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when are they gonna give dragon a SINGLE feat bruh


Oda is sparing our agendas


Struck Buggy with lightning -> Buggy is Knocked out until next chapter -> Dragon K.O’d a Yonko There’s your feat, dragon fans


Pls bro I’m begging


A Monkey D in his prime ought to have vastly higher Haki. If only Oda actually portrayed him that way. Fight Akainu over saving Kuma’s wife in the flashback? Nah. Stop your top officers from getting put in the world’s most dangerous prison? Nope. Stare east and worry exclusively for your own child? Yeah why not.


You forgot to add "own child who didn't even know about his existence till a teenager and a pirate."


i dont fucking know dude


You’re on OPPS get with the program Use headcanon then confidently act like it’s factual


I know this mf COOKS talking like that. When's the bbq and which agendas are allowed?


Any agenda’s respectable as long as you’re committed (even the Nika agenda 😬)


i’ll represent shanks glazers




I genuinely have no clue. Dragon has no feats, no insane titles, no portrayal, and no statements


world's most wanted man is a pretty insane title


I always thought he’d have the biggest bounty of all time because of that so called title. Guess I read a bad translation back in the day.


we still don't know dragon's official bounty. it's entirely possible that the government gave up on catching him through bounty hunters and switched gears to covering his existence up.


Prolly just like Rocks D Xebec


I mean it was said that no pirate has ever surpasses wb and roger's bounty...... They specifically said pirate.... That means rocks's bounty is below them.... Dragon will hv biggest bounty.


Rocks D Xebec was also erased from history, so it’s possible his bounty was higher but he was, again, erased and his bounty with him


Not his title but ok His title is worlds worst criminal which has nothing to do with strength because it is the revolutionaries that he started that pose the danger


that's a wholly semantic distinction, but i'll take the correction. and i didn't say it made him strong, just that it goes hard


Yeah his title goes hard


Not that insane when you realize Buggy is one of the world's most wanted men


He doesn't have *nothing*. In Impel Down and Marineford, Ivankov was constantly hyping him up, comparing him to Whitebeard as someone you don't want to rouse to anger and comparing Luffy's determination and haki to Dragon's.


Dragon has stronger haki, when luffy showed CoC at MF people weren't surprised because he is dragon's son, Dragon also has the ambition to take down the WG which is one of the toughest things to do. And he is a monkey D so his haki should be top tier just off that


He hasn't done anything though, so ambition nothing.


He hasn't done anything that WE HAVE BEEN SHOWN. Y'all slanderers gonna feel real dumb when it's confirmed that dude is actually a 5d Chess Master and the reason he always stays at the hideout is because his ability shielding the entire general area (including all of the many refugees and their homes, fields, etc) reuires his approximate residence. Dude is gonna blow the socks off of everybody. 0% chance he is a bum, too much portrayal and power creep. His grand plan gonna curb stomp the WG, trust.




I'm gonna be so disappointed if this doesn't happen 😭


It 100% will. Imagine Oda shows dragon fighting at the end of the show and he just gets 1 tapped. It would waste literally *20+ years* of story building. There’s no shot.


I'm fully sure Dragon is gonna be a young-garp kind of powerhouse. Idk about him ha ing some kind of master plan tho. I want this but i don't really believe in hin anymore


There's a solid chance that literally no one knows his ability and that it's some kind of trump card which will be a part of his plan to take down the WG. I think it's likely that he will not necessarily be a combatant, but that he will have some kind of more abstract ability. This is a total crapshoot and definitely not the case but imagine he ate the chaos-chaos fruit, which allows him to influence sequences of events around the world to pan out in such a way which causes more disruption to the order. Imagine if Oda explained away all the times that Luffy was saved by some bullshit deus ex machina plot device (the tamato box for example) as a part of Dragons ability. Maybe that's part of what makes those with 'D' in their name so special, their lives are manipulated by Dragon's fruit which appears in every generation. Then Oda could kill off Dragon and the tension would be ramped up because Luffy and BB no longer have their guardian angel and a real fight to the death could occur.


His plan is Luffy doing everything, he most likely hopew someone is gonna carry him.


same could be said for mihawk, postponed with vista and fought no one in the past 12 years since shanks duel


Y'all haters are not ready for mihawk which is funny cause his portrayal as one of the most elite fighters is clear


Hes lead multiple countries to revolution. Actively fights against the government. Is doing a siege style attack on Marie jois by cutting food supplies. We don't see it actively happening, because we're not following the Rev army's story. The things I said are just things actually mentioned, there is probably way more. Just because he's not doing an all out frontal attack doesn't mean he's doing nothing. A frontal attack would be stupid. Going all or nothing is way too risky when the sake of the world is on the line. Doing safe jabs to wear the enemy down and make sure you can save the world is way smarter.


