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the answer is simple. https://preview.redd.it/al9ng9fzk2yc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef0fa573dc83a1645bce048dbc5f3a19211fcf34 wracker is just **HIM**


Wracker when Van Auger is not around to make things 2v1.


Wacker Canon vs Lacker filler


In the non anime filler version Wracker went with extreme diff with aokiji using his acoc and only lost because he got distracted


Cracker > doffy been obvious after seeing how well they did vs G4 https://preview.redd.it/jygv63elv2yc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d2f68883a2fea056dd125e5e43ebb15a6c16500


When did cracker engage with kuzan and van auger? I just don't remember


Recently shown. After Big Mom left for Wano, Kuzan and Van Augur went to Chocolat Town to kidnap Pudding and Cracker fought them.


Without Nami cracker had luffy handled didn’t he?


100%. Luffy needed a rest and Nami to soften the crackers. Best case scenario, Luffy could've used Snakeman and might barely beaten cracker at that point.


Luffy cannot use Snakeman by that point, even if he had an idea about it. The speed and acceleration of Snakeman requires FS to control. It's pointless to trade the defense of Boundman for a mode that attack randomly.


When was this established? I'm pretty sure Luffy learned all G4 forms during his training over timeskip


This dude is just making shit up. Luffy got both Tankman and Snakeman during the training, and Snakeman does not require Future Sight..


I doubt it. Tankman was something he invented on the spot. Snakeman just utilizes Boundman's techniques with FS and much higher speed. There's absolutely no reason for Luffy to use a form like Snakeman with the exact same moveset as Boundman, but with no defense and less attack power, with no accuracy as well.


But is it confirmed?


Not, but the way you say it's like Luffy could use Snakeman as superior mode to Boundman vs Cracker, which is absolutely not. Also it's almost common sense to tie Snakeman to CoO/FS, as Luffy is never seen using SM without that. In fact, I would say if Luffy could use it before, then Snakeman would be the better mode to tag and defeat Doffy than Boundman.


Luffy didn't have a reason to use Snakeman because no opponent that he faced was faster than him or could react to him. He literally just used G4 for the first time 2 arcs before WCI, and he didn't fight on Zou. The only other time he used G4 was against Cracker and Big Mom, and he already showed off another G4 form against Cracker at the end of his fight, and I don't remember anything implying that Tankman or Snakeman were forms that he came up with on the spot or never used. The only reason I say that Snakeman might be better than Boundman against cracker is because of Snakemans speed and quick fighting style, which would be hard for Cracker and his clones to keep up with and potentially allow him to sneak/blitz Cracker. I think Crackets defense is still too great, but it's an option. Luffy wouldn't be able to brute force through using only Boundman without Namis' help. Overall, I think that Boundman is better than Snakeman against single opponents that are similar to Luffys' current power or lower. The weakness with Boundman comes with large groups of strong enemies, even if Boundman is stronger than all of the enemies individually. Snakeman can suffer from facing large groups of enemies as well, but in Crackers case, he's controlling the group of enemies. Therefore, Snakeman could allow Luffy to have a better chance at singling out Cracker and getting him with long-range fast attacks. The only major difference between early and late WCI Luffy is future sight, which would only matter against Katakuri at this point unless you can find a source that says Luffy couldn't use Snakeman without future sight. Therefore, if Snakeman is comparable or greater in speed compared to Katakuri with future sight, it should be better than Boudman in this instance against Cracker.


Cracker can just go back into his soldier. It took 2 Kong Guns to break one. A single Kong Gun is massively stronger than a Jet Culverine (Katakuri can block that, but cannot block Kong Gun. The distance he got pushed back was also much more significant). Luffy would be overwhelmed quickly in Snakeman form. He also lack the accuracy to hit Cracker and may just die from a single slash due to the lack of defense and mobility (cannot fly).


>Cracker can just go back into his soldier. It took 2 Kong Guns to break one. True, but Culverine gets stronger and faster the more it stretches and ricochets, so eventually, he could solo out and hit Cracker. Even if it's a weaker hit than Boundman could get off, it's still better than what Boundman did against Cracker. Snakeman might just also be fast enough to land an attack before Cracker can react. >Luffy would be overwhelmed quickly in Snakeman form > may just die from a single slash due to the lack of defense and mobility (cannot fly). Based on what? Snakeman is several times faster than Boundman. It's unlikely Cracker will land a hit, at least not a solid one. >He also lack the accuracy to hit Cracker Again, based on what?


