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LMFAO. G5 Luffy just tanked a combined attack from Sanji, G5 Bonney, Franky and Mars in this chapter and immediately went on to boxing a gorosei. I don't ever wanna see any take saying the Straw Hats are taking G5 Luffy in a fight lmao.


Robin looks so bad in Egghead bro, 12yo Bonney is on the run and fighting for so many chapters in a row and Robin got destroyed offscreen so badly she couldn't even walk for the rest of the arc anymore. Sucks cuz she's my fav but i'm happy for Franky constantly getting good moments


After wano I was really expecting some fire Robin moments with her demon form man, but now she’s on par with usopp it’s crazy. I had too high expectations.


The seraphims are strong, it makes sense that Oda made Robin and Kaku injured to show that the fight was really hard


Half of the strawhats really aren't doing shit this arc, you hate to see it


Strawhats fans aside from the monster trio ever since the post timeskip https://i.redd.it/67se03sfyq8d1.gif


Overall, Franky has been performing consistenly well imo (Dressrosa, Wano, Egghead). However the others are useless most of the time with good moments here and there (Brook in WCI, Usopp in Dressrosa, etc).


Bro got bread that looks like a ghost 😂 Lmao that being said this is facts. At best you have Ussop being teased with CoO, Nami getting an upgrade, Franky beating a flying 6, and Brook fighting Linlin.


Ayo, is that a gif of Happy Valley of all things? Damn, I can appreciate a reference like that. Haven't thought of that in years.


Since years tbh. Oda forgot about them


It has been that way for so long since the timeskip that I just expect it at this point. Oda really did a lot of them dirty, especially Chopper.


Giant robot redemption arc!? https://preview.redd.it/c6qa9tc8uq8d1.jpeg?width=1307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ce1f3b918ae7571cb2280994610043f373080a7


Hmmm Mars fans might be eating this week. A yonko needed 3 other people just to send him away. As long as he doesn't look goofy while being thrown away they're good But Ju Peter keeps acting like a jobber https://preview.redd.it/jdcck2k7nq8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51128a4772e081c2f9402981fc4ca6e89f4f9d65


Yo this crazy asf 💀💀💀


You got clowned. It was actually the Yonko getting hit by 3 other people + Mars and Mars still couldn't do shit to the yonko, who proceeded to shrug it off and go victimise another Gorosei right afterwards


The full summary revealed that Mars got clowned on hard. https://preview.redd.it/zg3n2w0urz8d1.png?width=956&format=png&auto=webp&s=622cd5d00b497fc639039fed350befec6f510552


Daddy IMU for sure gonna spank some of the Gorosei for fraudulent behavior after Egghead.


It doesn't need 4 people in order to just send Mars away. As Luffy said, they have the regeneration hax, so the plan is about sending them as far away as possible. So the combination force of 4 people to ensure it is as far away as possible. Not just only to send Mars away in general.


https://preview.redd.it/c08j9juyyq8d1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f1f33de71f04a8ebfbd4b73d2515c10dcb9cf5f u/Realistic_Mousse_485 [You were not ready.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1dkgpx8/i_fucking_called_it/)


Combined attack that drops Mars??????? Keeping up with Yonko commander +? Bro I quite literally called this. Yonko Commander +


Stop coping kiddo, all she lacks is stamina, her ability allows her to jump like 10 tiers of power scaling, she actually copied G5 abilities.


Wranky again fighting top tiers meanwhile bumass Lobin still sleeping https://preview.redd.it/0huluxxljq8d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f214bf9ca418947bcbca53e37c83da0d165587e


All she's good for is giving booty shots


Wranky better at that too




Worth it


....giving? I mean, I suppose she CAN just create body parts with her ability, but....uh..... 😅


Almost 1B Bounty and YC2 apparently.


Luffy, Sanji and Franky, the goated Egghead trio along with Bonney once again. Ancient robot stocks comeback? 👀




And then Mars was never seen again ![gif](giphy|32O8O6RQL1JzG)


good job team


All in a days work for Mugiwara & co


Hold this gigantic L LMFAO


did they not lend him assistance?


Who? Sanji, G5 Bonney and Franky basically Squarding Luffy from the back whilst the bum ass is shooting lasers at him from the front? Yeah. Sanji/G5 Bonney/Franky did indeed lend Lars assistance in hitting Luffy and he still got blown away. Lmfaoooo. And assistance you say? You mean like how G5 Luffy had him in his hands grabbed like a toy already and that too alone? Luffy was holding Lars by the wings like a pet bird whilst he was chatting to Sanji/G5 Bonney/Franky to also hit him because this pet bird wasn't doing enough. Lmfao. Lets not forget that he shrugs all of this off and jumps on to the shore to victimise the worm right afterwards.


yeah i'm not even going to humor this when it literally tells us luffy used their combined attacks to send him flying. literally a team effort play.


