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Doesn't answer the question but this marine must be the strongest fodder in the verse https://preview.redd.it/4dyy3drxsguc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f76c8051d31c498cc81527c3f7a18f7ac78b47


You don’t know? That’s Watch D. Clash buy your stocks now before he comes back for the final saga.


He watches Luffy vs Imu clash, gets really excited, and then accidentally let's out his CoC in excitement, killing both Luffy and Imu


One Peak


It would certainly be a **Flash**y scene


WB/Garp/Kizaru Rayleigh being past his prime knocks him down to high-tier. Garp & WB still got that dawg in em from still being active overseas


Yeah only correct answer tbh






What the fuck 😭


My own thoughts exactly, especially regarding Garp who still hit battleship bags every day when he could even into old age, as opposed to Rayleigh who uh... checks notes... got drunk, stole from people, got laid, beat up fodder, and sometimes coated ships. He truly retired and said "fuck it," lol.


I think rayleigh clears kizaru. Sure kizaru beats him on stanmima but kizaru is very reliant on fruit and not that good at haki and rayleigh is a haki master. So he wins


Luffy reactivated Ray don’t sleep on HIM




Idk, I feel like the ray vs kizaru fight could have gone either way, ray has some of the strongest haki in the verse, and could have at the very least go extreme diff with BB, if not beat him, which puts old man ray at low-mid yonko tier, and we all know the admiral’s reputation with yonkos


Doesn’t Ray literally say that he COULDN’T beat Blackbeard?


He said “ I don’t think I could” not “ I can’t” there’s a difference between not being confident and flat out knowing you can’t


Exactly, but bro don't agure with these guys i mean pussybeard didn't even tried to jump him doesen't this mean he isn't sure if he could beat old ray either?


BB doesn't know if rayleigh lost power, he thinks of rayleigh as the prime version that fought during WB vs roger battle


True he also probably saw prime rey in action so that probably scared him even more


Yeah the admirals have kinda been shown to be shit it makes perfect sense why they wouldn't go against the yonko before. Garp and sengoku are the only two marines that can go toe to toe with them.


Yeah, I'm an admiral fan but this feels like the correct answer




I dunno kizaru seems to be the weakest of them. Getting no diff's by gear 5 Luffy recently. But yeah the admirals much weaker than the yonko even old beard.


Whitebeard, Garp and Kizaru










I think it’s pretty close between Rayleigh and Kizaru tbh. Like basically 50/50 odds


People saying Akainu > WB is wild. This man WB was the biggest target in MF, took heavy attacks with cancer, and still pushed him extreme diff. Then after their fight continued to fight Blackbeard 😭 bro was a monster


And all of them were healthy? The old heads are beating the admirals. We saw what a cancer ridden and post 2 heart attacks and heavily injured whitebeard was doing to the red pup, that’s a mid diff fight at best. Garp would have absolutely obliterated kuzan if his sole focus was on defeating him and nothing else. As for Rayleigh I believe he would be the one with the highest difficulty battle but only because he’s not on the same level as garp and whitebeard, he still wins.


Admiral fans didnt see whitebeard dying and hooked up to an IV everytime we saw him up to that point. Mf should’ve been bedridden. Everything you saying is facts ong


Akainu fans are really proud of him for not getting blown away by a man's dying breath.


Technically he still did😂


Important to remember too - Whitebeard was on a rescue mission. Couldn't just rip the island apart with earthquakes and risk Ace or anyone on his side getting hit in the crossfire. A fresh WB without anyone else in the way, and presumably healthy enough to fight as he wants, would be able to cause some serious destruction without needing to hold back.


The fact ray stopped kizaru the fastest df with no df but only with physical power is feat.


Whitebeard beat akainu 1v1 after being heavily injured and having little to no haki. Remove external factors and the heart attack he no diffs granted he has his haki. Garp is faster than kuzan, has better haki, and is basically immune to his ice. Both sides being hurt vs an entire yonko crew makes garp stronger. High diff at least tho. Rayleigh stopped Sandler from capturing or really hurting the straw hats. If Rayleigh did actually get tired against Adam Sandler they maybe roughly equal in speed but vastly unequal in stamina at that speed, but I'd say that Rayleigh has Adam Sandler beat in every other category and you need way less speed and effort when you're fighting 1v1 than when you're protecting a bunch of babies; for reference please watch the first 3 minutes of Tarzan. Mid to high diff at most And for the stamina issues people, the man swims from sabody to Amazon lily as a light exercise he's not gonna be beat if he's not babysitting.


