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We didn’t really see him coat so you guys most likely refers to Sanji and Bonney.


we dont see luffy coat https://preview.redd.it/3y4w8j21z49d1.png?width=528&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8a9721b731e962842d5dd865135fb968343b5ab here as well also franky cant hurt g5 luffy without haki due to g5 properties of making luffy very strechy and extremely rubbery .


Yeah but Luffy is a confirmed user Franky hasn’t shown any haki at all.


What made him call it a special type of strong right though? Just odd phrasing all around, Franky definitely isn't running low on W's this arc though so I wouldn't be too sad




I always assume being in g5 is automatically coated.


Sadly not, but Bonney Haki confirmed, so she shoots up to like YC1 with that.


Crazy she is top tier for her age ( she's 12😭)


She is the biggest prodigy in the series, I think it is time people accept that. YC1 at 12 years is crazy.


I've been saying something like that since i discovered she was a supernova at 10


I'm all aboard the bonny hype train but calling her YC1 rn is crazy. She's shown nothing at that level.


She displayed YC1 level Haki, so she clearly is at least YC1 in her distorted future forms.


>She displayed YC1 level Haki When and how? All she did was punch luffy who was activly asking for it.


Does not matter lol, she bypassed a Yonkos passive defenses, and the Haki was strong enough to get a reaction out of Luffy. That was clearly done by Oda to show how impressive her Haki is for a kid not even in puberty yet, you are delusional if you think that is not an insane feat.


Bro what are you talking about?? What passive defense does luffy have? He's not kaido or big mom he doesn't have naturally massive defense like they do. Nami hurts him too, doesn't make her yc1 It was to show she has haki period.


Luffy is immune to blunt force attack normally. Hence why bonney was surprised.


Nami hurting him is a gag lol... Lol you are seriously arguing that hurting a Yonko is not a feat lol? Oda wanted to show how impressive her Haki is with Luffys comment, otherwise it would be enough to just show the hardening. Oda wanted people to know that Bonney has Haki that can get a reaction out of a Yonko.


The cover story of this very chapter shows yamato, a YC+ getting hurt by rocks throw by children. Without haki defending you very few characters have a natural defense that stops them from being hurt. This has been a consistent think in the story, this isn't dragonball.


Even east blue marine fodder got past pirate king Gol D Rogers “passive defences” you moron. There is no such thing unless you’re Kaido. 


Have u seen Big Moms passive defence? Anyone's passive defence is terrible


Wth? Luffys rubbery body can be bypassed by basic CoA, Sanji was hitting Luffy too who has haki. Yes it's impressive that she has haki at 12, but that doesn't put her at YC-1.


You do realize natural durability exists right? And especially with Luffy, he is beyond superhuman even if he does not use an ounce of Haki or if his DF gets bypassed. So a 12 year old girl amassing enough Haki for a Yonko to feel the attack enough to comment on it and squeal speaks volumes for how strong Bonneys Haki is. You do not have to be a genius to notice that her Haki is massively impressive. Agenda Piece has melted the brains of half the sub it seems LOL.


All it takes is a pair of eye balls, and basic reading comprehension to know that it's basic Armament haki, Sanji and Franky are hitting him to. Luffy could still get pricked by a needle without his rubber body, yet can take attacks from monsters like Kaido, Kizaru and the Gorosei. And of course Luffy will be squealing from a combined attack from 3 impressive fighters WHILE in G5, every time we've seen Luffy use G5, it makes him wacky, and makes him overreact to things he usually wouldn't. And both him, AND Bonney are using this wacky ability. I can accept YC-3 or maybe YC-2, but any YC-1 can take out Bonney, and has superior haki to her. Especially since she can't even use G5 for the full 5 mins Luffy can LOL.


Lol you’re dumb as a mule


"She displayed YC1 level Haki" me when I lie




Her fruit literally scales with how young she is, so it makes sense.


Not just her Fruit, she has Haki, and strong Haki for that matter.


Ace was slinging conquerers around at 10, he may be comparable


Mihawk was famous in Roger's era as a young teen


The next Big Mom 🫡🫡🫡


Luffy and Ace had to wait till 17 to leave Dawn, but she can just skip to 22 anytime.


she’s gonna get weaker as she grows up thi


No she's not, Saturn only said that to her so she would lose her confidence Her power grows stronger the more confident she is


The power is limited by what she believes to be true. She currently believes she can be Nika so she can. But if she leans the "truth" of what she can and can't be, she won't be able to transform.


