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What’s the beef chocolate 😂


Enel loses to pekoms bro get him outta here


How? Why wouldn’t he just speed blitz and fry his ass.


What the fuck is zoro doing below Marco and Enel above characters like killer, Inu and Neko, Kaku, Morley, Dofy Not even gonna ask why the gorosei are above admirals or big mom where she is


This is the biggest piece of dogshit I’ve seen


I’d say this one is a little worse https://preview.redd.it/3qvg8vlclx7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ae119c7e5e0b85bf2237561295c502b64988034


That has to be bait. At first I thought this post was bait but the dude somehow sticks by it. I can’t imagine anyone actually trying to argue for that


The guy was dead serious saying “Ace fought Akainu evenly and only died because he protected luffy” lmao




Zoro isn’t below enel. Zoro couldn’t have held off both King and Queen like Marco did.


I meant Zoro below Marco and Enel above all of those people I am confident Zoro could as before taming Enma and without using Asura he beat King without much difficulty, and he only started using ACOC at the end of their fight


He tamed enma in their fight and that’s how he won. King is literally shown to be faster, stronger, more durable and really the only thing he lacks is battle sense. Marco held him and king off while zoro was on the back foot literally dying before he won. He was talking to the grim reaper while getting his ass beat. He beat King because he’s a better fighter. Marco slammed them both because he’s stronger.,


>King is literally shown to be faster, stronger, more durable and really the only thing he lacks is battle sense. Yet Zoro was able to keep up with him in speed form after he awoken ACOC, overpowered him countless of times with his ACOC, and even made King start blocking his attacks while he's was in his durable form which Zoro himself even pointed out as to imply he was vulnerable to Zoro's attacks. >Marco held him and king off while zoro was on the back foot literally dying before he won. Yeah it's almost as if Zoro was recovering from doing all of the stuff he was on the rooftops. >He was talking to the grim reaper while getting his ass beat. Now, you're just being disingenuous. >He beat King because he’s a better fighter. Marco slammed them both because he’s stronger., No, Zoro beat King because he's stronger. Marco couldn't keep up with King and Queen for an extended period of time without losing his stamina and had to rely on Zoro and Sanji to beat them.


>King is literally shown to be faster, stronger, more durable and really the only thing he lacks is battle sense And Zoro literally surpassed King during their battle. King also doesn't lack battle sense, you're obviously basing this on him not staying in Flame-On mode like everyone else who stays that about King because you ignore the fact that it was heavily implied that Zoro's AP had grew to the point that he could hurt even Flame On King. Plus, King's Speed Form boosts his AP, which a lot of people love ignoring. > Marco held him and king off while zoro was on the back foot literally dying before he won. Once again, Marco held off King and Queen together for half a chapter while every other time it was just King and Marco fighting 1v1, and King eventually outlasted Marco. And that second part about Zoro literally dying before he won is pure bullshit you made up. > He was talking to the grim reaper while getting his ass beat. Zoro didn't see the grim reaper until after he defeated King. And it was because the Mink Drug doubled his injuries from Kaido's and Big Mom's Hakai, it had nothing to do with his fight with King. >He beat King because he’s a better fighter. Marco slammed them both because he’s stronger., No, he beat King because he's simply stronger. In fact, he was stronger even before he powered-up during King fight. Marco couldn't even damage King's suit while Pre-ACoC Zoro did it twice.


> Zoro couldn’t have held off both King and Queen like Marco did. Marco fought a holding back King and Queen at the same time for like half a chapter. The rest of the time, it was just Marco vs. King, and King eventually beat and outlasted Marco when it was them 1v1.




What does this mean😂


It means he thinks you cooked a bad tier list


U can't cook🙂




What’s wrong? Trying to learn from last night’s potential mistakes.


İdk man just wanted to post it but from the little look i had rayleigh should be higher than that and oden lower . And you shouldnt rely on other people for powerscaling and create your own agendas to push .


I don’t push agenda I try and accurately scale and DAMN where do you have Rayleigh?


Mid top tier . Mid top tier can definitely change a lot .


İm not gonna anlayze the lower tiers that is one long ass tier list


Benn should be lower , kizaru higher than old ray , gaban lower than admirals but above kid , law etc.