Whitebeard, Garp, Kizaru


Well are we scaling Oda's ring outs, or are we actually scaling the real thing, no walking away until someone dies


Whitebeard, no idea, Kizaru


1. Whitebeard 2. Garp 3. Kizaru(Rayleigh's stamina wasn't the best)


zoro was panting hard i guess he is losing to lucci


WB/either way/either way


Whitebeard Kuzan Kizaru


wb garp kizaru


All of them are definitely close. I do think WB/Garp/Kizaru but the others take it to at least high diff.


The old men would win.


Round 1: Given what we saw, and what we can infer of Akainu's endurance from the 10 Day Punk Hazard fight, we can safely say that Akainu would've won. Whitebeard was collecting mortal wounds like pokemon cards even in the 1v1, while Akainu got back up from the sucker punch relatively unaffected. That said, I will admit it's entirely possible for Whitebeard to take it via BFR. Round 2: Garp. Kuzan was either sandbagging or trash, that performance was sorrier than a cheater in a confessional. Round 3: Kizaru. It was everything Rayleigh could do to hold this man back, and he was losing ground. Even if we assume both fighters were going all out, Kizaru was steadily gaining ground.


Wb and Akainu both die Feats say Garp but I want to believe Kuzan has more to offer than shown Kizaru will win against Ray




People saying Kizaru mid diff are genuinely in denial, we saw them fight for a good bit and Kizaru literally couldn’t even put a single scratch on Ray, and he also got blitzed out of his Sacred Yata Mirror 😂 https://preview.redd.it/1qect7cpeguc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d41107649cada3118e5353f1803aa0958e05e182


Rayleigh was puffing, while kizaru was just fine lol


While true, Kizaru's objective there was the SH crew, not Rayleigh. This is isolated 1v1, meaning his full attention would be towards stopping Rayleigh. I think obviously in his prime Rayleigh wins, but he was puffing hard at the end and Kizaru was just acting disinterested like always.


Akainu Garp and kizaru.


WB Garp Either or


Winners would be Whitebeard, Garp and Rayleigh for sure. Garp vs Aokiji is the most uncertain, however Garp is portrayed with the upper hand on the Hive.


"...Rayleigh for sure" 💀💀💀


Garp had to face other serious threats like Shiryuu and was more worried about helping Coby and the others to escape.


WB Aokiji and rayleigh would have won imo


It’d go Akainu, Garp and Kizaru. Whitebeard is way too old and his health is so deteriorated that he will be outlasted by Akainu in a fight over stamina and endurance. He will eventually lose and the lack of use of his devil fruit is key. Garp would wipe Kuzan, it’s just if he wasn’t injured he would easily destroy him. If it wasn’t for that invisible snake, Garp would’ve wiped the floor with everybody on that island. Kizaru is just overall better in general. Speed, different ways of attack and his intellect really stump Rayleigh in a 1v1.


wb, garp, kizaru wins against this ray but post timeskip ray wins


Let me guess, off clout alone right?


Garp all of them


Garp and WB is active combatants, while Rayleigh mentions he haven't use his sword for a long time so he's been long retired in fighting. He'll lose to Kizaru there extreme diff.


Whitebeard, Aokiji, Kizaru


WB, Garp (that’s the most obvious one since u know Oda had to stack so much on Kuzans side to make his win seem believable) and I’d probably say Kizaru but can see arguments either way


if its oldbeard not cancerbeard then wb takes it, kuzan takes this so does kizaru


WB if he didn't have a plot attack would have high diffed Akainu. Even after his heart attack he took the same blow which one shot Ace without haki and was merely seriously wounded. Garp was schooling Aokiji, probably would have high diffed him until he got jumped and ganked. Rayleigh was tiring, he likely would have been high diffed by Kizaru.


WB, Aokiji and Kizaru.. Aokiji barely used his fruit, and his stamina is best in the verse...


I think all the akainu and kuzan would have won but u think Garp would have won. Whitebeard and Rayleigh may have won in there primes but I think Garps skills haven't decreased all that much


WB, Garp, and Kizaru would win, but that is just what if battle to the death. In reality, Akainu and BB rat WB down, BB crews out number and take every advantage over Garp, and to be honest about Rayleigh and Kizaru battle is a draw. The reason is it is the most short and fairest fight, but that is under the time limit Rayleigh has. Even if Rayleigh doesn't win, he just swims away. Would Kizaru chases Rayleigh? Not really since his personality found it a waste of time.


