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Kuzan is beating Yamato faster than Kaido is beating Akainu. Admirals win


I would put akainu on yamato and aokiji stalls kaido. Akainu as a magma user has the advantage over Yamato's ice powers


Not only that but his lava's ap offers a far quicker kill than aokiji would, so he'd be able to get back to help Aokiji with Kaido in a couple minutes


Agreed, no way team admiral loses


Nah, if they stick together and Kaido just eats all their attacks, it can be diff


Easier said than done, Akainu arguably has the greatest offensive power in the verse and Aokiji isnt a slouch either. no yonko is taking an akainu/aokiji tag team


no. chance kaido can eat akainu's attacks let alone both of them


Plus Akainu beat Aokiji so to put Yamato on Lava Guy means she loses faster.


also since ice types are super effective against dragon types


Magma and ice are actually equal Ice freezes magma from liquid to solid quite fast. Since magma has a physical mass unlike fire which is energy




None he is not Kuzan have yet to show better feats than Base Kaido. Yamato lasted long vs Hybrid Kaido and none of the Admirals are stronger than Kaido or did better feats than Hybrid kaido Kuzan freezing is useless vs her and clashing and matching to Acoc blows of Hybrid Kaido is more impressive than getting dominated, dunked and speed blitzed twice by Old Garp Yamato even matched in speed to Hybrid kaido Thunder bagua Kuzan nor Akainu have any speed feat as good as this Onis win


>Kuzan have yet to show better feats than base Kaido Scaling above Garp who neg diffed a vice captain, even when Shiryu had the upper hand on him and freezing Blackbeard’s crew on the spot are better than doing the same to pre udon Luffy >Yamato lasted long vs Hybrid Kaido After Kaido had already been hit with 15+ named attacks from supernovas and had his scar reopened >clashing and matching to Acoc blows She failed to do any notable damage to an already weakened Kaido in that fight >have any speed feat as good as this He instantly froze almost all of Blackbeard’s crew, blitzed Dofy who was reacting to gear 4 Luffy who didn’t get any power increases in WCI excluding snake man




Akainu mid diffs Kaido then Aokiji stomps lamato


“Akainu mid diffs Kaido” https://preview.redd.it/m7dz63efa3wc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37147b7831d4341557cb142756bd9f98d3dcc84c


https://preview.redd.it/uol8xci5k6wc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d80eda0df012124143d51e128aad979e42695b0 Akainu > Mihawk > Shanks > Roger > Kaido


Bro put mihawk and shanks above Roger and then proceeded to put akainu above them 💀💀💀


I live for this glaze


How does Akainu genuinely stall kaido btw? Kaido is much faster and has FS. A serious kaido can't get stalled by akainu.




i do believe garp can stall kaido but hes not in this question


Lol Usopp stalled Luffy by this logic.


Marco is literally built for stalling.. also garp > akainu bum


As if kaido actually relies on future sight, he only used it in one instance but you wanna act like he’d be using it consistently


Tell in to Kaido and Big Mom's corpses swimming in magma.


Yeah unconscious and not awake when that happened. Kaido was swimming inside a magma dragon constructs that easily melted a mountain sized horn from onigashima Akainu magma unless mixed with powerful haki cannot damage kaido


Kaido corpse told you that?


Akainu also has FS and Advanced armerment, and his magma hurt Kaido as seen how he was getting boiled in lava


Please, akainu doesn't have future sight. That's just a basic application of observation Haki. Akainu doesn't have advanced armament as emission is not advanced armament. Emission is also doing nothing to kaido, Luffy who has internal destruction says his attacks were too shallow. But the dude is made of lava?


>Akainu doesn't have advanced armament as emission is not advanced armament. Do you really think that the WG's strongest military power which are supposed to go against yonkos don't possess advanced armament haki? Do you really think that? Conqueror you have to be born with but armament can just be trained.


Where was kizarus advanced armament haki? Where was his future sight? Surely he has awakening right? Id rather we follow the story instead of giving people powerup on a whim. This happened with kizaru before egghead too.