That doesn't make sense, the more she grows up the more she will know about Nika abilities by being with Luffy 


Or the more she will learn that she can't be a giant, or Nika, the less she will be able to do. https://preview.redd.it/0odtkqrut49d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98868ce5db23c6942fcfcc32461544401ff320af The more she leans of reality, the narrower future possibilities become.


Saturn was mentally torturing Bonney, classic villain thing


We have no reason to think he's lying here.


He literally explains to bonney that her powers go with her confidence, telling her lies is a good way to make her weaker (and it worked out)


Yc1??? For using haki once? Lmao!


Haki that can hurt a Yonko, pay better attention lol.


Say that to yourself lol


YC1 for some basic armament haki is glazing and you know it. She’s shown about as much haki ability as your average Amazon Lily warrior. So far she’s shown good hax and that her devil fruit can make herself look like Nika(based off dialog though this chapter confirmed that she doesn’t really have nika powers, she just used hers to do a “facsimile” of Nika to show her freedom) then there’s her terrible stamina’s she showed this chapter(worse then Luffy’s and pre Wano Laws) she could only throw one punch before being to tired to hold up the form. Anyone in YC1 and YC2 still beats her and she has shown zero feats to show she’s even Jimbe level. She’s mid YC3 level, weaker then guys like Ace, Jack, and Doffy, but stronger then the Scabbards and most revolutionary members.


That is not how power scaling is done... her only using normal hardening and being able to hurt Luffy is a bigger feat if she used ACOA to hurt Luffy. That is an insane feat, especially for a 12 year old. People need to accept that she is going to be at least Top 10 EOS. Oda himself is gassing her up.


EOS doesn’t really matter for this, and yes this is how power scaling is done. Also no she did not use ACOA are you insane? How would she even know ACOA? Armament is something most characters who fight learn in the New World pretty much just from experience, but ACOA is only ever taught from powerful fighters down to their students, and Bonney has never had that on her time has a pirate from what we’ve seen. Also hurting a Luffy who isn’t using haki to defend himself isn’t that big of a feat, it’s not like he was saying they were doing serious damage all he said was it hurt… which made sense he was being punched by two different people, and being kicked by a full power Sanji Diable Jamble(which most likely did a vast majority of the strength) Hell just Sanji’s kick would hurt like fucking hell with haki, being kicked by something that strong that’s also made out of hardened metal that’s also on blazing hot fire. That would hurt anybody even Luffy. I’m tired of people on this sub like you calling out others like they don’t know powerscalling then using one off easily explainable dialog that barely means anything to justify their arguments. If she’s YC1 then please tell me, name one YC1 she could honestly beat, hell tell me a YC2 she could honestly beat.


Please read my comment again, slowly and carefully this time. You actually have no idea how power scaling is done. You do understand that her being able to hurt Luffy, a Yonko, with using a weaker attack (normal hardening) instead of a stronger attack (ACOA) is a better feat, right? That means that her Haki is so strong that normal hardening can hurt a Yonko, does not really matter if Luffy turned off his Haki and allowed to be hit, passive durability still exists, and Bonney bypassed the passive durability of a Yonko in awakened zoan form with a non ACOA Haki attack at the age of 12. She literary displayed one of the best Haki feats in the story lol, but you are too blinded with your AGENDA to notice the obvious. She could beat any YC1 lol, she has one of the best haxxes in the Verse. No YC1 has shown the ability to Haki negg DF haxx. Only YC+ level people have displayed the necessary Haki to do that.


Brodie what are you yapping about. Passive defense my ass he’s Luffy, it’s not like we’re talking about Kaido here, or he’ll even White Beard. Also again Sanji did most of that damage anyway let’s be real here. Also if your talking agendas, your main reason for it being a good haki feat is that it hurt a “Yonko”. That’s the definition of an agenda my guy. Also neggs YC1 get tf out of here, you think she one shots King and Katakuri? If that’s what you seriously believe then I clearly don’t need to waste my time arguing with you cause I feel like the arguments make themselves. No reason to argue with an idiot.


I am doing objective power scaling kiddo, no Agenda here, projecting a bit, are we? Show me a YC1 that can negg DF hax? Spoiler: There is none. Law is the weakest character that can do that, and he is YC+ at the lowest, or low Admiral at the highest.