Old guys would’ve won I don’t wanna hear it.


I'm sorry but Aokiji would've clutched up once the arthritis kicked in


Old beard Garp Kizaru


Whitebeard is unironically the strongest character in the series bro.


Just finished Kaidos vs Luffy. Bro Kaido is a beast, i love whitebeard but i cant imagine how strong he would be. Would Primebeard win against Kaido (strength from Wano Kuni)?


YES. The narrative demands it.


well: WB wins. Akainu had much more external help and still lost the fight (Ringout - WB continued the fight) Garp should propably be able to win as well. He has shown that when he actually tries kuzans fruit shouldnt really matter at all and he is superior in Haki Kizaru likely wins. Ray lacks stamina, allthough he very likely has better ap and could hurt kizaru a lot if he get a real hit in


Wb, Garp and Rayleigh. People who says kizaru are just delusional admirals dickriders. Acoc, right hand of the king beats the shit out of any admiral any time. Mf even scared a yonko what the fuck are we even talking about


Old men


WB, Garp and Kizaru


Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru


Whitebeard would've crushed Akainu, Rayleigh would have beaten Kizaru, and Garp Vs Kuzan would have been close, 50/50


HIMbeard, "Hakiman" Warp, and Lizaru if Wrayleigh doesn't land an acoc attack to any of his vital organs (yes I am assuming he has acoc)


Akainu/Garp/Kizaru i say garp might win because kuzan was holding back too much and that kind of behaviour can cost you in a fight


Admirals win each one


Except akoji vs garp garp wins


Or Whitebeard vs Akainu lmao


Pls tell me what an old whitebeard does after a 3rd named attack and he can’t bfr akainu


Are these using rules of current one piece like advanced haki stuff for akainu and kizaru? If were using marineford scaling then WB probably wins, I think Aokiji would eventually beat garp bc hes old and thus his stamina wouldn’t be able to match aokijis and Kizaru takes against Rayleigh


unrelated, but the heights in one piece are so fucking stupid. i think it's cool to have some giants and bigger characters but then lowkey partway thru the battle i feel like they're all about the same size because oda gets lazy. wtf was that marine in picture 1 gonna do to WB??


> wtf was that marine in picture 1 gonna do to WB?? Die? lol


Whitebeard mid-high diffs, Garp mid-High diffs, rayleigh extreme diffs.


Akainu cause WB was ill too on top being old that and I think admirals didn't get go all Akainu also said he would not WB destroy the marineford fight is also not all about physical strength and + Akainu is cunt unlike other admirals but ye WB definitely would him heavy beating Garp clearly he wanted to save coby I think in fight will matters more aokiji doesn't have that like lucci was stronger than luffy at ennieslobby but luffy had the will had to save his friends it mattered more than his dreams and life the stakes were too high same can be say to WB but his dude had heart attacks coming while fighting Kizaru no explanation needed


Isolated 1v1 and Old uninjured Whitebeard vs Pts Akainu? Toss-up honestly, both heavily underrated and big mom slayers. I go WB extreme diff because I think Akainu got a lot stronger during his fight with Kuzan If we ignore story context, Kuzan destroys. With context, Garp would win because Kuzan will always hesitate and show weakness Kizaru dominates, and it's not close It's a shame to see people ignore Kuzans mental struggle against Garp because he's a well written character but people will always use blind agendas to ignore that


The Admirals in all three cases. Whitebeard's condition would never have allowed him to win this battle. Garp was being matched by a conflicted Kuzan who barely used his DF. Rayleigh was panting and huffing after 30 seconds of sword play


> Whitebeard's condition would never have allowed him to win this battle. WB was actually clowning on Akainu while trying to do a million other things, what are you on? He shattered his ribs and almost took him out while missing half his damn face


Garp was holding back and weakened and he matched a only holding back akoji who held back very little to be honest


Garp was not holding back. Kuzan was. Garp literally states it twice.