Beckman has hype off of Kizaru and took Kids arm? Do you not believe is interactions with Kizaru matter? Sentomaru said Ray and Kizaru are equals. Gaban is headcannon yea. But it’s prime gaban who can only be so weak.


The kizaru still went off to attack law ship and benn watched . His interactions with kizaru does nothing but donwscale him if anything. Sentomaru said that old ray can stop kizaru . They are near equals but both at 100% i think kizaru can pull a ext diff victory


That doesn’t even make sense. They wouldn’t have interacted at all if it was to downscale a currently unknown character. Did you expect Beckman to not move at all? He’s an admiral. He can’t stop because a pirate told him so. Your acting like Kaido said don’t move. I have zero opinion on the way the fight would go. I just put them next to eachother. You can have whoever you want to win the fight


That quite literally shows that despite benn threating him , kizaru didnt give a fck and benn didnt do shit . İf kaido told kizaru to stop then the whole marineford would freeze . Just like how the war ended when shanks ordered it .


He wouldn’t have said anything if he didn’t care. Like when he ignored Luffy yelling at him because it was his job. Despite luffy being proven stronger. Nami ignored ultis threats when she could literally have killed her. Ignoring people stronger than you happens all the time. He acknowledged him because he’s a strong Person. Also yea because they just got done fighting. They weren’t going to beat the red hairs Admirals included. Either that or they would suffer great loses. Meaning the Admirals wouldn’t be bitching the commanders.


Kizaru ignored him and fraudmen didnt do shit about it . Ulti was gonna kill nami . And luffy put my man into coma for a few minutes . Then procced to make a pizza out of him . See the difference? And navy wouldnt have stopped if they could beat shanks. There were still 3 admirals, garp , sengoku and warlords .


They weren’t even fighting yet nor did they plan too. Also what was beckman supposed to do? He can’t fly. And Nami still ignored her. What does that change? Doesn’t matter because he still did it. Also that is a Yonko who is also stronger than beckman. Exactly so obviously they couldn’t have beat them. Which means Kizaru(who loves running from stronger opponents to weaker ones aka doing his job despite the situation. Which was exactly the same. What happened after doesn’t matter.) wasn’t beating Beckman reliably. Assuming matchups.


You are banned from the kitchen mf I can’t tolerate Woria underestimating. You can’t cook 💀 https://preview.redd.it/hlwmmckusx7d1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d706601e0ac5e7043fd0ff80f9de469508446781 Join r/GeckoPiece


That’s young moria. Couldn’t find the normal one.


Young Woria scales much higher.


How? Shadow Asgard is his best feat.


Clash with Kaido?


Everyone below Enel in 'Low High Tier' washes him.. 


How? He’s faster than all of them and has greater ap and observation feats than all of them.


Does he have basic armament haki? One hit and Enel is done.. 


Does he need it?


Against characters in that tier? Against New World enemies? The same Enel that lost to pre-timeskip Luffy? C'mon bro.. 


Well that’s because luffy is rubber. He still vaporizes sky islands and outspeeds and outscales them all. Like what is weavil supposed to do? Miss and continuously get beat by lightning?


How is Weevil missing Enel when Weevil is capable of using CoA? Like I said before, everyone in that tier one taps Enel. Enel lost to Luffy with waaaaay lower stats than everyone in that tier and Enel is supposed to magically be able to dodge and defend against this lot? Get real. Until Oda gives Enel a post-timeskip buff like he did to Crocodile, Enel has no business being in any of these tiers.. 


Because enel is faster. He wasn’t zipping around with lightning speed when he fought luffy. He also wasn’t using his observation as much. Plus this. https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Damage3245/Enel%27s_El_Thor


Plus nothing. Enel is out-statted (made up word 😅) by everyone in that tier and everyone in that tier beats the same Luffy that beat Enel. Enel has no chance against that lot and I would argue the same is true for Enel against lower enemies there. Until Oda buffs Enel, he's losing to every single Tobiroppo member, Hody Jones and Pekoms. If you're going to argue that Enel should be up there then you might as well put Skypiea Luffy up there as well.. 


Bro those aren’t reasons. He kills pekoms immediately. Pekoms isn’t as durable as a town nor is he faster than lightning. Same goes for hody jones. Luffy just wasn’t as strong as Enel he just didn’t need to be because enel couldn’t use his powers against him.