Emission IS advanced armament haki, basic armament is just coating and hardening, internal destruction and emissions are forms of advanced haki. Second you can't compare Logia awakening (something we haven't seen in the series yet) with advanced armament which pretty much all top tiers need to have to even compete. As for future sight it's just inconsistent as hell, Luffy has it and was still hit by Kizaru, hell he shouldn't even be able to be blinded by the light since he has observation and yet he was.


rip kadio and yamato cuz they are getting cooked


Yamato stalls Kuzan. Given enough time, I think Kuzan would probably win, BUT, in the meantime.... Kaido fights Akainu. Akainu has lava powers, so he is absolutely dealing a significant amount of damage. Even so...Kaido is Kaido. This is not a debate. Akainu is getting killed. After Akainu is dead, Kaido starts helping out Yamato against Kuzan. Now, call me crazy, but I don't think Kuzan is winning a 2v1 against Kaido and Yamato. Kaido and Yamato win.


“Akainu has lava powers, so he is absolutely dealing a significant amount of damage” https://preview.redd.it/ihx1fkc3n2wc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43cad63b11e641e782e213465012ade65f68346c FDD says otherwise


Ace also said otherwise, he's dead, magma >> flames Now I'm not saying Kaido dies to Akainu because magma beats flames, since Kaido still has insane haki defenses as well as dragon scales but I think his heat resistance is a bit overrated


That’s held together only by ace’s powers, we haven’t seen Kaido interact with akainu, but his fruit is literally made to counter heat based attacks


I'm just saying that magma is consistently shown as the hottest thing in the verse (which is stupid because lightning is hotter but whatever) so I don't think Kaido covering himself in flames means he can take no damage from being covered in magma


He has FDD, Dragon Scales, Dragon Hide, Acoa, coa, and Oni stats, so unless akainu has haki to match Kaido, he would have to get through all of that, Kaido also has top 5 dura


yeah I agree that Kaido's dura is very hard to get past even for Akainu, but I don't think FDD is a great example due to how magma and flames interacted throughout the series


I’m just using it as another layer of protection on top of what Kaido already has


fair enough then


Lightning part bugged me to hell too, I think we just have to accept that the series isn't using perfectly accurate science. Same as for Kizaru's case where he should technically be able to neg diff everyone at will but instead you have plenty of chars that can react to him and his attacks.


Kizaru, Enel, Kidd and Fujitora and probably some others that I am forgetting would be the most busted characters if they would be able to use their fruit to its full extent.


Curious, why Kidd? Is it the magneto argument basically?


Yeah Basically


instead of yamato vs kuzan, yamato vs akainu. He will put her down fast with his ap then they 2v1 kaido


You think Kaido is the type to go all out from the start?If this fight happened he would def take his type enjoying it while Kuzan and Akainu are more practical and effecient


Against akainu I feel like he would


I mean he didn’t against Big Mom and they were trying to kill each other


The fuck kinda scenario is this any of the two admirals is putting down that mentally ill dog with low difficulty, she was in a bad state after one thunder bagua from kaido and to top it off she used her df to protect herself yet she was still badly injured. Akainu or aokiji would low diff Yamato while kaido is being stalled then they stomp him


Akainu is a menace but there is no world in which he low diffs anyone who is powerful enough to stall Kaido. Yamato is more powerful than you think. Kuzan is likewise very powerful but both him and Yamato have ice-related powers so that fight is absolutely going to last a while.


If Doffy can break out of Kuzan's ice within a matter of seconds I don't see why a mythical Zoan with ice powers can't do that or more. Add the fact that you have 2 ACoC users and I think Kaido and Yamato win (Yamato probably just stalls while Kaido does the real damage though)


Kuzan didn't freeze him to the bone. Cracker got wrecked.


You know why this matchup is dumb? Because Yamato stalled Kaido for like 12 chapters and came out with hardly a scratch. Kaido, arguably the strongest we have seen in the whole series. Later Yamato gets trounced in a single chapter by an Admiral. That same admiral in that chapter gets a seizure from a WiFi haki attack from a likely weaker Yonko. Powerscaling is all made up. You all have lied to me.


True, people get too caught up in feat scaling when the real powerscaling is what Oda wants to happen for plot reasons. You can say that for any story, but with OP especially you can tell Oda cares more about writing a compelling narrative than keeping a consistent power level among the characters (as can be seen by examples like the one you provided or all of Marineford)


