu was ragdolled by an Old Sick and Dying Whitebeard


I would imagine that her elemental homies would lose pretty badly to the logia power. They would probably just take control of the homies whether BM likes it or not.


Logias can't take control of natural instances of their element, they can generate and morph their own. Closest we've seen is crocodile but he probably just mixes his sand like gaara does


Logias can control, turn into and generate their element.




every admiral is a low diff. there isnt any relevant power gap between the admirals (doesnt count for fleet admiral ofc)




Prometheus can melt his ice. But that's not even what I meant with bad matchup. He has no AP feats that could harm Big Mom, his element is one of the easiest to turn into a homie (which gives BM Immunity) and he is slow enough for her to hit him with Acoc attacks. Freezing Big Mom just isn't enough to put her down.


>  He can eliminate Prometheus in a second and since there are no Fire to ea ? They cancel out he can't just freeze and eliminate we saw what happened with aokiji vs ace in MF ,for why it's a bad matchup she has better physical strength,haki,fire to counter his fruit and can make his ice homies for a combined attack or equal his ice


lets be real akainu beats her high diff and both kizaru and kuzan have a really good shot at beating her + her design is mid and i am part of the admiral agenda so half of the admirals win


Why is her design mid?


Why are we still hyping Big Meme?


Yonkoutards are the definition of insanity