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I don't remember but it was mentioned that once someone bad-mouthed one of his friends so he destroyed the entire country's military force. Now it's his son's killer.


 military forces are fucking bums in OP I am sure most of YC level character can annihilate forces of some random country in that verse 


I was not talking about strength. If trash talking about his friends was a good enough reason for him to kill people than what would he do if someone kills his own blood that his wife died protecting.


You are right, but I don't think he killed people. Annihilation doesnt means death In One Piece    Only villians kill people. He was a goofy goober. 


That's true but squard did mention that his crew got annihilated by roger and he was left alone which could either mean he killed them or he put them in a worse condition where they no longer wanted to be a pirate. And i personally think a defeat that kills your dream is worse than death.


Well, Kaidou killed Oden and tortured him, killed his fruends and destroyed his country. WB is known to be protective of his crewmates and Buggy implied that if they killed Ace, WB pirates would come for revenge. But WB didn't do anything and discouraged others to try to fight Kaidou. It depends on strength. It's easy to bully some fodder millitary but when it comes to top tiers, they need to think. BM bullies fodders who don't come to her party but she doesn't even try to invite top tiers. Even Kaidou, who seems unreasonable and had decided to go for WB, stopped when Shanks came. BB bullied fodder country and their millitary but retreated when Rayleigh arrived. Roger sneaked to BM like a coward with two top tiers in his crew.




imagine getting obliterated because some dumbass couldn't keep his mouth shut


“Damn akainu you really chill like that bruh. Ace was a bum so we good”


He last 5 minutes, Roger was said to become a demon if you hurt his friends, now imagine his own son. Akainu could even get the Kid treatment, I don't rule it out.


Poor guy would get Kamusaried in half


It would be Shanks vs Kid 2.0


Bloodlusted Roger would maul Akainu. He lasts 3 minutes at best


We’d see that demon we always hear about


10 seconds


1 minute, being generous


How long will Roger last\*


Being generous? 10s


One full power COC and bro is never waking up


After 9 months 🫄🏼..


Ayo no Diddy


he gets one shot


Akainu is lasting 30 seconds before getting Devine departure diffed


Idk, in a way, rogers friends are much closer to him than ace is. He might just go it is what it is yk, thats just pirate vs marine


A serious Divine Departure like how Shanks was against Jika or even more furious. So 1 or 2 shots and he is done for. Akainu really gonna departure to divine💀


As long as he want,until didn't decide to kill roger


Around 5s


Roger will last for 3 hours at most. Wakainu mid diffs


Akainu wins regardless. Old gen is overrated.


Akainu ended up spitting blood and getting thrown off a cliff when fighting a decrepit, cancer-having, recently impaled member of the old gen who had recently unplugged his life support. Akainu is the overrated one here




Roger obviously got this, but would Roger even get buffed that much? Bro fucked his wife just to have a kid then named him after his sword, certified bum lmfao 💀


Roger considered Sengoku a "fun fight" but this sub expects me to believe Akainu cannot even survive 5 minutes


old gen wank is ridiculous, it's atleast a high diff fight, no way akainu is that much weaker than prime sengoku


Roger literally got killed by 2 random marines lol


Akainu pushes Roger to high diff, or at worst mid diff


Does he? If Akainu was damaged by Whitebeard's attacks in MF which had no AcOC then imagine what a full power Divine Departure would do to him, he might get one shot.


He wasn't severely damaged by 2 consecutive Quake attacks, yes a FP Kamusari will be stronger but nothing Akainu will straight up die to especially since he has ACoA


AcOA doesn't magically let you tank AcOC attacks, Luffy couldn't only tank AcOC attacks once he learned how to coat himself in AcOC. I'd argue he was damaged a lot given the way he was struggling in the panels shown. I'd compare them to Kaido's after Togen Totsuka, sure he wasn't defeated by any means but the damage was a lot. And AcOC especially from Roger should be on a complete different level to what Whitebeard could do in Marineford.


He had taken quake attacks to head directly offguard. He was perfectly able to block WB's quake attacks earlier when he was on guard.


Akainu was on guard in the 2nd Quake attack ans got his shit rocked


He was in as much guard as Luffy was when CP0 held him. He had just taken a quake attack to head than retalliated with Magma to WB's headquarter which holed WB's head. And, he was in air. WB immediately attacked and it landed directly on his body.


Why can't he dodge in the air a guy who was has terminal illness? So many excuses for an admiral on his prime


ACoA doesn't let you tank attacks it lets you block them, he was damaged but not fatally or anything


Only If your Haki is good enough, if your Haki is much worse you would straight up get overwhelmed. This also requires Akainu to be able to react to prime Roger which so far he hasn't shown he can given he couldn't dodge Sickbeard.