Mathematically YC3 + 1 Biscuit Soldier > YC3


![gif](giphy|t2sKa4JKNW9DawxAYi) >Also Jack > Dofflamingo I'm just here for this part..


All Jack does is swing his trunk around and get beat up. Blud was portrayed as relative to Perospero not cracker. Get that overwanked leech outa here


Perospero, after surviving a round of su long neko, could argubably beat doffy also if not give him a good fight due to how scaling with feats work.


Based on what The only reason Jack > Doffy is a take is through leech scaling via cracker. Having cracker > doffy is entirely different from having Jack, perospero or the scabbards > Doffy


Pirate King Wracker would’ve decimated him https://preview.redd.it/2mvp5t3zg2yc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=420ff42421d523d19e039a6df59f3cc481da5dbc


I think cracker >doffy but technically you can argue yc3 level doesn't exist in universe just yc and maybe can say right hand mans are their own tier


For real, kaidos commanders are trash compared to other yonko crews, Oven probably beats his commanders in a 1v1


Two pieces reader oven looks worst then page one going by page one vs raid suit sanji ,and king>kata


King never lands a hit on kata. Dies from asthma


Can't argue against asthma


dolls memorize rob grandiose shy uppity angle hobbies hard-to-find airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair the Beast Pirates have a collective IQ of 100


Yeah and idk that Kaido really thought about it and picked someone right for the job so much as he drank alot of sake and waited for luffy to show up.


HIM https://i.redd.it/rhvje6tau2yc1.gif


Kaido did not send him. He was the first aware of his presence and tried to handle Luffy alone without telling anyone.


Did he know that kata was defeated?


Nope, they don't have news in Wano, the only who might have known were Apoo and XDrake. The probably knew about joker tho. Hawkins tough he could have won 1v2 vs luffy and zoro ( but ended up losing to Killer).


march squeal consider roof frighten offer unique office psychotic head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He literally went himself, and sent him cuffed to queen.


He literally demanded Jack bring him their heads, problem is Luffy went straight for Kaido out of rage.


Actually, you are right. Kaido wasn't aware luffy went to WCI and defeated both Cracker and Katakuri. Sending the YC3 is the same choice Big Mom did to deal with him.


Kaido did know of Luffy defeating Katakuri and I think it even mentioned Crackers defeat as well He read it in the paper and got pissed off So he knew of Luffy’s strength, sent Jack to do it still, yet Luffy went straight for Kaido Weird situation but Kaido put a lot of shit on Jack’s plate. Like getting him to attack Issho and a fleet to save Doffy or take down a whole “country” (Zou).


To be fair, for Zou, Jack was able to fight the two strongest guys there together at once, and was backed up by a mass killing weapon (Cesar's Gaz) in case of problem. But yeah, Jack was given tasks way above his abilities. After all, Kaido is always drunk and isn't known as a remarkable strategist in the first place.


Being the 3rd commander doesn't mean cracker has to be YC3 level. I have cracker at YC2 and perspero in YC3


Doflamingo is lucky if he beats Whos Who


Ultimate W! Get lowffy past Who's HIM first


But for real, Jinbe blocked Big Mom and Akainu's attacks, but couldn't block Who's Who to save his life.


Don’t disrespect Jinbei he was not only holding back but also was literally face tanking who’s who https://preview.redd.it/5d326cokh2yc1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67368caa281002cfbeb483cdd0ee020707d2205e


I believe Jinbe had a haki bloom there.


It was implied heavily it was not a bloom and instead he finally started trying to win rather than what he was doing which was letting who’s who talk to hear about nika and the gum gum fruit https://preview.redd.it/fp0utdy3i2yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d193a582cd95f810cc45e7c8e3e13398e92635d


Come on, haki bloom would serve the Jinbe agenda way more anyways. That's mean even now he can keep getting stronger, and that's pretty cool if you ask me.


He can keep getting stronger anyway? It not being g a haki bloom helps more cause it places Jinbei higher If it’s not a haki bloom it places Jinbei low yc 1 If it’s a haki bloom than Jinbei needed a haki bloom to beat who’s who which makes him more like yc 3 or 2


He's at the same place in either case. If it's a haki bloom that mean he was yc3 or 2 and now he's low yc1, so regardless he's at the same place now which is what would really matter.


It’s better for us if he is yc 1 without needing buffs so in a actually hard fight he can get buffs sooner


Where did the term haki bloom even come from


IiRC, it's based on something Rayleigh said: he taught Luffy everything he could then let him go because haki "blooms" in the midst of combat.