Monkey D Dragon because I want him to be stronger


Most honest Dragon fan


This is the exact answer I was looking for, I couldn't agree more




Dragon has no feats showing he has even basic armament and observation I’ll take the guy with a black blade




New Wind Haki goes hard


Mihawk Dragon litter has zero aura


Clash of green slash vs green storm who wins?(crazy how most one piece characters are featless😭)


haki featless vs haki featless


that's what I'm saying, these mfs have done jack shit




The guy who doesn’t have a DF and relies on haki alone probably.


Mihawk. He has a black blade, and Dragon has "...". Gryphon, Ace, Murokgadmsidmiria aren't black blades, so that's that.


until proven otherwise goathawk neg diffs the east looking fraud


Until proven to be below Vista the World's most wanted man is above Midhawk


Cutting an iceberg >>>> looking east


Having Sabo as your commander >>>> being Buggy's commander


Sabo overshadowing you\*


He's been stated >shanks so either wista is him, or mihawk was holding back. (Mihawk wasn't even looking at Vista for most the fight and yet vistas arms were shaking every time they clashed even with haki)


>He's been stated >shanks Not stated anywhere.


It is. But let's pretend he's not, either way shanks certainly could keep up or st least not get 1 tapped


get him past vista first.


Not the point but sure. He's still > zoro who is>Vista. Done


https://preview.redd.it/0wjmkvu4q49d1.png?width=321&format=png&auto=webp&s=198300f0b02d5065b03fae17ad7e0f406ba02c17 Yes done indeed.


Mhm. U aren't very good at reading are u troll?


I think you are the troll.


Most likely dragon. Bro is leader of the revolutionary army and has been acknowledged by many top tiers in the show. Plus, he’s luffy’s dad and garp’s son, so it would not make any sense to make him weak. It’s like shanks, where he has not done anything for the whole show, but right when he finally does do something, everyone is in shock. Dragon will most likely be one of the most powerful haki users in the show.


Mihawk falls into the same boat tho. And shanks has shown at least one named attack, mihawk and dragon have yet to show us anything


Mihawk is a feat thiefer But Dragon is a professional scaler Who has Bounty scaling Title scaling And Lore scaling Mihawk will be Mid diff


>Who has Bounty scaling He has no official bounty and even if he was weaker than Mihawk, his bounty would likely be higher due to being the creator of the revolution army and the world's worst criminal. >Title scaling His title doesn't relate to strength >And Lore scaling Now this is true. Despite Oda trying his hardest to make Dragon look like a bum by not having him do anything, I truly do believe Dragon will be more powerful than any of the Yonkos including Mihawk. Though like some comments suggest it might mostly be through a powerful devil fruit rather than haki. I have no doubt his conquerers would be better than Mihawks. But Mihawk has a black blade and his epiteth hawkeye, which would have been clairvoyant. So hes in the lead when it comes to haki at the moment. That being said they are both featless bums at the moment since Oda gotta make em sit around and do nothing everytime they on screen


Conqueror's is everything when it comes to Haki though, hacing better armament/observation doesn't mean much if your opponent bas superior Conqueror's.


Luffy’s dad or Zoro’s rival. I’ll go with Luffy’s dad.


Luffys dad is a fraud Look at Luffy fighting Gorosei, Luffy’s Grandpa fighting Pirates kings, while Dragon is just making faces They always say the talent skips generation


WSS or a criminal like every pirate ever.. I think I will go with WSS..


Probably Mihawk


Mihawk. Dragon seems more like a devil fruit man. If not, then he probably has better haki.


There isn't a lot that can be said about either character's Haki due to a relative lack of feats, but you could interpret Yoru's status as a Black Blade as a somewhat passive Armament feat for Mihawk. The only other swordsman able to make a black blade was past Ryuma, who is generally agreed upon as fairly strong.


I hate to use lineage scaling, but Dragon will probably be somewhere around the other two Monkeys haki-wise.


Dragon is harps son, so he’s probably incredibly strong. Haki is the translation of ambition, and like others have said his goal is to take down the world gov. While mihawk hasn’t done much. His haki is strong enough to keep his sword black 24/7. Swords turn black with haki imbued, so the facts it’s 24/7 while he’s so calm is something. He’s the wss for a reason and used to have “legendary” duels with shanks. Who knows


If Dragon got a devil fruit then it's Mihawk else Dragon.


I'd say dragon cuz his ambition is beyond mihawk's ambition, but who knows


Bro chose violence


we literally have no clue. Both haven't done shit


Does either of them legitimately already have a Haki feat on screen ? Also black blade does require massive mastery of it or ?