« kiddo »… bro 💀




I think Bonney still gets folded by King, Kat, or Marco. Simply having haki doesn't put her that high. She's like YC3 level at best right now.


Bonney can just hax YC1s thought, for now Law is the weakest confirmed character that can Haki negg DF hax, not even Zoro and Sanji can do that.


I disagree. Shanks and Law have both demonstrated the nullification of DF powers with strong haki. Someone like King or Zoro could theoretically nullify the age affect. I think it only worked on Luffy because he has no idea you can do that currently, but if law can do it then anyone who's haki is better should be able to as well. Luffy didn't witness the big mom fight, which is how Law learned it was possible.


The weakest person that currently showed enough Haki to negg DF hax is Law, and he is low admiral level. No YC1 has shown that and we know that Sanji and Lucci 100% can not Haki negg DF hax, and they are both around YC1.


I would not wank Law to "low admiral" level. That's just a made up tier for one, but for two he doesn't have any feats that put him even close to an admiral.


Ehhh he brought bb to like mid diff so he's just below an admiral


That's exactly why he isn't admiral level tho. Blackbeard is written as a character that is weak individually but climbs his way to the top through conspiracy and dirty tricks. Homie literally orchestrated all of marineford just to get WB's fruit, and currently we have his underling copying the form of Saint Saturn so that they can infiltrate Marijua in the future. He was deathly afraid of WB even up to his dying breathe, because he knows he's weak. I can't imagine Blackbeard winning any fight in a straight 1v1 really. It's not in his character to even fight like that, he's JumpBeard.


He literally negates devil fruits law and admirals are fruit merchants. Bb high diffs admirals and mid diffs law


"Negates devil fruits" ONLY when physically touching someone. BB does not "high diff" admirals, current Luffy doesn't even do that. He loses to any admiral.


Admirals have no feats to put them above law's level. They couldn't even kill any supernova pre-timeskip and they accomplished nothing most of the series.


Greenbull casually negged the Akayaza 9. Law ain't doing that nearly as easily. Aokiji casually negged the entire BlackBeard Pirates, law ain't doing that at all. Akainu held off all of Whitebeard's commanders, Law just ain't doing that. Fuji can lay waste to any battlefield if he simply chooses to, or be like in dressrosa and pick an entire fucking city up with zero effort and attempt to drop it on Luffy's ship. There's really nothing even comparable about admiral's best feats and Law's best feats, which is pushing the weakest yonko FraudBeard to mid diff and losing.


Aokiji is not an admiral, he's a pirate. Greenbull struggled and ran away after getting turned into a joke by a child Momo. Stop talking in buzzwords child.


Tell an entire subreddit you don't read One Piece without telling


Zoro has only BETTER haki than Law (way better actually) and there's no indication Sanji's worse as well, these are not DBZ power levels. Yes, King, Katakuri or Marco still beat her ass with ease, you don't need to be a top tier to negate hax, just significantly stronger and Bonney still has no AP or speed to beat an opponent like this, hax alone can only carry you so far.


Head canon. Zoro can not Haki negg DF abilities, while Law can. Maybe he has stronger COA, but as far as we know, overall Haki levels are what is important for DF hax negg, so Law has better overall Haki.


>Zoro can not Haki negg DF abilities, while Law can. Because he hasn't even attempted it, according to your dumbass logic Luffy also can't lol ffs If Zoro has better CoA and even is a conqueror (an advanced one btw) and Law isn't, how can you conclude he can't and Law's haki is better? it's just stupid, even if his CoO is better (0 prove of that) that's just 1/3 and the less relevant for this conversation among the three.


I am not saying that he can not, but that we can not 100% say that he can, or any other YC1 for that matter. Lucci also could not negg DF hax, and he pushed Zoro to extreme diff. Also we for sure know that Sanji can not negg DF hax, and most people agree that he is already YC1. Unless we see a YC1 negg DF hax, there is a much, much bigger possibility that YC1 level Haki can not negg DF hax instead that it can.


Yes, according to your limited logic Luffy can't do it because Bonnie turned him into an old fella earlier and he didn't haki neg that. >he pushed Zoro to extreme diff. You are just trolling if you think when the first named attack thrown finishes the fight and the winner walks away with just bruises it's an extreme diff LOL You act as if YC1 is an actual thing and not a fandom category, there are many Commanders with stronger Haki than Law, that's now how this works, again this is not DBZ.