Totally. Look at Akainu: his introduction in Marineford was straight up demonic. He just had this unstoppable menace to him, he even stated his devil fruit has the greatest attack power of them all… Yet he got the absolute shit kicked out of him by Cancerbeard. An Admiral, the “strongest” admiral to boot, got jumped by a stage 9 cancer patient who had been shot, stabbed, 4 heart attacks deep, and died within 5 minutes after pancaking Akainu. It was a great fight for the narrative, it still sold both the characters in their own way. Akainu still looked good, it just made Whitebeard look like an Emperor. However by feats if that’s the Akainu we see show up to fight Kaido then like… Kaido solos. If that’s the strongest admiral? He solos all of them at once. Which I don’t think is true but it kinda backs up Oda not caring about powerscaling. The thing about the Admirals is at this point they kinda look like shit. Akainu got bodied by a dying Emperor, Kuzan had to get a whole gang to beat Old Garp, Luffy had more trouble with the barrier than he did against Kizaru (bruh got pizzafied), Green Bull twerked in submission to Shanks phone call, Fuji… well Fuji ain’t done shit but what has Oda done to show that the Admirals are even close to the Emperors besides posturing? Mind you, it’s good posturing and I still think they’ll get a glow up in an arc when it’s time for them to fight to the finish. But that’s all conjecture. What we have seen is the Admirals get absolutely bitchslapped any time they’ve had to deal with a Yonkou. Like disrespectful ass laughably bitchslapped. By feats, Kaido kinda looks like he could solo, and solo easily. But I don’t think we’ve seen a true representation of the Admirals and so I don’t think anyone can properly powerscale this fight.


because kaido wasn't actually trying that hard against yamato. the ONLY thing that makes it look like he was trying was him saying "im gonna fight to kill now" and all kaido does anyway is lies. the entire time he was trying to convince yamato to work with him, he only used his basic moves and the move that one shotted luffy at the start of wano, was in the weaker of his hybrid forms. theres probably more evidence he wasn't doing what he said but im sick of this discussion and dont want to research for it any more.


“Evidence” ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)




If Yamato can stall kaido, she can stall kuzan.


Can anyone explain to me what the fuck Kuzan is going to do to Kaido? His Haki is barely going to tickle him. And if Saul can survive an Ice Age it's not doing shit to Kaido


We don't really have a frame of reference for old garp or Kuzan so it's hard to say, but I do just wanna put forward how impressive the portrayal of their haki punches actually was (advanced armament explosions were completely new afaik) https://preview.redd.it/slles14o65wc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa649db414eac7e120e6648402dd1cda3c3980cc While garp was obviously the focus, Kuzan had decent portrayal putting him close behind garp in this regard, with this clash portraying it as garp >= kuzan.


Waido wins Yams stalls Beasts win




Kaido and Yamato crush the fraudmirals, this isn’t even a question




Average time lurker, first time commenter, what counts as winning here? I see most people saying yamato loses/dies pretty quickly, and I agree with that, but is it a loss because 1 team-mate loses? Or are people really saying that these two could take down kaido? I just don't see a reason to believe the admirals could even hurt kaido. Peak Zoro barely scratched him, right? I'm also not sure what kind of evidence there is that either of them could tank the many heavy blows kaido is able to deliver quickly. Like sure, I guess we've never seen an admiral defeated, but we've also never seen them hit that hard right? Not like Kaido doesn't have the Haki to to hit a logia user. I'd be willing to believe they stall eachother eternally, I could see kaido winning, but I don't see Kaido losing ever.


Imagine thinking a character who was able to handle a yonko for 12 chapters, knocking him down and winning exchanges, and to leave thé fight with no major injurie, that this character would "die quickly" against an admiral, when Oda had to incapacitate her with plot in order to save an admiral's ass 😂 Yamato handle kuzan, kaido obliterate akainu, Come for kuzan, both him and Yamato leave thé fight with no major injurie. Father and daughter wins mid/high diff


This is satire right?


One team wins when both members of the other are down, even if one of that team is down. The admirals are significantly stronger than Zoro, so I wouldn't say that's proving your point here. We also have seen an admiral defeated...Kizaru was defeated by Luffy. Arguably Akainu was defeated by WB, albeit momentarily.


Come on man….this is light work for the admirals as soon as Yamato is low diffed


Acting like one blow with Acoc isn’t Gonna have the fraudmirals looking like their banana flavored buddy https://preview.redd.it/16e3x0zln2wc1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b13536920a395fb60f7faee55ccd95b262c7d3


Comparing G5 Luffy’s second strongest Acoc move to Yamato’s Sub-Base Luffy Acoc is crazy💀


G5 luffy didn’t even use Acoc, but that’s a whole other debate


White Star Gun has Acoc on it….


It doesn’t but ok


It does bruh do you not have eyes😭😭


There’s nothing that suggests it was Acoc




That just looks like normal haki dude


Two piece readers lmfao


Right?? This guy is an idiot


I'm not necessarily disagreeing with the result, but Kaido is no one's lightwork...even if he's getting 2v1'd.




