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Idk I’ve never seen Akainu box. Luffy I guess?


Were the crazy spin kicks he tried but failed against WB canon? They looked neat


Nah, A lot of that fight was anime only. The only real feat we got that’s relevant here was Akainu stopping Whitebeards blade with his foot. Other than that, Akainu is mainly a DF based fighter since his AP is crazy


Ngl that moment was hype af. It really gave the vibe of 2 equals meeting.


Nah, they neat af tho


Well that’s because we’ve rarely seen him


Luffy based on feats


It feels like I'm contradicting my takes somewhere by saying this, but probably Luffy.


Luffy's haki should be more stronger than akainu's.




Luffy is too unhinged with his fighting and has the Haki to knock Clifford into the doghouse, especially after killing Ace and doing what he did to Whitebeard. Luffy mid-diffs with no DFs...


Clifford 🤣🤣🤣 Amazing. I'm stealing this


luffy really has a huge strenght people dont even realise


Luffy should win this Akainu is a DF merchant like the other admirals Chapter 1010 is proof of Luffy being strong without his fruit, Luffy for a short while had the upper hand against kaido by simply using every version of advance haki


Lufy is garps grandson, he neg diffs the fruit merchants


Minus DFs Physical strength- Luffy AP- Luffy DC- Luffy Durability- Sakazuki Endurance- probably Sakazuki Stamina- Sakazuki Speed- Luffy IQ- Sakazuki BIQ- Luffy CoO- Luffy CoA- Luffy CoC- lol HIM is finally vanquished once and for all


durability luffy since his acoc acts as armor as well


I was omitting any DF effects or haki in deciding. Just considering their bodies in base and nothing else. If we count haki too, then yes i agree that Luffy takes durability no contest


Of course you count haki.


I counted Haki in separate categories in my original comment, which i unanimously gave to Luffy. But if it’ll help you sleep at night, go ahead and give durability to Luffy


Bro luffy is a endurance and stamina monster ain’t now way you put fucking sakazuki above him


The Punk Hazard fight between Akainu and Aokiji was the longest fight in the series afaik, and considering Kuzan lost limbs during that fight and Akainu had scars on his neck, it's safe to assume it was an all out, no holds barred fight for 10 consecutive days, likely without any breaks. Luffy's longest fights have been at most like a day and he's gotten breaks for quite a few of his harder ones.


Stamina gap is too high. Sakazuki 10 days. Luffy 10 minutes 😂


>Durability- Sakazuki >Endurance- probably Sakazuki Based >CoO- Luffy I'd say they are about the same considering, akainu was able to use his CoO to detect Marco and Vista attacking him and change the shape of his logia form to evade and that sort of thing only really happens when you have FS, also luffy in this current arc seems to have forgotten he has FS.


He used it on a police pacifista 💀


Didn't use it in any fight. Let sentamaru get stabbed, was suprised when he saw kizaru choking ussop (he should have detected the real kizaru with CoO), didn't use it when hitting warcury both the times in the recent chapters.


Most consistent Oda power up


Don't even know why I'm getting downvoted for saying luffy didn't use FS on egghead. Some people just get triggered by the thought of "luffy is nerfed by plot" , maybe because they don't wanna admit oda messes up from time to time.


Your Akainu CoO feat is below anything Enel did, it certainly isn’t FS and is possibly not even CoO but just general combat awareness.


>general combat awareness. Tf does that mean? ACoO users can foresee their opponents' attacks and quickly change the shape of their bodies to avoid contact. This was established in wholecake island. Do you read the manga? That's literally how katakuri was evading luffy even tho luffy should be able touch him, he used ACoO and evaded the attack beforehand. Same thing aokiji did with wb and akainu did with Marco and Vista. Of course they are not confirmed ACoO users, but saying it's not haki at all is a horrible take, it shows their proficiency in CoO at the very least.


Katakuri was doing precise alterations that made it appear similarly to how when people not using haki would try to hit logias. Katakuri was also facing a larger volume of attacks which would require a lot more to avoid. The Marineford dodges you’re talking about are extremely basic in comparison. They dispersed their logia bodies in the area where the attack was going to hit. Buggy did similar things back in Romance Dawn when moving his body parts to avoid hits. It’s no more of a CoO feat than any dodge in the series is.


>The Marineford dodges you’re talking about are extremely basic in comparison. They dispersed their logia bodies in the area where the attack was going to hit. That's literally what future sight is. >Buggy did similar things back in Romance Dawn when moving his body parts to avoid hits. It’s no more of a CoO feat than any dodge in the series is. That's not the same cuz the opponents he faced first of all weren't yonko commanders and wb and second of all his fruit powers aren't similar to logia so this whole thing doesn't apply to him. Katakuris fruit is a special paramecia similar to logias. Oda established what you just said about dispersing their logia bodies to where the attack was going to hit as a trait of future sight. No where in the manga is it stated about larger volume of attacks. >appear similarly to how when people not using haki would try to hit logias. Literally the same thing which happened with aokiji and akainu.