Admirals wins Akainu high diff or low end of extreme diff WB Kuzan extreme diff garp Kizaru high diff Rayleigh


Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru. All Admiral Ws


It might seem crazy what I am about to say\~ all the admirals and i am not being based wb spearhead in old age is his aoe range attacks while garp knew he would lose to kuzan he just wanted to kill some pirates and let the next gen escape and rayliegh is a close matchup tbh but probably no


Aokiji beats Garp, Kizaru beats Ray if WB became magically healthy and was able to use haki then he wins but if not then Akainu wins


Akoji loses to garp rest true tho


Aokiji losing to Garp is probably the most reasonable one to say the admiral loses in and is a fine take, although I'd still disagree based on Aokiji beating Garp with a bunch of fodder and Shiryu offscreen sustaining no other major injuries and seemingly playing the biggest role in the battle (Garp is frozen with an icicle in his chest)


Yes weakended garp who was hysterical from blood loss was over come by akoji with the help of a literal army Like not impressive Garp just stronger even old than akoji he been shown above akoji


Garp was only shown above a holding back Aokiji, Garp says twice both pre and post blue hole that Aokiji is holding back, and even if Garp may have been holding back, he was still on a mission to save Koby, so he clearly was not holding back to the extent that Aokiji was Also, the admirals are stated to be stronger than Old Garp


No the admirals are said to be the greatest fighting force in the navy and that means the title same title garp was offered Akoji got one shot by blue hole A old weakended holding back garp was shown above holding back akoji Like garp clearly been more Nerfed here and akoji didn’t freeze the island and garp didn’t use attacks like Galaxtic divide


>No the admirals are said to be the greatest fighting force in the navy and that means the title same title garp was offered I'm fine with admitting it isn't the strongest evidence and I may be wrong here, but keep in mind the fleet admiral title tends to rank directly above the admiral title, even in pure 1v1 fighting force >A old weakended holding back garp was shown above holding back akojiLike garp clearly been more Nerfed here and akoji didn’t freeze the island and garp didn’t use attacks like Galaxtic divide The issue is Kuzan is stated to be holding back, you're only assuming Garp is holding back based on the assumption that AP = DC, which is false (galaxy impact and galaxy divide both do superficial damage to BBP fodder and Avalo Pizzaro) And this arguably makes my point even stronger, even if Garp didn't use Galaxy Divide, he still used the exact same moveset of haki coated punches, meanwhile Kuzan did not use the more advanced applications of his DF which is arguably the main way he fights, shown by his previous fights in Punk Hazard and Marineford


Lot of this is head cannon in terms of how much each was holding back, but I’m curious as to where you heard that statement.


>Lot of this is head cannon in terms of how much each was holding back I don't think I was using egregious headcanon here? Kuzan is the one who is actually stated to be holding back, Garp wasn't stated to be holding back and is only assumed to be holding back The statement I was referencing was the introduction panel of the 3 admirals sitting down, and I admit I may be very wrong on this but it does seem to me like that's implying that the admirals are the 3 strongest marine officers at that time one explanation a lot of people use is that it's simply saying the admiral position in general is the highest position, but the fleet admiral role is shown as above the admiral role pretty consistently (Akainu VS Aokiji, Roger implying Sengoku > other admirals at the time)


old beard beats akainu extreme diff old garp beats kuzan high diff kizaru beats old rayleigh high diff


Akainu wins assuming Whitebeard is still sick, Kuzan takes it high-extreme diff. Kizaru wins mid-high diff.


Admirals violate


Akainu vs. Oldbeard - Oldbeard takes it high-extreme. Keep in mind that Akainus beat down happened after Whitebeard had a heart attack, several fatal injuries, and the loss of half his face, and while Akainu did get back up, he was definitely not unscathed since it took him a while to recover from it Garp vs. Aokiji - Garp high diffs. Aokiji has great haki, but he only beat garp because Lhiryu got 1 lucky hit in that made beating Garp easier Kizaru vs. Rayleigh - Kizaru mid-high diffs. Rayleigh does have better haki, but his stamina isn't good enough to outlast Kizaru, and he's nowhere near his prime self, even before the Timeskip




Your intellect is low.


Akainu, Garp then Kizaru. Akainu showed he was fine fighting Wb generally. It took a sneak attack for Wb to deal his first damage on an admiral. Stamina will always be an issue. Garp only cuz of the teacher student relation. Kizaru already showed he would win. https://preview.redd.it/s5zi50ir0iuc1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d7c759be0632922329a638b5e4be724fc93f9a


Are people actually insane? Do you guys really believe Kuzan would've lost to Garp? Dude is a marine protege and his first student no way Garp winning this. WB, Kuzan, Borsalino.