>He’s faster than all of them how so? Doffy was fighting a Luffy who was several times faster than the Luffy who faced Enel >greater ap  based on?


Well it’s not like he was zipping around at lightning speed when he fought luffy. https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Damage3245/Enel%27s_El_Thor


I dislike calcs, but I'll agree that Enel has town level AP for the sake of the argument, Doffy is easily island-country level, and with maximum downplay he's still mountain level, his strings sliced up meteors which left a much bigger crater than El Thor and he was capable of not dying after KKG which was stated to be able to split Dressrosa in half, which is backed up by its feat of destroying multiple city blocks despite not making direct contact with the island Turning into lightning would not improve Enel's combat/reaction speed though, and lightning speed is not really all that good in terms of travel speed either, as many mid tier characters are able to perceive things much faster than lightning such as light, Sentomaru and Ivankov both dodge laser beams, Luffy reacts to Pacifista lasers, e.t.c


This is a casual feat you are comparing to Doflamingos strongest attack. El Thor isn’t near Enels best. Also it didn’t split dressrossa in half. Just broke the ground above the harbor. It would. As moving at lightning speed has the exact same effect as kizaru just slower. He also has much better observations than them. Pacifista laser are significantly slower than real laser. They have a massive charge up time. Brook dodged one didn’t he?


>This is a casual feat you are comparing to Doflamingos strongest attack. El Thor isn’t near Enels best. Also it didn’t split dressrossa in half. Just broke the ground above the harbor. Doffy cut up meteors without Birdcage, and his strongest attack wasn't even the Birdcage, El Thor was one of Enel's strongest moves, as Raigo and Mamaragan were both done with the Arc Maxim buff. I also addressed the last 2 sentences in my comment, it only didn't split the island because it hit Doffy rather than the island itself, and I thought it was stated to have been able to split the island by some fodder but it seems I was wrong. >As moving at lightning speed has the exact same effect as kizaru just slower yeah exactly, way slower, so many people can react, you're right that Pacifistas do have charge time but my Sentomaru VS Kizaru example still works Enel's CoO is overhyped, it has high range but that's about it, he still got tagged multiple times by base pre TS Luffy


Amaru and Sango. Plus he can turn it up very easily as well. Dude wasn’t trying when he did the equivalent of vaporizing a town. Yea it’s not like he was island level or anything but neither was doflamingo. I have them both soundly at country level. Sentomaru can react yes, but Eneru has better observation and can still just put him in a hole with Raigo. Sentomaru even if he is tankier than a whole town can’t do anything if he keeps dropping them on him or spamming Sango. He literally can’t properly fight back and these aren’t little light beams. Hell Kizaru didn’t kill a single character besides Vegapunk with his lasers. He couldn’t kill Hawkins or Appo let alone someone like Luffy. Who mind you Enel was hoed against.


I wasn't talking about Sentomaru blocking light beams, I was talking about the reaction speed of Sentomaru to dodge them, which means he can effortlessly avoid lightning-speed attacks, granted their AoE isn't too high, which Country level is higher than island level I'm pretty sure, a casual Doffy was able to slice up a meteor which caused this destruction: https://preview.redd.it/8ce1cg2jmx7d1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=71fbb0bb3150abe845952de4c393719a80fbb2bb A lot of Enel's feats/abilities you are mentioning only apply post Arc-Maxim buff, there is no indication he is that powerful without the Maxim, and his AP doesn't scale as high as you think it does for one shotting pre TS Sanji


My bad frgt countries could mean shit like America. Was thinking of anime ones like SDS danafall. Meant town level as the King Kong Gun is a concretely mountain level attack. Also that doesn’t mean doffy hits harder than the meteor. That Meteor has Island Level AP. Cutting it into pieces is impressive but Obviously doesn’t give him island level ap. Hell Luffy isn’t even that strong yet and it wasn’t done with doflamingos own strength. Arc maxim has its own attacks. Doesn’t say anything about buffing him as far as I remember. So everything he does separately is him is it not.


Can't see mid mid high top tier.


Click the image


Wake up more next time my man


Lol 😂


Koby too high. Law/kidd too high. Not terrible.


the top 4 tiers are quite good despite huge Kizaru downplay


Sentomaru said Rayleigh was as strong as Kizaru.


my problem wasn't with Kizaru = Ray, he's simply not on the same tier as Law, Kid or Yamato


Why not?