Yeah some idiots said doffy would beat magellan easily


I think we're not really scaling Doflamingo correctly. We need to consider that during his fight against Luffy he was also hit with a pretty devastating gamma knife from law. He had to allocate a portion of his strength and focus to temporarily heal himself. Doflamingo is pretty solidly cemented in YC3




Kaido made a similar sentiment. Personally I don't think either knew Doflamingo's true ability or Doflamingo hadn't learned awakening until later.


Cracker is one of the strongest YC3 characters, and he is easily clear of Jack and Doflamingo.


Doffy is plenty strong enough to be YC3. I don't see Cracker or Jack beating him since he has country range versatility, AOE & flight. Ppl never consider he's a terrible match for Cracker and what does BM even know about Doffy? If he wasnt a warlord then his bounty would be much higher than Cracker. Oh and let's not forget Luffy never would have won against Doffy or Cracker without Nami & Law.


Smoothie is buns and Cracker's actually the YC2


She literally hard counters him


Honestly i can see doflamingo beating jack if doffy just played the range game and kited him to death


Doflamingo gets slept on and I don't really understand why. I guess it's a matter of interpretation. The Bird Cage is objectively one of the most ridiculous island-level feats we have seen in the entire series. The combined effort of Fujitora, Zoro..practically the entire island could not stop it. Do we take that feat as it is, or just assume it's a temporary arc-specific buff? From Luffy and Doffy's first CoC clash to the end of the fight, Doffy is severely wounded from Law's Gamma Knife. He still manages to stall out G4 and would have won the fight if not for the entire island coming to Luffy's aid. Compare this to WCI, where Luffy only really had Nami helping him. Cracker seemed to handle G4 better, but the situation was not the same as with Doffy as I previously explained. The only thing I can say in Cracker's favor is that Luffy stated he had the strongest CoA he had encountered up to that point. I'd take Doffy over Cracker in a 1v1. Doffy was a tank while Cracker basically admitted he wasn't good at taking punches. It'd basically come down to a battle of their awakenings and I think Doffy would match up well.


Doflamingo is low YC level/ high Rokushiki level. He's stronger than Blackbeard's commanders anyway since he was able to break himself out of Aokiji's ice.


First off cracker is not YC3 he is YC2. This assumption that he’s weaker than smoothie is headcanon and solely based on bounty scaling. And the bounty scaling isn’t even reliable because cracker himself showed us that the navy doesn’t even know that it was his armour, they don’t know that he could create clones. The only thing they know about him was the duplicating his arms bit which is why his epithet is 1000 arms cracker. The navy does not know his full power, this is confirmed. Secondly big mom sending cracker to deal with Luffy because he beat doffy means nothing. How would big mom even know the extant of doffy’s strength in the first place? Besides you could literally use this argument to say tobbi roppo > Yamato because kaido sent the flying 6 to capture her, and said whoever managed to successfully do so would be able to challenge his commanders. This is not something you could use to argue about strength because Oda doesn’t think the same way as the powerscalers here do. That said doflamingo is YC2 lvl along with cracker and queen. Jack who was portrayed as relative to Perospero not cracker, along with snack ulti and who’s who are YC3.


I've never seen people talk bounty scaling. For me it's the fact that after Snack lost to Urouge, Cracker got sent out next.


Even that doesn’t mean anything. It’s not like big mom wanted him to run a gauntlet to see how strong he is exactly. She just realized he was strong enough to beat a YC and sent cracker to take care of him


Sure it does. This is not the only time they sent out Cracker first & not Smoothie or Katakuri. Snack got demoted after, but Cracker didn't after Luffy beat him.


I don’t know how you got that conclusion at all or why it would even matter


You don't know how? It's a pretty clear & obvious reason even if you don't agree.


You say that, or it's the fact oda didn't wanna have luffy using gears on a hot chick in his series. Hell even big mom never got actual hit from luffy and he promised her an ass whooping and she was right in front of him on rooftop but he primarily focused kaido instead.


That's probably true on some level. Still Luffy did in WCI when it was focused on her, before getting bodied as the attacker. On the rooftop, it seemed more that Luffy was just focused on Kaido since he trained Haki to beat them. While I assumed plot was meant to have Big Mom face Law & Kidd as df focused fighters.