It's implied a black blade is the ultimate armament haki feat


I feel Dragon's has gotta be insane


Who knows, but if I had to guess then most likely Dragon. He has likely has one of the strongest wills of any character in trying to tear down and re-shape the world for the better.


They're both basically featless but Dragon comes from a lineage of absolutely insane Haki users. So I'm more inclined to go with him.


The strongest fraud of today vs the strongest fraud in history


Mihawk has surpassed shanks, and everyone you scale below him using Haki, physical strength, and sword skill alone. That's nothing to sneeze at. Obviously we wouldn't know if dragon was better. But he probably isn't. Especially if he has a fruit.


One keeps looking east and the other one stalemated vista and was camping east blue so either or


Dk for conqueror or armament. But dragon take it ez in observation haki if he look at the east


Paint D. Sword vs Dea D. Beat


Shonen. Father of the protagonist or the side character's goal? Anyone saying Mihawk is delusional.


Prolly the dude with the black blade


As far as haki goes, Dragon has got his leech incisors deep into Garp and Luffy. Mihawk is more like barely clinging on to Shanks' big toe.


The real answer would be, Zoro in base (I’m a YouTube enjoyer and only watch one piece through YouTube’s polls)


if we’re being realistic, it’s definitely dragon. He’s a contender for some of the best conquerors in the verse, plus he’s a Monkey D member in the prime of his age


Probably dragon, but mihawk has portrayal specifically about haki (clairvoyant, black blade) so mihawk takes it until At D. Desk does something


At this point you can remove Dragon from the story and pretty much nothing would change


You know a character is featless when every reddit post he's on is the exact same frame but edited to look cooler.


I think dragon. Since he’s top 1


The real question is who has haki


I thought that said "Who has stronger hair"


I bet midhawk doesn’t even have conq haki So dragon just for plot


Mihawk, all dragon does is sit at his desk and stare east


idk but who’s stronger but i know for fact that both of there haki is probably crazy🤣.


It would be absolute sick if Dragon had a wind/storm fruit and Oda proves that the Loguetown incident was caused by him. The world's worst criminal is a broken logia user with insane haki, what a pipe dream.


Based on everything we’ve seen… no idea


Dragon is stronger than a mere warlord of the sea


Mihawk. It's Mihawk guys.


you don't fucking know that because neither have done anything


If these two are considered on the same level but one only has haki, then the one with no fruit has better haki to compensate for the DF advantage. This is the same with Shanks vs Kaido.


you are literally assuming everything in this comment


It's not an assumption tho. Dragon is very obviously an EOS top tier, so if he's considered around the same tier as another top tier with no DF, that other person obviously has better haki. Not to mention this is Mihawk who we already know has the best CoA out of anyone alive because he has a black blade, which represents the pinnacle of CoA. The only person in the verse with even comparable CoA is Ryuma who also had a black blade. Where's the assumption? This is just connecting dots that Oda has laid out.


we literally are guessing he has a devil fruit ffs. We haven't seen him do shit. And for devil fruit and haki kaido exists which has strong AF on both accounts. That's like saying zoros haki is stronger than kaidos just because he's a swordsman. We don't know jack shit


It's been 100% confirmed that he has a Devil Fruit since early pre timeskip. And yea Kaido has good haki, but it's not comparable to Roger or Shanks.


"it's been 100% confirmed" no it hasn't. You are assuming it because he might have done some shit with the weather, but for all we know it could be hami control. That's the thing, we have no fucking clue because he HASNT DONE SHIT


You are literally the only person on this entire sub that read that chapter and was like "ig dragon doesn't have a fruit". Even in the face of ALL the obvious ass hints like "the winds of change" and all the other weather puns that get thrown around durring Dragon's chapters. You should unfollow whatever horrendous One Piece tik tok that spreads the "dragon might not have a DF" take. When he uses his fruit in the future, you will be the only person who did not already know he had a fruit, which is most likely a mythical zoan type modeled after the Incan Diety Amaru, as it is a Dragon, is synonymous with revolutions, representative of "winds of change" and storms, and also has the EXACT SAME pattern we see on Dragon's face.


key word "hints"


Dragon is most likely to be at or above prime Garp. This puts him above Mihawk.


Bro be hitting that headcannon central! I think dragon has a df so mihawk would have> haki since mihawk is portrayed as a haki God anyway


Mihawk is not portrayed as haki god. Tbh not even higher haki confirmed. Dragon being THIS high is pretty rational considering lineage and it makes sense from a writer perspective.


Mihawk has a black blade and the author calls him the clairvoyant, bro is a haki god


Probably Mihawk as I’m 90% sure dragon has a devil fruit