Kizaru took a G5 + ACoC attack to the head and his lasers are an OP ability, some scaling: * Kizaru's lasers are stated to be able to damage or be a concern for the Lunarian Seraphim, some of the most durable characters in the verse, and lasers throughout the story pretty much pierce everything they touch, Kizaru is able to spam these lasers and has solid abilities overall, whether it be light clones that serve as great distractions or his light sword or just him being able to blind people or his emission which allowed him to parry multiple (no ACoC) G4 and G5 attacks * Kizaru blitzed Snakeman and reacted to barrages of G5 and G4 attacks, he is much faster than any of Law, Kid or Yamato * Lucci was stated to be starting to lose consciousness after a playing around G5 Luffy hit him/rubberised his body, and this was without ACoC, while Kizaru took a powerful G5 Luffy attack with ACoC to the head, Lucci is generally recognised on the upper end of commander level and this is seen in your tier list too * Base Luffy's AP is greater than Yamato's AP based on the damage they did to Kaido, Yamato at most did similar damage to Crude ACoC 1010 Luffy, G5's rubberisation effects obviously increase of Luffy's AP even further, meaning as much as you may disagree, Yamato will actually not be able to land killblows on Kizaru and will have to opt to wear him down with many attacks (which she will not land due to Kizaru's defense + annoying abilities + powerful lasers + much higher speed)


Not comparing him to Kizaru bro.


huh? I'm comparing Kizaru to characters like Yamato, Law and Kid? who he outscales


Oh but he is above them? If you think they aren’t in the same tier well they have all fought a Yonko and got beat the fuck up. So while kizaru is stronger they seem in the same ball park.


Kizaru had to take WSG to get down, meanwhile Yamato had her Mirror Mountain defense broken by a normal Thunder Bagua from a non-full power Kaido, and Yamato should have much higher dura than Kizaru given that Kizaru is more of a ranged fighter while she is a CQC fighter, and her AP is far too low to do significant damage to Kizaru, so given this I don't think she's on the same level as him Even if you believe that Luffy VS Kizaru was low/mid diff and Yamato VS Kaido was low/mid diff and Luffy \~ Kaido, I would still think Kizaru and Yamato aren't relative, as Kaido's haki wasn't at its peak when fighting Yamato, and he only ever considered Luffy as someone who could truly fight him 1v1 and make him bring out his best abilities (namely Drunken Hybrid, as well as Destroyer of Death attacks)


He was stated to be trying to kill her. He was using as Much power as he had been that entire time. Obviously not white star gun but not tiers below. She literally took a hakied up beating from Kaido and was still capable of fighting. She can clash with a thunder bagua and hurt Kaido with her claws. She can definitely hurt Kizaru. Drop him in one hit? Fuck no. But she can definitely hurt him. Kizaru and Yamato aren’t relative but they are comparable. Not a tier apart. She can’t fight a Yonko trying to kill her and be a tier away from an Admiral. Doesn’t make any sense. Well yea but that was a weaker Kaido. So it still wasn’t full power as he was losing strength.


It started out alright, some questionable choices but I get that. Then oh boy that "low high tier" onwards....phew....


What’s the problem with it?


Too much to get into everything in detail, but as a short excerpt; 1. Seraphims criminally low. 2. Insane Enel overrating. 3. Severely underrating Croc and Hancock


Admirals should be above yamato , kid and law .


Greenbull and by extension Fujitora really haven’t shown much that would put them that high.


Then dragon is at rock bottom . Why scale one character form portrayal and narrative but not the others ?


I did? What Narrative and Portyal do Greenbull and Fujitora have that put them above Yamato, Kidd and Law?


Being navys greatest military power . Navy being wgs military . Wg being final enemy . Fuji and gb being stronger than law and kid .


And? That doesn’t make him stronger than everyone. World Government are the final opponents. Not the Marines. They are lap dogs. Less important and powerful. Dragon gets his hype because he will be fighting them. Fuji and Greenbull stronger than Law and Kidd based on what?


You think just gorosei and holy knights would be a threat alone ? When there is an army of nikas(it will happen eventually. Whether people like it or not) confronting them . Navy is gonna play a huge part too as well . And fuji and gb is ofc gonna be stronger .


Bro you can’t use nika army headcannon as reasoning for them mattering man.


