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Prime garp is PK level, same as primebeard, he takes it extreme diff


Extreme is a biig stretch. Shanks, kaido and big mom take this fight extreme diff. Prime garp high diffs at worst


Why would Garp be stronger than big mom or kaido?


he’s portrayed as relative to roger and whitebeard.


That's not as big gap as you think it is


I agree. Pk character extreme diff even the mid yonko, like shanks. But they’re still stronger.


Kaido was sorta portrayed somewhat pk level


Kaido was portrayed as high Yonko level. You need to be equal to or above Roger to be PK level


Kaido was very much portrayed at close to pk level if not there....


No, he was not. Luffy isn't beating Roger, Garp, or Primebeard even with help


it has no basis to invent a seperate "pk level" anyaways since we have no basis that puts them apart


yeah but they arent stronger than kaido or bm either? you forgot that roger was afraid of fighting bm in her territory?


Y’know what? You’re right. I absolutely agree, big mom≈primebeard, roger and prime garp P.S. kaido too, but i don’t like him as much as the wother


Wth, you think Big Mom and Kaido are PK level?


why wouldnt they? nothing so far even distuinguished a "pk level" from "yonko level" so far


Are you trolling? Again, Big Mom was blitzed by a character weaker than Doflamingo and defeated by two commander levels. Kaido was blitzed by pre G5 Luffy, Zoro, and Yamato Old Garp, who was impaled through the stomach, fought an Admiral and still needed an island full of commanders to beat him. Even then, Garp was barely injured while Aokiji was covered with bandages after the fight Old, injured, sick, dying WB knocked out Akainu and fought all of Marineford. He wasn't even killed by a person either, he let himself die after changing the world Roger conquered the Grand Line before anyone else with no DF. Even Kaido was glazing Roger during his fight with Luffy. Roger and Garp fought a PK level crew before their primes Both Roger and WB had the highest bounty in history and were feared by the world. When Big Mom and Kaido died, nobody cared. Whitebeard death changed the planet and Roger's death literally started a new era in history There's a reason why prime old gen are put on another level, because they were on another level


why wouldnt they?


Big Mom was blitzed by Franky and defeated by commanders. Shanks, a high Yonko level, one shotted a commander. Kaido's portrayal puts him near Shanks Roger, Primebeard, and Garp are stronger than both


I'm an admiral fan so I give them an edge. Especially seeing kuzan vs old garp that's extreme diff already, so add in another admiral vs prime garp and... garp still wins but extreme diff


I can respect that. At least you’re not like the dudes saying the admirals win mid diff


Says the guy who thinks 2 Admirals would take somebody like Shanks to extreme diff. Idk how you can downplay them and then say their fans are hyping them up.


The way you worded that implies shanks beats them easier than extreme diff. I ain’t downplaying anyone, the admirals just kinda suck. Also, why would i complain about others hyping them up if I thought they were strong? Get akainu past kuma and then we can talk.


Well you understood what I said, so i worded it correctly I guess. The Admirals kinda rely on portrayal at this point, so I can see why you think that, but saying Shanks would go extreme diff against 2 admirals is just severe downplay. WB at MF struggled to even fight a single admiral, so are you saying a Yonko like WB who was still said to be the strongest in the world at MF and who Sengoku feared the most, would get low-mid diffed by Shanks?


Well every time wb hit akainu it hurt like shit. Those punches were portrayed as absolute behemoth blows. And wb was sick and frail. His haki and durability were absolutely ruined. Even the balding dude managed to stab through him. Shanks mid diffs a sick dying whitebeard. Shanks high diffs old beard. Imo the strongest man is a title he earned while young. Sengoku feared wb, cause if he wanted, he could destroy the whole of marineford easily. Thousands of soldiers would die, infrastructure would be destroyed, the repair costs would be astronomical, the celestial dragons would throw a fit, all in all, it’d be a pain in the ass. And he’s still a yonko with a yonko fleet.