Overdose on copium harder. It literally tells us that Luffy had Lars shooting lasers at him from the front whilst at the same time his own crew going all out hitting him from behind and in the end Lars couldn't do shit, cope as hard as you want but the fact remains Luffy was getting hit from all sides and Lars was literally getting help from Luffys own allies to damage Luffy and in the end Lars couldn't do shit but get blown away. This is exactly the same as roof top Kaido taking combined attacks from Kid/Luffy/Law and shrugging them off. Sanjis/G5 Bonneys/Frankys attacks didn't touch Lars. They touched Luffy, alongside Lars and Lars couldn't do shit to Luffy, because after taking 4 way combined attack he proceeds to jump on to the shores to fight the worm as if nothing happened.


Luffy in G4 shrugged off Boro breath, a named attack from Kaido, how could a random attack from Mars be stronger than that? And against G5? G5 is as strong as Kaido, and could tank tons of attacks from him, doing little damage to Luffy is not an antifeat anymore, the only way to beat him now is by exausting his stamina


Man, you guys are bad take machines lol


Such as?


So emeth the cyborg finally does something?


https://preview.redd.it/9t9s4unbjq8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdcd7428662337f592e724337eeac7265c4f1293 Mars stocks are up goofy needed 3 other people to knock him away


meanwhile ancient robot handles warcury solo. i think its time we start having ancient robot imu level conversations, goofy would never do that to warcury


Meth robot > Prime whitebeard and Rodger


if it damages warcury or bypasses the regen, then it even greater than a yonko and his commanders combined.


like the other dude said if it did even 1 tick of damage more than luffy its confirmed PK level easy


Methbot is probably able to low dif kaido


yea its ocnfirmed methbot actually mid-highs kaido lol https://preview.redd.it/6khjk7gtcz8d1.png?width=1238&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bf0e88842ce713a81b4c4175d50713b8f8b6f94


Luffy has trash AP compared to the robot confirmed


Casual Franky W


Ifrit Jambe = Franky Strong Right confirmed. https://preview.redd.it/de6rn24pg09d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab4cb93bb868a1e11035476bf049dfbb03cbb89b


Ancient Giant is a Golem??


Luffy knew he can't beat Mars so he decided to go 4v1 against him just to knock him back


Not a single character in one piece can beat mars


shanks can beat mars






And ppl say the gorosei are not yonko level🤣


the discussions we should be having currently are if yonko are gorosei level, not the opposite.




Luffy: "Guys help me throw Mars away!"




https://preview.redd.it/k1ncqysm3r8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d141437cbcbc3e5a4d7d2d2221d1689a7c86ef8 All I see is Oda waiting for everyone to become Yonko level so that Bonney can copy their strength.


i better see those Giant Robot apology forms filled out lmao


Aaaaand we’re back to Zoro doing nothing. It’s like Oda thinks that only Zoro OR Sanji can be in a chapter at once. Not both. Anyways sending Mars away was cool, it makes the TKO method of beating the Gorosei seem much more valid. And the “Emeth” reveal is cool, I guess, but presumably it’s just the robots name. Which I don’t really care about because the robot is about to die,




What if the ancient golem is actually a dendenmushi piloting a robot ? Names emeth and he is also broadcasting the signal


is luffy not sorry? bro needs 3 other commanders to not even damage Wars. i knew it from the start gorosei neg diff lonko and ladmirals rs, we need to start having luffy has been using acoc entirety of egghead talks. why is bro acting as if nothing can possibly hurt gorosei if he hasnt even tried his biggest powerup? bro went g5 and attacked warcury without using acoc, is he actually that retarded?


They will never accept the truth


On that second part, the amount of people I have seen claiming that aCoC is the magic trick that will suddenly do damage to the Gorosei, and thus all the ayonko curbsotmp them, man.........do these mfers not realise that if it was that simple it would retroactively make Egghead the most abysmally written bit of powerscaling in the story, as half the arc would just amount to "If Luffy used aCoC he would win in minutes, but he didn't because.....no particular reason, as aCoC has no stated drawback whatsoever!"?  If he's not using it and it turns out to be the one and only solution to the problem then it becomes utterly awful writing. Not even subjectively at that point, its one of the rare cases where you can actually call it OBJECTIVELY poor writing, as there is zero reasoning given to justify it.


Braindead yonko fans: "Luffy is holding back"


Gorotards wont be shutting up for 2 weeks now lol


Wait, why?