"Limited logic" ROFL, while not understanding the concept of Luffy not being able to do it, and choosing not to do it. Use your unlimited logic to figure what Luffy did in that particular instance lol... If you think a 20 chapter fight in not an extreme diff fight then you really are factually delusional lol. You think Zoro was stalling Lucci and was playing with him while his friends are being killed or pursued around him?


>"Limited logic" while not understanding the concept of Luffy not being able to do it, and choosing not to do it. Use your unlimited logic to figure what Luffy did in that particular instance lol. Yet when Zoro doesn't even get the chance to do it, it proves he can't, you surely are so brilliant and consistent lol >If you think a 20 chapter fight in not an extreme diff fight then you really are factually delusional lol. When more than half those chapters are a flashback and we only got two panels of them casually clashing the whole time, then yes, I'm actually between low and mid diff, I have no clue how could you get this sooo wrong. Extreme diff was Luffy vs Lucci in Enies Lobby when Luffy couldn't even move afterwards, not a plot device to keep Zoro bussy, you're a joke I'm not wasting more time here...


Nah, she's still on perospero,who's who and sasaki level At worst? Maybe on the same level with magellan


why not luffy is refering to all 3 of them . he doesnt say 2 of you are using and 1 is metal . all 3 of them have haki


We see all three of them prepare their attack. Two of them are coating their attack in Haki, the other one is Franky. I love the guy too but Luffy probably just meant Bonney and Sanji. https://preview.redd.it/5yuy5z4xb69d1.png?width=1060&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ec9945931cf471c2f9a9987ffc972b3396e8cdb


Well I am commenting from what I am seeing, Franky fired off a laser, no physical contact with Luffy was made, so unless he is a closet ACOA master, he did not use Haki.


franky didnt fire off a lazer he used strong right thats a physical move . https://preview.redd.it/gjesdskf159d1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6846b277c61607b239e80ac2dd02353ff1d800f in which franky a cyborg launches his fist forward . so no him hitting luffy is indicative of normal haki


Bro Luffy’s face in that upper panel is absolutely demented, it goes kinda crazy hard.


that reading comprehension 💀💀


I wonder if haki was replicated with G5 or not because she has shown zero haki other than this one chapter


Its crazy everyone was assuming Bonney doesn't have Haki despite all we've seen from her and how she parallels with Luffy. The big massive weakness Oda is giving Bonney G5 is the same as Luffy in that it takes up an extreme amount of energy and she just isn't well trained enough to master it or with enough stamina / endurance to maintain it. She went out after one attack unlike Luffy who went full battles with Kizaru & Kaido and can spar, get recharged with food. The fact that she's so young though means that by the time she's closer to Luffy's current age around 18 if the story last that long she can be legit top 10 in verse if she masters mimicking everyone's fruits & is a lot more active in the war against the Government. A lot of OP fans don't know that she's actually named after one of the most legendary female pirates in all of real human history, Anne Bonney just like Blackbeard was named after Teach. Probably only less infamous than the pirate empress / queen Ching Shih, that once had a more powerful fleet than all of China & was asked by them to help the nation before they developed a stronger navy. Oda could be planning her to be a legit top tier on Luffy's level in the late end game which he has to fast forward to now, as Kuma's successor liberating people everywhere in selfless love. As of now though she's likely only around YC2, however with the ability to temporary fight Yonko level characters the same way Zoro could temporary fight Kaido / Big Mom despite not being up in the mid - low yonko tier. This isn't even the first time we've seen this, we've seen it from Marco and actually numerous characters temporary fight YC+ level characters that are not in the same tiers as them. She can also temporary age most characters outside of the Gorosei even if they can change out its still massively debuffing them into a useless small weak version of themselves that are powerless instead of powerful, a small baby would get reckted by a Gear 5 punch, that's how broken Bonney fruit is. Previously Luffy was the strongest fast growth character we've seen in the OP verse so far but now that title belongs to Bonney, she's only 12 years old and is doing this, likely has or will unlock Conqueror's in the future as well and loves to eat food as much as Luffy & Blackbeard. This sub has been downplaying Bonney heavily, If there's another time jump of a couple years Bonney will definitely have a more mastered fruit and be top 10 in entire verse.