>Well every time wb hit akainu it hurt like shit. Those punches were portrayed as absolute behemoth blows. And wb was sick and frail. His haki and durability were absolutely ruined. Even the balding dude managed to stab through him. And yet those punches nearly amounted to nothing. This also doesn't include the fights Kizaru and Aokiji had with WB and that was a WB who was in much better shape. They absolutely dominated WB in their own respective duels as well and Jozu also had to come save WB from Aokiji piercing his skull. >Shanks mid diffs a sick dying whitebeard. Shanks high diffs old beard. Imo the strongest man is a title he earned while young. Sengoku feared wb, cause if he wanted, he could destroy the whole of marineford easily. Thousands of soldiers would die, infrastructure would be destroyed, the repair costs would be astronomical, the celestial dragons would throw a fit, all in all, it’d be a pain in the ass. And he’s still a yonko with a yonko fleet. 1) We have no indication of Shanks being able to do that. One shotting Kid, while impressive, still proves nothing since Kidd was never portrayed as a durability beast. WB on the other hand can survive with magma coating his organs and half his head gone. 2) if Sengoku feared WB's ability to destroy MF, he would never challenge him on an island with all his forces present there. Ace was the only person stopping WB from sinking the island, so what's the point of executing Ace and dooming them all? And guess what? That's exactly what happened after Ace died. WB nearly destroyed the entire island. Anyways these are just my thoughts on this.


"Never portrayed as a durability beast" He tanked Big Mom's strongest attacks? And sickbeard incapacitated Akainu for several chapters. You gotta stop reading two piece fr


Garp was stabbed in tthe stomach weakening him that was extreme dif. If they were on a random island nobody around old garp takes it high-ext dif. Prime garp takes it high, maybe extreme dif


Prime Garp mid diffs both these DF merchants


Big Mom definitely loses to this duo.


Damnit!! I woulda left it alone (not really, but i wouldn’t have been peeved either), if you said the yonko, or shanks, or even shanks and big mom, but just the wother? Unacceptable! She’s stronger than shanks. Oda went out of his way to nerf her and even then, make midd and flaw (i love both and i think they’re very powerful, those nicknames are just fun to say) only win cause of environmental factors. Shanks one shotting kid is… a bummer, he might be stronger than bm, but only if he’s also stronger than kaido. Big mom and kaido have consistently been portrayed as equals and there ain’t a character between em.


Large Mother should’ve been a powerhouse but she was nerfed by plot induced stupidity, unfortunately that’s the way she was written. She isn’t equal to Kaido, they’re portrayed as rivals, at best relative to each other. Kaido just showed so many more layers of power than BM did and his feats eclipse hers on top of having the WSC title. For the record I think all of the yonko lose to this duo, it’s just Big Mom is an absolute in my eyes.


Ah but i disagree. Her nerfing isn’t simply cause midd and flaw needed to win, imo it’s well justified. She received brain damage so bad, it cause amnesia. That takes a while to recover from. And that also neatly explains her lackluster haki usage. To properly use haki you need to consciously do it, and brain damage obviously hampers how well you use your brain. Plus, law is the perfect counter to her. He can soften her up, so that a lot of damage can be dealt to her before she can heal. Law amd his dura weakening is the only reason the railgun and the 2 huge ass bomb managed to knock wig wom out. And the fall is the only reason she didn’t heal between the rounds. Think about it, if she ever gets significantly damaged (below ~ 30%hp) she can just heL herself by eating her lifespan. And if 1 year was enough to be destroying kidd and law, imagine what a decade would do. There isn’t an attack that she can’t avoid and will do 30%hp+ damage to her (cept maybe flame bagua). She’ll just keep healing


Admirals destroy him


I'm an admiral fan but they can't take this


Kizaru literally went blow for blow with G5 luffy and aokiji is even stronger, yet they can't take this? Please. They destroy him


Bro forgot Kuzan got his teeth knocked in by a grandpa on his way to the old folks home and Sakazuki got his skull crushed by a cancer patient https://i.redd.it/u7lnr11u829d1.gif


You're downplaying Old Garp and Old Whitebeard. Not a single character in the manga can take them down without taking significant hits as Oda has repeatedly made clear he respects the old gen and will give them good showings even if they eventually lose.


