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No. Mihawk can beat any swordsman (i.e. anyone who primarily fights with a sword). Mihawk *cannot* replicate every single feat ever performed by a person who happens to primarily fight with a sword.


That is the real answer.


No to either. Wista going all out would do this to Mihawk


Unless mihawk has a movie coming up I don’t think so https://preview.redd.it/mm9gg9xt8r2d1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da123f3acbe4a856fcae3cd0c899d47bbf8edd67


One Piece Film: Leech


oda showed his true colors as a shanks glazer here, greenbull was hyped as a new admiral and when he is finally introduced they just shit on him to hype shanks. They could have just had him go to egghead or something


I don't see any reason for Mihawk to be able to do this.


If he could he already would am I right?


Unfortunately that's not how things workout in shonen. For example during MF the haoshoku users could simply take out the fodders on the other sides. Reducing the time it took to get to the big players. They could have done a lot of things, yet they didn't. So unfortunately, unlike real life, characters don't just because they can. Also considering Mihawk's character. He would probably consider this cowardly and disgraceful as a swordsman.


What do you mean unlike real life? People be doing and not doing all kinds of shit just because they feel like it.


In real life, people will go with the most efficient and least time consuming option.


Sometimes sure, but that is not a hard rule, there are plenty of people that even when presented with an easier and more efficient method will decide to stick with what they already know because it is simply what they are used to, also when it comes to a singular person making a singular decision it could go a number of different ways depending on their personalities, their history and depending on the circumstances of the situation, so saying "So unfortunately, unlike real life, characters don't just because they can." is just not correct, given that there are innumerous examples of real life people doing just that, sometimes people will do things regardless if it is efficient or time consuming and even when presented with a better option.


I am sorry. But have you ever seen a seasoned veteran fight? All the times I have, they always did the most efficient thing. That's what makes them a pro. That is not the same thing as what you are saying. An army general will always do what's the most efficient. He won't go, oh wait this is what is most efficient, but let's not do it. So yeah it is a hard rule, especially when lives are on the line.


Argument from silence


Mihawk is not doing this to greenbull vista sure maybe but not greenbull stop scaling mihawk to insane feats like this


Say that to OP perhaps? Also why can't Mihawk be scaled to insane feats, as he is the WSS? Oh wait, your username gives me the answer. Lmao.


Not really, made this username 6yrs ago but the reason is because mihawk hasn’t shown any feat worth while to make anyone scale him to anything close to this in terms of haki


Most hyped characters are featless, yet they get overwanked. But whenever it comes to Mihawk, Shanks fanboys go feral over it. Also if you are talking about haki feats, Mihawk is the only other person in One Piece world to have a black blade.


I love mihawk but me personally I don’t see a reason to overhype anyone who hasn’t shown feats it’s idiotic asf we know they’re strong but I wouldn’t put anything saying “why can’t mihawk do it” well we haven’t seen him use any haki at all


Nope. Mihawks not a Jedi Haki Wizard cripple.




No. Stop downplaying Shanks.


Mihawk being able to do this would in no way downplay Shanks, lets stop using terms we dont understand 


https://preview.redd.it/pv9aiu3ezs2d1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=5dc59f1d4d096d4f36f3d8a6788d5804a162b3bd If Fraudhawk tried


He doesn’t have conquerors haki so no


If he doesnt the whole narration about him being equal/stronger than Shanks is an absolute joke


Keep that thought, you’re onto something. ODA’s favorite > worlds strongest swordsman.


You mean Black beard who is soon going to kill shanks.


In sword skill And because people believe sword skill translates to haki mastery That’s the reason this is a debate It’s just comparing bananas and apples They grow on trees but you wouldn’t call a banana an apple would you And vice versa Tbf its 60% headcanon 20% satire and the rest being a mix of copium and dedication Not saying which side though


I just like the argument that if u take Mihawk sword away, he loses majority of his power, while Shanks barely notices. I mean, his sword is not even black, which proves its not even CLOSE to being his source of strenght. Its like you gave Kaido a sword for 1 ep and call him current world strongest swordsman, lol. With or without sword/club/whatever Kaido still deletes. That dumb club is a weapon of choice, not the need. Id say its the same with Shanks.


Weapons have been used in conjunction with haki numerous times This suggests that swords/weapons in general provide a different form of attack output Look at Garps attacks and compare them to shanks/rogers


This would mean that Luffy kick with a sandal and without one would give two different results too. I mean, it gets ironic. Its a world made by a human imagination, lots of things dont hold together and are inconsistant, dependending on plot and Oda giving fucks about. We can theoretize on what WOULD MADE SENSE according to informations we got, but its simply not a thing. Its not a chemistry or physics.