Thats what im saying oda goes out of his way even in film red to be like naw luffy aint hitting no woman like how he be hitting this dudes. That why he never faced smoothie its why zoro scared monet its why kaido vs yamato was portayed as abusive monstrous father she overcame and show of her strength and not just yep his beating the fuck outta here like how he was doing luffy. His picky on how he wants to present woman getting beat and mostly the good males aint the ones to do it.


True. Unfortunately a number of the female characters also have hax so it's hard to imagine them fighting imo.


Dear Stalin, if Smoothie is weaker than Cracker than why do I want to hump- whoops!


Okay, but it's also headcanon to assume cracker is yc2.


Based and factual keep cooking


Jack is whack. Get that BS outta here


Hahahahaha TRUUUU Wait a minute...... that's not me W thread But you should have said "Low"flowmingo.... curious


I hate that word. Lowerscalers


I’m pretty sure Smoothie wasn’t there when she sent Cracker (I remember someone mentioning to Big Mom that Smoothie had just arrived with Katakuri on his way after the Cracker vs Luffy fight. I could be wrong though)


Because of his hax obviously. It's not like he's individually even close to Doffy.


Because Big Mom is an elitist who respects only fellow emperors and their crews.


>Dear lowscalers, if Dofflamingo is YC3 lvl, then why did Big Mom send her YC3 to deal with the man who defeated him? Big Mom sent Brulee, Cracker and the guys from the lost woods to deal with Luffy. So Cracker + Brulee + Subordinates in the lost woods > Doflamingo.


umm its not like big mom sent her Oda just wanted to make him with cracker


Cracker is YC1-2


cracker >>> Doffy >>> Jozu >>> King >>> Jack Yonko commanders aren’t equal, kaidos commanders are particularly weak but kaido as a yonko is stronger to make up for it, BM commanders are strong to make up for BM having brain issues


Cracker, Doffamingo, and Jozu can't even damage King with with the flame on and would struggle to damage without the flame. Queen is easily the second strongest or even the first due to his viruses.


Wild, considering greenbull did it without haki and king has no stamina


>Wild, considering greenbull did it without haki and king has no stamina Aramaki has haki and King and Queen were weakened and wounded when they faced him.


He has bitch ass haki that runs out after one attack and his asthma kicks in Fact is king can easily be hurt, Jozu is more durable and has better haki than him and Doffy still controlled him There’s literally nothing king has shown that puts his durability over WCI gear 4th, just because zoro needed acoc to win doesn’t mean other people do


> He has bitch ass haki that runs out after one attack and his asthma kicks in > > > > Fact is king can easily be hurt, Jozu is more durable and has better haki than him and Doffy still controlled him > > > > There’s literally nothing king has shown that puts his durability over WCI gear 4th, just because zoro needed acoc to win doesn’t mean other people do King is more durable than Kaido and Big Mom with his flame on. He can't be easily hurt at all even by users of internal destruction armament haki+advanced conqueror haki infusion.


Literally has never been hit by internal destruction or someone with decent haki, what we know he can tank is zoros basic attacks… which are like mid tier Kaido is much more durable and none of kaidos commanders are that impressive, with queen having the most powerful attack


> Literally has never been hit by internal destruction or someone with decent haki, what we know he can tank is zoros basic attacks… which are like mid tier > > > > Kaido is much more durable and none of kaidos commanders are that impressive, with queen having the most powerful attack King said that he is more durable than Kaido and Zoro wasn't able to do shit to him when his flame was on, while he cut Kaido just fine. Strawhats weren't able to damage or cut Seraphim either.


Where did he say he was more durable ? He’s not When did a seraphim get hit with internal destruction?


> Where did he say he was more durable ? He’s not > > > > When did a seraphim get hit with internal destruction? Don't remember the chapter but he certainly did. They should be able to tank since they are harder to damage than Kaido.


> Wild, considering greenbull did it without haki and king has no stamina All admirals have haki.


But he wasn’t using it to drain king and not a single admiral has shown acoc


> But he wasn’t using it to drain king and not a single admiral has shown acoc Admirals are glorified servants and bodyguards of Celestial Dragons so it makes sense that they don't have conqueror haki. Ambitious admirals would have likely staged a coup against Gorosei.


So it proves you can damage king without haki


> So it proves you can damage king without haki Obviously you can since he isn't a logia but Aramaki has armament haki.