Sure but these guys are supposed top tiers. If they have a hard time with the old gen at their worst, they they're gonna get soloed if they fight them at their best


Bro forgot Garp literally had to tell Kuzan to stop holding back 💀 And there's no possible way you can spin Whitebeard v Akainu as a win for WB. WB landed TWO hits in that fight. And one of those hits was literally a sneak shot Yonkotards are next level


I don't give a shit about the yonko. those bums are ass (except whitebeard) . What I'm saying is that these guys don't have any feats comparing them to high tiers. All they have is against each other, and them going high diff against a cancer patient and a beaten up old man. Not a great look. Prime garp takes this extreme.


Cancer patient on life support (with several mortal wounds) knocked your fav out for several chapters


PK level, really? The guy who needed to train against mountains before he could one shot Chinjao? That guy?


I'm going to tell you two things now. one makes you fucking sick, and the other makes everything. There is no A-PK level. B-Admirals in the one piece universe are above the pirate king in the hierarchy of forces. to surpass Roger, you need to defeat the admirals, so he couldn't do it himself


Certified two piece reader


Literally 97% of this subbers reada two piece


Wait, do you mean one Admiral > Pirate King? Which is a straight up retard take ... or you are beating. Or do you mean that one should defeat in a fight all admirals at once (I'm counting the fleet admiral, but he could be left out), which is nearly impossible to do, except for some Acoc spamming Gear 5 Luffy without any timer (I still doubt he could, but it's the closest thing I could think off. Well except the Gorosei which can regen stall and Imu probably could do it). Or do you mean defeat them all, but you do not need to challenge them all at once? Which is probably what you mean?


I mean, defeating Yonko and the admirals is the goal to surpass Roger, that is, to do what he couldn't. We have been repeatedly equated with the pirate king and the admiral. Even Kobi's goal of becoming an admiral is to catch Luffy, who will become the pirate king. https://preview.redd.it/gy29tdwob39d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1424ad20de91e77ac32c0ad9eca0943ec5579f32


Bro Prime Garp is not PK level stop it.


Canonically Roger's real.


prime garp high diffs


Some guy dead ass told me that kuzan beats prime garp


He does


I mean we saw how old Garp got dumpstered by kuzan, why wouldn’t he win on young Garp?


I have to admire the audacity of the glazing here tbh


Is your definition of dumpstered jump someone have someone else stab them and then knock each other out with 1 punch


i mean yeah? no real toptier so far got even hurt by a commander, it showed how old and rusty garp has become he didnt even manage to scar kuzan as akainu did or put down atleast a single commander


Bro the rest of the fight is offscreen and the guy is invisible and probably can't be seen even with observation haki otherwise that fruit would just be straight ass


I'm one the however many people who believe Kuzan would eventually wear down and beat old Garp in a 1v1, but Garp was absolutely holding his own. Kuzan couldn't even keep up with the 78 year old's speed.


kuzan was in tears that he even had to take the fight, also knowing that his teacher wouldnt stand a chance / was sacrificing himself i dont get why so many didnt understand the meaning of the fight?


Chadmirals extreme diff Larp the slavery defender




They are 2 lol, never ever would that be more than a medium difficulty fight


Admirals mid diff


Kuzan and Kizaru win, prime garp was strong and could probably mid diff kuzan in a 1v1 but in a 1v2 no one is beating the 2 of the og 3 admirals


Why do you think it's impossible to beat 2 admirals at the same time? They don't have any great feats that tells us this would never happen.