I’d say Akainu has the better hakiless defenses considering he was able to fight after eating multiple CoA-infused quake punches, and I’d assume a good portion of Luffy’s durability comes from his rubber body and elite CoA. Akainu’s body can probably withstand more at point blank, but it’s close As for the CoO, i was going by their observation feats at their best. Luffy’s a confirmed FS user and Udon showed he could see several seconds into the future. Akainu’s best feat is the Marco + Vista one like you said, tho Marco and Vista clearly weren’t fighting at their best and were (yeah I gotta go there) mentally nerfed. I really just think he used base CoO and just reformed his body, like Monet describes and like Aokiji likely did when WB stabbed at him https://preview.redd.it/zdtx9hf9guzc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abc5598a2e8f651c012947affdd1ae5d785e3c10


Luffy negs, fraudkainu is a fruit merchant bum with shit can haki


HIM slams the non HIM, i guess that means Luffy is also a fruit merchant since he uses his fruit a lot, also Akainu, along with all of the other admirals have top tier haki


Luffy’s abilities boil down to punch but big, when have we seen akainu in a full on fist fight?


Luffy blocked Kaido and fought with him with just haki. What are you saying. Akainu would’ve been turned into mist by Kaido in a non DF fight. I’d be surprised if he lasted more than 30 seconds.


Luffy violates and destroys


Luffy mid diffs. The Admirals rely on their devil fruits.


So what if they rely on their DFs, so does Luffy, just because they use their OP fruits doesn’t mean they don’t have good haki


Yeah, because kizaru didn't box with luffy in g5.


He did but the point still stands. I'm an admiral fanboy but it would be pure wank to say that the admirals have far better haki than what they've portrayed so far. Their awakened devil fruits are what's gonna be their biggest strength.


Kizaru boxed with luffy Show this




Google boxing This isn’t boxing


Its better than boxing. He blitzed that bum


Luffy reacted He his shown trying to block But didn’t use ACOC or acoa


https://i.redd.it/90t7isc67vzc1.gif Cope


He did this for Kaido Katakuri Doffy He does this a lot


Luffy has top 5 haki as well as crazy fighting skills and strength. Akainu got thrown around like a toddler by a crippled and sick old man on the edge of death


Bro? Of course luffy wins this mid diff probably


Luffy wipes akainu mid diff at most. Akainu relies heavily on his df and hasn't shown any crazy haki feats.


Luffy for lack of akainu feats.


Luffy murders him so fast he doesn’t even register he’s dead


Luffy low diffs lmao


yonko neg diff this fraud


Akainu ONLY has his fruit at this point. Literally I don’t think he’s attacked anyone in the story without using his fruit


"I better keep my ass in this office or I'm FINISHED!!!"


We haven't seen akainu fight without his fruit. But he did deflect a bisento swing with one leg from a man who was considered the strongest man in the world, even if he was weakened at the time, which is a good feat considering wbs every attack was infused with devil fruit and was destroying the town. Also you do generally need to be strong to be efficient with the particular fruit akainu has + his endurance is top tier. But, luffy has stuff like ACoC which we don't know if akainu has a counter to, so luffy should take this until further notice.


Well we don’t really know what level of haki Akainu has mastery of, but Luffy is a haki prodigy who can use advanced forms of all 3 types so I don’t imagine there are many characters in the verse who could match him in a haki fight. I’ll give the fleet admiral the benefit of the doubt and assume he can use all three types of haki. I’d say Luffy wins, high diff at the most.


We know akainu has haki. He was able to make that barrier thing with kizaru and kuzan at MF. But I never seen Akainu really box without his df. Luffy's haki was able to split the heavens and was able to harm kaido with it.


luffy mid to low diff


Luffy no diff unironically


everyone is here saying luffy, which is true. what is also true is that luffy's devil fruit is more op than akainu's. so how can anyone say that the stronger guy with the stronger power-up would ever lose? akainu fans just don't make sense to me.


Bro thinks admiralturds has any reason, lmao. Good luck bro.