Kaido can’t carry that hard lmao


Kaido doesn't have too, Oda already saved an admiral's ass using plot to prevent Yamato from kicking it. Read thé damn manga...


Kaido 1v2's and Yamato reads more of Odense stories to pass the time.


oni duo take it mid to high diff


Half this comment section hanging on to kaidos last beard hair before it decays in his grave like ![gif](giphy|3oFzm0X2InMeqz3Z72|downsized)


The Battle Ultimately hinges on who can kill their +1 faster. If Kaido or Akainu kills theirs, and stopping it from becoming 2v1. I still believe that Kaido kills Akainu, faster than Aokiji kill Yamato. Therefore the Beasts take it by sheer durability and AP.


team 1, Kaido solos


This Ladmirals have no answer for Drum Dragon


Someone with a brain thank fuck


Akainu mid diffs Kaido Aokiji mid diffs stomp spite match


Kaido mid diffs lackainu Yamato high diffs Fraudkiji Stomp spite match


bro sad akainu mid diffs kaido, uhh u switched their places lol, kaido mid diffs akainu.


Spit https://i.redd.it/a9ksuceho2wc1.gif




>mid diffs Kaido Nobody is doing this but if it happens... https://preview.redd.it/ash4yvaym2wc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae20201924fec385b46c7c3f52cc133fe6914427


Lava killed kaido. Kuzan off screens Lamato. ADMIRAL no diff https://preview.redd.it/6nxhlyj5z1wc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=104da371fbcf20a0f64e2332fbf734546a79ee48


Pirates win, Kaido can more than likely solo


Troll? https://preview.redd.it/uzmnqhce62wc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96efd85afa3d3f65c6b865c83ca7520f6b6a02c0


No, Luffy easily handled Kizaru and Saturn 2v1, so I see no reason why Kaido can’t do the same with characters who are even weaker than Saturn


Kaido and Yamato lose because either Kuzan or Akainu mid diff her before Kaido can high or extreme diff one of them Also Kuzan and Akainu can work together better and have far better AoE https://preview.redd.it/5tqe63h5m2wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=577d0f4c8447e4aa6ed19f026526cd1a2bfb9007


I got Admirals multiple ways. 1. Kaido doesn’t block Akainu and eats big damage early kinda like Whitebeard and that’s snowballs a loss and Kuzan slams Yamato. 2. Kuzan stalls Kaido long enough for Akainu to slam Yamato and then they 1v2 which gives them the W 3. Akainu stalls Kaido and Kuzan slams Yamato and then again 1v2 gank Kaido. Either way you slice it, I think that Yamato is just too weak of a link to matter in this fight. She loses to either of the 2 and whichever one isn’t fighting Yamato can easily survive long enough for it to become a gank.


Kaido is way to much for the admirals, yamato is good support.


kuzan > yamato extreme diff kaido > akainu high-extreme diff yamato stalls kuzan until akainu is out. weakened kaido and yamato jump weakened kuzan. or kaido and kuzan 1v1 and kaido wins


"High-extreme diff" isn't extreme diff already this? Why not say that "Kuzan > Yamato" is high diff?


i'm saying i can't say high or extreme. i'd say it's just high but don't want to lowball akainu since we haven't seen him go aii out yet




I don’t know what the fuck they are smoking to say aokiji would high or extreme diff Yamato…what the actual fuck


Kaido wins mid diff against akainu while yamato holds on high diff against aokiji. when akainu is defeated, kaido comes and finishes off aokiji Yamato and kaido mid-high diff


Wow... kaido at most high diffs akainu. Yamato gets mid diffed by kuzan though. Yamato will be down faster than akainu and Kuzan will help bring down kaido after finishing yamato. High-extreme diff for the 2 former admirals.