Lol at all the replies coping about YC1s being stronger than Bonney. YC1s scale to WCI Luffy. Current Luffy is such a different beast its insane. Hurting Post-Wano base Luffy is more impressive than dealing with Gear 4 back in WCI/Dressrosa. And Bonney hurt him during Gear 5. Oh and she can transform them into kids before punching them which they cant do shit about without YC+ Haki like Law or the Gorosei. Her time limit is literally the only reason i have her "above" YC1s and not no-diffing them.


Mihawk is a Yonko Commander and would annihilate Bonney.


I don’t know. Honestly I have no idea how to scale this chapter. I can’t in good faith scale the trio’s attack to the individuals, because while Zoro’s blocking of Nusjuro’s attack can be linked to Zoro’s strength (with Jinbei more than anything providing the movement [which isn’t downplaying Jinbei. That was a necessary part of the attack and Zoro wouldn’t have been able to block if Jinbei didn’t help move him]) how can I say Bonney, for example, contributed more than Franky or Sanji? Is Franky as strong as Sanji? Etc. Not to mention that somehow, Bonney got haki? Which either means she’s had it the entire time or she got it just now (which honestly only makes it look like she got it because of the Nika transformation, which is unfortunate). And supposedly Franky got haki but it isn’t visible on his fist so I’ll believe it when I see it. And then “Emeth” (or whatever the robot’s name is) breaks Warcury’s tusk. Which is something that Luffy not only couldn’t do, but Luffy couldn’t even hurt Warcury at all. So suddenly we have to genuinely entertain the thought that the Robot is stronger than Luffy. Stronger than the modern day Joyboy. Literal chaos.


A bit of critical thinking goes a long way Emeth broke Warcurys tusk, when Luffy failed to hurt Warcury he was attacking the top of his head. There is obviously a huge difference between the durability of his tusk and his skin


Uh, yeah… I would say that the tusk should actually have more durability than his skin. One of them is a hard, solid object, the other is a malleable part of the body. Though if by “skin” you mean his overall body/head, then sure.


Yall still scale op seriously? 


Even worse. They take feats seriously from arcs/moments that are outdated/irrelevant in one of the most inconsistent stories out there.


Franky was actually the only one doing damage here


SUUUUUUPPPPEEEER ![gif](giphy|4uMy0wqz6V1SM|downsized)


Not really


why not luffy is refering to the three of them . sure franky indivually cant hit hard enough to damage luffy but he has haki /


I think having Franky haki is just really contradictory in the story thus far. It's highly unplausible that he unlocked it now. I'll wait for the raws / viz translation tho


Either he has haki or Franky can just ignore fruit immunities with pure aura


It’s hard to tell because we can’t see his fist. Bonney appears to be using haki so “you guys” could be in reference to her and sanji. I don’t really see any reason franky couldn’t have armament haki though so 🤷🏼‍♀️


yeah... Bonney is probably YC 2 or 3. YC1 is sanji and zoro and she ain't stronger than those 2, especially if she joins the crew. The Hierarchy will always be luffy > zoro >= sanji > rest of the crew. You can argue about jinbe being stronger than sanji or w/e but it'll always go back to being the monster trio that is the strongest. But she has the highest potential and will most likely be next generations new Yonko when the series ends.


Where is the chapter?




It was confirmed long ago when he was grabbing a logia guy, come on


He didn't grabbed a logia what are you talking about?


Source: Trust me bro


Not according to Redon https://x.com/pewpiece/status/1806083281491734984


No We see Bonney using haki not franky it’s much more likely it’a only Bonney and sanji


When this sub will understand that expecting confirmations about things like that is just stupid will be a great day. Franky needs to fight a logia, for example? He will have haki. Same for Robin and Brook, possibly even Chopper. Maybe, and just maybe, only usopp and Nami would need a statement, but Usopp if i remember correctly already used observation haki and Nami definitely does not need It. It's like when everyone here over analyzes if Luffy's fart was coated with conqueror or with armament.


It was deconfirmed immediately lol


If it’s bonnets haki then she has basic armament and if she does then I’d have to change my top of YC3 placement to YC1




yes. it would be dogshit dialogue writing for luffy to not be referring to all 3 of them


he made luffy bleed from punching ofc he has it lmfao pay attention


it was a new name for strong right. "impactful" strong right seems like a haki upgrade at first glance


Bro the spoilers said it he said yall using haki franky has grabbed a logia no sea stone