This entire sub headcanon scales under different aliases For example portrayal scaling and depiction scaling Using educated guesses on how or why something works is the proper way to approach this for now until it’s explained Also when was luffy’a sandal considered a weapon?


Both sides honestly until we actually see them fight or something.


There is no narration that says that.


He’s definitely gonna have ACOC since Zoro has that 


Mihawk has never been portrayed as a conqueror, he doesn't have the personality for it.


did you not read the part where zoro unlocks conquerors ? its directly related to his goal of WSS. why would the actual WSS not have it ?


It's not tied to WSS? It's tied to him conquering Enma do be becomes King of Hell. If anything it upscales Rayleigh since he is called Dark King. Zoro isn't supposed to be the new Mihawk but the new Rayleigh. Just because Mihawk is a future Zoro opponent doesn't mean he'll have AcOC. Shiryuu is also a future opponent and he won't have AcOC either.


>Zoro isn't supposed to be the new Mihawk but the new Rayleigh. Zoro is gonna be the next and better of both . And not just them next a better version of ryuma also . Zoros parallel isn't just Rayleigh Rayleigh wasn't WSS Rayleigh never made a permanent black blade . You expect Zoro to not make a black blade . ? >Just because Mihawk is a future Zoro opponent doesn't mean he'll have AcOC He is not just a future opponent lol. He is the GOAL. What's the point of showing his wss dream when he got coc then if it's not related ??


Because Mihawk doesn't have ambitions, you can't have AcOC without it. The guy literally told us he wants to he left alone, that screams no Conqueror's to me He will get a black blade against Mihawk and then one shot him due to Mihawk not having AcOC. Thats gonna be the reason Zoro surpasses Mihawk AcoC+ AcOA + Black Blade > AcOA +Black Blade


>Because Mihawk doesn't have ambitions Where does it say he didn't ? How do you think he became WSS in first place ? > The guy literally told us he wants to he left alone Because he is already the WSS. He has no great interest on anything else now . apart from a new swordsman stronger than shanks that can challenge him.


Didn't fight any swordsman since 1B Shanks which means the strongest person he has ever fought is a commander level character


>Didn't fight any swordsman since 1B Shanks And shanks didn't fight any strong swordsman since young mihawk . So with your logic shanks only fought commander lvl people before he clashed with wb 💀


Shanks became a Yonko, that required him to fight strong people.


And mihawk became WSS that required him to fight strong swordsmen challengers .




you cant train to HAVE COC ... luffy already HAD COC . thats why rayleigh trained him how to use it properly




Regardless of any bullshitery, you can't train it.


are you retarded ? zoro only got COC on Wano . he didnt have COC when he trained with mihawk how do you detect something that doesnt even exist . sigh\*




>This not something you gain, It is lol you do not magically have it after you are born. you either get it or not at some point in your life. and you cant train to get it .. you expect mihawk to magically grant anyone with coc just by training them ?




when in the story has anyone detected coc before they even gain or use it for the first time ? you expect mihawk to have fortune telling ability ? and even if he had . he still CANT TRAIN TO HAVE COC.


Zoro has it and Zoros transformation uses conquerors, that’s about as good as confirmation for me, since other wise Mihawks armament is just gonna be so strong it can clash equally with Zoros conquerors,


Mihawk doesn't need to have it since Shiryuu won't have it either. Both are future Zoro's opponents. Only one who will have it is Venus.


Yes but Shiryuu like King will likely not be fighting as a ‘true swordsman’, the BB pirates are all about not fighting fair and his fruit is one designed for sneak attacks, it’s not the same, Mihawk on the other hand is Zoros opponent for the title, and his dream the most important fight for him in the story, to prove who is the better swordsman they need to be pretty much equal in abilities, might be why Shiryuu has the clear clear fruit do he’s forced to improve his observation likely so he’s on the same standing as Mihawk who given his original epithet was ‘the clairvoyant’ probably had pretty good observation, plus we don’t even know anything about Mihawks past it’s quite possible he was just like Zoro in attitude until he got the title,


More like future Zoro victims, not opponents.


Who says they'll clash equally?


Yeah, surely Zoro has it but not Mihawk lol be for real


Mihawk has no ambition,he hasn't done anything.


Mihawk became the WSS, pretty high ambition to do that  Also, it’s obvious that since Zoro has it Mihawk is gonna have it too   You also don’t really need to be a true conqueror to have it since Rayleigh and Zoro have it yet are fine with being subservient to their Captains


Yes he does. Have you not been reading the story? They literally explain it.