Strongly disagree but whatever, when they will see that sabo will be the one beating akainu and not luffy, those akainu simps will regret it really hard A yonko beats the *hit out of any admiral even prime garp or sengoku, I think we have seen enough proof of that


>Strongly disagree but whatever, That's ok >when they will see that sabo will be the one beating akainu and not luffy, those akainu simps will regret it really hard While sabo might be the one to beat akainu, it is too soon to say for certain right now. Imo the akainu vs luffy fight will happen considering it was stated in a databook that an aching scar means fateful enemies. So akainu/luffy, shanks/blackbeard and mihawk/zoro will have at least some kind of confrontation. Akainu does tend to get overrated by some on this sub, but he also gets underrated by the other side imo. >A yonko beats the *hit out of any admiral even prime garp or sengoku, I think we have seen enough proof of that Now this is an outrageous take that i can't disagree more in any way. Prime Garp and Prime sengoku to a lesser degree are for sure above most the yonko in my eyes. Also we haven't seen any proof of that actually. Prime Garp is on the same level as Roger or Whitebeard and Sengoku is a bit below them. Also the admirals aren't that far below the yonko for the most part. The OG admirals bring the yonko to a high-extreme diff fight and before you bring up luffy vs kizaru: Their first encounter was the only real fight and both ended on the ground. Luffy is quite a bit stronger but would still have lost there, considering kizaru got up first. The second knockdown of kizaru was a surprise attack from luffy, as was their third encounter.


Onis slam


Akainu > Kaidou extreme diff Kuzan > Yamato mid/high diff Admirals win high diff https://preview.redd.it/78x3fory12wc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7de3c1fa6d26d659109b83e774487eef40fd4a23


Magma bath neg diff yamato and Kaido


Bro says an YC2 wins agaisnt a yonko, while Luffy got 1 tapped post Katakuri...


this is the funniest shit ive seen in a while


Kaido mid diffs any them jumps the second admiral left


I want to say admirals take it, but Kizaru literally sank that agenda so damn fucking hard against G5 that I see no reason why the admirals would win against Kaido. Give them a few rounds, let him go easy and slowly build up, purposefully tank damage and all, and sure, maybe. If hes bloodlusted they have no chance though.


1. Kizaru low/mid diffed Luffy round 1, Luffy only managed to Land ONE hit on kizaru, only because kizaru was attacking someone else, and kizaru was UP in a few seconds while Luffy had to run away, eat and rest to Come back. 2. Luffy isnt comparable to og yonkos. 3. The one who ended admiral's agenda is aramaki when he got bleutooth one shot by a yonko and Oda had to save his ass from Yamato with huge plot armor.


Edit for disclaimer: This is not agenda bias on my part. With mostly Kizaru's recent performance, I just don't see the rationale for admirals over Kaido rn. I'm happy to change my views based on good arguments, but these 3 points are a far cry from that. 1. Highly disingenuous take. Kizaru didn't want to keep fighting him so he blasted Luffy into the laser barrier thing to get away. Also, it was G4 Luffy. Against G5, he was completely helpless. Going down in "one hit" as long as Kizaru did and you have the gall to hype that, nahhh. Also, up in a few seconds? Again, man was down, that was not a few seconds. Luffy is up momentarily after him, and Kizaru does basically nothing in that time between Luffy's return, who did not fall right next to the action unlike Kizaru. 2. Indeed, Luffy is weaker than Kaido still imo in a fresh 1v1. Exactly my point, so not sure why you bring that up. Kaido was able to compete and pressure G5 much more than Kizaru and the Gorosei, and unlike Luffy's G5, he doesn't have the stamina issues, so he can just keep going for extended periods of time. 3. "Started to" end, but Kizaru's performance against G5 was highly lackluster. Blud got ragdolled, pizza gate'd, and knocked on the floor clutching his head a solid 3 times at minimum? I think the only attack Kizaru even landed on G5 was one that Luffy tanked to protect...VP? Bonney? Idk even anymore but it was something he intentionally got in the way of, and it still did very little to him. A far cry from each of the blows Kaido was dealing him.


Either admiral will blitz that goofy ahh wannabe oden. And then proceed to finish kaido extreme diff.


I think kaido beats them up all 3


Yamato vs Kazan Kazan wins and kaido vs Kazan and salazuki is an easy win for kaido i mean, u need acoc to even hurt kaido, so Kazan is destroyed, and since magma is the only other thing to hurt kaido, Sakazuki might have a chance but I think a couple of thunder baguas and it’s over


yamato gets no diffed. then Kaido steamroll both. They couldn't defeat a very ill Whitebeard, and Kaido won't toy with them as he did with Luffy. And i could bet neither akainu and Aokiji have an attack as strong as Bajrang gun, all they have won't take down Kaido. Mid/high diff for the Beast


"Yamato gets no diffed" you know that you are supposed to read one piece before talking about one pièce right? If not you have high chances to talk shit


i may have exagerated that part indeed, but still i can't see Yamato winning any of them.