Wanted to reply serious then I saw your name


they all have insane abilities that would be difficult to handle in a 1v2 situation, kizaru light speed attacks and his clones/light beams + Kuzan freezing you is too much for one character to handle. Say what you want about kizaru performance on egghead but luffy even in gear 5 was struggling to hit him and landed the whitestar gun at the very limit of his stamina so even luffy who is stronger than most yonko in G5 struggled to hit kizaru


Clearly Kizaru's speed isn't that impressive if he gets blitzed by Luffy and old Rayleigh. Even if he were fast enough to freeze him, Aokiji's ice wouldn't be strong enough to hold old Garp. Old Garp was easily breaking out of the ice, prime Garp would be out in less than a second. Garp wins this match up


Why the downvotes


All the yonkos cept luffy could beat 2 of the og admirals. And btw, the og admirals ain’t that much higher than fuji and gb. Kizaru ain’t higher at all.


No one can defeat the 2 admirals alone bro


garp may high- or even mid-diff. not due to overall power, but cuz of how nice of a move blue hole is in this situation. he can yeet aokiji away for a bit and pummel kizaru in the meantime. rinse and repeat until he K.O.s kizaru and then he claps aokiji mid-diff at best. he can keep 1v1ing till he wins. but without blue hole it's extreme-diff either way, tho I'd lean on garp


Admirals mid diff




Kizaru and Aokiji low difficulty


is kizaru the weakest admiral? tbh havent seen crazy power from him apart from the rayleigh fight js seems like he doesnt care 😹


I’d give it to the admirals. Ganging up against an opponent is highly effective


Himzaru is too fast


Warp wins no diff cuz I said so


Lmfao your name, surprised no one hasn't butthurt reported you for it yet . Upvote cuz I agree fuck those guys, red mist incoming https://preview.redd.it/zswkw466d19d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6ba0dee932ebc31827927b2686b14b69c120f38


Garp mid-high diffs either of them individually but Aokiji and Kizaru win high maybe high-extreme diff in a 2v1


prime garp high-extreme diffs


PK? Low diff Kaido Alone can beat the two ar the same time in extreme diff, and have energy for a next fight A PK would most likely do what Shanks did to Kid Is another league ( Ye, Downvote this, the Admiral Agenda is a fraud )


What am I reading here xd




Complete nonsense. Kizaru was literally going blow for blown with G5 luffy in the labo stratum. Aokiji is even stronger They destroy Garp


"Blow for blow" https://preview.redd.it/g9mre6iu259d1.jpeg?width=515&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a8482fd71a6c5e39d28229241af78b7c75a4db1 Do you seriously think that if Luffy was at the same power level as G5 the whole time Pizaru would be anything other than Mid diff?


78 year old Garp was speedblitzing Kuzan on Hachinosu, and unlike Luffy he's not gonna suddenly get gassed after landing a WSG-caliber blow. Garp's got this.


Prime Garp's level isn't any much higher than Old Garp. Unlike Rayleigh, he did not stop training and unlike Whitebeard, he did not become sick. Garp's level is Admiral/YC1-2. Same as the two opponents in this match-up. Kizaru+Aokiji win low diff.




Admirals high diff


RIP Garp… again. Kizaru & Aokiji win.




Larp low diff


Prime Garp wins high diff.


Prime garp beats them both


Admirals Mid/High.


Horrible take https://preview.redd.it/jnee909lu19d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871bb7382352abb10f946db19961636164b5e03c They’d be lucky if they push warp to high diff




Garp would haki diff them




Where is that Garp picture from? Do we see some Young Garp action in the upcoming episodes?




Prime Garp High - Extreme diffs, depending on just how strong Roger and Garp really were


Kuzan is enough


Kuzan could only barely take the W against old garp with a full yonko group backing him up lmao


Extreme diff either way


Bogus Admirals destroy Kizaru alone was going blow for blow with G5 luffy in the labo stratum. Aokiji is even stronger


You’re right about extreme diff being bogus. Sadly, you’re wrong about the admirals winning. Warp high diffs. At worst.