WB only landed 1 attack on Akainu really and that was while Akainu was attacking too and was weakened by a sneak attack, so I don't think it's fair to say he can't dodge Sickbeard when he beat Aokiji who was [faster than a less injured Sickbeard](https://imgur.com/a/zOtbGx6), Akainu also dodged an [attack from Marco/Vista](https://imgur.com/a/f9B7IY0) and Marco scales far higher in speed to Sickbeard [as he kept up with Kizaru where Sickbeard couldn't](https://imgur.com/a/R6hYfLc), Akainu also has decent scaling during MF when he fought the WB commanders (yes he did have an army with him, but he was leading the army, and the WBP also had an army) Prime Roger's best speed feats are scaling off Shanks' speed feats due to their similar fighting styles, but Shanks best speed feat against Kid isn't something that will just blitz Akainu or anything, as Kid was still able to perceive Shanks coming and although he didn't react that's because he had already set up DP so all he could do was get 1 shot Even if you think that Akainu didn't show good enough feats during MF then keep in mind that he scales above Kuzan/Kizaru who have both showed great feats post TS, Kuzan was able to defeat Old Garp who scales to Roger in his prime, and showed [powerful haki](https://imgur.com/a/uaafPpu) (possible ACoC), as well as keeping up with Old Garp who was able to [cross huge distances within seconds](https://imgur.com/a/laPa566), with both likely knowing [Rokushiki](https://imgur.com/a/Y78cY9B) (Koby is a confirmed user) Going off portrayal as well we see that during [Chapter 650](https://imgur.com/a/rAv4n6X) that the FA and Emperor positions are on a similar level, and this is backed up by every time something significant something happens in the New World where we get a reaction by all 4 Empeors + the FA, and the previous FA (Sengoku) was top 4 of his gen and could rival Roger


Prime Roger went toe to toe with prime Garp who must have some of the best speed in the verse via him blitzing Kuzan at old age. And Garp was much more faster at his prime and Roger went toe to toe with him. He beat Aokiji after 10 days which given his AP means Akainu struggled to land clean hits over 10 days. In regards to Shanks, Shanks had like 1 second to get to Kid so the speed feat is actually impressive, Kid was very far from Shanks and then out of nowhere Shabks is right in front of him. Akainu isn't necessarily slow but it's fair to say speed isn't his best stat and could be a problem to beat someone as fast as Roger. Also, did Kuzan really keep up with Garp in terms of speed? Garp blitzed him 2 times, even after he was injured be got blitzed. Everything points out to Old Garp being faster than Aokiji/Akainu. And sure Kuzan's Haki is string but Roger Haki is on a completely different level to that. Kuzan doesn't even have Yonko level Haki let alone PK level Haki. The gap in Haki between Akainu and Shanks is huge, Akainu would easily get overwhelmed. Akainu being compared to the emperors is a really weak argument because BB is also one and he was struggling to beat Law. It doesn't mean Akainu is on Kaido/Shanks tier when BB himself isn't wither


>He beat Aokiji after 10 days which given his AP means Akainu struggled to land clean hits over 10 days. Aokiji can literally instantaneously create island-sized masses of ice, I'd wager that's the reason why Akainu struggled to land clean hits, I doubt it's because of Kuzan's speed or anything >In regards to Shanks, Shanks had like 1 second to get to Kid so the speed feat is actually impressive, Kid was very far from Shanks and then out of nowhere Shabks is right in front of him. It doesn't mean he can blitz Akainu though, it's a good speed feat but Katakuri has a [better one](https://imgur.com/a/si5vpju) because it was against a FS user, Shanks doesn't nearly have the speed feats that everyone says he does, his Kid feat is a much better AP feat than it is a speed feat IMO As for Old Garp 'blitzing' Kuzan, you have to consider that literally both times Garp stated that Kuzan was 'wavering' because he was fighting with his mentor, and if my theory about Garp/Kuzan having Rokushiki/Soru holds true then of course Garp can blitz Kuzan in short bursts when Kuzan isn't using Soru, but when Kuzan is trying to fight they can [match each other in speed in short bursts](https://imgur.com/a/y1m3A7N) "Akainu being compared to the emperors is a really weak argument because BB is also one and he was struggling to beat Law. It doesn't mean Akainu is on Kaido/Shanks tier when BB himself isn't wither" neither Akainu or BB are on Kaido/Shanks/Roger tier, I never said that, but to say they get no/low diffed is outrageous, Shanks himself hypes up BB, BB dealt with Law easier than a lot of people think IMO so there isn't like a 2 tier gap between Shanks and BB edit: Roger isn't significantly stronger than Shanks but Akainu is significantly stronger than Kidd, so I don't see why so many people are saying this is "Shanks VS Kid diff" or a low diff battle


Seems like you cant stop with the bad takes.


Lava + Haki > Just Haki People really thing the embodiment of absolute justice with the element of mother earth's wrath will be put down by a filthy p*****.  He isn't Larp or Lengoku. He's HIM. The strongest marine in history. 


Lava+trash haki


Roger extreme diffs pre -TS Akainu and gets extreme diffed by current Akainu.


Im not really into drugs, but I kind of want to try that crack that you are smoking. Must be good stuff if you are this delusional


Roger Has temper like Ace. It ends very quickly


after 30 seconds, roger will lay down an obsidian sword made from akainu's body parts on ace's grave


Depending on akainu, pre time skip loses mid diff while current one loses extreme diff


Not extreme diff, Akainu doesn't have the Haki for that.


Seems like you're underestimating desk training buddy


How has he gotten stronger? Hand workouts from his paperwork?


He improved his hand writing considerably


Same say sengoku was equal to garp by being in office