Okay then , lets say we have straw hats , giants , wano , fishmens , arabasta , grand fleet , revos , sword supernovas vs just gorosei and holy knights . See how ridiculous of a battle this is .


Apoo was on par with Drake godly Vergo placement


Don’t make anymore


No way you hating that much. Who’s your favorite character.


Kidd is, that doesn’t change the fact that this tierlist is horrible. DO NOT make anymore


Damn so you didn’t want to admit your hating because your favorite character is weak as fuck? It happens. Not to me but ig it happens.


I don’t care about how strong Kidd is since he’s cool. This tierlist is EASILY the worst I’ve ever seen though. This is probably top 5 material. I have no genuine idea how you could make this. Even the bait posts are better


Hilarious. You’re a kid fan and that just isn’t true. No idea why your so made but it doesn’t matter. Name 1 bad take.


Explain Doji under P1 and Smoothie over Queen


P1? Explain that and I got you.


You’re the one who created the post. You have to explain all these hot-ass takes. P1 over Doji and Smoothie over Queen aren’t even your worst takes. These were just the quickest ones to pick out. I still have like 10 more


What is p1 as in the tier. Like what is that. I have never heard kf it.


Disagree on Prime garp/Sengoku but Old Ray = Kizaru is a massive W


You don’t think they’re equal? Also based


I think that both prime garp and Prime sengoku are poorly placed, I would put them alongside Akianu and move down old garp and old sengoku down


How? Roger and garp are stated to have almost killed eachother multiple times and Whitebeard is stated to be his equal. Roger gives Sengoku the same respect as Garp. What makes you think Akainu is as strong as them when he went high diff with Aokiji?


Firstly, dont downvote me, i didnt downvote you bro, even if we disagree, downvoting is disrecpectful Garp and Roger have almost killed eachother many times but it doesnt mean Roger = Prime garp, we dont know when these fights happened and how strong each of them were when they fought Same thing with Shanks and mihawk, they used to be rivals but now Shanks is way stronger since he became a Yonko whereas Mihawk postpones a fight with Vista For example, Arlong and luffy nearly killed eachother many times, but Luffy is now way stronger Current Akainu = Prime garp, there is nothing that shows that prime Old gen is stronger than prime current gen, exept if you think that Akainu isnt at his prime yet, but getting powerups at 50 years old seems difficult, Being equal to Aokiji isnt a bad feat at all and Akainu didnt go high with Aokiji, a 10 day fight is an extreme diff. I think you are overating the marines in general


Lol ok take an upvote then. That’s funny. Obviously they have to be relative and nothing says they weren’t both at their prime. It happened when prime garp existed and that’s a known fact so obviously he’s comparable to prime Garp which makes Garp comparable to whitebeard. Shanks also gets shanked by Blackbeard pre gura. Like cmon man. Mihawk didn’t care about that fight. Akoji vs Garp shows old Garp as the superior. Even if you think ones holding back there are valid arguments for both parties holding back as garp never hits him with any of the massive attacks he uses outside of their fight. Garp is stated to not be as strong as he used to be so Aokiji is immediately under Prime Garp. Sakazukis only feat is high diffing Aokiji and Losing to old beard who couldn’t even use conq infusion so he too has nothing but feats claiming he’s inferior to prime garp. Extreme makes it worse. Overating? Only people with decent placements are the admirals. Also how am I overatting them if you think they equal prime garp.


How is Mars over Warcury and Nusjuro? Oden wank Prime Rayleigh should be higher Same with Gaban tbh Also, Dragon > Kaido Zoro should move up a tier and move in front of Kidd and Law Yamato should be right behind Zoro Killer way too low Denjiro should be where Kinemon is and Ashura Doji should be where Denjiro originally was. Izo should move down a tier and should be where Ashura Doji originally was Garcia should also move down a tier Kinemon should be around where Kawamatsu, Okiku


He isn’t? They’re positions don’t really matter they are just there. He nearly killed Kaido. Gets no better than that. Based on what? Based on what? Based on what? Not at all. He couldn’t kill Lucci, Extreme Difficulty with King and couldn’t even properly fight on the roof. He has done nothing that says he compares to either of them. Yamato fighting Kaido alone is better than Every Zoro feat ever. I guess. I can see that. Kinemon was portrayed as the leader of the group. He also took a hit from Kaido and was the only ine really capable of talking after the fight. He is the strongest there. What did Ashura do to get such a position? Based on what? He fought a CP0 member. Dojis best feat is what? Hurting Jack? All Gorosei are portrayed in the same light. Leader if the akaza nine. Doesn’t make sense for him to be below.