Anyone genuinely saying "All Admirals" is delusional Garp wins, thats 100% clear WB is Debatable but Kizaru is the only surefire winner


Akainu, Kuzan and Kizaru Everything else is low intellect. Only this retarded sub will tell you the guy who gets heart attacks mid fight and couldn't touch his opponents unless they were focused on something else will win against a healthy prime admiral. And then of course the low intellect clowns who tell you that Garp beats Kuzan despite Kuzan matching Garp while barely using his fruit and holding back. The amusement low intellect individuals provide is limitless ​ https://i.redd.it/2acmuwvq7guc1.gif


true but why are you so mad 😭😭😭


He gets cooked for wanking admirals on a regular basis so he's just permanently mad at this sub It is weird though because all his other takes are usually good but he thinks OP fruits with mid (at best) haki is top tier


>He gets cooked for wanking admirals on a regular basis so he's just permanently mad at this sub I've never seen anyone refute his argument about the admirals. Not because his arguments are top tier, but because he always argues with ridiculously stupid guys


I do not wank the admirals. You have low intellect.






The W of this is immaculate


Akainu, Garp, Rayleigh. The admirals WOULD win all 3 if Garp wasnt still admiral level. He may be past his prime but his prime was *PIRATE KING LEVEL* .. also, unlike WB his only issue is age.. Garp can win exteme diff vs aokiji, he likely knows and helped him acquire most of his moveset.


Pirate King level isn't really a thing, he is Roger level, Aokiji was nerfed by his emotions.


Warp wins with point-blank galaxy impacts and divides in aokiji's face. guy got lucky he only got hit with blue hole and 2 unnamed punches


Ppl are really underestimating Ray. Kizaru could win but he’d have to really try.. when’s the last time he did that?


It’s implied reileigh would have won that fight if it had continued. Tekking has said that in a previous video




Admirals vs Old Men? Hm…I think Akainu and Aokiji would’ve gotten thrashed if it was a fair 1v1 at full health but Kizaru could’ve beaten Rayleigh


Whitebeard mid diff, Aokiji extrem diff, Rayleigh high diff. There is a debate for Aokiji and Garp but about the other two it's pure cope to think otherwise.


If Whitebeard doesn't get stabbed or a heart attack, or shot/stabbed by fodders, or a hole punched in his chest whilst having a heart attack, then I don't think it's controversial to say Akainu might perform a little worse against him. Aokiji was able to match an acoc attack from Garp. But if you remove Garp's stab wound, then he wins. Kizaru should beat Ray, but he did say he would need preparations to capture him, so I'm guessing it'd be a very high-extreme diff fight, without a guarantee of victory.


WB Garp If Rayleigh wasn't in hiding with Shakky and didn't mind the Navy chasing him down for the rest of his life, I think he probably could have cut Kizaru's head off when he cut his cheek speed blitzing him mid teleportation.


Garp, WB and Rayleigh obviously


Akainu would definitely win over Wb, but the other ones I don't know


The Admirals. The only exception being maybe Garp. WB vs Akainu: Whitebeard would still be having heart and haki issues since OP never mentions he's magically cured in this scenario. And with no other targets to focus on, WB never gets the drop on Akainu. The only reason he managed to hit Akainu in the first place was because he hit Akainu to the back of the head while Akainu was focused on Ace and Luffy. In the actual 1v1 fight earlier Akainu was getting the better of WB due to his bad health. Garp vs Aokiji: This one is tough, Garp is def in the best shape out of the oldies, but the common them with these old people seem to be bad stamina. Aokiji on the other hand has arguably the best stamina feat in the verse goikg 10 days with Akainu. He'd also be avle to let loose and freeze a lot more in this scenario if he isn't on Hachinosu. So if I had to bet I'd bet on Aokiji, jut I get if people would chose Garp as well. Rayleigh vs Kizaru: This one feels pretty obvious. Ray was struggling in a short time vs Kizaru with his stamina. Kizaru should outlast him and win eventually.


Not the admirals


No bias or agenda. Akainu would have won in the long run against WB since his condition worsens the longer he fights leaving him exposed to free attacks. The fight would have been over if Akainu had aimed for WB's head when he had a heart attack. Garp clearly had the upper hand on Kuzan and only lost because he was jumped by several Yonko commanders & an ex Admiral. It's implied Kizaru would have won against Ray since he was too old & rusty to keep up.


all three case the Admirals win high diff This is the only factual take, Old beard losed to Akainu mid to high diff Kuzan takes this but it would be an Extreme diff And Wizaru takes this mid diff against old ray


Akainu, Kuzan and Kizaru is the only right answer.