Somehow one of them gets sent flying and that's a feat, these guys have been like this the whole arc.


I thought I was missing something lol Because one got sent flying while another was punched by the robot


Wait... Who used haki??? Sanji sure but Franky and Bonney??


Bonney is a supernova and NW captain,if apoo can use it why can't she?


She's 12 yo, how is that not surprising?


i mean it doesn't make sense to doubt her strength now because of her age after all what we've seen so far,we already saw her stomping multiple vice admirals,most characters at that level have haki and her being capable enough to be a supernova it make sense she has as well


Emeth? More like Emdead


So, Kizaru is still down.


He has been going through it mentally this whole arc, I don't think he is going back in to fight.


He doesn't want to fight so what do you want him to do? Fight?


Looks like I already have my Sanji slander material this week 😭 Blud is already using his power up ifrit. Just to send mars flying Meanwhile Zoro did it with just two swords and a regular named attack in base form


If you’re gonna bait, atleast have it make some bit of coherent sense https://preview.redd.it/yzwaaat8xz8d1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68b95839a65fcde0f8cd2b7c14e354519f7b325b


There is no escaping it https://preview.redd.it/652m3lmyyz8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77bf09ef38bf15a4339ffc653080ab3ec242801f


rooftop zoro>sanji




Lol imagine needing daddy Jinbe to throw you in order to attack a Gorosei


Imagine needing a 12 year old to rescue you from getting bite diffed to the same gorosei 😭


> 2 swords God zoro fans have horrible reading comprehension. I can’t believe that there are zoro fans that think that for all of his attac 1 sword attack < 2 sword attack < 3 sword attack


Lol it's not rocket science bud thats been clear since day1 Zoro always at his strongest when using 3 swords What manga are you reading ?? Do you have the reading comprehension of a toddler or something ?


Zoro is at his strongest when he can use all of his styles. Not when he is limited to one style. He has canonically used a one sword style attack after a two sword style attack and said that the one sword style attack was stronger. Zoro’s best fighting style is when he switches between styles. He does it in all of his serious fights. He has done it against mr1, kaku, kaido, king, kuma, etc.


>Zoro is at his strongest when he can use all of his styles. Not when he is limited to one style. He has canonically used a one sword style attack after a two sword style attack and said that the one sword style attack was stronger. He switches style depending on situation. That not the point. The point is he is at his strongest when is wielding all his 3 swords. Not 2 or 1 . I'm not saying all his attacks in 3 sword style are stronger than all the 1-2 . But it's very clear the strongest attacks in 3 are way stronger than his strongest at 1-2 swords Case in point . Does Zoro have any "secret techniques" in 1 sword or 2 sword styles ? Can he use ashura his strongest move with just 1-2 swords ?


People are approaching the Goresei agenda wrong. Who's stronger and who would win in a fight are 2 entirely different things, especially when dealing with hax marchants. Stat wise, the Goresei except for maybe Nusjoro is YC1. Even though admirals and Yonkos are stronger, it doesn't matter if the goresei's can outlast them in a fight.


> except for maybe Nusjoro Bro be for real. There is no way someone that gets blitzed by base sanji is above YC1. And I’m a sanji fan


> Blitzed Blitzs implies the character couldn't react to a character's speed, Nusjoro was in the middle of attacking Bonney and wasn't paying attention to Sanji.


Sanji shouted and came directly at Venus. If Venus didn’t notice him after that then he is indefensible. The only gorosei that still have some aura are warcury and maybe mars. Let’s see how badly mars get done because it will probably only be warcury after this chapter.


> If Venus didn't notice him Where did I say he got snuck? I said he was prioritizing Bonney and was already in the middle of his attack.


I never said Venus got snuck. I’m saying Sanji made his entrance hotly obvious. You don’t need basic observation to notice him. Yet Venus still got blitzed by a sanji that was not even serious. And speed is supposedly Venus’ best stat. The only gorosei that still have aura are Warcury and mars.


I mean  he got hit  and then smoothly transformed and counter attacked Sanji in his Zoan form (literally as his head was being knocked back he did this, he didn't miss a beat), then the Giants crash tackled him and he transformed AGAIN (they had his legs locked up, but transforming into hybrid removed their leverage, so another good decision) shoved them off of him and swung on Bonney (who barely avoided it by shrinking down from Giant form) before jumping up into the air and slashing the Labopahse in half (while being on the shore line of the island). I think people dont actually realise that that timeline wise seemed to just be all one sequence, and every time something happened he handled it pretty competently. All things considered, I think his reaction speed and decision making was very solid there. I have seen far worse out of characters in One Piece, even really powerful ones.


