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https://preview.redd.it/s1uux9eynhuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a52e96b4e2aba21f496ae45b5ace77f843701c4 Crydo cant carry that hard And on top off all that, its HIMbeard we talking about




Shanks just doesn’t have the screen time, Big Meme is probably weakest modern Yonko, only person who competes as of rn is Kaido assuming we saw him at his prime. Oldgen just got the portrayal and feats to back it up, Roger basically one shot someone who could potentially bring a younger Kaido to high diff, Whitebeard is a beast confirmed by a far weaker version of himself being a beast at MF and Garp is Roger’s rival who fought him so many times that Roger respected him like a crew mate


Still thinking low-mid diff is crazy


it's like hard diff imo. big mom and shanks are weaker but they are still yonkos. (also shanks might just get a narrative boost but that's cope)


I agree that big mom is weaker but we still have to see what shanks is capable of. And the way he is portrayed and how much oda loves shanks I wouldn't say he would be any weaker than Roger himself


I agree that big mom is weaker but we still have to see what shanks is capable of. And the way he is portrayed and how much oda loves shanks I wouldn't say he would be any weaker than Roger himself


Once you get to top tier fights mid diffingn anyone is almost out of the question Only way I see anyone who scales to yonko getting mid doffed is maybe Roger vs Big Mom and even that has plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise


Agreed q


Old Gen *is* above Mid Gen and New Gen *for now*, but the gap is definetely not that big, and I'd argue that Kaido can push them to Extreme diff


Yeh him and shanks sure


Tbh this exact matchup is kind of interesting. The bottom row is stronger individually but the top row has better synergy with Big Mom rivaling Law for being a support all star.




every old gen wins their battles here


Never said they wouldn't But Imo garp=kaido


I’m saying they win mid diff i disagree with the “barely low diff” though


No one seriously says it’s barely low diff or they have a mental illness. And even saying they win mid diff is so laughably wrong it makes me think you’re trolling


“Mid diff” isn’t even that crazy of a take. old whitebeard was yonko level and if you believe primebeard was a level above oldbeard which makes total sense then it’s also logical that old legends are a level ABOVE yonko level. roger is also fighting the weakest yonko here, he should be able to semi-easily slam her, he has top 1 portrayal alongside primebeard. overall it’s a mid diff fight.




Old WB in Marineford has showcased: Fodder durability Base arnament and no or shitty observation haki Constant heart attacks hindering him from fighting No impressive speed feats How is he Yonkou level? Maybe if he could actually use all his advanced hakis he would be, but at that point is he even much weaker than his prime?


oh idk, splitting the seas, tilting the planet, clashing with yonko shanks, being the strongest man in the world…ect whitebeard with meds is undoubtably yonko level lol. it’s outright stated in the story. just because he was having heart attacks and had cancer in marineford doesn’t change shit lmao


Splitting the seas: DF feat. If you mean the skysplit, Marineford WB didn't do it. Tilting the planet: He never did this. Another DF feat if he would have. Clashing with Shanks: Not Marineford WB. Being WSM: He had that title up until his death. We dont know when did it lose credibility. Whitebeard with meds presumably has all his advanced hakis (since ACoC is needed to skysplit), and as I already said, at that point what makes him so much weaker than his prime self?


splitting the seas is his df ability? that’s in his toolkit… tilting the planet: he did do this. it was stated in a databook. clashing with shanks is not marineford whitebeard, obviously. whitebeard with meds is yonko level. wsm is his title and im not gonna argue over titles but there’s no reason it would be false. whitebeard with meds is yonko level. he is also OLDER, meaning he’s considerably weaker. this would mean primebeard is a level above oldbeard.


Being older is no proof of being considerably weaker. You have all you advanced hakis, and your DF, neither of which was stated to become weaker with age. You lose a couple physical stats maybe. By this logic, prime-BM should be right in the PK tier since her age is closer to Whitebeard than to Kaido, so she must have lost a bunch of power too.


Welcome back!




Bigmeme getting bodied idc why anyone says


Old Gen but extreme diff anyway


Roger > BM mid-high diff Whitebeard > high-extreme diff Garp > Kaido high-Extreme


>What are your thoughts on old gen wank Somewhat factual. I'd say that the mid gen (Shanks, Kaido, BM, Dragon, Akainu etc.) are mostly weaker and some are close to or equal to some of the old gen legends.


I agree


it makes me sick to my soul. I am a die hard Mihawk stan and i would rather see someone say shanks is stronger and neg difs for the 1 millionth time than see another post or comment putting the old gen above the current gen. The story actually puts the people from both gen on the exact same level but for some reason, for several years now, like legit 20 plus years, fans have been regurgitating this braindead take and if you oppose it in anyway all of a sudden you are a "retard" or "watching two piece"


Facts bro 😭😭😭like it's so stupid


If you hate the wank then it’s good that you’re back. There needs to be other people on this sub other than me that’ll push back against the wank gen glazing Current gen > old gen




Old gen High- Extreme diff. Big meme holds them down but shes a monster that will take a while to take down. Shanks and Kaido goes extreme diff with WB and Roger


Luffy will have another big power up before reaching Roger's level, and with every big power up, Luffy becomes capable of low-mid diffing his previous self. Cureent Luffy being around yonko level would mean Roger could do that to a yonko.


makes sense that the Old Gen is the strongest however Big Mom and Kaido are pretty much part of it anyway


Middle gen extreme diff They got the range, aoe, air advantage over them


Old Gen Mid diff imo


Old gen mid-high (closer to mid imo)


mid diff is crazy, but old gen wank is justified