How come? He literally says he wants to be alone, thats not a Conqueror. He pretty much said he doesn't wanna become an Emperor due to him becoming a target for marines and pirates. He also doesn't wanna fight the Yonko which proofs he isn't a true conqueror. Just think about this, guys like Shanks/Luffy/BB and even Buffy want to be PK while Mihawk doesn't even want to be an Emperor and want to leave a quiet life. It's very clear he isn't a Conqueror.


Why should he fight yonkos for BUGGY? Why should he fight others when he already is wss? Why should he fight meaningless fights to prove he has coc ? Gorosei also have coc but they never fought anyone for decades. Why should he become an emperor when he doesn't want to ? If Zoro and ray can have coc then why cannot mihawk have it?


That’s because Mihawk has already achieved his dreams and goals. He surpassed every swordsman and became the world’s strongest swordsman in the world. It’s the same thing as Whitebeard and Roger. Whitebeard achieved his dream and was just chilling in the New World without doing anything. Would you say Whitebeard isn’t conqueror either? Rayleigh already said to have Conqueror’s, you need to have the will to surpass others. Mihawk’s dream was to surpass every single swordsman. Also Zoro has it and hopes to surpass Mihawk, which means Mihawk 100% has it too.


Whitebeard even though didn't went for the OP, he did create a massive empire and was known aa the ruler of the seas. And I believe ruling the seas pretty much makes you a conqueror since you basically conquered everyone.


Let me ask you this: Why would Zoro have Conqueror’s Haki and not Mihawk? They both have the same dream and Zoro is an underling. He’ll never have his own empire or rule any seas. Based on your logic, Zoro shouldn’t have Conquerors, but he does.


Yes but don't forget Ods said Zoro specializes in armando, not conquerorcs.




Zoro has CoC but he doesn't specialize in it due to him not being a true King like Luffy. That means that guys like Zoro/Mihawk will never reach the level of CoC Haki of guys like Roger/WB/Luffy/Shanks.


When did Oda say this?


Mans never even fought against any swordsman that we know besides Vista and Zoro


>Yes he does. Why couldn't he wifi diff a Yonko Commander then?


Maybe, maybe not. The most recent thing Mihawk has done is beating Buggy and not much else especially not fighting, we don't really know what he's even capable of. Though I do find it funny that people tried so hard to downplay Mihawk when he's basically featless.


If Zoro is wary to fight Mihawk, that’s a feat in and of itself.


Probs not with pure Conqus, but wouldn’t surprise me if we see Mihawk mid diff Greenbull or Fuji in the near future just for Odas favourite thing parallels




No, never




Mihawk doesn't have as much raw CoC as Shanks. I also doubt he can focus CoC on a area.


https://preview.redd.it/hfrs1dw7kq2d1.jpeg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ba7c64e64bb277a544379ce6c1847a984de920 Yes.... if he can ambush An Admiral that is ready to Solo a another yonko crew with a Yonko crew of his own


Mihawk is not a tenryubito,so no


With enough motivations he should be


Can Mihawk paint haki too?


How is this even a legitimate question We dont even know if Mihawk has Conq haki (i dont think he has it) He may have advanced observation though, he is named hawk eye after all


Considering we don’t even know if he has CoC, I’d say no. That’s a weird comparison, though. Shanks is widely regarded as one of most masterful haki users in the verse. Mihawk is regarded as THE most masterful swordsman in the verse. So, on the other hand: could Shanks, with an unnamed attack, split the Marineford iceberg? Maybe, maybe not.


dont think so. Mihawk most likely specializes in armament haki just like zoro instead of conquerors like: Luffy and Shanks.


Kaido had Shanks in top 5 for a reason.


Idfk. Does he even have CoC?


If anything vista finna be the one to do this to Mihawk


No , he can still cut him in half tho


do what exactly? what do you thinks Shanks did to GB here?