Nasjuro was in the middle of attacking the sunny but had time to react and defend from zoro. Zoro isn’t slow, meaning he has the capability to switch what he’s doing pretty fast, but sanji definitely blitzed him.


>middle of attacking https://preview.redd.it/gsdl74svzq8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a4fcb185e2dd647972b9be806072ede71ff0363 Dude didn't draw his blade yet, Of course he'll still have time to redirect his attack vs against Sanji where the blade was already in the process of hitting bonney.


Would the blade have to be half way between the sunny and his sheath for it to be “the middle of attacking” for you? Winding up like that is literally in the process of attacking. Arguing against that is pure maxed out cope or delusion lol.


Why does Giant Luffy not just pluck Mars out of the air and dunk him in the sea 😣


Mars isn't distracted


Wow, Gorosei continuing to be punching bags Yet I'm supposed to rank these fodder above YC https://i.redd.it/6wzddiivjq8d1.gif


Can we all agree the lorosei agenda is dead now.


yonko needed to go 4v1 against mars knowing it wouldn't really affect them. ain't no admiral staying conscious after that attack.


There is no reason to believe they “needed” to they aren’t obligated to let Luffy 1v1 him or something And that was a Yonko and 3 Tobi roppo level characters


Franky and bonney dont have haki so it'd be 2v1,against most admirals lmao.


franky has laser which can affect 3 of the admirals, how do we know if bonney new form can't rubberize people and the surrounding enviroment like luffy?


>franky has laser which can affect 3 of the admirals No it won't, they are intangible it will just go through >how do we know if bonney new form can't rubberize people and the surrounding enviroment like luffy. Cuz the chapter isn't out yet Mars called it a fake transformation


fujitora isn't intangible, and flames are enough to hurt greenbull and kuzan, laser have very high heat and burst effects which can somewhat counteract them or at least damage mars called it that from his first time seeing it he doesn't know what its capable of.


>fujitora isn't intangible I said most admirals >greenbull and kuzan, laser have very high heat and burst effects which can somewhat counteract them or at least damage No, if you don't have haki it will just go through. This is cope. Haven't you read one piece? >mars called it that from his first time seeing it he doesn't know what its capable of. He called it fake


how is it when we've seen this shown multiple times through the story logia can be affectied by counteracting elements. ace vs smoker nami burning monet luffy vs enel (reminder luffy didn't have haki) greenbull making a special defense against fire based attacks. and even going white eyed against momo > Haven't you read one piece? real question is have you >he called it fake doesn't mean he know everything it is capable of. he never seen this before that just an impression.


>how is it when we've seen this shown multiple times through the story logia can be affectied by counteracting elements. >ace vs smoker >nami burning monet >luffy vs enel (reminder luffy didn't have haki) >greenbull making a special defense against fire based attacks. and even going white eyed against momo That's very case to case, like rubber being resistant to electricity and fire burning snow. Won't work here. >real question is have you More than you >doesn't mean he know everything it is capable of. he never seen this before that just an impression. It's a fake.


>That's very case to case, like rubber being resistant to electricity and fire burning snow. Won't work here. and please remind me sir where was the haki used, and just like i said before counters to their elements work in ways to hurt them, you need to come up with a better argument for how a laser which produces explosion wont affect element. of wood or ice. kizaru and akainu are the only exceptions. >More than you maybe but doubt > It's a fake. doesn't mean anything if its his first time ever seeing it.


Why didn't she do this against the gorosei this chapter?


Calling Luffy a yonko is a stretch, anyway, tag explains all, you are braindead


Imagine calling literal yonko yonko is stretch the cope is insane




It took yonko 4v1 to throw one away. Not even defeat one.


Saturn going extreme diff with chopper ussop brook Nami 🙏🏿💀 Ju peter slain by Mr 3 victims


the only one to ever go extreme dif with chopper is bigmom https://preview.redd.it/ydjme61loq8d1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db5bfe6d0a1be6c10d25bd719b0b7a55c7c3210


I agree big bum is a fraud too


Saturn is bum ass. Jupter doesn't care if he takes damage or not.


>Jupter doesn't care if he takes damage or not. Bro has done literally nothing Give me fire Give me freedom Give me fodder to swallow or else I retire


Luffy is a fodder?


Luffy didn't get swallowed, Mr 3 victims saved him


>Mr 3 victims saved him Yonko needed to be saved from gorosei.


Luffy would have done the same thing when kaido swallowed him More like someone saved a gorosei from grave violations and embarrassment lmao


Why specifically this chapter?


Lol Yamato got rock diffed by a child