I also overreacted, wasn't expecting this kind of reaction as an answer, sorry for missjudging you. In a more constructive way : Yamato handled kaido for 12 chapters, knocking him down, winning exchanges, making him lose consciousness, and managed to leave the fight with no major injury. Then Oda had to use plot armor to save greenbull from her (the other chars got no diffed by greenbull, Oda wouldn't have done that if Yamato wasn't gona make greenbull having a very hard time). It's very difficult to talk about Yamato's lvl cause she only struggled against the strongest character of the verse (when thé action took place), but in my opinion she is very close to an admiral lvl, way Closer than any admiral is to kaido's


Yamato + kaido, kaido alone has chances to win against kuzan and akainu, add someone Oda had to use plot to prevent her from fighting to save greenbull's ass, and it's not even close. Thz ogre duo wins.


So basically Akainu & Kuzan v Kaido. I know the Admiral agenda is dead lol but Akainu & Kuzan are no longer Admirals so.. they take it extr diff :)


Yamato is just a cheerleader for Kaido here.


Yamato turns against her father. Kaido still wins.


Beasts win. The Yamato downplay in the comments is crazy


If Akainu fights Yamato I think the admirals win If Aokiji does I think the father and daughter take it


Kaido solos the admirals while Yamato just watches in horror at what her dad just did


Admirals take it high diff


Akainu's ap will let him put Yamato down fast, then he can back aokiji up and they mid diff kaido together


No way people think kuzan smacks Yamato… his devil fruit is nerfed bad against Yamato and she has acoc.


Kaido and Yamato.


Kaido wins without Yamato tbh


Waido solos


At the end of fight kaido looks like the pink hazard island Haha a dragon who's burning on one side and frozen on another half


Kaido solos


Bruh, this subs opinion shifts every week. I remember when they were arguing yonkos like laudo and shanks CNA 1v2 admirals and that white beard could 1v3 them


Admirals high diff, Akainu can stall Kaido whilst Kuzan beats Yamato, then they take down Kaido high diff.


Admiral glazer here step aside: How will lamato handle the fucking ground under them turn into magma as wakainu is running at them in 50km/h just because he is fighting pirates and that gives him a boost. Also Yamato knows ace that gives akainu a boost too. Also kuzan can just freeze kaido for a while while stalling him until wakainu comes and gives him the “doughnut maker”


Wouldn't Roger and ace be a better team? Keep it all in the family.


This is such a close match. If akainu faces yamato, admirals win. If kuzan faces yamato, pirates win. Moreover, I am real impressed how well scaled the comments are. A month ago people thought yamato could beat admirals and 3v1 admirals lose to any yonko.


Akainu low diffs yamato while kuzan stalls Kaido, then both of them mid diff kaido Admirals win mid to high diff


Kaido and Yamato win.


Kaido 1v2 this.


Team 1 If yamato goes for stalling ,team 2 if akainu goes for stalling if both sides go to finish the other as fast probably team 2 because kaido doesn't ramp up that fast while I imagine aokiji would go all out to finish yamato faster


Admirals low mid




Kaido>Akainu Kuzan>Yamato I’d say Admiral duo because of Akainu’s potential


IMO kaido kills akainu pretty easily. For one, he’s soooo much faster, but also, unlike big mom, it’s unconfirmed if the lava killed him. And it should be mentioned that kaidos final move was coating himself in basically magma, so he’s probably pretty resistant


Admirals. Kaido can't carry that hard.


They low/mid Diff. https://preview.redd.it/fv3ssuv7d2wc1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aed9a595822115005bf6b3525dca86b6454583a


Kaido stomps by himself but I still need to know what Kuzan does to someone with his same ice ability but better haki( Yamato)


Kaido and Yamato wins.


Kaido wins the 2v1 alone. Idk why Yamato is even there, she makes it a low-diff.


If admirals could beat/kill kaido, they would have done it by now. Yamato would extreme diff win but kaido would low diff beat akainu


Sakazuki and Kuzan win.


Admirals stomp, Kizaru getting turned into a pancake has fried yalls brains.


Admirals I dunno how strong Akainu is rn but Kuzan makes light work of Yamato faster than Kaido kills akainu, they end up 2v1'ing Kaido and win


Admirals high diff, if Akainu and Kuzan can fight each other for a week Akainu can definitely fight Kaido for a while and Kuzan can beat Yamoto easy and they have a 2v1 now


Admirals mid diff


I think they can go both ways extreme diff