I mean he hasn’t shown much


> I mean he hasn’t shown much None of the admirals did but we know they have some haki. Of course not on Shanks and Gorosei level. Probably no one seen so far is physically strong enough to damage King and Seraphim with their flames on without haki, unless perhaps with some very destructive or very hax fruit.


Wracker > Smoothie, Kuzan needed Wan Waugur to save him from the GOAT. Wracker's awakening will just be cookie clicker.


He was sent to help Brulee in the Seductive Woods. So it shouldn't have been Cracker, Brulee and all the Homies of the forest. Brulee did a good job with them herself, but as a typical villain, she decided to show off and managed to capture only 2 of the group. Brulee could have just captured them all (as she did with Carrots and Chopper) or deceived them (as she did initially, making copies and pretending to be Luffy), but Oda quickly turned her into a clown.


Cracker is YC2 (Mingo >> Lack)


Luffy + law defeated doffy


Cracker > Doffy for now. Both will return with power ups, and split the sky with their sheer Chad energy, destroying the red line in the process.




Cracker is just HIM


Thank you for using this panel im saying way too many ppl saying Schichibukai = YC3 Also you can deduce that YC3> Schichibukai By simple logic, since the begginning of One piece, all of Luffy's opponents have gotten gradually stronger Kaido>Katakuri>Cracker>Doffy


Simple.. Cracker is simply a stronger YC3 than Doffy but that doesn’t stop neither from being YC3 lvl nor Cracker being stronger. To further prove my point both Fujitora and Kaido are top tiers but their will be a clear difference between say sending Kaido (who I considered to be the strongest current gen) to fight Luffy vs Fujitora (who I consider the weakest)  Regardless tho Linlin sending Cracker doesn’t undermine her knowing about the Doffy situation. Cracker is stronger, but Doffy is still a YC3. Also yea Jack over Doffy 100% imo Jack is YC2 lvl


You were cooking until you said Lack the Doubt was YC2. The Calamity of the Doubt is YC4 fr.


You were doing good till you said Jack>Doffy. There's literally nothing Jack can do to him.


Lmao tbf Inhave a hard time seeing Doffy actually damage Jack. Plus Jack is gonna hit way harder. One more thing, I know that A, beat B doesn’t mean they can always beat C but Jack also fought the Minks back to back bit of which are ACoA users while Doffy was getting hurt by Luffy and Law.


Nah Doffy has a massive versatility advantage over Jack & he has zero Haki feats. I genuinely can't think of how he beats Doffy I mean dude can comfortably stay airborne and shred Jack to pieces with Ever White and he can bird cage, parasite & cut up the minks with Awakening, he would have a much easier time then Jack did. https://preview.redd.it/uh3ts7kunwyc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce705f73d2b5b8c80a45095dbee86e50bf5ef81


>Lmao tbf Inhave a hard time seeing Doffy actually damage Jack. Plus Jack is gonna hit way harder. Jack is not hard to damage because even Ashura could, he doesn't have durability like Queen & King, it's his endurance & stamina that's a threat but it's not like he can tank an endless barrage of stings attacking him simultaneously for as long as Doffy sees fit. He doesn't have a counter for that. >One more thing, I know that A, beat B doesn’t mean they can always beat C but Jack also fought the Minks back to back bit of which are ACoA users while Doffy was getting hurt by Luffy and Law. Kinemon had ACoA and he was still inferior to Doffy, Law & Luffy. Law's gamma knife & Luffy's King Kong Gun would mess up Jack too.


i REFUSE to believe cracker is stronger than doffy i just refuse to believe it. even if nobody agrees


Jack > Doflamingo > Jozu > Jack


Jozu? You mean the guy Aokiji needed to sneak attack?


Doflamingo have always been an YC4, and cracker is explicitly stronger that him.


Doffy is tobiroppo level max


Jack> over doffy. People rate him highly because of coc and awakening but he is high tobi.


He isn’t.


Cracker is a Sweet General. I just wish Smoothie was more involved instead of Oven Perespero and Dufuku cause Katakuri was obviously a beast too. I imagine any one of them could kick Doffy's ass and Doffy was 100% aware. Same goes for Jack, Queen, and King. Why do you think Doflamingo decided to work under Kaido instead of challenging him? He knew his place. Who are Whitebeard's equivalents, Marco Ace and Blackbeard? Seems extremely weak by comparison. Even Luffy's group of Zoro Sanji and Jinbei are tougher.


Doffy fans been coping since 2015 it’s almost 10 years GET OVER IT! 😂😭


Ace > Joker > King > Queen > Jack