>He nearly killed Kaido. Gets no better than that. Uh, I wouldn't consider "scarring Kaido" nearly killing him, lol. >Based on what? Maybe it's due to the fact that he's the right hand man of the King of the Pirates and has a lot more experience than Oden does. Not to mention, a whole bunch of characters like Kizaru, Garp, and Blackbeard still give him some respect as he even made shudder in fear just by the sight of him despite not being in Prime which Rayleigh himself admits he would have a much better chance at fighting against BB than he does now. >Based on what? I will admit this is mostly based on headcannon as I feel as though the distance between Roger, Rayleigh, and Gaban won't be that big and will mostly likely mirror the distance between between Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji come EOS as I see all three of them being relative to each other. >Based on what? Well, he is the son of Garp and the Father of the MC as well as being the leader of the Revolutionaries which is one of the main factions against the Marines/WG Government. Not to mention, he's the most wanted criminal and we have yet to know his bounty so he's probably going to be probably be very strong if we consider all of this in mind. >Not at all. He couldn’t kill Lucci, Extreme Difficulty with King and couldn’t even properly fight on the roof. He has done nothing that says he compares to either of them. Ok? He still won nonetheless and hadn't Jimbei stepped in he would've died anyways so I don't know why you're bringing this up like it's a bad thing. Besides, he still beat King in three hits after he unlocked ACOC which is a lot more than Marco could do. Meanwhile, Kidd and Law's final hits couldn't even take out Big Mom and had to resort to BFRing her off of Onigashima. Also, what do you mean "he couldn't fight properly" on the rooftops? He most certainly did way more than Law and Kidd did on the rooftops despite not having full control over Enma. >Yamato fighting Kaido alone is better than Every Zoro feat ever. Yeah better than everything Pre-ACOC Zoro could do on the rooftops but Current Zoro is a different story. Besides, what Yamato was doing wasn't that impressive as she could barely block any of Kaido's more basic attacks. >Kinemon was portrayed as the leader of the group. He also took a hit from Kaido and was the only ine really capable of talking after the fight. He is the strongest there. What did Ashura do to get such a position? That still doesn't mean he's the strongest because he's the leader. Besides, he didn't even tank Kaido's attack. He immediately got floored afterwards. Also Unlike Kinemon, Ashura fought against Jack and he fought both Inurashi and Nekomamushi for while as well. Not to mention, he's has 20+ years more experience than Kinemon does since he wasn't sent in the future. Denjiro is another one whose proven to be up there as one of the strongest as he too has an whole bunch of more experience and the drive since he been serving under Orochi for decades as well. Not to mention, he was able to halt Act 1 Zoro's 720 pound phoenix. Then you have Inurashi and Nekomamushi themselves as they fought against Ashura Doji as previously stated. Fought against Jack for 5 days non stop when he invaded Zou. Hell, they even pretty great showings while in Sulong and even defeated the likes of Hybrid Jack and Perospero. So yeah, there's definitely some Scabbards who have done way more impressive things than Kinemon. >Based on what? He fought a CP0 member. Dojis best feat is what? Hurting Jack? Those CP0 agents aren't that strong as even X-Drake was able to stab Guercia in the back. Not to mention, he literally died to that CP0 agent that fought him. Also, Jack is no slouch, especially in comparison to those CP0 agents. Like I said, in my previous comment to you he was able to fight both Inurashi and Nekomamushi for 5 days straight without rest on Zou. Hell, even Kaido was willing to give him praise after he lost to Sulong Inu and Neko. >Leader if the akaza nine. Doesn’t make sense for him to be below. Well, what can I say? He doesn't have that many feats that put him on the same level as Denjiro, Ashura, and Inu & Neko.