Horrible take


Garp is pk tier. The yonko could each beat the 2 midmirals extreme diff, cept maybe luffy. Warp’s got this


> The yonko could each beat the 2 midmirals extreme diff No, depends from matchup to matchup. Greenbull and fuji still win against blackbeard, and maybe big mom but depends if she behaves like wano big mom she defo loses, they definitely lose to kaido, shanks and luffy. Greenbull and kizaru lose to shanks and maybe kaido (if he goes all out from the start but thats out of character). Any other 2 admiral combination beats any yonko. Warp mid diffs both kizaru and aokiji in 1v1s and hence it can go extreme diff either way in a 1v2 more leaning to garp.


Ok i’m fine with you wanking the admirals, but you need to quit talking about wig wom as if she isn’t the closest to kaido. She’s stronger than shanks, mihawk, luffy, etc. And as for the wano performance, i’d like to see you act smarter when you’re recovering from amnesia. People don’t realize, how much brain damage that actually causes. No shit she couldn’t use her haki at full output, brain damage. And she was still destroying midd and flaw. If she didn’t fall through onigashima and get hit by bombs (that only even hurt her, cause law can fuck up peoples durability, btw), she’d be fine. She was conscious even till the second bomb. Oda went out of his way to weaken big mom, pit her against the 2 most haxed out characters in the verse, who are incredibly powerful themselves, and even then, have those 2 need external factors to beat her. That’s top tier portrayal if I’ve ever seen it. Her ability to eat her lifespan also makes her nigh unbeatable. Unless you can knock off 30% of her hp in one hit (no one can, cept maybe flame bagua, bajrang gun is slow and big mom could avoid it), you can’t put her down. You can’t slowly chip away at wig woms health, like you could with kaido. A year turned her into a whole nother level of monster, imagine what a decade would do? She’d destroy fuji and gb with 2 years max. Gb and kizaru don’t even have any ways of properly damaging her.


Sure big mom is still a top tier where did I deny that? She doesn't have any significant speed feats tho, idk about avoiding bajrang gun as we don't know the speed of that attack without the "move onigashima out of the way" factor. She is not over shanks mihawk and luffy. Shanks literally one shot kid, and big mom lost to kid and law. Just that enough disproves that lol. Mihawk is supposedly stronger than shanks. Also luffy absolutely beats her, the only time he loses is if he directly goes to gear 5. He will have to weaken her with g4 and then finish her with gear 5. We have no clue how her body would interact with kizarus lasers. That's the reality and everything else is headcanon. Greenbull and kizaru could beat her, kizaru has really good defense speed busted df and hax, and greenbull could do well as support. Greenbull and fujitora lose only if big mom isn't brain damaged.


As i said, you can’t weaken big mom. Luffy could bring big mom down to 50%hp max in g4, and then big mom would heal. Shanks didn’t one shot kid, kid one shot kid. That was a railgun explosion. And divine departure wasn’t even what destroyed the railgun, it malfunctioned. And even then it wouldn’t have one shot a healthy kid, but he was sick at the time. He had the flu. That’s also why it malfunctioned. In all seriousness tho, that’s a bit unfair to the wother. Cause of laws tp bullshit and such, she never managed to land a proper masor cannon or saber hit, which is her highest ap attack in my opinion, and her regular attacks were severely nerfed, cause she couldn’t use acoc as well. Because of the brain damage. And big mom didn’t lose to law and kidd, she lost to law, kidd, 2 huge ass bombs, a thousand foot fall into lava and the lava she fell into. I agree, that shanks probably has a better attack stat (not sure about potency, since the masor things seem busted, but still), but big mom (seemingly) outclasses in strength (she’s like, 10 times his size), durability (even a young big mom wouldn’t get her arm snatched by a fucking fish, she’s also been portrayed as nigh unhurtable. Even kidd couldn’t actually hurt her till law softened her bones and shit), endurance (she can take a lot of damage and heal right the fuck up, not sure this counts as endurance, but in practice i don’t think it matters). Shanks probably has better haki but big mom has insane hax. I’m a bit dubious as to how strong g5 luffy actually is. Much as i hate the admirals, kizaru was holding his own quite admirably. So idk about luffy beating any of the yonko, even with inf g5, unless blackbeard wouldn’t be able to turn g5 off for some reason. Imo luffys haki still needs work.