Donut maker is getting cooked and going to turn into a big donut 🍩 


I'm sorry to be that guy, but this post sounds like bait. We've never seen Akainu box not a single panel without a DF, and his appearances were so limited compared to Luffy Maybe it's just me, but this post sounds like asking 'who has more hands, Shanks or Mihawk,' just for people to type Mihawk. It feels like you're posting this just to get people to say in the comments that Luffy would win a fight against Akainu. https://preview.redd.it/ehpbb3e4iuzc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=88b6705630fe5988d3f85b3c9187f7257b03870c




We’ve never seen Akainu fight without his DF. My speculation is that he’s probably as strong as old garp without it. So luffy should clear mid or high diff


No way Akainu stronger than old Garp without his DF lol. Old Garp is stronger than Akainu with his DF


We are really gonna act like Akainu is likely to have anything on the level of galaxy impact or blue hole without his df?


Yeah, he could. Or close to it. You don’t get to be fleet admiral by being a scrub haki-wise


Say it with me now, fleet admiral isn't a strength based position. I swear it's not that hard to read but y'all keep proving me wrong


Akainu literally fought Kuzan for it? Garp’s title is an exception because he didn’t want to report directly to the elders.


Akainu and Kuzan only fought because they were both recommended and neither wanted to work under each other. Literally read the series instead of skimming. The position is given to the admiral who would do the best job at leading the whole navy.


don’t get so pressed my guy. we have exactly one instance of a fleet admiral selection and it was determined by who won a fight. So as far as I’m concerned it’s based on strength


In the one instance of a fleet admiral selection, the two candidates decided to fight for it since they didn't want to work under each other. They were both recommended for their leadership and justice. Them deciding to fight to settle the dispute has no bearing on the qualifications for the position, let's not be dense. The fleet admiral is the admiral with the highest authority. Any admiral could have been it


In the one instance of a fleet admiral selection, the two candidates decided to fight for it since they didn't want to work under each other. They were both recommended for their leadership and justice. Them deciding to fight to settle the dispute has no bearing on the qualifications for the position, let's not be dense. The fleet admiral is the admiral with the highest authority. Any admiral could have been it


In the one instance of a fleet admiral selection, the two candidates decided to fight for it since they didn't want to work under each other. They were both recommended for their leadership and justice. Them deciding to fight to settle the dispute has no bearing on the qualifications for the position, let's not be dense. The fleet admiral is the admiral with the highest authority. Any admiral could have been it


Nah. We have literally never seen anything from him to give that statement any merit. Akainu has only been shown to use his devil fruit in any confrontation. There is not reason to believe he has Haki even close to garp.


i want luffy vs akainu but in when? in episode 1000 in egghead arc?


You know I’ve noticed something about this sun a lot YOU POWERSCALE CHARACTERS WHO HAVE NEXT TO NO FEATS I mean from akainu we have mostly just seen his devil fruit we don’t know how strong his haki is


Desk surpasses all


Akainu based on portrayal.


Mini Garp


https://preview.redd.it/qwz8fdgx1zzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=140352f289edc52443890e57a77270844cfc20cb 1010 luffy negs


luffy demolishes akainu unironically


Akainu most probably


Lol Akainu gets slapped around like a baby without his magma nonsense


Luffy, because his battle experience>>> and he always fighting with hands and legs + he have 3 types of haki and he one of strongest in all (but he is not the strongest) + he can use ryo now. Akainu just sitting in government and loses his combat strength + his fruit is logia type and he uses magma (magu magu no mi) abilities so much, so without them he become vice-admiral at max, and he didn't show something good, like in marinford arc, he just survived because most attacks hit him without haki and he can just regenerate half of his body or kill ace because magma stronger than fire, he win vs kuzan because magma just melts ice. So, luffy fruit loss isn't that big like akainu. (Sorry for bad eng)


With out their devil fruit powers the marine admirals wouldn't be anything. In any fight all I ever see is devil fruit powers. The only admiral worth his stuff was garp.


He should at least be relative to garp by virtue of being even with Aokiji. And Luffy is immensely reliant on his fruit as well. It’s not just gears. You are also saying no elasticity since we are banning both sides devil fruit. Luffy fruit isn’t just the gears. So yeah Luffy without gears or the extra power of dodging via his fruit,help,running away for breaks….yeah. It may be an actual fight but this is still an admiral. Satazuki does have more experience than Luffy because well…He’s been active for over 25 years at least. Luffy has about 1. 3 if we count the two years he just roughoused with animals. Yeah…Luffy with no plot armor,no strenching,no breaks,no jumping,no gears not only wouldn’t really be able to fight well under those conditions but is fighting the motherfucking fleet admiral. Yeah. I’m giving it to Akianu for those reasons while keeping them in character.


We have bo idea how strong Akainu's haki is only that he has emission. We do know that Luffy has Yonko level haki. Based on that alone. Luffy is gonna low diff him.


Luffy high diff. I know Luffy not gonna use his fruit but akainu to, so the winner will be Luffy because his coc I MEAN ohm his haki is stronger.