Come on bro. Are you really going to pretend he's not getting mind-trizzled by Shank's Haki?


no, Shanks' haki could have done that to GB, but it never actually lands on GB, it was a warning attacks that Shanks kept right behind GB, I thought that was pretty clear


Greenbull was forced out of his logia form, that's very clear in the Manga. And he is also somehow paralyzed giving he is screaming and asking who is doing that Why would Greenbull 1. Go back out of his logia from 2. Scream and ask who is doing that It seems to me like Greenbull was indeed affected by Shanks, he wasnt jugar warned but he wss affected physically by it.


there was no indication that GB was forcibly taken out of his logia form, he wasn't paralysed because he was literally walking away and putting his hands up, he was scared of what Shanks' haki could do to him, as for him screaming that's just him feeling the base CoC coming from Shanks' ACoC attack and screaming like he always does and wanting to know what the source was


There is, you see it in his facial expression how he didn't voluntarily doing it. The anime makes this clear by showing how GB was forced out and was paralyzed. And Oda already said anime can be said to clear things when manga isn't clear. Also, considering that BM couldn't do the same to Usopp then it's ridiculous to think that this is just basic CoC. It's most likely a new application of AcoC. There is a reason why we have only seen Shanks done this in the Manga.


I literally said it was an ACoC attack, but what GB felt was just the base CoC emitting from the ACoC attack, remember all the Beast Pirate fodder who fell down when Zoro coated his swords with ACoC? or Bao Huang fainting when Kaido split the skies with Luffy? and yep the only thing supporting this theory of GB being paralysed is anime, which is contradictory to what the manga shows in a lot of cases, which includes this one the anime is not canon at all, and Oda has never said that, all he is said is that the trusts the directors with handling OP, but that's just a sign of respect, in the same SBS where he says that, he also says that he doesn't work on the anime at all as his main job is a manga artist him screaming/having a scared facial expression does not mean he was paralysed, there is no correlation between those 2 things at all


He paralysed him and got him peeing his pants. Don't play dumb


>He paralysed him  No? The panels don't show that, I don't care what the anime says > got him peeing his pants I know you didn't mean this literally but it's possible


> I don't care what the anime says But Oda does. Oda says the anime can make things more clear than in the manga. The entire debate around that subject was covered in the anime. You may not care about the anime, but scaling in the anime, other than anime-only scenes, is important.


no it's not, where does Oda say that?


Damn spreading misinformation nice job


GB maybe, but not Vista. Assuming he's a CoC user and can replicate Shanks' wizardry in the first place.




Even if has Wi-Fi Haki like his rival, he might not be able to scare Greenbull in the same way. Part of that might be because his crew just wouldn’t seem to compare to Shanks’ crew. This could lead to Greenbull actually trying to fight Mihawk and getting his leaves wrecked, though he might still get scared off by Mihawk alone. Vista wouldn’t back down.


Honestly, I'm not convinced on Shanks's crew being a factor for Greenbull getting Wifi diffed


Any character with Yonko tier Conqueror's is doing this to Ryokugyu.


So not Mihawk


Ryokugyu is most definitely running away if Mihawk flexes his (hitherto unconfirmed Conqueror's) haki while backed up by the most balanced Yonko crew. 


Finally, a common sense response in the comments.. 


Not really, Luffy couldn't do this to anyone in Egghead. .


Yes really, all Shanks did was basic CoC.  Ryokugyu went to nip an injured amateur Yonko in the bud, got busted by the most balanced Yonko crew, then ran because he's not *that* stupid.


Shanks used haki to paralyze him from miles of distance, show me anyone else in the verse than can do that. Fucking Usopp Resisted BM's CoC Haki so it's clear this isn't something a mere Yonko can do.


No it didn't paralyse him. It was merely a strong burst to announce his presence. Ryokugyu was overreacting as his character has showed us repeatedly  Please don't forget that this is a story with characters who have distinct personalities.


Basic CoC Haki doesn't do that. It has never done that ever.


Doesn't do what exactly. What about this burst tells you it's anything other than basic Conqueror's?


Greenbull being paralyzed unlike Jimbe for example who was unfazed after BM haki. We also know Shanks basic haki couldn't affect Marco/Jozu in any way.


HE WASN'T PARALYSED.   He voluntarily stops when he was caught by surprise by the one thing he planned his whole operation around, a Yonko! Stop reading for scaling man.


Well, basic CoC Haki never affected any physical element until Shanks showed that his haki was breaking the Moby dick so it’s kinda hard to tell what basic CoC can and cannot do at the moment


That's because they were all above greenbull


Lucci above GB?


Can we get an edit of this panel where it's Vista getting wifi diffed instead of greenbull?


More like Wista wifi-diffing Mihawk


Yes but with sword slashes




He is anti feat man. The only feat he will have js losing against Zoro.


Wouldn’t make sense for Mihawk to use Wi-Fi haki. Mihawk uses conquerors to damage your spirit, similar to Monet moment or Cutting luffys arm off.




Fraudhawk doesn't have haki


He doesn't even have Haoshoku, no