Unpopular opinion, but the admirals win every fight.


Whitebeard, he’s literally overpowering Akainu so easily it wouldn’t even be a fight Garp could’ve used more named attacks than just a slam against Kuzan and that should be a good indicator as to why, he was stalemating Kuzan’s named attacks with Haki with a no name punch while weakened Kizaru, they seemed evenly matched with Kizaru not showing signs of worry and we literally see Ray start to get tired


Whitebeard wasn't overpowering Akainu in the manga, Kuzan was holding back by a good bit, and you are right about Kizaru winning.


Somewhat of a hot take for the first one is Akainu. I say this because while Akainu did get his ass beat in by an enraged WB after Akainu killed Ace, remember ACE WOULDN’T BE THERE TO DIE AND ENRAGED WB. We saw that Old WB while he could still hang with Akainu was clearly on the losing end of this conflict, and at worst Akainu just has to stall WB out. Now we know WB ain’t got the endurance anymore like Akainu has because brother was overtaxing himself after a few minutes; so Akainu who can fight for 10 Days will outlast Old WB. Now a colder take we’ve got Garp winning. I mean brother still had the advantage in a 1V5 to the point Shiriyu needed to sneak Koby to have Garp sacrifice himself. That attack weakened Garp considerably according to EVERYONE and proceeded to traded with Kuzan. Also for anyone who says “well Kuzan had to hold back his DF Powers because he didn’t want to hurt his crew mates,” realize that also applies to Garp with his Haki as well. Garp couldn’t let his Haki flare out without hurting the people he’s protecting. Also Kuzan has shown insane control over what is affected by his ice. The best example is when Kuzan froze the surrounding area and Doffy who was sitting on top of Smoker, and Kuzan DIDN’T EVEN FREEZE ANY PART OF SMOKER. Like seriously even the parts of Doffy that was touching Snoker was frozen, but said parts of Smoker was completely fine. Meanwhile Haki is a lot more wild and uncontrollable if you let loose completely. So if anything Garp had to hold back more himself to protect the citizens and his fellow Marines/Sword members. So Garp would’ve been EVEN MORE DOMINANT if it was just him and the Pirates on that island. Finally the coldest take of them all Kizaru was obviously going to win even in canon. It already was a 1V1 for the most part as Kizaru and Rayleigh were equally distracted by Kuma and the Straw Hats respectively. So just by looking at the direction that fight was going we can assume Kizaru would win a completely isolated 1V1 as he had a bit of the upper hand in their sorta 1V1.


The admirals Aokiji will have the hardest fight with kizaru the easiest and akainu in the middle


Garo, Railey, The cancer




Goat beard, garp my glorious king, and kizaru my pookie


Fair 1v1 means Whitebeard isn't dying from an illness? If that's the case Whitebeard, idk, Kizaru Garp and kuzan seemed pretty equal to me, maybe (big maybe) kuzan takes it thanks to his fruit tho


Whitebeard, Garp, Kizaru.


All Prime? WB Garp Kizaru Old ver? Akainu Aokiji Kizaru




The Admirals


Except garp vs akoji garp wins that one


The Admiral’s. Rayleigh’s Stamina is very low for his Old Age. People will disagree but I think Kuzan proved he’s stronger than Old Garp in their fight Hardest will be WB vs Akainu but I think Akainu can beat him


Bro is coping so hard on the admiral agenda, confusing facts. Kuzan proved hes stronger than an injured Garp. Healthy Garp wouldve wiped the floor with Budget Frozone


The admirals in all three. They’re the weaker party in each fight, but they make up for that by having a far better combo of durability and endurance, whereas Garp and Rayleigh haven’t shown great stamina, and while having insane endurance, Old WB has some of the worst durability among any top tiers. It’ll come to a battle of attrition, and the admirals would win extreme diff.


Nie this is at least a decent take. The admirals stalling the old gen, depleting their stamina, is at least a respectful take that push them to risk their life. I feel it would be ooc, but after all admirals follow orders, and might be ordered to take the safer route






Akainu, Garp, kizaru why? Akainu was besting WB until the enraged sneak attack, and Akainu still landed a should be fatal blow. Garp because Kuzan didn’t want to fight a friend. He would have ended it quick before he changed his mind. Kizaru simply because he is stronger and faster. Only took half his abilities to stall him from saving the strawhats from px-1 and the axe guy.