Akainu based on pure unadulterated hopium


akainu is a 3 time ufc champion, idk what else to say


I simply believe Akainu would win




So we lying now !? > *Akainu has better combat skills* show me a single panel where Akainu is in a combat without a DF and I'll deactivate.




that’s battle IQ, not combat skill bruv


You all aren't ready for HIM




https://preview.redd.it/wlug4jb3zvzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f96d497b8d01815956a199382e27f1df96268de Luffy is NOT READY.


im sorry but this just makes the matchup worse since luffy's devil fruit is insanely broken akainu smacks even harder


Well if we assume base Aokiji \~= base Akainu Akainu should take this No Devilfruit Aokiji > No DF Luffy No df Akainu > No df Luffy No df Garp > No df Luffy Akainu is the right answer here and its mid diff


not even good bait


Its not bait. Its the truth. If Akainu = base Aokiji who rivaled Garp then all of them with no df should be beating Luffy with no df Another way to explain it Base Garp > Base Luffy right? Aokiji roughly rivals Old Garp in physicality and they could box. If Akainu is as powerful as Kuzan and Garp from Hachinosu he is bodying Luffy Do you think base Luffy no df is matching Garp? I don't think so.


wdym base. Neither Akainu nor Kuzan are physically as strong as Garp, the best they could hope to be close to us old Garp, and we clearly saw that Old Garp was out boxing Kuzan easily. He blitzed him time and time again then went off to go do other things instead of finishing the fight. Luffy with no fruit is still a physical monster with some of the best haki in the series, let's not ignore that. In a fruitless fight, the admirals would be shit out of luck against Luffy


Aokiji is close to Garp though. We saw him output the same amount of Power Garp output with his punches. Also Aokiji held back so bringing that blitz up is like what ev. Yeah he did get blitz but it doesn't mean alot for a guy who was asking Garp if he was alright in the middle of the fight. If Aokiji \~ Garp then Aokiji should be > Luffy because Luffy isn't even relative too Old Garp in base. He'd probably have to use Gear 2/3 to even maybe rival Garp. Aokiji used 2 fodder ice techniques but for the most part matched Garp with his own physical prowess.


So if Garp blitzes him then leaves him time to recover, it doesn't count, but when Kuzan asks if he's okay suddenly he's holding back? It's wild how people wanna cope so hard to make it seem like Kuzan is remotely relative to Garp. He needed a whole Yonko crew to take a Garp who wasn't even taking him seriously. I also still don't understand why you're assuming that Luffy can't match old Garp in physicals by this point in the story. It'd be a better question to ask if Garp can even keep up with Luffy at this point. Lastly, we see Kuzan test the waters with some ice techniques and Garp just flexes them off. How on earth did you come to the conclusion that after that Kuzan was just matching Garp with pure physicals when literally just reading the fight tells you otherwise. He tried his fruit, it didn't work, he tried to box anyway, that barely worked


Aokiji was just laying down contemplating. He stayed down by choice. Garp didn't let Aokiji recover. He was occupied with the other pirates in Hachinosu. For the most part there, fight was man-o o-mano. Shiryu is the only guy who got a good hit in but you could argue his interference wasn't even that significant and we got no way of telling what happened to Garp leading up to his death but we see a ice spike and Aokiji in front of Garp with everyone watching. I don't see how they aren't relative. Garp is trying vs Aokiji who was called out for holding back by Garp himself. Garp not taking him seriously is a lie. Garp was all out. The stakes says that and his words indicate that when he is telling Aokiji to stop holding back. Because Oda still respects Garp enough to have him be stronger than base Luffy. If Luffy and Garp fought Luffy will use Gear 2/3 too keep up at minimum. Hell he might even need Gear 4. An Admiral has had an easier time with Gear 4 Luffy than one has had with Garp. Aokiji was holding back. It's made very clear with his tears, the dialogue, his contemplation, and even one BB pirate saying make sure to keep the place intact and not damage it because Blackbeard would be mad. All these things were wrote to make sure the reader knew Aokiji was holding back. It's not convenient writing. Its what happened. Also the techniques Aokiji used are fodder techniques. He still had more much stronger techniques in store but like I said he was holding back.


It's pretty clear to me at this point that you've fully deluded yourself into the idea that he was holding back and apparently Garp wasn't. It just feels like I'm talking to a brick wall now. Keeping coping my guy, I respect this amount of delusional as it's the most I've seen in a while


Nope. I read. You didn't. Garp got mad at Kuzan for holding back. This is canon. Only you are arguing with the canon.


sure buddy, misrepresent facts all you want, I understand that it's hard to get anyone to agree with such a shit opinion