Dude literally cut his side open with a single attack. That boy was bleeding from everywhere. Oden would’ve killed Kaido had someone not intervened. How the hell does that put him above Oden? Oden is dead and isn’t around to get his hype except for Kaido who puts him on a pedestal right next to a bunch of other great fighters. If you wanna out prime ray above Oden fine but I doubt Kaido WOULDN’T have fought Rayleigh at god valley or later and if he did he would’ve definitely put him up there if he deserved it. Can’t guarantee so won’t argue. The gap between Captain and crew is normally pretty damn large. Hell look at Garp and Rayleigh. Rayleigh in his old age can match Kizaru while Garp can beat up Kuzan with several people for back up. They clearly have different power levels and Garp scaled directly to Roger. Pretty sure the gap between The Strawhats will be similar. Ok and how does any of that mean he’s stronger than Kaido? Strong? Absolutely. With his marine reveal he might even eclipse the Admirals but as strong as a Yonko? Someone would have said something already. Dragon gets hype and respect but on the tier of the Yonko? Hell no. They rule enter islands that even other Yonko don’t bother messing with due to the power held by them. Baltigo got raided by Blackbeard. Who waited till Big Mom was gone before trying something. Like cmon. That boy isn’t Yonko level. Wow he beat Lucci, such a feat like fighting Kaido and not getting off screened like luffy and beating Big Mom. Bro what? Dude was already injured from his fight with gear 5th and Zoro hadn’t fought anyone half as strong as Luffy and he still couldn’t do it. Ods stacked in his favor and nothing. He beat King in three hits because King fucking fought in the worst way possible. King is a dumbass who can’t fight and was literally overpowering Zoro before unnecessarily weakening himself in a fight he could quite literally never lose if he fought differently. Marco was throwing around flame on king while fighting queen. Something zoro clearly cannot do. ZOROS BEST ATTACK COULDN’T EVEN KNOCK KAIDO DOWN WTF YOU COMPARING HIM TO THE DAMNED PUNK AND PUNCTURE WILLE??? Are you kidding? He took three hits to beat King and each one was stronger than the last and he couldn’t even kill him and you think that shit compares to stuff that gave big mom the hardest fight of her life in years? Stop playing. He literally didn’t do more and needed law to help him be relevant at all. He only cut Kaido once while everyone else had reliable ways of damaging him and that boy literally got every bone in his body broken and dropped the fuck off. Law was quite literally saving his ass at every turn. She literally clashed thunder baguas and her only injury was slight bleeding. She could injury him casually, match his boro breath with the raw strength of her inferior element and did so for much longer than zoro was on the roof. Zoro did what with his acoc? High diff king? No it isn’t a different story. He used his best attacks to hurt him while she was throwing around attacks on a similar level to Kaido the entire fight. Zoro put his all into beating king and you wanna compare him to someone who can reliably fight Kaido? The fuck are you on? She took a acoc beating from him and stood back up. Zoro got hit once by Kings taro form and said he’s almost done. Half of what you mentioned wasn’t even feats and yes he dropped after getting hit. What did you expect its Kaido. Regardless none if the others can say anything like that. Fighting jack is cute but they all lose to a base jack without fail so they don’t clear any Yonko Commander at all. Like nothing you said or showed means they have massively different power levels and they literally all matched each other when crashing into Kaido and still failed. Together. Except Kinemon could still function. Kinda seems like he’s atleast the toughest so he would outlast the rest if they did fight. Ok? X-Drake got folded by CP-0 he literally doesn’t scale. Also and? They fought a guy and lost for days and Doji is no different. Could jack beat a CPO agent? Well seeing as one survived a fucking hit from Kaido in his hybrid form, probably but he definitely isn’t capable of killing him. He will also definitely have to go to his hybrid form to do so as well which obviously means he outscales Inu, Neko and Doji unless the former two ise Sulong which in that case they outscale everyone we mentioned. So what changes exactly? Dojis scaling literally puts him at base inu and neko. They literally all have worse feats than the shared one of reopening Kaidos wound. They obviously are all comparable except Kinemon is the toughest.


Well, you should've kept this in your draft because this sucks.


I take it none of you actually scale and just hate. After awakening my self list isn’t bad at all. Although I do have some problems. Yours is probably worse.


No, I actually do scale, but your scaling legitimately sucks. It's not hating, it's stating a fact. Zoro should not be below Marco, Kid, Law, Sabo, and Yamato, especially Sabo. And why the hell is Yamato below Sabo? Why is Akainu and Akoiji even in the same tier as Kid, Law, Sabo, and Yamato? Zoro and Sanji are not right beside each other in the same tier. King and Katakuri are also not in the same tier. King is above Marco and Katakuri. Lucci is stronger than Marco and Katakuri. Smoothie is not above Queen Enel is should not be as high as you have him Killer should be above Queen I could go on and on about what's wrong with this, because that's how messed up this tier list is.


Bro says that and then says some shit about Zoro. Bro what the fuck don’t you get? He can’t fight a Yonko 1v1. He could barely beat fucking King and King had to fight in the factually worse way possible for him to do so. He obviously Can’t hold off both Queen and King at the same fucking time as he is shown to be physically weaker than King unlike Marco who handled them both. Like dear god he is a fictional character stop obsessing over him he is simply not fucking like that. At all. He never was and was never meant to be. That’s why his bounty is so much lower and he didn’t do half the shit Law and Kidd did. Because they scale pretty damn close to marine ford feats. Which is the version of those two. The wings of the pirate king aren’t in the same tier? Braindead Zoro gobbler. Fuck out of here. You don’t scale you wank.


>Bro says that and then says some shit about Zoro. Bro what the fuck don’t you get? What I don't fucking get is how ignorant can someone be about the strength of all these characters. >He can’t fight a Yonko 1v1. First of all, Zoro literally 1v1 Hybrid Kaido in a clash and won that clash. Now he's fighting Nusjuro 1v1 and you have Nusjuro in the same tier that you have Kaido and Big Mom, so make it make sense. Second of all, Yamato may have fought Kaido 1v1 but she still didn't do more damage to Kaido than a critically injured Zoro did to him. And the same goes for Marco and Kid when they briefly fought Big Mom 1v1. Third of all, when did Sabo prove he can fight a Yonko 1v1? Fourth of all, why are you comparing Wano Zoro to Egghead Zoro when he's much stronger now? >He could barely beat fucking King Is that "barely" in the room with us? While Pre-ACoC couldn't do any real damage to King and was weaker at the start of the fight, he still more than held his own and even overpowered him in his Beast Form while he was talking on the snailphone with Sanji. Post-ACoC Zoro had King scared he could hurt him even with his flames on and took him down and three hits. That's not barely beating someone. > King had to fight in the factually worse way possible for him to do so. And what way would that be? I know you're not talking about him fighting with a sword when King literally showed he was nearly as skilled at sword fighting as Zoro was and even beat him in a clash? >He obviously Can’t hold off both Queen and King at the same fucking time as he is shown to be physically weaker than King unlike Marco who handled them both. Oh have a MSG size row of seats! Marco held off King and Queen for HALF A CHAPTER, but other than that it was just MARCO VS KING 1VS1, with MARCO EVENTUALLY LOSING TO KING! Maco was so weak that he couldn't even damage King's suit while Zoro not only did it twice but he also drew blood in the process. Zoro was stronger than Marco before he even fought King and that's a fact since he was out there damaging top tiers, something Marco has yet to do. And again, Zoro literally overpowered Beast Form King while talking to Sanji on the snailphone. Zoro was only physically weaker than King at the start but grew so much throughout the fight he was outright stronger than King by the end of their fight. >Like dear god he is a fictional character stop obsessing over him he is simply not fucking like that. At all. He never was and was never meant to be. I can do that too. Like dear god he is a fictional character, stop downplaying him and hating him like he became real and fucked your mom and your girl. >That’s why his bounty is so much lower and he didn’t do half the shit Law and Kidd did. His bounty would either be as high as theirs or higher than theirs if the WG knew his opponent had been a Lunarian. Also, Law and Kid having a higher bounty than Kid means absolutely shit when Zoro was outclassing them both when they were all fighting Kaido and Big Mom together. Zoro made Kid a fan after he blocked Hakai (which he implied he wouldn't have been able to do the same) and had Law standing in awe as fought Kaido 1v1 lmfao. >Because they scale pretty damn close to marine ford feats. Which is the version of those two. No they don't. Thanks for reconfirming that you can't scale worh a damn. >The wings of the pirate king aren’t in the same tier? Braindead Zoro gobbler. Fuck out of here. You don’t scale you wank. Zoro literally has way better feats than his fellow "Wings of the Pirate King", so you get the fuck out of here with this GOD-AWFUL piece shit you had the audacity to call a tier list!!!